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0st derivative

Rules for basic functions

Derivatives of power

d a a−1
x =a x
Exponential and logarithmic functions

d x x
e =e
d x x
a =a ln ( a ) , a>0
d 1
ln ( x )= , x >0
dx x
d 1
log a ( x )= , x , a>0
dx xln(a)
Trigonometric functions

sin ( x )=cos ⁡(x)
cos ( x )=−sin ⁡( x)
d 2 1 2
tan ⁡(x)=sec ( x ) = 2 =1+ tan ( x)
dx cos (x)
Inverse trigonometric functions:

d 1
arcsin ( x )= ,−1< x <1.
dx √ 1−x 2
d −1
arc cos ( x )= ,−1< x<1.
dx √ 1−x 2
d 1
arctan ( x )=
dx 1+ x

Rules for combined functions:

Constant rule:

If f is constant, then for all x

f ' ( x )=0
Sum rule:

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( αf + βg )' =α f ' + βg ' for all functions f and g and all real numbers α and β.
Product rule:

( fg )' =f ' g+ f g'

for all functions f and g. As a special case, this rule includes the fact (αf)’=αf’
whenever α is a constant, because α’f = 0*f = 0 by the constant rule.

Quotient rule:

' '
f f g−fg '
= 2 for all functions f and g at all inputs where g ≠ 0
g g
Chain rule: for composite functions: if f(x) = h(g(x)), then
f ( x )=h ' (g ( x ) )∙ g '(x)

Partial derivatives

Suppose that f is a function that depends on more than one variable – for instance

f ( x , y )=x 2+ xy + y2
f can be reinterpreted as a family of functions of one variable indexed by the other variables

f ( x , y )=f x ( y )=x 2+ xy + y 2

In other words, every value of x chosen a function, denoted fx, which is a function of one real
number. That is,

x→f x ,
2 2
f x ( y )=x + xy + y
Once a value of x is chosen, say a, then f(x,y) determines a function fa that sends y to a² +ay + y².
2 2
f a ( y )=a +a y + y

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