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POPULAR $10,000 scox FREE Complete Prices, Etc., Etc., ly too va Photographic Reproductions, Floor Plans, ‘The most com discriminately. Ifyou intend building and desire some practical au “ 1. 708 says end ost 0 cote FREE from * Xo one elna im all the world oan wake ack low prices on NEW, MIGH GRADE bailding matcria and merchandlve Onrapntin a CASH BUVERSS places ab hue comma fine avery. barca worth saving.” Ware nacatigh Fupugetmal gre; All, ihe insbethewn, prose ofthe wholesalers Sobber and nelaler fem fn Four pockets TANMRWRIE SAdviag ents mesa tor ou! Head ‘boow hae oar ctatowers aay: Degen watt any Beto proot? YOUR PROTECTION: UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE) CAPITAL STOCK s10,00.60, ‘Wie soul not dareship roa a carload of bulldiag material valued any there from 510.0) 9 #24000 michout ONE. CENT DOWN, if ‘ne misrepresented one single, {tem You are perfectly safe and can arrange to ray for tho $ BUYS THE MATERIAL FOR THIS HOUSI Complete Blue Print Plans, Specifications aud Material List frewif you purchase. IE vent for! (Ceamination 4201 deposit requireds hbloney relunded If unsatistactory. HOUSE No. 6-A An example of our truly wonderful Bargains: A modern home of 7 rooms and bath. ‘Our Plan Book contains more than 100 carefully. selected designs. develop building ideas, If spt suited with anyefthode crt canhvelpyou ‘Kenecial depart: Fs reonad service for the No.1 Framing Lumber sing Hed Codae Rape, te FS hee ee enries Eee eer fnalriduaP home bolder: ‘everythin flan Byatt come a veel Hoa sf ardnary (nteieene ean Complete Sisam Heating Plant. $188.63. Complete Het Woler Pant. $199.24 Fhgnnnds of natisted cntomers have witten utters inter a thes We donot wh to have there oye by tnnecoury coreapondeace bet wil wsppy Fost Gllcsadaicascs ts aay chowies stile tance” seed folks ane pes atarfese gute | We goetved she amber in | K write towxprom my entire Fefersivg 9 me for goa nave | fay the plan called for. | Shlcksowtcnt me last fle fin yom agreettadcby me, | house by buying lumber of | Ehavesaved about $80.00 tn es me. 80.0) and | you" ¥ouoan meter anvody | spite of the. heavy freteht also got Thiatrial and | T'mothatyou want t,and | Futon for a Raul of about Inspgetion weal albetjer hove, they‘ean taapect aur heise | IDO miles ingen Lewis souNa | “"Giwcd Jorns. Donn | “Ysiqued) F108. JENSEN | (Signet) FRANK W. SMITIL Pennssivania dio ‘Titnoi Massachusetts Enormous stock always on hand, ready for quick shipment. Our marvelous facilities in buying, handling and distributing enable us to undersell any market. Great bargains in bullcing materials of every tind: Mill work (Doors, Windows, Frames); Mantels aod Grates; Cabinets, Coloanades and Grilles; Hardware; Palat: Structural iron: Beng Aleta Honana, etc. eta. Also a ‘Grecerien, Clothing, Shoot and other general ‘mers chapdiece We yerirgthing and we cantare you money op evensiniag we handle. It you can spare tho tse como fo Uhleago and got acquainted with ox A trip through out plant will bo nm education tu economy. aA aT Tae et} Zrominentiy known to, the pubis for g0years.a8 thegrent Price Wreckers” ad now owned by the Harris Brothers life tent Ogre rota encom hg oe om ean ees opine ange ae Pe nile neg, There i tke fone Havrte Brethare wiih bree ‘tle goods. ) HOUSEWREOKING amet the Harris Broth Company TET eke Hlestrig Light al Oatalogua wi Furniture and Stoves iy cusknacos everyth ng Be sure tomention| Res tnaseerrs ‘and a Maamusth Gu Drafting! Learn at Home on This Great Offer! Yes, learn Drafting and Designing right at home—during your spare time. Never before have there been such tremendous opportunities for men who take up this interesting and profitable work. Never before have salaries been so high, You can become an expert Draftsman and Designer in a surpris- ingly short time by my practical. method of instruction. There will be a good payitig position waiting for you when you have completed my Course. Send