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Material toBuild This% , Home Only Bait 25° to 50" Save | ‘Never before has there been an epoch-making offer like thisto enable every man to own his own home. No matter how limited Your means, you can now buy the material to build any one of these beautiful homes at smashed prices that have never before been heard of for absolutely brand new stock backed by our iron-clad guarantee, We actually save you from % to ' on a complete Dullding—save you middleman’s profit. ca Design No. 586 ‘One of our beautiful, modern homes. Six rooms, bath, pantry... Symmetrical exterior up-to-date Interior. Standard construction throughout. Size 21 ft. 6in. by 28 ft. Remarkable Offer / In"tdvances-thne mien 9 sient uate” ais sae ‘ capitation am We will send a complete set of Blue aot senioun parctaslng Print Plans of any design in the above power for snot cash "bringe us burnin np Book or on this page, including Speci- in wonderfa) arin Tn addi: tions and full Descriptive Material part knowlege List, giving the size, grades, and catalog numbers of material used in constru tion upon receipt of a temporary deposi of $2.00, the entire amount of which is credited you when you order, or if plans do not suit and you return them we will refund you all but 50 cents of your remittance. Mail coupon below at once and get this most wonder- ful book sent absolutely free anywhere in the United States. Over 100 pages full of modern, beautiful, prac- tical designs that will simply amaze and delight you. ‘Six Rooms and ‘A book that every person needs and should have—full $74 Bann, al roams of suggestions and valuable information. Sent outside J oony. size Stacie ane ‘of U.S. upon receipt of 25c. g z Be abwebately, Our guaranteed proposition it to you is to furnish material all brand new stock, in quanti- ties sufficient to complete design strictly according to plane Prompt shipment of order. This guarantee is order, Ths guarantee is | omen Onan ore NY. 4 from us with positive safety. attractive Ex. 1S BROTHE! ‘COMPANY, jital Stock terior; Five Closets, Air ame BROT EES Ge Capital Stock’ | igi Pee aa POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION The Burlington at the Front! Fifteen hundred and sixty-eight Burlington Watches were ‘aboard the U.S. Battleships clustered about Vera Cruz and Tampico. Burlingtons were the first launches which touched the Vera Cruz beach. A wonderful testimonial to a master watch, Write today for New Burlington Book and handsome art plate in colors of war fleet. Special Offer ington now sent direct to you on approval. You risk absolutely nothing. Keep the watch either for ash or on our low monthly terms of only $2.50 or return to us after inspection, You get the very rock-bottom price, the same price that even the wholesale jeweler must pay. Your choice of many new me cascs—Inlay Enamel, Block and Ribbon Monogra: Burlington Watch Co. B> Lodge Designs. The finest and highest grade 19 th She sod Marall xd sapphire and ruby jewel movement selected Doe SHR ceAGo, » for this sweeping offer. Adjusted to posi tions, isochronism and temperature | Write Today | Send thisfree coupon now fornew Burlington Book with art picture of war feet. Learn Inside fartn about wach prices. Mail coupon NO Burlington Watch Co. 4 Dep 010%. 19th & Marshall ive: Chicago I Nome Please Mention Popular Mechantes 4 POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION “FLAT-GRAIN” CYPRESS for SUGI WOR is preferred over the ‘‘curly’’ grain by many people of high artistic judgment because i 5 b is somuch simpler ineffect. It undoubtedly true that the super-convolute grain of th rarer examples of curly” Cypress renders i wise to use it sparingly and only as th centers of panels or for small hand-made re- ceptacles; it is so richly ornate as to tire th eye if shownin The “flat grain’ as shown at the left, is endid relief wher used in conjunction, and is in first demand b) those amateur craftsmen who do the m “Sugi-ing’’ either for gifts or for their owy homes, VOL. 26 of the famous Cypres| tells all about the Sugi (Japan ese Driftwood) effect which you can produc by simply scorching and brushing “a lite) piece of board,” tells why it ‘the Wood Eternal,’ directions and 64 Paces, Ixcuvprxe 2 Larcr Let ons Ip ¥OI a i SOUTHERN CYPRESS MANUFACTURERS’ ASSOCIATIO 1219 HIBERNIA BANK BUILDING, NEW ORLEANS, LA. INSIST ON OYPRESS AT YOU LOCAL DEALER'S. IF HE HASN'T IT, LET US KNOW IMMEDIATE ener program Fullof orig ginal “HOODS' for doorsand windows,cte spot or cranny that needs beautifying. A you'll use CYPRESS, ‘The Wood Eternal”—(oi © SALL-ROUND WE AREMENT™ help YOU SOUTHERN CYPRESS MANUFACTURERS’ ASSN. 1219 HIBERNIA BANK BUILDING, NEW ORLEANS, LA. Ge OVPRESS OF YOUR LOCAL DEALER, IF HE HASN'T IT, LET Us Please Mention Popular Atechantee Popular Mechanics Magazine Michigan Avenue, Chicago, U. EDITED BY H. H. WINDSOR ISSUED MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION: SINGLE COPY, 15 CENTS ta United Stats, anit omenions, Cubs and Meric, per yea. powpaid = === $1.50 To Canada 2 NS ‘Toallother countries in the Postal Union 2 : > + 230 ‘AM sabes are icalisoed at cxpiion, Phase examine the dle pated on your wise. Entered as Second Class Mater Sept. 15, 1903, a the Post Ofce at Chicago, lilinols, under Act of March Sr, 178, stab second Class Matter at the Post Ofice Departnent, Canas sed monthly by POFULAR MECHANICS CO. Copyrighted 1914, by H.H. WINDSOR. The schedule of rates for advertising space in this magazine is based on a guaranteed circulation of 350,000 copies each month. Any issue where the actual number of copies printed and circulated is less than the guaranteed circulation, a pro rata discount will be allowed. Contents for June, 1914 Acsident, Lawyer Studies with Plat and Toys.... $19 Earth's Rigidity, How Measured Aerodrome, Langley’s, to Reconstruct. .. Encyclopedia, Chinese, Fragmen ‘Agropignes, Fiumnatca fy Night Fgh Library : “Air: Motor” Built by Blind Equator, Celebrating Crossing of Automobile Accident,” Remarkable Photograph of Exerciser, School, for Small’ Childien i Fern, Boston, with Fronds Eight Feet Long. Ferrybeett Nowd Hull, Comteuction of Fishing’ Lines, Silk, How Made. Automobile, Curious ‘English Racing... .