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Mạo từ (articles) là từ dùng trước danh từ và cho biết danh từ ấy đề cập đến một đối
tượng cụ thể hay tổng quát, xác định hay không xác đinh.


Mạo từ bất định a/an thường đứng trước danh từ đếm được số ít (singular countable
+ A đứng trước danh từ bắt đầu bằng một phụ âm (consonant) hoặc một
nguyên âm (vowel) nhưng được phát âm như phụ âm.

A chair, a house, a big egg; a rabbit, a university /ə ¸ju:ni´və:səti/, a Earopean /ə

jʊərəˈpiːən/, a one-way street / ə wʌn …/
+ An đứng trước danh từ bắt đầu bằng một nguyên âm (vowel: a, e, i, o,u) và
âm h câm.
An apple, an egg, an island, an umbrella, an orange
1. Các trường hợp dùng mạo từ “a/an”
a. Mạo từ bất định a/an được dùng trước danh từ đếm được số ít để chỉ
một người/ vật không xác định hoặc một người/ vật được đề cập đến
lần đầu – người nghe không biết chính xác hoặc chưa từng biết về
người hay vật đó.
- She lives in a nice small house.
Cô ấy sống trong một ngôi nhà nhỏ, đẹp.
b. A/an được dùng trước danh từ đếm được số ít để nói về một người
hoặc một vật bất kỳ của một loại.
_ An owl can see in the dark.
Cú có thể nhìn rõ trong bóng tối.
_ A child needs love.
Trẻ em cần tình thương.
c. A/ an được dùng trước danh từ chỉ nghề nghiệp, chức vụ.
- Ruth’s father is a lawyer.
Cha Ruth là luật sư.
d. A/ an được dùng sau hệ từ (linking verbs) hoặc as để phân loại người
hay vật – người hay vật đó thuộc về loại, nhóm hoặc kiểu nào.
- He’s a cheat and a liar.
Anh ta là một kẻ lừa đảo và dối trá.
2. Các trường hợp không dùng mạo từ a/an
a. Trước danh từ số nhiều (plural noun) hoặc danh từ không đếm được
(uncountable noun).
- Horses are quadruped.
Ngựa là động vật bốn chân.
- Both my parents are architects.
Cả cha và mẹ tôi đều là kiến trúc sư.
b. Trước các bữa ăn, trừ khi có tính từ đứng trước.
- We have breakfast at eight.
Chúng tôi ăn điểm tâm lúc 8 giờ.
c. Trước tính từ hoặc đại từ sở hữu: thay vào đó ta có thể dùng cấu trúc
a…of mine/ your/ hers/ etc.
- He’s a friend of mine.
Anh ấy là bạn tôi.


Mạo từ xác định the được dùng cho tất cả các danh từ: danh từ đếm được số ít (singular
countable noun), danh từ đếm được số nhiều (plural countable noun) và danh từ không
đếm được (uncountable noun).
The boy, the boys, the food
1. Các trường hợp dùng mạo từ the.
a. Mạo từ xác định the được dùng trước danh từ chỉ người hoặc vật đã xác định hoặc
đã được đề cập đến trước đó – người nghe biết (hoặc có thể hiểu) người nói đang
nói về người hoặc vật nào.
- Did you lock the car?
- Could you close the door?
b. The được dùng trước danh từ được xác định bằng một cụm từ hoặc một mệnh đề
theo sau.
- Who’s is the girl in blue?
- What did you do with the camera I lent you?
c. The được dùng trước các danh từ chỉ nơi chốn cụ thể.
- Turn left here for the station.
d. The được dùng trước danh từ chỉ vật gì đó là duy nhất, hoặc vật gì đó chỉ một
trong môi trường quanh ta: the earth, the sun, the sky, the stars, the moon, the
planets, the world, the equator, the Government, the police, the Japanese, the
Prime Minister, the capital,…
- The earth goes round the sun and the moon goes round the
e. The được dùng với một số cụm từ đề cập đến môi trường vật chất của chúng ta –
tức thế giới quanh ta và khí hậu của nó – hoặc các mặt thông thường khác trong
cuộc sống: the environment, the town, the country, the sea, the seaside, the
night, the mountains, the desert, the rain, the wind, the fog, the weather, the
sunshine, the universe, the future,…
- Do you prefer the town or the country?
- I love listening to the wind.
f. The được dùng trước tính từ hoặc trạng từ trong so sánh nhất, trước first, second,
third... và trước next, last, same, only.
- I’m the oldest in my family.
- Monday is the first day of a week.
g. The được dùng trước tên các đảng chính trị, tên tàu thủy, và tên các ban nhạc.
- She’s a longlife member of the Republican Party.
- The Titanic sank on its first voyage across the Atlantic in 1912.
h. The được dùng trước tên người ở số nhiều để chỉ toàn thể gia đình.
- The Taylors have lived in this town for over 50 years.
i. The được dùng trước tên các tờ báo (newspaper), nhưng the không được dùng
trước tên các tạp chí (magazines).
The times; The Washington Post; New Scientist
j. The + danh từ không đếm được hoặc danh từ đếm được số nhiều (The + a
uncountable noun/ plural countable noun) được dùng để nói về người hoặc vật
cụ thể.
- I often listen to music.
k. The thường không được dùng khi nói đến người hoặc vật một cách chung chung,
nhưng the + danh từ đếm được số ít (the + a singular countable noun) có thể
được dùng để nói chung về một loài động vật, một loại dụng cụ hoặc máy móc,
các phát minh khoa học và các nhạc khí.
- The tiger is in danger of becoming extinct.
Hổ đang có nguy cơ bị tuyệt chủng.
l. The + tính từu (The + adjective) được dùng để nói về một nhóm người cụ thể
nào đó trong xã hội: the young, the old, the elderly, the poor, the rich, the sick,
the disabled, the unemployed, the homeless, the deaf, the blind…
- The government should provide accommodation for the homeless.
m. The + quốc tịch (The + nationality) được dùng để chỉ toàn dân của một quốc gia
nào đó.
- The French are famous for their cooking.
n. The thường được dùng trước những danh từ có of theo sau.
- The palace of Westminster. ( Lâu đài Westminster)
- The Gulf of Mexico (Vịnh Mexico) {Mexico Gulf}

2. Các trường hợp không dùng mạo từ “the”.

The không được dùng:
a. Trước danh từ số nhiều và danh từ không đếm được với nghĩa chung.
- Elephants are intelligent animas.
Voi là con vật thông minh.
b. Trước last và next với nghĩa vừa qua, sắp đến.
- When did you go to bed last nnight?
- She is going to London next week.
c. Trước hai danh từ man và woman với nghĩa con người nói chung.
- God created man and woman for each other.
- Why does man seem to have more diseases than animals?
d. Trong các cụm từ chỉ thời gian sau đây: all day, all night, all week, all
summer, all winter, all year.
- I’ve been waiting for you all day.
- My brother was restless all night.
e. Trước một số chức vụ.
- Elizabeth II, Queen of England, is opening a new hospital
- All the members elected Mr White chairman.
- Tom was made captain of the team.
- He was appointed chief clerk in 2001.
- Bill Clinton was elected President of the USA for the second time.
f. Trước danh từ trò chơi và môn thể thao: chess, (table) tennis, badminton,
rugby, football.
- Daisy always badminton in the morning.
- High school boys like playing football.
g. Với tên riêng của một số nơi chốn và địa danh.
+ Lục địa: Africa, Europe, Asia
+ Quốc gia: France, Japan, Switzerland, New Zealand
+ Tiểu bang: Texas, Florida, New Orleans, California
+ Thành phố, thị trấn: Cairo, New York, Houston, Bristol
+ Đảo: Coniston, Sicily, Bermuda, Corfu
+ Hồ: Coniston Water Lake Michigan
+ Núi, đồi: Everest, Etna, Kilimanjaro, North Hill
+ Đường phố, công viên, quảng trường: Shirley Street, Modern Road, Fifth
Avenue, Times Square, Hyde Park
+ Nhà ga, phi trường, trường học và các tòa nhà, công trình hoặc cơ quan
trọng yếu: Kennedy Airport, Victoria Station, Edinburgh Castle, Oxford
University, Westminster Abbey, Bristol Zoo, Merton College
+ Cửa hàng, nhà hàng, khách sạn, ngân hàng,…được đặt tên theo tên người
sang lập hoặc các nhà thời được đặt tên theo tên các vị thánh: Matilda’s
Restaurant, Lloyds Bank, McDonald, Harrods (shop), St John’s Church.
St Paul’s Cathedral
+ Các hành tinh: Venus, Mars, Jupiter
+ Các công ty, các hang hàng không, v.v.: Fiat, Sony, Bristish Airway IBM,
Vietnam Airline

Circle the word or phrase.
1. I love this time in evening / the evening when the Sun is going down.
2. People play cricket / the cricket in South Africa, Australia and Siri Lanka.
3. It’s too far to walk so I think I’ll catch bus / the bus.
5. Complete the conversations. Put in a/an or the.

