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ICPSR 21741 Chinese Household Income

Project, 2002

Li Shi

Urban Individual Income, Consumption, and

Employment Data Codebook

Inter-university Consortium for

Political and Social Research
P.O. Box 1248
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106
Terms of Use
The terms of use for this study can be found at:
- ICPSR 21741 -

Data Completeness Report

Notes: (1) Variables are individually listed only if they have greater than 5% missing data. These variables are listed under
the appropriate percentage category in the order in which they appear in the data file. (2) The Data Completeness Report
only captures information about system missing or other values that are declared missing. Codes that have a label implying
that they are missing but that are not declared missing values are not reflected in this report. Data users should consult the
codebook for more specific information about missing values. (3) Some variables that have 100% missing data may have
been blanked by ICPSR to protect respondent confidentiality. Data users should consult the codebook for more specific
information about blanked variables. (4) Data do not contain skip patterns or skip patterns are not reflected in the data as
Table 1: Distribution of Variables by Percentage of Missing Values--Urban Individual Income,
Consumption, and Employment Data
Variable Name and Label Percent of Cases with
(Total Cases = 20632 ) Missing Values
4.0% ( 6 of 151 variables) have 0% Missing Values
14.6% ( 22 of 151 variables) have 0% - 1% Missing Values
1.3% ( 2 of 151 variables) have 1% - 3% Missing Values
0.7% ( 1 of 151 variables) have 3% - 5% Missing Values
1.3% ( 2 of 151 variables) have 5% - 10% Missing Values
P109 Marriage 7.5%
P110 Member of party 8.2%
0.7% ( 1 of 151 variables) have 10% - 20% Missing Values
P129 Participate in this survey 11.0%
9.3% ( 14 of 151 variables) have 20% - 40% Missing Values
P201 Total income 26.3%
P202 Total income: Of which, (1) Bonus 26.3%
P203 Total income: Of which, (2) Allowance/subsidies 26.3%
P204 Total income: Of which, (2a) Price subsidy 26.3%
P205 Total income: Of which, (2b) Local subsidy 26.3%
P206 Total income: Of which, (3) Living expenses for the laid-off 26.3%
P207 Subsidy for minimum living standard 26.3%
P208 Living hardship subsidies from work unit 26.3%
P209 Second job and sideline income 26.3%
P210 Monetary value of income in kind 26.3%
INCOME98 Total annual income Year 1998 26.3%
INCOME99 Total annual income Year 1999 26.3%
INCOME00 Total annual income Year 2000 26.3%
INCOME01 Total annual income Year 2001 26.3%
68.2% ( 103 of 151 variables) have 40% - 99% Missing Values
P111 Year of join in the party 78.8%
P114 Type of middle school 47.2%
P115 Performance in middle school 46.8%
P116 National entrance examination of college 82.7%

- ICPSR 21741 -
Table 1: Distribution of Variables by Percentage of Missing Values--Urban Individual Income,
Consumption, and Employment Data
Variable Name and Label Percent of Cases with
(Total Cases = 20632 ) Missing Values
P117 Rank of college/university 85.9%
P124 Year of getting urban Hukou 79.8%
P125 Way of getting urban Hukou 80.9%
P127 Intellectual Youth 43.3%
P131 Year of getting the first job 50.7%
P131A Months of looking for job 50.4%
P132 Years of being employed 50.4%
P132A Years incurrent work unit 50.4%
P132B P132B 50.4%
P132C P132C 50.4%
P133 Months of off-the-job training 50.4%
P133A Helpful 87.6%
P134 Type of the unit 51.0%
P135 Ownership 67.1%
P136 Profitability 68.3%
P137 Ownership changing 56.9%
P137A Year of ownership changing 90.1%
P138 Previous ownership 90.6%
P139 Employees in the unit 51.0%
P140 Employment characteristics 50.7%
P141 Occupation 50.7%
P142 Professional title and administrative 79.5%
P143 Sector 50.8%
P144 Ways to get current job 50.8%
P144A Relation between introducer 95.7%
P144B Party of introducer 95.7%
P144C Status of introducer 95.7%
P144D Close of relation 95.7%
P145 Employment situation 51.5%
P146 Days of unemployed/laid-off 50.4%
P146A Days engaging in informal sector 50.4%
P146B Unemployment register 97.7%
P147 Employed months 50.4%
P147A Working days/months 50.4%
P147B Working hour/day 50.4%
P148 Members to turn to 50.4%
P149 Job arrangement 69.4%

- ii -
- ICPSR 21741 -
Table 1: Distribution of Variables by Percentage of Missing Values--Urban Individual Income,
Consumption, and Employment Data
Variable Name and Label Percent of Cases with
(Total Cases = 20632 ) Missing Values
P150 Job change 51.1%
P151 Times of job change 95.1%
P152 Ownership of previous unit 95.6%
P153 Occupation 95.5%
P154 Means to get the job 95.5%
P154A Relation between introducer 99.2%
P154B Party of the introducer 99.2%
P154C status of the introducer 99.2%
P154D close of relation 99.2%
P155 reason for leaving 95.5%
P156A Year of entrance 95.5%
P156B Month of entrance 95.6%
P156C Year of leaving 95.5%
P156D Month of leaving 95.5%
P157 Benefit payment 95.5%
P158 Willing of job change 58.0%
P159 Reason for leaving 86.0%
P160 Reason for staying 85.6%
P161 Year of getting the first job 94.2%
P161A Months of looking for job 94.1%
P162 Employment situation 94.3%
P162A P162A 94.2%
P163 Days of unemployed/laid-off/ligang 94.1%
P163A Days engaging in informal sector 94.1%
P163B Unemployment register 94.7%
P163C P163C 94.1%
P164 Training (before unemployed/laid-off/ligang) 94.1%
P165 Training (since unemployed/laid-off/ligang) 94.1%
P166 Helpful of the training 99.4%
P167 Profitability 94.4%
P168 Ownership 94.3%
P169 Employment characteristics 94.3%
P170 Occupation 94.3%
P171 Sector 94.3%
P171A Manufacturing type 97.0%
P172 Days employed 94.1%
P172A Working hour per day 94.1%

- iii -
- ICPSR 21741 -
Table 1: Distribution of Variables by Percentage of Missing Values--Urban Individual Income,
Consumption, and Employment Data
Variable Name and Label Percent of Cases with
(Total Cases = 20632 ) Missing Values
P173 Looking for job 94.3%
P174 Results 94.6%
P175 Ownership 98.9%
P176 Employment characteristics 98.9%
P177 Occupation 98.9%
P178 Sector 98.9%
P179 Means to get the job 98.9%
P179A Introducer 99.5%
P179B Party of the introducer 99.5%
P179C Status of the introducer 99.5%
P179D Close of relationship 99.5%
P180 Reason for leaving 98.9%
P181A Year of entrance 98.9%
P181B Month of entrance 98.9%
P181C Year of leaving 98.9%
P181D Month of leaving 98.9%
P182 Year of getting the first job 84.2%
P183 Year of retirement 84.2%
P184 Type of the unit 84.2%
P185 Ownership 86.5%
P186 Occupation 84.2%
P187 Sector 84.2%
P188 Pension 84.2%
P189 Medical expenses writing off 84.2%
P190 Reemployment 84.3%
0.0% ( 0 of 151 variables) have 100% missing values

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ICPSR 21741

Chinese Household Income Project, 2002

Variable Description and Frequencies

Note: Frequencies displayed for the variables are not weighted.

They are purely descriptive and may not be representative of the
study population. Please review any sampling or weighting
information available with the study.

- Study 21741 -

Chinese Household Income Project, 2002

Urban Individual Income, Consumption, and Employment Data

CITY City code

Location: 1-6(width: 6; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: Place of Residence
Value Unweighted %
110101 177 0.9 %
110102 240 1.2 %
110103 157 0.8 %
110104 179 0.9 %
110105 238 1.2 %
110106 113 0.5 %
110107 102 0.5 %
110108 250 1.2 %
140100 590 2.9 %
140200 261 1.3 %
140225 163 0.8 %
140400 307 1.5 %
140800 306 1.5 %
142303 150 0.7 %
142325 160 0.8 %
210100 770 3.7 %
210200 770 3.7 %
210281 147 0.7 %
210700 284 1.4 %
211224 140 0.7 %
320100 442 2.1 %
320200 289 1.4 %
320282 131 0.6 %
320300 286 1.4 %
320600 262 1.3 %
320982 141 0.7 %
321000 274 1.3 %
321283 159 0.8 %
321300 179 0.9 %
340100 290 1.4 %
340200 279 1.4 %
340300 305 1.5 %

- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
340400 299 1.4 %
341021 151 0.7 %
341600 152 0.7 %
410100 585 2.8 %
410200 286 1.4 %
410400 306 1.5 %
410526 154 0.7 %
410700 290 1.4 %
410782 170 0.8 %
411025 149 0.7 %
411525 146 0.7 %
420100 751 3.6 %
420500 264 1.3 %
420600 300 1.5 %
421000 301 1.5 %
421083 155 0.8 %
421125 141 0.7 %
421200 151 0.7 %
440100 612 3.0 %
440200 149 0.7 %
440600 155 0.8 %
440681 178 0.9 %
440800 168 0.8 %
441200 155 0.8 %
441300 157 0.8 %
445281 189 0.9 %
500100 590 2.9 %
500101 242 1.2 %
510100 586 2.8 %
510500 279 1.4 %
510800 291 1.4 %
511000 141 0.7 %
511181 137 0.7 %
511300 269 1.3 %
530100 294 1.4 %
530200 258 1.3 %
530381 145 0.7 %
530500 274 1.3 %
532501 262 1.3 %
532722 136 0.7 %

- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
532901 304 1.5 %
533221 175 0.8 %
620100 596 2.9 %
622301 300 1.5 %
622701 298 1.4 %

• Mean: 367575.21
• Median: 410400.00
• Minimum: 110101.00
• Maximum: 622701.00
• Standard Deviation: 147606.61

Based upon 20632 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

PCODE Household number

Location: 7-16(width: 10; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: Household code number

• Mean: 3675752304.93
• Minimum: 1101010021.00
• Maximum: 6227010101.00
• Standard Deviation: 1476066161.28

Based upon 20632 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

CODE_P Unique household member code

Location: 17-28(width: 12; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)

• Mean: 367575230495.21
• Minimum: 110101002101.00
• Maximum: 622701010104.00
• Standard Deviation: 147606616128.06

Based upon 20632 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P102 Member number within household

Location: 29-29(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: I.D. codes of members ("1" in the first column represents the head of household)
Value Unweighted %
1 6835 33.1 %
2 6757 32.8 %

- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
3 5361 26.0 %
4 1190 5.8 %
5 347 1.7 %
6 46 0.2 %
7 10 0.0 %
8 2 0.0 %
. (M) 84 0.4 %

• Mean: 2.11
• Median: 2.00
• Mode: 1.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 8.00
• Standard Deviation: 1.01

Based upon 20548 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P103 Relationship

Location: 30-31(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: Members' relationship to the head of household
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Self 6847 33.2 %
2 Spouse 6408 31.1 %
3 Child 5854 28.4 %
4 Child in law 335 1.6 %
5 Grandchild 489 2.4 %
6 Parent 487 2.4 %
7 Parent in law 62 0.3 %
8 Grandparent 8 0.0 %
9 Brother or sister 27 0.1 %
10 Other relative 30 0.1 %
11 Non-relative 1 0.0 %
. (M) - 84 0.4 %

• Mean: 2.19
• Median: 2.00
• Mode: 1.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 11.00
• Standard Deviation: 1.22

- Study 21741 -
Based upon 20548 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P104 Hukou

Location: 32-32(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: Type of 'Hukou'
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Urban Hukou of the resident city (county) 20082 97.3 %
2 Rural Hukou of the resident city (county) 250 1.2 %
3 Urban Hukou of other city (or county) 115 0.6 %
4 Rural Hukou of other city (or county) 100 0.5 %
. (M) - 85 0.4 %

• Mean: 1.04
• Median: 1.00
• Mode: 1.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 4.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.28

Based upon 20547 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P105 Gender

Location: 33-33(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: Gender
Value Label Unweighted %
1 male 10141 49.2 %
2 female 10407 50.4 %
. (M) - 84 0.4 %

• Mean: 1.51
• Median: 2.00
• Mode: 2.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 2.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.50

Based upon 20548 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P106 Age

Location: 34-35(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: Age

- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
1 51 0.2 %
2 114 0.6 %
3 130 0.6 %
4 147 0.7 %
5 161 0.8 %
6 158 0.8 %
7 169 0.8 %
8 202 1.0 %
9 196 0.9 %
10 212 1.0 %
11 229 1.1 %
12 305 1.5 %
13 297 1.4 %
14 313 1.5 %
15 307 1.5 %
16 292 1.4 %
17 296 1.4 %
18 279 1.4 %
19 265 1.3 %
20 285 1.4 %
21 248 1.2 %
22 218 1.1 %
23 232 1.1 %
24 217 1.1 %
25 207 1.0 %
26 192 0.9 %
27 184 0.9 %
28 224 1.1 %
29 224 1.1 %
30 238 1.2 %
31 293 1.4 %
32 357 1.7 %
33 312 1.5 %
34 407 2.0 %
35 348 1.7 %
36 338 1.6 %
37 384 1.9 %
38 447 2.2 %
39 553 2.7 %
40 613 3.0 %

- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
41 390 1.9 %
42 392 1.9 %
43 410 2.0 %
44 388 1.9 %
45 550 2.7 %
46 522 2.5 %
47 542 2.6 %
48 597 2.9 %
49 485 2.4 %
50 505 2.4 %
51 450 2.2 %
52 407 2.0 %
53 389 1.9 %
54 330 1.6 %
55 320 1.6 %
56 273 1.3 %
57 216 1.0 %
58 181 0.9 %
59 175 0.8 %
60 187 0.9 %
61 189 0.9 %
62 174 0.8 %
63 162 0.8 %
64 175 0.8 %
65 149 0.7 %
66 143 0.7 %
67 148 0.7 %
68 110 0.5 %
69 112 0.5 %
70 120 0.6 %
71 92 0.4 %
72 95 0.5 %
73 78 0.4 %
74 66 0.3 %
75 53 0.3 %
76 46 0.2 %
77 40 0.2 %
78 40 0.2 %
79 38 0.2 %
80 30 0.1 %

- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
81 25 0.1 %
82 21 0.1 %
83 14 0.1 %
84 16 0.1 %
85 15 0.1 %
86 8 0.0 %
87 9 0.0 %
88 2 0.0 %
89 9 0.0 %
90 2 0.0 %
91 4 0.0 %
92 4 0.0 %
93 3 0.0 %
94 1 0.0 %
95 1 0.0 %
99 1 0.0 %
. (M) 84 0.4 %

• Mean: 38.24
• Median: 40.00
• Mode: 40.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 99.00
• Standard Deviation: 18.14

Based upon 20548 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P107 Status

Location: 36-37(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: Current status of members
Value Label Unweighted %
0 - 415 2.0 %
1 Working or employed 10288 49.9 %
2 Officially off-duty (lixiu) 152 0.7 %
3 Retired 3158 15.3 %
4 Unable to work 92 0.4 %
5 Laid-off (Xiagang) 357 1.7 %
6 Ligang (left post) 130 0.6 %
7 Early retirement 67 0.3 %
8 Internal retirement 284 1.4 %

- Study 21741 -
Value Label Unweighted %
9 Unemployed 445 2.2 %
10 the youth waiting for job assignment 290 1.4 %
11 Full-time homemaker 454 2.2 %
12 Currently a full-time student 3718 18.0 %
13 Waiting for job assignment or entering a higher school 89 0.4 %
14 others 500 2.4 %
. (M) - 193 0.9 %

• Mean: 4.42
• Median: 1.00
• Mode: 1.00
• Minimum: 0.00
• Maximum: 14.00
• Standard Deviation: 4.66

Based upon 20439 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P108 Nation

Location: 38-38(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Nationality?
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Han 19535 94.7 %
2 Minority 902 4.4 %
3 others 1 0.0 %
0 (M) - 1 0.0 %
. (M) - 193 0.9 %

• Mean: 1.04
• Median: 1.00
• Mode: 1.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 3.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.21

Based upon 20438 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P109 Marriage

Location: 39-39(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Marital status

- 10 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Never married 4410 21.4 %
2 With spouse 13821 67.0 %
3 Divorced 150 0.7 %
4 Widow or widower 594 2.9 %
5 Other 105 0.5 %
0 (M) - 1359 6.6 %
. (M) - 193 0.9 %

• Mean: 1.86
• Median: 2.00
• Mode: 2.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 5.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.63

Based upon 19080 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P110 Member of party

Location: 40-40(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Member of which party?
Value Label Unweighted %
1 The Communist Party 4373 21.2 %
2 Other Parties 227 1.1 %
3 Communist Youth League 1536 7.4 %
4 No Party 12797 62.0 %
0 (M) - 1506 7.3 %
. (M) - 193 0.9 %

• Mean: 3.20
• Median: 4.00
• Mode: 4.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 4.00
• Standard Deviation: 1.25

Based upon 18933 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P111 Year of join in the party

Location: 41-44(width: 4; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,3,.

