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SPEAKING (11-14 ninutes)

PART ONE (4- 5 min.)

Good afternoon, my name is VŨ THỊ LUYỆN.
Can you tell me your full name, please?
Can I see your identification, please?
Thank you.
Now, in this part, I’d like to ask you some questions about yourself.


 Where are you studying now?

 Do you enjoy what you study?

 Is there anything you want to improve in your school?.

Let’s talk about TV programs.

 Do you have any favourite programs? Which?

 How often do you watch these programs? Why?
 Do you watch any foreign TV programs? Which? Why?
 Do you think your television viewing habits will change in the future? In what way?

Part 2
Now I’m going to give you a topic, and I’d like you to talk about it for one to two minutes.
Before you talk , you’ll have one minute to think about what you’re going to say. You can
make some notes if you wish. Do you understand? Here’s some paper and a pencil, for making
notes, and here’s your topic. I’d like you to

Describe a time when you solved a difficult problem.

You should talk about:
the nature of the problem
the manner in which you solved it
what happened afterwards
and what you learnt from this.

 One minute for note taking

All right? Remember, you have one to two minutes for this, so don’t worry if I stop you. I’ll
tell you the time is up. Can you start speaking now, please.

Begin talking on the subject, and finish before, or at, the two minute mark.

Thank you.
Have you told many people about this event?
Thank you. Can you give me back the topic, and the paper and pencil, please.
Part 3
We’ve been talking about a time when solved a difficult problem, and I’d like to discuss
with you one or two more general questions related to this. So let’s consider first of all:
Problems at school
What sort of major problems can people face at work?
Are the problems more related to people, or the work itself?
Why is it that some people can deal with problems better than others?
What qualities do people need in order to solve problems?
World problems
What problems is the world, as a whole, facing?
How do you think these problems can be dealt with?
How can individuals contribute in solving these problems?
Are you hopeful for the future, in this respect?
Thank you for coming. That is the end of the speaking test.
Part 2

Part Two

Describe a time when you solved a difficult problem.

You should talk about:

 the nature of the problem

 the manner in which you solved it
 what happened afterwards

and what you learnt from this.

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