1. A: Look outside. The sky is getting very dark.

B: I hope there isn’t going to be a storm.
2. A: I’m going out for…………………………walk. Have you seen my shoes?
B: Yes, they’re on …………………………floor in …………………………kitchen.
3. A: Would you like ………………tomato? There’s one in …………………………
B: Oh, yes, please. I’ll make myself …………………cheese and tomato sandwich.
4. A: If you are going into …………………………city centre, can you post these letters
for me?
B: Yes, I’ll take them to …………………………main post office.
5. A: I’ve got………………………… problem with my phone bill. Can I see someone
about it?
B: Yes, go to …………………………fifth floor. …………………lift is along the
6. A: I didn’t know Melanie had …………………………dog.
B: It isn’t hers. She’s just taking it for a walk while …………………………owner is
7. A: I’ve got …………………headache. I’ve had it all day.
B: Why don’t you go to …………………health centre?
8. A: Guess what. I found …………………… $50 note on the pavement this morning.
B: You really ought to take it to …………………………police station.
9. A: How was your trip to …………………………coast?
B: Wonderful. …………………………sun shone all day. We had ……………………
great time.
10. A: What’s your brother doing now? Has he got ……………………good job?
B: Yes, he’s ………………soldier. He’s in ……………army. He loves it. It’s
…………… great life, he says.
11. A: I went to see Doctor Pascoe yesterday. She’s …………………………best doctor
I’ve ever had.
B: She’s very nice, isn’t she? You couldn’t meet …………………………nicer
12. A: Why were you late for your meeting?
B: Well, first I had to go to ………………hotel I’d booked into. I took ……………
taxi from …………airport, and…………………driver got completely lost. It was
…………terrible nuisance. …………………man was …………………complete idiot.
13. A: Is this ……………………book you were telling me about?
B: It’s ……………science fiction story. It’s about ……………beginning of
14. A: You were………………long time at ………………supermarket.
B: Yes, I know. There was………enormous queue. I was thinking of complaining to
…………… manager.
15. A: We spent all our money because we stayed at…………………most expensive
hotel in town.
B: Why didn’t you stay at …………………cheaper hotel?

6. Complete the sentences. Use in, at and these words: bed, church, home, college,
factory, hospital, library, prison, shop, town, work, school, sea, cinema, pub. Describe
if you need the.

1. The sweater was cheap. I bought it at the shop by the railway station.
2. We’ll eat out tonight. I’ll meet you…………………………..later.
3. The weather was awful. We stayed …………………………..all weekend.
4. Melanie had an early night last night. She was ………………………… ten.

kjmiBill was injured in the accident and now he’s………………………….. .

We’re going ………………………… visit him tomorrow.
5. In Britain, children from the age of five have to go ………………………….. .
6. Vicky’s parents are religious. They go …………………………..every Sunday.
7. Laura doesn’t like her job. She just goes………………………… earn some
8. I’ve read these books. I’m taking them back………………………….. .
9. The man who did the robbery is no longer………………………….. .
He was let out last month.
10. If you want to get a degree, you normally have to study …………………………… .
11. It’s very quiet …………………………..when they’ve turned all the machines off.
12. Let’s go …………………………..for a drink.
13. Tom is a sailor. He spends most of his life………………………….. .
14. Melissa is a popular actress. When she was a child, her greatest pleasure was
going………………………….. .
7. Choose the correct form, with or without the.

1. A: Did you see football/ the football on television/ the television last night?
B: No, I hate football/ the football. I was listening to news/ the news on radio/ the
2. A: Do your family have a dog?
B: No, I’m afraid of dogs/ the dogs. I didn’t like dogs/ the dogs that are running
around on the street.
3. A: You know that cars/ the cars cause pollution/ the pollution, don’t you?
B: Yes, but cars/ the cars these days are cleaner than they used to be. Isn’t it
aeroplanes/ the aeroplanes that are mainly responsible for pollution/ the pollution of
atmosphere/ the atmosphere?
4. A: I’ve put some bread out in the garden for birds/ the birds.
B: You like birds/ the birds, don’t you?
A: Yes. I love wildlife/ the wildlife.
5. A: Do you play sports/ the sports?
B: Yes, my favorite sport is basketball/ the basketball. I also like skiing / the skiing
but I’m not very good at it.
6. A: What’s the noise?
B: My sister is listening to music/the music. Music/ The music is too loud, isn’t it?
7. A: What did you have for breakfast/ the breakfast?
B: Nothing. I never eat breakfast/ the breakfast.
8. A: Will you be in America for Thanksgiving/ the Thanksgiving.
B: Oh, no. That’s in November/ the November, isn’t it?
I’m often very busy at that time, but I’ll be back at Christmas/ the Christmas.
9. A: Do you think rich/ the rich should pay more taxes to help poor/ the poor?
B: That’s right. And one of our biggest social problems is unemployment/ the
10. A: You’re always reading books about history/ the history, aren’t you?
B: It was my favorite subject. Do you know anything about history/ the history of this
A: No, but if you like looking round museum/ the museums and old building/ the old
buildings, we could find out it together.
11. A: Can you play guitar/ the guitar?
B: Just a little. But piano/ the piano is my favorite instrument.
12. A: Do you know who invented telescope/ the telescope?
B: Yes. Galileo developed telescope/ the telescope for use in astronomy/ the
8. Complete these sentences. Put in the words and decide if you need the.

1. Have you ever been to………………(British Museum)?

2. The train to Paris leaves from ……………… (Waterloo Station).
3. You can take a trip by boat along ………………(Thames).
4. ………………(Grand Hotel) is in ………………(Baker Street).
5. If you are looking for a good clothes shop, I would recommend ………………
6. The Serpentine is a lake in ………………(Hyde Park).
7. John works for ………………(IBM) now. He used to work for (British Telecom).
8. From there you get a view of ………………(Houses of Parliament).
9. The Queen lives at ………………(Buckingham Palace).
10. ………………(Everest) is the highest mountain in the world.
11. We’ve just been to ………………(States) – to ………………(New York).
12. ………………(Statue of Liberty) is at the entrance to ………………(New York
13. Earl’s Court is in ………………(West London).
14. Frank is a student at ………………(Cambridge University).
15. We spent a day in ………………(Metropolitan Museum of Art). And we walked
along……………… (Broadway) and around ………………(Macy’s department

9. Complete this story. Put in a/an or the.

(1) A man decided to rob (2) ………………bank in the town where he lived. He walked
into (3) ………………bank and handed (4) ………………note to one of (5)
………………cashiers. (6) ………………cashier read (7) ………………note, which
told her to give (8) ………………man some money. A fraid that he might have (9)
………………gun, she did as she was told. (10) ………………man then walked out of
(11) ………………building, leaving (12) ………………note behind. However, he had
no time to spend (13) ………………money because he was arrested (14) ………………
same day. He had made (15) ………………mistake. He had written (16) ……………
note on (17) ………………back of (18) ………………envelope was his name and
address. This clue was quite enough for (21) ………………detectives on the case.

10. Put in a/an or the where necessary. Leave an empty space if the sentence is already

1. I don’t usually like staying at………………hotels, but last summer we spent

………………few days at a very nice hotel by ………………sea.
2. ………………tennis is my favorite sport. I play once or twice ………………week if
I can, but I’m not………………very good player.
3. I won’t be home for ………………dinner this evening. I’m meeting some friends
after………………work and we are going to ………………cinema.
4. ………………unemployment is very high at the moment and it’s very difficult for
………………people to find ………………work.
5. There was ………………accident as I was going………………home last night. Two
people were taken to ………………hospital. I think ………………most accidents are
caused by ………………people driving too fast.
6. Carol is ………………economist. She used to work in………………investment
department of ………………Lloyds Bank. Now she works for ………………
American bank in………………United States.
7. What’s ………………name of ………………hotel where you’re staying? -
………………Imperial. It’s in ………………Queen Street in ………………city
centre. It’s near ………………station.
8. I have two brothers. ………………older one is training to be ………………pilot
with……………. British Airway. ………………younger one is still at ……………
school. When he leaves …………. school, he hopes to go to ………………
Cambridge University to study law.
9. Frank Lloyd Wright is ………………name of………………famous architect. He is
………………architect who designed………………Guggenheim Museum in New
York. He also designed ………………hotel in Tokyo. ………………hotel in Tokyo.
………………hotel was designed to with stand………………earthquakes.
10. ………………meals we had weren’t very good. We had ………………breakfast in
the hotel, and that wasn’t too bad. We usually went out for ………………lunch
because ………………lunch they served in the hotel was always the same. And
………………dinner we had at the hotel on our first evening was pretty awful, so we
tried a few restaurants. On our last evening we had ………………marvelous meal in
a Chinese restaurant.

11. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and
five words, including the word given.

1. There is one problem here, and that’s the weather.

The only problem here is the weather.
2. There are no good films on this week.
There is nothing …………………………this week.
3. Can’t you swim faster than that?
Is …………………………can swim?
4. I haven’t been here before.
This is …………………………been here.
5. A lot of wine is drunk in France.
The …………………………a lot of wine.
6. If you drive faster, it is more dangerous.
The …………………………dangerous it is.
7. It is difficult to discover what is true.
The …………………………discover.
8. Are you a good pianist?
Can you …………………………well?

12. Underline the most suitable phrase in each sentence.

1. I was under an impression/ under the impression that you had left.
2. I have to go. I’m in a hurry/ in hurry.
3. I managed to sell the old painting at a profit/ at profit.
4. I think I prefer the other restaurant on the whole/ on whole.
5. How many hours do you work, on average/ on the average, every week?
6. I was in pain/ in a pain after I twisted my ankle.
7. Jack recovered from his accident and is now out of danger/ out of the danger.
8. Excuse me, but you’re in the way/ in a way.
9. Sue felt seasick on the cross- channel ferry/ a cross the channel ferry.
10. The burglar hit me on my back of the neck/ the back of my neck.

