Assignement 2 Ans (Manpreet and Sukhwant)

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Assignment 2

Business Communication

Manpreet Kaur (0001429)

Sukhwant Dhaliwal (0002003)

July 13, 2023

The Solar Glow Umbrella

Description: The Solar- Glow Umbrella is a revolutionary product that combines the

functionality of a traditional umbrella with innovative solar-powered LED lights embedded in its

canopy. The umbrella aims to provide both shade and illumination, making it ideal for outdoor

activities during the day and night.

The umbrella's canopy is made from high-quality, UV-resistant fabric that offers excellent

sun protection. It has a large diameter of 2 meters, providing ample shade coverage. The solar-

powered LED lights are integrated into the umbrella's frame and illuminate the area

underneath, creating a soft and ambient glow.

The Solar-Glow Umbrella also features a sturdy and lightweight frame, making it easy to

carry and set up. It has a user-friendly mechanism for opening and closing the umbrella, and a

durable handle for comfortable grip.

Research: To develop this product, I conducted market research to identify the need for an

umbrella that combines shade and lighting. I explored existing umbrellas, solar-powered lights,

and customer feedback regarding outdoor activities. I also analyzed the latest advancements in

solar technology, fabric materials, and umbrella designs.

Based on my research, I found that many people enjoy spending time outdoors during

the day and evening but struggle with insufficient lighting options. Traditional umbrellas only

provide shade, and additional lighting solutions are often cumbersome or require external

power sources. The Solar-Glow Umbrella fills this gap by offering a convenient and practical

Survey: Potential Success and Feelings: I believe the Solar-Glow Umbrella has great potential for

success. The combination of shade and lighting addresses a common need among outdoor

enthusiasts and provides added convenience. The product's innovative features and practical

design set it apart from traditional umbrellas.

Brainstorming and designing the product was an exciting process. It involved considering

user preferences, researching materials and technologies, and envisioning how the Solar-Glow

Umbrella would enhance outdoor experiences. It was fulfilling to develop a concept that could

bring value to people's lives.

Value to the Community: The Solar-Glow Umbrella brings several benefits to the community:

a. Enhanced Outdoor Experiences: The umbrella provides shade during the day, protecting

users from harmful UV rays, and extends outdoor activities into the evening with its

built-in lighting.

b. Convenience and Safety: Users no longer need to carry separate lighting solutions or rely

on inadequate ambient lighting. The Solar-Glow Umbrella offers a self-contained and

portable lighting source.

c. Sustainability: By utilizing solar power, the umbrella reduces reliance on traditional

energy sources and promotes environmental sustainability.

d. Versatility: The Solar-Glow Umbrella is suitable for various outdoor settings, including

patios, gardens, beaches, camping sites, and outdoor events.

e. Aesthetics: The soft glow from the LED lights adds ambiance to outdoor spaces, creating

a pleasant atmosphere for gatherings or relaxation.

Overall, the Solar-Glow Umbrella aims to enhance outdoor experiences, provide convenience,

and promote sustainability while fulfilling the needs and desires of individuals and communities.

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