- 11 -
- Study 21741 -
Question: Year of joining in the party (any party).
Value Unweighted %
1939 1 0.0 %
1944 1 0.0 %
1945 4 0.0 %
1946 7 0.0 %
1947 6 0.0 %
1948 12 0.1 %
1949 17 0.1 %
1950 17 0.1 %
1951 10 0.0 %
1952 19 0.1 %
1953 26 0.1 %
1954 32 0.2 %
1955 30 0.1 %
1956 51 0.2 %
1957 19 0.1 %
1958 16 0.1 %
1959 32 0.2 %
1960 38 0.2 %
1961 23 0.1 %
1962 33 0.2 %
1963 16 0.1 %
1964 36 0.2 %
1965 66 0.3 %
1966 66 0.3 %
1967 18 0.1 %
1968 50 0.2 %
1969 69 0.3 %
1970 81 0.4 %
1971 61 0.3 %
1972 62 0.3 %
1973 84 0.4 %
1974 79 0.4 %
1975 106 0.5 %
1976 111 0.5 %
1977 47 0.2 %
1978 60 0.3 %
1979 64 0.3 %
1980 91 0.4 %
1981 69 0.3 %

- 12 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
1982 84 0.4 %
1983 91 0.4 %
1984 150 0.7 %
1985 209 1.0 %
1986 186 0.9 %
1987 146 0.7 %
1988 101 0.5 %
1989 117 0.6 %
1990 136 0.7 %
1991 92 0.4 %
1992 141 0.7 %
1993 119 0.6 %
1994 124 0.6 %
1995 145 0.7 %
1996 129 0.6 %
1997 152 0.7 %
1998 140 0.7 %
1999 117 0.6 %
2000 119 0.6 %
2001 110 0.5 %
2002 144 0.7 %
2003 1 0.0 %
0 (M) 16040 77.7 %
3 (M) 1 0.0 %
. (M) 208 1.0 %

• Mean: 1983.36
• Median: 1986.00
• Mode: 1985.00
• Minimum: 1939.00
• Maximum: 2003.00
• Standard Deviation: 13.31

Based upon 4383 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P112 Educational level

Location: 45-45(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Educational level

- 13 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Never schooled 575 2.8 %
2 Classes for eliminating illiteracy 106 0.5 %
3 Elementary school 2552 12.4 %
4 Junior middle school 5443 26.4 %
5 Senior middle school (including professional middle school) 4802 23.3 %
6 Technical secondary school 1982 9.6 %
7 Junior college 2920 14.2 %
8 College/university 1428 6.9 %
9 Graduate 86 0.4 %
0 (M) - 516 2.5 %
. (M) - 222 1.1 %

• Mean: 4.96
• Median: 5.00
• Mode: 4.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 9.00
• Standard Deviation: 1.64

Based upon 19894 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P113 Years of education

Location: 46-47(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: How many years of education have you received by the end of 2002? (Excluding the years suspend
your school, leave school or stay at the same grade)
Value Unweighted %
0 1391 6.7 %
1 236 1.1 %
2 255 1.2 %
3 318 1.5 %
4 333 1.6 %
5 676 3.3 %
6 880 4.3 %
7 753 3.6 %
8 1649 8.0 %
9 3361 16.3 %
10 1253 6.1 %
11 1674 8.1 %
12 3265 15.8 %
13 973 4.7 %

- 14 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
14 1059 5.1 %
15 1296 6.3 %
16 686 3.3 %
17 224 1.1 %
18 98 0.5 %
19 35 0.2 %
20 13 0.1 %
21 4 0.0 %
22 4 0.0 %
23 3 0.0 %
. (M) 193 0.9 %

• Mean: 9.55
• Median: 10.00
• Mode: 9.00
• Minimum: 0.00
• Maximum: 23.00
• Standard Deviation: 4.23

Based upon 20439 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P114 Type of middle school

Location: 48-48(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: If you ever studied in a junior middle school, please tell me which kind of school it belongs to:
Value Label Unweighted %
1 National or provincial level key middle school 764 3.7 %
2 City level key middle school 1939 9.4 %
3 County (district) level key middle school 1313 6.4 %
4 Ordinary middle school 4732 22.9 %
5 Technical secondary school, professional middle school 1743 8.4 %
6 Other kinds 407 2.0 %
0 (M) - 9541 46.2 %
. (M) - 193 0.9 %

• Mean: 3.55
• Median: 4.00
• Mode: 4.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 6.00
• Standard Deviation: 1.25

- 15 -
- Study 21741 -
Based upon 10898 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P115 Performance in middle school

Location: 49-49(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Your performance in middle school.
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Top 20% 1848 9.0 %
2 Upper 20% 4757 23.1 %
3 Middle 20% 3910 19.0 %
4 Lower 20% 436 2.1 %
5 Lowest 20% 15 0.1 %
0 (M) - 9472 45.9 %
. (M) - 194 0.9 %

• Mean: 2.27
• Median: 2.00
• Mode: 2.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 5.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.79

Based upon 10966 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P116 National entrance examination of college

Location: 50-50(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Have you taken national entrance examinations to college?
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Yes 1991 9.7 %
2 No 1584 7.7 %
0 (M) - 16859 81.7 %
. (M) - 198 1.0 %

• Mean: 1.44
• Median: 1.00
• Mode: 1.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 2.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.50

Based upon 3575 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

- 16 -
- Study 21741 -

P117 Rank of college/university

Location: 51-51(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: If you ever studied in college/university, please evaluate the rank of your school in the countrywide:
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Very good 287 1.4 %
2 Good 869 4.2 %
3 Just so-so 1242 6.0 %
4 Lower in the middle 343 1.7 %
5 Lower 172 0.8 %
0 (M) - 17491 84.8 %
. (M) - 228 1.1 %

• Mean: 2.74
• Median: 3.00
• Mode: 3.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 5.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.99

Based upon 2913 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P118 Health condition

Location: 52-52(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Compared with the same age cohort, your health conditions is:
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Very good 5283 25.6 %
2 Good 8274 40.1 %
3 Just so-so 5697 27.6 %
4 Worse 1020 4.9 %
5 Worst 163 0.8 %
0 (M) - 2 0.0 %
. (M) - 193 0.9 %

• Mean: 2.14
• Median: 2.00
• Mode: 2.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 5.00

- 17 -
- Study 21741 -
• Standard Deviation: 0.89

Based upon 20437 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P119A Disable or hemiplegia

Location: 53-53(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: Do you have such symptom as following? Disable or hemiplegia
Value Label Unweighted %
1 no 20033 97.1 %
2 not serious and need no help 296 1.4 %
3 serious or need help 110 0.5 %
. (M) - 193 0.9 %

• Mean: 1.03
• Median: 1.00
• Mode: 1.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 3.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.19

Based upon 20439 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P119B Obstacle in eyesight

Location: 54-54(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: Obstacle in eyesight
Value Label Unweighted %
1 no 17818 86.4 %
2 not serious and need no help 2553 12.4 %
3 serious or need help 68 0.3 %
. (M) - 193 0.9 %

• Mean: 1.13
• Median: 1.00
• Mode: 1.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 3.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.35

Based upon 20439 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P119C Obstacle in hearing and speaking

Location: 55-55(width: 1; decimal: 0)

- 18 -
- Study 21741 -
Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: Obstacle in hearing and speaking
Value Label Unweighted %
1 no 19958 96.7 %
2 not serious and need no help 434 2.1 %
3 serious or need help 47 0.2 %
. (M) - 193 0.9 %

• Mean: 1.03
• Median: 1.00
• Mode: 1.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 3.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.17

Based upon 20439 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P119D Psychopathic

Location: 56-56(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: Psychopathic
Value Label Unweighted %
1 no 20329 98.5 %
2 not serious and need no help 81 0.4 %
3 serious or need help 29 0.1 %
. (M) - 193 0.9 %

• Mean: 1.01
• Median: 1.00
• Mode: 1.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 3.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.10

Based upon 20439 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P119E Retarded

Location: 57-57(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: Retarded
Value Label Unweighted %
1 no 20301 98.4 %
2 not serious and need no help 100 0.5 %

- 19 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Label Unweighted %
3 serious or need help 38 0.2 %
. (M) - 193 0.9 %

• Mean: 1.01
• Median: 1.00
• Mode: 1.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 3.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.11

Based upon 20439 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P119F Frail

Location: 58-58(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: Frail
Value Label Unweighted %
1 no 19056 92.4 %
2 not serious and need no help 1225 5.9 %
3 serious or need help 158 0.8 %
. (M) - 193 0.9 %

• Mean: 1.08
• Median: 1.00
• Mode: 1.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 3.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.29

Based upon 20439 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P119G Chronically diseased

Location: 59-59(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: Chronically diseased
Value Label Unweighted %
1 no 17821 86.4 %
2 not serious and need no help 2441 11.8 %
3 serious or need help 177 0.9 %
. (M) - 193 0.9 %

- 20 -
- Study 21741 -

• Mean: 1.14
• Median: 1.00
• Mode: 1.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 3.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.37

Based upon 20439 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P119H Other physical disabilities

Location: 60-60(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: Other physical disabilities
Value Label Unweighted %
1 no 20271 98.3 %
2 not serious and need no help 123 0.6 %
3 serious or need help 45 0.2 %
. (M) - 193 0.9 %

• Mean: 1.01
• Median: 1.00
• Mode: 1.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 3.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.12

Based upon 20439 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P120 Serious diseased

Location: 61-61(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Did you suffer from serious disease in 2002?
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Yes 1256 6.1 %
2 No 19135 92.7 %
0 (M) - 48 0.2 %
. (M) - 193 0.9 %

• Mean: 1.94
• Median: 2.00
• Mode: 2.00
• Minimum: 1.00

- 21 -
- Study 21741 -
• Maximum: 2.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.24

Based upon 20391 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P121 Medical and health services did

Location: 62-62(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: What kind of medical and health services did you receive in 2002?
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Public medical/hlth services provided by the State/work unit 4118 20.0 %
2 Compulsory medical insurance for serious diseases 5394 26.1 %
3 Medical insurance purchased by yourself 515 2.5 %
4 Medical services purchased by yourself 9412 45.6 %
5 Other 811 3.9 %
0 (M) - 189 0.9 %
. (M) - 193 0.9 %

• Mean: 2.87
• Median: 4.00
• Mode: 4.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 5.00
• Standard Deviation: 1.30

Based upon 20250 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P122 Medical expenses by self

Location: 63-67(width: 5; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: How much medical expense did you pay for yourself in 2002 (Yuan)?

• Mean: 450.08
• Minimum: 0.00
• Maximum: 80200.00
• Standard Deviation: 1876.58

Based upon 20439 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P123 Medical expenses by public

Location: 68-73(width: 6; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: Please estimate how much of your medical expense was paid by public funds in 2002 (Yuan).

• Mean: 682.66

- 22 -
- Study 21741 -
• Minimum: 0.00
• Maximum: 999990.00
• Standard Deviation: 15757.81

Based upon 20439 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P124 Year of getting urban Hukou

Location: 74-77(width: 4; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: When did you get your urban Hukou if you were not originally? _______(Year)
Value Unweighted %
1923 1 0.0 %
1942 1 0.0 %
1945 2 0.0 %
1948 2 0.0 %
1949 1 0.0 %
1950 126 0.6 %
1951 46 0.2 %
1952 50 0.2 %
1953 41 0.2 %
1954 29 0.1 %
1955 29 0.1 %
1956 74 0.4 %
1957 48 0.2 %
1958 109 0.5 %
1959 34 0.2 %
1960 49 0.2 %
1961 24 0.1 %
1962 30 0.1 %
1963 54 0.3 %
1964 45 0.2 %
1965 53 0.3 %
1966 34 0.2 %
1967 23 0.1 %
1968 54 0.3 %
1969 76 0.4 %
1970 91 0.4 %
1971 54 0.3 %
1972 62 0.3 %
1973 50 0.2 %
1974 53 0.3 %

- 23 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
1975 74 0.4 %
1976 87 0.4 %
1977 50 0.2 %
1978 120 0.6 %
1979 138 0.7 %
1980 151 0.7 %
1981 91 0.4 %
1982 122 0.6 %
1983 133 0.6 %
1984 108 0.5 %
1985 194 0.9 %
1986 135 0.7 %
1987 132 0.6 %
1988 134 0.6 %
1989 132 0.6 %
1990 131 0.6 %
1991 84 0.4 %
1992 149 0.7 %
1993 142 0.7 %
1994 102 0.5 %
1995 88 0.4 %
1996 68 0.3 %
1997 58 0.3 %
1998 48 0.2 %
1999 54 0.3 %
2000 35 0.2 %
2001 23 0.1 %
2002 33 0.2 %
0 (M) 16278 78.9 %
. (M) 193 0.9 %

• Mean: 1978.75
• Median: 1982.00
• Mode: 1985.00
• Minimum: 1923.00
• Maximum: 2002.00
• Standard Deviation: 13.74

Based upon 4161 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P125 Way of getting urban Hukou

Location: 78-78(width: 1; decimal: 0)

- 24 -
- Study 21741 -
Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: How did you get urban Hukou, if you did not have it before?
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Going to college 1046 5.1 %
2 Becoming official 120 0.6 %
3 Joining the army 457 2.2 %
4 Land occupied by the government 253 1.2 %
5 Buying a house in the city 182 0.9 %
6 Buying a Hukou 1886 9.1 %
7 Other (please specify) 0 0.0 %
0 (M) - 16495 79.9 %
. (M) - 193 0.9 %

• Mean: 4.03
• Median: 5.00
• Mode: 6.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 6.00
• Standard Deviation: 2.14

Based upon 3944 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P126 Months of living in the household

Location: 79-80(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: How many months did this member live in this household in 2002? ________(Months)
Value Unweighted %
0 17992 87.2 %
1 1515 7.3 %
2 407 2.0 %
3 160 0.8 %
4 83 0.4 %
5 44 0.2 %
6 74 0.4 %
7 19 0.1 %
8 30 0.1 %
9 31 0.2 %
10 51 0.2 %
11 14 0.1 %
12 19 0.1 %
. (M) 193 0.9 %

- 25 -
- Study 21741 -

• Mean: 0.26
• Median: 0.00
• Mode: 0.00
• Minimum: 0.00
• Maximum: 12.00
• Standard Deviation: 1.06

Based upon 20439 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P127 Intellectual Youth

Location: 81-81(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Have you ever been an Intellectual Youth sent down to the countryside?(applied to the members
older than 35)
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Yes 2433 11.8 %
2 No 9271 44.9 %
0 (M) - 8735 42.3 %
. (M) - 193 0.9 %

• Mean: 1.79
• Median: 2.00
• Mode: 2.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 2.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.41

Based upon 11704 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P128 Years in the countryside

Location: 82-83(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: If 'Yes,' how many years did you spend in the countryside? ________(Years)
Value Unweighted %
0 17987 87.2 %
1 166 0.8 %
2 605 2.9 %
3 645 3.1 %
4 311 1.5 %
5 242 1.2 %
6 111 0.5 %
7 78 0.4 %

- 26 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
8 107 0.5 %
9 29 0.1 %
10 83 0.4 %
11 12 0.1 %
12 13 0.1 %
13 6 0.0 %
14 5 0.0 %
15 9 0.0 %
16 8 0.0 %
17 3 0.0 %
18 3 0.0 %
19 2 0.0 %
20 2 0.0 %
21 6 0.0 %
22 1 0.0 %
26 2 0.0 %
27 1 0.0 %
30 1 0.0 %
40 1 0.0 %
. (M) 193 0.9 %

• Mean: 0.49
• Median: 0.00
• Mode: 0.00
• Minimum: 0.00
• Maximum: 40.00
• Standard Deviation: 1.72

Based upon 20439 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P129 Participate in this survey

Location: 84-84(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: All adults please answer: if you participate in this survey (e.g., answering questions directly and filling
in questionnaire).
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Yes 13171 63.8 %
2 No 5192 25.2 %
0 (M) - 2076 10.1 %
. (M) - 193 0.9 %

- 27 -
- Study 21741 -

• Mean: 1.28
• Median: 1.00
• Mode: 1.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 2.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.45

Based upon 18363 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P131 Year of getting the first job

Location: 85-88(width: 4; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: When did you get the first job? __________Year
Value Unweighted %
1944 1 0.0 %
1946 1 0.0 %
1950 1 0.0 %
1952 1 0.0 %
1953 2 0.0 %
1955 1 0.0 %
1956 3 0.0 %
1957 3 0.0 %
1958 17 0.1 %
1959 9 0.0 %
1960 20 0.1 %
1961 19 0.1 %
1962 23 0.1 %
1963 53 0.3 %
1964 67 0.3 %
1965 96 0.5 %
1966 77 0.4 %
1967 57 0.3 %
1968 347 1.7 %
1969 332 1.6 %
1970 377 1.8 %
1971 232 1.1 %
1972 277 1.3 %
1973 165 0.8 %
1974 329 1.6 %
1975 380 1.8 %
1976 422 2.0 %

- 28 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
1977 260 1.3 %
1978 359 1.7 %
1979 421 2.0 %
1980 543 2.6 %
1981 390 1.9 %
1982 367 1.8 %
1983 303 1.5 %
1984 307 1.5 %
1985 354 1.7 %
1986 328 1.6 %
1987 292 1.4 %
1988 267 1.3 %
1989 274 1.3 %
1990 323 1.6 %
1991 214 1.0 %
1992 258 1.3 %
1993 183 0.9 %
1994 151 0.7 %
1995 185 0.9 %
1996 184 0.9 %
1997 153 0.7 %
1998 189 0.9 %
1999 161 0.8 %
2000 138 0.7 %
2001 166 0.8 %
2002 93 0.5 %
0 (M) 64 0.3 %
. (M) 10393 50.4 %

• Mean: 1981.77
• Median: 1981.00
• Mode: 1980.00
• Minimum: 1944.00
• Maximum: 2002.00
• Standard Deviation: 9.72

Based upon 10175 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P131A Months of looking for job

Location: 89-90(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: How long had you looked for a job before getting your first job? __________Months

- 29 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
0 5974 29.0 %
1 787 3.8 %
2 796 3.9 %
3 421 2.0 %
4 187 0.9 %
5 184 0.9 %
6 436 2.1 %
7 50 0.2 %
8 69 0.3 %
9 27 0.1 %
10 112 0.5 %
11 24 0.1 %
12 460 2.2 %
13 29 0.1 %
14 20 0.1 %
15 17 0.1 %
16 10 0.0 %
17 9 0.0 %
18 39 0.2 %
19 4 0.0 %
20 21 0.1 %
21 4 0.0 %
22 8 0.0 %
23 7 0.0 %
24 248 1.2 %
25 4 0.0 %
26 5 0.0 %
27 3 0.0 %
28 7 0.0 %
29 1 0.0 %
30 19 0.1 %
32 5 0.0 %
33 3 0.0 %
35 2 0.0 %
36 100 0.5 %
38 4 0.0 %
40 2 0.0 %
42 4 0.0 %
44 1 0.0 %
45 3 0.0 %

