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February ’ , Ow cian A Ose. |e ae oh BUYS THE MATERIA To Build This Harris Hor * R WELL KNOWN HOME No. 161 A trae bangs > sign easily built Why Pay Rent? A home is within yout reach ad Sour guarant matter how /, Tis, material BERS trcssyes limited your 0! :t0, 2-010 a positive: rater Sin thas pou would beplensea” BUILD THE HOME YOU HAVE BEEN DREAMING OF FOR YEARS—AT THE PRICE YOU OUGHT TO PAY |Greatest of all is this Haris Home Building Plan. A truly wonderful lotfer—clean and straightforward. ‘This was the first real helpful home building You |pun niga ie pangs for the many thossan ds. ated So Thett dieaard yourt in Sesling ito you teng the banedte ct there ‘Years of expert plana, Gesuate and elone study of exonomy in Traterfal ane Tabor Pr Meare smalaUnecwith ewe ete lead. never Riding ft necessary Torecognias gompetiirns “Make tt prove this to oar satisagsian, wb cost yi a penny to eek our oe} Rowe today. Gu bine guamanter tacked by cvery contol our 10.080 00 capital siek aad nerplis gives Sou an tou ead protection cat posal” go wroag fon we axe ll tthe Tk THE DESIGN fers Hs 8.) THE MATERIAL prs, 5 ‘Pombinacion of comfort, OurGuarantee Protects al dacicoae pak sear ee et eareas aes | ‘Plan Book tday: PLANS FREE wre"! ‘All glues 19 and. back puted — aid Iabor All Harris bones aie a! meeruction nd aro. atchitecturally. correce int shove hog ‘town ge “pa Mail Coupon Below Today Plumbing and Heating | Quality Roofing Building Material ‘You can cuilyiastall your own heatips | “Out bev? coping Book S| Mall the” cotps ‘isd all thd pode eer th name [HARRIS BROTHERS CO. an he POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION a That’s where Tone". ‘The Victrola brings to you the pure and varied tones of every musical instrument, and the beauty and individuality of every human voice—all absolutely true to life. Such fidelity of tone was unknown before the advent of the Victrola—the first cabinet style talking-machine; and this pure and life-like tone is exclusively a Victrola feature. “Why exclusive with the Victrola?” Because of the patented Victrola features, which have been per- fected after years of study and experiment: “Gouse-neck” sound-box tube—the exible metal connection hetween the sound- box and tapering tone arm, which enables the Victor Needle to follow the record serouve with smerting gecuracy. Concealed sounding-boards and amplifying compart- anenk of rood—provide the Very lithit Of arca'of vibrating: surface and sound amplifying compartment, so absolutely essential to. an exact and pure tone reproduction, Modifying Doors—May be opened wide thercby gi the tone in its fullest volume; or doars may be set at any deme graduating the ‘volume of tone to exactly suit every reqnirement. Closed tight the volume is reduced to the minimum and when not inuse the interior is fully protected. Victor system of changeable needles:—A periect re- production is possible only with a perfect point— therefore a new necdle for each record js the only positive assurance of a perfect point. You alse have your choice of full tone, half tone or further modifi« tation with the fibre needle. It is the perfection of every part, and its per- fect combination with all other parts, that gives the Victrola its superior tone—that makes the Victrola the greatest of all musical instruments. There are Vietrolaa in great variety from $1$ to $200 and any Vietor dealer will gladly demonstrate them and