- : Automobile, Gyroscope, Runs on Two Wheels Automobile Skid, Most Extraordinary Automobile, Three Passenger Body for Flags Mark Army Cara in Which Officers “Ride.: Automobile Tire Pump, Rotary... 6. Float, Curi Water Parade at’ Manila Auromobite Trailer Carries Baaaaae Blood Cont 1a Big. Engineering Peat Flood, Miami River, To Prevent Repetition of. Automobile, Two Boys, Build ‘Automobile. Whale Shaped Automobiles, Foot Steering Gear for ‘Automobiles, Spring Suspension (a Bags Folding, Proves Handy in Stores. lance of Machine, Instrument Shows, Barges on French Canal, Cable Haulage for. : Baseball, Why Travels in a Curved Path. Gear, Worm, with Teeth on Side of Wheel.- Bleyele of New Type’ Seen in Parte. Gears, Laminated, with Staggered, Teeth. -- Binocular Glasses Which Leave Hands “Frees. 1856 Gun, New Army Machine, is a Terrible Weapon... Blind. May Now Play Cards Hamimers, Sledge, Safety Clamp for: Blind, New Computing Machine for. Hat Stretcher, Homemade, Assure: Blotter Holder with Flexible Base Hetch-Hetchy, Water for San. Fran Book Rest for ‘Invalids. Horse Wears’ Gonsies" while Work Bookworm, Hunting iy 2 Horseshoe, Perfect. Fi for Bowls, Old Game of, Returning to Favor. Hose Nozzle Produces Varying Siveams. Branding ‘ron, Blecirig, Weed toy, Packes Hosiery, Feminine, Curious Fashions Brick, ing, Latest Type of : House Plans . Bridge Piers, Novel. on. St. Croix’ River. Bridge Wreck Magnified by Freak Photograph. . Bungalows, Porches Add to Attractivencss of, by, Albert Marple. . Ganal Floor, Erosion, “Olid Ditcovery. Prevents Ganals, England May Convert into Highways. Flower Pots, Wire, Helpful in Gard Fly Paper, Sticky, "New Holder for Fiving Boat Chases Spio to Catch Gate Tue Foot Mulls, Ladies Wear s.0:- Footbinding’ in China, ‘Results of. Fountain "Ben" in ‘Simple Form... House That Sank in a Laie. Hydroplane, Air Driven, Carries 12 Persons: Idol, Wooden, of Filipino. ‘Tribe Island, Conercte, French Build. fe Talisman Brings Good Luck. jewelry in Enamel Worn in London Car Ferry, Quebec, Has New Tidal Deck jointer, Safety, Prevents Accidents. Garburetor, New Form of, for Automobiles. ttle and Wash Boller, Combination Gats, Arrows to Tell Direction of Travel oi Kitchen, Automobile, for the Army Ehiciney, Srnomertal Suan st Sale Lake Ci. inder, Primitive, Used in Glock 24-Houe, New Paris Bost Office Has. Comnient and Review, by He H. Windsor. Concrete: Distributor for’ Building Work Concrete Retaining Wall, ‘Building with Mov- fable Forms crate svraetcsacecsneeoryes Gonefete’ Work, Novei Post Supporters for! Gonviet. What’ Education Does. for Gorm Show, Fine Prises Won at. Goupling, Novel, for Shatts. Gripplex Armless, Two Inventions Assist to'Write 183 Lotm Knife Grinder Used in Woodworking Shops, . Lamps, Gas Street, Automatic Controller for Life Preserver Shaped Like a Bowling Life Saving Apparatus <... Load, Record, Hauled by Lock, Combination, for, Motor 1 Locomotive, Big, Freight, for B: Locomotive Firebox, Huge, Tw Locomotive, Novel, Used in Alps and Apennine: Log Charged with’ Dynamite Found on Beach. Logs Dug'Up on Panama, Canal Zone. rure, Made of Cigar Boxes. Bam, New, Concrete Beams Form Faces of.... 798 Mail ‘bos, Postal Authorities Test... Derrick, Heavy Hay Crop ‘Makes Nez Map, Electrical, Teaches. Geography.’ Dollar Signy American, Was Once “PS. Map; New World, Scale Fixed at 1,000,000 Drill with Double End Dal Points... Maps of the World, New Method for Making. [Continued on Page 6) Popular Mechanics offers no premiums; does not join in clubbing offers,”” and employs no solicitors to secure subscriptions. It is for sale by nearly every newsdealer in the United States and Canada. (6) Contents— Continued 853, 800 Matches, Safety, Mexico, Invasion of, Sailors Safety Box for... ‘by American Soldiers and ry Camps, Student, vnder Army Auspices 774 Models, Miniattire, Mace’ in’ B SHR, =. 887 Monument Commemorates Old Time Whaler.|.! 887 Motor Troubles, Device for Detecting... * 850 Motorcycle, Roiary. Cylinder Motor oa Motorcycles, Combination Brake for. Moving Picture Theater with Open Rodi Muscular Power, High Altitude Affects Nail Collar for Use in Temporary Structures. Newspaper, First Printed in English Language Nut Lock, Positive, Holds Securely. 839 Oil Ranges, Navy Will Use for Cooking 828, Oil Wells Drilled in the Bed of a River 835 Qiling ‘Can of One Piece Construction. 858 Oxyacetylene, Piercing Metal Blocks by 837 Paint. Which’ Stops the Heat Rays 850 Panama Canal—Gatun Locks, How a Ship Gets through 5 Banama:Pacig Eanontion. Amunerents at Paper, Book, Machine Measures Glare of Patenis. Interesting New - Pheasant, Plumage Shields from Natural Foes Pigs, How Transported. in. China Pontoons, Pneumatic, Austrian Army” Adopts Popular Mechanics as 4. School Textbook Pottery, How Made in Ezypt Pump Governor, Difterentiat Pustt Button, Indicating, Saves Time. Radiators of Glazed Percehin Radiuin, $26,000" 1 Raul Joint, New, for Steam Shovel Operation oad, “Aerial, Mont Blanc, Now Reached by Revelrer in‘ Valise Handle for Protection Rivwting, New Method of Maker Shipe Stronger Sacks, Heavy, Device for Lifting Seale,’ New Parcel Post, for Post Offices Searchlight, Branched, on Suez Canal-- Searchlight. Electric. for Automobiles. - Seats, Compartment’ Car, ‘Drop.knds for. Shelters “Arranged for, German’ Stulent ‘Agritt_ on Western River.» Flashes Ite Name'in Electric Light New, Proves. Obstreperous D Propilsion, Blectric, roves Successful fevenie, Cutter Service Blows Up. Wreck ae "Texas," Newest Superdreadnought of Our ign, 'Sircet “Traic, "Warns | Drivers, Signs, Changing, Produced by Colored Lights anatures, Titerible. Typeweting Makes Plain. Sleeve Heider. One’ Piece Metal... Stooke, Washing, Pure Ait Seeured by: Stairway, Curious, Made of Grindstones Steam Plant, Compact... Storm—"Norther” in Chilean Harbor, Bifects of Street Car Passengers, Safety Railing for. Submariges, Emergency Device for. Survey Stations Shot Upon Face of Clif. Swimming Pool