- 30 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
48 42 0.2 %
49 3 0.0 %
50 1 0.0 %
52 2 0.0 %
60 35 0.2 %
66 1 0.0 %
72 19 0.1 %
80 1 0.0 %
84 9 0.0 %
90 1 0.0 %
96 7 0.0 %
98 1 0.0 %
99 11 0.1 %
. (M) 10393 50.4 %

• Mean: 3.81
• Median: 0.00
• Mode: 0.00
• Minimum: 0.00
• Maximum: 99.00
• Standard Deviation: 9.69

Based upon 10239 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P132 Years of being employed

Location: 91-92(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: As of the end of 2002, how many years have you been employed? __________Years
Value Unweighted %
0 87 0.4 %
1 179 0.9 %
2 183 0.9 %
3 150 0.7 %
4 186 0.9 %
5 183 0.9 %
6 180 0.9 %
7 181 0.9 %
8 186 0.9 %
9 146 0.7 %
10 268 1.3 %
11 218 1.1 %

- 31 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
12 315 1.5 %
13 281 1.4 %
14 271 1.3 %
15 302 1.5 %
16 306 1.5 %
17 332 1.6 %
18 333 1.6 %
19 298 1.4 %
20 398 1.9 %
21 376 1.8 %
22 500 2.4 %
23 448 2.2 %
24 361 1.7 %
25 307 1.5 %
26 376 1.8 %
27 365 1.8 %
28 341 1.7 %
29 180 0.9 %
30 265 1.3 %
31 230 1.1 %
32 364 1.8 %
33 298 1.4 %
34 343 1.7 %
35 124 0.6 %
36 80 0.4 %
37 67 0.3 %
38 83 0.4 %
39 41 0.2 %
40 103 0.5 %
41 3 0.0 %
43 1 0.0 %
. (M) 10393 50.4 %

• Mean: 20.09
• Median: 21.00
• Mode: 22.00
• Minimum: 0.00
• Maximum: 43.00
• Standard Deviation: 9.74

Based upon 10239 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

- 32 -
- Study 21741 -
P132A Years incurrent work unit

Location: 93-94(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: Of which, How many years have you been employed by the current work unit? __________Years
Value Unweighted %
0 166 0.8 %
1 651 3.2 %
2 563 2.7 %
3 500 2.4 %
4 429 2.1 %
5 430 2.1 %
6 300 1.5 %
7 285 1.4 %
8 260 1.3 %
9 204 1.0 %
10 418 2.0 %
11 252 1.2 %
12 363 1.8 %
13 286 1.4 %
14 274 1.3 %
15 301 1.5 %
16 312 1.5 %
17 286 1.4 %
18 323 1.6 %
19 242 1.2 %
20 340 1.6 %
21 270 1.3 %
22 405 2.0 %
23 350 1.7 %
24 275 1.3 %
25 198 1.0 %
26 215 1.0 %
27 190 0.9 %
28 154 0.7 %
29 91 0.4 %
30 139 0.7 %
31 123 0.6 %
32 178 0.9 %
33 132 0.6 %
34 129 0.6 %
35 53 0.3 %

- 33 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
36 34 0.2 %
37 25 0.1 %
38 45 0.2 %
39 18 0.1 %
40 28 0.1 %
41 2 0.0 %
. (M) 10393 50.4 %

• Mean: 14.38
• Median: 14.00
• Mode: 1.00
• Minimum: 0.00
• Maximum: 41.00
• Standard Deviation: 9.97

Based upon 10239 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P132B P132B

Location: 95-95(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Value Unweighted %
0 1210 5.9 %
1 1522 7.4 %
2 7507 36.4 %
. (M) 10393 50.4 %

• Mean: 1.62
• Median: 2.00
• Mode: 2.00
• Minimum: 0.00
• Maximum: 2.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.69

Based upon 10239 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P132C P132C

Location: 96-97(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Value Unweighted %
0 8785 42.6 %
1 139 0.7 %

- 34 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
2 134 0.6 %
3 135 0.7 %
4 53 0.3 %
5 49 0.2 %
6 179 0.9 %
7 28 0.1 %
8 44 0.2 %
9 14 0.1 %
10 42 0.2 %
11 7 0.0 %
12 168 0.8 %
13 11 0.1 %
14 15 0.1 %
15 12 0.1 %
16 7 0.0 %
17 3 0.0 %
18 18 0.1 %
19 4 0.0 %
20 18 0.1 %
21 4 0.0 %
22 4 0.0 %
23 1 0.0 %
24 113 0.5 %
25 3 0.0 %
26 2 0.0 %
27 1 0.0 %
28 5 0.0 %
30 16 0.1 %
31 1 0.0 %
32 2 0.0 %
33 2 0.0 %
34 1 0.0 %
35 2 0.0 %
36 78 0.4 %
38 1 0.0 %
40 20 0.1 %
42 2 0.0 %
43 1 0.0 %
46 2 0.0 %
47 1 0.0 %

- 35 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
48 36 0.2 %
50 2 0.0 %
52 1 0.0 %
54 1 0.0 %
55 2 0.0 %
60 24 0.1 %
62 1 0.0 %
64 1 0.0 %
70 1 0.0 %
72 12 0.1 %
73 1 0.0 %
77 1 0.0 %
79 1 0.0 %
80 2 0.0 %
84 3 0.0 %
90 1 0.0 %
91 1 0.0 %
96 5 0.0 %
97 1 0.0 %
98 15 0.1 %
. (M) 10393 50.4 %

• Mean: 2.17
• Median: 0.00
• Mode: 0.00
• Minimum: 0.00
• Maximum: 98.00
• Standard Deviation: 8.82

Based upon 10239 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P133 Months of off-the-job training

Location: 98-99(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: As of the end of 2002, how many months of off-the-job training did you receive? ______Months
Value Unweighted %
0 7644 37.0 %
1 729 3.5 %
2 418 2.0 %
3 392 1.9 %
4 94 0.5 %

- 36 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
5 82 0.4 %
6 316 1.5 %
7 16 0.1 %
8 36 0.2 %
9 11 0.1 %
10 56 0.3 %
11 7 0.0 %
12 154 0.7 %
13 7 0.0 %
14 5 0.0 %
15 24 0.1 %
16 7 0.0 %
17 2 0.0 %
18 22 0.1 %
20 18 0.1 %
21 8 0.0 %
22 1 0.0 %
23 2 0.0 %
24 91 0.4 %
25 5 0.0 %
26 3 0.0 %
27 5 0.0 %
28 3 0.0 %
30 13 0.1 %
31 5 0.0 %
32 2 0.0 %
34 2 0.0 %
36 41 0.2 %
38 3 0.0 %
42 1 0.0 %
45 1 0.0 %
48 8 0.0 %
50 1 0.0 %
60 2 0.0 %
61 1 0.0 %
68 1 0.0 %
. (M) 10393 50.4 %

• Mean: 1.53
• Median: 0.00

- 37 -
- Study 21741 -
• Mode: 0.00
• Minimum: 0.00
• Maximum: 68.00
• Standard Deviation: 4.85

Based upon 10239 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P133A Helpful

Location: 100-100(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Are the trainings are helpful for your current job? (if you ever received off-the-job training)
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Helpful 2298 11.1 %
2 No Help 180 0.9 %
3 Hard To Say 89 0.4 %
0 (M) - 7675 37.2 %
. (M) - 10390 50.4 %

• Mean: 1.14
• Median: 1.00
• Mode: 1.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 3.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.44

Based upon 2567 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P134 Type of the unit

Location: 101-101(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Your current work unit is:
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Enterprise 5954 28.9 %
2 Government agent 906 4.4 %
3 Institution 2261 11.0 %
4 Others 983 4.8 %
0 (M) - 135 0.7 %
. (M) - 10393 50.4 %

• Mean: 1.83
• Median: 1.00
• Mode: 1.00
- 38 -
- Study 21741 -
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 4.00
• Standard Deviation: 1.08

Based upon 10104 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P135 Ownership

Location: 102-103(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: If it is an enterprise, ownership of your present work unit is
Value Label Unweighted %
1 SOE at central/provincial level 1199 5.8 %
2 Local SOE 1921 9.3 %
3 Urban collective 704 3.4 %
4 Private firm (including partnership) 435 2.1 %
5 Self-employed 904 4.4 %
6 Sino-foreign joint venture 170 0.8 %
7 Foreign company 56 0.3 %
8 State share-holding company 342 1.7 %
9 Other share-holding company 784 3.8 %
10 Rural private enterprise 3 0.0 %
11 Rural individual enterprise 11 0.1 %
12 Other ownership 259 1.3 %
0 (M) - 3451 16.7 %
. (M) - 10393 50.4 %

• Mean: 4.11
• Median: 3.00
• Mode: 2.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 12.00
• Standard Deviation: 3.06

Based upon 6788 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P136 Profitability

Location: 104-104(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: If it is an enterprise, what was its profitability in 2002?
Value Label Unweighted %
1 At loss (or at the edge of bankruptcy) 1071 5.2 %

- 39 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Label Unweighted %
2 Made marginal profit 3803 18.4 %
3 Made high profit 1660 8.0 %
0 (M) - 3705 18.0 %
. (M) - 10393 50.4 %

• Mean: 2.09
• Median: 2.00
• Mode: 2.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 3.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.64

Based upon 6534 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P137 Ownership changing

Location: 105-105(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Was ownership of your work unit changed in last ten years?
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Yes 2068 10.0 %
2 No 6817 33.0 %
0 (M) - 1354 6.6 %
. (M) - 10393 50.4 %

• Mean: 1.77
• Median: 2.00
• Mode: 2.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 2.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.42

Based upon 8885 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P137A Year of ownership changing

Location: 106-109(width: 4; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,2,.
Question: If 'yes', which year? _______Year
Value Unweighted %
1984 1 0.0 %
1991 31 0.2 %

- 40 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
1992 42 0.2 %
1993 67 0.3 %
1994 80 0.4 %
1995 101 0.5 %
1996 152 0.7 %
1997 203 1.0 %
1998 275 1.3 %
1999 207 1.0 %
2000 307 1.5 %
2001 278 1.3 %
2002 294 1.4 %
0 (M) 8196 39.7 %
2 (M) 5 0.0 %
. (M) 10393 50.4 %

• Mean: 1998.43
• Median: 1999.00
• Mode: 2000.00
• Minimum: 1984.00
• Maximum: 2002.00
• Standard Deviation: 2.82

Based upon 2038 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P138 Previous ownership

Location: 110-111(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0 , 13 , .
Question: If 'yes', what was its previous ownership?
Value Label Unweighted %
1 SOE at central/provincial level 521 2.5 %
2 Local SOE 981 4.8 %
3 Urban collective 281 1.4 %
4 Private firm (including partnership) 7 0.0 %
5 Self-employed 11 0.1 %
6 Sino-foreign joint venture 10 0.0 %
7 Foreign company 1 0.0 %
8 State share-holding company 48 0.2 %
9 Other share-holding company 61 0.3 %
10 Rural private enterprise 0 0.0 %
11 Rural individual enterprise 0 0.0 %

- 41 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Label Unweighted %
12 Other ownership 9 0.0 %
0 (M) - 8176 39.6 %
13 (M) - 133 0.6 %
. (M) - 10393 50.4 %

• Mean: 2.34
• Median: 2.00
• Mode: 2.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 12.00
• Standard Deviation: 1.84

Based upon 1930 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P139 Employees in the unit

Location: 112-112(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: How many employees in your work unit?
Value Label Unweighted %
1 1-100 4193 20.3 %
2 101-500 2616 12.7 %
3 501-1000 1055 5.1 %
4 more than 100 2244 10.9 %
0 (M) - 131 0.6 %
. (M) - 10393 50.4 %

• Mean: 2.13
• Median: 2.00
• Mode: 1.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 4.00
• Standard Deviation: 1.18

Based upon 10108 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P140 Employment characteristics

Location: 113-113(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Employment characteristics

- 42 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Pmnt staff mbr, enterprise/instit.(incl. cadres, publ serv.) 5156 25.0 %
2 Long-term contract worker 2155 10.4 %
3 Temporary worker or short-term contract worker 1160 5.6 %
4 Employed without contract 762 3.7 %
5 Private businessman or self-employed 698 3.4 %
6 - 237 1.1 %
0 (M) - 71 0.3 %
. (M) - 10393 50.4 %

• Mean: 2.06
• Median: 1.00
• Mode: 1.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 6.00
• Standard Deviation: 1.38

Based upon 10168 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P141 Occupation

Location: 114-115(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Occupations
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Owner (manager) of private firm 45 0.2 %
2 Self-employed 434 2.1 %
3 Professional 2155 10.4 %
4 Director of government agent, institution and enterprise 259 1.3 %
5 Department director of government agent, instit., enterprise 807 3.9 %
6 Clerical/office staff 2066 10.0 %
7 Skilled worker 1907 9.2 %
8 Unskilled worker 990 4.8 %
9 Salesclerk or Service worker 1262 6.1 %
10 Farmer 1 0.0 %
11 Other 236 1.1 %
0 (M) - 77 0.4 %
. (M) - 10393 50.4 %

• Mean: 5.91
• Median: 6.00
• Mode: 3.00

- 43 -
- Study 21741 -
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 11.00
• Standard Deviation: 2.27

Based upon 10162 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P142 Professional title and administrative

Location: 116-116(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Professional title and administrative rank of professionals and cadres of government agents, institutions
and enterprises
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Senior title 371 1.8 %
2 Middle title 1397 6.8 %
3 Junior title 920 4.5 %
4 Technician level 206 1.0 %
5 Bureau chief level and above 7 0.0 %
6 Division chief level 138 0.7 %
7 Section chief level 592 2.9 %
8 Section member 596 2.9 %
0 (M) - 6012 29.1 %
. (M) - 10393 50.4 %

• Mean: 3.91
• Median: 3.00
• Mode: 2.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 8.00
• Standard Deviation: 2.44

Based upon 4227 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P143 Sector

Location: 117-118(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Sector of your work unit
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Farm, forest, husbandry and fishery 125 0.6 %
2 Mineral 158 0.8 %
3 Manufacturing 2552 12.4 %
4 Electricity, gas and water supply facilities 332 1.6 %

- 44 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Label Unweighted %
5 Construction 334 1.6 %
6 Geological prospecting, irrigation administration 83 0.4 %
7 Transportation, storage, post office and communication 801 3.9 %
8 Wholesale, retail and food services 1256 6.1 %
9 Finance and insurance 275 1.3 %
10 Real estate 123 0.6 %
11 Social services 1050 5.1 %
12 Health, sports and social welfare 521 2.5 %
13 Education, culture and arts, mass media and entertainment 918 4.4 %
14 Scientific research and professional services 178 0.9 %
15 Government agents, party organisations and social groups 1224 5.9 %
16 Other 227 1.1 %
0 (M) - 82 0.4 %
. (M) - 10393 50.4 %

• Mean: 8.39
• Median: 8.00
• Mode: 3.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 16.00
• Standard Deviation: 4.50

Based upon 10157 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P144 Ways to get current job

Location: 119-120(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: How did you get your current job?
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Assigned by government 5452 26.4 %
2 Inherited it 538 2.6 %
3 Through an open examination 822 4.0 %
4 Through an employment agency 352 1.7 %
5 Found it through the newspaper 235 1.1 %
6 Found it through a referral by sb you or your family knows 904 4.4 %
7 Found it on your own 1131 5.5 %
8 Started your own business 512 2.5 %
9 Not working currently 4 0.0 %
10 Other (please specify) 200 1.0 %
0 (M) - 89 0.4 %

- 45 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Label Unweighted %
. (M) - 10393 50.4 %

• Mean: 3.06
• Median: 1.00
• Mode: 1.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 10.00
• Standard Deviation: 2.67

Based upon 10150 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P144A Relation between introducer

Location: 121-121(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: If you found job through a relative or a friend, he/she is your
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Family member or relative 444 2.2 %
2 Neighbour 67 0.3 %
3 Schoolmate 198 1.0 %
4 Colleague 185 0.9 %
5 Other 0 0.0 %
0 (M) - 9345 45.3 %
. (M) - 10393 50.4 %

• Mean: 2.14
• Median: 2.00
• Mode: 1.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 4.00
• Standard Deviation: 1.24

Based upon 894 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P144B Party of introducer

Location: 122-122(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Is he/she the Communist Party member?
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Yes 395 1.9 %
2 No 492 2.4 %

- 46 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Label Unweighted %
0 (M) - 9352 45.3 %
. (M) - 10393 50.4 %

• Mean: 1.55
• Median: 2.00
• Mode: 2.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 2.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.50

Based upon 887 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P144C Status of introducer

Location: 123-123(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Is he/she a cadre?(only including the government official and director of enterprise and institution)
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Yes 404 2.0 %
2 No 485 2.4 %
0 (M) - 9350 45.3 %
. (M) - 10393 50.4 %

• Mean: 1.55
• Median: 2.00
• Mode: 2.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 2.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.50

Based upon 889 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P144D Close of relation

Location: 124-124(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: How close is your relation with him/her?
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Not close 37 0.2 %
2 So-so 227 1.1 %
3 Close 375 1.8 %
4 Very close 250 1.2 %

- 47 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Label Unweighted %
0 (M) - 9350 45.3 %
. (M) - 10393 50.4 %

• Mean: 2.94
• Median: 3.00
• Mode: 3.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 4.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.84

Based upon 889 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P145 Employment situation

Location: 125-126(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0 , 12 , .
Question: Your employment situation in 2002
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Employed the whole year 9496 46.0 %
2 Unemployed or laid-off for part of the year 520 2.5 %
0 (M) - 223 1.1 %
12 (M) - 2 0.0 %
. (M) - 10391 50.4 %

• Mean: 1.05
• Median: 1.00
• Mode: 1.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 2.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.22

Based upon 10016 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P146 Days of unemployed/laid-off

Location: 127-129(width: 3; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: If you were unemployed/laid-off for part of the year, how many accumulative days was you
unemployed/laid-off/ligang in 2002?
Value Unweighted %
0 9786 47.4 %
6 1 0.0 %
7 1 0.0 %

- 48 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
12 2 0.0 %
20 2 0.0 %
25 1 0.0 %
26 1 0.0 %
30 25 0.1 %
31 1 0.0 %
40 5 0.0 %
45 2 0.0 %
48 1 0.0 %
50 6 0.0 %
54 1 0.0 %
56 1 0.0 %
59 1 0.0 %
60 48 0.2 %
61 1 0.0 %
70 4 0.0 %
80 3 0.0 %
85 1 0.0 %
88 1 0.0 %
90 62 0.3 %
100 15 0.1 %
104 1 0.0 %
105 1 0.0 %
110 1 0.0 %
120 43 0.2 %
122 1 0.0 %
125 1 0.0 %
130 2 0.0 %
132 1 0.0 %
146 1 0.0 %
150 32 0.2 %
154 2 0.0 %
160 4 0.0 %
165 1 0.0 %
176 3 0.0 %
180 72 0.3 %
182 3 0.0 %
184 1 0.0 %
186 1 0.0 %
190 1 0.0 %

- 49 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
200 8 0.0 %
205 1 0.0 %
210 20 0.1 %
225 1 0.0 %
230 1 0.0 %
240 22 0.1 %
264 1 0.0 %
265 1 0.0 %
270 9 0.0 %
275 3 0.0 %
277 1 0.0 %
290 1 0.0 %
300 14 0.1 %
305 1 0.0 %
330 5 0.0 %
334 1 0.0 %
335 4 0.0 %
360 1 0.0 %
365 1 0.0 %
. (M) 10392 50.4 %

• Mean: 6.23
• Median: 0.00
• Mode: 0.00
• Minimum: 0.00
• Maximum: 365.00
• Standard Deviation: 33.30

Based upon 10240 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P146A Days engaging in informal sector

Location: 130-132(width: 3; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: During the period of unemployed/laid-off, how many days were you engaged in informal economic
Value Unweighted %
0 10126 49.1 %
1 1 0.0 %
2 6 0.0 %
4 1 0.0 %
10 2 0.0 %

- 50 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
16 1 0.0 %
20 7 0.0 %
25 1 0.0 %
26 1 0.0 %
30 10 0.0 %
36 1 0.0 %
40 5 0.0 %
45 1 0.0 %
47 1 0.0 %
50 5 0.0 %
60 25 0.1 %
80 4 0.0 %
84 1 0.0 %
90 8 0.0 %
100 5 0.0 %
110 1 0.0 %
120 5 0.0 %
150 4 0.0 %
160 1 0.0 %
180 6 0.0 %
200 3 0.0 %
210 1 0.0 %
220 1 0.0 %
240 3 0.0 %
245 1 0.0 %
270 1 0.0 %
335 1 0.0 %
. (M) 10392 50.4 %

• Mean: 0.92
• Median: 0.00
• Mode: 0.00
• Minimum: 0.00
• Maximum: 335.00
• Standard Deviation: 11.24

Based upon 10240 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P146B Unemployment register

Location: 133-133(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.