any music you wish to hear. Victor Talking Machine Co., Camden, N. J, U.S. A. etaes Gttmigiont Ci, Mone, Chat Da Aiwrays uke Victrola with Vietor Records 6 “Victor Necdienthe Sounding boards. “Goose-neck tube and tone arm System of changeable needles Victrola XVLW $200 Ode of makorany Plese Mention Popular Mechanfog = This One TO 4 POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION “Oh, you mustn’t go down cellar, Mamma!” ““Father’s down there making Cypress Furniture— it’s going to be a grand surprise for’ yea—so you mustn't know!” These are the days of thrift as well as days of sentiment. Vol. 38 of the fam- ous Cypress Pocket Library (a real de- parture) contains detail sketches (on sheet 24x 36,) specifications and complete directions how to easily make correctly-designed, artistic, ‘“‘craftsy”* furniture of ‘‘the wood eternal’ in your spare hours, ~ “Furniture that you make yourself you fove aswell as use.’” Write for Vol. 38. ro EV PRESS 18°B.t ‘when staring ON RGER TOOLS Mansion, Rumgalone, pus [Let oar “ALL-HOUND HELPS DEPALTMENT" help YOU. (Our enti aera ut Your serves wth Ralinblo Pereunal Cosel. SOUTHERN CYPRESS MANUFACTURERS’ ASSOCIATION 1219 HIBERNIA BANK BUILDING, NEW ORLEANS, LA. CYPRESS you BUILD HUT ONCE." INSIST ON CYPRESS AT YOUR LOCAL DEALER'S IP HE HASNT IT, LAY US KNOW IMMEDIATELY. DPleuse Mention Popata akecdaviie Popular Mechanics Magazine 6 .N. Michi ieago, U. , onal News Ci. sect Bh hme aan Estar ISSUED MONTHLY SINGLE COPY, 15 CENTS [Unie Ste, 4130 Toalote couieaiathe Petal Usien 2 : 2B [AND ederipions are continued at expan.” Plame examion the dae prised on poor wnepe. uihiy Wy POPUCAR MHCHAMICS CO, ‘Sopris 8 by 3. 3, Wreso%. Pcrv bears fo 22-55 come ees Contents for February, 1915. Bleetrcity 7H Voltage: in atte tis a Baype tt ice sd Bewertal 20007! HR Boe Outdoor Sub- 1 Burieetn ‘of England Bes ene news Saves Foe: ‘i faa Ranges, Innition Device Dasiznel {a Seopa hs 'hetiarkable Cluster of ss iced, Used te Porras igi Gunboat i ser it Disabled Tt Ginoowder, Tenney a = ile Ee a Handles, Hickory, Forest Service Standards for 2, Show Hashlone, Spring Clamp. Hogee Plans-ElshteHoows Reader Hudson Bay ‘Route, Variation ‘af the Company over Tee Coltsrdnm Used ig Repairing Dynes. Inhect, Raynges Cost $000, 2 Year in Dara co Crope Apatlater PUR, Mele, 762 Bec Bip an Gian, ot the eee ‘Boma aaden “Takes Pre Cs athe arbor Centers, Agiomatie Grinder for Laundry: Device—Pan Blows Hot Suds through Clowes, Combined with Packet Hule. ‘English: Verde Machin thop ip Ona" atalow oats... 2 Hea tele Bar fog Heorneneatan’ 0°17 Manty—Hanke Notes, Smal, Tasued in Pedace end ngiead ene Money, Paves Abliije New Desiges fomarcycle Driven along Perpendicul Wstoreyele Made sate, ator Sleich yeles, ‘Light Equipment fo : Motors’ Long sereke, Camine'iniy Eavar Motors, Steel Cylinder, Made at Low Cort.” Mower, Mator Driven’ Three Wheeled : Matec, Separating team the Screen fe Hovel Plan tor Uulising Power of od Practied “Thlngs for co “Ever Pre Micke is a Beau Eaclte "Bapestion, Lamp. Pedtetal fos [Continued on Page 6) A SEES EERE BOSRGEEIE BER EE ESE BEESEGREDENEEEHGREREER (6) Biter et oe Mitr Rak. eae oe ise pe eis i te a ‘ory By-Products. od ater Pive Gea ‘with Lights Larnest of Type, ‘Summons Bolicema late Vehicies in City Streets... Table, Made {rom Apple Juice Sted, ‘Single Runner, ts Coating Novalis... Stakes Provided wiih Concrete flouses.. eae Hanes: Fact. Caretuy’ Gated. eps, Movable, That Work Like Elevator... Blot, Severe