4.0 A Systematic Literature Review of Integration of Industry 4.0 and Warehouse Management To Achieve Sustainable Development Goals SDGs

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Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 5 (2022) 100072

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A systematic literature review of integration of industry 4.0 and warehouse

management to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
K. Aravindaraj, P. Rajan Chinna *
Department of Logistics Management, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamilnadu, India


Keywords: Warehouse management will be the focus of this article, which aims to examine the benefits and issues &
Industry 4.0 challenges of using Industry 4.0 technologies to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the United
Warehouse management Nations (UN). We conducted a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) evaluation of the published literature from
Systematic literature review
credible peer-reviewed journals in the major databases Scopus and Web of Science. The analysis of literature will
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Issues & challenges
be a frequency analysis of the literature by considering the year of publications, the contribution of leading
United Nations (UN) journals and publishers, and the methodology adopted and the content analysis of literature to get the benefits,
issues & challenges of the implementation of industry 4.0 on warehouses in accordance to SDGs that were
identified from the literature. Industry 4.0 research on logistics and supply chain management, as well as
warehouse management, showed a significant increase in research papers in the past two years. But, the study on
industry 4.0 in warehousing toward SDGs is still in its early stages, with just a few articles contributing to
sustainable practices. Our findings from the literature reveal that the major benefits of implementing industry 4.0
in warehouse management as per SDGs are “SDG – 2 (Zero Hunger)”, “SDG – 4 (Quality Education)”, “SDG – 7
(Affordable and Clean Energy)”, “SDG − 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)”, “SDG – 12 (Ensure Sus­
tainable Consumption and Production Patterns)”, and “SDG – 13 (Climate Action)”. Lack of government support,
legal issues, lack of skilled manpower, political issues, and old/traditional warehouses are the major issues &
challenges of industry 4.0 in warehouses to avert the deed of achieving SDGs in developing countries. This study
is one of those that apply industry 4.0 in the context of warehouse management, thus it will reveal insights and
implications for future research.

1. Introduction Pham, 2019; Wankhede and Vinodh, 2021). This different technology is
helped managers in making the right decisions by monitoring the real-
The implications of industry 4.0 technology have transformed the time tracking of materials in warehouse management (Carvalho et al.,
manufacturing industry and created economies of value creation during 2018). It is essential for the manager while considering the whole
the past four years (Ching et al., 2022). Industry 4.0 has a more positive complete supply chain, which includes the warehouse, must be able to
impact on product innovation in the service sector than in the deliver the proper information about the product’s identification, loca­
manufacturing industries in German companies (Sarbu, 2021). Ac­ tion, and other tracking information at each level of the supply chain
cording to (Calış Duman and Akdemir, 2021), the benefits of industry (Ganesan et al., 2016).
4.0 in business yield profitability, improvement in sales and production The research on the integration of industry 4.0, especially in the field
speed, increase in productivity and quality, and efficiency of the firms. of logistics and Supply Chain Management (SCM) is minimum and it is
There is a dynamism in the production line that makes it easier to still in the initial phases of development. Examples include an assess­
integrate industry 4.0 in warehouses and logistics, thanks to the com­ ment of published research on the influence of industry 4.0 on sustain­
pany’s increased global competitiveness in IoT, Cyber-Physical Systems ability activities and performance (Beltrami et al., 2021). A bibliometric
(CPS), Augmented Reality (AR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain and SLR on the categorization of industry 4.0 design principles to
Technology, big data, self-driving robots, and additive manufacturing determine the factors of digital transformation success has been con­
are all part of Industry 4.0′ s concept (Beltrami et al., 2021; Kerin and ducted by (Ghobakhloo et al., 2021). (Birkel and Müller, 2021) has

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: rajanchinnap@alagappauniversity.ac.in (P. Rajan Chinna).

Received 24 February 2022; Received in revised form 7 June 2022; Accepted 22 July 2022
Available online 29 July 2022
2772-3909/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
K. Aravindaraj and P. Rajan Chinna Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 5 (2022) 100072

reviewed on industry 4.0 context contributes to the cleaner supply chain works on the integration of SDGs on Logistics and SCM during the
by achieving triple bottom layer i.e., social, economic, and environment. COVID-19 pandemic period. (Zimon et al., 2020) has outlined the bar­
The study on the Internet of Things (IoT) in logistics and supply chain riers to implementation of SDGs in the SCM, (Cai and Choi, 2020) has
management has been examined by (Abderahman Rejeb et al., 2020). persuaded 3 SDGs are highly attention towards textile and apparel SCM,
The trends, advancements, and gaps in the research in their assessment (Pohlmann et al., 2020) have pointed out the SCM in the Brazilian food
of the literature on the implementation of industry 4.0 in logistics and poultry is needed guidelines to achieve SDGs, (Centobelli et al., 2020a)
supply chain management are reviewed (Abdirad and Krishnan, 2021). has analyzed the green practices in European Logistics Service Providers
A synopsis of industry 4.0 on SCM studies is expressed by (Chauhan and (LSPs) to achieve SDGs, (Jouzdani and Govindan, 2021) has pointed out
Singh, 2020). In our context, we explore an SLR on the benefits and is­ 7 SDGs are contributed in the perishable food SCM, (Zarbakhshnia et al.,
sues & challenges of Industry4.0 in warehouse management. Earlier, the 2022) has analyzed the logistics operations based on circular economy
systematic literature review on warehouse management is conducted by to achieve SDGs. The research works on the integration of SDGs on
(Staudt et al., 2015) on warehouse performance measurement, (Shah & warehouse management is minimum. Hence, this paper aims to examine
Khanzode, 2017) on warehouse operational issues, (Bartolini et al., which SDGs are involved in the implementation of industry 4.0 on
2019) on green warehousing, (de Koster et al., 2007) on warehouse warehouse management. For this purpose, we defined SLR on industry
design for order picking, (Gong and de Koster, 2011) on stochastic 4.0 in the administration of warehouse review as guided by the
models and analysis of warehouse operations, (Masae et al., 2020) on following research questions:
order picking routing in warehouses, (Custodio and Machado, 2020) on
flexible automated warehouse management, (Jaghbeer et al., 2020) on RQ1: In what ways might warehouse management benefit from the
automated order picking systems on warehouse design and perfor­ deployment of industry 4.0 under SDGs?
mances, (Melacini et al., 2018) on e-fulfillment and distribution in RQ2: What are the Issues & challenges of integrating Industry 4.0
omnichannel retailing, (Boysen et al., 2019) on warehousing in the e- and Warehouse Management in the context of SDGs?
commerce era, and (Kumar et al., 2021b) on revisiting the warehouse
research. Table 1 shows the existing reviews on logistics & SCM using To the best of the authors’ knowledge, no literature review publi­
industry 4.0 and the evolution of warehouse management. cations on industry 4.0 in the context of integration of warehouse
According to (UN, 2016; United Nations, 2015), “The 2030 Agenda management and SDGs have been discovered. Thereby, we then conduct
for Sustainable Development adopted by all United Nations (UN) an SLR that categorizes and analyses previously published publications
members in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity from credible peer-reviewed journals in the most popular databases.
for people and the planet, now and into the future. The focus is on the 17 This justifies leads to the study of the present research work.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for
action by all countries – both developing and developed – in a global 2. Methodology of the study
partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations
must be closely linked to policies to improve health and education SLR always creates the foundation stone for all academic inquiries
reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate (Xiao and Watson, 2017). It will play an important role in systematically
change and working to preserve our oceans and forests”. Many research collecting available literature and provides descriptive analysis like

