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Teacher, of the four subjects that you gave(geiv) us(as) I chose(chous) to talk about

On the occasion of its centenary on May 27th, Henry Kissinger, Who(ju) was secretary
of state of the united states, between 1973 and 1977, in the administration of Richard
Nixon and Gerald Ford, and who won the Nobel peace prize in 1973, He published a
book and it name is: Leaderships. Six Studies In World Strategy. I read this book in it
edition in spanish language and a friend of mine that lives in the United States, He has
sent me the book in its original edition in English language.
The book, of five hundred pages(peiyes), present the portrait(portreit) of the six
leaderships of the 20th century, that by Kissinger was the most important politics:
Konrad Adenauer, Chancellor(chancelor) of the Federal Republic of Germany; Charles
de Gaulle,
President of France; Richard Nixon, President of the United States; Anwar el-Sadat,
of Egypt; Lee Kuan Yew, Prime Minister of Singapore; and Margaret Thatcher, Prime
of England(inglan).
Kissinger argued(argiu) that open quotes(quots)”for the leader to be leadership it is
necessary that there exists a conditional series, above(abaub) all(ol) Charisma in the
leader and a great country where the leader can exercise leadership”.close quotes.
It is really interested(interestd) read in the book that Alberto Lleras Camargo, Who was
president of Colombia between 1945 and 1946 and 1958 and 1962, who
received(ricifd) in Bogota in december 1961 to the president John Kennedy, Is
considered(considerd) by Kissinger The only leader that was having Colombia, however
was a leader without(widaut) leadership because he doesn’t govern a great country.
I bring the memory of this book because last August 7th, during the first year of the
administration of president Gustavo Petro, I can think that Petro is a leader
without(widaut) leadership given the historical conditions, social conditions, economic
conditions and political conditions of the country. This is because President Petro is so
adverse (advers).
I think that it is really difficult for the economic elite and for the ideological right to
assume(asum) the project of the change(cheing) and reforms that propose(propous) a
first government of the left in Colombia, regarding President Petro has a subversive
The political reality of the country is that the next 3 years will not be easy for President
Petro, a leader without leadership, following the argument of Kissinger.

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