- 51 -
- Study 21741 -
Question: Did you register as unemployed at the labour bureau (or enter in Re-employment Centre) if you were
unemployed or laid-off for part of the year?
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Yes 75 0.4 %
2 No 393 1.9 %
0 (M) - 9771 47.4 %
. (M) - 10393 50.4 %

• Mean: 1.84
• Median: 2.00
• Mode: 2.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 2.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.37

Based upon 468 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P147 Employed months

Location: 134-135(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: How many months did you work (employed) in 2002?
Value Unweighted %
0 109 0.5 %
1 17 0.1 %
2 14 0.1 %
3 21 0.1 %
4 39 0.2 %
5 34 0.2 %
6 113 0.5 %
7 43 0.2 %
8 72 0.3 %
9 174 0.8 %
10 240 1.2 %
11 115 0.6 %
12 9248 44.8 %
. (M) 10393 50.4 %

• Mean: 11.54
• Median: 12.00
• Mode: 12.00
• Minimum: 0.00
• Maximum: 12.00
• Standard Deviation: 1.76

- 52 -
- Study 21741 -
Based upon 10239 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P147A Working days/months

Location: 136-137(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: How many working days per month on average? (Excluding weekend)
Value Unweighted %
0 96 0.5 %
2 6 0.0 %
3 2 0.0 %
4 2 0.0 %
5 36 0.2 %
6 10 0.0 %
7 11 0.1 %
8 8 0.0 %
9 1 0.0 %
10 26 0.1 %
11 1 0.0 %
12 19 0.1 %
13 4 0.0 %
14 3 0.0 %
15 87 0.4 %
16 17 0.1 %
17 3 0.0 %
18 31 0.2 %
19 6 0.0 %
20 455 2.2 %
21 589 2.9 %
22 4880 23.7 %
23 490 2.4 %
24 540 2.6 %
25 494 2.4 %
26 773 3.7 %
27 76 0.4 %
28 280 1.4 %
29 50 0.2 %
30 1234 6.0 %
31 9 0.0 %
. (M) 10393 50.4 %

• Mean: 23.19

- 53 -
- Study 21741 -
• Median: 22.00
• Mode: 22.00
• Minimum: 0.00
• Maximum: 31.00
• Standard Deviation: 4.20

Based upon 10239 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P147B Working hour/day

Location: 138-139(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: How many hours per working day on average?
Value Unweighted %
0 100 0.5 %
2 6 0.0 %
3 7 0.0 %
4 50 0.2 %
5 64 0.3 %
6 319 1.5 %
7 890 4.3 %
8 7246 35.1 %
9 309 1.5 %
10 775 3.8 %
11 43 0.2 %
12 306 1.5 %
13 16 0.1 %
14 37 0.2 %
15 30 0.1 %
16 4 0.0 %
17 3 0.0 %
18 3 0.0 %
19 1 0.0 %
20 1 0.0 %
21 1 0.0 %
22 8 0.0 %
23 2 0.0 %
24 18 0.1 %
. (M) 10393 50.4 %

• Mean: 8.15
• Median: 8.00
• Mode: 8.00
• Minimum: 0.00

- 54 -
- Study 21741 -
• Maximum: 24.00
• Standard Deviation: 1.71

Based upon 10239 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P148 Members to turn to

Location: 140-141(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: If you want to change your job, how many friends and relatives can you ask to help you?
Value Unweighted %
0 5754 27.9 %
1 1072 5.2 %
2 1658 8.0 %
3 826 4.0 %
4 271 1.3 %
5 353 1.7 %
6 81 0.4 %
7 18 0.1 %
8 32 0.2 %
9 6 0.0 %
10 133 0.6 %
11 4 0.0 %
12 4 0.0 %
15 13 0.1 %
16 4 0.0 %
18 1 0.0 %
20 6 0.0 %
22 1 0.0 %
23 1 0.0 %
24 1 0.0 %
. (M) 10393 50.4 %

• Mean: 1.22
• Median: 0.00
• Mode: 0.00
• Minimum: 0.00
• Maximum: 24.00
• Standard Deviation: 2.02

Based upon 10239 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P149 Job arrangement

Location: 142-142(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)

- 55 -
- Study 21741 -
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Has any of them ever helped you find your current job?
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Yes 1203 5.8 %
2 No 5110 24.8 %
0 (M) - 3926 19.0 %
. (M) - 10393 50.4 %

• Mean: 1.81
• Median: 2.00
• Mode: 2.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 2.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.39

Based upon 6313 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P150 Job change

Location: 143-143(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,4,.
Question: Have you changed jobs in the last 3 years? (Including the work unit changing of unemployed,
reemployed of off-post, and the off-post return previous work unit)
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Yes 955 4.6 %
2 No 9124 44.2 %
0 (M) - 159 0.8 %
4 (M) - 1 0.0 %
. (M) - 10393 50.4 %

• Mean: 1.91
• Median: 2.00
• Mode: 2.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 2.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.29

Based upon 10079 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P151 Times of job change

Location: 144-145(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: If 'Yes,' how many times have you changed jobs? (Excluding the current job)

- 56 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
0 61 0.3 %
1 502 2.4 %
2 288 1.4 %
3 103 0.5 %
4 29 0.1 %
5 11 0.1 %
6 3 0.0 %
7 1 0.0 %
8 1 0.0 %
10 1 0.0 %
14 1 0.0 %
. (M) 19631 95.1 %

• Mean: 1.61
• Median: 1.00
• Mode: 1.00
• Minimum: 0.00
• Maximum: 14.00
• Standard Deviation: 1.11

Based upon 1001 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P152 Ownership of previous unit

Location: 146-147(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0 , 13 , .
Question: Ownership of your previous work unit
Value Label Unweighted %
1 SOE at central/provincial level 94 0.5 %
2 Local SOE 269 1.3 %
3 Urban collective 123 0.6 %
4 Private firm (including partnership) 102 0.5 %
5 Self-employed 136 0.7 %
6 Sino-foreign joint venture 12 0.1 %
7 Foreign company 8 0.0 %
8 State share-holding company 16 0.1 %
9 Other share-holding company 55 0.3 %
10 Rural private enterprise 1 0.0 %
11 Rural individual enterprise 2 0.0 %
12 Other ownership 85 0.4 %
0 (M) - 15 0.1 %

- 57 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Label Unweighted %
13 (M) - 26 0.1 %
. (M) - 19688 95.4 %

• Mean: 4.31
• Median: 3.00
• Mode: 2.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 12.00
• Standard Deviation: 3.23

Based upon 903 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P153 Occupation

Location: 148-149(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Occupation of your previous work unit
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Owner (manager) of private firm 8 0.0 %
2 Self-employed 23 0.1 %
3 Professional 135 0.7 %
4 Director of government agent, institution and enterprise 10 0.0 %
5 Department director of government agent, instit., enterprise 32 0.2 %
6 Clerical/office staff 166 0.8 %
7 Skilled worker 197 1.0 %
8 Unskilled worker 132 0.6 %
9 Salesclerk or Service worker 202 1.0 %
10 Farmer 0 0.0 %
11 Other 25 0.1 %
0 (M) - 14 0.1 %
. (M) - 19688 95.4 %

• Mean: 6.65
• Median: 7.00
• Mode: 9.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 11.00
• Standard Deviation: 2.23

Based upon 930 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P154 Means to get the job

- 58 -
- Study 21741 -
Location: 150-151(width: 2; decimal: 0)
Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: How did you get your previous job?
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Assigned by government 354 1.7 %
2 Inherited it 48 0.2 %
3 Through an open examination 57 0.3 %
4 Through an employment agency 37 0.2 %
5 Found it through the newspaper 37 0.2 %
6 Found it through a referral by sb you or your family knows 158 0.8 %
7 Found it on your own 184 0.9 %
8 Started your own business 31 0.2 %
9 Not working currently 2 0.0 %
10 Other (please specify) 20 0.1 %
0 (M) - 16 0.1 %
. (M) - 19688 95.4 %

• Mean: 3.94
• Median: 4.00
• Mode: 1.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 10.00
• Standard Deviation: 2.75

Based upon 928 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P154A Relation between introducer

Location: 152-152(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: If you found job through a relative or a friend, he/she is your
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Family member or relative 81 0.4 %
2 Neighbor 14 0.1 %
3 Schoolmate 40 0.2 %
4 Colleague 22 0.1 %
5 Other 0 0.0 %
0 (M) - 786 3.8 %
. (M) - 19689 95.4 %

• Mean: 2.02

- 59 -
- Study 21741 -
• Median: 1.00
• Mode: 1.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 4.00
• Standard Deviation: 1.16

Based upon 157 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P154B Party of the introducer

Location: 153-153(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Is he/she a communist party member?
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Yes 52 0.3 %
2 No 106 0.5 %
0 (M) - 786 3.8 %
. (M) - 19688 95.4 %

• Mean: 1.67
• Median: 2.00
• Mode: 2.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 2.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.47

Based upon 158 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P154C status of the introducer

Location: 154-154(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Is he/she a cadre?
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Yes 55 0.3 %
2 No 103 0.5 %
0 (M) - 786 3.8 %
. (M) - 19688 95.4 %

• Mean: 1.65
• Median: 2.00
• Mode: 2.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 2.00

- 60 -
- Study 21741 -
• Standard Deviation: 0.48

Based upon 158 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P154D close of relation

Location: 155-155(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: How close is your relation with him/her?
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Not close 5 0.0 %
2 So-so 40 0.2 %
3 Close 71 0.3 %
4 Very close 42 0.2 %
0 (M) - 786 3.8 %
. (M) - 19688 95.4 %

• Mean: 2.95
• Median: 3.00
• Mode: 3.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 4.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.80

Based upon 158 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P155 reason for leaving

Location: 156-157(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Why did you leave your previous job?
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Low income 127 0.6 %
2 lack of job security 58 0.3 %
3 Unsatisfactory work conditions 51 0.2 %
4 Insufficient benefits 28 0.1 %
5 Contract expired 28 0.1 %
6 Laid off by work unit 23 0.1 %
7 Became Xiagang 120 0.6 %
8 To start own business 70 0.3 %
9 Other 98 0.5 %
10 - 175 0.8 %
11 - 33 0.2 %

- 61 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Label Unweighted %
12 - 111 0.5 %
0 (M) - 22 0.1 %
. (M) - 19688 95.4 %

• Mean: 7.06
• Median: 8.00
• Mode: 10.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 12.00
• Standard Deviation: 3.69

Based upon 922 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P156A Year of entrance

Location: 158-161(width: 4; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: When did you enter into your previous work unit Year_______
Value Unweighted %
1963 1 0.0 %
1964 1 0.0 %
1965 2 0.0 %
1966 1 0.0 %
1968 2 0.0 %
1969 6 0.0 %
1970 13 0.1 %
1971 9 0.0 %
1972 8 0.0 %
1973 6 0.0 %
1974 5 0.0 %
1975 11 0.1 %
1976 16 0.1 %
1977 11 0.1 %
1978 22 0.1 %
1979 30 0.1 %
1980 36 0.2 %
1981 27 0.1 %
1982 13 0.1 %
1983 18 0.1 %
1984 15 0.1 %
1985 27 0.1 %

- 62 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
1986 26 0.1 %
1987 24 0.1 %
1988 21 0.1 %
1989 22 0.1 %
1990 35 0.2 %
1991 16 0.1 %
1992 30 0.1 %
1993 19 0.1 %
1994 26 0.1 %
1995 32 0.2 %
1996 26 0.1 %
1997 36 0.2 %
1998 65 0.3 %
1999 65 0.3 %
2000 93 0.5 %
2001 75 0.4 %
2002 32 0.2 %
0 (M) 21 0.1 %
. (M) 19688 95.4 %

• Mean: 1990.62
• Median: 1993.00
• Mode: 2000.00
• Minimum: 1963.00
• Maximum: 2002.00
• Standard Deviation: 9.37

Based upon 923 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P156B Month of entrance

Location: 162-163(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Month_____
Value Unweighted %
1 61 0.3 %
2 55 0.3 %
3 90 0.4 %
4 73 0.4 %
5 81 0.4 %
6 78 0.4 %

- 63 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
7 94 0.5 %
8 100 0.5 %
9 87 0.4 %
10 98 0.5 %
11 30 0.1 %
12 67 0.3 %
0 (M) 30 0.1 %
. (M) 19688 95.4 %

• Mean: 6.52
• Median: 7.00
• Mode: 8.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 12.00
• Standard Deviation: 3.20

Based upon 914 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P156C Year of leaving

Location: 164-167(width: 4; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: When did you leave your previous work unit Year______
Value Unweighted %
1980 2 0.0 %
1981 1 0.0 %
1983 1 0.0 %
1985 1 0.0 %
1986 1 0.0 %
1987 4 0.0 %
1988 3 0.0 %
1989 1 0.0 %
1990 3 0.0 %
1992 10 0.0 %
1993 4 0.0 %
1994 4 0.0 %
1995 9 0.0 %
1996 14 0.1 %
1997 16 0.1 %
1998 38 0.2 %
1999 78 0.4 %

- 64 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
2000 225 1.1 %
2001 301 1.5 %
2002 207 1.0 %
0 (M) 21 0.1 %
. (M) 19688 95.4 %

• Mean: 2000.05
• Median: 2001.00
• Mode: 2001.00
• Minimum: 1980.00
• Maximum: 2002.00
• Standard Deviation: 2.62

Based upon 923 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P156D Month of leaving

Location: 168-169(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Month ____
Value Unweighted %
1 79 0.4 %
2 57 0.3 %
3 67 0.3 %
4 69 0.3 %
5 65 0.3 %
6 90 0.4 %
7 91 0.4 %
8 81 0.4 %
9 53 0.3 %
10 94 0.5 %
11 46 0.2 %
12 130 0.6 %
0 (M) 22 0.1 %
. (M) 19688 95.4 %

• Mean: 6.84
• Median: 7.00
• Mode: 12.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 12.00
• Standard Deviation: 3.52

- 65 -
- Study 21741 -
Based upon 922 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P157 Benefit payment

Location: 170-170(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Does the previous work unit still pay benefits for you?
Value Label Unweighted %
1 All 42 0.2 %
2 Some 97 0.5 %
3 None 745 3.6 %
4 I don't know 37 0.2 %
0 (M) - 23 0.1 %
. (M) - 19688 95.4 %

• Mean: 2.84
• Median: 3.00
• Mode: 3.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 4.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.55

Based upon 921 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P158 Willing of job change

Location: 171-171(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: If you have never changed jobs, have you ever thought of moving to a better work unit?
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Yes 3007 14.6 %
2 No 5651 27.4 %
0 (M) - 968 4.7 %
. (M) - 11006 53.3 %

• Mean: 1.65
• Median: 2.00
• Mode: 2.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 2.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.48

Based upon 8658 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

- 66 -
- Study 21741 -
P159 Reason for leaving

Location: 172-172(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: If 'Yes,' your reason is
Value Label Unweighted %
1 For better pay 1374 6.7 %
2 For a more secure job 589 2.9 %
3 For better work conditions 410 2.0 %
4 For better benefits 406 2.0 %
5 Housing 34 0.2 %
6 Wanted to start your own business 42 0.2 %
7 Other (Please specify) 41 0.2 %
0 (M) - 6729 32.6 %
. (M) - 11007 53.3 %

• Mean: 2.11
• Median: 2.00
• Mode: 1.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 7.00
• Standard Deviation: 1.36

Based upon 2896 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P160 Reason for staying