Filled with Pure Water... Swimming, Water Merry-Go-Round ‘Peacies Table, Folding for Campers. Tea Strainer, Dripless, of New Desi Telegraph Poles, Concrete, Fail in Storm. Telegraph Sounders, New! Need No. Raticries Telephone, Conversation Timing Device Thiel, Catching with a Camera Tires, Automobile, Wrapped with Hand Winder. Trolley, Double Decked, in Buenos Aires Streets ‘Truck with Wide Tires Used on Nome Tundra-- Vacuum Cleaner Nozzle Has Brush Inside. Valve, Primitive, Made of a Goatskin. Valves, Gate, Emergency Device for Closing... - Vaporizer, Electric, Watms Air for Motor’ Vehicles, Curious, in Use. the World Over iking, New Machine Records Steps in: paper, Old, Tool for Removing... War, Playing the Game of, by Loute i. Browne Watch Stem, Compass in. Water Shoes, Sailing in, New Spore Water, Waste, of England. Saving... Waterways, Artifcial, in Many Lande aro.a7a Windshields, Individual, for Rear Seats 859 Wire Cables, Clamp for. - 855, Wireless Messages, Cost of Sending 780 Wireless Wave, Danger 877 Yackt, Largest Gasoline Driven in the World... 886 Yacht, Racing, Simplest Possible Type of 301 SHOP NOTES Acetylene Gas, Pressure Regulator for Avvil, Fastening toa Block” : Automobile. Fenders. Loose, “Remed Barrels, Cylinder, Patcerns for Boiler,’ Range, Outlet for Brush Holder”. Calipers, Clamping Screw for? 2) Stile "Plates, Cateing, Holer. fo Colors, Oil, Preserving on a Palette Conduit, Holding for’ Cutting. Connecting Rod Ends, Machining. Soren Gréen Sends for Molde Cylinder Bushing,” Stuck, Removing. Dib Washer, Automat : Drilis with Broken Shanks, Using Duster Made of Hemp. Rope Emery Wheel Diamond Dresser Holder. Fish, Chute Enables 10 Pass Over’ Dam Flush Bos, To Stop Bripping Noise in Ely. Cutter’ Helder for Miling Machines Garage Rey. Holder Gouge Hand Puller... Hacksaw Blade, Hardening to Cut ‘Toot ‘Steel Insulator Remover 8s Irigating with Drain Water irom ‘Kitctien ‘Sink 908 Jack, Handy. 900 Keys, Two in One. Lamp, Signal, on Chauifeur's Give. | Lathe’ Tod), Combination Chamfering and Facing Gil Hote Cleaner ‘arplus, ino Splash System: Plants, Herdy, Starting Perch ‘Columns, Hollow, to Prevent fromm’ Rotting Pump, Suction, fer Draining Crank Cases Bonch Homeniade! Had Lever Template for Mechanics... Range Boller, Heating with Return Steam Ring Stand, Faucet Stem Used as-0 Screw, Broken, Removing Stub End of. Screw’ Threads, Appiying a Bright. Finish’ to Screws, Rusty, Removing from Wood Spark Plug Tester Spigot for Use in a Barrel Side. Steady Rest Jews, Roller ‘Ends ‘on Steam Boller, ‘To Cleans Water Coiums on! Thsrmometer Readings, Tasting Accuracy 2 Tongs, Blacksmiths’ Adjustable Stand to Hoid Fremmele Homer icc ees, Pruning, Homemade Clipper for. Trees! Shade, Brotecting from Destructive Tnsects Typewriter Carriage Shift" Operating, with Foot Varnish isrush’ Cleaner Water Heater, Steam zs ‘Water Heiting Plant, installation of Weeding Cart: Gardener's vines. Wire Ends, Making Loops ‘on Wire Table, Reminder for .. AMATEUR MECHANICS Brooder Buttoshods. Fancy, Calipers, Homemade Castings without Patterns | Beveloping Paper Printer Die in'a Bottle ....... Eyebolts, Homemade loor Corners, Metal How to Make Heating Apparatus, Elecirical, for the ‘Home! batt UY rAnp Immersion Water Coll Heaters. 918 Hinge Wings, ‘Covering ait Small'for Hen: ous Houseboat, How to oul Nesrlan Spray, Made ot Acsiyions ‘Barner eal Oller for 2 Hand Drill Press. a Plans ina Shop, Protecting Plants, Garden, Starting Poultry, Feeding Pan for’. Rivets in Couches, Substitute for. Stove, Gas, for the Dining Table. Swings, Playground, Bearing for. Temperature “Reacings, Transposing Tool” Chest Side Tray, Nonbinding o18 Trick, Disappearing Coin o12 Weeding Teel : Bal Window Box Flowers, Watering 2! 912 Wood Box with Refuse Catching Di one Bronte ered the earth eves milion Fest ago Fle coud ne adap met to EEated condiion, Noture eapped bi. lutio pone BOUT seven million years ago, “Not the same more or less, a stupid, slow: of a thing moving lizard known to science bot the mark | as bron¢osaurus roamed the earth. He ol aServiee.” | stood thirty feet high on his hind feet and was seventy feet long. He weighed over thirty tons. Ashe lumbered along, ach of his ponderous feet left a track that vceupied one quare yard. No one knows why he became extinct. ‘erhaps the earth shrugged her shoulders one day, as other words, a cataclysm occurred. Dry land fecame water and oceans became dry land. Brontos- urus could not adapt himself to the change. Nature crapped him. This process of scrapping is what Darwin meant by evolution,’’ ‘‘natural selection,’’ and the ‘‘survival Fthe fittest.”? It is a process that finds its counterpart \ the scrap heap of human industry. ‘There are me- ranical fossils as well as fossil lizards, Look in the rap heap of any industry and you will find them. he bigger that scrap heap is, the more marked has ren the evolution which it represents, the more perfect the product of the industry. If an industry has no fap beep Ieteanlig it is not evolving. Iture and architecture the oldest of man industries is the artof lighting. Hence the scrap lap of light producers ought to be large. And it is. ink: of the hairy, low-browed savage who rubbed lo sticks together, ‘built a fire and thus le the first artificial light_thousands 1 thousands of years ago. ‘Then think the incandescent electric lamp. What evolution! What a scrap heap has n piled up of beacons, rush lights, diles and oil lamps, each with a little sidiary scrap heap’ of its own repre- ing the evolution of its particular Je of light-producer! ‘hen the incandescent electric lamp P invented the Height of the scrap heap more than doubled. In a few years lamps which sented the illuminating methods of centuries were arded, And the end is not yet. The height of the p heap is growing more rapidly than ever. 1 the science of our time is epitomized in the in- descent lamp of today—the MAZDA lamp. If you hy its history you would know the history of mod- Scrap Heap Talks about MAZDA No. + Hoey osyt ‘Qe ofthe casein the William J. Hanmer Hite Caleton ip New Vo, which ‘hundred of