Table 1
Existing literature reviews on industry 4.0, logistics & SCM, Warehouse management.
Author Title Period Paper Focus Areas

(Beltrami et al., 2021) “Industry 4.0 and Sustainability: Towards conceptualization and 2011–2020 117 Industry 4.0 and Sustainability
(Ghobakhloo et al., “Industry 4.0 ten years on A bibliometric and systematic review of 2010–2020 745 Determinants of Industry 4.0 digital
2021) concepts, sustainability value drivers, and success determinants” transformation and Sustainability
(Birkel & Müller, “Potentials of industry 4.0 for supply chain management within the – 55 Industry 4.0 for SCM and Sustainability
2021) triple bottom line of sustainability”
(Abderahman Rejeb “Internet of Things research in supply chain management and 2000–2020 807 IoT on logistics and SCM
et al., 2020) logistics: A bibliometric analysis”
(Abdirad & Krishnan, “Industry 4.0 in Logistics and Supply Chain Management: A 2014–2018 56 Industry 4.0 in logistics and SCM
2021) Systematic Literature Review”
(Chauhan & Singh, “A review of Industry 4.0 in supply chain management studies” 2011–2018 334 Industry 4.0 in SCM
(Staudt et al., 2015) “Warehouse Performance Measurement: A Literature Review” >2015 43 Warehouse performance measurement
(Shah & Khanzode, “A comprehensive review of warehouse operational issues” – – Warehouse operational issues
(Bartolini et al., 2019) “Green warehousing: Systematic literature review and bibliometric 2006–2018 38 Green Warehousing
(Gong & de Koster, “A review on stochastic models and analysis of warehouse operations” – – Stochastic models of warehouse operations
(Masae et al., 2020) “Order picker routing in warehouses: A systematic literature review” 1983–2019 54 Order picking routing in the warehouse
(Custodio & Machado, “Flexible automated warehouse: a literature review and an innovative 2008–2018 113 Automated warehouse management system
2020) framework”
(Jaghbeer et al., “Automated order picking systems and the links between design and 1975–2019 74 Automated warehouse management system
2020) performance: a systematic literature review”
(Melacini et al., 2018) “E-fulfilment and distribution in omnichannel retailing: a systematic 2002–2017 58 Advance technology practices in warehouses
literature review”
(Boysen et al., 2019) “Warehousing in the e-commerce era: A survey” – – Advance technology practices in warehouses
(Kumar et al., 2021b) “Revisiting the warehouse research through an evolutionary lens: a 1990–2019 356 Issues faced by warehouse management during
review from 1990 to 2019” the past two decades
Our Study “A Systematic Literature Review of Industry 4.0 in Warehouse >2021 63 Benefits, Issues & Challenges of Industry 4.0 on
Management” Warehouse Management to achieve SDGs

K. Aravindaraj and P. Rajan Chinna Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 5 (2022) 100072

journal publications, their trends, and potential to create insight on inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied to get the most relevant
implementation, barriers, future direction, and the development of papers according to our review theme is shown as Stage 2 in that Fig. 1.
existing knowledge base on any topics (Briner and Denyer, 2012; Based on the language of the paper, the exclusion of duplicates, the
Seuring, 2013). Based on industry 4.0 in warehouse management, we inclusion of peer-reviewed journal articles alone, and the inclusion of
conducted the study using SLR to examine our research questions. We publications based on the subject in two databases (Scopus and WOS),
follow the steps prescribed by SLR processes which are outlined by we obtained 97 papers. In the third step, we assessed whether the
(Govindan and Hasanagic, 2018; Mathiyazhagan et al., 2021) for this complete article focuses on industry 4.0 technologies and one or more
study. areas of warehouse management, and warehouses as the primary factors
The different stages of SLR of industry 4.0 in warehouse management in logistics and supply chain management were selected for our study.
are shown schematically in Fig. 1. Electronics bibliography databases After analyzing the 97 papers, finally, 63 articles were selected for the
such as Scopus and WOS were used in the initial phase of this research to final study.
gather relevant articles. After reviewing multiple combinations of key­ Fig. 2 displays the literature analysis based on the final 63 articles in
words, Stage 1 as shown in Fig. 1 was found as the most suitable the sample. Individual peer-reviewed articles were the focus of the
keyword to explore the considered theme. There was a search for these literature analysis following (Denyer and Tranfield, 2009), and their
terms in the paper’s title, keywords, and abstract using the database’s core parts were described in terms of their relationship with one
search feature 920 papers were retrieved from the two databases. This another. The review findings are in two steps according to (Tranfield
keyword search work is done on 7th February 2022 and considered the et al., 2003), the analysis of literature will be a frequency analysis of the
full paper publication year up to 2021. In the second stage, based on literature by considering the year of publications, the contribution of

