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15 Cents 7 : POPP yar, “ is = CWE ex 5 Ey ARI See Paged73" 3 a SE etree and Emeinvece: —— a i 99 ie THE MATERIAL To Build This Harris Home > Easily Built— Guaranteed Construction a No Shortage No Extras “< An No Waste Cut-to-Fit that Builds Write Today We will name you freight repaid prices om ever thiad logit, teria ‘down. Get cur plat Build Your Home at the Price You Ought to Pay 23 YEARS OF EXPERT PLANNING Greatest of all is this Harris Home Building Plan, a truly wonderful offer—cleah and straightforward. ‘The fizat real helpful home building plan —the openin; else that mate possible for thous of sed Taere ‘OurGuarantee Protects You i cmeTa ter Teallge theft dream af years." ideale wit se rears the benviits Of 1 ecient rt P ‘study of Ezon eat abo. Finca 8 Wh te oa ie . cueupetttian Se Ee waste east gout a penny to-prt out offer mo er binding, tery ils oli capital stock, gives Suu a: kan clad protection. “You ean isk you take | THE MATERIAL Kootless bw Interior Onish, Floening and Cedar Shingles, RNa een eae ee | Hates Hen: PLANS FREE We mil end yon a complet st of be pit plans, su ‘wold enat vou fram $25 to Mail Coupon Below Today Plumbing and Heating | peers brie peerel | eee O trainaction guaranteed goed baclad nee "by our capital stock of $10,000,000.00 [HARRIS BR BROTHERS CO. ‘taictcs ae me POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION It's easy to learn the new dances with the music of the Victrola With a Victrola you can repeat at will all the latest dance numbers and practice a dance over and over until you have mastered it completely. You can have an impromptu dance whenever you wish—the Victrola is always ready and plays as long as any one wants to dance. The Victrola makes dancing a pleasure hat can be enjoyed in every home. Any Victor dealer will gladly play the newest dance music or any other music you wish tohear. ‘There are Vietors and Victrolas in great variety of styles from $10 to $250. ‘Victor Talking Machine Co., Camden, N. J., U.S.A ‘Alwayn wee Victor Machines with Vietor Recorda aad Victor Needles thecombénation, There {8 na other way to get the unequaled Victor tooe. 4 POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION ROTTEN WOOD WITH WOOD THAT WILL ROT? When you repair the roof, the porch, the barn, the fence, or anything else, WHY, OH, WHY DON’T YOU INSIST ON a [WHY REPLACE]||| THAT LASTS “THE WO ODj\| “YES, I ADMIT (’'M GETTING INTERESTED IN 4 [OSTHE: WOOD ETERNAL Ty “T ALSO ADMIT THA’ IT WONT DO ME MUCH GOOD UNLESS I INSIST ON GETTING CYPRESS ‘& NO SUBSTITUTES.” CYPRESS Devise Aux ROT INFLUENCES. Get your CYPRESS (“and no substitutes!” from your nearest Lumber Dealer, Write oar “Alleround Helps Dept,’ TODAY. Tell tis your plants and needs and. well’ sead “free at onte the Vol, of Cypress Pecket Lita {hat dtsyour case, (Auay VanvanePemrreas} Mfrs. Assn, 2 IRIE ——) cS “STOP DEPRECIATI BEFORE IT BEGINS— USE CYPRESS AT 1st.” “Do you like this style of a home instead of a Bungalow? — Then Let's Get It!" ‘$iezley? PLANS g2eiaol FREE in Vol.29 a Write aur “il-Raona Hele” Manages for froma So. Cypress Mire. Asen, Bt IS ON j Pleare atention Popular Mechanies Popular Mechanics Magazine N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, U.S. A. EDITED BY H. H. WINDSOR Eaglad:, ‘The latrnnioaal News Ca. ‘Bosna Bl, Chascery Lane, Landa, C. ISSUED MONTHLY ‘SUBSCRIPTION: ‘All rscctors are dacenitaed at esinnisn. Please cami the cats pels oo you wns, [Eze as Secend Clas Maer Sept 1 260, tena Pet Ofte at Chichen ln Ue Act OF Mish Sh, PH, ‘Exved a acca! Cam denser tf tha Bur Sace Departaay, Caetiie Ccipnghs Foster, Ain Ge ee TOT 7 e| Contents for August, 1915 Advertisement = Chemically TFeata Fire Engine wath Fined Ales, Mator-Driven Made (Sr Residence Use ‘Coal ie Fopular Mechanics offers no premiums; does not join in “clubbing offers," and employs no solicitors to secure subscriptions. It is for sale by nearly every nnwesdeaier in the United States and Canada. XD dem fw 5e.