the Free Coupon at once for full particulars of the Limited Free Offer Iam making at this time. Limited FREE Offer! If you_enroll now I will ge you a Tuition Credit, valued at $25.00. I want a number of students quickly in order to supply the big demand for expert Draftsmen and Designers. This Free Offer is open for a limited time only and you must act immediately. If you enroll now, you, save exactly $25.00— your expense will be nominal. I will instruct you personally — give you the benefit of my years of successful experience. All needless theory is thrown aside. Igive you just the kind of training you must have in order to succeed — give you the actual and p1 work to do in your home. FREE! $17.50 Set of Drawing Instru- e ments If You Enroll At Once As an extra inducement for you to enroll within the next 30 days I will give you absolutely free a magnificent set of Drawing Guarantee | Instruments. Handy size, leather bound pocket case. Teuarantee to instruct | This fine set of instruments will last for years and will prove of great you until in a position | service and value when you are workingasanexpert Draftsman. Don’t ing. $75.00 to $200.(0 in thi E - ; Paying $1.00 t0 $0.0 | delay in this matter. Send Free Coupon today forfull information. Poymer paras: | $125.00 to $200.00 a Month 4y FOR YOU That's what you can earn as expert Draftsman—and more. My graduates are most successful in filling big paying positions, You can start a business of your own and make $2,500.00 40 $5,000.00 a year. Mail This Free Coupon Today Bay ‘Mail coupon or send post card today. I will send you my book “The Road to Success ” and full particulars of my Limited Free Offer. You assume no obligations —eyerything sent to you free and prepaid. This is an opportunity which does not ‘often come vour way—an opportunity to learn Drafting and Designi gi Rome diving sourspare momens>to gat 8.00 Taiion Free~to get 2 im set of Drawing Instruments Free, Bon't delay. Send Coupon or post card todayimamediatelys CHIEF ENGINEER Room 501, Engineering Bldg., Chicago, TM. me sont be eal to your Limited Free, Btter. Send oversthing Free and Prepaid. Building a Boat This Winter? If So = a Remember That YOUNG MARINERS» SHOULD LEARN “THE WOOD RES is, has been, and always will be The Safest Most Enduring & Most Economical BOAT MATERIAL ever grown by nature or made by man. The U.S. GOV'T REPORT, (June, 1911) says that ‘John Lawson, writing about 1714 upon the resources of North Carolina, gives valuable information upon the CYPRESS canoes’ part in the coast and river commerce at that time.”” How reasonable, then, is the de-, duction that ‘the best canoe wood in éarly times was Cypress,""—and how inevitable that later on “builders'of sailboats and small ships in South drew liberally upon Cypress for plank’ Branp NEW decking, masts, and other parts of the vessel. Vol. 19 1.19 200 YEARS LATER —IN 1914 oO we find a typical case of a modern sailboat it Michigan, planked with CYPRESS and perfectly sound, even at the water line, afler 20 years’ use— whereas the gunwales (of a much “harder”? wood) are rotting away —without even a ‘'5-day notice." CYPRESS is the Answer, -dog ll When planning a Yacht,How-boa SOUTHERN CYPRESS MANUFACTURERS’ ASSOCIATION 1219 HIBERNIA BANK BUILDING, NEW ORLEANS, LA. INSIST ON CYPRESS AT YOUR LOCAL DEALEWS. IF HB HASNT IT. LET US KNOW IMMEDIATELY Popular Mechanics Magazine 818 W. Washington Street, Chicago, U.S. A. EDITED BY H, H. WINDSOR ISSUED MONTHLY Published monthly ty POPULAR Mi SUBSCRIPTION: ln Ucited Sate, and it pomanion, Cuba and Manion, pr earspowpsid === SINGLE COPY, 13 CENTS $1.50 175 2350 Al mbcripions are dicontnued at expiration, Please examine the date printed on your wrappe. oured st Secend Cass Matter Sept. 15, 103, atthe Fostoffce at Chicago, Hinos, under Actot March Se, 1079. SHANICS CO, ‘Theattention of prospective aiverisers is called to the policy of this magazine in accordance with which the publisher waives all claim for p2yment of