A Study On The Media and Public Agenda in Malaysia

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A STUDY ON THE newspapers, magazines, radio, the

internet, and many more. News are
MEDIA AND PUBLIC produced and published every seconds,
AGENDA IN fast and without delay.
With that advancement of
MALAYSIA technology, one would wonder if
media could actually control us.
MUHAMMAD SHAWAL ABDUL In 1970s, Maxwell McCombs
RASHID and Donald Shaw introduced the world
COMM 6000: Advanced to the Agenda Setting Theory with
Communication Theory their breakthrough research, named the
Prof. Dato’ Sri. Dr. Syed Arabi bin Chapel Hill Study.
Syed Abdullah Idid This study suggested that the
International Islamic University media sets the public agenda by telling
Malaysia you what to think about, although not
2014 exactly what to think.
ABSTRACT “In choosing and displaying
It is said that the media can set what news, editors, newsroom staff, and
the public perceived as important. This broadcasters play an important part in
study has used a quantitative survey in shaping political reality. Readers learn
order to understand the effect of not only about a given issue by also
agenda setting theory in the Malaysian how much importance to attach to that
context. Studying a total of 1500 issue from the amount of information
eligible voters from various ethnic in a news story and its position. In
groups in Malaysia (Malay, Chinese, reflecting what candidates are saying
and Indian), 17 important issues were during a campaign, the mass media
identified. Overall, the study found may well determine the important
media agenda had a significant issues – that is, the media may set the
correlation with the public agenda, “agenda” of the campaign,”
indicating that the media can influence (McCombs, 2003).
what the audience perceived as In the following pages, the
important. This study also suggested researcher will try to re-test the classic
that race had no influence on the theory with the modern audience,
media’s coverage of concerned issues. using the mass media users during the
recent bi-election in Kajang, Selangor.
Keywords: Agenda setting, public Study of the previous
agenda setting, media agenda setting, literatures will be made in order to
Malaysian media, Malaysian ethnicity justify their research, including on the
Agenda Setting Theory itself, whether
1.0 INTRODUCTION it may be classic or new. Following
The media has been a huge part that, methodology of the research will
of the modern generation since be explained briefly, subsequently
Johannes Guttenberg introduced us to followed by a chapter on findings and
his creation of the printing press in the discussion of the completed research.
1400s. Since then, the printing method
begun, creating what we know today as 1.1 Research Objectives
mass communication. Research objective is the basic
Today, the media has evolved tools that underline a researcher’s plan
into a very important estate of our age. and strategic activities. According to
They’re all around us: television, the Business Dictionary, research

objective can be defined as a specific 2. Does the news covered by the
result that the researcher aims to Malaysian media correlates
achieve within their study. with the issues concerned by
Below is the list of objectives the Malaysian?
researcher is looking for in this study: 3. Is the issue concerned by
1. To find out what is the most Malay respondents similar with
important issues concerned by the issue concerned by other
Malaysian citizen. races?
2. To see whether the news
covered by the media correlates 1.4 Research Significances
with Malaysian citizen’s In an entry in Merriam-
concerned issues. Webster, the word significance meant
3. To know whether the issues “the quality of being important” or
concerned by the Malay citizen “the quality of having notable worth or
are similar or not with the other influence”. In that note, research
races. significance is needed in order to
distinguish this study than the other
1.2 Problem Statements studies that has been done on this
In order to understand the case topic.
study, problem statement is needed for The following list contains the
a concise description that will to be significances of this research:
addressed by the researcher in the later 1. To find out Malaysian citizen’s
part of this paper (Ellis & Levy, 2008). most concerned issue.
For this paper, the researcher has 2. To understand more about the
listed three problems that need to be Agenda-Setting Theory’s
addressed in the following chapters. function.
Below are some of the problems 3. To see whether there’s
present: difference between Malays and
1. Issues concerned by Malaysian the Non-Malays.
citizen are not the same as
reported by the media. 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW
2. Issues concerned by Non- According to Shuttleworth
Malays less covered by the (2009), a literature review is a critical
media. and in depth evaluation of previous
3. Issues concerned by Malays are researches. By summarizing the
similar as the other races. reading's topic in a particular area, it
will help the researcher to establish
1.3 Research Questions why they are pursuing this particular
In a book by Wimmer and research program.
Dominick (2006, p. 155), they stated Hence, in this chapter, the
that a well-defined research questions writer will be discussing about the
could lead to the development of literatures that has been written on this
detailed and accurate categories for the subject matter. Some of the topics that
research, which in the end helps to will be included are Agenda-Setting
produce valuable data and findings. Theory and its formation, Priming, as
Below are the research questions well as the Public Agenda Setting.
developed by the researcher for this The researcher also intends to
study: discuss a few case studies has been
1. What is the most important done on the Agenda Setting Theory,
issue concerned by Malaysian? including classic and new cases.