13. These sentences are about new novels. Complete each sentence by putting in a or an.

Home is about an American Indian tribe driven off their land by a mining company.
Black and White is about ……………artist who makes ……………complete mess of his
The novel Moment of Danger id about ……………US president who disappears for
Big money is about ……………business executive who makes ……………expensive
House Party is a novel is about ……………BBC reporter who becomes ……………
secret agent.
One summer tells the story of ……………holiday which has ……………unusual ending.
Ice is a novel about ……………SAS man who gets lost on ……………expedition to the
South Pole.
Lesson in Death is about ……………university professor who murders ……………
There and Back is about ……………old woman who goes on ……………one year world

14. Complete this story. Put in a, an or the.

This is a true story. It’s about (1) ……………politician. He was (2) ……………Member
of Parliament (MP) in Britain. (3) ……………story happened back in the 1980s, and (4)
……………MP was called Richard Alexander. At that time, (5) ……………Irish
Republican Army was conducting (6) ………… bombing campaign in Britain. A few
days earlier, (7) ……………parcel bomb had been sent to (8) ……………government
minister. So politicians were warned to be extra careful about opening parcels.
One day (9) ……………parcel was delivered to Mr Alexander’s office at Retford, in (10)
…………… English Midlands. (11) ……………MP thought he heard (12) ……………
sound of (13) ……………ticking clock inside (14) ……………parcel, so thinking it
might be (15) ……………bomb, he rang (16) ……………local police station. Soon (17)
……………squad of army bomb specialists arrived at (18) ……………office and X-
rayed (19) ……………parcel. They saw that what Mr Alexander could hear was indeed
(20) ……………timing mechanism. Obviously, (21) ……………only safe thing to do
was to blow it up, which they did. (22) ………squad then pieced together (23) ………..
Contents of (24) ……………parcel. It had contained some pyjamas, (25) ……………
toothbrush and (26) ……………small alarm clock. (27) ……………MP had recently
stayed at (28) ……………hotel after making (29) ……………speech one evening, and
(30) ……………hotel had kindly sent on his belongings after he had accidentally left
them there. (31) ……………clock had been (32) ……………present from his wife.

15. Complete the story. The missing words may be a, an the or a noun.

1. One summer Mike and Elaine bought a new car. It was ……………nicest
……………they had ever had. They decided to go out in it for the day. They wanted
to go to ……………seaside …………… nice sunny day ins’t something you should
waste, they thought.
2. So they jumped in, and Elaine drove away …………was shining, ………was blue,
and …………… countryside was beautiful. They looked at ……………countryside
and listened to ……………radio.
3. Soon it was Mike’s turn to drive. They decided to go to Seathorpe, which is
……………nice little seaside town. When they got there, they found ……………
town busy with traffic. ‘I hope there’s ……………here,’ said Mike. But when they
got to ……………, it was full. So they decided to go somewhere else. ‘……………
are wonderfully convenient until you need to park them,’ said Mike.
4. ……………road they took out of Seathorpe went up ……………steep hill. When
they noticed ……………sign saying ‘Cliff-top car park’, they parked near
……………edge of ……………cliff.
5. There was …………lovely view over…………English Channel. The stood and
looked at…………
6. Suddenly ……………started rolling towards……………edge of ……………cliff.
Mike and Elaine watched in horror as it rolled over ……………and onto……………
rocks below. It was …………. terrible moment.
7. They stood at ……………top of……………and looked down at ……………wreck
below. Elaine spoke first. ‘Didn’t you put……………on?’ she asked. Soon
……………police arrived and later they had to go home on……………bus.

16. Complete the story. Choose the correct words.

Not long ago I was staying in a/the hotel in Toronto. It was (1) a/the big modern place. I
don’t normally like (2) big hotels/ some big hotels, but I didn’t know where else to stay.
I was there for (3)a/the business meeting. On (4) a/the first evening after my flight from
London, I sat in my room reading. I went to bed at about midnight. I could hear (5) some/
the music coming from (6) a/the next room. I think it was (7) reggae music/ the reggae
music. It was quite loud, but I managed to go to sleep. (8) Noise/ The noise usually
keeps me awake, but I suppose I was tried after (9) a/ the flight. Anyway, I slept. I woke
up suddenly at ten to three, and (10) some/ the music seemed louder than ever. It was
becoming (11) a/the real problem. Should I bang on (12) a/the next room and ask by my
beg, or should I go to (13) a/the next room and ask (14) a/the person in there to turn (15)
some/the music down? In the end I called reception, and soon (16) a/the man in uniform
arrived. I explained (17) a/the problem. He walked to my beside table and pressed (18)
a/the button. There was silence. (19) Some/ The music had been coming from my own
radio, which must have been playing the whole time I had been in (20) a/the room.

17. In each space put a, an or the, or leave the space blank.

It has been announced that for (1) the third consecutive month there has been (2)
……………….rise in (3)………….number of (4) ……………….people unemployed, rather than (5)
……………….fall that had been predicted. (6) ……………….rise was blamed on (7)
……………….continuing uncertainty over (8) ………….. government economic policy, and
couldn’t come at (9) ……………….worse time for (10) …………………….. Prime Minister, who
is facing (11) ……………….growing criticism over (12) ……………….way (13)
…………….present crisis is being handled. (14) ……………….MPs are increasingly voicing (15)
…………… fears that despite (16) ……………….recent devaluation of (17) ……………….pound
and cuts in (18) ……….. interest rates, (19) ……………….government still expects (20)
……………….recovery of the economy to take three or even four years. To make (21)
……………….matters worse, (22) ……………….numbers or small businesses going into (23)
……………….liquidation is still at (24) ………….record level, and (25) …….......... housing
market is showing no signs of recovery. Some backbenchers expect (26) ……………….general
election before (27) ……………….end of (28) ……………….winter unless there is (29)
……………….rapid change of (30) ……………….fortune.
18. Correct the errors in these sentences.

1. It’s not a first-class accommodation unless it has a private bathroom.

It’s not first-class accommodation unless it has a private bathroom.
2. On this record twins play piano duet.
3. The halfway through meal we realized what waiter had said.
4. If the Mrs Hillier phones, say I’m away on trip.
5. There is a wonderful scenery in eastern part of Turkey.
6. Cocker spaniel is one of most popular pet dogs.
7. There is going to be fog and a cold weather all the next week.
8. I spent very interesting holiday at the Lake Coniston in England.
9. We are against war in general, so of course ‘we are against war like this between
superpower and developing country.
10. The burglaries are definitely on increase.

19. In each space put a, an or the, or leave the space blank.

1. I’m going to stand for Parliament at the next election.
2. When I left ……………station, I had to stand in…………………..queue for
………………… for…………………..long time.
3. We took …………………..trip around London and saw …………………..Tower
4. …………………..happiness of the majority depends on …………………..hard work
for everyone.
5. …………………..most main roads in this part of …………………
follow………………… line of …………………..roads built by
6. Have you got …………………..latest record by …………………..Gipsy Kings?
7. If I had …………………..time, I would like to take up…………………..archery.
8. We spent …………………..pleasant evening having …………………..drinks at
……………… Robin Hood.
9. …………………..Nile flows right through …………………
10. …………………..summer I spent in …………………..USB was one of
………………… in my life.
11. 1. My neighbor is ________ photographer, let’s ask him for ________ advice about color
12. A. a -  ∅                        B. the – the       C. a – the                         D. the - an
13. 2. Because of electronic publishing, ________ will disappear in the next 25 years.
14. A. a book              B. book              C. the books                     D. books
15. 3. Socially, Dan was a gregarious person who enjoyed ________ of others enormously.
16. A. the company           B. company       C. a company               D. the
17. 4. The research may make it possible for people to live for ________ of years.
18. A. a hundred                B. a hundreds    C. the hundred   D. hundreds
19. 5. Not every student is aware of ________ of the English language.
20. A. importance                                          B. an importance                 
21. C. its importance                                     D. the importance
22. 6. Did you read ________ news about the Sukhoi Superject crash in Indonesia?
23. A. a                               B. the                 C. some                      D. ∅
24. 7. Where do you keep ________ knives and forks?
25. A. the                            B. some             C. a                    D. ∅
26. 8. After he left ________ University of Massachusetts, he went to ________ Indiana State
27. A. the - ∅                       B. the – the        C. ∅ - the                          D. ∅ - ∅
28. 9. In most ________ developed countries, up to 50% of ________ population enters higher
education at some time in their lives.
29. A. the - ∅                        B. ∅ - ∅              C. the – a                          D. ∅ - the
30. 10. ________ non-verbal language is ________ importance aspect of interpersonal
31. A. ∅ -an                           B. A - the          C. The - ∅                        D. The - a
32. 11. He spent part of ________ afternoon telling them ________ news he could not tell them
by _______ telephone.
33. A. the – the - ∅                B. an - ∅ - the    C. an – the - the               D. the - ∅ -
34. 12. He teaches ________ piano and ________ violin.
35. A. the - the                      B. a – the          C. the - a                          D. ∅ - ∅
36. 13. Those men are paid by ________.
37. A. an hour                               B. hour          
38. C. every hour                          D. the hour
39. 14. ________ Professor Johns, ________ man whose new drug everyone is talking about
refuse ________ interview.
40. A. ∅ - the - an   B. ∅ - a - the   
41. C. The – a – the   D. The – a - an
42. 15. There isn’t ________ airport near where I live. _______ nearest airport is 70 miles 
43. A. an – A                      B. an - The             C. the - A                        D. the - The
44. 16. Tom sat down on ________ chair nearest _______ door.
45. A. a – a                         B. a - the                C. the – a                         D. the - the   
46. 17. Would you rather live in ________ town or in ________ country?
47. A. a - a                          B. a – the               C. the – a                     D. the -
48. 18. I tried to park my car but ________ was too small.
49. A. space                        B. spaces                C. a space                       D. the space 
50. 19. “Did you have ________ nice holiday?” – “Yes, it was ________ best holiday I’ve ever
51. A. a – a                         B. a – the                C. the – a                        D. the - the   
52. 20. I lay down on________ ground and looked up at ________ sky. 
53. A. a – a                         B. a – the                C. the – a                        D. the - the


1. Cách đổi câu chủ động thành câu bị động.

a) Công thức chung:

Câu chủ động: S + (V) + O + …

Câu bị động: S + (be) + PII + … by/with + O

b) Công thức chi tiết:

Hiện tại đơn S + (am/is/are) + PII + by + O
Hiện tại tiếp diễn S + (am/is/are) + being + PII + by + O
Hiện tại hoàn thành S + have/has + been + PII + by+ O
Quá khứ đơn S + (was/were) + PII + by + O
Quá khứ tiếp diễn S + (was/were) + being + PII + by+ O
Quá khứ hoàn thành S + had + PII + by + O
Tương lai đơn S + will + be + PII + by + O
Tương lai gần S + (be) going to + be + PII + by + O
S + can + be + PII + by+ O
S + must + be + PII + by+ O
S + might + be + PII + by+ O
Các động từ đặc biệt S+ should + be + PII + by + O
S + ought to + be + PII + by + O
S + have/has to + be + PII + by + O
S + could + be + PII + by + O
S + used to + be + PII + by + O
S + may + be + PII + by + O

c) Vị trí các trạng từ trong câu bị động

+ Trạng từ cách thức đuôi “ly” đứng trước PII
Eg: The lesson is carefully written in the notebook
+ Trạng từ nơi chốn + by O + trạng từ thời gian
Eg: He is taken to school by his father everyday

d. Các trường hợp bị động đặc biệt

a) Với các động từ chỉ sự truyền khiến: have, get

+ Động từ “have”
CĐ: S + have(bất kỳ thì nào) + O1(chỉ người) + V(bare infi) + O2(chỉ vật)

BĐ: S + have(bất kỳ thì nào) + O2(chỉ vật) + V(PII) + by + O1(chỉ người)

Eg: I have Tom cut my hair

 I have my hair cut (by Tom)

+ Động từ “get”

CĐ: S + get (bất kỳ thì nào) + O1(chỉ người) + V(to

infi) + O2(chỉ vật)
BĐ: S + get(bất kỳ thì nào) + O2(chỉ vật) + V(PII) + by + O1(chỉ người)
Eg: My mother gets me to bring the chair into the room
My mother gets the chair brought into the room by me

b) Với động từ Deserve/require/want/need + V-ing

The shoes need polishing
= The shoes need to be polished

S + (need) + Ving + …
Hoặc: S + (need) + to be+ PII (cần được làm gì)

Eg: My decaying tooth needs pulling out

to be pulled out

c) Với các động từ chỉ ý kiến: Chủ ngữ của câu CĐ thường là: People/ Someone
CĐ: S1 + V1(ý kiến) + that + S2 + V(2) + …
BĐ: Cách 1: Dùng chủ ngữ: “It”

It + be(bất kỳ thì nào)+ VPII(ý kiến) + S2 + V(2) + …

Cách 2 :
S2 + be(bất kỳ thì nào) + VPII(ý kiến) + to + V2

Eg: People say that he is a dishonest man

He is said to be a dishonest man

d) Với động từ “let”: để

S + let + O1 + V(bare infi) +O2

C1: S + (be) + let + V + O2

allowed to + V + O2

C2: S + let + O2 + be + PII of V + (by O1)

Eg: He lets me drive his car

I’m let drive his car
allowed to

He lets his car be driven by me

e) Với động từ “make”: bắt buộc

CĐ: S + make + O + V (bare infi) + …

BĐ: SO + be + made + to + V + …
Eg: He makes me work harder
I’m made to work harder by him

f) Với động từ “suggest”: gợi ý

CĐ: S + suggest + Ving + O ( gợi ý làm gì)

BĐ: S + (suggest) + that + SO + should + be + PII

Eg: He suggested selling my house

He suggested that my house should be sold

g) It is + possible + to V + O (có thể/không thể làm gì)

S(O) + can + be + PII

Eg: It’s possible to grow roses in this land

Roses can be grown in this land

h) It’s + important + to + V + O (cần thiết/quan trọng phải làm gì)

SO + must be + PII

Eg: It’s important to save water

Water must be saved

i) It’s + necessary + to + V + O (cần thiết/không cần thiết phải làm gì)


SO + should/shouldn’t be + PII

Eg: It’s necessary to protect the environment

The environment should be protected

k) It’s + tính từ sở hữu + duty to + V + O (trách nhiệm của ai phải làm gì)

S + (be) + supposed + to + V + O (ai đó buộc phải làm gì)

Eg: It’s your duty to clean the floor

You are supposed to clean the floor

l) Với các động từ theo sau bởi 1 V có “to”

Eg 1: There is a lot of homework to do now
There is a lot of homework to be done now
Eg 2: He wants his students to do all the difficult exercises
He wants all the difficult exercises to be done by his students
Eg 3: He invited me to go to the party
I was invited to go to the party

m) Với các động từ theo sau bởi 1 V “ing”: remember, hate, like, dislike…
Eg 1: I remembered Nam offering me a beautiful present on my birthday
I remembered being offered a beautiful present by Nam on my birthday
Eg 2: She disliked her boyfriend cheating her
She disliked being cheated by her boyfriend

o) Với các động từ chỉ tri giác: hear, see, watch, look at, notice…
Có 2 trường hợp: V(ing) hoặc V(infi)
Eg: They heard him cry loudly He was heard to cry loudly
They heard him crying loudly He was heard crying loudly

p) Dạng bị động của cấu trúc giả là “IT”

It + be + adj + for sb+ to do sth

= it + be + adj + for sth + to be done

Ví dụ:  It is difficult for me to finish this test in one hour

=> It is difficult for this test to be finished in one hour. 

q) . Những cấu trúc bị động không được sử dụng với giới từ “by”
Be disappointed
Be surprised                       +  At
Be frightened
Ex:  she is so disappointed at his job performance
Be engaged
Be interested                         + in
Be involved
Ex: He is very interested in the environmental issues
Be composed
Be made                              + of
Be tired               
Ex: Our team is composed of the best employees in our company
Be married
Be dedicated                     + to
Ex: she has been married to him for 2 years
Be bored                            
Be filled                                + with
Be satisfied        
be covered with
Ex: The executives were satisfied with the presentation
Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.

1. His brother Ken is ________ to have made a fortune by composing songs.

A. said                         B. spoken          C. told                         D. talked
2. I don’t remember __________ of the decision to change the company policy on vacations.
When was it decided? 
A. telling                         B. being told C. to tell     D. to be told
3. According to this newspaper, John is said ________ a new record for the long jump.
A. to have established              B. establishing          
C. to establish                                         D. established
4. The Norman is said ________ England in 1066.
A. to have invaded                                       B. to have been invaded                     
C. to invade                                            D. to be invaded
5. Her watch needs ________.
A. repairing B. to be repaired C. repaired D. A and B
6. Are you sure you told me? I don’t recall ________ about it. 
A. having told        B. having been told
C. to have told      D. to have been told
7. It was three o’clock. We ________to hurry up because we _______.
A. were told – were being waited                B. had been told – were waited           
C. were told – were waiting                         D. told – were being waited
8. Many American automobiles ________ in Detroit, Michigan.
A. manufacture               B. have manufactured          
C. are manufactured                      D. are manufacturing
9. We had the roof of our house ______ yesterday. 
A. to be repaired B. to repair C. repairing D. repaired
10. It is suggested that all the strict rules _______ by employees.
A. obey B. are obeyed C. be obeyed D. should obey
11. If you want to develop inner tranquility, you have to stop ________ by every little thing that
A. bothering                                                    B. being bothered        
C. to bother             D. to be bothered
12. We were made ______ hard when we were at school.
A. to study B. study C. studying D. studied
13. Readers ________ when they are reading blogs on the Internet that _______ crude  language.
A. should be warned – may contain                              
B. are warned – must be contained          
C. use to warn – should contain                           
D. have been warned – may be contained
14. What he has done to me cannot ________.
A. forgive                    B. forgiven        C. be forgiven             D. be forgave
15. Can you see these letters first, please? The others ________.
A. are not answered immediately  
B. haven’t to be answered immediately
C. don’t have to been answered immediately  
D. don’t have to be answered immediately
16. “Who wrote the poem?” It is said ________ written by one of the Brown sisters.
A. to be                           B. to being          C. to have been           D. to having been
17. As a small boy, he used to ________ alone in the house for an hour or two.
A. being left B. leaving C. be left D. leave
18. Not all the necessary things ________ for our trip that’s why the departure ______. 
A. will have been bought – has been postponed                       
B. have been bought – has been postponed                 
C. has been bought – had been postponed                        
D. had been bought – has been postponed
19. It ________ that to be a good musician, you have to learn to play when you are very young.
A. says  B. is said                     C. is saying                  D. has said
20. The prisoner is thought to ________ by climbing over the wall.
A. to escape                                                  B. has been escaped                
C. has escaped             D. to have escaped                   


Cách chuyển câu CHỦ ĐỘNG sang câu BỊ ĐỘNG (Passive transformation)

Active S VA O

Passive S VP by + agent

1. Lấy tân ngữ (object) của câu chủ động làm chủ ngữ (subject) của câu bị động.
2. Đổi động từ chủ động (Vactive) thành Vpassive
VPassive = Be + past participle (pp)
Bảng đối chiếu câu chủ động và bị động qua các thì
S + V (nguyên) / V(s/es) S + am/is/are + VP2
Present Simple
Lucy writes the book. The book is written by Lucy.
S + V(cột 2 / -ed) S + was/ were + VP2
Simple Past
Lucy wrote the book. The book was written by Lucy.
S + will/shall + V (nguyên) S + will + be + VP2
Simple Future
Lucy will write the book. The book will be written by Lucy.
S + am/is/are + V-ing S + am/is/are + being + VP2
Present Continuous
Lucy is writing the book. The book is being written by Lucy.
S + was/ were + V-ing S + was/ were + being + VP2
Past Continuous
Lucy was writing the book. The book was being written by Lucy.
S + have/ has + VP2 S + have/ has + been + VP2
Present Perfect Lucy has written the articles. The articles have been written by
S + had + VP2 S + had + been + VP2
Past Perfect Lucy had written the articles. The articles had been written by
S + will have + VP2 S + will have been + VP2
Future Perfect Lucy will write the book. The book will have been written by
S + have to/ may/ might/can/ could/ S + have to/may/ might/ can/could
must/ should/ used to/... + V must/ should/ used to/... + be + VP2
Modal Verbs
(nguyên) The book may be written by Lucy.
Lucy may write the book.
S + am/is/are + going to + V S + am/ is/ are going to be + VP2
Tương lai gần:
Lucy is going to write the book. The book is going to be written by
Be going to
S + used to + V + O S (O) + used to + be + VP2
Used to
Lucy used to write books. Books used to be written by Lucy.

