Popular Mechanics 01 1916

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ae eee ents -vanuary "Air Craft — Page 33 io went (lear, KNOTLESS Cyopress siding, No. 1 Dimension lumber, Guaranteed Roofing, Creasoted wali plates, Clear Modern Craftsman style interior finish. Clear Millwork, Doors and Windows. Satin-finish hardware. All guaranteed and backed by our $10,000,0C0,00 capital. This elegant substantial bungalow (No. 183—five rooms and bath) shipped direct-to-you—No money in sdvance. You ‘risk nothing, Pay according to our liberal terms, Sensibly Cut-to-Fit The Harris Way The most economical and practical Of all cut-to-fit methods, ‘The Harris Way “athe result of 2sars of practical bail emis reduces bulking, exrenses to th First ‘you save [rom 2to soe ec ya bones i Hiseds Wags"? Bove ‘$473 ‘No. 409. Five Rooms ‘and ath, closets ee. tars rots "As laguadey cout gua ished mer oi hme ‘lcesat fle ae a tr ‘have ha supleient “morepnel Jor he amaest oto F eld wo ure sudined dhs dest ‘ar iwiee fie mses bold your Bre TREE Beck, of,200 | iit it Be and we larris Homes [407 thls desi wor ERE Blan, Offer & Over 100 D actual designs -* fications Haris homes: barns, garaxe, fir) Sieioaropie Camiame tee Prine exact materi tists and Mute ole plates material st A zpetiicatos for any Design on SY pe Bite creck on: Phambing Roofing {Bis page the seta oreo Our Plumbing | We offer the fuwar pice Son Msieral pola fittest and described Our ae shateye blue prints rot weal cook $50.00 iidal Weed usa te yon for 81.00, She yelunded, i nana to nok suis, seu purchase Pine unanee fuformation. Your sapy malted to You Frewof any cost ar bia vie fe rai at WS, Wsteet at Sand for free Plamb= fer qur_ pic $96O ‘nt “Te te HARRIS BROS. C0. Dent AT. ‘end we Fre) Bovke tpl X ie ein 1a it Ts Greatest Barjains of the Century ‘in Lumber, Millwark and other building. haut aat hur free Weildlay Material Cataisg. BU eT Gee to Ee aie as OT ots trea. POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION a The Victor Record catalog, is the ly most complete catalog, of music in all the world and tells you exactly what a Victor or Victrola will bring, into your home It gives you a volume of information about operas, artists, and composers, and contains numerous portraits and illustrations. It shows you how easily all the music of all the world can become an entertaining and instructive part of yous every-day hie: ‘This 450-page book lists more than 5000 Victor Records, and is of jntereat to every one. It costs us more than $150,000 every year, and we want lover to have a copy will gladly give you a copy of this great catalog of music, of stead ta us ond we will mil you a copy fee, postage paid ‘There are Victors and Victrolas in great variety of styles from $10 to $400. ‘Victor Talking Machine Co., Camden, N. J. erties Gramophone Cae Montreal, Canine Dt Always use Victor Machines with Vietor Records and New Victor Records demonstrated at all dealers on the 28th of each month Nt 0 NXBR-35! 4 POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION is!—and to think that | made it yourself! ‘ou have a natural He—"Not exactly that—all Ihad was the New Cypress Furni- ture Instruction Book. It is you, my dear, who have the ‘Gift'!" These are the days of thrift —as well as the days of sentiment Can intelligent thriftand the healthy “homey” sentiment express themselves in any other, way sguite so wellasin “‘home-grown’ furniture? (Use an‘‘easy’” wood.) Vol. 38. of the famous Cypress Pocket Library—“‘indispensable to every home-owner and home-hoper in the land.”—contains original designs, made for us by authoritative furniture artists, of SEVEN PIECES of Necessary Furniture. Why buy them? Why not make them yourself, of Cypress, “the wood eternal? (It's easy on edged tools.) Vol. 38 contains full detail sketches, specifications and careful instructions, Tells : how to make well-designed, “craftsy”’ furniture in your spare hours at home, Home-grown furniture is best of all; you love it as well as use it.” Just you try itt Write tonight for Volume 38—absolutely new, and a welcome addition indeed. ‘When plaraing = Fergula, Manton, Bangalaw, jarturecfonse or sleeping parch, remember—"HFlik CYPRESS you BUILD BUT ONCE.” Lxtocr “ALL-ROUND HELPS DEPARTMENT heip YOU. ‘Our entire resources are at your service with Reliable Personal Counted. SOUTHERN CYPRESS MANUFACTURERS’ ASSOCIATION JACKSONVILLE, FLL, 1249 MIBERA BANK BUILDING, WEW ORLEANS, LA. OR 1819 HEARD NATIONAL BARK BUILDING, WWIST ON CYPRESS AT YOUR LOCAL DEALEWS AP HE HASNT IZ, LET US KNOW IMMEDIATELY, Please Mention Popular Mechanica Popular Mechanics Magazine 6 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, U.S, A. EDITED BY H. H. WINDSOR: ok enecatsanl Neves Co, Arta rans Bldg Caste Lan, Linden, B.C. ‘The Auiinlanan News Co ISSUED MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION: SINGLE. COPY. 15 CENTS Me led Sa a eat Cul and Mei pt rau pid 6s 850 Toate coma inte Por sim 2: ft 22 All miscipoont are ticonnned at expen, Phe examine the date sialon your winet Err Srce ie mer sre ee ang Reece Chg, under tt Mare Se ete monty by POPULATE MECHANICS CO. THiwteo O lean OF Contents for January, 1916 ‘Faker Machine, Hand, 1s Office Convenience TL Chair, Hasy, and Bed Made in One Plece........ 18 fol Barts by Searte Hendges "42 Chest, Capaclous Cedar, Maues Nest Be iders ‘Test Propellers with Horce.. 108 Chiteye, Extending, Is New and. Dangerous Filer Launched irom Speciing Vessel. 43 Work a 8B il, “Oreonjestign oh New York... 19 Ghuseh, Pai Hall ahd Stiodn aider Ong Rook > 6g Rain for Betchamber M18 Clock, Factory, “Employed to Promote Safety. ._ 100 al Clock, Nevel, Made! Lagine 1s Housing for... Rnkle Bouquet, Debac of as Feminine Ornament. 4 Clothesline Oueit for Woman ‘Travelers 2000. 