any advertisement appearing in any issue where the number of copies actually priated and circulated is less than the number printed on the front cover page: Copyrigived 113, by Agricultural Advertsing by _Automobil Aefial Warfare, Use Clouds’ Curtains Asronlane Rast, Retired Mucttene Man: Wins, ste Growing on Electric : Rifle for Practice Saves Ammunition Cost. ship. New Guinea tobe, Replored. by. ‘Ambuhince, “Motor 7 Aneathelaing, Machines “Aid Surgeons. Animal: Meghanical, in. High-Schoot. Parade ‘cued Cureuy” Brings Waser to pote Asbestos ‘Deposit Round in Natal-.: Peis lng sang oe ‘Avtomotile Body Made of Papier-Mache. Avtomoble Stesting, Wheel, Hebuurt este Automobiles, Curtains ae, 4 Automebies: Device Automobiles, Blestrle Gear Sitters Automobiles, Self-Starter of New Type for. BUGEhipe old, Seling at Auction” Bed, Disappearing, for Small Apartments. Binding Pobt,Spsing, for Electret Connection. sulaied Perch for. Later Bult cea Mota Short Cut Damping Used tn s, Packing. Gouernrunt, Fey for Cast Hon Reinforcing. for Bridge, Largest Concrete, Completed” Bridges, Long Flat Slab Concrete Railway. Gableway at Nome Lands Passengers and Freight. leway, Himalayan, Plan to Build... Galsion Buding’ New: Methods Canal Lock Operated by Water Ballast Car, Storage Gement Shelter for Signal Men... Centenary Hall, Great, at Breslau. Chimneys, No Brick, in Alaska Chimneys, Prominent, Feature of Bungalows. ‘By Charles Alma Byers China, Old, Meaning of Marks on--- Glock: Hurricane Blew. Dial Of, ‘Made of Apples is 80 Ft. High; from South Africa... attery, for Aliska Narrow Gauge. 7 Contents for January, 1914 Dog Kennel, Ornamental, Made of Concr Draining Florida Swamp, Clever Ides, Basis of. Braving Board’ That Rolle Up. ‘at Work in Harbor... Bradee* Largest Hydrate Besley, Left reer Belt odes Tact Sire Bi, teprored Gagan BoE Bas Sarerrgad Ais Ney, de! Bur ba aaa gine Wage Hes mene ener Pane Marton Roe Boe Fis mCoat hunt dspeel oy Miser Be Bie oe Gon ine Seared oy Moar, POD Boab Wear Wee Od Ai Fires Best, Meg er bein : Files Mactine Bis Ns ir, Lh of Steel Garage, Side Hill, Set’ in Front Lawn. Gas Engine, Most 'Powerlul Ever Built. Gas Heater, Round Front, ‘Satisfactory Gas Plug Gontect Gives, Plex as, Rare, to be Used in Vapor Gold, Pine from New Alaskan Fields Greenhouse, on Garage Proves Bracical 0.0110 48 Grinsy’s ‘Tower. 2 North Sea, Sentinel 22 Guns, Field, in Action Showing Recoil. 53 Halltarks, ‘Special, for Plaginum, tse Harbors, Central American Coast 2 66 Hearse ‘Crosses Continent on Trip to Dat Heater, Safe, for Use in Garages. s High School Building, ‘Moving Historic Records, Society for Pr Hoist, Inclined, Used by Best House Boat de’ Luxe with Gs House Boat, Royal Chinese, Built of Marble House Plans—Cottage with Good Arrangement of, ‘Rooms Hunting Vest Holds Shells Handtiy Ice, Artiicial, Rapid Process tor Making. Stock’ 6 Clock, Watchman's, is Proof against Tampering.. 78 Ice. Pure, Now Made from Condenser Water Goal Dust Explosions, Stone Dust Prevents 23° Indian, Bronze, Marks Barly Trail.» ‘ Coal Pumped through Water Pipe. . 82 Industry, Modern, Enormous Development of Goaling Station, Modern, Wrecked 37 Insulating and Hist Preventing Chemical, New Composing Room, Time Saving Device for..../. 114 Irrigating Rice Fields in Old Jap: tine Concrete Beams, Machine for Festing 90 Kleselgukr Deposits Found in ‘chile Concrete Pillars, Reinforced, a Test of. 108 Kite, Large Man Carrying, Flies Steadil Crane. Portable Steel, for Garage. ; 82 Kites. French Navy to Use for Reconnoiterine. Cyclecar Construction, Latest Developments in:!. 70 fadder Staging, Geman, Jargely, Used ss Dam, Concrete, Citizens Build in 44 Hours...... 102 Magnetic Trouble, Holds Itself, Derrick, Quickly Wrecking, Saves Money. 26 Lamp, Seif Lighting, for Use in Gold Mining: Desert, Robbing of ts Menace. - 45 Lamp:Post Cives Street Name and Number. fy Lou Wescott Beck Lamps, Portable Electric, for Miners...+.