-*% Te Ae iN ‘ew ‘and “tip-io: inte Hydresiectic Plant New, of Large Capacity, Tieniig Board, New, Pole inter Chet na Kite’ test Held by Benes Chidven Lamp, Popa, Placed, 1nsi0e ot Bula Lantern, Acetylene Signal, tor Worest tervice Library, Pubic, aya Pamphlets in- [lgneing, Paistiog Machines White to Ald le Ligcoin’ Hizhway Pictared by Moving-Pictare | Locomotives, Baile Bad; Waly ior Brance Lumber Pues, Protecting trom High Winds Eonch Car for Golfers, Railrosd Runs". Mails, Transatiantic, im War, Manicuring Work, Electric Machine Devised for. Mater, Biscuie, Gutdecr Housing: Designed far Moriiinent tg Discoverer of Niltrlysete Mororeycle, Laaded Busey is Pulled Uphili Eee rep mag Ny ane Motorists Put en Honor in Cailfornin Cocnty. Mount ‘Vernon Site, Sa Mountain Peak, Srtw-Cla Moving-Picture Field, a Moving Picture Film, To aad Devices Used for De Moving “Pictires, Talking Chances to Pit Thribe || Wartare, Moder, No “Smoke of Gane” ia wees trie Bick Bare sia - Havel Pages Ticonge, Uncocal Picture of” Ri telstver Eloy ae Dry band Keo, ech Bente tow PEPER, aur Bhonograph and Tiarp are ee ie Pilea Beano ‘Power of, Tested by Concrete Pipe Ling, Repaicing’ in Brosan iver rere wel Aprbusie ar Brake Oi from Destrgedon’ reat Lookout Point i Banks, “Scope ob Prairie Schooner, Motorepele Drawn, Baily for ‘Laps Pep Ponele Raitrase Head, Mountain, ig bul ty Montara stadenti, Holler Bate: with ‘Safety’ Atachmnoots Bobble ile “Conyenints Carer Bale, Burnint Proof, Made So Leaver No Big Ruript tee Hiing Trees Grown, ‘Machine far Meshes Pnresded ‘Quickly by wey Mer Buried up Bacteria. : ‘System, Modgen, for Cairo, Eaypt. > boc ine Bews Coniforters automaticaly i> brent ingught Arizona, Launching of GnaeM, Grerhawing after Shara eee Waging wad Radiater, Prat for Clo fiaie eee ay Gul eas PBundeatea hp “New Purnicd ponte asuiation for ins Oe eats tinat fale Submarine Dapat, Flosting, for Bs Ssbraatines, Gervian, Crug Raor of Lave” Sabgrieets, Bree tig ware Meike Surfacing Tiel, Kissing, or Concrete Wert Survton Publis, ina Corner’ Fonts fo hf Henning Wei Se Been ‘eck Hew . TeSpecton Woter-Biken POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION 7 No Money In Advance This Marvelous CAMERA = ON FREE TRIAL! Only 10,000 of these marvelous instantaneous —— » picture-taking and making cameras to be sent out absolutely on approval without a penny in advance just to prove that it is the mest wonderfal inven- Tion—the camera sensation of the age. So you must send for it quick! Just think of it—the new Mandel-ette Takes and Makes Finished Pictures INSTANTLY! ‘You presa the button, drop card in developer and in one minute take out & perfect, finished poat- card photo 24gx3sg inches in size, Camera iiself is about 4ixSx7 inches. Loads in daylight 16 to ‘post-eards at one time, No Films—No Plates—No Dark Room Not a bit of the muss and bother of the ordi- nary kodale of eamera._ It is instantaneous 1 Universal focus lens produces sha pievures atalldistanees, Pictures develop and print automatically, Can't ovendevelop. Ro- bules positively amaging. We Trust You ‘No difference who you are or where you live ‘we will send you the eomplete Mandel-ette outfit solutely om approval and give you 10 days to st Hi, Ye not aatisfactory return it. 1? you wich to keop it, simply pay 81.00 on arrival and 0 per month until cur special price of only 5. 0013 paid, When you see What elegant pic : tures it tales—so quick, soeasy, with no trouble ee ‘ at all—you'll be surprised. Easy Payments =———— “chigage Perea —No Reference # Dea lin Nored tapeofany kind. gang me at oome oo camiplete Monthly. payments gr mist iuind oP ettthsten cach ra’ Lot notice them. Bimply fll out and mail couy 2 estes ea cael money. Noreferenees required. Lotsof fun—big pros.’ firaurhlyand it sptned heap itm 3 ; srreuentgsee emacs ieee No Experience Required ges uitininras auemes tit Py etatins an vereng cae u Chicago Ferrotype Co., = 38, Femrzzs 5! Please Mention Populor Mechanice 8 POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION (Contents—Continued from page 6) 4MATEUR MECHANIC Bind Hose Made of Keg : ate th Write Today for Free Literature ‘ay he the mtepping ptone ton future for for otherscosts you bot le investigate, HY DYKES COURSE OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING IS THE BEST 1) Weiten by a ploy of 18 rear’ experience, wha hen Bnd practical ied Knows yart wins ho sta ‘dont ougiit Uo learn in once to properly . teach you hy tal ie (6) Gur plan to auvist you im wetting started is theenly Deeetcal plate “s J-M ASBESTOS ROOFINGS Seal Wgaan anes ast. Rowtng Renpnctige HW. SOHNE: MANVILLE, COMPANY State size on postal and whether you ‘want collar like cut or low turerer sj. Saale ieee sen 456 ca Std 789 456 Gee Eran ae HELP WANTED seer $65 TO $150 A MONTH Railway Mail Clerks—City Mail er Clerks —Rural Carriers — Panama Canal Clerks — Steady Work — Vacations with Full Pay — Rapid Promotion—“Pull” Unnec- 4 exsnry — Common Sense Education Sufficient —Many Positions for Women today —belore torget—t ription of positions now te and free SOS Gate PPS EESEp it ay beso yor nan of dears FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, Department C106. ROCHESTER. N. ¥. Ane ee POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION 9 Forgetfulness—the Cause of Man's Inefficiency Perfect Memory—The Key To Success ‘A. man’s best possession is secret of bus re The Dickson Method of Memory Training Will Make YOU “Forget Proof” Zen minuten a dey of pour shara tina wil glet zeu thi “and ‘not interfere with your work ta ace iene % nee i Serpentine Bir Ste Cnpo or Pol tad. today forga pen If pare tree boa et haw tremneg teasret ere ter emttone te sa ast Seeger pore “ai itl baiscoaameltan ES pocsesace ole tie as ie austin Write Today for New 171 Page Boo 1 Lodday for New 171 Fare Book Fu Soothe Raa Sone ta aoae =e Traffic —— sg) Get into the profession where men Big cee SEEN i josiomme spear inokeut ate mike fe pee SE tee scaahip he ee an very day e Coupon ‘for New Book OE BUe atlases Paeararem acon eis ob seen’ om eth bnew tra bank gelato iaadans ‘Stout he golden Brana INTERSTATE TRAFFIC SCHOOL pt CHa, FT. WAYNE, IND. Big Money in Electricity The electrical industries offer wonderful opportunities for boys with a liking for ricity. The salaries paid to trained men are lirge—promotion comes rapidly, and, bert of all, the profession is not overcrowded, ‘The development of new branches from time to time (ruch as wireless telegraphy and telephony) promise fascinating and paying fields to thove ‘who with to specialize. “The vill fo de and ‘Special Training will bring success to you. ‘The International Corresponcience Schocls can help you to make you expert in clectrical work. Thousands of boys have won success through J.C. & help YOU can do the same. | Every- thing ie made so clear that you can learn ia gout fare ee so'eutcer whore you Bre OF what you da, Take the first stop toward eucoess today. by marking and mailing the coupon to the 1. C. & Te coste you nothing to find out about it. Mark the Coupon—NOW "WTERWATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE ScHOOLS Bex 8725, SCRANTON, PA, ot gene eben aut Pxplain, Lastomoblle Ruwais ng Imtectrle Lighting. [lectric tailway Rribatiitenss cote | I I Street and No, ‘city. Present Occupation, ‘Please Mention Popular Afcchantea POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION a Bea Traveling, Salesman Exo sued ow earning la 1 Doak eT she Set we en Ro ea oe ela ee ete unig ew fan etn GOVERNMENT POSITIONS ere es THES irae wheetee t peat, Cee hecoate: ee iene aes "PATTERSON CIVIL 5 ide irre Fines fig and “Besley Faifmacng and are Begcee tin tod Han Reta Fant i “oy, Bring, Hoso-iety Coors wine CHICAGO TECHNICAL, COLLEGE LEARN WATCH REPAIRING ea watcnenter— ‘Se Ma, enki te ed es THE DeSELMS WATCH SCH Ei See MS WATE, Sepak Be an Auctioneer Se fe ek, ta oi or Missouri Auction School (array tz za" you STAMMER pig tei aa oe Rehr natant eat ga Welle Minar, Pron Mortn-wentar E55 Sah ee cheeses BE A DETECTIVE Far from $150.00 te $300.00 Dar tothe travel over the weak Wel T.LUDWIG, 138 Westover Hid [Siete POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION Turn the Summer Months Into Profit! SIX WEEKS IN THE tunity to see the world? have big apportunities for as ‘wah to take mction. “This Autornotile Sy The Sweeney System of Practical Auto Instruction gow unieecslly recownied 98. most thorough, nace leresting course of attorapitle imainiction, esi to certain. Sead provable EMPLOYMENT. It fcnbrates every point wort knowing, snlouing walcane ffm beating: eng-ncetylete welding, lathe work, mn. chine sp grictice tewihay devine ck repniting and vingeete., AND YOU LEARN by doina the work on "Cah onder the wateblin! eyeaaf setlad imettuctoes. Our Men Learn Quickly and Easily, Because Practical Exper- ience Is the Best Teacher ‘Thi ig the only way to learn, Do things with your own paca Practice bea‘ theory We de not merely teyou Te atom yore nd yo then nek You n ‘ied our Di TEACHERS early twelve hours a day. YOU Won or iltsots No Books Used; Tools Furnished Free ‘The tuition slow and after yau bave paid that there are NO MORE expenses of extras you have to bur, If you could learn fram a book there are bats putlialsed "poi ‘Gould read af home, but PRACTICAL WORK isthe daly method, and.chis is what makes my School 99 successful, ‘iste be 4 hag Tad Every department. _te of the Sthorney Sah a re 1164 E 18th Street q Tear Off and Mail the Coupon Herewith Today—Right Now Tt may mean to you all the difference between success and failure. Will you idle this summer, or will you, by training yourself in a few short weeks, become a competent, expert automat Cath in on your time. How would you like thia fail to have an earning How would you like to havea trade that will always insure you How would you like to be in demand? uccratyleareet spread wut briare sou Now sepa you