110 ‘itorpile Atiahnest Cousteracts Glare =." > HL Coast Ling of the Uniued States, Length ois... 400 Ratemobite, “Elven wide to" Schoo! fs" Escss 1 Eounter Show, Bach Btoysle Pabtctype ofa 22 aE ination Eonercte Mgidge Stands Up under Immense Laad 105 Automobile, ‘Brip Pan for ade of Oiled Paper ESnerete, Boor’ fe Cnise of Sie Colispees os Bs ‘Awtemebile’ Haals, Machine Cats Ve Gonerete Work Tayahe Sehoal Chitérene rer 2 0 " Sag Biggg Machine Qacck Wack of Peeps Gi sgutorisbile Jagit Lilis oe Wiiget at itu me by. iz ‘Automebile—Sufety Towline Hook Made for Use "© Dish Washer, ‘Mechanical ior ‘Bamicaie’ Uae Morse 85) Bors, Alnsisin, for Service with Freeh Atm, Artiomabile Sebo Bol New Type iol Teashes Ciuldsen Embrey "Goat 4g Bonie) Wout Sell Cast tron Ga esi, Welee Shige Cashion Wade Yor G2 Boorbell and Hall Lamp. Combaaton Suith for Automobile Service Depot Designed Attracuvely 30 fixe Reclaim Tide Flats of Westera Clty" ‘Autorbepie, Sail” Queer Anti, te Pecforined by. 8 Hog Babe Raulnged with Biter’. ‘toma Olle 6] Beas, Nec Gonsiner for Sale Sipping of item og Electric “Fans, Ornamental, for Every Réais ia Automobile, ‘Two F iL" Home | . ‘Autemebite! Well vg Joaets 4 RD Blectre Lamp’ sine Cusminaus tb tae Ratormota iy are Cleared Electrically: 8 Ensue, Tiny, Made an Toy for Chikicen Ayompbiles, Combined ‘Crank and Tice Purkj ° Elevatgr, Temporary’ Used on Outside of Motel. fe ap Esl Bmcrgeney. Designed tor Ships Ficerooma utomeebies, Train Dispatching Siam for... 11. ALL Expiosion, Hower, Stare Train ot Frouble..-.~ Ball Score, Boy on Roller Skater Delivers. "0.0. aS ives, Stopping Lardsiive with s--- > Balloons Carcy Potsogous Gas into, Wartress.\... 32 Farming? Kiowa Ingan' Boys Taub. <. Bath, Crude Shower Re Ferry, Hew Largest on Great Laver 222.” Lozary for Soldietw Bathtub and Washstand. Comin : Te Chains, Automatic Cleats Caps, Delay Electric Aid in Counting 7 48 Eineg Stalls Be ned for. Use of Typist from Hreak Rock Formation ina for Loeatine Forest avy Concrete Slabs are Rou Buln Hae win “Apes Reads uiged Eetsers "Bg i Duster Siiaped to. Clean Comers, Horie, ‘Champagne, Throws Hidden Contest Hower Bull Stack, Hite Growers ts Sopoly.: Brlig: Gurvel soeur tree in Pace Wortimest., @8 Footprints, Infante’ Used tor identiseaalaa ss. . Be Force Bice Pinte Gilneas bisa Grain, b8 Fase’ Lighter, Powder Sled beat icon are Planned Shey fo ited Wine ay be Played Anse 73 Oirheee, by Harold: Wolter, Balle sand Matisens Tug Was... G8 Garbage Taeuerator aed: Watar i : Eke aeamoth itheay "Adveriar Sate Wg Gar Line, Munkogee to Bele City wi cal, Many Shins Blocks by Stappage fo... ag Gat Table Bar Estbonle Acid Eisployed in Freatlay Wounds... “E Hay, Prise, Taian Grows on eat of His Howe Garis, Oda Meval Cave for Business fang) Hunter, Novel, tor Stored Ligutd. ves cicnss Celery ‘Bleacher, New, Made of Black Paper!’ 160 Horses, Shocing Spirited, without Danger (Continued on Pi Popular Mechanics offers no premiums: does not join in “clubbing offers,”* and employs no soticitors fo secure subscriptions. It is for sale by nearly every newsdealer in the United States and Canada, (6) [Contents—Continued] House—Residence, Attractive Addition to Brick.. 160 Telegraph System, New Fr enter, Fore Rigger in Wiser Becomes 3 paeity 7 aa Hyecelacercdes “Slal and "Aevoplutes to Cover ‘Telephone’ Cover, riitic te ail Routes ‘sdf Telehhons, Loud’ Speaking, far Widow Demon Jnstruction in Trades, Tastiguve Gives’ tisetul! "|! 108 "Sermo 4 jaw Brace for Dental and Surgical Work......- Telepione Receiver Cudilan Aids in Wewslge. ss.) os ‘amp Shades, Silk, Treated wil) Mica Telephones Aid in Rapid Action of Cred Speterm” Bi Lambs Kerotene, Convert inte Cargide Burners. 20 Telephanss. Loud Speaking, Used at Country Club 8 Exundy Company, Novel Seivige Provided by-.. 88 ‘Telephones Replace Waiters in Jersey Heaurane, Locomotive, New Type of Oat Burning We Tig tPeaing Field, Compressed Al drives Ak Enbriester, Automatic, tar alway Car Journals: 120 Out of = : 103. Larter, Tiree Mlliod Peet of, om Leng Trip... 113 ‘Plas, Brodin ip Hi imac 000000 gp Mail Box, Neat. ix Herected belore Country Place! “62 ‘Aerial, of Great Power 3 Mane, Hay Eragce Prepares for Her Soldiers’... ge Torpeda, ‘Firing trom Dec of American De- Medate, Gold, Award at San Francisco Fair’. 28 | stroyer Mines, Repeating contact, Used by Germans... 29 Tower To, Convenient Reat toon, -.-\. Mirror, Conveniently Lighted Toilet. M8 Tractor, ‘Auto, Performs Heavy Hasiing’ Feat Money, Foreign, is Barred uy Cuban Decree,... 92 Tralhe Warniag Device (or Motor Cara. Morse Cade in Used in Talking to disor. -..\. 2 Transformer, Hurned Out, Causes Patal Accident Motor for Making Bicycle inta Motorcycle, 1.2 Motornoate*Scibmarave Chasers” 0 Gourd Bh Goal. esscese Motorcycle, Fram Coxst'te Canal and Retien ty! Moving’ Pictures Making Jungle ‘Theiler. Naturalivation of Allens is Ulyed by Govern Novel and Practical Things for the Home... Nutcracker, Serviceable, ef New Form Grice Bissic Nava Bail, Requires No Eavcio Padiock of Freak Shape Ha Many Uses Perade, Hovel: Eusenje, Homan Wrecks in Pista Values, City eather Poapavere ‘Ancient Elis, Forms Parcs Foundatleg, ‘Ties, Immense Concrete Piling Renew Vitaliy 3 2 1 @ 9 or ; 8 Tree, Living. Bind ae 2 Gin’ Pole in H y a Tree’ Pranine Kraglcntes Impact, i Frees) Gente Bigs ieltng in Besmapteanca ‘Treat, Dart Growing of 1s Brofasie Paatime, ‘Unterme, Military, Gfrmans Inurate Refern in fe Hathines Congress may Use Mews dhe Stighe are Ued Inetead of Crotches. Bhia Bench Betsbia Ofice to Cait Bargoen Suocemiver are Played Avo: nine Peitcs, Hardships Met by Warring TOS ag Bandages ond Dreeeings tor Wounded Bsicing 1p 18 Gop RNa Scenes on Diterent War suring in “aalen Clty al Ekclniy, Syed Onder Mate Oatwan, 4 FE ae eee IDLE o¢ Frances’ Great Drive-in the Western Fee ustinum, Scarcity of Himipers Fewer. Bb htoens Wary in Baute and Hogpral Bete Plow Bulle for Marshes ‘Oacd ta Sours, ccs... HR Mateied Soldiers, Teatkang Mew Gecapettans Potash, ‘Mineral, Extracted from Atumie HE Belcners ‘rerpany hile Eurcgean War. Figjerting tinnje' ol Gpeque Object, owe Way Ruscs, Ingenious, Resocted to in 113 Trenches, German Bartle, in the Bi a Rall Grinder That may be Moved with Rases.../ 100. Wardrobe, ‘Bulle Ta, with’ Telescaping Hallcond Car, Steet, Studriag Hifect of Fi ups 18 Wanning itnehine, Compnce Power Brive. , Eilfoed Gfossiney Shock Mlnpinajed js New." #2 Watch, Hands on Mave in Reveste Disetion. Rulroed (Freight Cer Roof, Device for Finding Water! Wheel, Olg, Suil Saws Wed 9% Weeds, Railroad Uses Gasoline Power to Mow. | Whooplog Cough Band Worn by Chilas. 