It is hoped that this collection In order to understand the Agenda
of analysis will convey the readers Setting Theory, one must know that
about the researcher’s motive of this theory occurs through a cognitive
exploring this topic. process named “accessibility” in which
it implies that the more frequently the
2.1 Agenda-Setting Theory news media covers an issue, the more
The theory of Agenda Setting that issue becomes accessible in the
originated in Walter Lippman’s 1922 audience’s memory (Iyengar & Kinder,
book, Public Opinion. In it, he 1987).
establishes the principal connection In an easier statement: when the
between the events that are happening respondents are asked what they feel
around us to the images in our minds are the most important problems their
(Lippman, 1922). country faces, they reply with issues
Then, in 1963, Bernard Cohen that the media focus on the most.
has quoted that the media “may not be According to Everett Rogers
successful much of the time in telling and J. W. Dearing, there are three basic
people what to think, but it is types of the agenda setting theory:
stunningly successful in telling its public, media and policy agenda
readers what to think about,” (Cohen, setting (1988). The public agenda
1963, p. 13). setting focuses on the audience’s
He also stated “the world will agenda while media agenda setting
look different to different people focuses on the influence of the mass
depending on the map that is drawn for media on the audience. The last type,
them by writers, editors and publishers policy agenda setting, deals with how
of the paper they read,” (Cohen, 1963). media and public agendas might
Cohen’s statements lead to the influence the policy makers of the
formalized theory by two researchers: nation.
Maxwell McCombs and Donald Shaw. Supporting Rogers & Dearing
In 1968, during the presidential is Littlejohn, who sees the agenda
election between Democratic choice, setting theory as a simple linear
Lyndon B. Johnson and his Republic process where it involves media
challenger, Richard Nixon, both agenda, followed by the public agenda,
McCombs and Shaw explored and resulted with the policy agenda
Lippman’s idea by testing the media’s (2002).
agenda and comparing it to the issues Another term that relates to the
concerned by the undecided voters. agenda setting theory is priming.
The test resulted in a finding that stated Priming is a process in which
the voters’ agenda is highly correlated the media attend to some issues and
to the agenda in the news media not others, thus, altering the standards
(McCombs & Shaw, 1972). placed in the audience’s mind.
The two most basic Discovered by Iyengar, Peters and
assumptions of this theory are (Agenda Kinder in 1982, they stated that by
Setting Theory, 2012): setting the agenda for an election
1. The press and the media do not campaign, the media also determine
reflect reality, but they filter the criteria of how presidential
and shape it. candidates will be evaluated (Severin
2. Media concentration of a few & Tankard, 2001, p. 226).
issues leads the public to In a study done during the
perceive those issues as more Persian Gulf crisis in 1990 to 1991,
important than the others. Iyengar and Simon (1993) found the

