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Catalina Ortiz

Lengua y cultura Inglesa III

How to attend an online class and not die trying

During the 21st century, online classes have been popular among young people, especially
when the pandemic caused by covid-19 occurred, many people had to abruptly adapt to
online classes, but as we already know, that is not very easy. Many people find it hard to
stay focused because there are so many things around them that they are easily distracted.
To attend an online class, you need your computer, a good internet connection, and to you.
Next, there will be a series of steps that you must follow if you want to have a successful
online class and not die trying.

1. First of all, find a comfortable place for your online classes. It is all-important that
the physical environment where you have your online class is silent, or you could
easily get distracted. The place you choose has to be a comfortable place for you,
and it should be peaceful, where you know that no one will interrupt you. Don't opt
for a bed or armchairs, this can make you sleepy, and we don't want you to fall
asleep in your class.
2. Second, try to create a routine for when you go to have your online class. To start
your day, get up early as you would if your class was face-to-face, so don’t let sleep
win you! After that, start to get dressed, and get ready as if you have to turn on your
computer camera. We don't want anyone to see you in your pajamas. And finally,
you need to have breakfast. This is the most important meal of the day and it will
help you have more energy.
3. And finally, improve your concentration; this is the most important step of all. Try
to put aside all those things that you know will distract you, such as your cell phone,
television, etc., and since you are with your preferred browser open, close all the
tabs that can distract you, only use the necessary ones for your online class. It is also
important that if you get to lose your concentration for a moment, you ask your
teacher those things in which you have doubts.

Once you have carried out all the steps already mentioned correctly you will have your
online class successfully, but it is also important that you do your part so that everything
goes well. Always focus on your goals and your dreams; and always remember that all this
effort you will make will be so that you have the future you want.

Thank you all for listening today.

Catalina Ortiz
Lengua y cultura Inglesa III

ˈhaʊ tu əˈtend ən ˈɒnlaɪn ˈklɑːs ənd ˈnɒt ˈdaɪ ˈtraɪɪŋ

ˈdjʊərɪŋ ðiː 21st ˈsɛnʧʊri, ˈɒnˌlaɪn ˈklɑːsɪz hæv biːn ˈpɒpjələr əˈmʌŋ jʌŋ ˈpiːpᵊl, ɪsˈpɛʃəli wɛn ðə 
pænˈdɛmɪk kɔːzd baɪ ˈkəʊvɪd19 əˈkɜːd, ˈmɛni ˈpiːpᵊl hæd tuː əˈbrʌptli əˈdæpt tuː ˈɒnˌlaɪn ˈklɑːsɪ
z, bʌt æz wiː ɔːlˈrɛdi nəʊ, ðæt ɪz nɒt ˈvɛri ˈiːzi. ˈmɛni ˈpiːpᵊl faɪnd ɪt hɑːd tuː steɪ ˈfəʊkəst bɪˈkɒz 
ðeər ɑː səʊ ˈmɛni θɪŋz əˈraʊnd ðɛm ðæt ðeɪ ɑːr ˈiːzɪli dɪsˈtræktɪd. tuː əˈtɛnd ən ˈɒnˌlaɪn klɑːs, ju
ː niːd jɔː kəmˈpjuːtə, ə ɡʊd ˈɪntəˌnɛt kəˈnɛkʃᵊn, ænd tuː juː. nɛkst, ðeə wɪl biː ə ˈsɪəriːz ɒv stɛps ð
æt juː mʌst ˈfɒləʊ ɪf juː wɒnt tuː hæv ə səkˈsɛsfʊl ˈɒnˌlaɪn klɑːs ænd nɒt daɪ ˈtraɪɪŋ.