Database Search:

Scopus and Web of Science (WoS)

Total Number of
Keyword: Papers Obtained:
Stage 1 920
(Material ((''Industry 4.0'' OR ''Internet of things'' OR ''Industrial Internet of
Collection) Things'' OR ''Embedded Systems'') AND (''Warehous*'' OR
''Warehouse Management System*'' OR ''Smart Warehous*'' AND
NOT ''Data Warehous*''))

Considering of paper that includes English as a language. Total Number of

Papers Obtained:

Duplicate of Papers was Excluded Total Number of

Papers Obtained:

Stage 2
Inclusion of journal peer-reviewed articles Total Number of
Papers Obtained:
Criteria) Inclusion of articles based on subjects:

Scopus: Business, Management and Accounting Total Number of

Papers Obtained:
WoS: Business Economics, Operations Research, and Management

Stage 3 Total Number of

There was no room for papers if the focus was not on Industry 4.0
(Finalizing Papers Obtained:
the research from the perspective of warehouse management.

Fig. 1. Summary of the steps of SLR of industry 4.0 in warehouse management was modified from (Govindan & Hasanagic, 2018; Mathiyazhagan et al., 2021).

K. Aravindaraj and P. Rajan Chinna Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 5 (2022) 100072

due to an increased focus on the selection of items available or the

storage in the warehouses (Srivatsa Srinivas and Marathe, 2021).
Frequency Analysis
3.1.2. Journal-wise publications
The distribution of papers by the journal is provided in Table 2. In­
Analysis of Literature (63 dustry 4.0 and warehouse management have been extensively covered
Final Sample Paper)

Table 2
Number of Articles by Publication type.

Content Analysis Journals Number of


The International Production Research Journal 6

IEEE Xplore 6
International Journal of Production Economics 5
Fig. 2. Analysis of Literature of final sample of 63 papers modified from Log Forum, Journal of Science and Technology Policy 2 Each
(Jaghbeer et al., 2020). Management, Industrial Management and Data Systems,
Advances in Production Engineering and Management, and
Sensors are just a few of the journals that specialize in
leading journals and publishers, the methodology adopted and the information technology.
content analysis of literature to get the benefits, issues & challenges on Computer Standards & Interfaces, Annals of Operations Research, 1 Each
the implementation of industry 4.0 on warehouses that were identified Internet Research, Engineering Management Journal,
from the literature. Multimedia Tools and Applications, Australasian Journal of
Information Systems, International Journal of RF
Technologies: Research and Applications, Benchmarking,
3. Analysis of literature Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing,
Concurrent Engineering-Research and Applications,
3.1. Frequency analysis Operations and Supply Chain Management, International
Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Industrial
Management & Data Systems, International Journal of Supply
3.1.1. Year-wise publications Chain Management, Brazilian Journal of Operations And
The publication trend of the papers on industry 4.0 in warehouse Production Management, Journal of Cleaner Production,
management is shown in Fig. 3. The publication period was not Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Journal of
restricted but considered up to 2021, the first relevant paper was pub­ Network and Computer Applications, Transportation Research
Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review, Journal of
lished in 2008 by (Khojasteh-Ghamari et al., 2008) deals with automa­ Supercomputing, International Journal of Physical Distribution
tion in warehouses. But industry 4.0 was first coined by the German in and Logistics Management, Management Review Quarterly,
2011 with the classification of different technology (Rojko, 2017). From Business Strategy and The Environment, Neural Computing &
2012 to 2016, only 6 papers out of 63 (9.52 % of the sample) during the Applications, Cogent Business and Management, Electronic
Commerce Research and Applications, International Journal of
introduction stage of industry 4.0 in 2011. After 2016, the trend in the
Productivity and Performance Management, International
publication has started to increase strongly. Especially in 2021, the Journal of Information And Management Sciences, Acta
majority of papers i.e., 26 papers out of 63 (41.26 % of the sample) were Logistica, International Journal of Logistics Research and
published. As a result of COVID-19′ s surge in online sales, individuals Applications
are taking advantage of the technological advancements, which is likely Grand Total 63




10 9
5 3
1 1
2008 2012 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Fig. 3. Year-wise distribution of Industry 4.0 in warehouse management.

K. Aravindaraj and P. Rajan Chinna Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 5 (2022) 100072

in academic journals. The International Journal of Production Eco­ Table 4

nomics, the International Journal of Production Research, and IEEE Shows an overview of the different categories of research methodology.
Xplore contributed 17 papers (26.98 percent of the sample). The next Research Sample Articles NP
eight journals produced 16 articles (25.39 % of the sample) each of them Methods
published two articles. Most of the papers i.e., 30 articles (47.61 % of the Analytical (Zhang et al., 2021), (Dusadeerungsikul et al., 2021), ( 32
sample) are published with only one article each on industry 4.0 and Modeling Binos et al., 2021), (Gareis et al., 2021), (Dharmasiri
warehouse management. et al., 2020), (Sun et al., 2020), (Nagda et al., 2019), (
Chen et al., 2019), (Luo et al., 2016), (Cheng et al., 2012)
Empirical/Case (Upadhyay et al., 2021), (Nantee & Sureeyatanapas, 23
3.1.3. Individual publisher-wise publications Study 2021), (Vukićević et al., 2021), (Khalifa et al., 2021), (
Table 3 shows the number of articles published according to indi­ Tubis & Poturaj, 2021), (Keivanpour, 2021)(Rey et al.,
vidual publishers. Elsevier (Science Direct) was on the top list of indi­ 2021), (Herzog et al., 2018), (Verdouw et al., 2018), (
vidual publishers with 13 articles (20.63 % of the sample). Taylor & Zhang et al., 2017)
Literature (Rejeb et al., 2021), (Dolgui & Ivanov, 2021), (Mishra & 7
Francis and Emerald Insight were on the second top list of individual
review Maheshwari, 2021), (Ding et al., 2021), (S. Kumar et al.,
publishers contributing 11 articles each. Next to the top two lists, IEEE 2021b), (Song et al., 2021), (Perussi et al., 2019)
Xplore and Springer were on the third and fourth top list of individual Delphi Method (Kumar et al., 2021) 1
publishers contributing 6 and 5 articles respectively. Grand Total 63

