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York, Statistics for Human Service Evaluation

SAGE Publishing, 2017
Test Bank for Statistics for Human Service Evaluation 1st
Edition York 1483386694 9781483386690
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Test bank:

Chapter 6: Analyzing Data When You Are Comparing Two Groups

Test Bank

Multiple Choice

1. A test of hypothesis involving the comparison of mean scores of two distinct groups on
a variable of interest that is measured at the interval level, requires the use of:
a. the dependent samples t Test
b. pearson’s product moment correlation
c. the independent samples t Test
d. the one-sample t Test
Ans: C
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Analyzing Data When You Are Comparing Two Groups Using the
Independent t Test and Chi Square
Difficulty Level: Difficult

2. When you analyze evaluative data and you need to establish if there is statistical
significance in the mean difference between two groups, the statistic you employ will be
determined by:
a. the sample size
b. the structure of the data
c. the type of hypothesis
d. the study question
Ans: B
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Analyzing Data When You Are Comparing Two Groups Using the
Independent t Test and Chi Square
Difficulty Level: Difficult

3. When you employ SPSS to test hypothesis, the default is:

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York, Statistics for Human Service Evaluation
SAGE Publishing, 2017
a. one-tailed test
b. statistical significance test
c. two-tailed test
d. estimation of margin of error
Ans: C
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Using the Independent Samples t Test When You are Comparing the
Gain Scores of Two Groups
Difficulty Level: Medium

4. The two pieces of evidence that you need for your hypothesis to be supported by your
a. large sample and your data must be in the hypothesized direction
b. the findings from the hypothesis test must be statistically significant
c. large sample and your data need not be in the hypothesized direction
d. your data must be in the hypothesized direction and the findings from the hypothesis
test must be statistically significant
Ans: D
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Statistical Significance and Practical Significance When You Employ
the Independent Samples t Test
Difficulty Level: Medium

5. When you report statistical significance of the mean scores of the two groups and
whether the difference is statistically significant or not, you will report the values of:
a. mean and standard deviation
b. standard error and the degrees of freedom
c. the f ratio and variance
d. t and p
Ans: D
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Statistical Significance and Practical Significance When You Employ
the Independent Samples t Test
Difficulty Level: Medium

6. Practical significance is addressed by:

a. the magnitude of the difference in mean scores between the two groups
b. the effect size

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York, Statistics for Human Service Evaluation
SAGE Publishing, 2017
c. the magnitude of the difference in mean scores between the two groups and the effect
d. reports from the sample
Ans: C
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Statistical Significance and Practical Significance When You Employ
the Independent Samples t Test
Difficulty Level: Medium

7. With the independent samples t Test, the effect size is:

a. the difference in the mean scores of the two groups in the study
b. the average score of each of the two groups with the pretest scores of the groups used
as a threshold
c. the number of standard deviations of difference between the two groups
d. the size of the sample in each group
Ans: C
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Statistical Significance and Practical Significance When You Employ
the Independent Samples t Test
Difficulty Level: Difficult

8. Of the advantages of reporting the effect size, the major one is:
a. it is easy to estimate the difference in mean scores
b. it is standardized
c. it is useful in comparing different studies
d. it is standardized and it is useful in comparing the effect size of other studies that may
have employed different measurement tools
Ans: D
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Statistical Significance and Practical Significance When You Employ
the Independent Samples t Test
Difficulty Level: Difficult

9. An evaluative researcher is studying the impact of mindfulness training in increasing

emotional intelligence, using a comparison group design and noticed that his/her study
has a higher mean gain of emotional intelligence between the treatment group and the
comparison group than another study that too was studying the impact of increasing
emotional intelligence using a comparison group design, while using a different scale to
measure emotional intelligence. What is necessary to make a meaningful comparison of

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York, Statistics for Human Service Evaluation
SAGE Publishing, 2017
your study with the other study’s findings, particularly in estimating the practical
significance of your study?
a. p value of both the studies
b. effect size of both the studies
c. just the gain score in the emotional intelligence of the treatment groups
d. just the standard deviations of both the studies’ posttest mean scores
Ans: B
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Statistical Significance and Practical Significance When You Employ
the Independent Samples t Test
Difficulty Level: Difficult

10. When you report the findings of your study, you will report:
a. the value of t
b. the sample size
c. the sample size and the effect size
d. the value of t, the sample size, the value of p, and the effect size
Ans: D
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Reporting the Findings of Your Analysis
Difficulty Level: Medium

