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Maria Aurora Academy, Inc.

Sta. Elena, Camarines Norte

P-11 Brgy. Poblacion,Sta Elena Camarines Norte 09659984891/09078807296 Maria-Aurora-Academy-MAA

Third Periodical Examination

S.Y. 2022-2023
Name:_______________________________________________________ Date:___________________
Grade & Section: ______________________________________________ Score:__________________
Test I. Multiple Choice
Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each number.
___________1. This is a technique that is used to present ideas in order to influence the audience or to convince them to perform a
certain action.
a. Critique paper b. Informative essay c. Persuasive writing d. Essay
___________2. This is a text which main purpose is to convince, motivate, and move readers toward a certain point of view or
a. Critique paper b. Informative essay c. Persuasive writing d. Essay
___________3. These are technique in persuasive writing except…
a. Combines facts with emotion to convince the reader that the author is “right”.
b. Emotion-based
c. Present only ideas that help establish a position.
d. It has counter claims.
___________4. This is a persuasive strategy that plays on audience or reader’s emotion to influence the acceptance of your
a. Ethos b. Logos c. Pathos d. Emotion
___________5. This is a way of persuading an audience with reason, using facts and figures.
a. Ethos b. Logos c. Pathos d. Emotion
___________6. A Persuasive strategy used to convince an audience based on the author’s credibility or character.
a. Ethos b. Logos c. Pathos d. Emotion
___________7. This is a writing that aims to study, discuss, evaluate, and interpret literary works.
a. Critique paper b. Informative essay c. Persuasive writing d. Essay
___________8. Critique paper can be the following except.
a. An article evaluating a literary piece
b. A review
c. Critical essay
d. Motivation
___________9. This is a style in writing that uses to convey his/her message in a manner that is effective and meaningful to the
a. Critique paper b. Informative essay c. Persuasive writing d. Essay
___________10. These are the function of informative essay except.
a. Explain a certain issue or a topic
b. Provides in formation and explanation in a straightforward manner
c. The writer is like a reporter at a newspaper: only there to state the facts, not to offer any sort of opinion.
d. Critique the situation presented on the text.
___________11. These is part of the introduction where it has a main topic and 2 or more supporting points.
a. Conclusion b. evidence c. thesis statement d. topic sentence
___________12. This is where you give proof that the authors claim is true and correct.
a. Evidence b. counterclaims c. background d. Claims
___________13. This is an attitude toward a particular issue; a position taken in an argument.
a. Evidence b. counterclaims c. background d. Claims
___________14. This is part of essay where you can find background of the essay and the topic sentence or thesis statement.
a. Body b. introduction c. conclusion d. evidence
___________15. This is the summary of the overall idea of your essay.
a. Body b. introduction c. conclusion d. evidence
Test II. Identification
Direction. Circle the main point and underline the supporting point given on each thesis statement.

16-17. “The ASEAN region is a dynamic system because it capitalizes on cultural diversity, rich resources, and a variety of

18-19. “Plagiarism can be explained from cultural and socio-political perspective.”

20-21. “Excellent guitar requires countless hours of practice, strategic decisions in purchasing equipment, and tireless dedication”.

22-23. “Automated election should be improved to minimize fraud, facilitate faster turnout, and maximize voter participation”

24-25 “Despite some risks, online business can be sustainable models for doing business since they minimize operating costs and
provide greater options for consumers”.

Test III. Enumeration

Direction. Enumerate the following given on each number.
26-28. Enumerate the three (3) parts of essay.

29-31 . Enumerate the three (3) mode of persuasion by Aristotle.

32-34. Give the three (3) main purpose of persuasive text.

35-37. Give at least three (3) materials that can be critique in writing critique paper.

38-40. Give at least three (3) writing technique that discusses something.

Test IV. Proper Essay

Direction. Arrange the paragraph into its proper alignment. (10 points)
It is also a beautiful place, with majestic mountains and warm, sunny beaches.
The local cuisine is incredible.
And the people are so friendly.
These are just some of the reasons why Busan is a fantastic place to live.
Complete strangers often stop to chat with foreigners or ask them if they need help.
Busan is a great place to live.
It includes spicy street food, raw seafood, and smoky pigs feet.
This has happened to many of the visitors.
Place your answer here!

“Passing the exam is a simple two-step process: believed in

yourself and back it up with hard work.”
Prepared by: Checked and Approved by:


Subject Teacher JHS Principal

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