3.1.4. Nature of the study

management has the potential to increase safety and efficiency in forklift
Table 4 and Fig. 4 show an overview of the different categories of
placement and tracking, as well as order processing in inventory
research methodology for industry 4.0 with warehouse management. As
(Halawa et al., 2020). An integrated warehouse management system
evident from Table 3, over 32 articles (50.79 % of the sample) in our
enables order to demand information and customer location makes it
study are related to analytical modeling. The majority of the papers were
easy for shipment of delivery (Lim et al., 2020). To keep up with the ever
analyzed by mathematical modeling equation to resolve the challenges
demands of customers and technological advancements, warehouse
faced by industry 4.0 in warehouse management. Next to analytical
operations must be adaptable. When it comes to manufacturing, how­
modeling, empirical/case study research methods were contributed to
ever, the old manual warehouse operation is no longer appropriate (Lee
23 articles (36.50 % of the sample). Industry 4.0 in warehouses can be
et al., 2018). (Zhou et al., 2019) emphasized the importance of modern
sufficiently precise with case study approaches in implementing in­
distribution centers utilizing mobile computing technology to store
dustry 4.0 in warehouse management. A lesser number of publications
warehouse data for order picking, real-time communication systems,
were contributed from literature review and Delphi methods.
order position in real-time, store relevant data, and gather orders on
time, all while lowering operating costs.
4. Content analysis
(Upadhyay et al., 2021) has said that the benefits of industry 4.0 in
green practices like green procurement, green production can use of
4.1. Benefits of emerging trends in different industries 4.0 in warehouse
natural resources in the best possible manner in logistics - warehouse
infrastructure will bring customers together at a single platform and
make ease of business by creating a positive image in the form of social
The transformation of logistics centers has changed during the
responsibilities. Industry 4.0 in warehouse management helps to save
emergence of the industry 4.0 era (Yavas and Ozkan-Ozen, 2020).
direct inventory costs and enhance improvement in integrating with
Awareness of the negative consequences of industrial activity 4.0 is
other manufacturing companies in entire supply chains (Barbalho and
rapidly being used in logistics operations by both practitioners and ac­
Dantas, 2021). Automation of warehouses (AS/RS) using industry 4.0
ademics in engineering and operations management (Nantee and Sure­
might help to reduce cycle times and energy usage, especially in big
eyatanapas, 2021). Using webs, sensors, objects, and appliances in a
distribution centers (Yetkin Ekren, 2021). IoT, big data analytics, cloud
smart warehouse may be monitored and controlled the warehouse op­
computing, and cyber-physical systems like autonomous warehouse
erations (Jabbar et al., 2018). Fifth Generation (5G) Internet-based
trucks will be critical to a manufacturer’s long-term competitive
technologies including warehouse robots, IoT, Internet of Services
advantage (Gružauskas et al., 2018). (Nantee and Sureeyatanapas,
(IoS), and cyber-augmented collaboration will transform the tradi­
2021) have urged the Thai government to support their industry 4.0
tional/old warehouse to considerably increase its performance (Dusa­
policies at the national level, citing the necessity for government assis­
deerungsikul et al., 2021). The warehouse can benefit from 5G
tance. Under the “SDG − 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy)” by the UN, all
technology resulting in scheduling and vehicle routing (Dolgui and
developing countries must implement the policies on installing solar
Ivanov, 2021). Integrating real-time location systems into warehouse
roof-top in every warehouse’s buildings as an alternate energy resource
that provides a roadmap for building climate resilience, clean and
Table 3 energy-efficient warehouses to get sustainable and green practices in
Shows the number of articles published according to individual publishers. their respective countries (Centobelli et al., 2020b).
Publishers Number of Table 5 shows the benefits of different Industry 4.0 technology in the
Articles warehouse. (A Rejeb et al., 2021) has said that the emergence of industry
Elsevier 13 4.0 has transformed advanced computer vision techniques like AR.
Taylor & Francis 11 Product visualization and identification, greater visual control and
Emerald Insight 11 monitoring of items in inventory, reduction of search time, mis-picks,
IEEE Xplore 6 fatigues, and mistakes are all important advantages of AR in ware­
Springer 5
house management. Also, AR has an impact on warehouse management
Production Engineering Institute, Poznan School of Logistics, 2 Each
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication, to increase productivity by making it easier for managers to pick and
MDPI sorting the right goods in the best possible order, identifying and
Wiley, SAGE, UQ Business School, The University of Queensland, 1 Each alerting damaged goods when distribution, and providing faster access
IOS Press, OSCM FORUM, PLWO, 4S go, Excelling Tech
to data and information (Husár and Knapčíková, 2021). The conve­
Publishers, ABEPRO - Brazilian Association of Production
Engineering nience of AR with IoT facilitates a cost-effective order picking system
Grand Total 63 that is scalable and can be used in warehouses of all sizes which helps in

K. Aravindaraj and P. Rajan Chinna Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 5 (2022) 100072

Fig. 4. Shows an overview of the different categories of research methodology.

