Medical Repricing Revision

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Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad (93745-A)

(A member of the OCBC Group)

Customer Service Centre : Mezzanine Floor Menara Great Eastern
303 Jalan Ampang 50450 Kuala Lumpur
Customer Service Careline : 1300 - 1300 88
Email Website

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0311 BLOK 58
81300 SKUDAI

Dear Valued Customer,

POLICY NUMBER : 1021124704

Thank you for your continued support towards Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad (“the Company”).

In view of the increasing medical cost and utilisation of medical services, we have to periodically review our medical plans to
ensure our valued customers continue to enjoy the comprehensive coverage of their medical plan. We are writing to inform
you of the following:-

Revision of Insurance Charges for SmartMedic Xtra and SmartMedic Xtra 99

Our last review has shown changes in utilisation rate, average claims size and the average medical cost inflation, which
necessitate an adjustment in insurance charges. For SmartMedic Xtra/SmartMedic Xtra 99, 80 out of 1,000 policy owners
made a claim compared to 79 out of 1,000 policy owners 3 years ago. Each claim on average has increase from RM6,097 to
RM7,944. The 3-year average medical cost inflation per annum is 12%. The insurance charges of your medical plan(s) will be
revised, effective from the next policy anniversary falling on or after 1 July 2023 (“Effective Date”).

In view of the revision of insurance charges, we suggest that you increase your current premium as follows for better
sustainability of the policy:

Current Premium Suggested Premium Increment New Revised Premium

RM200.00* / Monthly RM70.00* / Monthly RM270.00* / Monthly

*For policies that are subject to service tax, the premiums are inclusive of the prevailing service tax.

Alternatively, you may consider increasing your current premium by any amount, subject to a minimum increase of
RM20/monthly, RM60/quarterly, RM120/half-yearly or RM240/yearly.

If you are an e-Connect user, you may view/download the communications pack which comprises of the Schedule 16 /
Schedule 22 / Schedule 41 – Standard Insurance Charge Rates Per Annum for SmartMedic Xtra and SmartMedic Xtra 99
(whichever is applicable) (“Schedule(s)”) on the details of the insurance charges, relevant Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
and Appendix – Historical Insurance Charges for SmartMedic Xtra and SmartMedic Xtra 99 in e-Connect under My Document
>> Important Notification, and to authorise the increase in premium online latest by 31 January 2024. The new revised
premium will take effect from next premium due date.

If you are currently not an e-Connect user, you are required to register at >> Personal
Insurance >> Get Help >> Customer Service >> e-Connect and download the communications pack.

In this respect, you may consult your servicing agent to review your insurance coverage and benefits in accordance with your
needs. However, we wish to caution you that your current premium may not be able to sustain your policy and as a result your
policy may lapse. Therefore, we would strongly encourage you to adhere to the new revised premium to ensure that your
policy stay in force in view of the revision of insurance charges to your medical plan.

If you do not wish to increase your current premium, you may consider any one of the following options:
a) Downgrade your medical rider (if applicable) and your downgraded plan will have lower insurance charges;
b) Convert your medical rider to other investment-linked medical rider that is available on the shelf, subject to the eligible
entry age at next birthday and underwriting;
c) Reduce sum assured for the basic plan and Basic Investment Premium (BIP);
d) Reduce sum assured and rider(s) term coverage (if applicable);
e) Cancel other rider(s) / supplementary benefit(s) (if applicable); or
f) Change the policy’s payment frequency to “monthly” mode (if applicable).

As your preferred health insurance provider, rest assured that the Company will always strive to control the rising medical cost and
claims by undertaking some cost containment initiative including claims management actions as follows:
a) continuous engagement with our providers to ensure charges are reasonable and affordable.
b) on-going discussions with Life Insurance Association of Malaysia (LIAM), Ministry of Health (MOH) and Association of
Private Hospitals, Malaysia (APHM) on escalating medical cost.

The above-mentioned Schedule(s) will take effect from the Effective Date and will form part of your policy. Kindly attach the
Schedule(s) to your policy contract for future reference.

If you require further assistance, please contact your servicing agent. General information on medical rate revision is available at
Alternatively, you can email us at or contact our Customer Service Careline at 03-4813 3928 or
visit our branch office nearest to you.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

Jeffrey Yem
Chief Operations Officer

This is a computer-generated document and it does not require a signature.

Pelanggan yang Dihormati,

NOMBOR POLISI : 1021124704


Terima kasih atas sokongan berterusan anda terhadap Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad (“Syarikat”).

Dengan kenaikan kos perubatan dan penggunaan perkhidmatan perubatan, kami akan meneliti pelan perubatan kami secara
berkala bagi memastikan para pelanggan dapat terus menikmati perlindungan pelan perubatan yang komprehensif. Dengan
itu, kami ingin memaklumkan perkara berikut:-

Semakan Semula Caj Insurans bagi SmartMedic Xtra dan SmartMedic Xtra 99

Berdasarkan penelitian terkini kami, terdapat perubahan pada kadar penggunaan, purata saiz tuntutan dan purata inflasi kos
perubatan, yang memerlukan pelarasan caj insurans. Bagi SmartMedic Xtra/SmartMedic Xtra 99, 80 daripada 1,000 pemilik
polisi membuat suatu tuntutan berbanding 79 daripada 1,000 pemilik polisi pada 3 tahun yang lepas. Setiap tuntutan secara
purata telah meningkat daripada RM6,097 kepada RM7,944. Purata inflasi kos perubatan tahunan bagi tempoh 3 tahun ialah
sebanyak 12%. Caj insurans pelan perubatan anda akan disemak semula, berkuat kuasa daripada tarikh ulang tahun polisi
berikutnya yang jatuh pada atau selepas 1 Julai 2023 (“Tarikh Berkuat Kuasa”).