Atlantic Conse bs Smapt by Street Sweeper Covers Big Area in Short Time. - Suiway Trains, Safety Platforms Bult lor Sunshine, Village Hat Twenty Minutes of Bursery——Hones, Broken, New Method af Wend wit, ‘Chidren's Folding, Adapted jor ity Bak Festiva jamese Capit “Germin ‘Soldiers Who Fougin toe Telephone Boothe ‘Telephone Conversation, Apparavae for Recording Fosse Srpee, New Pagene Rigetic z EERE Fs and ‘TradeMark "Made in ‘Design Wanted ‘Tynnel“ailroad. through’ Toland’ Mowniain. |S. BBY ‘Huropean' cnia Sends Food ta. Starving. Ce Britaa'e Appeal to Tez Vout ‘ ‘ritish Carnpe an the Cantitesi, Scenes ins -.> eibion of War arg. Fighting Gr Airmen and. Sharpshoot ‘Motor Cars, the Battleships of Land... Papeete, How the French Colonists Deemed Pathetic Side of War Seen by the Camera Bed Cross in Field apg) Hospital. With the Ruses of War, Time Worn. That Sul Worx. Soldiers, at the, Frant. Everyday Lite of. Spy and How He Works. By, Searle “Hendes ” ‘Franaportation io War. German Mediyms of ‘Pregches, Segner of etal Mating 3 : Uptlormas of Soldiers an Battle Fields of Burope ‘Been in the Wake of * was Bich ay. Produced by Belgian Baker Comment aed Reviews. Automobile Top Servet ix sig Navopal: in Operation eer SSEBEREEREESS Wreck" Dwelling Erashen by: Rairond ae Wrenches That “Are Bele A uo ite Beppelin Factory Damaged by British Airmen 20 SHOP NOTES Automabile Bodies, Ipelosed. Vesdlating. 0... 200 Astometile gory, Fagen Molfiog' 6... ag ‘Bgoten, Rensiriags sce. fiend” Power 0 Bookiate fer Iineranta vss ‘Be Gam ‘Cutting Pintare for a erch ‘Lathe! {71217 Egniiesieks Cottaue a Colle Sline tom Buuorteie: Hotdiag oo... 2. aed Seocrete tise. omersnge, is if Dividers Weed ai Baw Pen and : Billing, Holding O41" Shaped "Pieces whi ‘ Sasa Fence Rider, Biectrié.!.!2 : i Contents—Continued Fige Bucket, Flat Bottom, Fitted with Curved ren Lamps, ‘Removing “Globes ‘from! !? : Furmacy for Metaie ef Low Fusion "Femperabures Gombret Hoste : Plemeck Bed. Provecting ie Be ee Becca * cock a Pipe: Fines, Locating Centers al" >-.: Puch "Multiple: Bice Redlatar, Gap Wa Bile Sieneer for veiing Head far’ Thin Fubin Lh Ruut Ee Prevent Foray ia Sand Unloaded’ trom Prejgue Cars, Mapper’ tor ‘Messer ° Sttomhip Chart dar 3 Hoist Latiys 2. Telephone Belay otch Mae roacd ety igjestng Punctare Sealing Cpr Track, 8 ine "Attachment fore” jerter og Shield tor vibe A atic, tae Water Glass Pings Eiktne toot for Automobile Engines ied, Making ter Laboratories. 2. Water’ Hester, Gat Engine Extaurt. AMATEUR MECHANICS Bicyetg OH Lamp. Changed to Electr Light. Batsled. Inexpensive Gandles, Moor he sass SIRPESEE sens EE ‘Bucher alls. Glider. Paper, ha eats Apparat, ine tia! amie Heated Pirciess ‘Cooker Hinges Uked te Substiate Night Hol : cic, for the Ht im Hleetrically Kettle Handle Supnert.. Box, Selt'Feeding ‘Substitite (ar, Phononragh Record Boxes, Relieving Air Preeware Wien. Glosiah Bhotorraghic Wot, Tae for Soa n-GeRousd Back Thrust Prevented ‘on. Hand, Propellers for Sled, Steering sess Snomball Maker Staple Puller Title, Double’ Yop “iar ‘Thick! Corks in a Box mon ‘Water Fitter ° : Water Meter,” Homemade 1...) 