fampe which were scrapped before MAZDA. Service gave ts the MAZDA lamp of todiy. ern science, Study its serap heap and you learn how far the art of lighting has evolved, even in your own time. At the very bottom of the heap you will find a lamp with a strip of graphite in a poor vacuum. Farther up are hundreds of lamps, platinum filaments; still farther up lamps with filaments composed of the oxides of zirconium and titanium, and very neat the present top, lamps with filaments of carbon, osmium, silicon compounds and tantalum. Then come many types of the metal filament lamp, including types of tungsten lamps, Alll of them are as extinct as brontosaurus. Letit not be supposed that the lamps of today marked MAZDA are the last word in incandescent electric lighting, "Some day there will be other lamps, more ethcient but still marked MAZDA, ‘They will be so marked because they evolved from the same unceasing systematic study ani selection that gave us the MAZDA of today—a study and selection centered in the Research Laboratori Electric, Company at Schenectady and supplemented by learning from the leading experimental lamp labora- tories of the world what progress they have made in the same direction. ‘The results thus obtained are communicated to the the other lamp manufacturing com- panies entitled’ to receive them. This i stitute MAZDA Service. All the lamps made by the companies in accordance comparing. the the product of a scientific evolution Ganed tattle’ whetheryou buy it today, tomorrow, General Electric Company's manufacturing centers at scientific investigation and the com with this service are marked MAZDA. MAZDA'Servee at any future time, it is’ selected from of the General Cleveland and Harrison, and also to 8 Ss munication of the results obtained con- A lamp marked MAZDA is always means the, of ie = of types devised after months and even BunY tin, onet. years of research; itis the one that has ments and ‘sdections survived all tests, because it has been eng? proved the fittest; it is a lamp that Thevaim is that represents the latest commercial ad- MAZDA dull; vance in illumination of ite time. yang the mark Seiese @_Genenar Ececrare Company 4605, 8 POPULAR MECHANICS We Assit St qq WOULD YOU GIVE Actual Delving 2 DAYS’ PAY FOR A GOOD JOB IN THE AUTO. TRADE? THEN READ CAREFULL $5) would not buy my course ‘Alter ot through ‘Book 4 of inghicions is and fe 2 and Je) ‘ad a job grinding valves. I did t job infour fours. Next day I put on four piston rings, which took six hours. These tworjobe paid for my Course. T ain now overiamiingan engine for a Darky. rum not atrald to eke any job now. Jf getutuck Tam sure Lean fd the remedy i theinetructons, Lknew nothing at all about an ante oere apd T pant en tank, for Beit If we prove to you that we have gstarted hundreds of others into the repair business and as chauffeurs— who had no previous experience and Bowho knew no more about an auto than you do 3 right now — you must admit we can do the same J ior you. Write me foday—now—and let me prove it Experience gg ae All the Result of the Dyke System I We can thoroughly train you, Open a repair shop or Garive a car and make many times more then you are Braking how. ‘Don't forget, we help you get your start = ‘our Employment Pian, if you want it. DYKE’S NEW IDEA OF TEACHING BY MAIL WITH WORKING MODELS something nem, We one rca’ working models—not just reset 74, “On theme models soa ce) actanl rractie, tee {the Ate" teenie ones ea models We” ini chats Sour Employment Plan for Students ses. rove hie ability 5 hard itn thie ‘Thin representa sears of work to provide something th & OF WRITE TO-DAY lor Details of glmployment Plan and THIS FREE BOOK Bie is insteactive ant interesting does not, cbt Sacecetrel cher ow ‘nnd learn Yow! rou. ean! ‘training for enly ‘$15, if you art mediately Sovkes CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL OF MOTORING ‘Box 189, Roe Bidg. ST. LOUIS, MO. NOTE — Be of niees — Dual i the Hina i a a sik ADVERTISING SECTION 9,059-Word Business Book Free ere ate ree er rel Gee EM ro as “Sew prices Budess Fad amuted fo thy of, ere, pence a ee ee ras TEA to nerease your profits "This free book deals With mec fo aces eer ep ame “eee ett, eae ica! aS ee at Tce ate arin few g acreriees be Sevatog fore te Donk ee wate ay be ‘Sire deny youre. ty Sunplvany *Seaden your 9,-ward Booklet Wabash aud Madisoa Sts, Chicaxo| OWN] Soldering —and Save Money Send 55¢ ‘Dept. 81-6 for cloth bound Book“ Sim ple Soldering"”—and learn hard and soft. The Griting of © The Flas. Hard FPN rig ene th We Flux for Bolder ng Be, ace Compae bte, Cleaning Up Work Bolahing Serapiga Down, Honing. Etc. St ‘Apparatos, The Bok Pine Biot Bellows, £6. aie Apparatus SPON & CHAMBERLAIN. 123 P.M, Liberty St. ‘NEW YORK DO YOU Wart £0 KTIOW How TO DEVELOP ERGY, ENDURANCI (GTH_ MUSCULAR STRENGTY "ECT PHYSIQUE 2 short, ow to npr these FREE BOOKS. cover posta Pest 24 PROF. H. W. TITUS, seater ise, HERE YOU ARE, BO! nasty fave oe aueinetie” Abra reue oes seen Talaqur fet lent” Price 16 Foxy Grandne i see nahin’ ose Sia dcnain pe free with every #.00 ere. iver side, rocke nto facts ola: Great bargain. ‘Small mon booklet of sample A aepage fr pages from Ridpath’s History ‘of the World will be mailed to all who send A pe us their name and 200 Kinds Iron, Woo} Wire & Steel Puzzi ual and sa WESTERN PUZZLE WOR! ‘St. Paul. Minn. POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION EN Yael ELECTRICITY i Xo al Lad s] Leto Led Tata ta Weir Here is a sect of books that no man in the ELEC- TRICAL FIELD should do without. ‘This is the ELECTRICAL AGE in which we live: LEC- TRICITY now controls more trades, directs more men, offers more ‘opportunities than any other power that man has yet discovered. Do you wish to know the underlying les of MODERN ELEC- TRICAL PRACTIC! If so, HAWKINS ELECTRICAL GUIDES will give ‘ou the information. In reality they ave a school within themselves, ‘containing a complete study course with. QUESTIONS, ANSWERS AND ILLUSTRATION: ten in plain everyday language so that a practical man ean understand the “HOW, WHEN AND WHY” OF