* Lưu ý: get có thể thay cho be => sự việc gây bất ngờ / khó chịu.
Ex: The eggs got broken. [= were broken]
Maggie got hit by a car this morning. [= was hit]


RULE 1. Subject active => By + agent
Ex: Over 200,000 people read our morning paper every day.
=> Our morning paper is read by over 200,000 people every day.
- KHÔNG DÙNG “by them, by us, by people, by somebody, by nobody, by no one, by
- Với “nobody” và “no one”, đổi động từ sang phủ định.
Ex 1: Someone was building a new hospital.
=> A new hospital was being built.
Ex 2: The windows are really dirty. No one has cleaned them for weeks.
=> The windows are really dirty. They haven’t been cleaned for weeks.
Ex 3: Nobody saw him leaving the room.
=> He wasn’t seen leaving the room.

RULE 2. Dùng WITH (không dùng by) để chỉ dụng cụ, công cụ hoặc nguyên liệu được sử
Ex: Chilli is made with beans.
The room was decorated with flowers.

RULE 3. Vị trí của trạng từ hoặc cụm trạng từ trong câu bị động
- TRẠNG TỪ CHỈ CÁCH THỨC thường đứng giữa be và quá khứ phân từ (past participle).

Have / has / had been

Was / were
Will / would be
Should / may / might be

- Các trạng từ khác thường đứng sau trợ động từ đầu tiên.

Have / has / had + ADV khác + been + PII

Was / were (never, always…)
Will / would + be
Should / may / might + be

Ex: The problem has been carefully studied by the scientists.

She had never been promoted if she wouldn’t have changed her job.


Ex: He was found in the forest by the police last Sunday.

III. CÂU BỊ ĐỘNG DẠNG CÂU HỎI (Yes/ No question, Wh-question)

3.1. Câu hỏi Yes/ No (là câu hỏi có các trợ động từ (can/ could/ will/ do/ does/ did/...) ở đầu

Bước 1: Xác định 3 yếu tố chính (S, V, O) và thì của động từ

Bước 2: Áp dụng công thức bị động của thì tương ứng (cách đổi như đã học)
Bước 3: Trợ động từ vẫn đảo lên trước chủ ngữ (chú ý chia trợ động từ theo chủ ngữ mới)
Lưu ý: Với các thì hiện tại đơn và quá khứ đơn, bỏ “do/ does/ did” và đảo “is/ are/ am/ was/ were"
lên trước chủ ngữ.
Ex: Did the news surprise you?
=> Were you surprised by the news?

3.2. Câu hỏi có từ để hỏi Wh-question (when, where, how, what,..)

Các bước thực hiện tương tự như câu hỏi Yes/ No, tuy nhiên vẫn đặt từ để hỏi lên đầu câu.

Loại 1: Khi từ để hỏi làm chủ ngữ Who painted this picture?
Wh-question word + V + O → Who was this picture painted by?
(sau từ để hỏi không có trợ động từ, Who has met you?
mà chỉ có động từ + tân ngữ) → Who have you been met by?
Who did you help to do homework?
Loại 2: Khi từ để hỏi làm tân ngữ
→ Who was helped to do homework by you?
Wh-question word + Trợ động từ + S + V + O
What will you do?
(sau từ để hỏi có trợ động từ)
→ What will be done by you?
When did you make it?
Loại 3: Khi từ để hỏi là trạng từ → When was it made by you?
when, where, how, why,... Where did you put my book?
→ Where was my book put by you?

IV. BỊ ĐỘNG VỚI CÂU MỆNH LỆNH (imperative sentences)

(Don’t) + V + O (Don’t) + let + O + be + P2
Write your name here. Let your name be written here.


Câu chủ động:

S + V + O (vật) + to/for + O (người) S + V + O (người) + O (vật)

They gave a salary rise to Julie. They gave Julie a salary rise.
He lent his car to his brother. He lent his brother his car.
Các động từ kết hợp với TO Các động từ kết hợp với FOR
bring, give, lend, pay, post, sell, send, show, tell, buy, choose, cook, cut, do, fetch, find, get, make,
write, ... order, ...

Khi một động từ ở chủ động có hai tân ngữ, khi chuyển thành câu bị động ta có 2 cách chuyển
như sau:

Cách 1: O (người) + be + VP2 + O (vật) Cách 2: O (vật) + be + VP2 + to/ for O (người)
They gave/sent Joe a gold watch. They gave/sent a gold watch to Joe.
→ Joe was given/sent a gold watch. → A gold watch was given/sent to Joe.
He awarded our company the contract. He awarded our company the contract.
→ Our company was awarded the contract. → The contract was awarded to our company.
6.1. Bị động trong cấu trúc nhờ/bảo với “have” và “get”

Active Passive Example

We had a local firm of decorators decorate
the house yesterday.
S + have + sb + V S + have + sth + VP2
→ We had the house decorated by a local
firm of decorators.
I got Susan to type the report.
S + get + sb + to V S + get + sth + VP2
→ I got the report typed.

6.2. Bị động với động từ chỉ giác quan (see, hear, watch, find, notice, feel, observe,…)

Active Passive Example

S + see/ watch/ hear ... They have seen her come out of her house at
+ sb + V (nguyên) S + be + seen/ watched/ two o’clock.
Nhìn/thấy/nghe thấy … heard ... + to V → She has been seen to come out of her
TOÀN BỘ hành động house at two o’clock.
S + see/ watch/ hear ...
+ sb + V-ing S + be + seen/ watched/ They saw him walking with his dog.
Nhìn/thấy/nghe thấy … heard ... + V-ing → He was seen walking with his dog.
MỘT PHẦN hành động

6.3. Bị động với Reporting verbs (động từ tường thuật): say, think, believe, report, rumor,
know, expect..)


People say that.. It is said that… He is said to do
They believe believed believed to be doing
think thought thought to have done
know known known
expect expected expected
report reported reported
understand understood understood
allege alleged alleged
consider considered considered

Cách chuyển:
Cách 1 Passive:
It + be + Reporting VP2 + (that) + S2 + V2 + ....

* Lưu ý: Động từ be được chia theo thì của động từ TƯỜNG THUẬT trong câu chủ động.
Ex: They say he is a millionaire.
→ It is said that he is a millionare.

Cách 2 Trường hợp 1:

Động từ ở mệnh đề tường thuật (V1) CÙNG THÌ với động từ ở mệnh đề chính (V2):
S2 + be + Reporting VP2 + to V2

Ex: People believed that the earth was the centre of the universe. (V1 và V2 cùng thì)
→ The earth was believed to be the centre of the universe.

Trường hợp 2:
Động từ ở mệnh đề tường thuật (V1) LỆCH THÌ với động từ ở mệnh đề chính (V2):
S2 + be + Reporting VP2 + to have VP2 (V2)

Động từ ở mệnh đề tường thuật (V1) Động từ ở mệnh đề chính (V2)

Hiện tại Hiện tại hoàn thành
It is thought that they have been living abroad.
→ They are thought to have been living abroad
Hiện tại Quá khứ
People say that he served in the army. (V1 và V2 khác thì)
→ He is said to have served in the army.
Quá khứ Quá khứ hoàn thành
It was alleged that the accused had committed fraud.
→ The accused was alleged to have committed fraud.
Trường hợp 3: Động từ ở mệnh đề chính dùng thì tiếp diễn
S2 + be + Reporting VP2 + to be V-ing/ to have been V-ing

Ex: I believe she is living in France.

→ She is believed to be living in France.

Police reported that a man had been helping them with their inquiries.
→ A man was reported to have been helping the police with their inquiries.

Trường hợp 4: Mệnh đề 2 có dạng bị động

S2 + be + Reporting VP2 + to be + PII / to have been PII

Ex: They think that the man holding the hostages is heavily armed.
→ The man holding the hostages is thought to be heavily armed.

It is known that York was invaded by the Vikings.

→ York is known to have been invaded by the Vikings.

6.4. Bị động với gerund và infinitive

FORMULA S + V (want, prefer, hope,...) + SB S + V (want, prefer, hope,...) + ST
+ to + V + ST + to be VP2 + (by SB)
The teacher wants me to do this exercise The teacher wants this exercise to be done
EXAMPLES carefully. carefully.
I want you to help me. I want to be helped (by you).
S + V (love, enjoy, hate,...) + SB S + V (love, enjoy, hate,...) + ST
+ V-ing + ST + being + VP2 (by SB)
She enjoys her boyfriend telling the She enjoys the story being told by her
story. boyfriend.
Mr. Miller hates people keeping him Mr. Miller hates being kept waiting.

6.5. Bị động với “let/ make”

FORMULA S + let + sb + V (nguyên) S + be + allowed + to + V
EXAMPLES He let me go out. I was allowed to go out.
FORMULA S + make + O + V (nguyên) S + be + made + to + V (nguyên)
The manager made the employees work The employees were made to work
overtime. overtime.

6.6. Bị động với “need”

Dùng cho người : S + need to be + VP2
Dùng cho vật:
S + need + to V
+ Dạng 1: S + need + V-ing
+ Dạng 2: S + need to be + VP2
The boss needed to believe her. => She needed to be believed by her boss.
You need to cut your hair before you go back to => Your hair needs to be cut before you go back to
school. school. / Your hair needs cutting before you go
back to school.