- Desert Winds, Sind Blast, Action of. 100° Language, New, Norway to Ado Desk Chair, Portable, of” Many” Uses 88 Laundries, Rural, Lewen Labor of Farm Lite (Continued on Page 6] Popular Mechanics offers no premiums; does not join in “clubbing offers,” and employs no solicitors to secure subscriptions. It is for sale by nearly every newsdealer in the United States and Canada. (6) Contents— Continued Lead, Harvest Eis inesetee Hes Sar tat ioe Sill Hamfe i ncn mn, for Ordinary Bord... Fécomotive Accident: Uncrual oa Kocomotives, Eighteca-Tons Tauled by ‘track’... 61 Locomotives, Bisetric, for ee York Terminals. .116 Eecomotives, High-Voltage, Bicectturents ss... 78 ‘mail Exchahger ot Peculiar Design. Mantes in’ Gil Pioneer Styles Marble, Deaver, for Lincoln’ Memorial. Hiters'Gesr Hiss Sheepskin ‘Langone Metric, Syeigm, Tncressing, Use ol Milking Machine, Men Used im Sweden... Mononfane New. Buk for Saneor Dumont: Monamen® Maks fenument to Two Motion Bietere ‘Drama, “Real By Prank Parker Stockbridge Motion Picidres, ‘Concave Screen for Motorboat Silencer of New ‘Type. s.200000. Historeyele, Handy Pralter tor?es- 00000202 Motorcycle with Boatlike. Body. Motorcycles, Londony Show Development from the Soil. Motoreycles, Novel Friction Drive tor. Motor Truck Towing Canal Boats. . Norway, ‘Why First. at South Pole. Oil, Million and a Half Gallons Burnit ing or ‘Gaed in Bars B0 Yeas Ago: 108 Bekce Biposition, Great, in London. Pearl, Fresh Water, Hunting °°": no Decorations, Indian Legends Shown in.. Piano in Balloon "Plight Played in Mid Pipe, Iron, Floating Bist, ‘Bommery, Renwarded “by Branch Acai propels of Aaroplance Bonnar, Seuaaras PeReriae aia: reg lag A hr liver Feeetng' Ss Province Gane Oe sea: Refrigerator, Iceleas, for Home Use ot erator’ on Wheels Late Motor Feature. . 1). 74 Read, Two Hundred ind Fifty Wile, Made ina Roof, Concrete, Reinforced with Barbed Wires 77 Safe,” Nonremevable I a0 Scale, Recording, for “Waybiiliny : a Scale’ Weighs Each Fish as Caughi. as Schoolhouse Models by Parcel Post. 59 Schooner Uses Various Kinds of Power. Sao Beat, Child's Portable Folding. . Seat for Traffic Officer. .. Ship, Fighting, Mest Formidatie’ Bver Bs “Tynemount,”, Electrically. Propelled jew Kind’ of Double Skin for-.- Ships, Rubber Ausiiany “Armor for restring joes Not Reauire Tying. ign, Electric, Uses Perforated Plates... Sign Warns against Excessive Speed Signboards, Artistic, Used in Eurepe Signs, Lordon, Displayed for Americans Silos,” Metal, Effect Big Savings. Smoking on’ Ship, Electric Light Conirols..- Steel Framing, New, Built without Disturbing Oid Steet Plates Coated with Azphale and Asbestos Store, Smallest, Attracts, Trade 2 Surface Contact, System™ Works Well. Suing, Market Basket, for the Baby Tireet Shine, Fighting «Dust wih Feleariph, Rapid, Adopted by German Government 83 Telephone, Novel Uses of... Teating (Car, New, Bureau of Standards’ Has: 8 fuss," Hardwood, ‘on European’ Ratiways, ‘Timber Preserved with Sugar and Arseniz... Timber, Transpsrted “ever oA Tice, Airless, Built Lik ‘Toasting Srtad, Machine fort ‘Fiothpl and ‘Toothbrash Combised. ia Boat Destoyer in Colleton Hae Waren “Automate, Gaed is Ragland Frains, Lang Distance Nosetop Parsencer ‘Tree Planting Machine Seven Time. Frese, Balint, Intersting Cont Fiche’ Familiar’ Conjurere® Sepisinee Trolley Pole, Making Srnsmental ‘Truck, Four-Wheel Drive, Climbs Flight of Stairs 120 Biter demote Prete dee re aa Vaults Protected with Live Wires. Ventilation , Ducts under Seats. Washington's Old Survey Found er Meters, Concrete Tank for Testing Water Soitencr English Sanitary Device Wateriall, Greatest in the Worl Window, ‘Ventilating, New ‘Type of. Windshield, Folding,’ for Radiators. Windshiela’ Protects Motorcyclists Rope Over a Mile Long, Shipping! Wireless Control of Souniiag’ Bulloonse Wireless Equipment for Aeroplanes... Wireless Messages from Earth Currents, ‘Rea Wireless Tower Tallest Structure in Amer Wood Sawyers, Chinese, Earn Pittance. Wreck at Cairo Files Cars High... Wreck, Shows How the Steel Car Saves ‘Berailment Wreck, Soldiers’ Die is SHOP NOTES Angle Plate, Toolmaker's..