ELECTRICITY. é i | Cg Chg ee PI ae Eon rsa ono Read over the titles shownon the back of each volume, and note the scope of eacht hook. ‘They aro. handsome bound in flexible Black leather with old edges and. will Feadity’ goin the pocket. THEY ARE NOT ONLY THE BEST. BUT THE CHEAPEST WORKS PUB- LISHED ON ELECTRICITY ‘Fach book is complete in itself and will be supplied $1.00 per ‘copy, but we believe that the complete set Is the best bargati "Pho books cin speak for themselves and a. careful examination, paso by pase, end illustration by ilustca- tion, will eonvinee you of thelr biz valuc. Fevou will lout Une Foligwing Coupes wiring all wo information requested, Wis WILL SUBMUT THE Se XOLUMES FOR EXAMINATION ON CONDITIONS FREE EXAMINATION OFFER THEO. AUDEL & CO., 72 Sth Ave., NEW YORK Pleaso submit me for examination HAWKINSELECTRICAL GUIDES (Prico $1 each. Ship. at once, prepaid the 6 numbers: if satisfactory 1 agree’ to send you $1 withimr seven all you $1 cach montis until paid. Suvey"te Fem sash Signature Occupation... Business Address Residence Reference .... ‘ 10 POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION LR GS ee ac Benefits of | | Navy Training "Tie training which the Navy has ceaselessly con- ducted for years past has had its effect. The American people now realize why an efficient naval force is maintained. @ To produce an efficient Navy it is necessary ‘to train its individual members. This training is going on constantly. The instruction which a recruit receives in the Navy fits him not merely for the duties of a man-o’-warsman, but makes him more useful in civil life. He will be taught habits of regularity and alertness. He will benefit by the outdoor drills, the healthy sports and the wholesome food. He will be paid regularly, and advanced as he deserves it. And if a man has the necessary aptitude there is an opportunity for him to learn a trade. @ Young men over 17 of good habits and sound physical condition are requested to investigate the Navy’s offer NOW. Only American citizens can be accepted. Age limit 25 years, except for men who are skilled in some trade which can be used on board ship. Apprentice seamen are assigned to a course of instruction at a training station before going to sea. Do not neglect this opportunity. Apply at the nearest Navy Recruiting Station, or write for booklet and full instructions. ADDRESS BUREAU OF NAVIGATION Box 69, Navy Department WASHINGTON, D. C. CST EE TEAL EAE Meese Mention Pupular Mechaates POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION One stood still. mand and big pay. The only diference is training. Every one of the men who worked at his side had exactly, the same opportunity; just as much spare time; just as much natural ability. But he had the pluck to start and determination to win. Go where you will, you will find thousands of such men who have risen from the ranks to pos tions as Superintendents, Managers, Engineers, Contractors, Owners, solely through the help of the International Correspondence Schools. Teis just the same with you, You too can increase your earning power just as fast and just as far as you have the courage to. Te makes no difference what you are doing; how old you are or where you live. For the International Correspondence Schools will bring right into your own home all the help you need. to train inalitte spare time for what ever position you mark on the attached coupon. Take the frst step today! Mail the Coupon! Now! acy er Is Training These two men like thousands of others, started side by side at desks in a row —equal. Y Today he’s just a little older, a little more discouraged —but right where he started. ‘The other, with just the same opportunity, has grown to a position of com- a INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS i Box 8722, Seranion, Fa, her obligation, om my part bow 1 *. Prevent Occupation. 12 POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION ° Come to Detroit THE AUTOMOBILE CENTER to learn the automobile business Sixty-seven out of every one hunéred autos in the country are made in Detrou's forty-four automobile factories. There are greater and oetter Ssporeunities ia Detrot than in any other ety inthe United States: Det Prestige is universal. Detcoit’s products are’ known the world over, ‘Automcbile mien. (rom Detroitare in great demand everywhere, To anyone looking for'a position or to anyone ataYting a garage and repair Shop, the very fact that he has learacd the business in Detzort, the “Aor fnobile Center," is worth money to him. A. Diploma from an auto sical THE OLD RELIABLE SCHOOL | in Detroit gives you prestige in the automobile lel. TW, ave succefal erates | an ee ct ete ee Pea arene flao includes thorough instruction on ALL LEADING TYPES OF ELECTRIC SELF-STARTERS ‘such as the Gray & Davis, Delco, Westinghouse, Ward Leonard, Deaco, Jesco, U.S. L., Adams-Westlake, Entz, Aplco, etc ig al te Ph rn, nae eeu an Ome ARS act NCTE ON Ga" Wels aA aan ar ae iray cer ariteenra oneiing tera nda seg A Er Bee eee rare eee cee Tractical experience in asserdbling thes motors irom sturt to finish after whi put on the block teste Our Block Test Dept. gris! £"Savis EiaGing fat Sincting sete Pete bens Segre cece reser oe eens eee erties scraping beara yur course covers the automobile thoroaghiy. Sn ws ST" Merete acres oa tie ie See ee aie alo SCcontaine interesting informa ells vou why 4auey Michigan State Automobile School ‘THE OLD RELIABLE SCHOOL 11-13-15-17 Selden Ave., Cor. Woodward, DETROIT, MICH. refun your money And don’t forget, w $65.00 to $150.00 een ‘ering: tadiepensabie nin] Month > WSCCODSSI sccupstions and eften the Srevot successtuladvanicen of no less importance 10 farmer than the mecha ‘There is bound to come at Jehen vou will fee the peed the bility to “ay out” 0 accordance with fules and conventions use the drafting profession. Individual Study eorecs) Goer A Practical Course in Mechanical Drawi By WM. F. WILLARD ena Tet at eae eae iadGaaue stan avy tev badtyores ~ouoraos rman Price 50 Cents, Postpaid) rhe Mesa eee ‘There has been a real need for a book of this kind, 