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Economic Development - Financial Crimes and online scams involving Digital

Wallet such as GCASH (3,587) & Maya (49).

Public Safety is the prevention of and protection
- (next) Several Filipinos have also been reported to
from events that could endanger the safety and
have been illegally recruited and trafficked through
security of the public from significant danger, injury,
fraudulent job listings on facebook. Promised jobs at
or property damage.
call center and data encoders, the migrant Filipinos
-It involves taking proactive measures to prevent or ended up in cyber crime operations in Myanmar
mitigate the potential risks and threats. This includes (Dec 2022)
implementing safety protocols, conducting risk - On July 12, 2023. May lumabas na article about
assessments, and promoting awareness among “Cybercrime still up despite SIM Registration Law”
public. and lalong mas dumami pa nga.

2nd slide: By doing so, we aim to promote and ensure the STRATEGIES:
well-being, security, and protection of the general public
- The Department of Information and Comunication
by preventing harmful incident and effectively responding
technology (DICC) allocated Php 9.8B to implements
to any emergencies that may rise.
its program and Php 353M was allocated to
1st Issue – Cybercrime: Philippines among least Cybercrime Investigation and Coordination Center
Cybersecure country in Asia (CICC)

- According to the National Cybersecurity Plan, A SIM Registration Act.

crime in which a computer is the object of the crime
- On Oct 10 , 2022 PBBM signed the SIM Reg. Act.
or is used as a tool to commit an offense.
- It aims to provide accountability in the use of SIM
- Such as, Hacking, phishing, spamming, child
cards and aid law enforcers to track perpetrators of
pornography, hate crimes, etc.,
crime committed through SIMs.
CONCERNS: - They said that after the registration which is sa July
25 na, they will monitor how automatic deactivation
1. According to the Reboot Digital PR Services, the
of nonregistered SIMs can help to address and
Philippines Cyber Danger Score is 62.7 out of 100
contribute in reducing, kung hindi eliminating, scams
and we are at 19th place globally.
and other cyberscams.
2. On July 11, 2023, The PNP reported that
- (next) PBBM to focus on cybersecurity training and
cybercrimes increased by 190% from January to
education. So, as daily smishing, phishing and other
June 2023 or a total of 4,104 cases from 1,415 in the
cyber-attacks rise, educating the public as well as
same period in 2022.
upgrading professional skills on safety and security.
- According to Senator Grace Poe, kaya lang tumaas
yung cybercrime rate is because the PNP has a
- PNP to focus on Cybercrime as among ‘greatest
better tracking system than before.
threats’ to Filipinos. PNP has been issuing
- Online Scams during the same period almost tripled
advisories to warn the public against threats like
to, 4,446 compared to 1,415 last year.
malware or ransomware. (Jan2023)
- Illegal Access reached 1,063 up 86% from 570.
- ATM and Credit Card fraud also rose during the 1st
semester to 625 which is more double the 241 cases
reported last year.
- CICC launches 24/7 chatbot assistant for network monitoring tools that can assist them in
Cybercrimes, Sim reg and others. The chatbot is detecting, preventing, and investigating cybercrimes.
called CYRI, thru the platforms CICC immediately
can get complaints and concern related to
cybercrimes, data privacy, and Sim Reg, their agents
on duty can immediately advice or act on a
3. To strengthen Data Privacy Laws by enhancing
yung data protection laws and regulations to
RECOMMENDATIONS: safeguard yung personal information from
unauthorized personal access, disclosure, and
1. To Strengthen the legislation by enhancing the
misuse. We need to implement stricter penalties for
existing law and regulations related to cybercrime to
data breaches and privacy violations to prevent yung
ensure they cover a wide range of offenses such as
pag taas ng cybercrimes. Pero yung effectiveness
hacking, identity theft, online fraud and
parin naman ng any law depends on factors such as
enforcement, compliance, and public awareness.
- To strengthen it we must strengthen the
cybersecurity measures. With the rapid
advancements in technology, it is important to
4. More Public Awareness and Education PBBM
continuously update and strengthen yung
focuses on cybersecurity training and education,
cybersecurity measures by enhancing encryption
while the PNP has also been issuing advisories to
standards, promoting the adoption of secure coding
warn the public. We also must educate individuals
practices, and facilitating collaboration between gov’t
by encouraging them to adopt a strong password,
agencies, private sector entities, and Cybersecurity
use online practices and be cautious of phishing
attempts and other cyber threats. We must remind
- gov’t - (Department of Justice, National Bureau of
them to at least change password every 3 months.
Investigation, Philippine national Police, Cybercrime
Investigation and Coordination Center) 5. Encourage Responsible Online Behavior. We
must promote digital ethics and responsible online
2. Enhance law Enforcement Capabilities behavior among individuals, particularly children and
- by providing a specialized training to young adults. Educate the used about the
enforcement agencies on cybercrime investigation consequences of cyberbullying, online harassment,
techniques, digital forensics, and evidence and illegal activities on the internet.
collection. With that they can identify perpetrators,
and build yung strong cases for prosecution
SIM Card Registration Act
efficiently and effectively.
- And by investing in advanced technology and - Privacy Concerns: SIM card registration involves
tools to equip law enforcement with evidence collecting personal data information, including
resources to combat with cybercrime. This is a identification details, which raises our concerns
crucial tool for law enforcement agencies kasi to about the privacy. There is a risk that this data could
keep up with the rapidly evolving cyber threats, be accessed or misused, leading to privacy
kailangan nila ng advanced software, hardware, and breaches, identity theft, or unauthorized surveillance.
Though, The National telecommunications
Commission (NTC) assured the owners of the SIM
cards that they data gathered during registration will
be kept secured as mandated under the law by the
Telecommunication Companies (TelCos) but given
that our cybersecurity in the Philippines is
- Privacy Protection – strict access controls, Lack of Climate Change Adaptation:

encryption, and secure storage to prevent Vulnerability of Coastal Communities

unauthorized access or misuse of the data.
- Transparency and Consent – we must implement - The Philippines has a long coastline and numerous
coastal communities that are highly vulnerable to
clear guidelines on how the collected personal
sea-level rise, storm surges, and coastal erosion.
information will be used, stored, and shared. We,
Communities often lack of proper protective
users should be provided with transparent rights,
infrastructure, such as seawalls or early warning
and their consent should be obtained before their
systems, leaving them exposed to impacts of
data is processed for purposes beyond registration
climate change.

2nd Issue – Philippines tops the global disaster Agricultural Impacts

risk index - Agriculture has been one of the significant sectors

CONCERNS: in the Philippines, employing a large portion of the

population. However, changing rainfall patterns
- Ring of Fire – Philippines is located along the and increased frequency of extreme weather
typhoon belt in the Pacific. It is visited by an average events gives challenges for farming, leading to
of 20 typhoons every year. Being situated in the decreased in agricultural productivity, crop losses,
Pacific Ring of Fire makes it vulnerable to frequent and livelihood disruptions.
earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
- According to the World Risk Index 2022 that was
released on September, Philippines ranked first
overall, meaning the country with the greatest risk
and out of 193 countries with a score of 46.82 over
100, where a higher score reflects the most risk.
(We were in the top for expose, vulnerability,
susceptibility, and lack of coping mechanisms, and
for lack of adaptation strategies.

Lack of Infrastructure Resilience

- Many infrastructure systems, such as roads,

bridges, and water supply networks, are not
designed to withstand the impacts of climate
change It causes to increase the vulnerability of
communities. Also making it a huge disturbance to

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