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Business Seminars by Dodong Cacanando

Jose Feron “Dodong” Cacanando

Farmer/ Entrepreneur/ Teacher/ Author

Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon

In 2005, Dodong founded Semilya Sa Kinabuhi Foundation, where he shares his unique
approach to business. He uses the Bible as his business reference and the plant as a model to
grow and make his ventures profitable and fruitful.

As a farmer, he learned that if you want a plant to become fruitful, you should not focus on the
fruit because fruits are just natural by-products of a healthy plant. He then realized that this is
true for business as well. Meaning, if you want your business to become profitable, you must
focus your energy on building a healthy organization, because it is the people who will make a
company fail or profitable. But how do you do these? This is what the modules listed in this
brochure hope to explain.

Dodong believes the reason why many people fail in Before a businessperson can lead his people properly,
business is because they do not understand its he must first understand the essential things a business
purpose. Because of this, they are unable to steward enterprise must undertake so that it can grow
it correctly, and sad to say sometimes resulting in consistently, and eventually profit. This is why this
their depression.
leadership module will start with a lesson called, “The
Essentials Of Business".

This module starts with a lesson entitled, “The

Purpose Of Business”, where he explains the factors One of the essential things an enterprise must do is to
that allowed him to experience breakthroughs as a establish an infrastructure that will enable it to survive
farmer and as an entrepreneur. Here he shares the calamities and support its growth. But while many think
fundamental principles that enabled him to go from that infrastructure is about buildings, machines, and
a position of need to a place of abundance.
systems, here we explain how these will all become
useless unless he has the right people to run and
In his journey, Dodong discovered that the purpose manage them. However, good people are always hard
of business is to become “fruitful”, not just to find. So a business leader must first learn to develop
profitable. This means attaining abundance by his people so that he can eventually bring out their full
properly taking care of what you have or by being a potential.

good steward of the resources that are already in

your hands! Thus, the second lesson is entitled, The second part of this module is entitled “Business
“The Responsibilities of a Steward”.
Leadership”. Here we will teach you how to develop
your people, how to guide them to make the right
decisions and how to instill the correct values in them.

Who should attend? Everyone! Every person with a Who should attend? Supervisors, managers, business
job or a business is a steward of the resources they executives, and entrepreneurs or just about anyone
have. If they want to succeed, this module will help who needs to manage people to help meet his goals.

them become faithful and fruitful.

All the Business Training Modules listed in this brochure are half-day sessions, with two lessons
inside each module. They were designed to teach and train, not just to inspire and motivate.

Entrepreneurs are the new mythical heroes of our Do you know that God wants you to prosper?
time, and almost everybody wants to become one. This is why in Deuteronomy 15:4 He said that
But most of them are afraid to jump into it because none of His people should be poor! To achieve
entrepreneurship is synonymous to taking a this, God said, in Deuteronomy 8:18, that He
considerable financial risk. But this does not have to would give them the ability to make wealth. This
be necessarily so. And this was what Dodong ability should come from obeying the instructions
learned when he transitioned from being a corporate He revealed in the Bible, that has allowed
man to becoming an entrepreneur in Bukidnon. Abraham, Joseph, Daniel and many more to
There, he was able to create a breakthrough in his achieve great abundance.

business by just using what he had and by finding

ways to maximize the returns of his efforts and The first part of this module entitled, “How To
Created Wealth!” will explain the time-tested
principles that allowed people throughout history
The first lesson of this module is entitled, “The to achieve extraordinary business success.

Entrepreneur Mind”. It will introduce you to

understand the term "entreprendre", its original The second part entitled, "Managing The
meaning and show you the mindset of the Finances Of A Business" will explain what you
successful entrepreneurs in the Bible like Abraham, should do so that your business may grow in
Joseph and Solomon. The second lesson entitled spite of calamities and even become fruitful in
“The Traits of an Entrepreneur", will explain the the proper time. This lesson is particularly helpful
habits and attitude an entrepreneur should develop for those who are involved in sales, production
in order to prosper in whatever venture he and distribution.


Who should attend? Everyone who is in business Who should attend? Every person who wants to
and those who plan to have a business of their own. become rich and those who are managing the
We also encourage Retirees and Overseas Filipinos finances of their company.

to join this program.

Here are the three books Dodong Cacanando authored:

Breaking Through is a Keeper of His Garden Creating Wealth and

book that chronicles the summarizes the Managing Finances was
journey of Dodong principles Dodong written to explain that
Cacanando together with Cacanando uses in God wants all of us to
his family from Manila to business and his life. He prosper, but that there is
Bukidnon. It explains wrote this book to share a proper way to do this.
how they were able to the things he has learned In Jeremiah 6:16, God
transition from a position so that people may called this the ancient
of need to a state of experience their own path, and it is a path that
abundance. It will teach breakthroughs. This book has brought wealth to
you how to make hopes to show that there His people in the past.
decisions whenever you is a better way of living This book will explain
reach a crossroad and life and doing business, that wealth is not
how to pursue the right and this is based on the something people should
choices in life. principles that have been pursue but something
revealed in the Bible. they should create.

Contact Information: Cellphone: 0917 175 0551 email:

web site: FB Fan Page:Dodong Cacanando

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