70 Wine Aleohal Harred, tram New Type of = Wireless Equipment, Portable, Carried on Belt fof Builausg at Schenectady, 98 Wamen, Many, Good Drivers of Motor Care... Ring, Novel, with Friendship: Links’ Hg Wrench, (New) Designed co Grip with reat Road Habibit of Towa Cemmicsion, ingirsctive, 108 Force a ental Writing Desk and "Pable Formed ‘by Tea! Wagan 197 Road—Where Pate Highway Cuts Cont Die ce geesesene pete "Rookies, Waluntecr, at’ Bort Bheriaan Rope Tpsting Maghing's Wark Saver Lite : Rast, Makesbitt Appliances Remove Quicidy Salt from Sea, Natives of Philippines Derive SHOP NOTES Asbestos, Plastic, Retaining Surface for... 187 Automebite Engine Bed, Flenibie Holding’ Means Sito Anae al a Boge Super Proves. " Einctatecart‘Tommine esses Kiger Sit." BF Actomobife Spine’ Hje Capa, Preventing Low of Sih Beene inked Eom leds. 10 Mae Wong tae ‘ Screwdriver, New, Covered with Insula- Auto mobi felent fore S ae AMDelts Beicommestc® jor Blectile Herod on Screws, Used in Woadwork, Metat Sockets for.” 18 Bench Stop ‘That Clamps the Work eee oh Seige fap sheutery Bitty O40 Conta. '#Y Backheepery He) Bett. eee raat Clee Wont’ 3 BGAEGERGPS Wate seo Piven Yon i: Nee Gecccltke ‘Montiore Broct’ spaiast “orpe- ote WE cess serneseeet : § Blot, Te Keep irom Rubling Heel gine Hasiegere, Spring ‘Links tse Chait, Skid. Use of Shoe, Metal, Advertiaes Footwear Dealer... Stamp tor fhaccessibie’ Places. Sestgum packs Adjpwtable for Huck oni... Glecklace, Marking Cicclex on. ride Pot, Selt-Cighting for Orchardists.—.2.- louvealiga Double Capscliyn ss SELES Base of Carll War Men is Blustered Oat Hectic Wires, Hishanginto Wall Sounding Machine Worked by Stearn Engine. Engine, Switch, Hire Hose Attachment Speeds Wighs Permitted on Private. Boulevard, - Fureplace Grate, Emjerzency. ++ Sogedimete Sete Limit at Whee Auto may Rin. Gauge, Convenient Tea Uae Newspapers to Tranaigit War News. ‘Gear Paiterng. Makine Teeth for ‘Quickly Shore Ceatumer “Sue Winter Tage for the Out= ‘Geard fora Bunch Bresso ‘door Girt 42 Home, Building 3° setts, Gay Winter, Frozen Saranac Lake Wome Port X—Bulieln Pestures . oh 27 Hone, Oil, Kesping Tr nm Storm, X, Significance of Found’ by’ Radio ix Hoes’ Drainer for Small Fire ‘Stations... pete SSB adder Lack teres : gabe, Elecirie, ja Bult “ly ‘lichen “Wal. °°2!2 ibe Bevelng ig Peal for Store, irminates Gas Dancer. Tathe, Latee, We Stay Chatteting of... 0. ssc.) nt Sisuet Gar ten be, Caled at Wil with Bush ‘Huitoa 1 Stieet Crossing, Society Educating Public te Use. Submarines, America's, Eatest * 3 [Contents Continued on Page 8] Catering oetrament for Draltsmen Kachmative Crasie Art, Remgvine ify: 0 Lubricant, Cunting, for Unpickied Steel Cancinge’ POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION . \. Rete « ADVANCE OF THE GRAND ARMY on a [APOLEON’S name more pages in the world’s solemn history than that of ayy other ‘mortal. “The advanceof his Grand Army tate Rams fathe turnin point of biscpreer and mars the begining of hisdow fall Mighty armies are once again marching over the sa’me batleseids where Napoleon (ought a hundred years ago. All the See ofihisighly steeple ay be feted rom the posts ct Neto ene comple: accaral shgengtie and elise history containing the rise ond fall of every empire, lcrmicdam, prsheipality and power, Uke world famed publ Ridpath’s History 2.World Dr. John Clark Ridpath is universally recognized as America’s test historian. Other men have written histories of one nation or period: ‘Gibbon of Rome, Macaulay of England, Guizot of France, but it remained for Dr. Ridpath to write a history of the entire World fram the earliest civilization down tothe present di A Very Low Price and Easy Terms We will name our special low price and easy terms of payment only in direct letters. A coupon for your convenience Is printed on the lower corner of this advertisement. Tear off the ‘coupon, write your name and address plainly and mail now before Sou foene, tev eul you fee sare nes Your part to buy These wil give you some sien of th 254 dhe werner nly bes ie in"whiek, tbe work W writin, We ‘Somrnieston,or book dealers” profs to pay. Que plan of sale enables Sa tolship dircet from factor? to customer and gunrantee Salt acto, Six Thousand Years of History RPPATH takes you back to the dawn of History, long before thé Pyramids of Egypt were built} down through the romantic troubled times of Chaldea's grandeur and Assyria’s magnificence: of Foleator’ of Risusmmmedan cakare sel retearta te tiie daw of yesterday.” [fe avers avery race cre4y tation; every imme, and hous pou spellooc swanderful eloquence. Foes ae ea ke Endorsed by Thousands RIDPATH is endorsed by Presidents of the United States, practically all university and cof lege president, sna braquarierotariiion mAmericans SRS ant ive Hine Hwoull be ‘Forth while so mall us the. coupon apd Secchre the ‘F'tample pages from the History? “They are tree Ridpath’s Graphic Style RIDEATH pictures the great historical events Pepe teen eee ie cesta arate Pe a ips kc aan SST a RA Hoe cite