4 oe eae osm Pav, iti Oaks inches each problem, in the mind of the stud eee ra é fiving the practical application o oblem toe Ey practice in some phase of the world’s wore.” We every modern requirement and isin advance of ary Work on the subject, Excellent for use in shop cla trade or high schools. A complete detailed desi . ss of the contents of this book sent free upon request oukicerper 08 asadi Positions Order of your Book Desler or direct from the publ oo POPULAR MECHANICS BOOK DEI MeO iatats gation sort 6.N, Michigan Ave., CHICAGO JOENS MANVILLE Roofing Service has overcome all trouble factors known to all types of city or country roofs. ‘This service, too, goes further than perfection of roofing materials or guarantee. Its develop- ment during fifty years has evolved an organization of over fifty. principal Service Branches throughout the country. So that dealers and consumers everywhere have at all times the benefits of a complete Johns-Manville establishment nearby, maintaining a policy of quick service and dose and satisfactory business relationship. AsBesTos ROOFING “The Roll of Honor” ata little more than the cost of the cheapest most pe fing. Its body is a fabric of long-fibred asbestos bound with another mineral sub- nce-gennine Trinidad Lake Asphalt—forming a pli- ble stone sheet. It is watertight, will not crack or split in winter, or run, shove, dry or drip in the hottest ‘weather. Requires no paint, gravel, or slag. Sparks, cin- ders or flying embers cannot even scorch it. When a fire occurs inside a building, JM ASBESTOS ROOFING prevents the flames from spreading to adjacent struc- Lends an added charm tures. Laid with J-M CLEATS, itis a roofing at once ff, ‘Be, appearance of attractive and distinet. The Cleats hold edges in a vise- prolongs the plied, a like grip, eliminating the possibility of leaks. Tife of the roofing. J-M AsBestos SHIN #Y 0 rovite the Fa features of root safety and service and at the same tine meet the decorative demands of residential architecture, J-M Asbestos Shingles were evolved. The material is pure Asbestos Fibre and Portland Cement, molded under hydraulic pressure into a homogeneous mass. No laye or laminations to separate. Outlast the most durable building. Cannot rot, warp, ot split. Need no paint or other preservatives. Absolutely fireproof. Furnished with smooth edges, 34 inch thick, in gray, Indian red, state ancl mottled brown; with rough edges, ! inch thick, in gray, Indian red, and mottled brown. Make the most heautiful and artistic of all Shingle roofs. J- M REGAL ROOFING “The Roofing with Life” J Roofing Serve has also developed the rubber type of wool felt roofing to 2 point of dependable rin i a Regal Roofing. Laid with J-M Cleats, like J-M Asbestos Roofing, and second in only to JM Asbestos. Write nearest Branch for Book No. 3672 H. W. JOHNS-! MANVILLE co. Manufacturers of Asbestos Shingles: Roofing: Stucco: Pips Coverings: Cold Storage Insulation; Water- anitary Specialties; Acoustical Correction: Cork Tiling, etc. Detroit Louisville NewYork an Francisco Indianapolis Milwaukee Omaha. Beattle Kansas City Minneapolis Philaetphia’ $i. Louis Low Angeles raga, New Orleans Pitshergh'” Srrsemse gogo $20022 a Month *« More I will give you just the kind of training you need to hold down one o: the big jobs in the drafting profession. I will train you while you stay in you own home until you are holding a $125 position asDraftsman. You will get practical instruction — the kind the big firms require. These thousands of employers need more men with this kind training, Big money is being paid. FreeWorking Outfit I give you as my personal student tak- ing my’ practical instruction a regular drafts- man’s working outfit. You will be delighted when you get this splendid set of working instruments. They're just the kind I use myself. And remember, I give them to you as my ‘student abso- lutely free. You do not have to pay a penny for them either now or later. Send the coupon today for my new free book on drafting. Write now. 1Guarantee Free Offer Coupon Chief Draftsman Dobe Engineers’ Equipment Co. Div. 119% Chicago, Ii. Without any obligation fo, me whatsoever, P sour book “Successful Drafts: please mail your book Address... non Don't pass by your opportunity another day. Send me th coupon now—this instant, and let me send you my new book that tells you all about it. Chief Draftsma Will Instruct You Personal, Iam Chief Draftsman of alarge and well known company. For nearly a quarter of century T have been doing the highest paid drafting work and I know exactly the kind of training that is demanded. I will give you practical instruction—real dratt- ing work and actual working experience, so that when you get a good paying position you will know exactly all that you should know, You can be the man who makes $200.04 month. Read my guarantee, You do not risk a peas Twill give you personal training until you are in a posit that pays you $125 a month. Send the Coupon for New Boo] Successful Draftsmanship Put your nameand address in the coupon or on a lette ‘a posteard and send it to me at once, You will not obligated in any, way, shape or manner. I will send y my new book, "Successful Drattsmanship,” absolut free and prepaid. Besides, I will give you full parti ofthe great Special offer Tam now making. ‘Do not dc ‘Tho first stop toward that $200job ls to send the coupon. Chief Draftsman Dob Engineers’ Equipment Co, (Inc.) Div, 119%, Chica LASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS rogerds payalls b atyosice To insure ads being inserted under proper class- We have records to prove | ified head in the July issue, copy must reach this office not later than at a classified ad in these | June Ist. columns will find a buyer - = - Caiospa re ae Pomulas Mechanice Magazine, Chicago, 1. or almost anything which Gentlemen: In reoard tovents from our class(fed ads in your publication, tis anbe sold. Doubtless you | pleasure to report to you that the results ave so far beyond our expectations that Were Ter ihe Suatiny saters or iy dev tne lense mumtoe: ef vesting oo ool, Rarely