Memandangkan caj insurans anda akan disemak semula, kami mencadangkan agar anda menambah premium semasa
seperti berikut, bagi kelangsungan polisi yang lebih baik:

Premium Semasa Cadangan Penambahan Premium Baharu

RM200.00* / Bulanan RM70.00* / Bulanan RM270.00* / Bulanan

*Bagi polisi yang tertakluk pada cukai perkhidmatan, premium adalah termasuk cukai perkhidmatan semasa.

Sebagai alternatif, anda boleh mempertimbangkan penambahan premium semasa dengan sebarang amaun minimum
sebanyak RM20/bulanan, RM60/suku tahunan, RM120/setengah tahunan atau RM240/tahunan.

Jika anda merupakan pengguna e-Connect, anda boleh dapati/muat turun komunikasi daripada kami yang terdiri daripada
‘Schedule 16 / Schedule 22 / Schedule 41 – Standard Insurance Charge Rates Per Annum for SmartMedic Xtra and
SmartMedic Xtra 99’ (mana yang berkenaan) (“Jadual”) untuk maklumat lanjut berkenaan caj insurans, Soalan Lazim
‘Frequently Asked Questions’ yang berkaitan dan Lampiran ‘Appendix – Historical Insurance Charges for SmartMedic Xtra and
SmartMedic Xtra 99’ (mana yang berkenaan) melalui e-Connect di bawah My Document >> Important Notification, dan
memberi kebenaran bagi penambahan premium secara atas talian selewat-lewatnya pada 31 Januari 2024. Premium baharu
akan berkuat kuasa pada tarikh premium berikutnya perlu dibayar.

Jika anda bukan pengguna e-Connect pada masa ini, anda perlu mendaftar melalui >>
Personal Insurance >> Get Help >> Customer Service >> e-Connect dan muat turun komunikasi tersebut.

Anda boleh berunding dengan ejen perkhidmatan bagi meneliti perlindungan dan manfaat insurans mengikut keperluan anda.
Kami ingin mengingatkan bahawa premium semasa anda mungkin tidak dapat mengekalkan kelangsungan polisi dan polisi
anda mungkin luput. Oleh itu, kami menggalakkan anda untuk mematuhi premium baharu bagi memastikan polisi anda kekal
berkuat kuasa setelah semakan semula caj insurans bagi pelan perubatan anda dilakukan.

Jika anda tidak berniat untuk meningkatkan premium semasa, anda boleh mempertimbangkan salah satu pilihan tersebut:
a) Mengurangkan tahap perlindungan bagi rider perubatan (jika berkenaan) anda dan pelan tersebut akan mempunyai
caj insurans yang lebih rendah;
b) Menukarkan rider perubatan anda kepada rider perubatan berkaitan pelaburan lain yang sedia ada, tertakluk pada
umur kemasukan hari jadi berikut yang layak dan taja jamin;
c) Mengurangkan jumlah asurans bagi pelan asas dan Premium Pelaburan Asas (BIP);
d) Mengurangkan jumlah asurans dan tempoh perlindungan bagi rider (jika berkenaan);
e) Membatalkan rider lain / manfaat tambahan (jika berkenaan); atau
f) Menukarkan jenis pembayaran premium polisi kepada "bulanan" (jika berkenaan).

Sebagai penyedia insurans kesihatan pilihan anda, Syarikat akan sentiasa berusaha untuk mengawal kenaikan kos perubatan
dan tuntutan dengan manjalankan beberapa inisiatif pembendungan kos termasuk tindakan pengurusan tuntutan seperti
a) penglibatan berterusan dengan penyedia perkhidmatan kami bagi memastikan caj adalah berpatutan dan mampu
b) perbincangan bersama Persatuan Insurans Hayat Malaysia (LIAM), Kementerian Kesihatan (KKM) dan Persatuan
Hospital Swasta, Malaysia (APHM) berkenaan peningkatan kos perubatan.

Jadual yang dinyatakan di atas akan berkuat kuasa daripada Tarikh Berkuat Kuasa dan membentuk sebahagian daripada
polisi anda. Sila lampirkan Jadual pada kontrak polisi anda untuk rujukan pada masa hadapan.

Sekiranya anda memerlukan bantuan lanjut, sila hubungi ejen perkhidmatan anda. Maklumat am berkenaan semakan semula
kadar perubatan boleh didapati melalui
questions/medical-rate-revision.html. Sebagai alternatif, anda juga boleh e-mel atau
hubungi Customer Service Careline kami di 03-4813 3928 atau kunjungi pejabat cawangan terdekat.

Terima kasih.

Yang benar,

Jeffrey Yem
Ketua Pegawai Operasi

Dokumen ini adalah janaan komputer dan tidak memerlukan tandatangan.