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Aen OVAL stoily cours ia tam—conti cout, ‘tbar cours, Eee youcven decide, eat mew the etal of Cs eee ciee=en ind bow pou ea, weet hit oe ety, eet started right om your Get Your Degree by | Mail al the sel oven dara ma om of dre send oat “pn caupell ion wih te Latabe Eszenton Univeniy Court a Law. lta perk oe eg gene Su ule ol hse Mane APR eo i tion an tre n Credit Free Fe a pees some. pepe 185 oper of ern me cross Ma Coupon—Offer Limited poe , SR sieis Bete oer ai une en arse Seanagres LASALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY, De, Please send me fll particaars of your fre on witout ai er, ‘gorring to how J cen spire S1OOD0 Peon Cro Te healers tok Mbthie to the La Name Adress 8 POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION Ee OU AEA | ge What Clarkson crime aS ‘TRADE is Doing for Woune nor no| > Mf the Book Buyer P rigs wasared pritetple of all portend then het pel [Peeetiteecin desoryon ronan ans tating . It to-you that we have started hun- Zareds of others into the repair business and as Schauffeurs—who had no previous experience Sand who knew na more about an auto than you do right now—you must admit we can do Hhesame for yu. Writes laday—new~and ie mere ea heh Select set tie SUSE von are making nage. Don't Sgr, we help orks maki noloynent Plan, yout wat Bovxe: NEW IDEA OF TEACHING ZBY MAIL WITH WORKING MODELS. —and Save Money Send 55e free camer Sim learn hg costa Stab aed SOMTINTS.— Soltero. Ths Tree deine” pe ice aed Ya Meet fae kits Acti ard Vom nie Auras SPON & CHAMBERLAIN 123 P.M. Liberty St. © This reprostinte yours of Wark Uo provide maiucthing that B., Deepet are norte aati ht Tints ay the Ded ro ATCA We armnoh eg ai reect rp 2 ra 3: Somes CORRESPONDENCE ScHOOL, OF MOTORING Box 189, Roc Bldg. T. LOUIS, MO. Boy Craftsman We Tells how to make all kinds of eww Book ust prin Please Mention Fopwtar Mechanics "Pa Fear Dacor oni td nse ow tm think lal diectons er eit, Mt conctaraton Mew imac he poet fn Hole Be lA Co Tagg ty goat guid exces I Thane iat How tote Haw 9 rome Wi ‘wil The NINETY-NIKE METHODS “loa Wil Pees ia the ate YOR MAXIME for tp Eh reede ar rewerict, fea, Hasgimaions Sal ‘nara Coats a twas omg been ye Haw to coem Po ABS! onl only ‘Seamer dooming Wie to Une ll Worry. ootet Buy hein ‘Tae Law of Wi Fowe le Hable, POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION 9 What Readers Say ‘ent ero | HizPower of Will [= Brought Success He had no batter chance than you—he simply made the most of that God-given fasuiy of wil which niatene a give ua, Instead piglet Maelo sterastnaly tamed are ey ear yssiedticant oily incivonta,inutead of lettingrinetinetaani apne: ies rin away with biny~instend of permltsina atvera to conceal we xerclzed his will—he Iecanse wiantorat Hineael®bo ore {o dominate others instead of allowing others todeminate him. Great men are bora with no.rrester gifts than others. ‘The secret of their achievenvents lies in the fact that Hoey use thelr faculticn Iatead of allowing them to become acotebed and dormant. 1? you sprained your ankle qn didn ¢ touch your foot to the sound for Mhontha, ft would berwrme 20 wenk you enulde't put-your weight ont, ihe eame fe (rueof the-wil, Te becomes weakened ikea suscle foam inck ef us" A Wonderful Course in Will Training Perchologiste found years neo that memory can be: teained by Entalligent exercise. Now it haa been proven by over fi,000 people thee the wil tan ie etrenathened in the very mime way: Ey the Dellere ta ah ped at at ih Inf believe Sinly tenmgh seplosing Repehapenen Hianebster. Ohta ™ *lllsoawer, ts a compl fella ia at weckit ton ee Sf ore, Rector Cs, SLES Sis “Tie tna. Heat chapters ee arth we atered fies ti a feck Bef ele sat ‘understood hat Anyone can appiy the simple tnetructions. Helps Everybody hg ha tae dct