Location: 173-173(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: If 'Yes' and you have not changed jobs, what is your reason?
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Cannot find a good work unit 1681 8.1 %
2 Contract has not expired 80 0.4 %
3 Have difficulties in housing arrangements 25 0.1 %
4 Have problems with social benefits 60 0.3 %
5 Lack of skill and funds 88 0.4 %
6 Cannot get approval from current leaders 99 0.5 %
7 No connections (Guanxi) 691 3.3 %
8 Family concerns 125 0.6 %
9 Other (Please specify) 124 0.6 %
0 (M) - 6653 32.2 %
. (M) - 11006 53.3 %

- 67 -
- Study 21741 -

• Mean: 3.41
• Median: 1.00
• Mode: 1.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 9.00
• Standard Deviation: 2.97

Based upon 2973 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P161 Year of getting the first job

Location: 174-177(width: 4; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Questions (161-174) apply for unemployed (include unemployed, off-post (xiagang), inner retirement
and ligang) by the end of 2002 When did you get the first job?
Value Unweighted %
1958 1 0.0 %
1959 3 0.0 %
1960 5 0.0 %
1961 5 0.0 %
1962 5 0.0 %
1963 10 0.0 %
1964 17 0.1 %
1965 18 0.1 %
1966 9 0.0 %
1967 4 0.0 %
1968 44 0.2 %
1969 40 0.2 %
1970 60 0.3 %
1971 53 0.3 %
1972 48 0.2 %
1973 26 0.1 %
1974 36 0.2 %
1975 62 0.3 %
1976 54 0.3 %
1977 44 0.2 %
1978 43 0.2 %
1979 59 0.3 %
1980 62 0.3 %
1981 39 0.2 %
1982 42 0.2 %
1983 31 0.2 %

- 68 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
1984 22 0.1 %
1985 33 0.2 %
1986 29 0.1 %
1987 33 0.2 %
1988 28 0.1 %
1989 20 0.1 %
1990 26 0.1 %
1991 21 0.1 %
1992 26 0.1 %
1993 26 0.1 %
1994 10 0.0 %
1995 22 0.1 %
1996 11 0.1 %
1997 10 0.0 %
1998 23 0.1 %
1999 9 0.0 %
2000 6 0.0 %
2001 13 0.1 %
2002 2 0.0 %
0 (M) 22 0.1 %
. (M) 19420 94.1 %

• Mean: 1979.47
• Median: 1979.00
• Minimum: 1958.00
• Maximum: 2002.00
• Standard Deviation: 9.36

Based upon 1190 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P161A Months of looking for job

Location: 178-179(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: How long had you looked for a job before getting your first job?
Value Unweighted %
0 604 2.9 %
1 75 0.4 %
2 122 0.6 %
3 61 0.3 %
4 24 0.1 %
5 16 0.1 %

- 69 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
6 79 0.4 %
7 5 0.0 %
8 9 0.0 %
9 1 0.0 %
10 14 0.1 %
11 2 0.0 %
12 66 0.3 %
13 5 0.0 %
14 4 0.0 %
15 3 0.0 %
16 3 0.0 %
17 1 0.0 %
18 10 0.0 %
20 8 0.0 %
24 49 0.2 %
26 2 0.0 %
30 7 0.0 %
36 17 0.1 %
43 1 0.0 %
44 1 0.0 %
48 7 0.0 %
52 1 0.0 %
60 6 0.0 %
72 3 0.0 %
78 1 0.0 %
84 1 0.0 %
88 1 0.0 %
99 3 0.0 %
. (M) 19420 94.1 %

• Mean: 5.31
• Median: 1.00
• Mode: 0.00
• Minimum: 0.00
• Maximum: 99.00
• Standard Deviation: 11.51

Based upon 1212 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P162 Employment situation

Location: 180-180(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)

- 70 -
- Study 21741 -
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Your employment situation in 2002
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Unemployed or laid-off for part of the year 276 1.3 %
2 Unemployed or laid-off for the whole year 898 4.4 %
0 (M) - 38 0.2 %
. (M) - 19420 94.1 %

• Mean: 1.76
• Median: 2.00
• Mode: 2.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 2.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.42

Based upon 1174 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P162A P162A

Location: 181-183(width: 3; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Value Unweighted %
0 932 4.5 %
1 1 0.0 %
5 1 0.0 %
20 1 0.0 %
30 12 0.1 %
35 1 0.0 %
36 2 0.0 %
44 1 0.0 %
50 1 0.0 %
58 1 0.0 %
60 17 0.1 %
65 2 0.0 %
71 1 0.0 %
75 1 0.0 %
87 1 0.0 %
90 16 0.1 %
92 2 0.0 %
95 1 0.0 %
100 1 0.0 %
108 1 0.0 %
110 1 0.0 %

- 71 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
120 22 0.1 %
122 1 0.0 %
125 2 0.0 %
126 1 0.0 %
130 1 0.0 %
132 1 0.0 %
135 1 0.0 %
140 2 0.0 %
150 19 0.1 %
153 1 0.0 %
170 1 0.0 %
173 1 0.0 %
175 1 0.0 %
176 3 0.0 %
178 1 0.0 %
180 42 0.2 %
182 1 0.0 %
183 2 0.0 %
185 1 0.0 %
196 1 0.0 %
200 8 0.0 %
203 1 0.0 %
204 1 0.0 %
210 14 0.1 %
215 1 0.0 %
220 1 0.0 %
230 1 0.0 %
240 17 0.1 %
245 3 0.0 %
250 1 0.0 %
260 1 0.0 %
264 1 0.0 %
270 21 0.1 %
272 1 0.0 %
274 1 0.0 %
275 2 0.0 %
290 2 0.0 %
300 14 0.1 %
325 1 0.0 %
330 4 0.0 %

- 72 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
335 3 0.0 %
365 3 0.0 %
. (M) 19428 94.2 %

• Mean: 39.11
• Median: 0.00
• Mode: 0.00
• Minimum: 0.00
• Maximum: 365.00
• Standard Deviation: 82.52

Based upon 1204 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P163 Days of unemployed/laid-off/ligang

Location: 184-186(width: 3; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: If you were unemployed/laid-off for part of the year, how many accumulative days was you
unemployed/laid-off/ligang in 2002?
Value Unweighted %
0 46 0.2 %
1 13 0.1 %
2 23 0.1 %
3 25 0.1 %
4 29 0.1 %
5 20 0.1 %
6 53 0.3 %
7 25 0.1 %
8 30 0.1 %
9 21 0.1 %
10 16 0.1 %
11 5 0.0 %
12 196 0.9 %
13 14 0.1 %
14 23 0.1 %
15 18 0.1 %
16 11 0.1 %
17 8 0.0 %
18 36 0.2 %
19 6 0.0 %
20 6 0.0 %
21 5 0.0 %

- 73 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
22 3 0.0 %
23 3 0.0 %
24 93 0.5 %
25 3 0.0 %
26 7 0.0 %
27 3 0.0 %
28 9 0.0 %
29 3 0.0 %
30 9 0.0 %
31 3 0.0 %
32 8 0.0 %
33 1 0.0 %
34 1 0.0 %
36 91 0.4 %
38 6 0.0 %
40 5 0.0 %
41 1 0.0 %
42 7 0.0 %
43 4 0.0 %
44 2 0.0 %
45 3 0.0 %
46 5 0.0 %
48 65 0.3 %
50 8 0.0 %
51 1 0.0 %
52 8 0.0 %
53 1 0.0 %
54 5 0.0 %
55 1 0.0 %
57 2 0.0 %
58 2 0.0 %
60 80 0.4 %
61 1 0.0 %
62 1 0.0 %
64 1 0.0 %
65 1 0.0 %
66 4 0.0 %
68 1 0.0 %
69 1 0.0 %
70 3 0.0 %

- 74 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
72 30 0.1 %
74 2 0.0 %
78 2 0.0 %
80 1 0.0 %
81 1 0.0 %
84 14 0.1 %
86 1 0.0 %
90 5 0.0 %
96 24 0.1 %
98 8 0.0 %
99 38 0.2 %
168 1 0.0 %
. (M) 19420 94.1 %

• Mean: 29.64
• Median: 18.00
• Mode: 12.00
• Minimum: 0.00
• Maximum: 168.00
• Standard Deviation: 27.13

Based upon 1212 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P163A Days engaging in informal sector

Location: 187-189(width: 3; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: During the period of unemployed/laid-off, how many days were you engaged in informal economic
Value Unweighted %
0 936 4.5 %
1 3 0.0 %
2 37 0.2 %
3 2 0.0 %
4 3 0.0 %
5 1 0.0 %
6 1 0.0 %
7 2 0.0 %
8 1 0.0 %
12 5 0.0 %
15 1 0.0 %
18 1 0.0 %

- 75 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
20 6 0.0 %
22 1 0.0 %
23 1 0.0 %
25 1 0.0 %
30 8 0.0 %
31 1 0.0 %
35 1 0.0 %
40 9 0.0 %
42 1 0.0 %
43 1 0.0 %
45 2 0.0 %
48 1 0.0 %
50 5 0.0 %
60 20 0.1 %
70 1 0.0 %
76 1 0.0 %
80 3 0.0 %
84 1 0.0 %
90 17 0.1 %
100 7 0.0 %
104 1 0.0 %
108 2 0.0 %
110 4 0.0 %
115 1 0.0 %
120 15 0.1 %
130 2 0.0 %
132 2 0.0 %
145 1 0.0 %
147 1 0.0 %
150 13 0.1 %
160 3 0.0 %
165 1 0.0 %
176 1 0.0 %
180 13 0.1 %
182 2 0.0 %
200 6 0.0 %
210 4 0.0 %
217 1 0.0 %
220 1 0.0 %
230 1 0.0 %

- 76 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
240 10 0.0 %
245 1 0.0 %
250 2 0.0 %
264 2 0.0 %
270 7 0.0 %
280 2 0.0 %
300 13 0.1 %
320 1 0.0 %
330 1 0.0 %
334 1 0.0 %
340 3 0.0 %
350 1 0.0 %
360 3 0.0 %
365 8 0.0 %
366 1 0.0 %
. (M) 19420 94.1 %

• Mean: 27.94
• Median: 0.00
• Mode: 0.00
• Minimum: 0.00
• Maximum: 366.00
• Standard Deviation: 72.94

Based upon 1212 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P163B Unemployment register

Location: 190-190(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Did you register as unemployed at the labour bureau (or enter in Re-employment Centre) if you were
unemployed or laid-off for part of the year?
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Yes 143 0.7 %
2 No 949 4.6 %
0 (M) - 120 0.6 %
. (M) - 19420 94.1 %

• Mean: 1.87
• Median: 2.00
• Mode: 2.00

- 77 -
- Study 21741 -
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 2.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.34

Based upon 1092 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P163C P163C

Location: 191-191(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Value Unweighted %
0 34 0.2 %
1 299 1.4 %
2 879 4.3 %
. (M) 19420 94.1 %

• Mean: 1.70
• Median: 2.00
• Mode: 2.00
• Minimum: 0.00
• Maximum: 2.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.52

Based upon 1212 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P164 Training (before unemployed/laid-off/ligang)

Location: 192-193(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: Before unemployed/laid-off/ligang, how many years of off-the-job training did you receive?
Value Unweighted %
0 40 0.2 %
1 23 0.1 %
2 33 0.2 %
3 18 0.1 %
4 27 0.1 %
5 25 0.1 %
6 30 0.1 %
7 27 0.1 %
8 29 0.1 %
9 18 0.1 %
10 43 0.2 %
11 25 0.1 %
12 25 0.1 %
13 33 0.2 %

- 78 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
14 24 0.1 %
15 43 0.2 %
16 27 0.1 %
17 33 0.2 %
18 44 0.2 %
19 29 0.1 %
20 52 0.3 %
21 38 0.2 %
22 57 0.3 %
23 38 0.2 %
24 37 0.2 %
25 42 0.2 %
26 48 0.2 %
27 35 0.2 %
28 44 0.2 %
29 30 0.1 %
30 40 0.2 %
31 35 0.2 %
32 39 0.2 %
33 23 0.1 %
34 16 0.1 %
35 6 0.0 %
36 8 0.0 %
37 10 0.0 %
38 7 0.0 %
39 3 0.0 %
40 4 0.0 %
41 1 0.0 %
42 3 0.0 %
. (M) 19420 94.1 %

• Mean: 18.57
• Median: 20.00
• Mode: 22.00
• Minimum: 0.00
• Maximum: 42.00
• Standard Deviation: 10.14

Based upon 1212 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P165 Training (since unemployed/laid-off/ligang)

Location: 194-195(width: 2; decimal: 0)

- 79 -
- Study 21741 -
Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: Since unemployed/laid-off/ligang, how many months of off-the-job training did you receive?
Value Unweighted %
0 1071 5.2 %
1 56 0.3 %
2 34 0.2 %
3 22 0.1 %
4 4 0.0 %
5 2 0.0 %
6 8 0.0 %
8 3 0.0 %
9 3 0.0 %
11 1 0.0 %
12 5 0.0 %
15 1 0.0 %
24 2 0.0 %
. (M) 19420 94.1 %

• Mean: 0.37
• Median: 0.00
• Mode: 0.00
• Minimum: 0.00
• Maximum: 24.00
• Standard Deviation: 1.65

Based upon 1212 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P166 Helpful of the training

Location: 196-196(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Are the trainings are helpful for you to find a job? (If you ever received off-the-job training)
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Helpful 57 0.3 %
2 No Help 51 0.2 %
3 Hard To Say 25 0.1 %
0 (M) - 1079 5.2 %
. (M) - 19420 94.1 %

• Mean: 1.76
• Median: 2.00
• Mode: 1.00

- 80 -
- Study 21741 -
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 3.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.75

Based upon 133 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P167 Profitability

Location: 197-197(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: In 2002, how about the profitability of the work unit from which you were unemployed/laid-off/ligang
Value Label Unweighted %
1 At loss (or at the edge of bankruptcy) 687 3.3 %
2 Made marginal profit 384 1.9 %
3 Made high profit 86 0.4 %
0 (M) - 55 0.3 %
. (M) - 19420 94.1 %

• Mean: 1.48
• Median: 1.00
• Mode: 1.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 3.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.63

Based upon 1157 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P168 Ownership

Location: 198-199(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: The ownership of the work unit from which you were unemployed/laid-off/ligang is
Value Label Unweighted %
1 SOE at central/provincial level 160 0.8 %
2 Local SOE 459 2.2 %
3 Urban collective 311 1.5 %
4 Private firm (including partnership) 33 0.2 %
5 Self-employed 46 0.2 %
6 Sino-foreign joint venture 12 0.1 %
7 Foreign company 6 0.0 %
8 State share-holding company 41 0.2 %
9 Other share-holding company 91 0.4 %
10 Rural private enterprise 1 0.0 %

- 81 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Label Unweighted %
11 Rural individual enterprise 7 0.0 %
12 Other ownership 3 0.0 %
0 (M) - 42 0.2 %
. (M) - 19420 94.1 %

• Mean: 3.21
• Median: 2.00
• Mode: 2.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 12.00
• Standard Deviation: 2.36

Based upon 1170 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P169 Employment characteristics

Location: 200-200(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: The employment characteristics of the job from which you were unemployed/laid-off/ligang is
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Pmnt staff mbr, enterprise/instit.(incl. cadres, publ serv.) 581 2.8 %
2 Long-term contract worker 347 1.7 %
3 Temporary worker or short-term contract worker 104 0.5 %
4 Employed without contract 115 0.6 %
5 Private businessman or self-employed 16 0.1 %
6 Other 16 0.1 %
0 (M) - 33 0.2 %
. (M) - 19420 94.1 %

• Mean: 1.89
• Median: 2.00
• Mode: 1.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 6.00
• Standard Deviation: 1.14

Based upon 1179 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P170 Occupation

Location: 201-202(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: The occupation of the job from which you were unemployed/laid-off/ligang is

- 82 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Owner (manager) of private firm 3 0.0 %
2 Self-employed 11 0.1 %
3 Professional 98 0.5 %
4 Director of government agent, institution and enterprise 3 0.0 %
5 Department director of government agent, instit., enterprise 28 0.1 %
6 Clerical/office staff 117 0.6 %
7 Skilled worker 384 1.9 %
8 Unskilled worker 298 1.4 %
9 Salesclerk 120 0.6 %
10 Service worker 102 0.5 %
11 Farmer 2 0.0 %
12 Other 15 0.1 %
0 (M) - 31 0.2 %
. (M) - 19420 94.1 %

• Mean: 7.24
• Median: 7.00
• Mode: 7.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 12.00
• Standard Deviation: 1.90

Based upon 1181 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P171 Sector

Location: 203-204(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: The sector of the work unit from which you were unemployed/laid-off/ligang is
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Farm, forest, husbandry and fishery 12 0.1 %
2 Mineral 19 0.1 %
3 Manufacturing 607 2.9 %
4 Electricity, gas and water supply facilities 22 0.1 %
5 Construction 57 0.3 %
6 Geological prospecting, irrigation administration 6 0.0 %
7 Transportation, storage, post office and communication 64 0.3 %
8 Wholesale, retail and food services 221 1.1 %
9 Finance and insurance 16 0.1 %
10 Real estate 8 0.0 %
11 Social services 68 0.3 %

- 83 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Label Unweighted %
12 Health, sports and social welfare 12 0.1 %
13 Education, culture and arts, mass media and entertainment 11 0.1 %
14 Scientific research and professional services 8 0.0 %
15 Government agents, party organisations and social groups 13 0.1 %
16 Other 34 0.2 %
0 (M) - 34 0.2 %
. (M) - 19420 94.1 %

• Mean: 5.61
• Median: 3.00
• Mode: 3.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 16.00
• Standard Deviation: 3.56

Based upon 1178 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P171A Manufacturing type