Notes / Nota:
1. Kindly ignore this notice if the SmartMedic Xtra and SmartMedic Xtra 99 (whichever is applicable) attached to the above-mentioned policy
has been terminated on or before the date of this letter. / Sila abaikan notis ini jika SmartMedic Xtra dan SmartMedic Xtra 99 (mana yang
berkenaan) yang dilampirkan pada polisi yang dinyatakan di atas telah ditamatkan pada atau sebelum tarikh surat ini.
2. The suggested premium increment is quoted based on the increased insurance charges of SmartMedic Xtra and SmartMedic Xtra 99
(whichever is applicable) (rounded to the next RM10) to restore the medical rider sustainability to its original position before revision of
insurance charges. It does not, in any way or in any manner, guarantee the sustainability of the above-mentioned policy up to maturity.
Please refer to the ‘Annual Sustainability Notice for Investment Linked Policy’ letter for details on the overall sustainability of the policy and
the necessary actions to ensure its sustainability. / Cadangan penambahan premium dinyatakan berdasarkan peningkatan caj insurans
SmartMedic Xtra dan SmartMedic Xtra 99 (mana yang berkenaan) (dibulatkan kepada RM10 terhampir) bagi mengembalikan kelangsungan
rider perubatan pada kedudukan asal sebelum semakan semula caj insurans. Ia tidak menjamin kelangsungan polisi yang dinyatakan di atas
sehingga polisi matang, dengan sebarang cara atau keadaan. Sila rujuk surat ‘Annual Sustainability Notice for Investment Linked Policy’
untuk huraian berkenaan kelangsungan keseluruhan polisi serta tindakan yang perlu diambil bagi memastikan kelangsungan polisi.
3. The “Current Premium” and “New Revised Premium” quoted in the table above is as of 30/05/2023 and it is subject to policy changes
subsequent to such date. / “Premium Semasa” dan “Premium Baharu” seperti dinyatakan dalam jadual di atas adalah setakat 30/05/2023
dan tertakluk pada perubahan polisi selepas tarikh tersebut.

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Policy No.: 1021124704 Issue Date: 26 July 2023


Standard Insurance Charge Rates Per Annum for SmartMedic Xtra and SmartMedic Xtra 99 (whichever is applicable)
Both Male and Female Lives
Insurance Charge Rate Per Annum with respect to the Life Assured’s occupation classification of either 1 or 2
Attained Age SMX150 SMX200 SMX300 SMX400
Next Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Birthday *
0-5 838 809 1,009 975 1,312 1,269 1,641 1,585
6 - 10 644 629 777 757 1,009 985 1,261 1,229
11 - 15 644 629 718 699 931 910 1,115 1,134
16 - 20 942 802 1,048 892 1,364 1,161 1,633 1,449
21 - 25 979 967 1,089 1,074 1,413 1,396 1,694 1,743
26 - 30 979 967 1,089 1,074 1,413 1,396 1,694 1,743
31 - 35 979 1,011 1,089 1,125 1,413 1,461 1,694 1,828
36 - 40 1,063 1,177 1,139 1,265 1,482 1,643 1,774 2,055
41 - 45 1,267 1,380 1,357 1,479 1,765 1,921 2,114 2,405
46 - 50 1,478 1,645 1,583 1,763 2,061 2,292 2,469 2,865
51 - 55 2,439 2,036 2,614 2,184 3,400 2,839 4,073 3,548
56 - 60 2,927 2,366 3,142 2,538 4,082 3,301 4,890 4,125
61 - 65 4,099 3,380 4,399 3,626 5,719 4,714 6,850 5,894
66 - 70 5,740 4,827 6,159 5,179 8,008 6,734 9,590 8,415
71 - 75 8,611 7,241 9,238 7,769 12,011 10,100 14,388 12,624
76 - 80 12,916 10,860 13,858 11,652 18,017 15,149 21,583 18,935
81 - 85 16,468 13,846 17,668 14,856 22,971 19,315 27,518 24,141
86 - 90 20,584 17,308 21,644 18,199 28,713 24,146 33,710 29,573
91 - 95 25,214 21,204 26,514 22,294 35,173 29,579 40,451 35,488
96 - 98 30,888 25,974 31,816 26,753 43,087 36,234 48,541 42,585
Insurance Charge Rate Per Annum with respect to the Life Assured’s occupation classification of 3
Attained Age SMX150 SMX200 SMX300 SMX400
Next Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Birthday *
0-5 1,048 1,011 1,261 1,219 1,639 1,586 2,051 1,981
6 - 10 805 787 972 946 1,261 1,232 1,576 1,536
11 - 15 805 787 897 875 1,164 1,138 1,394 1,418
16 - 20 1,179 1,003 1,310 1,115 1,704 1,451 2,041 1,811
21 - 25 1,223 1,208 1,362 1,343 1,767 1,746 2,118 2,179
26 - 30 1,223 1,208 1,362 1,343 1,767 1,746 2,118 2,179
31 - 35 1,223 1,264 1,362 1,405 1,767 1,827 2,118 2,285
36 - 40 1,329 1,471 1,424 1,581 1,853 2,054 2,218 2,569
41 - 45 1,583 1,726 1,697 1,850 2,207 2,402 2,643 3,006
46 - 50 1,848 2,057 1,980 2,204 2,575 2,865 3,086 3,581
51 - 55 3,049 2,545 3,268 2,730 4,250 3,549 5,091 4,435
56 - 60 3,660 2,958 3,927 3,172 5,103 4,126 6,113 5,156
61 - 65 5,124 4,225 5,499 4,532 7,149 5,893 8,563 7,368
66 - 70 7,175 6,034 7,700 6,474 10,010 8,418 11,988 10,519
71 - 75 10,765 9,051 11,548 9,711 15,014 12,624 17,985 15,780
76 - 80 16,146 13,574 17,323 14,565 22,521 18,936 26,979 23,669
81 - 85 20,586 17,308 22,086 18,571 28,714 24,145 34,398 30,176
86 - 90 25,731 21,636 27,054 22,749 35,892 30,183 42,138 36,966
91 - 95 31,518 26,506 33,142 27,867 43,966 36,973 50,564 44,360
96 - 98 38,611 32,467 39,771 33,441 53,859 45,292 60,676 53,231
Insurance Charge Rate Per Annum with respect to the Life Assured’s occupation classification of 4
Attained Age SMX150 SMX200 SMX300 SMX400
Next Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Birthday *
0-5 1,258 1,214 1,513 1,463 1,968 1,903 2,463 2,378
6 - 10 967 944 1,166 1,135 1,513 1,478 1,893 1,844
11 - 15 967 944 1,076 1,049 1,396 1,365 1,673 1,701
16 - 20 1,413 1,203 1,572 1,338 2,046 1,742 2,449 2,174
21 - 25 1,469 1,450 1,634 1,611 2,120 2,094 2,541 2,614