6.7. Một số dạng bị động đặc biệt khác

S + recommend/ suggest + V-ing + O S + recommend/ suggest + that +S (O) + should be + VPII
They suggested banning advertisement. They suggested that advertisements should be banned.
It is one's duty + to V + O Someone + be + supposed + to V + O
It is your duty to learn English now. You are supposed to learn English now.
It is possible/ impossible to + V + O S (O) + can/can't + be + VP2
It is impossible to repair that machine. That machine can't be repaired.
It is necessary to V + O S (O) + should+ be + VP2
It's necessary for you to tell the truth The truth should be told immediately.
It is important to V + O S (O) + must + be + VP2
It’s important to keep medicine out of the Medicine must be kept out of the reach of children.
reach of children.
It is + adj + for sb + to V + O It is + adj + for + O + to be VP2
It is difficult for me to finish this test. → It is difficult for this test to be finished.
Với các động từ theo sau bởi 1 V có “to”
S + V + O1 + TO V + O2 S + V + O2 + to be + PII
He wants his students to do all the → He wants all the difficult exercises to be done by his
difficult exercises. students.
Với các động từ theo sau bởi 1 V-ing: remember, hate, like, dislike…
S + V + O + V-ing S + V + being + PII (by O)
Ex 1: I remembered my father offering → I remembered being offered a beautiful present by my
me a beautiful present on my birthday. father on my birthday.
Ex 2: I hate people shouting at me. → I hate being shouted at.


Question 1. (A) In studies (B) conducted on gazing behavior, it (C) has been founded that
listeners gaze at speakers (D) more than speakers gaze at listeners.
(Đề thi thử THPT QG môn Anh trường THPT Chuyên Lê Quý Đôn - Quảng Trị - lần 1 - năm
Question 2. New sources of energy (A) have been looking for (B) as the number (C) of fossil
fuels continues (D) to decrease.
Question 3. It is believed that modern farming methods have greatly improved farmers' lives.
A. Farmers are believed to have enjoyed a much better life thanks to modern farming methods.
B. Modern farming methods were believed to have greatly improved farmers' lives.
C. Modern farming methods are believed to have had negative effects on farmers' lives.
D. People believe that there is little improvement in farmers' lives thanks to modern farming
Question 4. They expect that recent changes will bring about an overall improvement in the
quality of the country’s education.
A. Recent changes are expected to lead to an overall improvement in the quality of the country’s
B. The quality of the country’s education is expected to be the consequence of recent changes.
C. It is expected that recent changes are caused by an overall improvement in the country’s
D. It was expected that recent changes would result in an overall improvement in the quality of
the country’s education.
Question 5. Many people think that the new regulations will encourage people to use less
A. Lower consumption of energy is thought to lead to the introduction of the new regulations.
B. The new regulations are thought to encourage lower consumption of energy.
C. It is thought that the new regulations will encourage people to consume more energy.
D. It was thought that lower consumption of energy was stimulated by the new regulations.
Question 6. As they remembered __________ about the danger of getting lost in the forest, the
tourists closely followed the tour guide.
A. being warned B. warning C. to be warned D. to warn
Question 7. The money raised (A) in the appeal will use (B) to help (C) those in need in remote
areas (D).
Question 8. Joseph would never forget __________ by his boss through no fault of his own.
A. criticising B. being criticised C. to criticise D. to be criticized
Question 9. He would never forget _______ a medal for bravery after saving three boys from
A. being awarded B. to award C. awarding D. to be awarded
Question 10. Plastic bags are harmful (A) to the (B) environment so (C) they should replace (D)
by paper bags.
Question 11. I will never forget __________ to the Royal Garden Party, where superb
cuisines were served amid luxurious surroundings.
A. being invited B. to invite C. inviting D. to be invited
Question 12. Household (A) chores should share (B) among members (C) of the family (D).
Question 13. Reagan ________ an actor years ago.
A. was said having been B. is said to being C. is said to have been D. was said being
Question 14. Many people think Steve stole the money.
A. It was not Steve who stole the money. B. Many people think the money is stolen by
C. Steven is thought to have stolen the money. D. The money is thought to be stolen by
Question 15. DNA tests ________ accepted in court eases.
A. are known B. were used C. have been D. will have
(Đề thi thử THPTQG THPT Chuyên ĐH Sư phạm Hà Nội - lần 2)
Question 16. The launch of the first liquid-fuelled rocket in 1926 ________ by flight historians
________ as significant as the Wright Brothers' flight.
A. has considered/ to have been B. was considered/ being
C. is considered/ to be D. is considered/ to have been
(Đề thi thử THPTQG SỞ GD – ĐT THÁI NGUYÊN – Mã đề thi 402)
Question 17. It is believed (A) that in the near future (B) robots will be used to doing (C) things
such as (D) cooking.
Question 18. People believed that Jane failed the test because of her laziness.
A. It is believed that Jane failed the test because of her laziness.
B. Jane was believed to fail the test on account of her laziness.
C. Jane is believed to fail the test owing to her laziness.
D. It was believed that Jane had failed the test due to laziness.
Question 19. The criminal is believed to be living abroad.
A. The belief is that the criminal should be living abroad.
B. It believes that the criminal is living abroad.
C. There's a belief that the criminal should be living abroad.
D. It is believed that the criminal is living abroad.
Question 20. I would never forget _________ to be the judge in such a well–known competition.
A. being invited B. having invited C. to have invited D. to be invited
Question 21. Solution (A) to the problem (B) of how to dispose (C) of excess rubbish must find
Question 22. It is said that the man was having business difficulties.
A. The man was having business difficulties is said.
B. The man is said to be having business difficulties.
C. People said that the man was having business difficulties.
D. The man is said to have been having business difficulties.
Question 23. Many people think that Steve stole the money.
A. The money is thought to be stolen by Steve.
B. Many people think that the money is stolen by Steve.
C. Steve is thought to have stolen they money.
D. It was Steve who stole the money.
Question 24. Your hair needs _______. You’d better have it done tomorrow.
A. cut B. to cut C. being cut D. cutting
Question 25. People believed that Jane retired because of her poor health.
A. Jane is believed to have retired because of her poor health.
B. Jane was believed to have retired because of her poor health.
C. It is believed that Jane retired because of her poor health.
D. Jane retired because of her poor health was believed.
(Đề thi thử THPT QG trường THPT Chuyên Đại học Vinh - lần 1)
Question 26. People believe that Chinese people invented paper.
A. Paper is believed to have been invented by Chinese people.
B. Paper is believed to be invented by Chinese people.
C. It was believed that Chinese people invent paper.
D. Chinese people are believed to invent paper.
(Đề thi thử THPT QG môn Anh sở GD&ĐT Vĩnh Phúc 2018 - lần 1)
Question 27. Students suppose (A) to read all the questions (B) carefully and find out (C) the
answers to them (D).
Question 28. People say that at least ten applicants have been selected for the job interview.
A. It is said that well over ten people are interested in having an interview for the job.
B. It is said that no fewer than ten people are going to be interviewed for the job.
C. People say that fewer than ten job interviews have been held so far.
D. I have heard that only ten people have been chosen to have the job interviewed.
(Đề thi thử THPTQG THPT Chuyên Hoàng Văn Thụ - Hòa Bình – Lần 2)

UNIT 2: THE WORLD OF WORK – “The only way to do great work is to love what you

I. Mục đích của đảo ngữ
Đảo ngữ thường được dùng với mục đích nhấn mạnh về một sự việc hay một chủ thể nhất định
trong câu.
Ex: Never in my life have I seen such a beautiful girl.



1. CÁC ADV PHỦ ĐỊNH + TRỢ ĐỘNG TỪ + S + V Never did they go to sleep
TRẠNG bare infi before 9 p.m.
TỪ PHỦ TRẠNG TỪ PHỦ ĐỊNH: Seldom/scarcely/rarely have
ĐỊNH - never (before): không bao giờ I seen my father so angry
- rarely = seldom = scarcely = little: hiếm khi, hầu Hardly ever did Sue walk to
như không work
- hardly (ever) : hầu như không bao giờ

2. CÁC At no time did I intend to

give up work.
CỤM TỪ CHỨA “NO” + TRỢ ĐT + S + V In no way am I putting this
bare infi ugly hat on.
CỤM TỪ CHỨA “NO” On no condition/for no
- At no time (= never) (chưa từng bao giờ} reason should you lend him
- In no way (không còn cách nào)
Under no circumstances can
CỤM - On no condition (tuyệt đối không) people enter this studio when
GIỚI TỪ - On no account = for no reason (không vì bất cứ lý the red light is on.
CHỨA do gì) No longer does she dream of
“NO” - Under/ In no circumstances (trong bất cứ hoàn becoming a pop star.
cảnh nào cũng không) Nowhere do plants flourish
- No longer (không còn nữa) with such vigour as they do in
tropical rainforests.
- Nowhere (else) (không ở nơi nào [khác nữa])
Never/not for a moment did
- Never/ Not for one moment (không 1 khoảnh khắc I think I would be offered the
nào) job, so I was amazed when I
got it.

No sooner had we opened

3. VỪA No sooner + had + S + VpII + than + S + Ved the door than we realised
MỚI.. something was wrong.
THÌ Hardly/ Barely/ Scarcely + had + S + VpII + Hardly had we sat down
When + S + Ved when the fire alarm went off.

4.1. Only after + N/V-ing clause + trợ ĐT + S + Only after I had heard his
V (chỉ sau khi) reasons did I forgive him.
Only by practicing English
4.2. Only by + V-ing + trợ ĐT + S + V (chỉ bằng every day can you speak it
cách) fluently.
Only with the full agreement
of everyone can we hope to
4.3. Only with + N + trợ ĐT + S + V (chỉ với) succeed.
4. “ONLY” Only when/if you tell me the
truth, can I forgive you.
4.4. Only when/ if + clause + trợ ĐT + S + V
Only in that way can we
(chỉ khi /chỉ nếu )
expect to succeed in reaching
the set targets.
4.5. Only in this/ that way (chỉ bằng cách Only then did I understand
này/đó), Only then (chỉ đến lúc đó), Only later the problem.
(chỉ sau này), Only once (chỉ một lần) + trợ Only once did I meet her.
động từ + S + V
5. NOT It was not until I became a
UNTIL mother that I knew how my
Mãi cho NOT UNTIL/TILL + S + V + trợ ĐT + S + V mother loved me.
đến khi… bare => Not until I became a
mother did I know how my
mother loved me.
Not until 10pm did she
NOT UNTIL/TILL + time + trợ ĐT + S + V come.