increased coverage of the crisis According to Kim & Lee,
influence the public’s evaluation of agenda building in the internet follows
President Bush. The result stated that this three steps (2006):
Bush’s foreign policy performance was 1. Internet-mediated agenda-
strongly evaluated than his rippling
performance on economy, indicating a Happens when an anonymous
change in the public opinion due to the netizen posted an issue in the
priming effect (Severin & Tankard, internet, it may be in his
2001, p. 227). personal home page, bulletin
Basically, priming theory board, or blogs. These channels
suggests that media images stimulate can create ripple effect due to
related thoughts in the minds of its its easy-sharing nature.
audience. 2. Agenda diffusion in the internet
Once the anonymous post
2.2 The Present Study picked up by online news or
In a much recent study done by web sites, spreading the post to
Syed Arabi Idid and Chang Peng Kee, more online users, creating
the researchers noted that agenda conversation by the online
setting theory happens depending on publics.
the news media they attached to. The 3. Internet-mediated reversed
research, which based on the three agenda setting
main ethnic groups in Malaysia, stated The final stage happens when
that ethnic newspapers could be setting the traditional media reports on
the agenda for the various ethnic the issue, and this leads to more
groups during election (2008). discussion by the public, either
Their results indicated that the offline or online.
Chinese media agenda have a
significant rank-order correlation with 3.0 METHODOLOGY
the Chinese public agenda, suggesting According to Merriam-Webster
that the newspapers do influence the Dictionary, the word methodology can
Chinese on what to think about. The be defined as “a body of methods,
same result happens to the Malay rules and postulates employed by a
media agenda with the Malay public discipline: a particular procedure or set
agenda (Idid & Chang, 2008). of procedures.”
Another research was also done The Business Dictionary
on internet mediated agenda setting. further explains the term methodology
The study, which focuses on ten cases as a system of which specific
that have great ripple effect in Korea procedures (or methods) used to
for five years (2000 – 2005), noted that interpret or solve different problems
the internet agenda setting is different within the scope of a particular
than the traditional agenda setting discipline. A methodology is also
we’ve learned in the previous stated as practices instead of a formula.
subchapter (Kim & Lee, 2006). The following subtopics will be
The study mentioned above discussing about the methodology that
suggests the reverse agenda setting, will be used by the researcher in order
which once discussed by McCombs in to understand the topic.
his 2004 book, stating that the public
concerned issues could set the media

3.1 Quantitative Design problems and questions stated in the
For this paper, this researcher is first chapter.
intending on using quantitative as the
research methodology. 3.2 Hypotheses
According to Aliaga and In a post in the Free Dictionary,
Gunderson, using statistical approach, the word hypothesis is explained as a
quantitative research analyzed speculative explanation for a scientific
numerical data from samples in order problem that can be tested in an
to understand a certain phenomena investigation. In a simple statement:
(2002). Numerical data helps hypothesis is a preposition of an event,
researcher to determine what caused a a reasoning made prior to the research
certain event to happen. in order to understand a phenomenon.
A nationwide survey will be Below are the hypotheses made
made, focusing on respondents who for this study:
are eligible to vote in Malaysia, which 1. The public’s concerned issues
means they’re Malaysian and age 21 are the same as the media’s
years old and above, regardless of their concerned issue.
gender. 2. The media covers issues
Through this quantitative concerned by the Malays more
research design, the researcher will be than the non-Malays.
able to find the answers for the

The word findings can be defined as information discovered as the result of an
inquiry or investigation (Merriam-Webster).
In this chapter, the researcher will be discussing about the information
gathered from the survey mentioned in the previous chapter.

4.1 Data Findings

Below are the data gathered from the survey done by the researcher on this
topic. A total of 1500 respondents have been surveyed for this study, with 49% of the
respondents are female, and a majority of 51% are male.
The table below shows the most concern issues by the Malaysian respondents
in the survey held. 37% of Malaysians think crime is the most concerned issues,
followed by socials (18%), economy (11%) and rounding up the top five issues are
politics and environmental issues with 7%.
Table 1: Malaysian’s most concern issues by rank
No. Issue Percentage
1 Crime 37%
2 Socials 18%
3 Economy 11%
4 Politics 7%
Environment and Natural Disaster 7%
6 Unity 4%
7 National Security 3%
8 Immigrant 2%
9 Leadership 2%
10 Others 9%
Total 100%

Table 2 below shows the most concern issues by the Malay respondents. The
most concerned issue by them is crime with 33%. Social issues came second with
17% while economic issues at 13%. 8% of the Malay respondents think political
issues are important, while another 7% picks environmental issues.
Table 2: Malay’s most concern issues by rank
No. Issue Percentage
1 Crime 33%
2 Socials 17%
3 Economy 13%
4 Politics 8%
5 Environment and Natural Disaster 7%
6 National Security 4%
7 Leadership 4%
8 Immigrant 4%
9 Health Problems 2%
10 Unity 2%
11 Others 6%
Total 100%

