Popular Mechanics 09 1911

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POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION g X-Ray the Leak in a Pen RAY a regular fountain pen sitting point up in x a vest pocket. What will you see? At the top a feed tube full of ink; in the middle a space of air; and at the bottom a deep pool of ink. { X-ray what happens when the heat of the body warms the pen in your pocket and causes the air in the middle to expand like any heated gas, What will you see? The ink in the feed tube ascending to the pen point and oozing out, smearing the writing end of the pen, and the writer’s fingers when he takes off the cap and’ commences to write, X-ray a Parker Fountain Pen the instant it is turned point up. You see the ink in the feed cube runniny down instead of up—down into the pool of ink helow Why? Because the Parker feed tube is curved at the bottom end—curved over against the wall of thebarrel. ‘The end of this curved feed tube touches the wall, and that touching causes a suction that sucks all the ink out of the tube—sucks it out of the way before the warm air ascends, ‘What makes this suction? ‘The same force of Nature that makes a dandelion stem suck water, or a lamp wick draw oil, é.., capillary attraction. Fill Parker feed tube with ink, touch curved end to barrel wall, as in test picture, watch the ink scoot down, proving thereby that the Parker Pen will not leak. Parker Pens flow any ink, with never a hitch or skip; all styles, self-filling, safety and standard ; plain, gold or silver mounted, with 14-K gold pen, iridium ‘Mabe thts tes? point; prices $1.50 to $250. New disappearing clip S . gouesel}. is our of the way while you write. Se Pies: If any pen is unsatisfactory in any way, dealer will won't { refund, as we protect him from loss, ‘ leak If dealer doesn’t keep them, send us his name, and we'll send you our artistically printed catalogue and fill your order direct. Addrese—Parker Pen Company, 100 Mill St., Janesville, Wis. New York Retail store, xx Park Row, Opposite Post Ofice PARKER wecnran ren 8 POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION rT Ue ea EWU TRY ait ENGINEERS, DRAFTSMEN and all others who have lettering to do need a good system of easy lettering. HERE IT IS CONTENT: ™Seavy, Outline, Condensed, Ex pandee. Fancy, Eraged and tat so = ‘Condeasedy Ex- panded, Italics, ‘Fancy, alice re eters A new edition has just been issued with a supplement containing 8 new alphabets Wal printed ongied paper andhandsomay band bn lth Why don’t ¥OUlearn evo wroteon a ie Reva My system is positively the only syuttes inthe world that Cam Be nae Seasfully taught by ail “afer il so heroaghiy tras vou it fotpaid on restipt of 55 conta, Spon & Chamberlain, mo others Read These Testimonials —You Can Do as Well ar new for ‘ont for Se lec Fit Mar, Dit Two Excellent Books for Those Who Like to Make Things Amateur Mechanics Nos. 1 and 2 PRICE 25 CENTS EACH POSTPAID Popular Mechanics Book Department ** “wiexegon ** ann Todels acteally work. All moving Dams i METAL WORK ano ETCHING “WRITTEN SO YOU CAN UNDERSTAND IT” By JOHN D. ADAMS NE OF THE LATEST of our series of industrial handbooks. A com- plete manual for art metal workers giving every detail for making a great variety of useful and ornamental objects such as book ends,desk sets, pad corners, paper knives and letter openers, station- ery racks,rocking blotter,desk calendars, match boxes, tie and pipe racks, whisk broom holders, candle sconce, arts and crafts jewelry, hinges, drawer pulls, etc, NOTE.” Price advances soon, WARNING We have patents applied. for and ‘MoDets Ine with werking models With this engine model you UAE Send To-day for My Free 24-Page Book f tells you how to get into the © teatimonial Liters from stedenteeverywhere who are iiving cars; working in Auto Regaie Shops who have gove ne Auto Rapa He Bes ie making money We will, show you actual reproduced letters from Barney ouunerdy Gnas “Duryea, tire man ies built the fret, Aut m America) and other leading Motorauthor jyutem, Surely thiseyster must beso: ehing wondertul-andit 96 PAGES—RICHLY ILLUSTRATED Price 50 Cents, Postpaid Order of your newsdealer, bookseller. oF Popular Mechanics Book Dept., Publishers, Chicago faecal a DYKE’S CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL OF MOTORING Box 88, Ree Building, ST. LOUIS, MO. eciishesak an hen hisnionsicin tase aac dhe iy a ae: POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION 9 More About Remembering ARTICLE IL AST MONTH ELBERT HUBBARD told the readers of PoPULAR MECHANICS something about my School of Memory. HUBBARD knows that the men Iam helping most are you Managers, Secre- taries, Teachers—men and women in business who need the Quick ‘Thought, Accurate Judgment, Unhesitating Decision—in short, the Re- sponsive Memory whica presents Facts to you when Facts are needed. HUBBARD recommended my System to you because he knows that Prof. hundreds of readers of PoruLar MEcHAntcs have already raised their Henry standard of efficiency by taking my method. 