Not only did we get wet, but
6. Not only.. NOT ONLY + TRỢ ĐT + S + V bare + BUT + S we also lost our passports.
but also ALSO + V
những.. Not only is he handsome but
mà còn.. NOT ONLY + TRỢ ĐT + S + V bare + BUT… he is clever as well
So little did he know about
her that he was not even sure
SO + ADJ/ADV + BE/TRỢ ĐT + S + V + THAT of her name.
+ S +V So kind is she that everyone
7. So.. that.. loves her.
Such..that Such is the moment that all
greats traverse.
Such is the stuff of dreams.
SUCH + BE + N + THAT + S + V Such are the days of our

TYPE 0 & 1 If you never try, you will

never know
IF + SV…. 🡺 SHOULD + S + (NOT) + V bare 🡺 Should you never try, you
will never know

If I were you, I would follow

his advice
🡺 Were I you, I would follow
8. CÂU TYPE 2 & Mix his advice
ĐIỀU If you knew Japanese, you
KIỆN IF + S + Ved/were.. 🡺 WERE + S + (NOT) +(TO would understand what I
V/O/N/ADJ) …. mean.
🡺 Were you to know
Japanese, you would
understand what I mean.
If Colin had informed the
TYPE 3 & Mix police, he would have been
IF + S + HAD + VP2 🡺 HAD + S + VP2 🡺 Had Colin informed the
police, he would have been

TRÍ/ HƯỚNG + V + S Up jumped the cat
+ along, away, back, in, on, off, out, up, round the In the corner sat a large pig.
9. GIỚI TỪ corner…
CHỈ ĐỊA + Here/ there
ĐIỂM/ VỊ Lưu ý: There does the bus go
TRÍ/ - Riêng dạng này đảo V, không phải trợ động từ, V -> There goes the bus
HƯỚNG vẫn chia theo S phia sau Here come you
- Nếu chủ ngữ là ĐẠI TỪ, không đảo ngữ trong -> Here comes Peter
trường hợp này Down jumped it
-> Down jumped the dog
Round the corner ran she
-> Round the corner ran the


Question 1. Only after announcing the winner of the best picture in Oscar 2017 Warren Beatty
realized that he had read out the wrong film name.
A. announcing B. the
C. Warren Beatty realized D. read
(Đề thi thử THPTQG_lần 2_năm 2017 trường THPT chuyên Hưng Yên)
Question 2. We can't decide until we hear all the advantages and disadvantages of the matter.
A. It’s not until all the advantages and disadvantages of the matter are heard can we decide.
B. Before we can come to a decision, we’ll need to hear all the pros and cons of the matter.
C. We’ll know the advantages and disadvantages of the matter after we’ve made a decision
D. Unless we hear all the advantages and disadvantages, we can make a decision.
(Đề thi thử THPTQG_lần 2_năm 2017 trường THPT chuyên Hưng Yên)
Question 3. There won’t be any improvement in our schools because they keep interfering
A. As they won’t keep interfering, there won’t be any improvement in our schools.
B. Since there isn't any improvement, they keep interfering in our schools.
C. Only when they stop interfering will we see any improvement in our schools.
D. Only when do they stop interfering there will be any improvement in our schools.
(Đề thi thử THPTQG_lần 2_năm 2017 trường THPT chuyên Hưng Yên)
Question 4. Only after she_________from a severe illness did she realise the importance of
good health.
A. would recover B. has recovered C. had recovered D. was recovering
(KỲ THI THPT QUỐC GIA NĂM 2018 – Mã đề 401)
Question 5. Mary left home to start an independent life. She realised how much her family
meant to her.
A. Only when Mary realised how much her family meant to her did she leave home to start an
independent life.
B. To realise how much her family meant to her, Mary decided to leave home to start an
independent life.
C. Not until Mary had left home to start an independent life did she realise how much her family
meant to her.
D. Mary left home to start an independent life with a view to realising how much her family
meant to her.
(KỲ THI THPT QUỐC GIA NĂM 2018 – Mã đề 401)
Question 6. Only after the bus ______ for a few miles did Jane realise she was on the wrong
A. was running B. had run C. has run D. runs
(KỲ THI THPT QUỐC GIA NĂM 2018 – Mã đề 402)
Question 7. Only after he ________ the job as a computer programmer did he realise how much
he loved it.
A. has left B. had left C. was leaving D. would leave
(KỲ THI THPT QUỐC GIA NĂM 2018 – Mã đề 403)
Question 8. Only after the teacher_________ the procedure clearly were the students allowed
to go ahead with the experiment.
A. would explain B. had explained C. was explaining D. has explained
(KỲ THI THPT QUỐC GIA NĂM 2018 – Mã đề 404)
Question 9. Smartphones are becoming reasonably priced. New applications make them more
A. Appealing though smartphones are with new applications, they are becoming less affordably
B. Whatever new applications smartphones have, they are becoming more appealing with
reasonable prices.
C. No matter how reasonable the prices of smartphones are, they are not so appealing with new
D. Not only are smartphones becoming more affordable but, with new applications, they are also
more appealing.
(KỲ THI THPT QUỐC GIA NĂM 2019 – Mã đề 401)
Question 10. He badly suffered cyberbullying himself. He realised the true dangers of social
media only then.
A. Such was his suffering of cyberbullying that he didn’t realise the true dangers of social media.
B. Only when he had realised the true dangers of social media did he badly suffer cyberbullying
C. But for his terrible suffering of cyberbullying, he wouldn’t realise the true dangers of social
D. Not until he had badly suffered cyberbullying himself did he realise the true dangers of social
(KỲ THI THPT QUỐC GIA NĂM 2019 – Mã đề 402)
Question 11. __________ he arrived at the bus stop when the bus came.
A. Not until had B. No longer had C. Hardly had D. No sooner had
Question 12. My uncle didn't recognize me until I spoke.
A. My uncle recognized me not until I spoke.
B. Only when my uncle recognized me did I speak.
C. Not until I spoke did my uncle recognize me.
D. When I spoke, my uncle didn't recognize me.
Question 13. No matter how hard Fred tried to start the motorbike, he didn’t succeed.
A. Fred tried very hard to start the motorbike, and succeeded.
B. However hard Fred tried he couldn’t start the motorbike.
C. It’s hard for Fred to start the motorbike as he never succeeded.
D. Fred tried hard to start the motorbike, and with success.
Question 14. We arrived at the conference. Then we realized that our reports were still at home.
A. No sooner had we realized that our reports were at home than we arrived at the conference.
B. Only after we arrived at the conference did we realize that our reports were still at home.
C. Not until we arrived at the conference that we realized that our reports were still at home.
D. Hardly had we arrived at the conference that we realized that our reports were still at home.
CHUYÊN – Mã đề 402)
Question 15. Not until the late Middle Ages glass became a major construction material.
A. Not B. the late C. glass became D. major
LẦN 3)
Question 16. We arrived at airport. We realized our passports were still at home.
A. It was until we arrived at airport that we realize our passports were still at home.
B. We arrived at airport and realized our passports are still at home.
C. Not until had we arrived at airport, we realized our passports were still at home.
D. Not until we arrived at airport, did we realize our passports were still at home.
Question 17. I arrived at work. The assistant knocked at the door.
A. Hardly had I arrived at work then the assistant knocked at the door.
B. No sooner had I arrived at work than the assistant knocked at the door.
C. I hardly knew the assistant knocked at the door as I just arrived at work.
D. I had to arrived at work as the assistant knocked at the door.
Question 18. Right after the boy got out of his house, it started to rain heavily.
A. Not until it started to rain heavily did the boy got out of his house.
B. No sooner had the boy got out of his house than it started to rain heavily.
C. Hardly had it started to rain heavily when the boy got out of his house.
D. It had rained heavily before the boy got out of his house.
Question 19. Seth informed us of his retirement from the company. He did it when arriving at
the meeting.
A. Only after his retiring from the company did Seth tell us about his arrival at the meeting.
B. Not until Seth said to us that he would leave the company did he turn up at the meeting.
C. Hardly had Seth notified us of his retiring from the company when he arrived at the meeting.
D. No sooner had Seth arrived at the meeting than we were told about his leaving the company.
Question 20. Not only______ in the field of psychology but animal behavior is examined as
A. is human behavior studied B. is studied human behavior
C. human behavior D. human behavior is studied
LẦN 2)
Question 21. Right after Vietnam national football team won the AFF Cup 2018, thousands of
fans flocked to the streets to celebrate.
A. No sooner had thousands of fans flocked to the streets to celebrate than Vietnam national
football team won the AFF Cup 2018.
B. Only after thousands of fans flocked to the streets to celebrate did Vietnam national football
team win the AFF Cup 2018.
C. Hardly had Vietnam national football team won the AFF Cup 2018 than thousands of fans
flocked to the streets to celebrate.
D. Scarcely had Vietnam national football team won the AFF Cup 2018 when thousands of fans
flocked to the streets to celebrate.
LẦN 1)
Question 22. He had just entered the house. The police arrested him at once.
A. Hardly he had entered the house when the police arrested him.
B. Immediately had he entered the house when the police arrested him.
C. The police immediately arrested him as soon as he’s entered the house.
D. No sooner had he entered the house than the police arrested him.
Question 23. They finished one project. They started working on the next.
A. Not until did they start working on the next project then they finished one.
B. Hardly had they finished one project when they started working on the next
C. Only if they had finished one project did they start working on the next.
D. Had they finished one project, they would have started working on the next.
LẦN 1)
Question 24. She didn’t understand the benefits of volunteering until she joined this club.
A. Not until she joined this club did she understand the benefits of volunteering.
B. It was not until she joined this club did she understand the benefits of volunteering.
C. Not until did she join this club, she understood the benefits of volunteering.
D. Not until she joined this club that she understood the benefits of volunteering.
Question 25. ______he arrived at the bus stop when the bus came.
A. Hardly had B. No sooner had C. No longer has D. Not until had

Đảo ngữ là hình thức đảo ngược vị trí thông thường của chủ từ và động từ trong
một câu, được dùng để nhấn mạnh một thành phần hay ý nào đó trong câu.
Các dạng đảo ngữ :
STT Các dạng đảo Công thức Ví dụ
No + N + auxiliary + S + Verb (inf) - No money shall I lend you from
Đảo ngữ với NO Not any + N + auxiliary + S + verb (inf) now on.
và NOT - Not any money shall I lend you
from now on.
- Never in my life shall I forget the
Neverkkkkkkkkkkkkk impression made on me by my first
Seldom + Auxiliary visit to Uncle Ho’s home town.
Hardly ever + S + verb - Seldom do I listen to Rock music.
Đảo ngữ với các Rarely (inf) - Hardly ever does he speak in the
trạng từ phủ định Little public.
- Rarely have I got mark 10 in
- Little does she understand me.