my ign as ee bec ata hi ea alos showing ea wor a (sca RE as po a Veqatpmen Free Coupon ows a SPs ae tie ote tomer “ vi hms whap end waare ou Geel fo “SWEENEY AUTO RCT ‘eyclopedia of the subject, Season far ums ou eal Rechanlcsiiytacuned Lil be vers ‘Ba iodo Diy send name antl agdressteday, KANSAS CITY, MO. at Sweeney Automobile School cquios you with » splendid paying trade fr the fall— hundreds of good jobs open to young men mechanically inclined. My bug ilustrated. book fully explains the opportunities open to you as a mechanic, chauffeur, repair man, salesman, garage over, etc, ile man? ig capacity: cena and up? ‘wages, Independence, oppor Fiave employers Ieoking for you~ young aman, you can't da this cpl ‘200 suckesstal eradhintes, Practically all cam {pesclution. If you Tuive Ghee cuales ou cu fw ture abla you ta po manera Yo id'khow." Leta how ctiers Eave inde Six Packard i Twin Six Packard ‘ment of any school in the world: fe eiaims 12 Bupila, more sucgesatl graduates, o oford beter practi al iosirmetson aL every young taam to investigate These claims ad to see for himwelt belare he pays dwn ‘She dane of toe, Sie ah you Rew, we keep sgedenpd the new Uf Calande Se Remedy Kasten Clo Sobstaneia nt We we ‘of a il tepen of se sarterns the adie: the i fee ia Tac Sagi st ta es a fe own 5 tractors and in our eum factory are bali the famous, Sweeney Tescer, tua aiving, agents ‘Sonderful advantage in factory experience, “This estore alone offers a unique: portunity £9 YOURE men who wish folgcome experts tm tne rartor fell ‘We Rive spent chonsance of collars this summer om new gauiginenc, “For signe we have pit ike new B Sylinder Buda Mater, 2 Fellowes Gear Shaper, IRinck ‘nerican, QuikChange Lathe stds finch Pliner. ie Very Tatout daselopmenta ore gut iy the andy of ou Tiadenin as we bret our succtenGeortas on Mise Fo Competent (0 fiandie any mechanical proposition and of ‘ing’ ssiciy abreast of the very Enest developments. This Big Book Costs Me 50 Cents BUT I SEND IT FREE If you are Interested in planning your futupe and mean, to date—we have just ened, and wil have: the “This alone represents the frat echoed to teach, fut to buy an 8 cylinder ros wil noch th re automobile industry, exe gy, Ede SMEEMEY. Pron. complet en: Toon" urge ea Send foee catalog. Also magazine. ‘young tan ite trent ar again. POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION Lea E lectricity: “Pil Pay You 175 to $300 ‘99 That's what many Per Month)? tic: charmer managers have said to OUR GRADUATES. ‘That's what one will say to YOU, It's not out of the ordinary, In fact it is just what can Se te ol eo y id aained mae Tt means success for you for life. Any man how littic education, ean bearn this: big paying trade in, Kerrie git, cn er sar oe COYNE NATIONAL TRADE SCHOOLS Largest and best equipped trades school in America. For 5 years mc have sept funscedsf men out annually fs ckilled mechanics co help supply the rapidly increas Ing demand. Let us train you for one af theas big fobs. Oar employment, bareau” places graduates to Dig paying positions free of charge. Men Wanted For These Trades Electricity I Plumbing \ Bricklaying 2 itis Motion Pic. Opr. Our Own Building ‘Mech, Drafting Be tvch il thn omnes der st sages ater tatters eitens, Wearapecer a. Bae Eppa and nag Re cod NR eas enema eaten ics ear eanina (iba 0 See" Sea SEA Ttabe py Se da REE Slate Hei Se arta Sat oem ue ai Pe ferent Lie ame ose ‘te carn expenses, without charge, SEND C COUPON FOR FREE BOOK Beaman of action, Send thay FREE C COUPON forour hook of tradex—fally Bi. BW. COOKE, Manager trated. It costs yea nathingand SOYNE NATIONAL ‘TRADE Showslbow yew can cara snore ‘money make Bigger sveces tha ou eet dread ol "fe throwgh or shar ors are eheuys welcome: BW. COOKE, Monsger COYNE WATIONAL TRADE SCHOOLS 20.51 Etiinote St, ‘CHICAGO, ILL, 3851 ES, CEA, Without ang cblisntions om, iio wijatasorde plese sed Four book of jrulee cd full bnticalareal ls Fae LEARN THE ‘4Auto Business Earn a Splendid Salary FS Over mae ‘ol oar achoal are now SSTSRUGLEratiol Star or bbs Fo all or verte us today for catalng Cleveland Automobile School 3232 Sccons Corresponiience and Resident Instruc- Cartooning, Has: king and Letiering, and fon Desai i herueh, Pes fourees btinabie ‘beet ‘You Can Earn a 5- BUSH TOU self-starter, slectrie lights and try by qualifying through w. abd Sailing Autocicbiles. Algoportontty of wifes, ‘THE OFFER 1S . WRITE TO-DAY apt AIT, BURN MOTOR COLLEGE, Ine, LA STUDY AT HOME BOE COMEAN LL B. J ageney for your terr\- tn Driving. Repairing LEARN PIANO TUNING AT HOME a, Trae reeset lie LEARN WATCHMAKING and poem independent, Good, oap ing