26 - 30 1,469 1,450 1,634 1,611 2,120 2,094 2,541 2,614
31 - 35 1,469 1,517 1,634 1,687 2,120 2,192 2,541 2,741
36 - 40 1,595 1,767 1,708 1,898 2,223 2,465 2,661 3,083
41 - 45 1,901 2,071 2,036 2,219 2,648 2,882 3,171 3,608
46 - 50 2,218 2,468 2,375 2,644 3,091 3,439 3,704 4,298
51 - 55 3,658 3,053 3,922 3,276 5,100 4,259 6,109 5,321
56 - 60 4,392 3,549 4,714 3,806 6,123 4,952 7,335 6,188
61 - 65 6,149 5,069 6,599 5,439 8,579 7,071 10,275 8,841
66 - 70 8,610 7,241 9,239 7,769 12,012 10,101 14,385 12,623
71 - 75 12,918 10,861 13,857 11,653 18,017 15,150 21,581 18,936
76 - 80 19,375 16,290 20,787 17,479 27,026 22,724 32,374 28,403
81 - 85 24,703 20,769 26,503 22,285 34,457 28,973 41,276 36,213
86 - 90 30,877 25,963 32,466 27,299 43,070 36,219 50,565 44,359
91 - 95 37,821 31,807 39,771 33,441 52,759 44,369 60,678 53,231
96 - 98 46,333 38,962 47,724 40,130 64,631 54,350 72,813 63,878

* On Date of Insurance Charge Deduction

Insurance Charge for Policy Month
= Insurance Charge Rate Per Annum ÷ 12

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) – SmartMedic Xtra / SmartMedic Xtra 99 / SmartMedic / SmartMedic 99 / IL
HealthCare Benefit (whichever is applicable)

1. When will the new insurance charges take effect?

The new insurance charges will take effect from your next policy anniversary falling on or after 1 July 2023.
a) Policy Anniversary – 1 July 2023, new insurance charges take effect from 1 July 2023.
b) Policy Anniversary – 1 October 2023, new insurance charges take effect from 1 October 2023.

2. What causes the insurance charges to increase?

The increase in insurance charges is mainly driven by the rising medical costs and higher frequency of people seeking
healthcare treatments resulting in the increase of claims. Medical cost can go up for many reasons, including increases in
physician’s fees or laboratory charges, new and more advanced medical treatments and prescription drugs.

The revision of insurance charges is important to ensure that the Company can keep up with the rising medical costs so as
to continue providing the medical coverage to you over the long run. It is important to us that you always have the medical
coverage that you need.

3. Why is there an increase to my insurance charges when I have not made any claims?
Health insurance is written based on a risk-sharing basis where premiums collected are shared to provide payment for
claims that come in. As a result, all policies will be affected regardless of whether you have made any claims before.

4. Is there any enhanced benefits on my medical plan in conjunction with the increase to my insurance charges?
No, the revision in insurance charges is mainly an adjustment to address the rising medical costs and not for any
enhancement in benefits.

5. How is the suggested premium increment quoted?

The suggested premium increment is quoted based on the increased insurance charge of the impacted medical rider(s); it
does not take into account any future policy amendments (e.g., increase in sum assured, attachment of additional riders
and partial withdrawals) and hence it does not guarantee the sustainability of the policy to the end of the policy term.

6. How will the suggested premium increment be treated and how will it be allocated?
The suggested premium increment (excluding the prevailing service tax) will be treated as Great Saver Rider (GSR) and
will be subject to the allocation rate of GSR in accordance with your policy.

7. If I have paid for advanced premium and decided to increase my premium by the suggested premium increment or
minimum premium amount, when will the new premium take effect?
For policies where advanced premiums are paid, the new premium (current premium + suggested premium increment or
minimum premium amount, where applicable) will take effect from the next premium due date.