Table 3 below shows the most concerned issues by the Chinese respondents of
the survey. Like the previous table, crime falls at the first place with 39%, while
socials came at second with 19%. 10% of the Chinese respondents think economic
issues are important, while 7% chose environmental issues and 6% with unity.
Table 3: Chinese’s most concern issues by rank
No. Issue Percentage
1 Crime 39%
2 Socials 19%
3 Economy 10%
4 Environment and Natural Disaster 7%
5 Unity 6%
6 Politics 4%
7 National Security 2%
8 Development Problems 2%
9 Others 11%
Total 100%

Table 4 below shows the most concerned issues by the Indian respondents of
this survey. 43% of them think crime is the most important issues faced by the
country, while 21% chose social issues. 9% of the respondents chose economic issues
and political issues, while the other 7% has chosen environmental issues as the main
national concern.
Table 4: Indian’s most concern issues by rank
No. Issue Percentage
1 Crime 43%
2 Socials 21%
3 Economy 9%
Politics 9%
5 Environmental and Natural Disaster 7%
6 Unity 3%

7 Religion 3%
National Security 3%
9 Education 2%
10 Others 0%
Total 100%

The table below shows most concerned issues covered by the Malaysian
media. 36% of the respondents chose crime as the most concerned issue covered by
the media, while another 12% chose social issues and another 9% chose political
issues. Another 8% thinks the media covered environmental issues while another 5%
are economical and traffic problems.

Table 5: Media’s most concern issues by rank

No. Issue Percentage
1 Crime 36%
2 Socials 12%
3 Politics 9%
4 Environment and Natural Disaster 8%
5 Economy 5%
Traffic Problem 5%
7 Development Problems 4%
8 Immigrant 3%
9 Unity 3%
10 National Security 2%
11 Others 13%
Total 100%

Table 6 below shows the most concerned issues covered by the Malaysian
media according to the Malay respondents. A majority of 33% has chosen crime as
the most concerned issues covered by the media, while another 11% has chosen
socials and political issues. Environmental issues falls at the fourth place with 8%,
while developmental problems and economical issues got the same 6% results.

Table 6: Malay’s most concern issues in the media by rank

No. Issue Percentage
1 Crime 33%
2 Socials 11%
Politics 11%
4 Environment and Natural Disaster 8%
5 Development Problems 6%
Economy 6%
7 Traffic Problem 5%
8 National Security 3%
Immigrant 3%
10 Leadership 2%
Health Problems 2%
12 Others 10%
Total 100%

As for the Chinese respondents, they think the most concerned issue covered
by the media is crime (36%), while socials issues fall at second place with 13%,
followed by environmental issues with 8%. Table 7 below also shows political issues
as one of the most concerned issues covered by the local media with 4% and
immigration issues with 5%.

Table 7: Chinese’s most concern issues in the media by rank

No. Issue Percentage
1 Crime 36%
2 Socials 13%
3 Environment and Natural Disaster 8%
4 Politics 7%
5 Immigrant 5%
6 Traffic Problem 4%
Economy 4%
Unity 4%
9 Development Problems 3%
10 Religion 2%
11 Others 14%
Total 100%

Finally, table 8 below shows what the Indian respondent think as the most
concerned issues covered by the Malaysian media. A huge majority of them chose
crime as the most concerned issue reported in media (51%), while 8% of them chose
political issues and traffic problems as the following concerned issues reported by the
media. Rounding up the top 5 issues are environmental issues (6%) and social issues
Table 8: Indian’s most concern issues in the media by rank
No. Issue Percentage
1 Crime 51%
2 Politics 8%
Traffic Problem 8%
4 Environment and Natural Disaster 6%
5 Socials 5%
6 Health 2%
Development Problems 2%
Unity 2%
Government Administration 2%
10 Others 14%
Total 100%