tealtionswoured. Wefan Bond tor EME TAL MAKING SCHOOL, Inalividal instruc (hice School of Watchmakig, 63 E, Van Been SL, Chirag ARITHMETIC SELF-TAUGHT A phon, sactruadectond catume for ott PUERERLEDSY Baroime thie tohies Weccurtircor woe RGU have. forgotten what they onc learned. BST Popes. eyares ne teacher. Ths ciel ile back coat postpa Tor 60 CENTS. Btampe acces ‘A ZELLER BOOK co. Bisby, 1 W. belle Piece ST. LOUIS, MO. Cae Ae POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION 13 It Means Money to You“ Andels Automobile Guide —the world’s most scientific book on automobiles will positively enable you to quickly solve every problem pertaining to driving, repairing, locating, of trouble. It is recognized as the authority by experts, Its value is unlimited. "It tells you everything should know, Sent to you for free examination, if you are an Owner ‘You are lesing moné every time: you run with illadjusted. Carburetor, with laity lnniion wita ine at the wrong speed, or ‘with a score of other faults, You may bea careful student of your car and take all the precautions you know of. But unless you know the technical details of driving and operation, and know them right, your car is an expense burden instead of a pleasure, if you are a Chauffeur We don't need to mention the things you must have at your fingers! ends inorder to manage your carat top efficiency. Here are |] a few of the points you may be in doubt about. How to care foe Datteries | end ‘keep them operating at maximum voltage. How to wire a car for Electric Starting, Lighting’ and ignition according to the most madera systems, How a car is best lubricated, If you are a Mechanician re more than anyone else you will realize the importance of knowing the details of design of every part of your car. New inventions tn design ‘and construction are coming up every day, which pusle the untrained man. Do you know these things? Mcthods of cooling —Timing. and Balancing—Designing Cluiches—Design of ball and roller bearings, etc. Audels Automobile Guide Solves every single one of these problems and solves them in a way, that you ean understand, It tells the stary in the best known way, namely by westions and Answers fri erage tiene rai wlwase coca, he tak i andeaely boca in durable Pulfleather, Pocket size” Itty Tate and any (ot. There are 5) chaplert covering averd tine pier See DA sncse ad Auta abe adn Kesha fit rack Written by Practical Men FOR PRACTICAL MEN ra le hey Ae, Aol get Gale Parts — Operation — Care — Management — Stine wed Lienting savemsjare | Road Deiv wuretor— Wiring —Timing Sine asin toll tates with eat tlimtrcitone | Ignition — Motor Trouble — Lubrication — Sa pS fea at Tirssate Chapters on Starnes Bates jecttie Vehicles—Overhauling Car—Appen- Sent to You FREE dix om Self-Starters and Lighting Systems.cte, Eater ms een a een wat i / FREE Examination Coupon ates ome book for you, remit caly #155, * Thee. Audel & Co. 72 Fifth Ave..New York Use this Coupon Siateoumnayt a usmanee f yitteet saueatn aie mal or fe ection F Rigel htt ste BE i ey len MAIL FREE COUPON =f ss S8nSin' Con ntaogs Reset ars eps oe ah a ae i See Sense ects i Hees ogee rte ol poo ean teal to THEO. AUDEL & CO., 72 Fifth Ave. aoe, teres PM awe, 14 POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION Come to Detroit the automobile center a uy St Opportunities Everywhere for Detroit- Trained Automobile Men Tnteating pleaean and 2 money making busine. Every locally emis cmon to ear garaged par chara edo Sad eaddencedharicin: Leamavvt bucane compo eared see best mee to $300 : a a Month aa pliner Rita thas ely foretndents | at a f Detroit is Poe “fhe Law laabued mek aes SERVICE lng repeat anaes rt for nS a|| postions ace i all part of the caustry. Good pay steady f lore ie rgcttana” congenil surroundings, mrmscina 08 Been short buwrs anwudl vacacon sod tex leave with pay owen pgoted yeriy. oth sexes. NoDotRiel POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION sa, 000 to $10,000 a re Rig, Rear ‘Acuatan at ales of 0 tm W.0 TEAR EEGSTRATOR . tmmmane. esas folie tr dae fo mae iia Hipedtsacten Sa eet, Sender Canoe. Fon Riese Poca 140 South Deartorn St. Chlenae = STAMMER Rept loaey Se stamp, tot partlonien 28 Beton Sty PEORIA TL, 16 POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION v CONCENTRATION! ) There is MONEY POSE! in SOFT DRINKS = PERSONAL POWER! Dubelle’s Famous Formulas | These Qualities are Results— Containing Over 500 Receipts } the Results of Mental Control / Through my Scientific Mental for Fruit Syrups, Fruit Essences, Fruit Phos Success Training Course I will phates, Soluble Flavoring Extracts and Es- be Beene teach