Location: 205-206(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: If working in manufacturing, please specify
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Farm, forest, husbandry and fishery 104 0.5 %
2 Mineral 113 0.5 %
3 Manufacturing 15 0.1 %
4 Electricity, gas and water supply facilities 20 0.1 %
5 Construction 27 0.1 %
6 Geological prospecting, irrigation administration 39 0.2 %
7 Transportation, storage, post office and communication 55 0.3 %
8 Wholesale, retail and food services 49 0.2 %
9 Finance and insurance 56 0.3 %
10 Real estate 141 0.7 %
11 Social services 0 0.0 %
12 Health, sports and social welfare 0 0.0 %
13 Education, culture and arts, mass media and entertainment 0 0.0 %
14 Scientific research and professional services 0 0.0 %
15 Government agents, party organisations and social groups 0 0.0 %
16 Other 0 0.0 %
0 (M) - 593 2.9 %
. (M) - 19420 94.1 %

- 84 -
- Study 21741 -

• Mean: 5.68
• Median: 6.00
• Mode: 10.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 10.00
• Standard Deviation: 3.51

Based upon 619 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P172 Days employed

Location: 207-209(width: 3; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: How many days did you work (employed) in 2002?
Value Unweighted %
0 845 4.1 %
1 1 0.0 %
2 1 0.0 %
8 2 0.0 %
15 1 0.0 %
20 4 0.0 %
22 1 0.0 %
23 1 0.0 %
24 1 0.0 %
30 8 0.0 %
35 1 0.0 %
40 3 0.0 %
50 4 0.0 %
52 2 0.0 %
60 20 0.1 %
65 1 0.0 %
69 1 0.0 %
70 4 0.0 %
75 2 0.0 %
76 1 0.0 %
84 1 0.0 %
88 7 0.0 %
90 17 0.1 %
92 1 0.0 %
93 1 0.0 %
96 1 0.0 %
98 1 0.0 %
100 7 0.0 %

- 85 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
105 1 0.0 %
108 1 0.0 %
110 4 0.0 %
115 1 0.0 %
120 23 0.1 %
125 2 0.0 %
128 1 0.0 %
130 5 0.0 %
132 2 0.0 %
140 1 0.0 %
144 1 0.0 %
145 1 0.0 %
148 1 0.0 %
150 22 0.1 %
154 1 0.0 %
156 1 0.0 %
160 3 0.0 %
163 1 0.0 %
165 2 0.0 %
170 3 0.0 %
174 1 0.0 %
176 7 0.0 %
177 1 0.0 %
180 40 0.2 %
181 1 0.0 %
182 1 0.0 %
183 1 0.0 %
190 1 0.0 %
192 1 0.0 %
196 1 0.0 %
198 1 0.0 %
200 14 0.1 %
202 2 0.0 %
206 1 0.0 %
210 16 0.1 %
212 2 0.0 %
220 5 0.0 %
230 2 0.0 %
235 2 0.0 %
240 14 0.1 %

- 86 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
242 3 0.0 %
243 1 0.0 %
245 3 0.0 %
250 4 0.0 %
255 1 0.0 %
260 1 0.0 %
264 1 0.0 %
265 2 0.0 %
270 14 0.1 %
275 2 0.0 %
280 5 0.0 %
286 2 0.0 %
300 18 0.1 %
304 1 0.0 %
305 2 0.0 %
320 2 0.0 %
330 4 0.0 %
334 1 0.0 %
335 2 0.0 %
340 4 0.0 %
350 1 0.0 %
360 4 0.0 %
365 3 0.0 %
. (M) 19420 94.1 %

• Mean: 52.02
• Median: 0.00
• Mode: 0.00
• Minimum: 0.00
• Maximum: 365.00
• Standard Deviation: 92.27

Based upon 1212 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P172A Working hour per day

Location: 210-211(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: How many hours per working day on average?
Value Unweighted %
0 838 4.1 %
1 4 0.0 %

- 87 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
2 7 0.0 %
3 2 0.0 %
4 13 0.1 %
5 5 0.0 %
6 19 0.1 %
7 20 0.1 %
8 194 0.9 %
9 16 0.1 %
10 58 0.3 %
11 2 0.0 %
12 24 0.1 %
13 4 0.0 %
14 4 0.0 %
15 1 0.0 %
21 1 0.0 %
. (M) 19420 94.1 %

• Mean: 2.55
• Median: 0.00
• Mode: 0.00
• Minimum: 0.00
• Maximum: 21.00
• Standard Deviation: 4.02

Based upon 1212 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P173 Looking for job

Location: 212-212(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Did you ever look for job since the first time you were unemployed/laid-off/ligang
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Yes 655 3.2 %
2 No 517 2.5 %
0 (M) - 40 0.2 %
. (M) - 19420 94.1 %

• Mean: 1.44
• Median: 1.00
• Mode: 1.00
• Minimum: 1.00

- 88 -
- Study 21741 -
• Maximum: 2.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.50

Based upon 1172 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P174 Results

Location: 213-213(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Did you get job since the first time you were unemployed/laid-off/ligang
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Yes 230 1.1 %
2 No 880 4.3 %
0 (M) - 102 0.5 %
. (M) - 19420 94.1 %

• Mean: 1.79
• Median: 2.00
• Mode: 2.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 2.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.41

Based upon 1110 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P175 Ownership

Location: 214-215(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: If choose 'Yes' in question 174, please answer Questions 175-181 Since you were
unemployed/laid-off/ligang, the ownership of the work unit you engaged in is (if there are several,
choose the last one, same for the later)
Value Label Unweighted %
1 SOE at central/provincial level 15 0.1 %
2 Local SOE 26 0.1 %
3 Urban collective 17 0.1 %
4 Private firm (including partnership) 38 0.2 %
5 Self-employed 85 0.4 %
6 Sino-foreign joint venture 3 0.0 %
7 Foreign company 3 0.0 %
8 State share-holding company 0 0.0 %
9 Other share-holding company 13 0.1 %
10 Rural private enterprise 1 0.0 %

- 89 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Label Unweighted %
11 Rural individual enterprise 1 0.0 %
12 Other ownership 31 0.2 %
0 (M) - 979 4.7 %
. (M) - 19420 94.1 %

• Mean: 5.34
• Median: 5.00
• Mode: 5.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 12.00
• Standard Deviation: 3.19

Based upon 233 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P176 Employment characteristics

Location: 216-216(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: The employment characteristics of your current job in the work unit is
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Pmnt staff mbr, enterprise/instit.(incl. cadres, publ serv.) 2 0.0 %
2 Long-term contract worker 3 0.0 %
3 Temporary worker or short-term contract worker 94 0.5 %
4 Employed without contract 81 0.4 %
5 Private businessman or self-employed 33 0.2 %
6 Other 17 0.1 %
0 (M) - 982 4.8 %
. (M) - 19420 94.1 %

• Mean: 3.83
• Median: 4.00
• Mode: 3.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 6.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.98

Based upon 230 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P177 Occupation

Location: 217-218(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: The occupation of you current job in the work unit is

- 90 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Owner (manager) of private firm 0 0.0 %
2 Self-employed 17 0.1 %
3 Professional 17 0.1 %
4 Director of government agent, institution and enterprise 1 0.0 %
5 Department director of government agent, instit., enterprise 1 0.0 %
6 Clerical/office staff 17 0.1 %
7 Skilled worker 35 0.2 %
8 Unskilled worker 19 0.1 %
9 Salesclerk 24 0.1 %
10 Service worker 73 0.4 %
11 Farmer 0 0.0 %
12 Other 24 0.1 %
0 (M) - 984 4.8 %
. (M) - 19420 94.1 %

• Mean: 8.01
• Median: 9.00
• Mode: 10.00
• Minimum: 2.00
• Maximum: 12.00
• Standard Deviation: 2.87

Based upon 228 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P178 Sector

Location: 219-220(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: The sector of your current work unit is
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Farm, forest, husbandry and fishery 3 0.0 %
2 Mineral 3 0.0 %
3 Manufacturing 34 0.2 %
4 Electricity, gas and water supply facilities 1 0.0 %
5 Construction 14 0.1 %
6 Geological prospecting, irrigation administration 0 0.0 %
7 Transportation, storage, post office and communication 18 0.1 %
8 Wholesale, retail and food services 70 0.3 %
9 Finance and insurance 9 0.0 %
10 Real estate 4 0.0 %
11 Social services 42 0.2 %

- 91 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Label Unweighted %
12 Health, sports and social welfare 5 0.0 %
13 Education, culture and arts, mass media and entertainment 6 0.0 %
14 Scientific research and professional services 2 0.0 %
15 Government agents, party organisations and social groups 5 0.0 %
16 Other 12 0.1 %
0 (M) - 984 4.8 %
. (M) - 19420 94.1 %

• Mean: 8.28
• Median: 8.00
• Mode: 8.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 16.00
• Standard Deviation: 3.61

Based upon 228 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P179 Means to get the job

Location: 221-222(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: How did you get the job?
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Assigned by government 6 0.0 %
2 Inherited it 1 0.0 %
3 Through an open examination 6 0.0 %
4 Through an employment agency 4 0.0 %
5 Found it through the newspaper 6 0.0 %
6 Found it through a referral by sb you or your family knows 112 0.5 %
7 Found it on your own 70 0.3 %
8 Started your own business 19 0.1 %
9 Not working currently 0 0.0 %
10 Other (please specify) 4 0.0 %
0 (M) - 984 4.8 %
. (M) - 19420 94.1 %

• Mean: 6.25
• Median: 6.00
• Mode: 6.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 10.00
• Standard Deviation: 1.39

- 92 -
- Study 21741 -
Based upon 228 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P179A Introducer

Location: 223-223(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: If you found job through a relative or a friend, he/she is your
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Family member or relative 51 0.2 %
2 Neighbor 10 0.0 %
3 Schoolmate 30 0.1 %
4 Colleague 21 0.1 %
5 Other 0 0.0 %
0 (M) - 1100 5.3 %
. (M) - 19420 94.1 %

• Mean: 2.19
• Median: 2.00
• Mode: 1.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 4.00
• Standard Deviation: 1.20

Based upon 112 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P179B Party of the introducer

Location: 224-224(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Is he/she a communist party member?
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Yes 37 0.2 %
2 No 75 0.4 %
0 (M) - 1100 5.3 %
. (M) - 19420 94.1 %

• Mean: 1.67
• Median: 2.00
• Mode: 2.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 2.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.47

Based upon 112 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

- 93 -
- Study 21741 -

P179C Status of the introducer

Location: 225-225(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Is he/she a cadre?
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Yes 32 0.2 %
2 No 80 0.4 %
0 (M) - 1100 5.3 %
. (M) - 19420 94.1 %

• Mean: 1.71
• Median: 2.00
• Mode: 2.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 2.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.45

Based upon 112 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P179D Close of relationship

Location: 226-226(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: How close is your relation with him/her?
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Not close 1 0.0 %
2 So-so 39 0.2 %
3 Close 45 0.2 %
4 Very close 27 0.1 %
0 (M) - 1100 5.3 %
. (M) - 19420 94.1 %

• Mean: 2.88
• Median: 3.00
• Mode: 3.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 4.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.78

Based upon 112 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P180 Reason for leaving

- 94 -
- Study 21741 -
Location: 227-228(width: 2; decimal: 0)
Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Why did you leave your previous job?
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Low income 28 0.1 %
2 Lack of job security 9 0.0 %
3 Unsatisfactory work conditions 12 0.1 %
4 Insufficient benefits 2 0.0 %
5 Contract expired 3 0.0 %
6 Laid off by work unit 20 0.1 %
7 Became Xiagang 39 0.2 %
8 To start own business 2 0.0 %
9 Other 1 0.0 %
10 - 58 0.3 %
11 - 7 0.0 %
12 - 45 0.2 %
0 (M) - 986 4.8 %
. (M) - 19420 94.1 %

• Mean: 7.61
• Median: 7.50
• Mode: 10.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 12.00
• Standard Deviation: 3.75

Based upon 226 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P181A Year of entrance

Location: 229-232(width: 4; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: When did you enter into your previous work unit Year_______
Value Unweighted %
1969 1 0.0 %
1971 1 0.0 %
1976 5 0.0 %
1978 2 0.0 %
1979 5 0.0 %
1980 4 0.0 %
1981 4 0.0 %

- 95 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
1982 4 0.0 %
1983 1 0.0 %
1984 1 0.0 %
1985 2 0.0 %
1986 5 0.0 %
1987 1 0.0 %
1988 3 0.0 %
1989 1 0.0 %
1991 3 0.0 %
1992 4 0.0 %
1993 3 0.0 %
1994 5 0.0 %
1995 5 0.0 %
1996 3 0.0 %
1997 7 0.0 %
1998 22 0.1 %
1999 17 0.1 %
2000 29 0.1 %
2001 32 0.2 %
2002 54 0.3 %
0 (M) 988 4.8 %
. (M) 19420 94.1 %

• Mean: 1996.25
• Median: 2000.00
• Mode: 2002.00
• Minimum: 1969.00
• Maximum: 2002.00
• Standard Deviation: 7.68

Based upon 224 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P181B Month of entrance

Location: 233-234(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Month_____
Value Unweighted %
1 25 0.1 %
2 12 0.1 %
3 33 0.2 %

- 96 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
4 14 0.1 %
5 19 0.1 %
6 15 0.1 %
7 14 0.1 %
8 22 0.1 %
9 16 0.1 %
10 25 0.1 %
11 12 0.1 %
12 15 0.1 %
0 (M) 990 4.8 %
. (M) 19420 94.1 %

• Mean: 6.17
• Median: 6.00
• Mode: 3.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 12.00
• Standard Deviation: 3.48

Based upon 222 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P181C Year of leaving

Location: 235-238(width: 4; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: When did you leave your previous work unit Year______
Value Unweighted %
1984 1 0.0 %
1987 2 0.0 %
1988 2 0.0 %
1989 3 0.0 %
1990 1 0.0 %
1992 1 0.0 %
1993 3 0.0 %
1994 5 0.0 %
1995 2 0.0 %
1996 5 0.0 %
1997 10 0.0 %
1998 17 0.1 %
1999 20 0.1 %
2000 23 0.1 %

- 97 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
2001 43 0.2 %
2002 85 0.4 %
0 (M) 989 4.8 %
. (M) 19420 94.1 %

• Mean: 1999.69
• Median: 2001.00
• Mode: 2002.00
• Minimum: 1984.00
• Maximum: 2002.00
• Standard Deviation: 3.29

Based upon 223 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P181D Month of leaving

Location: 239-240(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Month ____
Value Unweighted %
1 8 0.0 %
2 10 0.0 %
3 13 0.1 %
4 18 0.1 %
5 32 0.2 %
6 19 0.1 %
7 18 0.1 %
8 20 0.1 %
9 15 0.1 %
10 23 0.1 %
11 20 0.1 %
12 27 0.1 %
0 (M) 989 4.8 %
. (M) 19420 94.1 %

• Mean: 7.21
• Median: 7.00
• Mode: 5.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 12.00
• Standard Deviation: 3.24

- 98 -
- Study 21741 -
Based upon 223 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P182 Year of getting the first job

Location: 241-244(width: 4; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Questions (182-190) apply to retired by the end of 2002 When did you get the first job? __________Year
Value Unweighted %
1931 1 0.0 %
1932 1 0.0 %
1936 1 0.0 %
1937 2 0.0 %
1939 2 0.0 %
1940 3 0.0 %
1941 2 0.0 %
1942 5 0.0 %
1943 4 0.0 %
1944 12 0.1 %
1945 13 0.1 %
1946 19 0.1 %
1947 32 0.2 %
1948 43 0.2 %
1949 84 0.4 %
1950 103 0.5 %
1951 111 0.5 %
1952 85 0.4 %
1953 69 0.3 %
1954 53 0.3 %
1955 80 0.4 %
1956 186 0.9 %
1957 70 0.3 %
1958 327 1.6 %
1959 86 0.4 %
1960 146 0.7 %
1961 89 0.4 %
1962 85 0.4 %
1963 99 0.5 %
1964 141 0.7 %
1965 152 0.7 %
1966 102 0.5 %
1967 70 0.3 %

- 99 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
1968 181 0.9 %
1969 175 0.8 %
1970 173 0.8 %
1971 90 0.4 %
1972 67 0.3 %
1973 25 0.1 %
1974 41 0.2 %
1975 49 0.2 %
1976 48 0.2 %
1977 15 0.1 %
1978 23 0.1 %
1979 21 0.1 %
1980 26 0.1 %
1981 13 0.1 %
1982 3 0.0 %
1983 4 0.0 %
1984 7 0.0 %
1985 6 0.0 %
1986 3 0.0 %
1987 3 0.0 %
1988 2 0.0 %
1989 2 0.0 %
1990 3 0.0 %
1997 1 0.0 %
1999 1 0.0 %
0 (M) 33 0.2 %
. (M) 17339 84.0 %

• Mean: 1961.89
• Median: 1962.00
• Mode: 1958.00
• Minimum: 1931.00
• Maximum: 1999.00
• Standard Deviation: 8.57

Based upon 3260 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P183 Year of retirement

Location: 245-248(width: 4; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: In which year were you retired or off-duty? _________Year

- 100 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
1965 2 0.0 %
1966 1 0.0 %
1968 1 0.0 %
1970 1 0.0 %
1971 3 0.0 %
1972 6 0.0 %
1973 4 0.0 %
1974 4 0.0 %
1975 7 0.0 %
1976 17 0.1 %
1977 9 0.0 %
1978 18 0.1 %
1979 40 0.2 %
1980 46 0.2 %
1981 36 0.2 %
1982 42 0.2 %
1983 62 0.3 %
1984 54 0.3 %
1985 70 0.3 %
1986 70 0.3 %
1987 67 0.3 %
1988 75 0.4 %
1989 87 0.4 %
1990 107 0.5 %
1991 108 0.5 %
1992 154 0.7 %
1993 174 0.8 %
1994 146 0.7 %
1995 177 0.9 %
1996 205 1.0 %
1997 252 1.2 %
1998 257 1.2 %
1999 228 1.1 %
2000 244 1.2 %
2001 270 1.3 %
2002 216 1.0 %
0 (M) 33 0.2 %
. (M) 17339 84.0 %

• Mean: 1994.00

- 101 -
- Study 21741 -
• Median: 1996.00
• Mode: 2001.00
• Minimum: 1965.00
• Maximum: 2002.00
• Standard Deviation: 6.57

Based upon 3260 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P184 Type of the unit