eins Geer ears Reais entire aie WESTERN NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION CHICAGO, 3 POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION “Amirust and Fieepraot Patterns, White Metal, To Fasten Runnées in. > Bavermenis, Road, Curb Blocks for == Today for DYKE’S |\Free rice Book explaining how to get into the _ =| AUTOMOBILE z BUSINESS AND | ITS OPPORTUNITIES Just Mall tho Coupon Below, ‘This booklet ie fate ati ad snsfructree ta ezll: Learn how you can get all ‘fae train for only $13. Fill oat coupan belpor or wie a pastal—at doi now. Elundreds have learned the AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS AT HOME Fime'sy'ms Dyke's New Idea Working Model Method Hie ear foe fou Write The AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS is Growing We Assist St ms z denis Gettin paring Width ot Sig v9 Cat in Planer Bed, fo Stop at Same Point Hach Tie. Shell Folding Guaving Wateratanes 0220200! sient, agree Surfaces of Enaruated Road... ee oy Maine Mot ein ‘Hiscguay for Eat. Tre "Bae fensiom fae Vise, Pionee, Rawerin Wsshng Mgung Wier Hees iH Constantly ae Faucet Windses, spe for Wan Wire, Megearinge wichou 9 Cane Weeich, Monkey, Ta Sai Jaw of 5 AMATEUR MECHANICS Alcohol Stove, Emergency. ae Alley, Parlor’ Cars ern Baoan Hloing ey Rabe iit ydroge Bench Receptacles for Swrall Articles Gibinet or Celiarecte, Smoker ents Lacating tn the Dark. HS? Sent ith Storage Compas ernca Hooks, Screw, Putuen In Neatly Motor’ Consreiter, Siniple Poilthiog iostrument Base Poin Batons, Minature Fler with und and Pat ge Etre, Experimental Leed, How to Biske Skip and Shi Running att dcr bromnent Types Feith, Giga and Hae Window Ventisiar.. ‘tut, flegalenm jac ee ee ee foetal aJEARN 928105720 Mocs pallets how yw al sand become independent, ny todearn Send fori 57. LOUIS WATCHMAKING SCHOOL, Bent 5, ST, LOUIS, MO. LEARN TO BE A Show Card Writer Unlimited Demand. 418 10 845 a Week Pleasant, Fascinait Esmm money aftertrat ew estates Dapeti {caches petonally Ey mall, $1 per lesa. EASY SHOW CARD SYSTEM Devt. G, 105 Chambers St, NEW YORK DYKES NEW IDEA OF TEACHING BY MAIL WITH WORKING MODELS (On jhens nde ora scfunlpeactice, = vada ar se iy fal he ree Our Emp lexiuent Plan for Students Hi at SRRAERY TS pete Fj mans oie witcha: fog 2m Frat ie Ma il This Free Contents: Block Letters: rks Correspondence ieee % Coupon Now eeianiet tae itrammesptar aigeaserevt Sr Ge ae —, 14,000 COPIES SOLD meereee ‘a Spon & Chamberlain 123 P. M. Liberty St., NEW YORK POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION Dont Envy Successful | xpert Accountant 500,000 Firms Need Them Only 2,000 in America Teper ae a openings for train reuiges fee ot sabe the podttion om ‘traded pou wil bufuly qualified fer ooe of those pl We Will Train and Cosch You. Under Personal Supervi Ia Your Home—By.Mail— ma Arthur Chase, C. Pe A. in Your Spare Time 8 Held yaur presant poaltion. Ba yewieara. 5 Siete Seber esate te ae - Tirtage ee ’ Rea Deptli 232Chicass IL i Sra Pleae Mention Papular Meehanice 10 POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION A BIGGER JOB For YOU Earn from $35 to $100 Weekly as a TRAFFIC Tate a A i 3 & Walte Astiness on tho Maruia Platnly, “tynrtwenty yearaee bare mecemtetly tanh PHOTOGRAPHY The University of Chicago gi in addition to rorient POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION This Inspiring Book Free To Ambitious Men ‘This intensely interesting and instructive 165-page book tells you how a knowledge of law: ‘proved to be the stepping stone for pacers: of men to larger incomes and to power and achievement. oh of the great and inereatng dent sige ietels soa fost Boaitlons ot = sla ete pee se my tigate sana ey Please Mention Poputar Meckantes 1 POPULAR MECHANICS Here's YOUR Chance to Learn DRAFTING ‘This Complete S15 Draw. Toone’ r%.cre FREE tions in Mechanical Drawing fog Job wat job waiting for you. Th acing greater prosperity than it Men Wanted | AT BIG SALARIES "carga Moroney ad © coapon sui AT. HOME FS ar ireca ee COURSE FREE IN M ECHANICAL DRAWING GHICAGO TECHNICAL COLLEGE 1050 Lake View Building, Chicago, Illinois Please Mention Popular. Mechanics ADVERTISING SECTIO! A Civil Service Job ioe oe * saseh ei 7 fof pusiea rant times, you @ = STANNER ad nastmmneing soa Scone ie Ra eee an ar nee ease etapa aca tad Weeetsany oral ‘hl ‘Rar Wenern Sect forstammerora tT, Mitten ie $cHooL oF LETTER 8. BE A DETECTIV E $150.00 t9 $200.00 Fare gee ane ee eR ee LUDWIG. 133 Westover Bld, Kansas City, Mor ae TS Me segat rw err and eral mead of tence, Titattng taf profsie Taen tight ton ra you anil i iy free: Wios be bre unite IM SCHOOL OF ENGRAVING, Shah Hi, WLMIULE, Wi Prense Afention Popular Atechantea POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION ucceed Through Flectrcty This interosting story shows you the way to greater success in the Field, This is the Electrical age. Electricity now controls more trades, directs more men, offers more opportunities than any other power that man has yet discovered. Through exact knowledge of Electricity you will advance in salary and position. Show You How books are the standard works on Blec they are a complete an Specially Arranged for peck oar Home Study and Re’ renee Pi paste Fiat f Bound (0 NUMBERS IN ALL 122 Number PAYABLE 2.1 A Month Shipped to You FREE C8 Send no money. Examine the books first. Decide for yourself that they are the most complete library of Electricity ever published and that you! can- "heTG banesin “The fase volumes are fut coming vile peess.EoM met as. Easy Payments {20 :'sunscel ate: oer — sprites eet Seat eeeriet | 7 72 Fifth Ave. EW YORK som P.M, Prense Mention Popular Mechantea rm] POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTIO! “The Power of Law Training” now for our new 171- cerofLawTraining,” ltnland