you the pas ences, Frit’ Panchen Fi amparnes, Eve laws which will enable you jew allan Lemonades, Soluble Bitters Ex: tracts, and many other delicious beverages. Phorm. FOOTE to no control. your Brain Fsvensteeist__ Power that youwill be Master Mailed to any address for $1.00 Spon & Chamberlain ‘hue vsicets 2 WAL QUESTIONS | of your Thinking and Acting, PSYCHOLOGY at nN me systematic eed of sear gpartalcreitg Giver aes a eres For lar DDR. DORN D, MACKELIAR, Sec. Ber 1275 Wo, Chm REE Send for large Catalogue of Practical Mechanical BOOKS FOR HOME STUDY IF. J. Drake & Co., Dept. 8, 1325 Michigan Ave., Chicago oecmiaiiiesges Driving $80 to $125 a Mooth — Repairmen and Salesmen $300 and Up! Lots of driving and touring jobs now open in all large cities and good chances (i you are ambitioys) to start garage, do repairing well ars, Every Bo} caeares {earn thoroughly aod ancy Sor lar myer achanes t wees 3 say Sift Wytsate od elvan’ srdinsislctwah TEE COMING BUSINESS NATIONAL AUTO SCHOOL site"s; Fhe es et ering fs reform te enter cnn A ail 1 MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION make Flectricity Learn a Paying Profession ‘2k sarures,Yos. a ond em Aud Boston fae Ue orrtnd years ee have carenschli tach PHOTOGRAPHY Photo-Engraving and Three-Color Work STATE institution ‘courses leading to di ‘Mines, Unexcelled facili ‘Sminingand metallurgy afffred byitslacation in ‘the famous Lake Superiogfmining region, whose mines, mills and smelffrs are accessible for college work. Fieldcglirses in surveying and ‘other lines expeciall {ell developed. Special ‘short courses offered Mr mature practical men. FOR YEAR BOOK AND BOOKLET OF VIEWS "ADDRESS THE SECRETARY NewYork ELECTRICALSchool ‘Given you a comaiate alpina by actual practice. You Bite MSE he Ou nether m8 the theory a Hand the best business methods sed i U8 ‘World of Electrical Activity. ‘TyeX, ¥. Eletrical Scho isthe nioncer and premier school os the "Learn by Boing” meted. When. ‘bee com lated this Course. youshall he ally qualtbed tohandie ALL branches of Electrical industry. ‘The equipment of this School ia uncqualied and upto- fhemuute, No. preparation needed to became Meurer in this'schoal. ‘You can stare to learn om any day of any week throughout the whale year. Visitors heartily welcomed. Send for eatalogue. 44 West 17th St. New York City N. ¥. ELECTRICAL SCHOOL LEWIS INSTITUTE Aa Endowed Polytietwig School for Both Sexes. Callewo Work in Mechanical and Hlecteical Eogineering. and in ‘Mechanic, Household, and Liberal Azts, lending to degree ‘of B.S. High School Instruction in Science, Literature ard, ‘Technology. Well equipped Shops and Laborataries. Day and Evening Sessions, Fall Term opens Sept. 14. For Bal- Work for You Electricity is the keynote of our twentieth century life. Our progress, our inventions, our manufacturers, our daily customs are linked with and regulated by electrical science, Que ‘best, engineers, our most Siccessful scientste have bose thelr septation om locrical knowledge, "“Avall youreel a once of hia hak ted Thay ae te ereaten ieciiotv Rexanicas of your hnpledg they wil els be cred seg Sen your ie ear tnatlon. Fil oat tne free eoupoa. Shipped to You FREE Send no money. Examine thé books first. 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Advertiroments in thit section, 18 cents per word, each insertion, minimum Te Inewre ade Teiny egied irae oe = copy must reach this office not later then Maye, BR ate that owe nein Fonadar Sechanlen Mawasine, Coage, nae ‘Gentiewen sp responce i paurtnguirya? May th, Fon sun Mgerntcs here bom mond thie aatiactory. man! we conseer Popaest (stu on cub TU, securing uepteice from agen te ‘Sheaper fham frouranp other pudlicution wy Ngee ye fle,” Our rons se dal fore fhe fiat five moms fe Esara eertctag Sx Paper Meckan tes has ost ur ttn the hane-to data peredeei 900 famuiries making the chat poe tnquteg only han a Sentiss With the duguirice sell to some we ard sure Ba ton He Sent enchs Bre will tay poce epmir Méckantor at the hoa cf ext list ahem fecking agers. ‘Sinterrly yours, ‘iain company, F.& Wewlght add that see shal! Alecontinus, temporarily, advertieing for agents seit tne June dsr henanacine carpatombasb righ rfl meow hardicsorthe present, MISENAT, Rebel of Automobile Fase jg cdaics om leer starting aid Efemine”sestena “and Blocage’batlerie, iE etka” ooures, elasectooe ctr Fie xen" clames ery re rae Eu se aoe ‘Sreanfe thin ‘abqgiobe:half lock ia" Hak ae Nh wh Seng ceva 4 elivbsastte "hers We tM rea alg date thereat ppl sedi mage he te, : et Tome ok Be a bee ee spn ne Fatima ‘gre fed he Sees re ae iit etl ee Ryan sha aL antago baa POET a vga tebaured end for List No. FL Le SAPNA der Cul ELECTRIC Lighis for our tu tent Wile for gurtcaie aha-¥ot Or, ‘a alleuigan Meehan HOW ww ad Tole pula peel hand Devine" SElLiS is Enis a Ee a ae De ei _— Fa ‘aes ee, Bonet we ae Bl PAINT, Your Caz Youpt—sane 45 te | | 3.00 KLAROY. 