- 135 ‘Ave, Roreing "Notch in 1134 Asiomnobile Clutch, To, Remedy the Grip of... ge ras Castin stitute for... Brick Stack, Building tn Cid "Weather," Brsiee tion for”. “aga Bushings, Tight, “Remov’ 132 Buttons ‘on Garments, Shicid for Cleaning... 180 Cleaner, Pressure, for’ Greasy Machinery.) ..../121 Goncreie Form 63 Make ‘Round Ineide Corners. 184 Worn, Increasing the Diameter of... Billet Hols Rcanine ti weno aPee® o.: Dailling Sianting Holes in Metal Ges Clots Protecting. Gauge, Taper... Glass ‘Cutter fot Graphite ‘Cup Filer. ‘Balky, Loadi EShe Bote sad Thieadug’ tes). Metal, How to Boce «Taper Hole in. Rng ‘Cutters Bayncsiping Weise Torch Pipe, Sol, Plugging he Bell ad of... Pluribing” Old snd New Methods is. : Bocken Machinists, fo Preven titi Sagaiag’ “8 Poultry, Exercising’ in Winter. Punch,’ Cembination Center” and’ Circie! fase Upseiting "Teol for.<"*... Snowplow for Clearing Sidewalks Spade, ‘Side Cutters on... Steel, "HighSpeed, Annealing. Strap Hanger, Stabilizing... : String Cutting Attachment fora ‘Finger ‘Ring! Stopping Handle for Safety Razor Blades.» Hepes etgeing (rom, Preteng Waters ‘lepiony, Practical—Pa Subrwas Ground Cables. : sd Thermometer, “Simple R Trick, Escape from 2 Locked Valve Stem Broken, Repairing. Water Heating Attachment for a Watering. Trough, Hinged:...-+. Wheelbarrow, Dump Sides on Windows, Show, Preventing Frost on AMATEUR MEcHANrCS Accounts, Home, Method. of Keepin ‘Alnem, Fire and: Burglar, How to Make > Bleyele Sprocket, Rear,” Removing Blicktoare or Children Bbwein, ‘How to Mase Boring a Long Hele. Brash for Applying Soiderag Acid sh for Applying Soldering Aci Compass Time Charts 1. Gas Biove Too, Covering for [plwell and, Penholder. ines, Bind ie Melore Sinall Retersiag! Switch for.” 3 Photographic Printing Frame, Attached Back for. | Pocket Memorandum, Homemade Loose-Leaf.-.. 151 Rowboat, Hand Propeller Wheel Attachment for. 145 Ski Staff, How to Make. oe Skis, Homemade, Sag Sled, Monorail, How to Make. cae ‘rcke Performed with Thumbs Tied" Together! “148 Wrench for Different Sized Nuts... arcs MECHANICAL DRIVE HEN the big belt at the end of a longlineof shafting snapped with a disagreeable report, throwing a half dozen machines out of com= ‘« mission, the manager of the busy Indiana manuiactur- ing plant turned to the Vice President of the corporation. with an exclamation of disgust. “These things always happen on the wrong day,”” he said. ‘The Vice President rather unexpectedly smiled. ““Maybe it happens just at the right time,'” was his comment as he left the place. In ten minutes he was back with the President. - *‘What you sce here,’’ he said to the President with a glance at the halted work. ‘illustrates better than an hour of talk the immediate need of this con- cern. The board was satisfied to get in that Curtis ; turbine and every one agrees that the new electric power was a big thing for the works, but we're away out of date on the rest of the equipment. You know what the line shafting costs, You know that the power 1 loss in transmission is somewhere between 25% and $ 40%, You know how the whole contrivance of line shafting cuts out light, how dirty it is, how badly it « effects insurance rates and how dangerous it is. We're none of us likely to forget that accident to Wincher in September. You know that we're paying for all this wear and tear and wasted power even when only a few of the machines are in use. This morning we have a ood clear showing of what happens to this whole Bunch of machines when anything’ goes | wrong with the belting.” “How would you fix it??? demanded pie President. “T'd settle the difficulty by cleaning out the whole mess of shafting and giving indi vidual motor drive to each machine. Then ‘only the active machines would be using power, and the stopping of one would not peste, with any of the others. Now we ie have to start up the whole of a wasteful and dangerous transmission system to