4 Now I am addressing Dickson you personally. Increased efficiency, greater abilities, higher standards are all for you, my booklet will explain. Simply cut out and mail coupon below. Accuracy of Memory is notall that is covered by my method. Remember i atipalel te Digcson the man who was called upon to speak—He arose, stammered, sucked air, ool” Austr gurgled ice-water—forgot—and sat down in the kindly silence. Memory in Relation to Public Speaking was what he required. That is one of the many, subjects in my Method. It is very simple; you do not realize the capacity of your own brain until you have put it through a few easy exercises, Ability is latent within you, it simply needs developing. You will be surprised to note how quickly and accurately a trained faculty responds. A Trained Memory is Man’s Greatest Asset Dickson’s How to Speak in Public ius i ful Stole, e,Cicge, Uns De luxe edition, handsomely illustrated. richly bound, ‘aken in connection with my memory training, yon: a di ie ands el ailaleeativeuted tomes: ean obtain @ far better and more useful education than seh otaetlly eceted malriaterasivoute| tomes’ EugDried iy hay of he Ges usiene “the one the peed of the ah aera A EB ees ee eee 5? senta copy absolutely free to every student who enrolls Success in Life depends on what you say and how you fer my course of memory training within ten days after ago TTR ak Sino bahdS Sahiny cay ak Fata sae Expression is based on my 30 years of success as an ‘The ability to think on feet, to. ihe. stantly and voice your thoughts unhesitatingly, interest- ingly, makes yous tender of men-and i's worth while. You Can Have This Training No matter where you live, what your voration, oF what your age, my course will make you infinitely more Successful, “Only ten minutes a. day—no tedious anya simple meltiod which teaches you~ jow to remember names and facesof people youmeet. How to focus your iind instantly on the points of & business proposition. "How to commir a speech or toast to memory quickly, ond deliver unheaitatingly. Mow 10 converse at social gatherings in a natural, interesting way that wins frends. How to overcome seif conscious: ess, bashfulness.”"How to control your mind. How to eriorie for studies, examinations, et The Dickson System of Memory ‘Training has been highly recommended by such notables as Hbert Hubbard, Prof. David Swing and thousands of others. “The fame of this unique and successful system has spread over the entire country, and its succeseful gradu. tes fill every. walk in business’ political and professional activity. While the weakest memories can be strength- Sned—many of tte most intellectual men of the day have availed themselves of memory training. Fill Out and Mail Coupon Today If You Would Be Successful ‘ok, Hery Decks, Pinal, Dicken MenerySévol 705 Andorn Badine Gc, I. Send me free booklet “How to Remenber. algo full tssjaygesatn aoa, one Dickson Scoot or Memory | | | se CHICAGO pom Porn... 10 POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION aa Se The Largest Periodical in the World Devoted Exclusively to Mechanics and Practical Science Shop Notes Quarterly The Great Magazine of the MECHANIC ARTS Every number contains, besides about fifty special articles and hundreds of original contributions from practical men, a careful Digest of the World’s Best Technical Literature —all written and illustrated “so you can understand it.” 25 CENTS A COPY $1.00 A YEAR Ask your newsdealer to save you a copy of each issue. Or can you find a more profitable investment for One Dollar than a year’s subscription? POPULAR MECHANICS COMPANY 318 W. WASHINGTON STREET, CHICAGO POPULAR MECHANI:S A crc fe MS. 0. KEL, MOVORCYELE DIVISION 350-370 HANOVER ST. SOTISTUWR? = How to Make It PART I One of Popular Mechanics Series of Inpusrara, Hanp- nooKs. “Written so you can understand i.” Tells very plainly how to make 21 different articles of mission furniture; the instructions being accompanied by working drawings and half tones of the finished articles. 