8. If my policy is attached with premium waiver rider(s) and/or payer benefit rider(s), how will the suggested premium
increment or minimum premium amount impact my premium waiver rider(s) and/or payer benefit rider(s)?
For policies with waiver and/or payer rider(s) attached, sum assured for these riders will NOT be adjusted by the same
quantum of the suggested premium increment.

9. How do I pay for the suggested premium increment?

The new premium (current + suggested premium increment or minimum premium amount, where applicable) will follow
your current premium payment arrangement as mentioned below:
- For EasiPay auto-deduction service via credit/debit card, the new premium will be charged automatically to the same
credit/debit card.
- For GIRO auto-deduction from saving/current account or banker’s order, please arrange with your respective bank to
remit the new premium amount prior to next premium due date. Otherwise, this may result in unsuccessful
auto-deduction and your policy may lapse. Alternatively, you can subscribe to EasiPay auto-deduction service online
via e-Connect.
- For other payment methods, the new premium has to be paid to the Company in full.

10. How do I know if the suggested premium increment has been successfully processed?
The Company will issue an electronic notification of the effective change on the premium. You may view or download the
letter in our e-Connect portal.

11. I decided to increase my current premium; how do I sign up for it?

a) If you are an e-Connect user, you may login to e-Connect at, under the
Revision of Premium Authorisation page, where you will be able to increase your premium online within 6 months from
the date of the notification letter.
b) If you are not currently an e-Connect user, please sign up as a user at and
increase your premium online. You are required to sign up for an e-Connect account as e-Connect is a dedicated portal
for our customers to view their insurance portfolio, perform selected transactions online and check the status of their

Please note that your current premium may not be able to sustain your policy until its full contractual term/maturity date.
Therefore, we would strongly encourage you to adhere to the new revised premium to ensure that your policy stays inforce
in view of the revision of insurance charges to your medical plan.

12. I would like to authorise the suggested premium increment online via e-Connect and at the same time I wish to
perform change of payment frequency. How do I execute it?
Please follow the steps provided as below:
Step 1: Perform the change of payment frequency via e-Connect > My Service Request > Change Payment Frequency
Step 2: On the next day, please proceed with the premium increment authorisation.

13. Can I choose not to increase my current insurance premium?

Yes, you may choose not to increase your current insurance premium. However, we strongly encourage you to pay the
suggested premium increment as the amount is quoted based on the new insurance charges of your impacted medical
rider(s). The new premium will help to cover the increased insurance charges of your policy and for better sustainability of
your policy.

14. When will my premium increase if I authorise the premium increment?

The premium increment will take effect from the next premium due date.

15. If my policy is under ‘premium holiday’ status, when will the new premium take effect?
The increase in premium will take effect from the next premium due date upon authorisation via e-Connect. We would like
to advise that you pay all outstanding premiums before the authorisation. Otherwise, the total outstanding premiums will be
increased by the quantum of the premium increment.

16. Can I choose to increase my premium lower than the suggested amount quoted?
Yes, you may consider paying an additional minimum premium amount of RM20 based on your current premium payment
mode, i.e. RM20/monthly, RM60/quarterly, RM120/half-yearly or RM240/yearly.

17. If my policy is under Company/Bank, can I authorise the premium increment online via e-Connect?
No. The Authorised Person of the Company/Bank would need to complete the Authorisation Form and return the form to us
within the validity date. Acknowledgement of premium revision letter will be posted via mail upon processing.

18. Can I downgrade my impacted medical rider(s)?

Yes, you may opt to downgrade your impacted medical rider(s) and the downgraded plan will have lower insurance
charges. In this respect, you may consult your agent to review your insurance coverage and benefits in accordance with
your needs such as reducing the sum assured of your basic plan, reducing the sum assured of the riders (if applicable) or
cancelling any attachable rider(s). However, we strongly encourage you to maintain a good quality of medical coverage to
protect you against the risk of large medical bills.

19. Can I upgrade my impacted medical rider(s)?

No, you are NOT allowed to upgrade your impacted medical rider(s).

20. Are there any other options available to me if my current medical rider is at the lowest Room and Board and I want
to have a lower premium increment?
Yes, you may wish to consider any of the following options:
a) Reduce sum assured for the basic plan and Basic Investment Premium (BIP);
b) Reduce sum assured and rider(s) term coverage;
c) Cancel other rider(s) / supplementary benefit(s); or
d) Change the policy’s payment frequency to “monthly” mode.
You may consult your agent to review your insurance coverage and benefits in accordance with your needs.

21. Is conversion for my impacted medical rider(s) allowed?

Yes, you may opt to convert your impacted medical rider(s) to other investment-linked medical rider that is available on the
shelf. The conversion can be performed at any time within the eligible entry age at next birthday and subject to
underwriting. In this respect, you may consult your agent to review your insurance coverage and benefits in accordance
with your needs.

22. My policy has subsequently lapsed after I received the notification letter. How will the revision of insurance
charges of the medical rider(s) impact my policy?
You are allowed to reinstate the policies in accordance with the reinstatement clause in the policy contract. Upon
reinstatement, the insurance charges of your medical rider(s) will be revised from your next policy anniversary falling on or
after 1 July 2023 or reinstatement date, whichever is later.