inspielng messaze ‘to every ambitious man — to EN the nn who 18 already suc = ccessful—to the Ho realize Lhe need of more power, “The Bowerof Law Ta gi your remarkable Tl elation your ‘copy tod If You Know ihe ‘The power of the man with law training apparent all about rou. Look to the men of sie hatter thee ifn cg Lar tet Wa tho saa of pone =the Kae, Learn from Masters of the Law! ‘Through the Course and Service of With this Course aye Service ia fal amprehen ‘Gaguecbenuive cyanea of the Special reduced rice offer nos being mae in. maxy localities, Send the Coupon! Put your name and address in the gt oF Bes eat a jel rage Th id oe dep hina! Gorreanendence Schoo! of Law 191 Menhatian Bids. sectlomene Ponce send ie fee apd prepald pone Sook. "The Power oftaw ‘Training’ and pat sinfs of Fohc apecist reduced priceomen.” Yam smpeeeeaseanneney B | Stamper necepred, | aes SHORTHAND © ~ IN oO DAYS We pbsolutely ggaran ate bite doo, “lau lear ation! Spas fe he Faeroe ee ae Serle is foram che yo Correspondence Schools nity Bldg... CHICAGO, TLL Music Lessons Free in Your Home NEW WAY—LEARN TO PLAY BY NOTE— Piano, Organ, Violin, Banjo, Mandolin, Cornet, Harp, Cello ta sing, “Fhoasands now lestsing by tree weekly lesen a old Riek ets. tel ‘aes wectmker—sot cm ee il rad deb Daler seat ‘THE DeSELMS WATCH SCHOOL Bi Peery beret CAEIGASTNEIANA 4 if not appointed. 1 Come fe Mose thoroash preparation $8. Reus Ijormation and quewions sted bythe Ci AMERICAN CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL RAWING Lara by mailinyrdrows home. Cartooning, News. fier, Magaslng Sad Cotamereial dtusteating. also Water-Celor and Oil Painting PASTS be any aed, Bresicey and ayant "Foe nore ind elena tae Fa fa rcs ak henley rs Su bene ae aril FINE ARTS INSTITUTE, Studio 211, Omaha, Neb. Learn SING : ARITHMETIC SELF-TAUGHT Soiume for olf rhe Keer ing aoe Weve ele A FEE EP es eas! [Ra ne BOOK co. ace, ST.LOUIS, MO. Eat 108, PEW. Be Poputor Mtechawies POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION i cA SHI = gL HE supply of trained men to fill the thousand and one distinct trades the automobile business has created, is far and away below the demand. ‘The Automobile Trait ing School of Kansas City has graduated thousands of students. A whole army of our students are making big money today. Many are now holding responsible positions in some of the largest automobile factories in America. Hundreds are in business for themselves, as garage owners, factory representatives, agents, dealers, etc. ‘Hundreds more are managers of garages, repair shops or getting good money as divers demonstrators, tractor and power farming experts, "The dean i for more men-more trained man. The nosis are open the big money is waiting, ANY AMBITIOUS MAN CAN QUALIFY, Foie Av PERMA NENT, BIC-PAYING JOB INA SHORT TIME, You can eam from $75 to $350 A Month We train you in every branch of the automobile business. What thousands of others have done— y you can de,” Ambition is all you need, Only 6 Weeks Required s to Prepare You That is all the time we ask—six weeks, to prepare you for a good position, paying goad money —mare than you are making now — more than you ean hope ta make without a complete knowledge and under- standing of a twentieth century business, Our ‘corse of instruction is unsurpasoed. It is the Write today for big illustrated book, “HowtoMake =| Automobile 3! Business” our graduates, ‘Learn why we are the largest in the world—why we have mote floor space more expert instruc tors than any similar world, see eeee acknowledged standard. _»..,| Moneyinthe Read letters from automobile training school —more equipment — institution in the reese) eed | We own and operate ive of the igeaeat pacar und rane oho tietireel "drat of te of ail makes Bre reRtat out cananage!* Siudents work Gn ea cee ay rare we ae ho Shirts ov book No Books or Charts—‘ No Tools to Buy Mr, H. J, Rahe, president and founder of the Automobile Training School, is the origin- ator of the RAHE SYSTEM OF PRACTICAL AUTOMOBILE INSTRUCTION, Our students work of REAL CARS—not erie tn ming sc, wwe place men in big. paying ——— positions even before they complete the course of instruction. sua andr mh SR OR Ss alg hat aan ors $50 FREE SCHOLARSHIP ‘Wewant to enroll the full capacity of oe school a month exeier hia vear, polio afladents eer ny, sw soaring whee Shabu for Complete jer Farming, (a ‘and’ Seinovry’ Enwineerie, Ta wy ex ta uy ap ‘Theis avahatle re abel ately fee atom car Fm ie aration if 3 hes eo Seattapeent af power sing nsecan ony eo ERG 4 ‘Reels fastest, Pome and wet a ar rector man nla tae sn pHi Pe, cea 5 ae Ka emp ihe aie Wee ‘ih naa eae 0 1 hoseatgage ete hea este Stony SEARS bee pettincn un eacely mene 1H. J. RAHE, President AUTOMOBILE TRAINING SCHOOL 1048 Locust Street, KANSAS CITY, MQ. heweceeeenneeeeed AUTOMOBILE DRIVERS AND REPAIRERS EARN $75 TO $150 A MONTH rel fe Spouses cere Peo ERGs Geena eee Railway Mail Clerics toltice Clerks COUPON BELOW FRANKLIN, EXSTITUTE Deo. 104, ROCHESTER, W. Prowse Mendion Popular Mecha POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION “LEARN BY DOING” Get s complete taining by actual praction Get Hig Keaeke oC HOW" tcether with the theory of fd the ‘est Wuninees methods "eee 15 ahs Wortd of lcctrical Actien No preparat come in thin Sekai, You can aturt ia lcaro on ‘doy week throughout the whole pent. heartily welcomed. Send far catalouue. New York City N. Y. ELECTRICAL SCHOOL Bookiets mustraungs BOB rae nacicsnor Won. pestrnitc, to. MP AS Senne Boy His Own Toymaker arr aee ees leses yur fort sles ee pica every oar POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION Ww LAW-TRAINED MEN _ Earn?3000 toSi0,000 EU low la the time, for you to begin the study of Law—It ot today than ever, ‘The growth Now lathe tise for you to begin the sud of