5.0 DISCUSSION setting theory is “media concentration
In the following discussion, the of a few issues leads the public to
researcher will list down what has been perceive those issues as more
gathered from the survey session. important than the others” (Agenda
Based on the collected results, the Setting Theory, 2012).
researcher will explain it based on the Based on the statement above,
hypotheses listed in third chapter of it can safely be said that the media
this study. does plays a role in determining what
is perceived as important by the public.
Hypothesis 1: The public’s The fact that the top five issues
concerned issues are the same as the concerned by the public are the same
media’s concerned issues. as what the news media concerned
with, this is saying that the media does
In order to answer the above determine what the Malaysian public
hypothesis, the researcher has decided assumed as important.
to list down the top five issues
concerned by both Malaysian (public Hypothesis 2: The media covers
agenda) and it’s media (media agenda). issues concerned by the Malays more
than the non-Malays’.
No. Media Agenda Public Agenda
1 Crime Crime To answer the above
2 Socials Socials hypothesis, the researcher has decided
3 Politics Economy to list down the top five issues
4 Environment Politics concerned by both Malaysian (public
and Natural agenda) by races and it’s media (media
Disaster agenda).
5 Economy Environment
and Natural N Med Public Agendas
Disaster o ia Mal Chin Indi All
. Age ay ese an Race
As it can be seen, it is proved ndas s
that crime and socials are the top two 1 Crim Crim Crim Crim Crim
most concerned issues by both media e e e e e
and the public. Whereas the other three 2 Soci Soci Soci Soci Soci
concerned issues rounding up both als als als als als
agendas’ top five are consisting of 3 Polit Econ Econ Econ Econ
political, economic, as well as issues ics omy omy omy omy
surrounding environment and natural 4 Envi Polit Envi Polit Polit
disaster. ronm ics ronm ics ics
Regardless of the rank order of ent ent
these issues, it can be seen that the five and and
most concerned issues by both media Natu Natu
and public are the same, thus proving ral ral
the first hypothesis that the public’s Disa Disa
concerned issues are the same as the ster ster
media’s concerned issues. 5 Econ Envi Unit Envi Envi
So, what does this proved? omy ronm y ronm ronm
As stated in the literature and ent ent ent
review, one of the two basic Traff and and and
assumptions raised by the agenda ic Natu Natu Natu

Prob ral ral ral 6.0 CONCLUSION
lems Disa Disa Disa In conclusion, this study was
ster ster ster carried out with the main reason to
understand the nature of agenda setting
As you can see in the above theory and to find out how strong is the
table, it shows the media’s top five Malaysian media coverage.
concerned issues opposite to the the The setting of this study was
issues concerned by the Malaysian during the bi-election in Kajang,
respondents, in total and by races. Selangor, which took place in March
The first two of the most 2014. A survey was conducted on 1500
concerned issues, crime and socials, respondents who are legal Malaysian
are the same as the rest of the public voters from the major races (Malay,
agenda. All three major races in Chinese and Indian) and they were
Malaysia have chosen crime and social asked about the issues they’re
issues as the most concerned national concerned with, personally or by the
issues. media.
But, things changed by the When comparison was made
third issue as the media focuses on with the issues ranked by the public
political issues, while the nationals and the media, the results showed that
deemed economy as the third most that issues concerned by both parties
important issue in the country. are the same, indicating what issues the
Economy falls as the fifth most media covered could influence what
concerned issues in the media agenda, the public perceived as important.
tied with traffic problems. Another comparison was made
But despite that, political issues in order to see whether the issues
are still the fourth most concerned in covered by the Malaysian media are a
the public agenda, appearing in both reflection of the Malays’ concerned
Malay and Indian’s agendas, while not issues, not the non-Malays’. The result
appearing in Chinese’s top five issues. indicated that the Malaysian media
So, what is this saying about covered issues concerned by the public
the Malaysian media? Are they instead of a specific race. There is no
determined by the Malays’ agendas indication that states the media only
only? covers the issues concerned by the
Through correlation, it can be main race of Malaysia, which is the
said that the Malaysian media do Malay.
covers issues concerned in all public Generally, this study found that
agendas, not only on issues by the the Malaysian mass media do have a
Malay only. Thus, from that result, it is powerful effect in telling the audience
assured the second hypothesis is what to think about.
rejected by the researcher.

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