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ze ——— ES SS Se ASOD Bea ire peer PUBLISHED IN CHICAGO LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY MECHANICAL PUBLICATION IN THE WORLD Plumbing & Heating Materia Sold to Consumers at ManuFacturers Price Clean—Sanitary—Odorless Newest Designs Best Appliances Finest Nickel Trimmings @We sell you these modem Bath Room Outfits direct— you need not pay exorbitant profits to your plumber. Prices for Outfits Satisfaction guaranteed of money refunded. Cone ectionseasily made. Any ordinary mechanic can ine stall with the aid of our comprchentive working plans and instructions. ‘Ack for Book—Medern Methods of Sanitary Plumbing—conteining charts, drawings and diagrams, showing how any ordinary mechanic can install plumbing fixtures without wiping joints. Also tells how to secure perfect sanitation, We will e-nd it free if you mention this Magazine, GWe employ an efficient engineering depattment that will cheerfully furnish you ideas as to the correct We can save you from 30 to 50 percent method of heating your @ Send us sketch or f diagram of your house for our estimate. home or building. Weguar- } antecsatisfaction, Anyone ured to handling tools can install our heating plants, cther in a new or old building, by following our complete yet simple insruc- tions, @ Steam and Hot Water plants of most modem construction. fgg dns tg BUILDONG “WE Wilk Ma YO no och PN rie 1 m Useful information and heating guide. It tells you every phase of the heating question—also gives full and necessary information on the care of your plant, Mailed free to anyone mentioning this Magazine. ‘on merchandise for the Home, the Field, and the Workshop. CHICAGO HOUSE WRECKING Cl S35" AND IRON STREETS. CHICAGO. THE NAVY’S QUOTA IS NEARLY FILLED THE YOUNG MEN of this country are rapidly learning the many opportunities offered in the Naval Service, for steady employment at good pay, the fa- cilities for acquiring a useful trade, and for making better, stronger men of themselves. AS A RESULT, the quota of enlisted men allowed by law has been nearly obtained. When the maxi- mum strength is reached, it will be necessary to restrict enlistments, and possibly a number of Navy Recruiting Stations will be closed THE STANDARD for enlistment in the Navy has never been so high as it is today, and it is the purpose of the Navy Department to maintain this high standard. As time goes on, the requirements will become more strict. The Navy desires only young men of good character who will appreciate the advantages open and who are ambitious to advance. IF YOU can measure up to these requirements, and are in good physical condition, write for full informa- tion about the service, and the address of the nearest Navy Recruiting Office. Address: BUREAU OF NAVIGATION ---DESK 69... Navy Department Washington, D. C. This one Minny Awland Tool Set No. K-50 Price $1.50 ‘A Kit of Tools at Hand The handiest little kit of tools you can imagine. Ready for almost any feleaey job of fixing around the house. Its uses are innumerable—in the handle are screw- drivers, chisel, gouge, file, gimlet, awls for punching and_ cutting aad countersink—all these tools fit in the handle and are adjusted in a second. KEEN KUTTER Awl and Tool Set is a great thing for the boys. They will find use for it every day Every ‘ool in the set is a Keen Kutter and is therefore of the very highest quality and guaranteed perfect. The way to be sure of lasting satisfaction in buyi tools and cutlery i 1s to ask for a Kutter and look for the trade- mark which guarantees them. If not at your dealer’s, write us. SIMMONS HARDWARE COMPANY (Ine.), St. Louis and New York, U. S. A. Please Mention Popular Mechanics EEE EES EE Se H. H. WINDSOR, Editor 225 Washingtor St., CHICAGO, U.S.A. righted, 1909, by HH, Windsor. Exchange Editors are at liberty to