Lavy offers you more an ever, ‘The ErOWEE sealeringenta yaluscmielnatenturenee eine rina ramen ppitatiier a tvatcanepeahiaienan tare ceareemnreiy ant cote OR | dexally Many were born in noverty and obscurity, but Law put them inte nositions of it Is Easy For You NOW! Ls ak peeeanr one! ee eels pe pay te al = Method Endorsed by Colle ges Heer nicer Univepeis ofc hcuge, Hlsrour, Ustvettyot 3 SONSEerE Pip ommend ante STmeat ST tern ere eau beatin of det ans oR me f Bs goa ep wl ee ate ig oa el Ser ae Sie Sra tans ting Sune ry ieee ee BECOME ANI LL Be Belarc tamara msi aot ae stag acrgas pene i, stulenta evpremers Sener of opr mu creel i hae rt Ao -socceeded. -Aook that plats theway ta prest= ry FREES Sera Furnished fesuePectre narpal ttre: Sroenats eee fected 4 Speci: i Business Me prechcsts a ey pam. ahead Yea reac eases te ys RW GUTiE at ne, abso tht me fal. slat of pout ios Bjoating Courses Mail Coupon—Get Free Books 5 Sa ce eee Ter TS erty tra i. 7 Eng She stern Losale Ta" Linco W vemetradh user Scopes ones, Lasalle Extension gulch tetes F-218 Chicago, i. 4 Ci 1s POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION ‘Because I want ambitious men to become © high salaried Draftsmen through my practical working training—therefore: I Will Give You This Set of Drawing Instruments ‘The Chief Draftsman of a-large and well-known company will | give you this complete draftsman’s outfit absolutely free. It does not cost you a peny., Besides these Imported regular draftsman’s instruments shown here, 1 alvo give you abso: ely free a 20x23 inch Searing rd, a 24-inch T-square, a draftsman's triangle rule, supply of drawing paper, 2 triangles and French curve, pencils and erasers, drawing thumb tacks, etc., in fact a complete and first-class regular Draftaman’s Working Outfit a5 soon as you enroll. This is just the same kind of an outfit Iuse myself. Genuine working instruments. You could not get {his outfit for less than S13. But now on this special offer, 1 will give it to you abvolutely free. And Train You For a $200 Position Tam Chief Draftsman of an old and well known company. There is a con- stant demand for trained draftsmen all over the country and | will give you just the kind of train- i Il qualify you to hold one of these big paying positions, $125 to'$200 a month straight oedinaey pay for a good draftsman, 1 wil give you just the kind of training that you ‘eed to hold one of these fine jobs, rightin your own homeduring your spare 1 time. 1 know the kind of training that you must have in order to get SPECIAL! | the highest salary—and that is just exactly the kind of training that T will For alimitedtimetam J) give to you. During the last twenty years I have trained some of the highest Span wetted ee | Pall men, Theis sucess in the profession is wellknown, You can do ‘fer i order to cm as well—or better than they. Tomare Send for iron Send Me the Coupon Rbok Put your name Pe address in the coupon or on a letter or postcard mow and send to. me at once for my new ik “Successful manship." Find out about the sell roe a op senisle that await you in ott protests Bitar tretsing that ‘You need fo hoid h postion paying fram $125 ty $20. gions pet Sour name snd atdun'bn foe coon, ast wead how Pei cimediotely wie am maiang eh special offer. CHIEF DRAFTSMAN DOBE Dir, 1191 , Engineer's Equipment Co. Without any rey gitetien oP ‘whatso: ‘ever, please mail your book “Successful Drastamanship,” daa ea pacieuars of your i Personal Instruction.” affer Io s'tew students, Gt ae nterstond that f ‘am obligated in no-way whatever. Name, Addon. POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION 19 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS We have records to prove that a classified ad in these columns will find = buyer for almost anything which can be sold. Doubtless you have some article of value to some one else which you no longer need. Why not turn it into money? WORLD'S BEST WANT AD MEDIUM Advertisements in this section, 15 cents per word, each insertion, minimum 1Owerds, payable ig advance, To insure ads belay inverted onder proper class ified headin the February tinue, copy iat rem i january Ist, Popular Mechanics Magazine, Ckloapa. ‘Geailemen * Iregard Poplar Mechanics ax ons of the best advertising medinane to ati ouch i gl veer yaa bye me aaron Stace in the Union, as weit as aiamy foreign countries, dnetuding CM at Reaiand, PRiliprines, lasts, Canal Zone, Trintded, Canadas Inetan, Germany; tnd AUTOMOBILES, AUTOMOBILE Regaine Auiceubile oye oe Setar saath Se ee OLS ett ney aa eg =i Pik a rag Eercee ered, chanics. Wace iad, starter, "oer “Ecain “THoMas Fiye—t ol usec lect e ‘aemact “Mrs A nines Epes cr iineen “ad Revco Aine“. ‘rina Phan ‘Eipedenst and, sheets fy thc were Geman seo high pene Ma To Gag Sat, Shealtested poten ena Hist patie Hine coe! Bhaatae (AE aamey one Yaa 282 amie eck “Sia: Bela, LAINE, Your cz Yount are Xrnt speitn 1 ong Ere ats Sa lig St Hoe i ysrenr vor Cpe a oe i ie ts foeaee ad nae The Supang ta Tiieke serve, He nd any polo fo manta Meanteg, “bcthutan lorry, ve mae Hatta oo Caeade HET cSiunton [ie Sige all, mugen kat ck 15, Sis ash ee Heed ear "hal ath Tikes Eo Bigoase. 