reducing the cognitive load on the picker by providing information for system is useful in the warehouse and can significantly reduce the total
each item on the packing list (Nagda et al., 2019). Thus, AR imple­ cost, increase space utilization, and greater visibility. The use of
mentation in warehouse management reduces the adverse effects of customized middleware to monitor real-time analytics of warehouse
economic activities and positively impacts the reduction of emissions activities provides considerable economic benefits, increasing total
during handling operational activities in the warehouse to obtain “SDG warehouse efficiency (Arumsari and Aamer, 2021). IoT helps in decen­
− 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy)”. tralized decision support in warehouses by integrating resources (Stock
(Kumar et al., 2021b) has conducted literature on how warehousing Keeping Units, pallets, shelves) and streamlining both inbound and
research has changed from a traditional godown to an automated outbound activities with more accuracy (Yangke et al., 2021). Opera­
warehouse management system leading to better efficiency and effec­ tional managers in logistics can assess the contribution of IoT in the
tiveness. Increasing and continuous production in Small and Medium performance evaluation of sustainability in inventory, warehouse, and
Enterprises (SMEs) has resulted in an accumulation of work-in-process order fulfillment aspects (Keivanpour, 2021). The ease of IoT can
materials, resources, space congestion, and time loss, resulting in maximize warehouse space, monitor the warehouse environment, and
missing pallets and components required for subsequent manufacturing optimize the product management process as business and technology
operations. To overcome these issues, the usage of the Quick Response develop. (Song et al., 2021).
(QR) code in warehouses has benefited the improvement of the high Consumers have the option of picking up their food straight from a
flow of materials in SMEs (Vukićević et al., 2021). Connecting online distribution center or central warehousing or retail location when they
and offline customer services are made easier by the use of QR codes in place an online order for it (Oeser et al., 2018). (Lin et al., 2019) em­
automated storage sorting. (Chen et al., 2019). Under “SDG – 9 (In­ phasizes the importance of food safety issues that we will take more
dustry, Innovation and Infrastructure)”, the government in developing seriously as they continue to threaten public health. As a result, it is
countries must offer an incentive to SMEs to update QR codes and make critical to track the safety of food across the whole supply chain, from
necessary in their entire warehouse operations to achieve sustainability. growers to processor to warehouses to distribution centers to retail.
The impact of an automated warehousing system on two warehouse There are several problems in the agro-logistics business that may be
companies is improved their sustainable performance in productivity, addressed using a hybrid model of IoT and cloud computing, including
air emission, the safety of personnel, and visibility (Nantee and Sure­ perishable items, supply fluctuations, and stringent food safety and
eyatanapas, 2021). (Gružauskas et al., 2018) has proposed a model on sustainability standards (Verdouw et al., 2018). IoT time–temperature
trade-offs between sustainability and cost-effective performances. The indicator (TTI) based cold-chain system is based on international food
result shows that by using autonomous vehicles in warehouses, CO2 standards to collect temperature data of food products (Shih and Wang,
emission is reduced by 22 %. Thus, an automated warehouse has 2016). IoT is useful for perishable goods in cold chain warehouse storage
improved the environment by reducing emissions and thereby produces and it alerts when the temperature or humidity of perishable goods is
clean energy as prescribed by the “SDG − 7 (Affordable and Clean abnormal (Luo et al., 2016) also in agro-logistics it allows to replenish
Energy)”. the inventory in warehouses; and enables users’ insight into the quality
(Zhang et al., 2021) has observed that the IoT-enabled tracking of food (Bogataj et al., 2017). Improved perishability performance in the

K. Aravindaraj and P. Rajan Chinna Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 5 (2022) 100072

Table 5 Table 5 (continued )