Location: 249-249(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: The work unit you were retired from is
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Enterprise 2463 11.9 %
2 Government official 223 1.1 %
3 Institution 539 2.6 %
4 Others 37 0.2 %
0 (M) - 31 0.2 %
. (M) - 17339 84.0 %

• Mean: 1.43
• Median: 1.00
• Mode: 1.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 4.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.80

Based upon 3262 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P185 Ownership

Location: 250-251(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: If it is enterprise, its ownership is
Value Label Unweighted %
1 SOE at central/provincial level 742 3.6 %
2 Local SOE 1299 6.3 %
3 Urban collective 486 2.4 %
4 Private firm (including partnership) 8 0.0 %
5 Self-employed 4 0.0 %
6 Sino-foreign joint venture 17 0.1 %
7 Foreign company 4 0.0 %

- 102 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Label Unweighted %
8 State share-holding company 86 0.4 %
9 Other share-holding company 91 0.4 %
10 Rural private enterprise 0 0.0 %
11 Rural individual enterprise 1 0.0 %
12 Other ownership 38 0.2 %
0 (M) - 517 2.5 %
. (M) - 17339 84.0 %

• Mean: 2.51
• Median: 2.00
• Mode: 2.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 12.00
• Standard Deviation: 2.11

Based upon 2776 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P186 Occupation

Location: 252-253(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: The occupation of your job before retirement is
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Owner (manager) of private firm 9 0.0 %
2 Self-employed 7 0.0 %
3 Professional 580 2.8 %
4 Director of government agent, institution and enterprise 173 0.8 %
5 Department director of government agent, instit., enterprise 367 1.8 %
6 Clerical/office staff 483 2.3 %
7 Skilled worker 783 3.8 %
8 Unskilled worker 609 3.0 %
9 Salesclerk 206 1.0 %
10 Service worker 4 0.0 %
11 Farmer 37 0.2 %
12 Other 0 0.0 %
0 (M) - 35 0.2 %
. (M) - 17339 84.0 %

• Mean: 6.09
• Median: 7.00
• Mode: 7.00

- 103 -
- Study 21741 -
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 11.00
• Standard Deviation: 1.97

Based upon 3258 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P187 Sector

Location: 254-255(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: The sector of your work unit before retirement is
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Farm, forest, husbandry and fishery 61 0.3 %
2 Mineral 52 0.3 %
3 Manufacturing 1412 6.8 %
4 Electricity, gas and water supply facilities 71 0.3 %
5 Construction 133 0.6 %
6 Geological prospecting, irrigation administration 36 0.2 %
7 Transportation, storage, post office and communication 239 1.2 %
8 Wholesale, retail and food services 317 1.5 %
9 Finance and insurance 42 0.2 %
10 Real estate 17 0.1 %
11 Social services 118 0.6 %
12 Health, sports and social welfare 113 0.5 %
13 Education, culture and arts, mass media and entertainment 246 1.2 %
14 Scientific research and professional services 60 0.3 %
15 Government agents, party organisations and social groups 257 1.2 %
16 Other 86 0.4 %
0 (M) - 33 0.2 %
. (M) - 17339 84.0 %

• Mean: 6.82
• Median: 5.00
• Mode: 3.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 16.00
• Standard Deviation: 4.56

Based upon 3260 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P188 Pension

Location: 256-256(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.

- 104 -
- Study 21741 -
Question: Can you get your retirement pension adequately in time?
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Yes 3190 15.5 %
2 No 71 0.3 %
0 (M) - 32 0.2 %
. (M) - 17339 84.0 %

• Mean: 1.02
• Median: 1.00
• Mode: 1.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 2.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.15

Based upon 3261 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P189 Medical expenses writing off

Location: 257-257(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Can you write off the medical expenses adequately in time?
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Yes 2041 9.9 %
2 No 1210 5.9 %
0 (M) - 42 0.2 %
. (M) - 17339 84.0 %

• Mean: 1.37
• Median: 1.00
• Mode: 1.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 2.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.48

Based upon 3251 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P190 Reemployment

Location: 258-258(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Range of Missing Values (M): 0,.
Question: Did you be reemployed in 2002?
Value Label Unweighted %
1 Yes 270 1.3 %

- 105 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Label Unweighted %
2 No 2971 14.4 %
0 (M) - 52 0.3 %
. (M) - 17339 84.0 %

• Mean: 1.92
• Median: 2.00
• Mode: 2.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 2.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.28

Based upon 3241 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P201 Total income

Location: 259-267(width: 9; decimal: 2)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: Personal Yearly Income in 2002 (YUAN) Total income

• Mean: 10679.42
• Minimum: 0.00
• Maximum: 160000.00
• Standard Deviation: 8415.39

Based upon 15205 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P202 Total income: Of which, (1) Bonus

Location: 268-275(width: 8; decimal: 2)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: Of which, (1) Bonus

• Mean: 728.16
• Minimum: 0.00
• Maximum: 50000.00
• Standard Deviation: 2364.06

Based upon 15204 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P203 Total income: Of which, (2) Allowance/subsidies

Location: 276-283(width: 8; decimal: 2)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: (2) Allowance/subsidies

• Mean: 528.40
• Minimum: 0.00
• Maximum: 44160.00
• Standard Deviation: 1976.51

- 106 -
- Study 21741 -
Based upon 15204 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P204 Total income: Of which, (2a) Price subsidy

Location: 284-291(width: 8; decimal: 2)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: Of which (2a) Price subsidy
Value Unweighted %
0.00 14300 69.3 %
14.80 1 0.0 %
15.00 1 0.0 %
18.00 2 0.0 %
41.00 2 0.0 %
48.00 2 0.0 %
50.00 2 0.0 %
54.00 8 0.0 %
55.00 5 0.0 %
59.00 1 0.0 %
60.00 4 0.0 %
61.00 1 0.0 %
70.00 1 0.0 %
72.00 2 0.0 %
80.00 4 0.0 %
90.00 1 0.0 %
96.00 3 0.0 %
100.00 2 0.0 %
116.00 1 0.0 %
120.00 5 0.0 %
128.00 1 0.0 %
130.00 2 0.0 %
150.00 3 0.0 %
162.00 1 0.0 %
167.00 1 0.0 %
168.00 1 0.0 %
170.00 2 0.0 %
174.00 1 0.0 %
178.00 1 0.0 %
180.00 5 0.0 %
183.00 3 0.0 %
192.00 3 0.0 %
200.00 33 0.2 %
204.00 1 0.0 %

- 107 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
220.00 1 0.0 %
228.00 1 0.0 %
240.00 7 0.0 %
250.00 3 0.0 %
255.00 1 0.0 %
256.00 1 0.0 %
260.00 1 0.0 %
273.00 2 0.0 %
300.00 22 0.1 %
315.00 1 0.0 %
335.00 1 0.0 %
340.00 2 0.0 %
350.00 2 0.0 %
360.00 12 0.1 %
368.00 2 0.0 %
370.00 1 0.0 %
380.00 4 0.0 %
383.00 1 0.0 %
384.00 2 0.0 %
400.00 19 0.1 %
408.00 1 0.0 %
420.00 3 0.0 %
426.00 2 0.0 %
432.00 1 0.0 %
450.00 1 0.0 %
456.00 4 0.0 %
460.00 1 0.0 %
463.00 1 0.0 %
480.00 4 0.0 %
490.00 1 0.0 %
500.00 14 0.1 %
520.00 2 0.0 %
528.00 1 0.0 %
540.00 1 0.0 %
550.00 2 0.0 %
570.00 1 0.0 %
576.00 2 0.0 %
585.00 1 0.0 %
600.00 27 0.1 %
612.00 1 0.0 %

- 108 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
620.00 1 0.0 %
624.00 9 0.0 %
628.00 1 0.0 %
640.00 2 0.0 %
650.00 8 0.0 %
656.00 14 0.1 %
658.00 1 0.0 %
670.00 1 0.0 %
672.00 52 0.3 %
684.00 1 0.0 %
696.00 1 0.0 %
700.00 11 0.1 %
720.00 49 0.2 %
730.00 1 0.0 %
732.00 1 0.0 %
750.00 5 0.0 %
760.00 1 0.0 %
766.00 3 0.0 %
768.00 1 0.0 %
777.00 9 0.0 %
778.00 1 0.0 %
780.00 2 0.0 %
800.00 18 0.1 %
840.00 8 0.0 %
850.00 1 0.0 %
900.00 2 0.0 %
920.00 1 0.0 %
936.00 5 0.0 %
940.00 1 0.0 %
950.00 1 0.0 %
956.00 1 0.0 %
960.00 17 0.1 %
970.00 1 0.0 %
972.00 6 0.0 %
987.00 1 0.0 %
1000.00 21 0.1 %
1005.00 1 0.0 %
1020.00 1 0.0 %
1030.00 1 0.0 %
1036.00 1 0.0 %

- 109 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
1060.00 1 0.0 %
1100.00 7 0.0 %
1131.00 2 0.0 %
1140.00 2 0.0 %
1200.00 35 0.2 %
1260.00 100 0.5 %
1310.00 2 0.0 %
1320.00 1 0.0 %
1400.00 1 0.0 %
1440.00 2 0.0 %
1450.00 3 0.0 %
1500.00 15 0.1 %
1524.00 17 0.1 %
1527.00 1 0.0 %
1536.00 1 0.0 %
1548.00 4 0.0 %
1550.00 2 0.0 %
1572.00 1 0.0 %
1584.00 2 0.0 %
1600.00 1 0.0 %
1632.00 4 0.0 %
1650.00 1 0.0 %
1700.00 1 0.0 %
1800.00 23 0.1 %
1872.00 1 0.0 %
1890.00 1 0.0 %
1900.00 3 0.0 %
1960.00 1 0.0 %
1980.00 37 0.2 %
2000.00 5 0.0 %
2040.00 3 0.0 %
2100.00 2 0.0 %
2145.00 1 0.0 %
2160.00 1 0.0 %
2184.00 1 0.0 %
2200.00 2 0.0 %
2217.00 1 0.0 %
2226.00 1 0.0 %
2240.00 1 0.0 %
2280.00 2 0.0 %

- 110 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
2286.00 1 0.0 %
2352.00 1 0.0 %
2400.00 26 0.1 %
2450.00 2 0.0 %
2480.00 2 0.0 %
2500.00 4 0.0 %
2520.00 1 0.0 %
2530.00 1 0.0 %
2580.00 2 0.0 %
2590.00 1 0.0 %
2600.00 3 0.0 %
2640.00 1 0.0 %
2676.00 1 0.0 %
2760.00 2 0.0 %
2778.00 1 0.0 %
3000.00 3 0.0 %
3040.00 1 0.0 %
3312.00 2 0.0 %
3600.00 13 0.1 %
4000.00 3 0.0 %
4032.00 1 0.0 %
4100.00 1 0.0 %
4272.00 1 0.0 %
4500.00 1 0.0 %
4512.00 1 0.0 %
5038.00 1 0.0 %
5100.00 2 0.0 %
6000.00 2 0.0 %
6240.00 1 0.0 %
6300.00 1 0.0 %
7040.00 1 0.0 %
12940.00 1 0.0 %
14204.11 1 0.0 %
. (M) 5428 26.3 %

• Mean: 66.88
• Median: 0.00
• Mode: 0.00
• Minimum: 0.00
• Maximum: 14204.11
• Standard Deviation: 374.32

- 111 -
- Study 21741 -
Based upon 15204 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P205 Total income: Of which, (2b) Local subsidy

Location: 292-298(width: 7; decimal: 2)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: (2b) Local subsidy
Value Unweighted %
0.0 14514 70.3 %
7.5 1 0.0 %
9.9 1 0.0 %
36.0 8 0.0 %
40.0 3 0.0 %
42.0 7 0.0 %
48.0 1 0.0 %
54.0 1 0.0 %
58.0 1 0.0 %
60.0 1 0.0 %
65.0 1 0.0 %
71.0 1 0.0 %
72.0 15 0.1 %
78.0 27 0.1 %
84.0 10 0.0 %
90.0 17 0.1 %
92.0 1 0.0 %
96.0 10 0.0 %
100.0 8 0.0 %
102.0 18 0.1 %
104.0 1 0.0 %
108.0 5 0.0 %
110.0 3 0.0 %
114.0 5 0.0 %
120.0 14 0.1 %
126.0 3 0.0 %
130.0 4 0.0 %
132.0 2 0.0 %
138.0 2 0.0 %
144.0 8 0.0 %
150.0 12 0.1 %
162.0 2 0.0 %
174.0 1 0.0 %
180.0 9 0.0 %

- 112 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
200.0 16 0.1 %
216.0 4 0.0 %
240.0 4 0.0 %
256.0 1 0.0 %
260.0 1 0.0 %
264.0 1 0.0 %
280.0 1 0.0 %
300.0 3 0.0 %
340.0 1 0.0 %
360.0 16 0.1 %
370.0 1 0.0 %
396.0 1 0.0 %
400.0 4 0.0 %
410.0 1 0.0 %
420.0 1 0.0 %
450.0 3 0.0 %
480.0 11 0.1 %
500.0 9 0.0 %
540.0 2 0.0 %
558.0 1 0.0 %
564.0 3 0.0 %
570.0 1 0.0 %
580.0 1 0.0 %
600.0 25 0.1 %
620.0 2 0.0 %
624.0 18 0.1 %
700.0 4 0.0 %
708.0 1 0.0 %
720.0 7 0.0 %
730.0 1 0.0 %
732.0 1 0.0 %
760.0 1 0.0 %
800.0 5 0.0 %
837.0 1 0.0 %
840.0 2 0.0 %
846.0 1 0.0 %
900.0 4 0.0 %
930.0 1 0.0 %
960.0 67 0.3 %
980.0 6 0.0 %

- 113 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
1000.0 11 0.1 %
1020.0 1 0.0 %
1040.0 2 0.0 %
1060.0 2 0.0 %
1080.0 12 0.1 %
1100.0 2 0.0 %
1140.0 22 0.1 %
1152.0 1 0.0 %
1160.0 1 0.0 %
1176.0 2 0.0 %
1200.0 21 0.1 %
1300.0 1 0.0 %
1320.0 3 0.0 %
1344.0 13 0.1 %
1386.0 1 0.0 %
1400.0 4 0.0 %
1428.0 2 0.0 %
1440.0 3 0.0 %
1500.0 4 0.0 %
1524.0 6 0.0 %
1560.0 1 0.0 %
1584.0 2 0.0 %
1680.0 2 0.0 %
1800.0 10 0.0 %
1880.0 1 0.0 %
1900.0 2 0.0 %
1980.0 15 0.1 %
2000.0 8 0.0 %
2024.0 1 0.0 %
2040.0 32 0.2 %
2145.0 2 0.0 %
2160.0 13 0.1 %
2280.0 4 0.0 %
2430.0 1 0.0 %
2496.0 1 0.0 %
2500.0 5 0.0 %
2520.0 3 0.0 %
3000.0 3 0.0 %
3120.0 15 0.1 %
3210.0 2 0.0 %

- 114 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
3240.0 1 0.0 %
3300.0 1 0.0 %
3340.0 1 0.0 %
3360.0 3 0.0 %
3420.0 2 0.0 %
3732.0 1 0.0 %
3880.0 3 0.0 %
4080.0 1 0.0 %
5040.0 1 0.0 %
9000.0 2 0.0 %
. (M) 5428 26.3 %

• Mean: 42.98
• Median: 0.00
• Mode: 0.00
• Minimum: 0.00
• Maximum: 9000.00
• Standard Deviation: 286.03

Based upon 15204 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P206 Total income: Of which, (3) Living expenses for the laid-off

Location: 299-306(width: 8; decimal: 2)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: (3) Living expenses for the laid-off
Value Unweighted %
0.00 14989 72.6 %
100.00 1 0.0 %
102.00 1 0.0 %
125.00 1 0.0 %
157.00 1 0.0 %
180.00 1 0.0 %
182.00 1 0.0 %
195.00 1 0.0 %
200.00 2 0.0 %
201.00 1 0.0 %
210.00 1 0.0 %
215.00 1 0.0 %
228.00 1 0.0 %
240.00 1 0.0 %
250.00 1 0.0 %

- 115 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
260.00 2 0.0 %
300.00 2 0.0 %
325.50 1 0.0 %
330.00 1 0.0 %
342.00 1 0.0 %
350.00 1 0.0 %
380.00 1 0.0 %
400.00 2 0.0 %
446.00 1 0.0 %
500.00 2 0.0 %
600.00 3 0.0 %
640.00 1 0.0 %
664.00 1 0.0 %
669.00 1 0.0 %
670.00 1 0.0 %
688.00 1 0.0 %
710.00 1 0.0 %
880.00 1 0.0 %
900.00 1 0.0 %
918.60 1 0.0 %
920.00 1 0.0 %
940.00 1 0.0 %
950.00 1 0.0 %
960.00 1 0.0 %
967.00 1 0.0 %
970.00 1 0.0 %
1000.00 3 0.0 %
1080.00 1 0.0 %
1107.00 1 0.0 %
1176.00 1 0.0 %
1200.00 6 0.0 %
1230.00 3 0.0 %
1236.00 1 0.0 %
1250.00 1 0.0 %
1255.00 1 0.0 %
1280.00 1 0.0 %
1300.00 1 0.0 %
1305.00 1 0.0 %
1338.00 1 0.0 %
1360.00 1 0.0 %

- 116 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
1376.00 1 0.0 %
1380.00 1 0.0 %
1400.00 2 0.0 %
1420.00 1 0.0 %
1467.66 1 0.0 %
1530.00 1 0.0 %
1560.00 2 0.0 %
1600.00 1 0.0 %
1650.00 1 0.0 %
1656.00 1 0.0 %
1660.00 1 0.0 %
1680.00 2 0.0 %
1704.00 1 0.0 %
1720.00 1 0.0 %
1750.00 1 0.0 %
1757.00 1 0.0 %
1800.00 6 0.0 %
1819.20 1 0.0 %
1836.00 1 0.0 %
1872.00 2 0.0 %
1900.00 1 0.0 %
1944.00 1 0.0 %
1980.00 1 0.0 %
2000.00 4 0.0 %
2026.00 1 0.0 %
2040.00 1 0.0 %
2080.00 1 0.0 %
2136.00 2 0.0 %
2140.00 1 0.0 %
2160.00 4 0.0 %
2172.00 1 0.0 %
2196.00 1 0.0 %
2200.00 1 0.0 %
2300.00 1 0.0 %
2304.00 1 0.0 %
2328.00 1 0.0 %
2340.00 2 0.0 %
2350.00 1 0.0 %
2380.00 1 0.0 %
2400.00 10 0.0 %

