Unit 11 - Lesson A

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Look at the photo. Answer the questions. (Mira la foto y responde las
1. How do these two people feel? (Como se sienten estas dos
2. What do you think happened before the photo? (Que crees que
paso antes de la foto?)
3. Have you ever been lied to? How did you feel? (Alguna vez te
han mentido? Como te sentiste?)
Respuestas a las preguntas:
1. These two people feel pensive, that they are having a bad day
or are worried about something.
2. Before the photo, they may have received bad news about
something they cared about too much.
3. Yes, they have lied to me. Lying to someone is the worst
damage that can be done, because you play with that person's
feelings. I felt very sad for the people who lied to me because I
trusted her and placed a lot of trust.
1. Speculate about imagined events (Especular sobre eventos
2. Give strong advice (Dar buenos consejos)
3. Introduce surprising or apposing information (Introduce
información sorprendente o contraria)
4. Report what someone else has said (Informar lo que alguien
más ha dicho.)
- Are you good a liar? (Eres un buen mentiroso?)
- Answer: I do not consider myself a good liar because I always
try to say what I feel with others, I try to be authentic and find
the best words to tell the truth even if it hurts

A. You are going to do a simple test if you are a Good liar or not.
Follow the steps below.
1. Hold a small piece of paper to your forehead. (Sostenga un
pequeño trozo de papel en su frente.)
2. Take a five seconds and write the capital letter Q on the
paper. (Tómate cinco segundos y escribe la letra Q
mayúscula en el papel.)
3. Find a partner and compare you letters. (. Encuentra un
compañero y compara tus letras.)

B. Is a video (video)

C. 1. What do you think of the result from the video? How did you
draw your letter Q?( ¿Qué opinas del resultado del video?
¿Cómo dibujaste tu letra Q?)

2. Do you think it’s easy to spot a “Good liar”? if so, how do you
do it? If not, why not? (¿Crees que es fácil detectar a un "buen
mentiroso"? ¿Si es así, como lo haces? ¿Si no, porque no?)

I think that sometimes it is easy to expose a liar by their facial
and verbal expressions. However, there are people who do
have a special ability to lie and it is very difficult to discover
what is real and what is not.

- An honest person: Una persona honesta
- A liar: Un mentiroso
- Reward someone: Recompensar a alguien
- Punish someone: Castigar a alguien por su comportamiento
- Tell the truth: Decir la verdad
- Tell a lie: Decir una mentira

A. Who are the people in it and what just happened? Do you

think the boy is telling the truth? Why or why not?
(¿Quiénes son las personas que aparecen en él y qué acaba
de suceder? ¿Crees que el chico está diciendo la verdad?
¿Por qué o por qué no?)
Answer: I think that the child is not telling the truth
because he has sad body language and saying like: I don't
know, it's much easier to discover that he broke the
B. 1. Honesty is always the best. There are no expetions to this
rule. (La honestidad es lo mejor y no hay excepciones para
esta regla)
Answer: Agree; I am agree because the truth usually is the
better way to take, but maybe in certain things there are
many exceptions to do regarding to don’t hurt the feelings
for the other person in front of us.

2. You should never lie if it’s against the law (Nunca

deberías de mentir si es en contra de las ley)
Answer: Strongly agree because with this time that we have
been lived usually the truth is always appear like a bird
flying above us. So, for this reason is Good to say always the
truth and don’t have problems with the goverment.

4. You shouln’t tell the truth if it hurts someone’s feelings. (No

deberías de decir la verdad si lastimas los sentimientos de
Answer: Disagree because if you have any friend or family
and usually that person has the intention to grow up and
stay Good in life or just live well, that person doesn’t need
to lie it, that person really need to hear what is the best idea
to grow up and puti t attention in their lives.

5. Sometimes i tell the truth, and sometimes i don’t. It

depends on the circumstances. (A veces digo la verdad y a
veces digo mentiras dependiendo de las circunstancias)
Answer: Strongly desagree because my intention with the
other people is try to seem a real person with them, it is not
Good to seem a fake person that usually has the intention to
take advantage for one reason or just a liar for the

6. You shouldn’t punish a small children too severely if they

tell a lie. (No deberías de castigar a los niños muy fuerte
porque dijeron una mentira)
Asnwer: Disagree because they need to learn what is the
idea to be honesty and most with their parents, ofcourse
without physical punish but yes with another things that
they really like it to do it, like go out for play or eat

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