Benefits of different Industry 4.0 technology in the warehouse to achieve SDGs. Industry 4.0 Benefits Authors
Industry 4.0 Benefits Authors Technology
Find and detect the pallet et al., 2021), (Perussi et al.,
Internet of Things Warehouse: Reduce total (G. Zhang et al., 2021), ( structure 2019)
(IoT) costs – including Arumsari & Aamer, 2021), Better traceability of the
warehousing and (Affia & Aamer, 2022), ( whole process
transportation costs Yangke et al., 2021), ( Impact on product flow and
Increase space utilization Keivanpour, 2021), (Song order fulfillment
Greater visibility et al., 2021), (Qiu et al., Safety aspects of human
Real-time analytics 2015), (Doolun et al., Process of materials flow in
Decentralized decision 2018), (Qu et al., 2017), (Y. the production line
support system Zhang et al., 2017), ( Blockchain Prevent diversions, theft, (Mishra & Maheshwari,
Improvement in warehouse Goudarzi et al., 2016), ( Technology and leakages of food grains 2021), (Fernández-
efficiency – product Reaidy et al., 2015) Managing the supply of Caramés et al., 2019)
management process food grains to the direct
Safety aspects of materials beneficiaries
and personnel Ensuring transparency and
Improvement in location- accountability
allocation problem Real-life Radio- Tracks the movement of the (Cheng et al., 2012), (
Addressing scalability, fault Frequency- stock items in and out of the Gareis et al., 2021), (
tolerance, and privacy Identification facility. Kembro et al., 2017), (Lee
Monitoring the operational (RFID) Access control et al., 2018), (Li et al.,
and emergency treatment In-building location 2020)
Cold-Chain Storage: (Lin et al., 2019), (Verdouw Stocktaking
Traceability of food et al., 2018), (Shih & Wang, Automated models of
Addressing perishable food 2016), (Luo et al., 2016), ( inventory
and valuable information Bogataj et al., 2017), ( At the same time, the
Collection of temperature Maheshwari et al., 2021), ( scanning of several labels is
data of food products Sun et al., 2020), (Feng performed
Alert system when et al., 2020), (Tsang et al., Fill orders more rapidly and
perishable goods are 2018), (Zhao et al., 2021), ( accurately.
abnormal Trab et al., 2017), (Akhil Allows for quick and low-
Replenishment et al., 2019), (Kaur & Kaur, cost counting and posi­
identification 2018) tioning of objects.
Improvement in
perishability performances
Food product preservation food retail industry may be achieved through the combination of IoT,
rate automated inventory control platforms, and AS/RS (Maheshwari et al.,
Reducing the risk of food
2021). Before and following the introduction of IoT in cold chain lo­
Safety management of food gistics, (Sun et al., 2020) tested a cost-profit model on the preservation
products rate, product quality, and warehousing and transit costs. As a result,
Enhance trust in the product quality has improved and storage and transportation costs have
business model decreased. Through the use of IoT-enabled monitoring, it is feasible to
Augmented Reality Product visualization and (Rejeb et al., 2021), (Husár
(AR) identification & Knapčíková, 2021), (
gather quality metrics and collected information for improving trans­
Visual control and Nagda et al., 2019) parency, minimizing the risk of food losses, and regulating the safety of
monitoring of inventory frozen shellfish (Feng et al., 2020). These parameters involve product
goods have been enhanced. safety aspects such as temperature, humidity, and lighting intensity
Search time, mis-picks, fa­
status (Tsang et al., 2018). (Zhao et al., 2021) has stressed the impor­
tigue, and mistakes are all
reduced. tance of safety management in logistics since two recent fatal accidents
Identifying and alerting that happened in cold storage have become more complicated and
damaged goods when dangerous. Thus, IoT has controlled the safety aspects (Trab et al.,
distribution 2017). Safety aspects of materials and machinery from theft in the
Cost-effective order picking
warehouse area are of paramount interest in implementing IoT to
Quick Response (QR) Improvement of the high (Vukićević et al., 2021), ( monitor the warehouse. If any intruder arrives in the warehouse, the
code flow of materials Chen et al., 2019) multiple cameras immediately capture the image and send the message
Connecting online and through the SMS gateway (Akhil et al., 2019). The use of IoT in grocery
offline customer services
store operations is focused on security to increase confidence in the
Artificial Intelligence Improved the data (Khalifa et al., 2021), (Bu,
(AI) collection and inventory 2021), (Ellefsen et al., business model and attract more consumers (Kaur and Kaur, 2018).
process 2019), (Khalifa et al., 2021) The rise of the Internet of Things will provide a solution for ware­
Maximum revenue growth house and industrial businesses to achieve real-time visibility and in­
Cut down operational formation exchange, as well as a level of intelligence (Qiu et al., 2015).
The use of chatbots in
To minimize total supply chain costs, enhance fill rate, and reduce CO2
procurement emissions, manufacturing facilities and warehouses will leverage the IoT
Service quality of the to tackle the issue of location-allocation in a multi-tier supply chain
distribution network network (Doolun et al., 2018). IoT-enabled manufacturing logistics
Automated Guided Supporting the scheduling (Khojasteh-Ghamari et al.,
procedures and cost-effective solutions may be developed by using In­
Vehicles (AGV), and picking decisions 2008), (Dharmasiri et al.,
Autonomous robots Enhance material handling 2020), (Syu et al., 2017), ( dustrial IoT technology (Qu et al., 2017). It is simple to monitor oper­
Collision-free Tubis & Poturaj, 2021),. ( ational and emergency care in public warehouses with the help of the
Binos et al., 2021), (Rey IoT (Y. Zhang et al., 2017). Port warehouses are run by multiple orga­
nizations, and the privacy of precise product information must be well-