ve some article of value believe thata twenty-word classified ad could catch the eye af 90 many directly tater z ated patrons, not only in magte but also (ase who ful pleasurein solving pussteaand > some one else which you | Airprising thelr good-natured friends trith a goot up-tedate joke. If all the advertise eed. Why not | ing mediums were as big pullers as Popular Mechanics, the mail order business would o: leneer = ¥. berone long pleasant dretm of counting money. mn it into money? Yours very tatu, GILBERT NOVELTY 0. Chicago, 1. FTHST book cat on Automobile Destgn, parts—Arles, pistons — ghee treats Construction and. Repu By | sues, Grinder,” radiators, se ORAS Grits and craupeape Saad | Nite aes, ena unlit Moi ae | ds, nee ene Cul prea PASS Colnders and Cat ee trait | Woo. (0x99 Tages amo" inva. ght i Sea ee ced estinders ree | UD-tocdate, | EHtes, $1.50 peatbail. Panta i pire cet Sete CUTS te | Mecham Tn Licat GS Michioan aves | ux OCi motes, oubles will be ont Af ye TY pecaise bore fe hot enlarged. Were | Ch where non "recep ot $1. Macy back it fers are. worn (rot ‘swore. from loose Sigel caarame, | We satiated” Dine egrancung ie “ive wats temeds. | yylea” guarantee in goad coniiton, Sewn | igsten’ Koch Company, for _gwages, Alsen, ge nue telah Dattcriese $13 upmarta Tea rie (iat sage SS | Bes"onsa’ mn Awtowrle Sel | eroaoaT ee een tee Gamer oe = tye Ba Ehete tol 2 sao Jens fe aa) eae | Bae iad eae ea aed | Oa, Fo i, fouestit price jasc | wen eo yu Saar ee ao "Tot ota atic abe? | Unita ote oils, hae’ i bata | HTIGS 000 mie earanieed aaa uae ‘Michigan Ave., Chicag ee 3: thent"atteen sears experience, “an AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES ear y mace Man Mere, mets | _—_— AUTO S SUPEHES | SE tlats tae ats grade ork “athwat™ price," Ne |“ RADIGO— te Leaking aalaiee Gon Grlo"fe Gareain thee Toe wth te the aie ute att a Bean al talent STH SB tie, cu" ‘ciculag “iatny pre: | loned. "Para ao ‘ice Go. Tilt Siehlgan ents Ste aut um franrmi? fe- | Ate Cheng, Ducky. ATtoolkit ecesHty. whiclt will | 1pGSbed Notte Laren tole NOE Se Peon ony frwerdae pasuatt:” whd> | aTeeE Dever and ecdoamy of, motos one, Mfg. ‘Co, Springietd, “Mass oad. Caen distillate, gasoline or half sit ware | seve with ne “reulte Saree Sema ht comobie Ter Men atolte ” any Treaine se hobite Te ix Buns, fe supecion, rhe ind cx" | Soldat” weather We'AE atl imolers gual” price #2 Siate your power needs, "Badger | anteeing” dente results of refund “mou Took Dibte 6 , ds, “Wataer | autecng” dente reatts of refund "ubuey. Hcluslte ‘county ghtse “Literal anther “cabrio” Th X up your Automobile with Bayers Ate Drsing Ulmay He" Finisher “and Color Hirai ries don paired a your ea fy Company, I sampany, Stet febutors of “Witherbee Better, wat ai hoadway, ‘N.Y. chy. ARAGE, Supty Cabins. tava, an. | SOMES NY. GRAS REET | a roe oe REL Sal Sie uate We sae FORD ACCESSORIES Paro "tise teeee ae | FORD. omen henge, 1000 Suichigut avenue, Chieago, Hil, | cfORD . Owaen: Wall Sut TOR Kale—1 ha Two elindersiean | wiligu removing cxifer bends oh SER aNa RR | atin ant ay ate 2 cdl ut a, eet automa | Raine, mata Baa Ae OTE nf cei etre tak Mavala, | Bawel , fo a eae ra ee ve followed. their ex ‘OMOBILE, amed,. You ane Sot il remove oi ie headlahe et witn Aro '36.""Abco, 1104 Fulton Sc, i Batierss 810) Also Woeat new, hheary wire | rite-Cuntrolte spoken and” niles “ata bargain. TS Vieebert, Chea foo FORD Owners a ascling eauae Tos yout Permanent | car, fs inthe Aller hole, $2 each, ition gaataticed. Magen | Ruined "3,4, Muon, aise Spetiateld, 1 Mianufactring es." 104 es | Mi Tal ACCRERRTOR wy fae Tit iy Fond cain Fits Fema cauipment Agent a Gepters nde Petes te send for cles MULE, "ents, oss" Paton aves, Tie 3 Sree pene ee'| Heme stinker, tee "Tou APE AE: | pie, $28" Feene ate $s." Meare soar, | eu tate Lows Wheuase | Eonpiee 10, vung body. tise “i | Chica, fies Daadons Sela, iss MOTORCYCLES, BICYCLES & SUPPLIES | fomtea as kt top SEND for latest Bullen of veal Motor font Naany $1.50 each ggite Bavzting, Used, and sushthy used, at HeaherS"patete sekel plated key'aind Qghese | Makes, mele abd price: ut you lige $29 free wiih each order, Cur Price Gas Tank | 2%, Tally, want a powerful Motoreycle, x ea Toe nie Ttutlean: "hundreds of a! ‘Sales_Co.._Mtvaukse, Wisconsin. "| hints at all prices, mew ots. on east Da Guaranteed and secon mente: tell ee what “you want_ and ‘how prices We pay. express i ive youecan a ces. We pay express. tnuch you can pay; » 40 "hour, Med, complete wi gle acta us ‘on rice, “epald shipments wite, todas Rhies pecan na Honest N.% ig Dewonstator, fully snipped Pa ew Htelgee Cangurtof 83 iogue with pres fee to gotorescle * "Fen Cents Sve Endrin Gyltnder Motoreyties bull Pests 145 Motireselo Co, Dorchester, Miss, ‘MOTORCYCLES — Merkels, Excelsior, Harleys, Heading Standard. ‘Mayo, the Mo= torevelo Man, Heading. Pa SIX Exceldor and Indian Sinaleg ou shar four ae) Sp? also Reine Sion ‘Broa Kewanee, Wh [RERUILT, motores, Teak a git aid Bet muck hogers arom, GFT Alain Bt ‘Waltham, atasee “PIERCE 4 elnder Feelion conan, Speolometer, $05." G French, Melrose Mig Tans, Maas. MOTORCYCLES, Reva *Rshinta nr otis Ci HAW, Moto rattecy to sloers th48 Taian, tut eataogue’ onderful-opoertunity nov Sioter'Ce., “Rook Islands HAVE some, flue bargalne To lel graie, used? mnotoresties.” List cheerful Sena for fe talay. Ahgsten-Roct ‘company, "FOR Sule—Uaed morevdes of all mane, fromm $60 to $15, Write. for llat. "Cole fian's ‘Motoreyele” Shop. Akton, “Ohio, MOTORCYCLES Cheap, Big clear sale of uel machines ‘ew aad secon a ivere upon receapt “ [oer sulaed Angwen:Koch Company, MihaerhSEhfeigo, ae ed sam "is Worcester, _ Mass, nt 16 Sfotoreydle Hors Lowt and peecraieg, Htealres emis wo, aie its Economy “Cas Vaporieer anid nia, * iseount 19" hie Chieage Mteorescte leno, wAite for lit, 738 Sheridan Mt, C1 wien ae Hee ori, BE eae atin ea Deninger Cycle Co, Rochester, yr 1 Fal te ope ad ina Mentels, | Wi and As Feeneh ® Spon 70-80 bsp Te Ta ceery mate ‘and moet is ur J must, ‘be cleared.” Half price. 