11. The specifications in SPSS using, “Analyze”, followed by selecting “Compare means”
from the drop down menu and choosing “Independent samples t Test” will allow you to:
a. find the mean difference between the pretest scores and posttest scores of one group
b. find the mean difference between the posttest scores of one group and compare it to
a threshold group
c. find the mean difference in gain between two different groups
d. compute correlations
Ans: C
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Using SPSS for the Independent Samples t Test
Difficulty Level: Difficult

12. In the SPSS procedure for using the Independent samples t Test, the “Test variable”
in the dialog box, refers to the:
a. pretest score
b. posttest score

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York, Statistics for Human Service Evaluation
SAGE Publishing, 2017
c. gain score
d. sample size
Ans: C
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Using SPSS for the Independent Samples t Test
Difficulty Level: Medium

13. The output for the independent samples t Test has two lines of data and the choice
of line for interpretation is determined by the:
a. means test
b. standard deviation
c. test for equality of variances
d. F Ratio
Ans: C
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Using SPSS for the Independent Samples t Test
Difficulty Level: Difficult

14. Measuring the dependent variable in simply mutually exclusive categories such as
“improved” or “not improved” for both a treatment group and a comparison group
statistical significance can be established by:
a. one-sample t Test
b. independent samples t Test
c. chi square test
d. Spearman’s rho
Ans: C
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Using Chi Square to Compare Two Groups When You Have a
Dichotomous Dependent Variable
Difficulty Level: Medium

15. The expected frequencies in a chi square table are:

a. those that would indicate relationship between the two variables
b. those that would indicate absolutely no relationship between the two variables
c. those that would indicate some relationship between the two variables
d. those that would indicate moderate relationship between the two variables
Ans: B
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Instructor Resource
York, Statistics for Human Service Evaluation
SAGE Publishing, 2017
Answer Location: Using Chi Square to Compare Two Groups When You Have a
Dichotomous Dependent Variable
Difficulty Level: Difficult

16. Practical significance is examined, when you use chi square for dichotomous data, by
comparing the proportions of people in each group who succeeded and by referring to:
a. Cramer’s V
b. Fischer exact probability test
c. Proportions
d. phi coefficient
Ans: d
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Using Excel to Compute Chi Square for Two Groups
Difficulty Level: Medium


1. When you have data on each person in each of two groups, with pretest and posttest
measurements for each person in these two different groups, you cannot compute the
gain score for each.
Ans: F
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Using the Independent Samples t Test When You are Comparing the
Gain Scores of Two Groups
Difficulty Level: Easy

2. When you choose to use directional hypothesis, such as “The posttest scores on the
scale for depression will be less than the pretest scores on depression,” you have reason
to predict the outcome of your intervention in reducing depression.
Ans: T
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Using the Independent Samples t Test When You are Comparing the
Gain Scores of Two Groups
Difficulty Level: Easy

3. SPSS has its default setting for one-tailed test and Excel allows you to do two-tailed
Ans: F
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge

Instructor Resource
York, Statistics for Human Service Evaluation
SAGE Publishing, 2017
Answer Location: Using the Independent Samples t Test When You are Comparing the
Gain Scores of Two Groups
Difficulty Level: Medium

4. The understanding of the meaning of a given difference in the mean scores between
two groups on the study variable is important for reaching a conclusion about practical
significance of the study findings as merely stating an opinion regarding practical
significance is not an acceptable way of reporting practical significance.
Ans: T
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Statistical Significance and Practical Significance When You Employ
the Independent Samples t Test
Difficulty Level: Medium

5. When the difference in gain scores may be identical in two studies, the effect size is
bound to be identical.
Ans: F
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Statistical Significance and Practical Significance When You Employ
the Independent Samples t Test
Difficulty Level: Medium

6. For a study to have an impressive effect size, if the variance in scores is high, the
magnitude of difference in mean scores between the two groups must be small.
Ans: F
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Statistical Significance and Practical Significance When You Employ
the Independent Samples t Test
Difficulty Level: Medium

7. In comparing the scores of two groups, using independent t Test in Excel, you will enter
the gain scores of each of your two groups and you will not enter either the pretest or
posttest scores.
Ans: T
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Using Excel for the Independent Samples t Test
Difficulty Level: Medium

8. When you report your study findings you are not required to report on whether your
hypothesis was supported or not, by the findings.