23. I had received an ‘Annual Sustainability Notice for Investment Linked Policy’ earlier and have now received
‘Insurance Charges Revision Letter’ advising on a different suggested premium increment. Which letter should I
refer to?
The purpose of both communications are different.

1 – ‘Annual Sustainability Notice for Investment Linked Policy’ is to inform you on your policy status and its sustainability up
to its full contractual term. If the policy is not sustainable, a suggested premium increment via Great Saver Rider (GSR) or
Single Premium Top Up (SPTU) will be provided in the letter. The suggested premium increment stated in this letter is
optional, you have a choice of preference based on your affordability.

2 – ‘The Insurance Charges Revision Letter’ is to notify you on the increase in insurance charges of the medical rider
attached to your basic plan. The suggested premium (GSR/SPTU) is to restore the medical rider sustainability to its original
position before repricing. The suggested premium increment stated in this letter is optional, you have a choice of preference
based on your affordability.

Nevertheless, you are encouraged to consider increasing the premium as recommended in the annual sustainability and
revision of insurance charges communication to ensure better sustainability for your policy.

24. How do you determine that the insurance charge needs an adjustment?
The assessment is based on the change in utilisation rate, average claims size and the average medical cost inflation.
a) For SmartMedic/SmartMedic 99, 95 out of 1,000 policy owners made a claim compared to 88 out of 1,000 policy
owners 3 years ago. Each claim on average has increase from RM7,167 to RM9,054. The 3-year average medical
cost inflation per annum is 11%.
b) For SmartMedic Xtra/SmartMedic Xtra 99, 80 out of 1,000 policy owners made a claim compared to 79 out of 1,000
policy owners 3 years ago. Each claim on average has increased from RM6,097 to RM7,944. The 3-year average
medical cost inflation per annum is 12%.
c) For IL HealthCare Benefit, 63 out of 1,000 policy owners made a claim compared to 50 out of 1,000 policy owners 5
years ago. Each claim on average has increased from RM6,057 to RM7,420. The 3-year average medical cost inflation
per annum is 2%.

25. What are the cost containment initiative including claims management actions taken by the Company?
Cost containment initiatives, including claims management actions taken by the Company include:
a) continuous engagement with our providers to ensure charges are reasonable and affordable.
b) on-going discussions with Life Insurance Association of Malaysia (LIAM), Ministry of Health (MOH) and Association of
Private Hospitals, Malaysia (APHM) on escalating medical cost.

26. Did Bank Negara Malaysia approve the rates revision?

The rates revision is a commercial decision undertaken by the Company after considerations on the factors mentioned
above. This is to ensure we are able to continue providing medical coverage to you.


Historical Insurance Charges for SmartMedic Xtra and SmartMedic Xtra 99 (whichever is applicable)
The sample insurance charges below are applicable to all occupation classes, based on standard risk and subject to
underwriting. For your information, SmartMedic Xtra and SmartMedic Xtra 99 were launched in May 2014 and February 2016
respectively. This is the 2nd time that the insurance charges for SmartMedic Xtra and SmartMedic Xtra 99 (whichever is
applicable) have been revised since it was launched.

Revision Year
st 1 June 2020
1 Rate Revision
2nd Rate Revision 1 July 2023

Please note that the past trend on the insurance charges revision is not an indication of future trend.

Occupation Class 1 & 2

Attained Male Female
Age Annual Insurance Charges effective 1 June 2020 and prior to 1 July 2023 (RM)
Birthday SMX150 SMX200 SMX300 SMX400 SMX150 SMX200 SMX300 SMX400
1-5 621 776 1,009 1,313 599 750 976 1,268
6-10 477 598 776 1,009 466 582 758 983
11-15 477 552 716 892 466 538 700 907
16-20 698 806 1,049 1,306 594 686 893 1,159
21-25 725 838 1,087 1,355 716 826 1,074 1,394
26-30 725 838 1,087 1,355 716 826 1,074 1,394
31-35 725 838 1,087 1,355 749 865 1,124 1,462
36-40 759 876 1,140 1,419 841 973 1,264 1,644
41-45 905 1,044 1,358 1,691 986 1,138 1,478 1,924
46-50 1,056 1,218 1,585 1,975 1,175 1,356 1,763 2,292
51-55 1,742 2,011 2,615 3,258 1,454 1,680 2,184 2,838
56-60 2,091 2,417 3,140 3,912 1,690 1,952 2,539 3,300
61-65 2,928 3,384 4,399 5,480 2,414 2,789 3,626 4,715
66-70 4,100 4,738 6,160 7,672 3,448 3,984 5,180 6,732
71-75 6,151 7,106 9,239 11,510 5,172 5,976 7,769 10,099
76-80 9,226 10,660 13,859 17,266 7,757 8,963 11,653 15,148
81-85 11,763 13,591 17,670 22,014 9,890 11,428 14,858 19,313
86-90 14,703 16,649 22,087 26,968 12,363 13,999 18,574 23,658
91-95 18,010 20,395 27,056 32,361 15,146 17,149 22,753 28,390
96-98 22,063 24,474 33,144 38,833 18,553 20,579 27,872 34,068
Attained Male Female
Age Annual Insurance Charges on and after 1 July 2023 (RM)
Birthday SMX150 SMX200 SMX300 SMX400 SMX150 SMX200 SMX300 SMX400
1-5 838 1,009 1,312 1,641 809 975 1,269 1,585
6-10 644 777 1,009 1,261 629 757 985 1,229
11-15 644 718 931 1,115 629 699 910 1,134
16-20 942 1,048 1,364 1,633 802 892 1,161 1,449
21-25 979 1,089 1,413 1,694 967 1,074 1,396 1,743
26-30 979 1,089 1,413 1,694 967 1,074 1,396 1,743
31-35 979 1,089 1,413 1,694 1,011 1,125 1,461 1,828
36-40 1,063 1,139 1,482 1,774 1,177 1,265 1,643 2,055
41-45 1,267 1,357 1,765 2,114 1,380 1,479 1,921 2,405
46-50 1,478 1,583 2,061 2,469 1,645 1,763 2,292 2,865
51-55 2,439 2,614 3,400 4,073 2,036 2,184 2,839 3,548
56-60 2,927 3,142 4,082 4,890 2,366 2,538 3,301 4,125
61-65 4,099 4,399 5,719 6,850 3,380 3,626 4,714 5,894
66-70 5,740 6,159 8,008 9,590 4,827 5,179 6,734 8,415
71-75 8,611 9,238 12,011 14,388 7,241 7,769 10,100 12,624
76-80 12,916 13,858 18,017 21,583 10,860 11,652 15,149 18,935
81-85 16,468 17,668 22,971 27,518 13,846 14,856 19,315 24,141
86-90 20,584 21,644 28,713 33,710 17,308 18,199 24,146 29,573