1. fɜːst ɒv ɔːl, faɪnd ə ˈkʌmfᵊtəbᵊl pleɪs fɔː jɔːr ˈɒnˌlaɪn ˈklɑːsɪz. ɪt ɪz ɔːl-ɪmˈpɔːtənt ðæt ðə ˈ
fɪzɪkᵊl ɪnˈvaɪərənmənt weə juː hæv jɔːr ˈɒnˌlaɪn klɑːs ɪz ˈsaɪlənt, ɔː juː kʊd ˈiːzɪli ɡɛt dɪs
ˈtræktɪd. ðə pleɪs juː ʧuːz hæz tuː biː ə ˈkʌmfᵊtəbᵊl pleɪs fɔː juː, ænd ɪt ʃʊd biː ˈpiːsfʊl, w
eə juː nəʊ ðæt nəʊ wʌn wɪl ˌɪntəˈrʌpt juː. dəʊnt ɒpt fɔːr ə bɛd ɔːr ˈɑːmˈʧeəz, ðɪs kæn me
ɪk juː ˈsliːpi, ænd wiː dəʊnt wɒnt juː tuː fɔːl əˈsliːp ɪn jɔː klɑːs.

2. sɛkənd, traɪ tuː kriˈeɪt ə ruːˈtiːn fɔː wɛn juː ɡəʊ tuː hæv jɔːr ˈɒnˌlaɪn klɑːs. tuː stɑːt jɔː de
ɪ, ɡɛt ʌp ˈɜːli æz juː wʊd ɪf jɔː klɑːs wɒz feɪs-tuː-feɪs, səʊ dəʊnt lɛt sliːp wɪn juː! ˈɑːftə ð
æt, stɑːt tuː ɡɛt drɛst, ænd ɡɛt ˈrɛdi æz ɪf juː hæv tuː tɜːn ɒn jɔː kəmˈpjuːtə ˈkæmərə. wiː 
dəʊnt wɒnt ˈɛnɪwʌn tuː siː juː ɪn jɔː pəˈʤɑːməz. ænd ˈfaɪnəli, juː niːd tuː hæv ˈbrɛkfəst. 
ðɪs ɪz ðə məʊst ɪmˈpɔːtənt miːl ɒv ðə deɪ ænd ɪt wɪl hɛlp juː hæv mɔːr ˈɛnəʤi.

3. ænd ˈfaɪnəli, ɪmˈpruːv jɔː ˌkɒnsənˈtreɪʃᵊn; ðɪs ɪz ðə məʊst ɪmˈpɔːtənt stɛp ɒv ɔːl. traɪ tuː 
pʊt əˈsaɪd ɔːl ðəʊz θɪŋz ðæt juː nəʊ wɪl dɪsˈtrækt juː, sʌʧ æz jɔː sɛl fəʊn, ˈtɛlɪˌvɪʒən, ɪt
ˈsɛtrə., ænd sɪns juː ɑː wɪð jɔː prɪˈfɜːd ˈbraʊzər ˈəʊpən, kləʊz ɔːl ðə tæbz ðæt kæn dɪs
ˈtrækt juː, ˈəʊnli juːz ðə ˈnɛsɪsəri wʌnz fɔː jɔːr ˈɒnˌlaɪn klɑːs. ɪt ɪz ˈɔːlsəʊ ɪmˈpɔːtənt ðæt 
ɪf juː ɡɛt tuː luːz ˌkɒnsənˈtreɪʃᵊn fɔːr ə ˈməʊmənt, juː ɑːsk jɔː ˈtiːʧə ðəʊz θɪŋz ɪn wɪʧ juː 
hæv daʊts.

wʌns juː hæv ˈkærid aʊt ɔːl ðə stɛps ɔːlˈrɛdi ˈmɛnʃᵊnd kəˈrɛktli juː wɪl hæv jɔːr ˈɒnˌlaɪn klɑːs sə
kˈsɛsfʊli, bʌt ɪt ɪz ˈɔːlsəʊ ɪmˈpɔːtənt ðæt juː duː jɔː pɑːt səʊ ðæt ˈɛvrɪθɪŋ ɡəʊz wɛl. ˈɔːlweɪz ˈfəʊ
kəs ɒn jɔː ɡəʊlz ænd jɔː driːmz; ænd ˈɔːlweɪz rɪˈmɛmbə ðæt ɔːl ðɪs ˈɛfət juː wɪl meɪk wɪl biː səʊ 
ðæt juː hæv ðə ˈfjuːʧə juː wɒnt.
θæŋk juː ɔːl fɔː ˈlɪsnɪŋ təˈdeɪ.
Catalina Ortiz
Lengua y cultura Inglesa III

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