quote from these Copyrighted, y srpes beets ae ry to qi pages by giving CONTENTS FOR MAY, 1909 Germany Prepares to Fight Airships 303 Gets Doctor's Ald by Wireless. Iceboats Tow utomobiles. Training Men for Rescue Werk in Mine House with Tree= DUsASLers ee ec eencensenaneetennnnnses 420 ind Modeling on California America’s First Raliroad” ‘Track Built 100 That Is Not Vears Ago... geass 450 Vactinating New York's Municipal Lodgers 430 ‘Types of Army” Observation Devices... a8t Ant inge Steam Propelied’ Tee Auto. enfous Teapot Russian_Motor-Sieigh .. us a The Healing Powerot Radia = Nature Provides Largest Fountain Lineman's Protective Shield for High-Ten- Country a testes pote sion. Circuits i 399 Baseboarda Unnecessary with Cem r 499 Electric Rammer for Big Guns. A Ter Residence Section of Messina 100 The Color of arships......... &-Pyram arrels.. +48 Seoteh Pipe-Line Bulle by Germany Train Dispatching by ‘Telephone... we Dahorning of Cattle--. lat Deposit Box for Every Theatre Goer.. 403 Great Gun on hig New Ide jalling Tubs secces. 704 © Curious Locom bain_Cross-Cut Saw... .......... 436 Fyyenty: Foot, Hands tor Tower, Cloaks: <<1-. 43g Snakes Capture Ship Intact After Sei Buifeting... 437 Athletes — Breathin: Grinding Corozo Nuts for Valuable Oils Time-Signaling Attachment for Whistles ..ctcs cess ze Night-Signaling Auto Device. : he Future of Aerial Navigation. ni land ofo Hal Have Automobile Militia....... 409 Spraying Water_for ‘Turbine Plant. Beastie Banale: 409 Concrete Lamp Posts for Washington. 40 G: An Itallan ‘Torpedo Gost Destroyer: t:...-s#10 Searchit Cignt “Alcohol Fuel Locomotive............. 410 Flesttle” Apparatus oe Horse Made of Cavalry Equipmentsc..0 04 regen fer Brazing. eee Fish that Ie Nearly All Mouth... Electricity Used to Capture Head Hunters. 444 Belling Bg tices In Oregon essa River-Be _Brogpeeting in Call allfornias.cs22. 448 PurNauscMiror Scheme Tor ApeeseAt ae Electric Ships for Atlantic “te New" Lake Steamer Has-Many ‘Novel: Fea: Mechanical Section of Navy Electrical School 416 tures paiscatasacieida ag Shureh Bulle rom Ite Clay_Exeavatlon.... 418 kings and” Aviators... christen Al Combination Baggage Car and Snow Plow.. 438 First Ty = 8. Submarini Whale. 2408 line Passenger Car ....... és In Naval Warfare: \pparatus q German _Dirigibles Equipped with Guns.... 449 How to Make and Finish a Magazine Stand a j 482 Instrument Makes Record of Automobile’s ‘Speed reuse : 2 camel Corps. of indian Holla: jagazine for ti sae Shackleton Atmost Reaches. South Paid: Zeppelin's Greatest Flight 420 Gr First_Non-Magnetic Ship Ever Constructed 421 Train Wrecked 1 I Srafveseneceiic Sed Great Concrete Tank Built in Mexico...... 423 Hats_fr Cutting a Ship Channel Through Rock River im’a Noteele Sultan of Turkey to Wireless Room of U.S, S. “Gresham’. 436 arta erates fuelling Fire in Budapest Theatre...-°. 420 The"Gencrete Boat ridge Fwo -Glant-Fish Caught with Light Tackle mee ears Seldiers’ "to" Administer “their ‘Own “An: estroying Fog Fixtures for High Candiepower Electric Lamps. os Issued Monthly SUBSCRIPTION: In United States, and Its possessions, and Mexico, r, postpaid 1.00 To Canada and ail countrics in the Postal Union’ pet yout. posteald > S80 AU subscriptions are discontinued at expitation. Please examine the date printed on your wrapper. tared an Second Claas Mattor Sept. 15 1903. af the Bostofiea at Chicaen, Tiinnia, under Act of March i o ‘Published monehiy by BOBULAR MECHANIOS GOL "40" Act of March Sed. 1670 The attention of prospective advertisers Is called to the policy of this magazine In accord: ance with which the publisher walv laim for "payment of any “advert jsement appearing In Sny Issue where the number of copies actually printed and circulated ie less than the number printed on the front cover page. Single Copy 10 Cents

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