91-95 25,214 26,514 35,173 40,451 21,204 22,294 29,579 35,488
96-98 30,888 31,816 43,087 48,541 25,974 26,753 36,234 42,585
Attained Male Female
Age Annual Insurance Charges on and after 1 July 2023 (%)
Birthday SMX150 SMX200 SMX300 SMX400 SMX150 SMX200 SMX300 SMX400
1-35 35% 30% 30% 25% 35% 30% 30% 25%
36-98 40% 30% 30% 25% 40% 30% 30% 25%

Occupation Class 3
Attained Male Female
Age Annual Insurance Charges effective 1 June 2020 and prior to 1 July 2023 (RM)
Birthday SMX150 SMX200 SMX300 SMX400 SMX150 SMX200 SMX300 SMX400
1-5 776 970 1,261 1,641 749 938 1,220 1,585
6-10 596 748 970 1,261 583 728 948 1,229
11-15 596 690 895 1,115 583 673 875 1,134
16-20 873 1,008 1,311 1,633 743 858 1,116 1,449
21-25 906 1,048 1,359 1,694 895 1,033 1,343 1,743
26-30 906 1,048 1,359 1,694 895 1,033 1,343 1,743
31-35 906 1,048 1,359 1,694 936 1,081 1,405 1,828
36-40 949 1,095 1,425 1,774 1,051 1,216 1,580 2,055
41-45 1,131 1,305 1,698 2,114 1,233 1,423 1,848 2,405
46-50 1,320 1,523 1,981 2,469 1,469 1,695 2,204 2,865
51-55 2,178 2,514 3,269 4,073 1,818 2,100 2,730 3,548
56-60 2,614 3,021 3,925 4,890 2,113 2,440 3,174 4,125
61-65 3,660 4,230 5,499 6,850 3,018 3,486 4,533 5,894
66-70 5,125 5,923 7,700 9,590 4,310 4,980 6,475 8,415
71-75 7,689 8,883 11,549 14,388 6,465 7,470 9,711 12,624
76-80 11,533 13,325 17,324 21,583 9,696 11,204 14,566 18,935
81-85 14,704 16,989 22,088 27,518 12,363 14,285 18,573 24,141
86-90 18,379 20,811 27,609 33,710 15,454 17,499 23,218 29,573
91-95 22,513 25,494 33,820 40,451 18,933 21,436 28,441 35,488
96-98 27,579 30,593 41,430 48,541 23,191 25,724 34,840 42,585
Attained Male Female
Age Annual Insurance Charges on and after 1 July 2023 (RM)
Birthday SMX150 SMX200 SMX300 SMX400 SMX150 SMX200 SMX300 SMX400
1-5 1,048 1,261 1,639 2,051 1,011 1,219 1,586 1,981
6-10 805 972 1,261 1,576 787 946 1,232 1,536
11-15 805 897 1,164 1,394 787 875 1,138 1,418
16-20 1,179 1,310 1,704 2,041 1,003 1,115 1,451 1,811
21-25 1,223 1,362 1,767 2,118 1,208 1,343 1,746 2,179
26-30 1,223 1,362 1,767 2,118 1,208 1,343 1,746 2,179
31-35 1,223 1,362 1,767 2,118 1,264 1,405 1,827 2,285
36-40 1,329 1,424 1,853 2,218 1,471 1,581 2,054 2,569
41-45 1,583 1,697 2,207 2,643 1,726 1,850 2,402 3,006
46-50 1,848 1,980 2,575 3,086 2,057 2,204 2,865 3,581
51-55 3,049 3,268 4,250 5,091 2,545 2,730 3,549 4,435
56-60 3,660 3,927 5,103 6,113 2,958 3,172 4,126 5,156
61-65 5,124 5,499 7,149 8,563 4,225 4,532 5,893 7,368
66-70 7,175 7,700 10,010 11,988 6,034 6,474 8,418 10,519
71-75 10,765 11,548 15,014 17,985 9,051 9,711 12,624 15,780
76-80 16,146 17,323 22,521 26,979 13,574 14,565 18,936 23,669
81-85 20,586 22,086 28,714 34,398 17,308 18,571 24,145 30,176
86-90 25,731 27,054 35,892 42,138 21,636 22,749 30,183 36,966
91-95 31,518 33,142 43,966 50,564 26,506 27,867 36,973 44,360
96-98 38,611 39,771 53,859 60,676 32,467 33,441 45,292 53,231