5 feneral othera, "When Phaverther arttores to autwertis, Yow My Fert @AMMPO oA! MH Set wour share, without solfcléatton. FI best sees, atucerely Dou» ED i, IRWIN, CEES Et “-FOUD" comic peal! Tet koa, 2 ‘BrtoehEa a A ample dig Ee quar, Nene Star $2)" Gfeeand niacar 3, "a apeed | Granted” ‘Burknartis Raes Ca,” Bneetpor trae Sai, “haste ate ao. “Kas Suman Py tb lars ae” tay “at Yom wll tet oh Bmw. we Mien fe sine, PARR Pia Fy cdeny_an_ sult ace ‘SEW. 0p {oocyte ety Ferd mer ¥ Bisa Sskasies Hook Hope oN Stiga hve, Chita ele omits v.00) ae Tho aaa Ale ites. a ee Su” die ane an” Baha" tor fice “aay it Rae toe Det igi rane sore, ae cra ant hoes” here Eee ieee Haid Lover, ee ain a Vek Tigh iy ae bo ag enter Kia Hale erie koe a6 Ee Tuas Wha Fis Mach yeweetul gta ade amine tea le ea oa araiirdttriag for tine Wiki, Chieeen! a. 8 for ome All a SEN, San Sie Wing Sar riustt Comoany? fiad rane | Seperig a IF 5 ch fet sesern_ Aube Fu he the ome of gaat one Sine of gees Sine aha oe et ur Ten stun x fc eal lt Walters ffi Avs." paisa Mahe Ipefeiet emer, aoe andi | Yygut HPSS okimes Ave, ‘ede [ey atts” imeriny Adwnt™ wanted, pels Motor Attaetinait ciliate terriers: Tepes oe Hecho e Aintecturr, bute” Caksbary FORO ACCESSORIES CORRETATOR, bet ant nat ample FEW goal maar quae oR) che hast NOUTE Yadar for eur lit of Motersiela afc, goes eas fe Mh cota eh — co 2 ST, ON Sale IN tala Twig kT cutltlog tices Yat fiom seat, coe Wort eter ie te "pred ape, 10 one Raped, ‘tian, Deve x Boma ehh, eer R ERS teksti SESE ae yeyiemter an SSRTORCY Chi ssesica Tang aT a. ‘s ee Sicgrart Wane fodveat Ss, aed HH, aa fe them “Aig boat oe mens aaa Yas Thece see, Ble Filia" Giae “ar Ther ier ih fete tre cette a reais ieee Na datltactery if folward Ares Bi i a TE In stint stark, CHEND for att aes ake %, fen. eee 2S ee Raat sea frees pe pak etane vat Pe'er bse, he Att aa al = Hale Twin ie Noe ak ee ‘ah, es ‘ten eh i oh ee chatiadd Oale age Sei oreo oe Ba uae Shea eo ied ft gt UMhag alts WEE at acterence wiht “a Sea aah lars a Silas Book Dat. ‘wdhlgan Awe, VIERCE_Arew sions eed quien. Mayet aber aio, S35) 9 SE uateatt ots, lees 20 fp 0 ng aietae Work, BaNGAISE—Ued wolercrle id ‘Pomgheepet, geisha Earand Moron: i hanger do LEW apa thal al cit pel gehen. eae ete Ivtorctcles et vaoey negces Bug dint sway’ Bend fe ota ge gee ye Se eS ES renter ba Mapes ace som Br lower’ than hee to wt MOFORCVCLES, acrcoreries, repair par fot elmcines: iotancte ceases Hives Bahr arate ce Ser "Michinin Avenues Chapa ie Wa eae ed MoToReycR oilndery sero ft pitino pinion aa’ gle bso garam Bande "pitta Co. Stusete, In SUBHAND fet nv igi sul a. eu ete doi elas fee teins rceon” Mass ENESIEESD, Bele of Bigherrade~ sais ‘used muerte Thia tins nett ti HM ess Teta fate Bele Ga, evotton, ‘Misa WELDING, RETENTION, ul Momacurea op Avrombe” Manito, Carag uefa "met i A Ei Set Eakin, aed ‘gi fat the ater ‘te = | een e fasting taren No Bus fig “ase Snowy It Biggar boom at, EYLESH Weldintani Cutie tin iin Suns i peor me wr, TE ante Up ceaeation “ar ot he orvernee™ Fine the oxen a Tela Sete; ale foe Hl Sete tk Bet eg an oe SWELUERE qi ee mE B- jan taddie bee Teeh'weldhe Woiks, AERONAUTICS uh, eee ee eth EE Serge raul Bickel aa ya wT aguante io et Bad mob "igh wich BRC ENE We Bd hia Eee Aas ies ee dee fe Hate et eo Nite Ga? tine since ea fae ri i * ela ara Var rn Mat Sinn septa, en ea Sete Sey ae", eg iat ge tle Pu ‘bit Stowe int Ave. Chica go. af SHOW, to Stake —¢ Wchage GIN Oe Ut ashe Macha, Seca Fopiar Siesiantre Book” Dept gta hed ae a area sass, eg" aca: Hi. lee rises an ieee strated wt Siuchiges | POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION . war nn, amp lash ae ty a ae ieee uulan Feutur Sc, fg" fast ‘he ge Slate yur ners: far How, NC, FRACTICAL and Moga, auigmchile ‘Tyoutleer tas Baie Preubtae ctl ee Se ies . es tie Eo Puiuests ecto, et Sa palpTAL Work od cia a take geal sotity of "sch an ox foetal chiens ‘uch eelre et ices Soc “pant. me oe ee ach Coin Fie aaa ened "UOve" Germantont ave, toh peti ahd Wann ea, Mich " a SEE Se RE a EGF as “a =e eg an the: ome ORs A peal Stale ‘Waseem ak Fei wa ti tie. MeN egoeataral” ise, Tipe Put Ria, Uhlan rations, Berri te our Tuldigue” Me tr cia. Detroit” ieee. Eis pantagat eye ie a Sts, frndge it dato, sa ee aoe ae see ae aE gee Eula Bead ‘Poitat SPARK meer waar =a aot, ile “Sh, “Brians, eat POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION "taba uae, a ate are chs psa iy, Wah aaa dada aan Sere eae ign Sl fiat intr af toa owe Taek a i forget sf aunt Gatcrae Bie Beata re mono tcbira ice NIP 2 ting de gh OE i isana Bat. cing isi, nee ee Sy TEP ant lg ewarnciers, cet esr, pit Eons Sedan ae a Oo Sore a ana ‘Ties sia iat "iuiian mare St te Ae a urs pegcial fnformatieny fie ball eee SAC amare at sah an ih nate Sate thal iene gen | Fe Se et iat zie ee ef alee ee ieee a aged Saat See Pal SR ae nit a what has So lint ‘st see ig tutereasea ag iy a ateaeatin, ee iri “complete butuseens: reise gta nt tS. nes Loo iia THOOUGH peal cascang, io Sear Tacortan, Peat to Fiscwritt Hotta Se" ienticne ice AEP iat el "Brshion, Sa, FRSONAL lncresin White ta Swen a HG ceritent, “went itaaodatel Sb Keene "Wilt Beaco soak Ry Area, Keer, xo TEM Fa hah ae Mi Slecsased ae 2 eset fie Alt te wii, We ort toa, ama ae reed ME whe” LR i ee altel Ewen [asset ht et i ent afar tad fie ye ros tol ater, Sn ‘eit Sauer or ate eats yee Sore ‘Tita et AS ce tah a ap: a "nr aul at cco dst ngoie Dua. Ue tea Ca BED aw Sars ie Ressera "Uition wiees ated erm ite ato i oan WIRELESS TERROR AT, _Weirati ba Gua by fine ‘Marta cats Thebes i LETTER SPECIALISTS TRGR Goi ote 7 wl wre Ty ingen fe stnsig hata ingen es peal praia i aerate Nae hepa ae at fina! Badaes Uli ITUNES. POSTCARDS, PENWANTS “SRCHASOD, pty Seneca A Gay tas Fea Hight sey" wrsiaes tana ath, ett oth, a Sing et ee lease He PE oan eke DES Ticnes 2nd” AI Phos “ot tie mele tae Ca . Hee herd Cian, Dent iol cane se pMENEERRITE feted, wee toe Flac iy, Pate ark ec, “o nae es ie piegas “toa POSTAMD Calletiee.exttemely inter: cele, idee, club Matter focal Fonpaatpe slocsa ele, iver Ellie Bachan, Hie Hie Mile Ave. Chicas 3.000 SELE“TEN, Careane for fear pee ee ck Saar et ct Rear ta oe ee lee teh a SLA ae Ee San hi iRaionue sit a ha oP [hg Ea ae ae “tele! Bee SS Foes Testi art Suan ae Brose ‘GAMERAG_AND PHOTO SUPE ore eas Bier ony Soe ee ets cae Nese"poomot ‘ey Grahew veut sateen Lory auerine a eye es fr emia mae ie Casipands Heukee 22 POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION PIERS eploed Ui einty arom Ea. a Ws acon a ur tye te fee” Tai, is pi ee ieee Ph-stin Lowe Ate Thien. ‘Fisio: Heiing Ca, Bt lye "coniag wer poe a fie ore Err ae ANY fim devalmped Ge Pea Tet vest leudtan Streets Duh alntie pinta endbiled’ yon ta: tun | — HOT To Wie, Plaiglass i a boy Ey enti ir ita cot on Sra clined ets, sang | poke dessa 'so evtionen are Eioud PRE Tea et agente iar isla ‘mind sectarios a bitof aa | Where? bo areas gir Hel ‘aria bem. and gi teiarinatee eens | eat Hie “ieba "yur Oraane, ‘ramet Botopiay ab. ta Pe our eer en i ratty aepeites for a te oy sais. care ‘arn nce EP ela fone Free“ heab" attgemegts 19 "i true Wie ‘Bei Phas Works, she THES Flee Hatter hats Wan dst EIS gan te ee dear ap a case sir, leet | Saw Sect ak Sec Sree Se ST | ah amd it ae Sig) UME, Mees ent | Hes ch he ene goa i RUN at lt | et nae Whe das ay aac tor saree bend Rte coats, ee apeSbati Th eraaeah Ms: | fe geste cent. 30 Bolton Bar | ben echOUAs Fis, Deiat es Bra nenira Foe tur bargain ie, iiss’ Ps’ Sept our barge lsc 7H “pH Sener Saved ot Pgrasnc Ta zal dneraiuezende Ae, a ae iti East Loa Sa seirclt s Seat “ieaa™ | wc Pag sahoe (ear eects aptation | rk! ine, “uta roy ba Walia ea | ibe "aaa, “iin Yat Musee SEY: iso. fee |S ata ee | ee aS uupeo." 3840) Warren Ave Chis "FATE 4700 work ly caniaglne clean, leaiic RETO S Mall Onkee Sees tar rt tailors trae endleeon, 8, et alent hi mer ne Be gee et 0) the Hines State tor “Tree ‘cetalog, ‘Coyne raaie schoo, Depls 119i, ATE™ Fats our Ea No ints ery dope. ee poet eto “ombls, patclars Arce | matty walle tninees We fare Mo 118 Banh, New Work Sioa ig pany nou re sy steak DENORE ea “tc Jo. mer, oa has, in elgen anor ertune ot plasaz Aaals | Basegertit» acturralee” pgm.” emo | beat of Br ea es antigenic San Deas tee fear Herron a Favticriars pesca Leseses 29 Walid ae fe tes Berbange. iba, TaNOY eae ‘rials and picaing aie he pms og euplaner, Our Cea Hai il “tuba, ets “Ce SERPS olla wie Eliade ee = ma yatta ina ae Ee empha Tes TG Stone Weir Moving Pare lips. Camtune deta, | Currepanience se nen et as BEE, Sn ie mtaed | HE Feet Nose cmc | ate, Hagen erutat pwtinas et | mia Cena alata SE rh hme i AER te i Mikivace Het ‘Cicago, TH, " ipale tonne Bae Diesoplins. hit — Evite. Bug) Geta Xo" eerrespates aan, Bart grinning at Bile me SBIG, Rasats par sar RE dt te aurea Te eit der Fine Abo onan sate ee sng tee fo Uy a” Bin Chace, Pree Oh detail ives hard lo iosterlruet, Z “Taruraed ii ae et oa SR Siiganie tat RE By ea mde a | BP da Ube ean ‘ iiebican abve.. Chienxe. a Big ee. Dest ee, REY MAKING els ste abe, Ai Horo Sept eh athe, MES | mace Mean ANN dea al a ads GaialnePiayersgn nat Livers, Be Chstape Mine's. Vitweuter, POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION Se RATE ac en ma a ae (SEA ere le et er ae! AE Rips hc Gino coRpuer a” ial ald paucalit 25, re Setarlo Sie Kept A, Chica TREAD Gopi Haute Geatet Sal ‘th ie om aati "ha ihe frac Uane Wes Toi wentitone Cileres, . STARE toa carpet_oe”etotiog came Frees tiielosied far commervial se een io ae es i beete heh uae ae Mine Paral he Sit air Meet Hi im ised ae acon Sia Whee Turkish “Forovulae, Alita Hing SM snase“paites pores: fon in ere and Inpro Froese lino, marwacturng SL fe sate ate Hoke LEAT tin real etn Benoa, compete intwtinn Fv teach Sigal Tat iain a fecmanehlp et Merson, ame, Aa a Pre sot Gail se ieeihel i que Tee Wirtestedus.” Adnan “place iy Co Hee Deo Yh Ronda, eens Wee Be {fees Tales, legate, “Hgts 30 Sale dee Piss ‘ater: Bie" prankau fe cites ete Te ere ees pate, & EU EE ede TRIOS, Teadenky ra bos se heh, © OWN sour sine, —aig_ plan waoceeal, ig peu sill ineotto igienpe, WWishee:, Eaaovange, ein Niniine aking” eGR ree fis erie Te eat TEE Roel roe Te Water, Tos Hoo sis ita habia Baa, BUSINESS FOR SALE TOR Sale cheapie) Panne Sporto oc nie Sitttegee leet Buena eee Hore TO MANUFACTURERS | SEs a || ean Shinoet tate, Seria et set cei, at Hae had ie anliees Ean Sai Ss Phi MAIL ORDER SUPPLIES = Phage aya aren top 7 feewong Indu “Prtcoes Caan sy ei sdniiban St" Cheon AIRCTORY Popol 3,30, Frat Sales-Purtase Coon Bor 27. Chicas FOR ADVERTISERS YouR Thin Wyrd ad bo ear gant manaine, Ser finglag, “Bee ie “aichange, 504 Stitenuine" Atey i ante Sa Be ection are Bizet, tinal Bald ADVERTISE aust Wal wie ey Te ee Aty lnePce Sutvasteed. Jose, SROVERTENS Ter sear Sa apr ioe ce ee ee ‘a i fegen penines Toe od, UE ti Hd Hes fo peg Sten pacts tees aes Macatise, fon’ sti! Ente si BUSINESS GERVIGE PORATION rv iste ea Vii ee eco a ‘BSG arab com I Seley Bocarhicg "area coy Bot NEVADA. [scorparalians opera are force aid Sia Flas ‘Trust Comparg (730), Hen, Nevada. AGENTS WANTED Eee Pr eae ‘wha we, ages AoE Wea gall ead ro ecules “and. year lwo aon” any He anche poy i hi besa oun nt ue Te ae sb le nae te oop eal ait, “Soar heir SIE aed Wena Tagine Sing Gs chow mc ten oie tasking} som aro ernie ist ‘nth, no maine ae po at pouty te een on lah ce a ey Hata dont Pei imits ee, Ae tte et tated MO eh Wet Bon te ha ashes LEE Marquette Tdg.. (i'ma, * "TAILORING Arts Wat Seed Wa TAB Tau ie . 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Chie aso, SGPT ney vagus Tus, El Te Pa eee eh tes ede te oe ee et eee 24 AGENTS auake Ug mmey apt foovme saint inaager foe ot Fae anee Sele, UPR goals, adieulira ch tae iBepifees yg Bie Bee ‘Cent, Tah 3, Fon fo Tah Af a" Goel t bar ak alae jamal the wi. dcktng fae Nene ettoet vt ae cat ih oti Beane" or janie af Chane ET Ceaae, Now Tater yptclctanie cx Dit sin ar irr hs feel roel as Ease ieee See et Seem dy care es win tam, 0 Xing Fi ae to cms SRo Saar ayes ae we Re 3 ea Saas Fra, et Ee ae fla eka, {Nig al a a a ach nt ae Tine american diseibnor SORE td etl far pr Fara ae br Epes Chora seta Bructos) and Frade ‘Forerais Gelert "a. aie: Coane, waehines. 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