en of cen oat ot ith Zivs Sects "orien porate: SROs Ueto" aaa? Gea arimest ey rel SSPRERIOoE WHEL foe success Geerol ie east Uhsa Maen HeKelin‘of, ‘Neomexa. Postinast Se eer Hea aoe aie gt Hee teat alae eeeee ran Fe he a ‘Send No Money—Examine Book First ‘The pobllahers will send yom. copy troo— wilh? witnnat charge Prati si peer ARTA On toe Bote a Wilt will Ee gees or ee a ee ea ie yom Sout waae enermanentiy. wnt it bee (oa the coupans uae, before on 8PM, Sa Pelton Pub. Co, §2 Pelion Blg., Meriden, Com. 19 POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION YOU CAN MAKE $25 BY REPLYING TO THIS ANNOUNCEMENT TODAY SWEENEY AUTO SCHOOL Tt you ever Intend to learn the automobile business bere je ls your chance, and peomt action wil ake you 82.00. Oa Mare isk the Shoal ‘as any 5 ft accept one Gent Umtl You Have sech the school and know what you are semting. 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For this, a corps of scien- tific pioncers in our Research Laboratories at Schenectady delves unceasingly into the hid- den ways of science—exploring the whole warld for new mate- rialsynew methods,new thoughts and supplying the results of this Brightening the Lives of your Children’s Children search tothe makersof MAZDA lamps so that they may bring the perfect light always a little closer. For this, too, thro’ all the years to come, MAZDA Ser- vice will go on and on, ever seeking to improve the lamps of tomorrow as it has improved the lamps of yesterday. And thus as the mark MAZDA etched ona lamp means to you the best lamp of today, so ta your children’s children, MAZDA will mark the lamp that sums up in their day all this endless search for the perfect light. GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY @y MAZDA “Not the name of a thing but the mark of aSeruice” Please Mention Popular Mechanios w POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION Be a Signal Engineer ‘of Slenal Engineering ls ony in te inlincye Thousands of men gereciad Cat ihe yeesent is earenymiaee oan 2 the rlrond aoe uly ope ia autpvaic electric Boek soy. We ma per feineers to superintend the gota of the new syatemenadthe anentenene of the that are already jastalled. Bir money irbeine paid, Ean get juste kindof motruction you need fo hold one Sf the big jabs in'your own home during rere md the, couban ‘nos for the big new bock on ginerriog. Find out how you can be the boxe ike man Wha gets thetar pay envelope. WHR Coda Earn $2,500 a Year Yes. that is what your salary will bawhen you are a full edged Signal Enuineee. “Many men making more then that, Even while vowarelearningyou ean heldore Randsoime anlar: Here layer opauytungy, Petheman ‘who tell the ther fellows what tado. 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This remarkable Library had previously been sold by subscription, but by purchasing the entire snsold edition from the publishers we secured itat an absolutely wiheard of reduction. Therefore we are able to offer afew sets to POPULAR MECHANICS readers at AN EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN as and we will tall you how to ae! on. Send the staged season AT ONCE apd Ea eae ae THIS MARVELOUS WORK is revolutionizing modern thought. It gives the authoritative, rock-bottom sources of our knowledge on ALL SUBJECTS OF HUMAN INTEREST from the earliest civilization down to today — the inside facts which the average person has never even heard of. 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