96 pages. Cloth cover. Price 50 cents, postpaid. Order from your newsdealer or direct from the publisher POPULAR MECHANICS Co. CHICAGO ADVERTISING SECTION —\LAW Study at Home Correspondence students hold high- est records—99 per cent pass bar examination first time up. Leading home study law course in America—recognized by resident colleges. Qur own modern texts—just prepared by 21 Deans and Professors from leading g university Jaw schools—Harvard, University of Michigan, Wisconsin, Ilinois, lowa, Leland Stanford and others,” We guarantee to coach free any graduate failing to pass bar exam- ination, We Make Your Home a University aly ge mp seals setae nae Samuel Gon} ” Dillon, Senator Clark of Montana, and thousenda of ‘Our most noted men and lawyers have: studied law ‘without attending a resident collese en Taft Says: map who expects to achieve substantial sc. i the bapipeae av profecsional world showld be iy trained.” DECIDE NOW0 stedy law, al thot me the ret sep toward & fresand siccental rcer” Noeateance saminnions"Esremely "y monthly payments. Our Great Offer at once se arn bw i ave over half he ont by eral rence chore Special Business LawCourse for those desirise. knowledge ‘Git puriculaes lode ier trace siden ‘ia ea ‘pies 12 POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION Saves the Wages of Two Men Runs With Ordinary Kerosene What you pay for what you get, is not half 30 important as what you get for what you pay. H The Colton Modern kerosene engine is built up to a standard and not down to a price, although the price we ask is the lowest on Bi] the market for this type of portable farm and i shop engine. The Colton embodies 4 number Mi of exclusive features in engine construction that are usually found only in high grade automobile engines, The Colton Modern Engine is the product of organisation 27 years oldthat hs an Gnviable Zep tation for building high grade machinery. Ie is Gurable, Telable and’ economical sives an engine Service unequalled by any other engina heretofore on the matkets. We this by offering 19 days tree guaranteed positively and abso To the Calton werk fr vox fr iw resignamn.dcit ite sae t0 ios tbonk falls describee thee Rew ain cuplaine how ta get Win free for fifteen days How about that INTERLOCKING CONCRETE PANELS ii:. ores goont Ora it nbarnor an addition to the hou you wero tui iiing Inge make Interlocking Coa: ue a aig is wie "They tor we Seth nes. reiqforoed, sit itina "b ad and, rior mtr ante Hho maxalitte, abo ‘OOMING’ SYSTEM PANELS AND THETE FORMATION in tingle ponel wails inter docked teith Reyes or doudte pamet walle with. ia panelainter- Sahercemamen eae. Bete eres : ae saline oi Sohne tlie Sad ons eee ans Gh hese fuel aera a Say The Engine of Steady and Reliable Service F 0 f Maintaining uniform speed and lowest fuel economy under the most variable conditions of actual work. The Ignition, Counter- balancing and Governing of Foos engines will stand the most rigid technical analysis. Sizes 2 to 500 Horsepower Gui comer from Gas Casline ‘Types horizontal or vertical. § Single or multiple cylinder. Fort description of manyexclusivefea- tures ofdesign referto Catalog 90. THE FOOS GAS ENGINE CO., SPRINGFIELD, 0. Largest Exclusive Gas Engine Factory in America AIR GAS! LATEST INVENTION A book which tells how to make scores of articles which delight the heart of the average boy. Price 25 Cents Postpaid POPULAR MECHANICS BOOK DEPT. 318 'W. Washington Street, CHICAGO Mechanics For Young America POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION 18 Hill Climbing. If you want to avoid trouble on-the hills, pay special attention to your oil. Remember that the use of the low gear means extra heat in your engine. Compression, power, and wear all depend on the ability of your oil to “stand up” under heat and high speed. dlarigs gives such perfect lubrication it materially lessens the load on the engine. It keeps its body and feeds uniformly under all running conditions. It does not carbonize spark-plugs or valves. What Polarine Oil means to the motor, Polarine ‘Transmission Lubricants and, Folarine Greaser mean (othe oIner Wearing, surfaces Of Your car—efficlent, unilorin, perfect