- Only once have I met her.

Only once (chỉ một lần)
Only in this way ( chỉ - Only in this way shall we be
bằng cách này) successful.
Only then ( chỉ khi ấy) - Only then did I realize that I had
Only by + noun/ V-ing left my passport at home.
( chỉ bằng cách) - Only by working hard can we
Only if + clause ( chỉ pass the exam.
Only in + adverb of - Only if you help me shall I pass
time/ place ( chỉ vào/ the exam.
chỉ ở…) + Auxiliary
Only later ( chỉ sau này) + S + verb
Đảo ngữ với Only in that way ( chỉ (inf) - Only in April is there this kind of
3 ONLY bằng cách đó) flower.
Only after + Noun/ V-
ing/clause ( chỉ sau khi) - Only later did I know that I had
Only when + made a serious mistake.
clause( chỉ khi) - Only in that way shall we be
Only with + Noun successful.
( chỉ với) - Only after posting the letter did
I realize that I had forgotten to put
on a stamp.
- Only when I received his letter
did I know that he was still alive.

- Only with a big sum of money

can you buy a house in Hanoi.

4 Đảo ngữ với các - At no time did he know she came

cụm từ có “No”: At no time ( chưa từng + Auxiliary from a rich family.
bao giờ…) + S + Verb - On no account must you touch
the switch.
On no account ( Với bất - For no reason must you cheat in
cứ lý do gì cũng your exam.
không…) - No longer do I work for them.
For no reason ( không - On no condition shall we accept
vì lý do gì) their proposal.
- Under no circumstances should
No longer ( không còn) you phone the police.

On no condition ( tuyệt ( inf) - In no way could I believe in a

đối không…) ridiculous story.

Under/In no
circumstances ( Trong
bất kỳ hoàn cảnh nào
cũng không…)

In no way ( không còn

cách nào)
No sooner + Auxiliary + S + V + than + - No sooner had I arrived home
No sooner
clause than the telephone rang.
Hardly/ Barely/ Hardly/ Barely/ Scarcely + Auxiliary + S
5 - Hardly had she put up her
Scarcely … When + V + when/before + clause. umbrella before the rain became
down in torrents.
Not only + auxiliary + S + V but … also Not only does he sing well but he
Not only … but … … also plays musical instruments
also … perfectly.

Đảo ngữ với So + adj/adv + auxiliary + S + V clause + - So hot was the day that we had to
“SO”: that clause stay indoors.
7 SO …THAT, - Such was his hunger that he
SUCH …THAT Such + auxiliary + S + V + that clause couldn’t go on learning.

Not until/ till + clause/ adv of time + Not until/ till 10 o’clock will come
8 Not until/ til auxiliary + S + V home

Nowhere + auxiliary + S + V Nowhere in VN is the scenery as

9 Nowhere beautiful as that in my country.

Đảo ngữ với câu a. Câu điều kiện loại 1: Should she come late she will miss
10 điều kiện: If clause = Should + S + V the train.
b. Câu điều kiện loại 2: Were I to know her , I would invite
If clause = Were S + to V/ Were + S her to the party

c. Câu điều kiện loại 3: Had my parents not encouraged

If clause = Had + S + PII me, I wouldn’t have taken pass
Although/ even though/though + S + V
= Much as +S + V, S+V - Much as the exercise is difficult,
the boys can solve it.
= No matter what +S + V, S+V - No matter how difficult the
= No matter how + adj/adv +S + V, S+V exercise is, the boys can solve it.
11 Although
= However + adj/adv + S + V, S+V - However difficult the exercise is,
the boys can solve it.
- Difficult as the exercise is, the
= Adj/Adv + as/though + S + V, S+V boys can solve it.

Nor + Auxiliary + S + V He doesn’t smoke, nor does he

12 Nor
So/Neither + Auxiliary + S - I can’t sing well, neither can my
13 So/ Neither sister
- He loves football, so do I.
Đảo ngữ với trạng Adv of place + V + S Near my house is a bus stop
14 từ chỉ phương
hướng, nơi chốn
Cụm phân từ ( Ving/ Vp2) +V+S - Situated in the central mountains
of Alaska is a peak named Denali.
Đảo ngữ với cụm
15 - Coming first in the race was my
phân từ

Choose the most suitable words underlined.

1. Jim promised that he would never/ never would he tell anyone else.
2. Not until it was too late I remembered / did I remember I call Susan.
3. Hardly had we settled down in our seats than / when the lights went out.
4. Only after checking three times I was / was I certain of the answer.
5. At no time I was aware / was I aware of anything out of usual.
6. Only Mary and Sally passed / did they pass the final examination.
7. So the waves were high / So high were the waves that swimming was dangerous.
8. Only when Peter has arrived / has Peter arrived can we begin the program.
9. No sooner had it stopped raining than / when the sun came out.
10 If should you leave early / you leave early could you leave me a lift?

Rewrite each of the following sentences with the given words in such a way that it
means the same as the sentence printed above it.
1. I have never seen anyone in my life drink as much as you.
=> Never in my life have I seen anyone drink as much as you.
2. A sleeping dog was lying under the table.
=> Under the table was lying a sleeping dog.
3. His brother had rarely been more excited.
=> Rarely had his brother been more excited.
4.The facts were not all made until later.
=> Only until later were the facts all made.
5. If I had realized what would happen, I wouldn’t have accepted the job.
=> Had I realized what would happen, I wouldn’t have accepted the job.
6. The response to our appeal was so great that we have to take on more staff.
=> Such was the response to our appeal that we have to take on more staff.
7. Harry broke his leg, and also injured his shoulder.
=> Not only did Harry break his leg, but he also injured his shoulder.
8. The police didn’t at all suspect that the judge was the murderer.
=> Little did the police suspect that the judge was the murderer.
9. If you do happen to see Helen, could you ask her to call me?
=> Should you happen to see Helen, could you ask her to call me?
10. The bus driver cannot be blamed for the accident in any way.
=> In no way can the bus driver be blamed for the accident.

Exercise 1 : Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. As soon as he approached the house, the policeman stopped him.
A. No sooner had he approached the house than the policeman stopped him.
B. Hardly had he approached the house than the policeman stopped him.
C. No sooner had he approached the house when the policeman stopped him.
D. Hardly he had approached the house when the policeman stopped him.
2. I have seldom heard such a talented singer.
A. Seldom have I heard such a talented singer.
B. Seldom I have heard such a talented singer.
C. Seldom have I heard such a talented singer.
D. All are correct.
3. ___________ circumstances should you call the police.
A. In B. Under C. Under no D. In no
4. Only after you obtain a driving licence, ____________ a car.
A. you are able to drive B. can you drive
C. you will be able to drive D. did you drive
5. Hardly ever _________- far from home.
A. she traveled B. she has traveled
C. did she travel D. she did travel
6. ___________ there.
A. Never will I go B. I never will go C. never I will go D. All are right
7. ____________ a doctor, I could help you.
A. was I B. I was C. Were I D. I were
8. Had I not met her, I ___________ unhappy.
A. have been B. was C. had been D. would have been
9. _____________ about it.
A. He did little said B. Little did he said
C. Little did he say D. He did little say
10. Nowhere ___________ delicious dishes like here.
A. can you enjoy B. you can enjoy C. you enjoy D. you do enjoy

Exercise 2 : Complete the sentences, using inversion.

1. Not only ____did they buy____ (buy) the house but also the car last year.
2. __Should you come_____ (come) early, we'll start.

3. __Had Bob not interfered__ (not interfere) in his sister' marital problems, there wouldn't
have been peace between them.
4. Hardly___had the doctor fallen__ (fall) asleep when the telephone __woke__ (wake) him up.
5. Only by working hard ___did he manage__(manage) to pass the exam.
6. No sooner he __had he returned__(return) from his walk than he __got___ (get) down to
writing the letter.
7. Only by ___operating_____ (operate) immediately can you save your eyesight.
8. Only when they told me about it did I realize (realize) what I had missed.
9. Not until the bell rang he ___did he finish_____ (finish) his work.
10. Rarely ___does she travel_____ (travel) more than fifty miles from her village.

Exercise 3 : Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

1. Please never ever interrupt me when I’m in a meeting.

On no account am I (ever) to be interrupted when I’m in a meeting.
2. Nobody from this school has ever written a better composition.
Never has anyone from this school written a better composition.
3. Such was the demand for tickets that people queued day and night.
The demand for tickets was so great that people queued day and night.
4. The money is not to be paid under any circumstances.
Under no circumstances is the money to be paid.
5. Three days passed before we arrived at the first oasis.
Not until three days had passed, did we arrive at the first oasis.
6. Little did Brenda know what she was letting herself in for.
Brenda had no idea what she was letting herself in for.
7. It was only when I stopped that I realized something was wrong.
Only when I stopped did I realise that something was wrong.
8.The accused never expressed regret for what he had done.
At no time did the accused express regret for what he had done.
9. Exhaustion prevented any of the runners from finishing the race.
Seldom exhausted were the runners that none so much rain in March.
10. It’s not common for there to be so much rain in March.
Seldom do we see/does one see so much rain in March.

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