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York, Statistics for Human Service Evaluation
SAGE Publishing, 2017
Ans: F
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Reporting the Findings of Your Analysis
Difficulty Level: Medium

9. An effect size of two is considered a small effect size.

Ans: F
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Reporting the Findings of Your Analysis
Difficulty Level: Easy

10. In the SPSS procedure for using the independent samples t Test, the “Grouping
Variable” refers to the specifications pertaining to the two groups used in the study.
Ans: T
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Using SPSS for the Independent Samples t Test
Difficulty Level: Medium

11. After conducting the independent samples t Test, when you notice that the treatment
group’s mean is higher as you hypothesized, it is not necessary to know whether the
higher mean score for the treatment group is statistically significant.
Ans: F
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Using SPSS for the Independent Samples t Test
Difficulty Level: Easy

12. The output from the SPSS analysis provides you with the effect size.
Ans: F
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Using SPSS for the Independent Samples t Test
Difficulty Level: Medium

13. In reporting the findings of your independent samples t Test, it is sufficient to report
the value of t and the sample size.
Ans: F
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Reporting the Findings of Your Analysis
Difficulty Level: Medium

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York, Statistics for Human Service Evaluation
SAGE Publishing, 2017
14. When you compare two groups and when you have a dichotomous dependent
variable, you can employ either the special Excel file or SPSS, for the examination of the
relationship between the two variables.
Ans: T
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Using Chi Square to Compare Two Groups When You Have a
Dichotomous Dependent Variable
Difficulty Level: Medium

15. Chi square is appropriate for very small samples even when the data have most of
the cells with “expected frequencies” less than 5.
Ans: F
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Using Chi Square to Compare Two Groups When You Have a
Dichotomous Dependent Variable
Difficulty Level: Medium

16. When you employ the chi square statistic for dichotomous data, you should report the
table showing the data, the value of chi square, and the phi coefficient.
Ans: T
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Reporting the Findings of Your Analysis
Difficulty Level: Medium

Short Answer

1. Please explain the importance of statistical and practical significance in evaluative

research, with special reference to the two group comparison design using dichotomous
nominal variables.
Ans: Without statistical significance, the data can be easily explained by chance
irrespective of the type of test used to examine the relationship between variables. In the
example given in the text in comparing the rates of success for the two groups the
percentage of people in each group who were in the successful category indicate that
75% those in the treatment group were successful as compared to 50% of those in the
comparison group, who did not receive the treatment. This difference is key for
determining practical significance, when there is statistical significance.
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Using Excel to Compute Chi Square for Two Groups
Difficulty Level: Medium

Instructor Resource
York, Statistics for Human Service Evaluation
SAGE Publishing, 2017
2. Under what conditions would you employ the Fisher exact probability test?
Ans: When a researcher has employed the use of chi square test and finds with more
than 65% of the cells with expected frequencies less than 5, the researcher must employ
the Fisher exact probability test to establish statistical significance of the difference found
for two groups on a dichotomous variable.
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Using SPSS to Compute the Fisher Exact Probability Test for Small
Difficulty Level: Medium


1. Please explain to an evaluative researcher, the procedure for computing chi square for
two groups on a dichotomous variable using SPSS.
Ans: Computing chi square for two groups on a dichotomous variable in SPSS requires
a series of steps that begins with going to the “Data View” screen and clicking on
“Analyze” on the top taskbar. From the drop-down menu, clicking first on “Descriptives”
and then on “Crosstabs” will bring a window that shows the two variables in the box to
the left and two other boxes on the right titled “Column” and “Row.” The researcher needs
to select the appropriate variables and move them to the boxes titled, “column” and “row”
respectively. In order to obtain percentages of those who improved or did not improve in
the comparison and treatment group, clicking on the box labeled “cells” and selecting the
box titled “column percentages” would be sufficient. Once these procedures are
completed, returning to the previous window by clicking “Continue” at the bottom of the
screen and selecting the box labeled “Statistics” would open a window with different
statistical non parametric tests. When the box next to “Chi square” is checked from that
drop-down menu, the researcher will select the option “Continue” which will take the
researcher back to the previous screen, where he or she will click “ok” to complete the
steps and view the output.
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension and application
Answer Location: Using SPSS to Compute Chi Square for Two Groups
Difficulty Level: Difficult


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