Attained Male Female
Age Annual Insurance Charges on and after 1 July 2023 (%)
Birthday SMX150 SMX200 SMX300 SMX400 SMX150 SMX200 SMX300 SMX400
1-35 35% 30% 30% 25% 35% 30% 30% 25%
36-98 40% 30% 30% 25% 40% 30% 30% 25%

Occupation Class 4
Attained Male Female
Age Annual Insurance Charges effective 1 June 2020 and prior to 1 July 2023 (RM)
Birthday SMX150 SMX200 SMX300 SMX400 SMX150 SMX200 SMX300 SMX400
1-5 932 1,164 1,514 1,970 899 1,125 1,464 1,902
6-10 716 897 1,164 1,514 699 873 1,137 1,475
11-15 716 828 1,074 1,338 699 807 1,050 1,361
16-20 1,047 1,209 1,574 1,959 891 1,029 1,340 1,739
21-25 1,088 1,257 1,631 2,033 1,074 1,239 1,611 2,091
26-30 1,088 1,257 1,631 2,033 1,074 1,239 1,611 2,091
31-35 1,088 1,257 1,631 2,033 1,124 1,298 1,686 2,193
36-40 1,139 1,314 1,710 2,129 1,262 1,460 1,896 2,466
41-45 1,358 1,566 2,037 2,537 1,479 1,707 2,217 2,886
46-50 1,584 1,827 2,378 2,963 1,763 2,034 2,645 3,438
51-55 2,613 3,017 3,923 4,887 2,181 2,520 3,276 4,257
56-60 3,137 3,626 4,710 5,868 2,535 2,928 3,809 4,950
61-65 4,392 5,076 6,599 8,220 3,621 4,184 5,439 7,073
66-70 6,150 7,107 9,240 11,508 5,172 5,976 7,770 10,098
71-75 9,227 10,659 13,859 17,265 7,758 8,964 11,654 15,149
76-80 13,839 15,990 20,789 25,899 11,636 13,445 17,480 22,722
81-85 17,645 20,387 26,505 33,021 14,835 17,142 22,287 28,970
86-90 22,055 24,974 33,131 40,452 18,545 20,999 27,861 35,487
91-95 27,015 30,593 40,584 48,542 22,719 25,724 34,130 42,585
96-98 33,095 36,711 49,716 58,250 27,830 30,869 41,808 51,102
Attained Male Female
Age Annual Insurance Charges on and after 1 July 2023 (RM)
Birthday SMX150 SMX200 SMX300 SMX400 SMX150 SMX200 SMX300 SMX400
1-5 1,258 1,513 1,968 2,463 1,214 1,463 1,903 2,378
6-10 967 1,166 1,513 1,893 944 1,135 1,478 1,844
11-15 967 1,076 1,396 1,673 944 1,049 1,365 1,701
16-20 1,413 1,572 2,046 2,449 1,203 1,338 1,742 2,174
21-25 1,469 1,634 2,120 2,541 1,450 1,611 2,094 2,614
26-30 1,469 1,634 2,120 2,541 1,450 1,611 2,094 2,614
31-35 1,469 1,634 2,120 2,541 1,517 1,687 2,192 2,741
36-40 1,595 1,708 2,223 2,661 1,767 1,898 2,465 3,083
41-45 1,901 2,036 2,648 3,171 2,071 2,219 2,882 3,608
46-50 2,218 2,375 3,091 3,704 2,468 2,644 3,439 4,298
51-55 3,658 3,922 5,100 6,109 3,053 3,276 4,259 5,321
56-60 4,392 4,714 6,123 7,335 3,549 3,806 4,952 6,188
61-65 6,149 6,599 8,579 10,275 5,069 5,439 7,071 8,841
66-70 8,610 9,239 12,012 14,385 7,241 7,769 10,101 12,623
71-75 12,918 13,857 18,017 21,581 10,861 11,653 15,150 18,936
76-80 19,375 20,787 27,026 32,374 16,290 17,479 22,724 28,403
81-85 24,703 26,503 34,457 41,276 20,769 22,285 28,973 36,213
86-90 30,877 32,466 43,070 50,565 25,963 27,299 36,219 44,359
91-95 37,821 39,771 52,759 60,678 31,807 33,441 44,369 53,231
96-98 46,333 47,724 64,631 72,813 38,962 40,130 54,350 63,878
Attained Male Female
Age Annual Insurance Charges on and after 1 July 2023 (%)
Birthday SMX150 SMX200 SMX300 SMX400 SMX150 SMX200 SMX300 SMX400
1-35 35% 30% 30% 25% 35% 30% 30% 25%
36-98 40% 30% 30% 25% 40% 30% 30% 25%


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