- 117 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
2408.00 1 0.0 %
2436.00 1 0.0 %
2460.00 2 0.0 %
2496.00 3 0.0 %
2520.00 2 0.0 %
2556.00 1 0.0 %
2600.00 1 0.0 %
2610.00 1 0.0 %
2640.00 3 0.0 %
2664.00 1 0.0 %
2676.00 1 0.0 %
2688.00 3 0.0 %
2700.00 1 0.0 %
2760.00 1 0.0 %
2790.00 1 0.0 %
2800.00 3 0.0 %
2802.00 1 0.0 %
2872.00 1 0.0 %
2900.00 1 0.0 %
2970.00 1 0.0 %
3000.00 5 0.0 %
3026.60 1 0.0 %
3038.00 1 0.0 %
3060.00 4 0.0 %
3072.00 1 0.0 %
3120.00 1 0.0 %
3143.00 1 0.0 %
3240.00 2 0.0 %
3243.00 1 0.0 %
3300.00 1 0.0 %
3420.00 2 0.0 %
3480.00 1 0.0 %
3516.00 1 0.0 %
3544.00 1 0.0 %
3600.00 1 0.0 %
3606.00 1 0.0 %
3650.00 1 0.0 %
3831.20 1 0.0 %
3872.00 1 0.0 %
3946.44 1 0.0 %

- 118 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
4073.00 1 0.0 %
4080.00 1 0.0 %
4200.00 1 0.0 %
4211.00 1 0.0 %
4400.00 1 0.0 %
4832.20 1 0.0 %
4900.00 1 0.0 %
4998.00 1 0.0 %
5160.00 1 0.0 %
5280.00 3 0.0 %
5400.00 1 0.0 %
6262.00 1 0.0 %
6366.00 1 0.0 %
6420.87 1 0.0 %
8400.00 1 0.0 %
8812.60 1 0.0 %
9678.00 1 0.0 %
10800.00 1 0.0 %
. (M) 5428 26.3 %

• Mean: 31.16
• Median: 0.00
• Mode: 0.00
• Minimum: 0.00
• Maximum: 10800.00
• Standard Deviation: 324.81

Based upon 15204 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P207 Subsidy for minimum living standard

Location: 307-310(width: 4; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: Subsidy for minimum living standard
Value Unweighted %
0 15056 73.0 %
9 1 0.0 %
20 1 0.0 %
33 2 0.0 %
60 4 0.0 %
66 1 0.0 %
90 1 0.0 %

- 119 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
100 1 0.0 %
120 2 0.0 %
160 2 0.0 %
180 3 0.0 %
184 1 0.0 %
200 1 0.0 %
220 1 0.0 %
260 1 0.0 %
295 1 0.0 %
300 3 0.0 %
320 1 0.0 %
326 1 0.0 %
330 1 0.0 %
340 1 0.0 %
360 3 0.0 %
370 1 0.0 %
380 1 0.0 %
390 1 0.0 %
400 2 0.0 %
405 1 0.0 %
430 1 0.0 %
437 1 0.0 %
446 1 0.0 %
480 1 0.0 %
500 3 0.0 %
520 1 0.0 %
540 1 0.0 %
590 2 0.0 %
600 2 0.0 %
620 1 0.0 %
630 1 0.0 %
640 1 0.0 %
672 1 0.0 %
720 2 0.0 %
750 1 0.0 %
780 2 0.0 %
792 1 0.0 %
804 1 0.0 %
840 3 0.0 %
880 2 0.0 %

- 120 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
940 1 0.0 %
966 1 0.0 %
1000 1 0.0 %
1020 1 0.0 %
1030 1 0.0 %
1042 1 0.0 %
1060 1 0.0 %
1080 5 0.0 %
1120 1 0.0 %
1200 1 0.0 %
1230 1 0.0 %
1250 1 0.0 %
1260 1 0.0 %
1319 1 0.0 %
1344 2 0.0 %
1440 2 0.0 %
1454 1 0.0 %
1500 1 0.0 %
1533 1 0.0 %
1560 2 0.0 %
1580 1 0.0 %
1630 1 0.0 %
1650 1 0.0 %
1680 1 0.0 %
1702 1 0.0 %
1724 1 0.0 %
1872 1 0.0 %
1890 1 0.0 %
1910 1 0.0 %
1934 1 0.0 %
1946 1 0.0 %
2040 1 0.0 %
2140 1 0.0 %
2160 3 0.0 %
2220 2 0.0 %
2223 1 0.0 %
2400 2 0.0 %
2408 1 0.0 %
2460 1 0.0 %
2500 1 0.0 %

- 121 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
2520 7 0.0 %
2568 1 0.0 %
2580 1 0.0 %
2600 1 0.0 %
2604 1 0.0 %
2676 1 0.0 %
2900 1 0.0 %
2930 1 0.0 %
3000 1 0.0 %
3122 1 0.0 %
3150 1 0.0 %
3245 1 0.0 %
3360 2 0.0 %
3508 1 0.0 %
3594 1 0.0 %
3600 1 0.0 %
4128 2 0.0 %
4400 1 0.0 %
4436 1 0.0 %
4908 1 0.0 %
5616 1 0.0 %
. (M) 5428 26.3 %

• Mean: 13.38
• Median: 0.00
• Mode: 0.00
• Minimum: 0.00
• Maximum: 5616.00
• Standard Deviation: 177.72

Based upon 15204 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P208 Living hardship subsidies from work unit

Location: 311-317(width: 7; decimal: 2)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: Living hardship subsidies from work unit
Value Unweighted %
0.0 15124 73.3 %
40.0 2 0.0 %
47.0 1 0.0 %
50.0 4 0.0 %

- 122 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
60.0 1 0.0 %
70.0 1 0.0 %
80.0 1 0.0 %
90.0 1 0.0 %
100.0 10 0.0 %
120.0 1 0.0 %
184.0 1 0.0 %
200.0 11 0.1 %
208.0 1 0.0 %
250.0 1 0.0 %
260.0 1 0.0 %
300.0 5 0.0 %
378.0 1 0.0 %
400.0 3 0.0 %
480.0 1 0.0 %
500.0 2 0.0 %
514.0 1 0.0 %
540.5 1 0.0 %
600.0 3 0.0 %
720.0 2 0.0 %
769.0 1 0.0 %
800.0 1 0.0 %
1000.0 2 0.0 %
1080.0 1 0.0 %
1100.0 1 0.0 %
1176.0 1 0.0 %
1200.0 2 0.0 %
1224.0 1 0.0 %
1260.0 1 0.0 %
1600.0 2 0.0 %
2400.0 4 0.0 %
2820.0 1 0.0 %
3000.0 1 0.0 %
3912.0 1 0.0 %
4170.0 1 0.0 %
5000.0 1 0.0 %
6800.0 1 0.0 %
7400.0 1 0.0 %
. (M) 5428 26.3 %

- 123 -
- Study 21741 -

• Mean: 4.70
• Median: 0.00
• Mode: 0.00
• Minimum: 0.00
• Maximum: 7400.00
• Standard Deviation: 120.76

Based upon 15204 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P209 Second job and sideline income

Location: 318-325(width: 8; decimal: 2)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: Second job and sideline income
Value Unweighted %
0.00 14630 70.9 %
42.00 1 0.0 %
50.00 1 0.0 %
59.00 1 0.0 %
60.00 5 0.0 %
70.00 1 0.0 %
75.00 1 0.0 %
88.00 1 0.0 %
95.00 1 0.0 %
96.00 1 0.0 %
100.00 3 0.0 %
105.00 1 0.0 %
108.00 1 0.0 %
110.00 8 0.0 %
120.00 26 0.1 %
140.00 1 0.0 %
150.00 1 0.0 %
160.00 1 0.0 %
170.00 1 0.0 %
175.00 1 0.0 %
180.00 9 0.0 %
200.00 6 0.0 %
204.00 1 0.0 %
210.00 1 0.0 %
212.00 1 0.0 %
240.00 5 0.0 %
245.00 1 0.0 %
250.00 2 0.0 %

- 124 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
260.00 2 0.0 %
280.00 2 0.0 %
285.00 1 0.0 %
297.00 1 0.0 %
300.00 14 0.1 %
301.00 1 0.0 %
320.00 1 0.0 %
322.00 1 0.0 %
350.00 2 0.0 %
360.00 2 0.0 %
400.00 11 0.1 %
410.00 1 0.0 %
450.00 3 0.0 %
480.00 1 0.0 %
500.00 11 0.1 %
550.00 3 0.0 %
580.00 1 0.0 %
600.00 20 0.1 %
630.00 1 0.0 %
640.00 4 0.0 %
648.00 1 0.0 %
650.00 2 0.0 %
660.00 1 0.0 %
680.00 1 0.0 %
690.00 2 0.0 %
700.00 4 0.0 %
750.00 1 0.0 %
760.00 2 0.0 %
800.00 3 0.0 %
840.00 1 0.0 %
850.00 1 0.0 %
880.00 1 0.0 %
900.00 3 0.0 %
920.00 1 0.0 %
962.90 1 0.0 %
1000.00 19 0.1 %
1020.00 1 0.0 %
1046.00 1 0.0 %
1050.00 1 0.0 %
1120.00 1 0.0 %

- 125 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
1150.00 1 0.0 %
1195.00 1 0.0 %
1200.00 10 0.0 %
1215.00 1 0.0 %
1240.90 1 0.0 %
1300.00 3 0.0 %
1321.50 1 0.0 %
1335.27 1 0.0 %
1372.90 1 0.0 %
1400.00 2 0.0 %
1440.00 3 0.0 %
1460.00 1 0.0 %
1500.00 8 0.0 %
1505.00 1 0.0 %
1540.00 1 0.0 %
1550.00 1 0.0 %
1560.00 1 0.0 %
1600.00 6 0.0 %
1611.00 1 0.0 %
1640.00 1 0.0 %
1690.00 1 0.0 %
1700.00 1 0.0 %
1800.00 6 0.0 %
1820.00 1 0.0 %
1840.00 2 0.0 %
1900.00 1 0.0 %
1960.00 1 0.0 %
2000.00 28 0.1 %
2050.00 1 0.0 %
2098.00 1 0.0 %
2100.00 1 0.0 %
2140.00 1 0.0 %
2160.00 3 0.0 %
2200.00 1 0.0 %
2208.00 1 0.0 %
2228.00 1 0.0 %
2300.00 1 0.0 %
2400.00 8 0.0 %
2435.00 1 0.0 %
2466.00 1 0.0 %

- 126 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
2470.00 1 0.0 %
2500.00 2 0.0 %
2520.00 1 0.0 %
2600.00 1 0.0 %
2640.00 2 0.0 %
2790.00 1 0.0 %
2800.00 3 0.0 %
3000.00 17 0.1 %
3010.00 1 0.0 %
3100.00 1 0.0 %
3125.00 1 0.0 %
3130.00 1 0.0 %
3189.00 1 0.0 %
3200.00 1 0.0 %
3500.00 5 0.0 %
3600.00 19 0.1 %
3840.00 1 0.0 %
3900.00 1 0.0 %
3920.00 1 0.0 %
3922.00 1 0.0 %
3990.00 1 0.0 %
4000.00 10 0.0 %
4100.00 1 0.0 %
4124.20 1 0.0 %
4175.00 1 0.0 %
4200.00 5 0.0 %
4280.00 1 0.0 %
4300.00 2 0.0 %
4320.00 6 0.0 %
4325.00 1 0.0 %
4400.00 4 0.0 %
4450.00 1 0.0 %
4475.00 1 0.0 %
4500.00 4 0.0 %
4560.00 2 0.0 %
4561.00 1 0.0 %
4600.00 2 0.0 %
4800.00 18 0.1 %
4866.00 1 0.0 %
4905.00 1 0.0 %

- 127 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
4920.00 1 0.0 %
4970.00 1 0.0 %
5000.00 15 0.1 %
5040.00 1 0.0 %
5200.00 1 0.0 %
5300.00 1 0.0 %
5400.00 2 0.0 %
5500.00 1 0.0 %
5510.00 1 0.0 %
5560.20 1 0.0 %
5630.00 1 0.0 %
5750.00 1 0.0 %
5800.00 1 0.0 %
5810.00 1 0.0 %
5894.00 1 0.0 %
5900.00 1 0.0 %
6000.00 38 0.2 %
6120.00 1 0.0 %
6360.00 3 0.0 %
6400.00 1 0.0 %
6500.00 1 0.0 %
6600.00 2 0.0 %
7000.00 4 0.0 %
7080.00 1 0.0 %
7095.00 1 0.0 %
7200.00 6 0.0 %
7260.00 1 0.0 %
7440.00 1 0.0 %
7474.00 1 0.0 %
8000.00 1 0.0 %
8362.00 1 0.0 %
8400.00 4 0.0 %
8716.80 1 0.0 %
9000.00 1 0.0 %
9600.00 4 0.0 %
10000.00 3 0.0 %
10598.00 1 0.0 %
10600.00 1 0.0 %
10800.00 1 0.0 %
12000.00 6 0.0 %

- 128 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
12682.00 1 0.0 %
13000.00 1 0.0 %
13008.00 1 0.0 %
16400.00 1 0.0 %
16800.00 1 0.0 %
21130.00 1 0.0 %
24019.00 1 0.0 %
27094.00 1 0.0 %
31000.00 1 0.0 %
36000.00 1 0.0 %
. (M) 5428 26.3 %

• Mean: 116.33
• Median: 0.00
• Mode: 0.00
• Minimum: 0.00
• Maximum: 36000.00
• Standard Deviation: 923.59

Based upon 15204 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

P210 Monetary value of income in kind

Location: 326-333(width: 8; decimal: 2)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: Monetary value of income in kind

• Mean: 113.82
• Minimum: 0.00
• Maximum: 80000.00
• Standard Deviation: 997.47

Based upon 15204 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

INCOME98 Total annual income Year 1998

Location: 334-343(width: 10; decimal: 2)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: Personal income of 1998-2001 (Annual amount) Year 1998

• Mean: 7759.02
• Minimum: -24000.00
• Maximum: 458000.00
• Standard Deviation: 7995.26

Based upon 15204 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

- 129 -
- Study 21741 -
INCOME99 Total annual income Year 1999

Location: 344-352(width: 9; decimal: 2)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: Year 1999

• Mean: 8127.31
• Minimum: 0.00
• Maximum: 200000.00
• Standard Deviation: 6831.71

Based upon 15204 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

INCOME00 Total annual income Year 2000

Location: 353-362(width: 10; decimal: 2)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: Year 2000

• Mean: 8771.44
• Minimum: -3000.00
• Maximum: 180000.00
• Standard Deviation: 7188.73

Based upon 15204 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

INCOME01 Total annual income Year 2001

Location: 363-372(width: 10; decimal: 2)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Question: Year 2001

• Mean: 9545.41
• Minimum: -5000.00
• Maximum: 450000.00
• Standard Deviation: 8950.97

Based upon 15204 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.


Location: 373-374(width: 2; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Value Unweighted %
11 1447 7.0 %
14 1836 8.9 %
21 2109 10.2 %
32 2149 10.4 %
34 1464 7.1 %
41 2073 10.0 %

- 130 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
42 2056 10.0 %
44 1757 8.5 %
50 827 4.0 %
51 1696 8.2 %
53 1836 8.9 %
62 1189 5.8 %
. (M) 193 0.9 %

• Mean: 36.79
• Median: 41.00
• Mode: 32.00
• Minimum: 11.00
• Maximum: 62.00
• Standard Deviation: 14.69

Based upon 20439 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

POP2003 POP2003

Location: 375-375(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Value Unweighted %
1 77 0.4 %
2 2826 13.7 %
3 12570 60.9 %
4 3390 16.4 %
5 1472 7.1 %
6 222 1.1 %
7 67 0.3 %
8 8 0.0 %

• Mean: 3.21
• Median: 3.00
• Mode: 3.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 8.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.85

Based upon 20632 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

POP2002 POP2002

Location: 376-376(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)

- 131 -
- Study 21741 -
Value Unweighted %
1 73 0.4 %
2 2693 13.1 %
3 12601 61.1 %
4 3459 16.8 %
5 1503 7.3 %
6 228 1.1 %
7 42 0.2 %
8 24 0.1 %
9 9 0.0 %

• Mean: 3.23
• Median: 3.00
• Mode: 3.00
• Minimum: 1.00
• Maximum: 9.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.85

Based upon 20632 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.


Location: 377-377(width: 1; decimal: 0)

Variable Type: numeric (ISO)
Value Unweighted %
0 20265 98.2 %
1 367 1.8 %

• Mean: 0.02
• Median: 0.00
• Mode: 0.00
• Minimum: 0.00
• Maximum: 1.00
• Standard Deviation: 0.13

Based upon 20632 valid cases out of 20632 total cases.

- 132 -
Data and Variable Label Problems
Part 1

The materials provided by the Principal Investigators were insufficient to conclusively determine the
meaning of all of the variables and values in this study. This is a list of problems or potential problems
identified by the ICPSR processor. Where it is relevant, the action taken by the processor (such as
marking inappropriate values as missing) is also listed.

Variable Names in Problems Identified

various The questionnaire says that missing values are coded as 1.9, but there are no
instances of 1.9 values in the data.
various The data contain zeros which don't make sense unless they are missing values.
(They have been marked as missing.)
p138, p145, p152, The data contain additional codes which are not specified in the questionnaire.
p155, p180 (Many of these values have been marked as missing.)
p163a One case has a value of 366. There were only 365 total days in 2002.
income98 to Negative values may legitimately represent a net loss, or they may be
income01 mistakes.
pop2003, pop2002, These variables were not found in any questionnaire, nor could they be
errtype1 labeled intuitively.
p132b, p132c, Variables not found in questionnaire.
p162a, p163c,

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