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Vives a jai WIG ne Au Loa nee, bc Se bcacteat FLEXIBLE Metal Tubing dice Gian elie hates ats, "Caete wire Gos poke alc" Wag Reig, Chane, oe self tg ald ad a at ‘swlnnaiis Stata ne re neat atarae inal Sens a, Parca Saale St Ee at ‘ender sur Ford bs Mh bet c0uks, ee” Tet iy, ee SHEE mies Tut Cu, SSB San bg oy Pt ar Re berate etait oie Port es eer fs ‘eli ‘ane at he engine gale foe eetionnty tan 2 18S Sera em Saha eae | AE uli tat Freer feos 20, a “OS ACETYLENE Wolllng vod unine n't le oa Wand 7 at, 6 WORTH of ised Motaeeyeiny alk ‘rin deel tin pa prteric frie fey te doe ‘Mags Yo dead ital Bale, Snares Py p ra euokly “ag ber seri Haat thee. hicess, ES Si alta te : ey Py ana, aa ae ae let Sr a! feet enenpr i * * Toh fon, rors seve BARGAIN — Mailer tt bes bat ie, oy aed wedne Piemean 1 AES TNS, les ert tan . onl 80 Tinh ae DAP, ae Ra wow a Siesiaely pew 10 HE hago fee igre chi, Conco, POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION cay oe pl ee Stiegl me acnonantcs et Sh aa SR prin ae = Ease Pies en ris, Ei aa i os | sc a ag Zhan Eee et its ean | Ee aig eae Sila, ea Sea | EL Sa oli ore Prue aa ean | 8 ea Weet Ein BL New Work, ii, URE RSNS | Amar sce ng Rie ae Sg tate fia Ri Rae, hearin amines Me 108 Twin =e geuliton SERN. Bh seeion SET su Beans ete Souriaeyam er Sees MOTORC HET pihoriite fi pal apliaga, we ne ee ch i ce Sle ait ack a a oe at gla BARLEY. $70,521 ny ales. $3 Sind it. 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Sica ES ote Eller Steals Hook beget Sch: ‘ci clog of Nacaanucay Bali ‘afaog of Sei bouta 0 LO ti aera one ina EQUCATIGNAL AND INSTRUCTION Yana, sales - intend eter seme Benak oi for 4 talict adit ption tach Shear sue q"coursee. grind Hine, Tandereaicn, ‘Aaricaltger Boat icin is Baten ole Ee eet Bie pat a1 SESE AS ate | eters evercanos eons Sith ah ER | “Dae wet ig canes Toe | ara Uy te el ol Ee Gee Clu Tig, Beg ba | Br, be oe SPC ENT, rapa me gad, yaaa ea eee sen Race, | Hee carta, ae, a dt ane oe of | Te WSRUTIECL: Atsaried tollge Poa ocular sieacks Bock | outs ontr toceath, “Vacits steleEa Tos eh Seige Ave. Clea ‘Atpeien caluterute fo wecire a marine ox eaam | POSTCARDS joa waiver Tali gue WANT. eased | Joly cut, and ite Ht oe Rees ee pice atcnviteer tremen er | 200 ILLUSTRATIONS Free, Raa Sijeetswte watte "oa tases east. Mahle, Notte atuoat! st Brean SPT pert sie fey tar | BL ene twit berm . mares Cuter Se erate ie Peyaiae Bae pen ed | Sings Wingate ee it Bimalbile fort BOOKS and pletuna? fo plams ere Lat Sa uid ssa pees ee near Be SF bul see ES et Hh _"Courtiers ting "a 48. Detruite Mien, ‘a yar cp hades, a Writ for parttedar Pear: i, Marston Pu TELPGRAPHY — Nore and Wieeleg — wales hime, Balt stunt thee Biren, Awomwie eames whirl are my formas | were gmat | ere pe Me ‘ Shueate | Sie? TN aascan ree ants fer ethane” IME et we | iene, * ei eee Origherpie Mig. an 4 uta SSE eu Yor CAMERAS AND PHOTO SUPPLIES nt Ton a ae fis "Grecimeod Bt oa ‘wie sal Be Mates, Mit Tena “Slog Si TEARS, Walchpllng. Hoerpeiag. Tow gor Mork, “SGtol Mstanlnded EE acer, She OW Saami gmdate olde Sinfeal Shoe, Tam my deere Te Si ea, ed Biterey sae ae at cath an FAINTING, Teortne foe Tear AUTOMOBIE Tewtrurien. A comlcte ‘gow at couse thar who fou"enuelly ‘rhe pom eat to itso th ete fotbe ‘ei Eatin aac ary WIRELESS esol toll Set saanal sie col Si et aadnates oe ee i Bete, easae gas peg ie al there a Ha je Peace a pinta ‘be Horauee, Haritvn, Ohus, "FAG, Trips ilar th Fhotgraphy for STIS devaaeed 105, peas Sm oe fees as A Ise fag sca lat, Pte a ao crete ington Hu Oe et ae Se RE Be "dead regaled fot elects girara's a Fisur'aho fatyaae, was SYP om The Pens op pene en iii at aaa oe Seat ls es acre ea Saeed ee eee Ses es Sak iinet att ee MoTiON PICTURES MAKE $isa.00 a wk clon We eta you is ula taveutg Festus estos with Wills “Poe fr, Hirao Dust eT coe ee er co rs Fraducere Ute Sr ene ae Dee Sa ae ee Oa Sa a ES phe Paap aaane, aaa Hub ecw, Pon 1681 Sai New Yaa HAVE ya ea agin hone iat Tonal arte mesic eh sin, DUPLICATORS AND DEVICES Poe Pies ReMi hath Paes NUGamrnG wet vest Horan Baa ‘BUSINESS FOR SALE Rom Ge. pe, Ro tipiad LOPE AS: aly Bie eae aa is eee GARAGE Wea gf Tati tags 0 ge Bitih Rio dpale Shon tuvfise Mie MAIL-ORDER SUPPLIES ef [ee eno Tr Business oFFORTUMITICS, Poe kare os gcse igh pete a ane ae ht ae te sori a ‘ile POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION MONEY meds cute nt ook! Nstnerss ares dio de rth aon yk Ee fanless Fehr aget ig SS EE ae eee Se “ak rae, eee Sik Soa eae forces Decals ten, Woe fuel I int sla, a hE Een pier pat Ja Gye meth Eras frais foe wo ere ialog pitta ose, fe "Gala Sc abe fal Driaeene fg, ON MA Sigs Sa pans sug le eh Tete Mi sy Nanas eka & i abehay Usce ory fara fa wei ie Sle S2e ci aa iS ane ee ae Cooley, 66S ‘ha tba as OS Sone oe ae tee aces ee (PSI EUG Mires giant EE eben, ri ALAR selene i, WANE the Trot og ene a tai, Tia ewer see a iL HONEY ATANING Plays iceBar oe Rana iy SNe Tuner a he? a ya Bias ali, via a at Hite Hats sein ‘Gade EME soon lng “Hing eanatak"'No rare uote ie Tse. ts SPF aun Bi tiensn MAOH naling Games ees vune Peta iar sume Witse, Tilt Se Stengel Ave We, Bast You inca fachlig gether et an wing, CS POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION St ay Bite eri aaa, hen TH, habia, = ademas See (a at nla Sabie “Minit, ter iat is oe hte a fa net org GH al Wart Sanat See Seta Te oe i ee, oa Be ee als oe SEN Toe ear RIT aah ectetiy ge eetgr feed hae tea NE ea iinet aoc ccc fi nants soterinss cer opel Bu"¥erwule Ee: aod Yaluabls infec thi Hee we diteigey Fh *. rare Beni at Aimee pie Det a ee ie, T MOREY Nala traning Taam te (eer ae ee a et ee eer ih ep ln Toth cf egy eh Mri Tees Bib Hott Ay, URS Sr oa ole ir, We aE angie egies ETS teiade” ct dee ‘ireen Write ue Many smeport STOP ere! 1 tp tart sou in Base Tod inant oy pare Se eee 1 Want end aap settal palling pone at ‘loll ea ite me fay, PW Salsas Me Nua Eecict Anau 6 Biatipiatres € - OMAR, Slee ont tho, Si st asian fart f ee, ene, Wie eal cea Dorie Sey ‘duaast ening Crm allteompertad.tIsitt Howie Ber rest Pram dient hate seta comings Toe SRE seit ee eae i a Haid for pastieware ¥. ee i op set sia Share time. xg comgetion in iad Wasingess We Tetulabe ater. nei! soa aoe tat Ais ‘su Cee BoE GL Fag, Pee ihe Bie ar ee Me Ser bees Mies Fe FOR ADVERTISERS ITE Wee Maske, er, the te sl Ee Ta ugeene Oporto tet ook Misha a tan "Wag tee tre ia Ju aa ora ba car. Vea'can't gre saricd too “gue “abi UWS i pee “ati wattage “lh clic ie ‘eafeaw Tallaring ARNE RR et fhm, staren facies, ota, wie rent creatine ets Sea a ge i Ser, Mate, mts peopatea anal ectanie® tering Tats eee eat Ola our ney seine Daleare's bg ables, aes toes ung, tensa Moat oo ute good pia Marat teers Start wierd ad etl oe Macthe Waettng ants Comoasg’ #16 sor eset Chicas TREXPERIENCED schoolboy makes, SEF tat ioe tees geatlony ARs ‘Eataed Langone pyalix "Silmer Chesney trisigh “de Gradoeey, chemitsye Sey faves sifeers ‘te, Tabor. Patented aha {tay ‘Guaranteed’ "tcaceae sive clara te Were, Seige rere eran free Wr (Gonna Comat Bun igen, 241.90 WEEKLY tnirncing and acing eggs get tum far eosee fa Henttiet te’ Se chiny Betactr safe, Misnleiacomguction, ‘tig tn ge be otc Wil eg 0, Operon ANA Meise Fae Tue Seg eae AE eae bet it eat Te plete, "Bah iy Feit, “pais eee das | Ett, Sealine A Seam sper gai | Tea: mints ase hrw_atsencess | Nrowunhe, ein fale quick ust ee dank seat ces, | SEEM et oa ‘Sete Ai"Prbin WES" | yan og) Sala” ad ae ge? | aut ite tar! kis pti rs ES ketene Sanat at for Sacchi ce ae Seah Teaig Prapgtemetan bat Meals, Cie TEE tht pele PCB Fon ao eta et aso Rett ‘ee, int turn abare fied bus ra ee aot i al hake diag "Spent saat ‘eis Troan Sete, pects. 8 as TRE Pet Haas tod ears As rt efor ail irate’ Weibel ish Hie Chea owt eaperiment ta Pal yaa be te uted ie tase ae * Temas” Winch, it SASUFACTY This, Pilar aT ET or Te siteh Se washisata, Tn a aie oes, et aoe sulcus "eps fr tre pki (Goatees oot ‘tua Beet, Resash, in HSK Abloe@ey ee The amalat sive BE ie Tat ng SETEE=Siop juiiae ‘Tobecon Free. We call ty, fee hall ee, 0" eae AGENTS WANTED ead Sh eed oa haa a fee rch wit ode Burglar pr orm Seg creatine! at ‘aulety ‘ea ‘ice, a SMEG” 25 cetpoutlan Bie ‘excite ter= ‘itor. Iavtantly sted any done hak mcrae orm hm hot oat ‘Meaat-pinied "atoaits "91-60, rowsdee ‘Cheap bupgite unturanse. es a bie nosomy fine, eats rove wag. pn Tunis ‘wri feseltg an mareet Repay ane "sopant_ orders ania ones lore Ba eller ro vig ake Tgenr Doge Fe HTL Weak tee Sew vert SUERTE fe cos oon whe Panga af 2 tore, ESI Sacretare ab itleaiac Peete” i ES wan Wen ste enous “TRH Grads ally, eine meteation, agi cing Soils Asti ohne Ble thas Be, a 7, ean Seana Wig. pris seg ou Pure tliaat inant trate cunrantaed Yor yeaa, Oa ‘cena a Mot ir SS ra ama ean R ae Ee Tote nea EES, Pies eam caller ie Disk 1s FER ah ad Aa ot Cematianonfntteductag nut ing. But SS oe" eream rie, Wace Se aug te ethan Sra Bills 8 op. We Ring hte: Chee Dept THR, Cheng. ML

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