K. Aravindaraj and P. Rajan Chinna Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 5 (2022) 100072

maintained. Since, IoT may help to address scalability, fault tolerance, the supply chain (Perussi et al., 2019). The induction of AGV in ware­
and privacy (Goudarzi et al., 2016). IoT infrastructure based on RFID house management generates seamless movement of items through
technology enhances the development of decentralized warehouse automation and continuous process, prevention of accidents, reduces
management to improve the competitiveness of warehouses in a dy­ operational costs, and more importantly reduces the negative impact of
namic environment (Reaidy et al., 2015). Thus, IoT is an important environmental aspects thereby it contributing the sustainable growth as
aspect of industry 4.0 and nearly 84 % of this can be addressed in all prescribed in “SDG – 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy)”.
SDGs. IoT implementation in warehouse management has the potential A model has been proposed by (Mishra and Maheshwari, 2021) that
on creating sustainable aspects on three bottom layers i.e., economic, blockchain technology may be used in the Indian Public Distribution
social, and environmental (Jouzdani and Govindan, 2021). For instance, System (PDS) to avoid food grain theft, diversion, and leakage at the
IoT can reduce economic losses by monitoring inventory items, reducing central warehouse management. This helps to provide transparency and
CO2 emissions through the real-time detection unit, and creating human accountability. Using blockchain technology, warehouse management
values by restricting major accidents. In terms of SDGs, IoT can achieve uses drone-collected inventory data to secure the integrity of the infor­
SDG in various goals. They are 1. Implementation of IoT in cold-storage mation and make it available to interested parties. (Fernández-Caramés
facilities achieves by restricting wastage of foods, monitoring the et al., 2019). Thus, Blockchain technology in warehouse management
perishable level of food items, and keeping the frozen level of food items provides accountability and transparency from food grain theft and
thereby helping in achieving sustainable growth as prescribed in “SDG – leakage of food grains, and the avoidance of fraudulent smart packaging
2 (Zero Hunger)”. 2. Implementation of IoT in the industrial warehouse of food grains. It creates to optimize efficient supply–demand of food
helps in a cost-effective solution, energy-efficient, and healthy lives for grains and enables efficient energy use of renewable resources thereby it
workers which enhances the sustainable growth as prescribed in “SDG – achieves the sustainable growth as prescribed in “SDG – 2 (Zero Hun­
7 (Affordable and Clean Energy)”. 3. Implementation of IoT in ware­ ger)”, “SDG – 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy)”, and “SDG – 12 (Ensure
house management helps to combat climate changes by controlling the Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns)”.
emissions from the warehouse through proper measurement of pollutant Real-world Radio-Frequency-Identification (RFID) object tracking
emissions thereby it helps in achieving sustainable growth as prescribed system that maintains track of inventory entering and exiting a ware­
in “SDG – 13 (Climate Action)”. 4. Implementation of IoT by the Gov­ house (Cheng et al., 2012). RFID in warehouse utilize access control,
ernment in creating multi-modal logistics parks to achieve sustainable indoor localization, automation, stocktaking, and automatic inventory
growth as prescribed as “SDG − 9 (Industry, Innovation, and models which will help in the identification of the labeled objects
Infrastructure)”. (Gareis et al., 2021). It would be possible to scan multiple labels at the
(Khalifa et al., 2021) has stressed the importance of AI in warehouse same time, interrupt broken or wrinkled labels with ease, enhance
management will benefit improved the data collection and inventory picking accuracy, and track inventory across various floors of a distri­
process, maximum revenue growth, and cut down operational expen­ bution hub using video and scanning software such as barcode or RFID
ditures. The use of chatbots in procurement is proven the ultimate (Kembro et al., 2017). WMS can improve order fill rates and accuracy,
benefit to the operators. In the present era of AI in logistics, its benefits increase packaging efficiency, and track inventory with the help of RFID
are in improving the overall efficiency and service quality of the dis­ (Lee et al., 2018). IoT developments in smart inventory management are
tribution network (Bu, 2021). (Ellefsen et al., 2019) emphasizes the made possible by RFID technology, which provides a rapid and low-cost
importance of AI in logistics and warehouses for timely delivery, method of counting or positioning objects in the warehouse (Li et al.,
decreasing the damage of products in the warehouses. When it comes to 2020). (Tu et al., 2021) suggested a pick-and-pass algorithm that may be
logistics, AI can help discover and resolve problems at several levels. translated into a cyber-physical system in warehouse order fulfillment to
SCM has been substantially improved due to robotic sorting and AI- choose the workload balance between picking lines and emergency
powered visual inspection (Khalifa et al., 2021). The implementation replenishment is beneficial in enhancing the efficiency of picking op­
of AI in warehouse management creates an exact number of items erations. The induction of RFID in the warehouse management provides
available, restricts damage to goods, and reduces raw materials overuse replenishment of items, a low-cost method of tracking items, and in­
thereby it achieves minimal loss of economics and environmental front creases packaging efficiency thereby it creates sustainability as pre­
to achieve sustainable growth as prescribed in “SDG – 12 (Ensure Sus­ scribed in “SDG – 12 (Ensure Sustainable Consumption and Production
tainable Consumption and Production Patterns)”. Patterns)”.
The increased use of AS/RS driven by embedded computers is For all industry 4.0 technologies, proper education and skills are
created to support the scheduling and picking decisions in the ware­ necessary to the young minds and the workers provided by the gov­
house (Khojasteh-Ghamari et al., 2008). The integration of Automated ernment in the Higher Educational Institutes (HEIs) in the developing
Guided Vehicles (AGV) and information technology has provided a po­ countries to update enhanced learning emerging technologies like IoT,
tential mechanism to enhance material handling in warehouse man­ Blockchain, AI, QR, AGV, and RFID to make sustainable growth for all as
agement to be collision-free and more efficient (Dharmasiri et al., 2020). prescribed in “SDG – 4 (Quality Education)”.
AGV in a warehouse helps to find and detect the pallet structure in an
industrial environment that is accurate and suitable for the direction of 4.2. Issues & challenges in implementation of industry 4.0 in warehouse
moving objects (Syu et al., 2017). It has been observed that autonomous management
cars are increasingly being used in the automobile industry’s warehouse
process, which is advantageous to the flow of materials in the Table 6 shows the various issues and challenges in Industry 4.0 while
manufacturing line (Tubis and Poturaj, 2021). A methodology for implementing warehouse management in the context of SDGs. Ware­
creating a warehouse management system that reacts to real-time events house 4.0 systems are extremely reliant on the internet devices like IoT,
to minimize the effect of operational issues on product flow and order GPS, etc., and the supply of electricity. If any of these devices are not
fulfillment was created (Binos et al., 2021). Using an autonomous robot working properly, the interruption will occur in the entire supply chain
as a coworker, researchers in the paint industry evaluated the selection network which will stop the entire activities and eventually occurred
process for materials and the decrease in exposure time to raw materials, huge financial losses. Therefore, the companies should aware of and
as well as the process automation and improved process tracking and prepare strategic planning to avoid those disruptions during uncertain
human safety industry has been performed in a warehouse at paint in­ situations. (Nantee and Sureeyatanapas, 2021).
dustries (Rey et al., 2021). Maintenance costs, security, material The application of industry 4.0 in developing countries like India is
handling, on-time delivery, and sustainability characteristics of AGVs, less due to fragmented warehouses as more warehouses are used a little
autonomous trains, and drones are major considerations in logistics and bit of technology, especially in small and medium-sized warehouses are