move one rab How Electricity Affects Production Efficiency The Guarantee of Excellence on joods Electrical ELECTRIC DRIVE machine. With individual drive each machine is in dependent, and a wide margin of waste is cut out every day. Into the bargain the output would be boosted, man for man, by the modern system, I’m no. technical expert, but I should say we were bound to do from 15% to 20% more work with the same force, not counting the salary saving from the simpler ma- chinery aystem.?? ‘As the thing turned out that accident had happened at exactly the right time, The next board meeting took up the problem and a local electrical engincer’s figures Showed that motors and installation would fgure much below the theoretical cost. The actual showing four- teen months after the installation was that the saved percentage more than covered the cost of the change, with an outlook of certain results in economy, while the increase in output quite justified the Vice Pres- ident’s prediction, In small plants and in large ants, from coast to coast, the newer, cleaner, safer electrical methods are transforming the production problem; first, by improv- ing the physical conditions of plants in the matter of ion per machine unit; second, by increasing the working efficiency of each machine unit and exch human unit. In refinery or in machine shop, in mill or in prin ing plant—in any place where power is used, the eff ency and economy of electrical methods are being proved. Whatever your problem may be, however large orsmall, it will pay you, in saved money and saved effort, to consider’ electrical help. Take up the matter today with your electric power and light company or any General Electric Company agent in your vieinity. You will find them more than glad to co-operate with you, and no matter how complex your problem may be they have at their command the service of any part of our organization that may be most useful to them and to you GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Cincinnati, Ohio Salt LakeCity.Utan Nashville, Tenn. Cleveland, Ohio ‘Largest Electrical Manufacturer New Haven,Conn, San Francisco, Cal. Columbus, Ohio in the World New Olean La.” St, Louls, Mo. Davenport, lowa ‘New York, N.Y. Schenectady, N. ¥. Dayton, Ohio Indianapolis, Ind. ‘Omaha, Neb. Seattle, Wash, Denver, Colo.,gq, Jacksonville, Fla. Philadelphia. Pa, Spokane, Wash. Detroit Mich: 2%) Joplin. Mo Pittsburg. Pa. Springtield, Mass. Va. Elmira,N.Y. fansia City, Mo. Memphis, Tenn, Portland, Ore. NY: Ere, Pa. Keokuk, Towa” Miwaukee,Wis Providence, R. 1. Toledo, Ohio .. Ft. Wayne, Ind. Knoxville, Tenn. Niagara Fails, N.Y. Richmond, Washington, D.C. Hartford, Conn. —_—_Los Angeles, Cal. Minneapolis, Minn. Rochester, N.Y. Youngstown, Ohio Daa, El Paso, Heustonand Oklahoma City onto, 0 For Temss, Oklahoma and Arima basines rele to Sputhwest Grneral Elesri Co ,(lormerlr Hotnon Fleer: Co, "For Canadian business reer to Canadian General Elecic Company ay JEXPLANATICNS $0 CLEAR A CHILD CAN UNDERSTANI TevLINGER Enews MODEL Se YT eT Be an Auto Mechanician Do work at homes of auto owners, no capital required—or start a shop of your own—or if you prefer drive a car, tester or salesman. We will teach youand show you how to start. Everyone in the business is making money and every year it grows four times, We, tosch, srersthing te Sharma on do's hv tb fing the grincine, ea eae ad eae 4 vour own reacuex ER RASA DYKES WORKING MODEL HOME STUDY COURSE it’s quicker and casler than working in a shop—yo Farouph the ce, Bo baw ted. etual practice OM ra! wr THE PROGRESSIVE CHART RANT TPS SE PRETO CUTON GEAR OFFER MANY SAY THEY LEARN A LOT FROM THESE 32- PAGE, FULLY ILLUSTRATED BOOKLETS ALONE foa— pow we, can tench YOU, how me ‘We Wil Show You— itr, taught kuserase Of others ‘We Will Further Show You «xdomements of the at uihorties of phe ‘wor/t, men who could not afford tiki eyatom 1616 ‘an ot abeolutely satisfactory in every respect. 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