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"Guarantee, feee, Can, Dever, Ss Fo ook “amuatent” Mecha $ a'Gempiete detalled Aencriptlgof hiow Popular Mechantes Book Dept. gan Ave. Ch BCULDING and i rekpage hanatinie coer cl gilders and ‘ants monoplane ow Curtsa andre pes ate toliowak, "Puy iiuatrated with ae ae Mago rgd oh re ha RE Ghee a seer ee Eee cdledasrgted_ Plone So ees jaa pie ae eee Te iets, ee ee onthe ¢ mike fe eta a | eR ac pror Deller eatatoaue: "et eut pices on ca ar andl actplang. wacela Whe hey fotortube,, wuts and. wind wagons are te best Heutt Aerial Vehtele Ce ZAEPEUIN Model Diigbie, “woke (on, gas-bag. ‘Two. ears, brillant searchilgit, fort and starboard “Ughts, Complete with Roparatts far ascension——t5. cents. prepuld Whhout ign's, Gre. Grasco, Grand Ieapids, CHICAGO, Acro Works, 143 Noh War asi Ave. Stamp Drugs catalog. COMPLETE Pian, drawn to scale, with prpste tn actly “tor oidingh Cun foot Modal Beat, Sse, Ober leroy eh, se; lagna. ‘curise iat ro, S82 Steer, Sf of sis: gL db-pp, Model Sup pir catalon, See Co, a West “roadway, No. BOOKS AND PERIODICALS ‘Cheat Plas: Be! oo ‘Sxplait gueily, C.Higese Co. G2. San. Praneiaca CaAGAZINES, Towel at S8x'faEAuatersas Meaeie READ “Cleopatra, sampies’ Loe and 330, logue, 26. SMBur, Bid Nocth oan Chicago, ee LOOKS Ge usin, Self-rulture. ‘ee. Wholesale aind Teta, Ci ee Popular Tete, e4 Brion ith Dearbor Lene a nae es Pe Bihan Le ese ara eae, er, Se So ee Columbia. = Sa EG Patents Profitable,” Benjamin ge Bi Teese, ches i ih oorenenaa C oe ate a eae, po a eed tan nese aoe Sr eh | ee BOOKS “Me silos EE Ueense, bY. Hotsone for. tweaty=tve foaia. "send staraps. Nellly's Heck Paligddpnis. Pa, HOW to fot 10 cents postpatd South Bend, ‘Int. EDUCATIONAL AND INSTRUC DON'T study by Correspondence, Harvard, Columbla, | Nontiweatern ‘ollege You chowse ‘and {o (law,. Journalism, Aechuledt de any othe profession by fun, a athe, A 50-c0n] Swe dati Bi O"ansuage ty a Teneuee joneed" ews Affe’ meat ofthe’ law in tabloid for very. nowledge “you want and, i Pesach into gute pace sas yc Top. pages.” Price ‘31-00. postaald, giihaing Wandicsoned oF embers iy Mack of eval RnoW lade, antes Book Dept. 6 Ne St TOPOGRAPHIC draftsman pr U.S) Govemment eaaminations fi ‘ade sup "ator hours road ‘geamination, next. September. ats Hg Boab, Ma Fare, ~ELECTRICAT, inspect ‘comipaien. | Good pad, Sa intormation. Bech yan tonurancey than correaponttence coupee, "Price, S310. ‘Louis HOW to make printing cuts, 3 Te ape J Joun Hewag, 48 Chon St, TAD poled te pee Say aon fo Su Must, i ‘box a ions Satucatton” Bureau, zt oe Sa ie BePRting ofan eve, ever conce Je that occurs. in whe Orie, Stor saving ork on fgurey. in th adele, 81. Vest, Popul Stehtgmn "Are. “Chtengo. SUCCESS fn Business and aie ‘asie_ hy our common, ations, dnteresting. samples. 136; He Sucsess Su Cos, HPL SYOUNG Sant Tearn_Draftin ‘the mont practical subjects ot age ie Unuiviaant studs, swt fhe ald of our: mew (book sa Unie Depring Sse trains, “cloth,” 0" cents Brouge Mghanie Mook Dept Hoan At POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION it ING fo, Amato. atte TRADE schooLs CAMERAS AND PHOTO SUPPLIES sip is Sood working: | “STARE SS to $8 @ day an TAI ie for athe seliuastructon or for | acta “Vines” Brfieadn, "ec e ‘manual training courses. cloth 80 | Msehad Plas Sorta se RIE t,_B Me Michigan "Ave, Chicag Bree empiomnent bureay places sraquates RU Sar oho dhe oer, Wo | ave Sa oecl ied ae a Nt Vit are’ ibegy Bo you tafee au the | St ands for caiattcay week Pa pane ction “resuliog fromthe interyationa! | it. obligations: Dent Stay eyes et eR em id ee Re anita. Magazine? The cotapkete eeu = is "Tote asowing, the aeacthen of the Vowether" vith "a" istorient ‘Sketch ie sare an ag eaecs ft pamphlet, form | A" practical pattern. maker of years’ “expert BEST ose, le | En nh Mechanics “Co, "6 'N. "Michigan | Sify SRM, 000%, JUS ‘Eni Seip ot Bw forty Pana. RTHAND in ¥even Drenlags Paragon Sa pages, 3 ane Tears noire “Felatiooaiip. to | postpalds Popviae” Mechastes ou Mane antes | Chleago: Reboot of Painting, iit ‘Deartarn | Por largest “rerporaiions, "Mou can teat | Gteage, Kehod mt cette systgn in. yet ovte Ave. Ch Arie | mobile repairing. driving: garage manave y sthants | ment, aatessanstipy aie sti, MAM | aeRPOUT melding aid cutting the finest and meee | OTST Wie mat Fo We can easily | MPIC seat at A A te E Tinie “contest ont sot 90°10. fb gulch peware sou for enteance toa | Hailed con clot Mes eee meee tier | LON a cette paciiet, i | 1 tli Oateopun Lan "wadineeg. | Qanemy a Aut NY a Lilersy. Latent PSeit-Htep Pin Send taiay tor Bk PERSONAL oboe plete. simple Tusieuetnn’ tora deltar | fel ‘Adiareen Worse bard, ex tel, | Cob, psa ae ante iinkes” Via Dulane, He casting, emameat Coy | «OCH, members in Gormas, Switzerland, | fo. ad Nand ria ‘moulds, shatructiens mito | Steanerstuy, “ibe $1. | Free: 200 illustrations beauti(ul | 21S. Kenneth, Chicago, st MAGAIA FALLS: must t ECEIVE Voxt Carty from eeesjwhere | 0e 0 omy, anes Ane, and money, spent At | aye Ginoe ake cont, Cum everywhere | Oe ‘Promlee’ rlethand ‘Rehoot, Wash! | 1e-_ Is tn. p. "HOTOS—Iteautiful Women, ori heey ign. “Blumiing,"ygieae, | Stewemts Coie ‘ait Wilke 100 words & minute wlth pewrine™ Sierthaad. AIS" new thedi, Piioios, Sets ativan, ng Se" Nason Adpees, a rhe aga, eot."G.. Biuesio, Tiong C0 ut BETTI tian “Nepienber Mops a ictres "san paler Phese Bai | AER aver” Be ‘fp sugeeaful student sae te Pat Cote, ee etre Tome PATE Ate aan, Wiglaes | Nenoeranp Sie, “Liste ita Knee gels aula ate, ed | BOC Bow de, Ht ain, O°" | sea fool Big ant, EP: | near cee de enter, OR, Fr ar tdvine exmtses format be cufnet, | Carl Exchange” Box N26 eek ‘a ig aches atl ame? eceabreates | lata ince ani con. tet oi | Tae ae | Hyon CME, BOLTS, eve SS if POST CARDS of Be, Mare | tan, ining dime" ue" Grangrayt canta | fr ownd “Rowers, ie ier combined with Randand "tes | $1” taenthouses fetes an iW, bu ail dierent je ork Kotte Stlslons Heitst, Ireland. SEE Err pet 24 eg Heo ke “hastens Moni geuae, Mehamles’ Book | short vine st small expec, rottabi aces: | He py hent care NOSE Ji Peston Sn Cilean. 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