K. Aravindaraj and P. Rajan Chinna Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 5 (2022) 100072

Table 6 medium warehouses to obtain fast testing speeds as well as highly ac­
The various issues and challenges in Industry 4.0 while implementing in ware­ curate results. (Cheng et al., 2012). Also, IoT implementation in ware­
house management in the context of SDGs. houses possesses a maximum investment in starting stage but while
Challenges Authors considering the long-term plans, the entire operations will be more
1. Traditional/Old Warehouses (Upadhyay et al., 2021)
profitable (Sun et al., 2020). The initial investment makes a challenge
2. Poor customer engagement (Nantee & Sureeyatanapas, for many warehouse industries. The main important issue from the
3. Waste management 2021) safety aspects of workers is the usage of Head-Mounted Displays (HMDs)
4. Social factors like the movement of employees, (Vukićević et al., 2021) in the warehouse has been harmful to the human eye in the form of
their fatigue, and health (Yangke et al., 2021)
smart glasses. Safety precautions are needed as there is limited research
5. Not aware of Government policy (Dolgui & Ivanov, 2021)
6. Lack of government support (Dusadeerungsikul et al., on the negative impact of smart glasses (Herzog et al., 2018). The issues
7. Lack of vision and mission 2021) & challenges faced by the implementation of industry 4.0 on warehouse
8. Lack of skilled manpower (S. Kumar et al., 2021) management in its initial stage in many developing countries. The
9. Lack of interest among top management (Zhao et al., 2021) government and the industrial consultant need to prepare proper
10. Political issues (Sun et al., 2020)
11. Legislation and Infrastructure issues (Perussi et al., 2019)
guidelines to resolve the issues faced by the industries in their respective
12. Tax policy (Herzog et al., 2018) countries to achieve SDGs by 2035.
13. Layoffs (Gružauskas et al., 2018)
14. High labor intensity (Cheng et al., 2012) 5. Managerial and practical implications
15. Harmful to human sight in the form of smart (Binos et al., 2021)
16. Information & Communication Technology (ICT) In the last two years, the research in industry 4.0 on logistics and
competency supply chain management, and warehouse management saw tremen­
17. Increasing electricity bills dous growth in terms of research articles. According to (Chauhan and
18. Increasing maintenance cost
Singh, 2020) the firm’s reputation depends on industry 4.0 where the
19. Misallocated pallets
20. Storage allocation strategy selection
main priority towards data security and confidentiality. But, still, in­
21. Designing principles to reach maximum potential dustry 4.0 in the context of warehouse management lacks in defined
22. Indoor routing optimization structure since most of the studies are deals with manufacturing and cold
23. Complex operation procedures chain logistics. There is a depth of knowledge studies on mathematical/
24. Instability in supporting systems
analytical modeling research studies that can provide major benefits,
25. Not Aware of contingency plans for disruptions
26. Accelerated operating pace issues & challenges of industry 4.0 in warehouse management but lack
27. Maximum initial investment empirical results.
28. The availability of technology is little Many countries throughout the globe are starting on a journey to
29. Depends on internet infrastructure and electricity accomplish the UN SDGs which aim to provide a better and more sus­
30. Fully automated in small-medium warehouses
tainable future for all nations (Voola et al., 2022). Developing countries
like the Saudi Arabian government, Indian government, Australian
government, etc. are working on environmental legislation towards
traditional warehouses, poor customer engagement, and waste man­ sustainability to ensure the organizations are committed to International
agement, and not utilizing fully automated operation as the many Standard Organization (ISO) practices to minimize air pollution and
companies are not much interested in investing the latest technology clean energy. The COVID – 19 crisis has the potential to drive SDG
(Binos et al., 2021). The implementation of the tradeoffs model between growth in all areas, making it better prepared to combat future epi­
sustainability and cost-effective performance is not initiated due to demics. (Kumar et al., 2021a).
major infrastructure and legal issues occurring in many countries According to (Upadhyay et al., 2021), the importation of consumer
(Gružauskas et al., 2018). Social factors like human health, movement of products in Saudi Arabia results in greater transportation and ware­
employees, and fatigue are not considered of prime importance in many housing expenses than in other countries. This is because these com­
developing countries (Dolgui and Ivanov, 2021). There is a lack of modities are not produced in the area. When these commodities are
awareness about the government’s policies for the benefit of human manufactured locally, CO2 emissions are significantly reduced,
health and the environment in various developing countries (Upadhyay enhancing the circular economy. Similarly, the Indian government has
et al., 2021). This is due to there being a lack of interest among top taken measures like AatmaNirbhar Bharat Abhiyan to promote local
management, politics, and legislation in every developing country goods globally by manufacturing local goods as global standards and
(Perussi et al., 2019). In addition to a lack of government assistance, a stored in a warehouse thereby it will reduce warehousing and trans­
lack of vision and goal, and a shortage of experienced labour, small and portation costs and achieving SDGs by reducing CO2 emissions. While
medium-sized warehouses face further challenges in adopting smart and the International Solar Alliance (ISA) promotes ’’bringing together a
sustainable supply chain processes (Kumar et al., 2021). collection of states to endorse renewable energy, sustainable environ­
While implementing Industry 4.0 in warehouses, layoffs, Informa­ ment, public transit and climate,’’(Ghosh and Chawla, 2021). With this
tion & Communication Technology (ICT) competency, tax policy, measure, India and associated countries will be built warehouse build­
increasing electricity bills, and maintenance cost are the main problems ings used as renewable energy like solar installation on the rooftop to
(Nantee and Sureeyatanapas, 2021). In many countries, they are not minimize the cost of electricity and cleaner logistics and supply chain.
aware of the latest technology to know how to design large distribution Warehouse management strategies that combine industry 4.0 practices
centers to reach maximum benefits (Dusadeerungsikul et al., 2021). will provide a more environmentally friendly logistics and supply chain
(Yangke et al., 2021) has stressed that the problem will occur in storage across the globe.
allocation, strategy section, and indoor optimizing while implementing Only a few papers have been published on sustainable objectives by
IoT in large warehouses. This is due to when the forklift operators, who integrating industry 4.0 with warehousing, logistics, and SCM (Nantee
are often confused and eventually do not fulfill First-In-First-Out (FIFO) and Sureeyatanapas, 2021), (Gružauskas et al., 2018), (Kumar et al.,
practices operating in high frequency and workload resulted in mis­ 2021b). There are very few studies looking at the effects of industry 4.0.
allocated pallets (Vukićević et al., 2021). Complex operation procedures The majority of these studies concentrate on warehouse management’s
accelerated the operating pace, and the high labor intensity is an operational, security, and safety aspects. Further research on empirical
important barrier in modern warehousing to keep the perishable goods data might explore to know the real status of quality, performance
to be fresh (Zhao et al., 2021). It is difficult for RFID testing in small and measurement, and major improvements.

K. Aravindaraj and P. Rajan Chinna Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 5 (2022) 100072

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