lubrication, (Sind Sorcha Pelee Boller wo warner ages ah th CARBON Standard Oil Company PROOF Please Mention Powular Mechonioa: POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION 50c Steamship (“KAISERIN AUGUSTA VIKTORIA”) Automobile Price 50c Each Steam Engine Gas Engine | se of seven, $3.00] Wireless Telegraph postpaid “THESE models are of great value as a meang of graphically showing all the interrelated parts of the above named mechanisms by virtue of their construction, which is similar to that of educational manikins of the human body and organs, with which nearly everyone is familiar. Beginning with the outermost or surface parts of the gas engine, for example, these are all differ- ently colored and numbered to correspond to a printed key of names which comes with each model. By means of their hinge-like attachment, they may then be lifted, thereby disclosing to view the layer of parts next underneath, exactly as they would be in the engine itself, and so (on until the innermost construction is shown. Steam Turbine Size 8x14 inches Ilustration shows how parts separate HE use of these models is without a doubt the most practical method of familiarizing one’s self with these wonderful machines. In fact, one can learn the construction and working principles better with the models than with the actual machines because with the former every inside part can be seen and studied—some- thing impossible with the real thing itself unless it be taken entirely apart. Reduced Prices on Quantities to Schools POPULAR MECHANICS BOOK DEPARTMENT SOLE AGENTS 318 W. WASHINGTON STREET CHICAGO POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION 15 Peano SBas}iw 3g fa The Greatest Technical Library in the World At an original cost of over one million dollars there has been pre- pared 9 Volumes of the International Library of ‘Technology. ‘This Library contains the knowledge obtained through years of experience by the greatest business, manufacturing, and engineer- ing concerns in the world. The matter has been written by the best technical experts obtainable and illustrated by a special staff of artists and draftsmen, In these books are found the best modern methods of American engineering, shop, field, mine, and laboratory practice. It is the only practical technical library in existence that can be readily understood and practically applied by those having no knowledge of higher mathematics. Edwin S. Cramp, vice-president of the William Cramp & Sons Ship and Engine Building Company, of Philadelphia, states: have examined the International Library of Techaolozy and have no hest tancyin saying that it is the most complete set of technical books that Thave ever had the pleastre of placing in my book case. The thorougness with which you ‘The Library contains over 42,000 pages and 20,000 illustrations; 99 Volumes durably and handsomely bound in three-fourths red morocco, stamped and numbered in gold. ‘The type is large and easy to read and is printed on a HOISTING HAULAGE Belo ey Cel high-grade book paper. Each volume is 6 by 9 inches in size ‘The Library is sold in sets of 5 or more Volumes. This storehouse of the world’s best technical brains awaits to help yon advance, to broaden and better youself, Send us this coupon NOW. INTERNATIONAL. TEXTBOOK COMPANY 2 ‘872, Scranton, Pa. Please send, without further obligation to me, full description and particulars reearding. the international Technology. Nome St and No. City 16 POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION Classified Advertisements = ‘Advertisements in Chis. see tion payable in advance, rover classited bead in th To Insure ads being. Inserted ui October issue, copy must reach this cofice not later than September Ist. 304 W, Balomore St., Baltimore, Mid., July 27, 1911, Popular Mechanics Magazine, 318 W. Washington St , Chicago. Gentlemen: We are m receipt of our javor regarding advertising lof second-hand metorcyeles for your rext issue. We are very glad to ‘say that your columns reach too many people and seil foo mary ‘machines as for the first time in the history of this concern we have nota second-hand machine on hand to be offered for sale. AS soon ‘as we accumulate another bunch of them, we will be very glad lo send you a list of them 10 be advertised in your columns. Very truly yours, HOWARD A. FRENCH & CO. ‘AuTOMOBILES ‘ON ALL 1012 AUTOS, amps, horns and metal parts, hare OR, SALE—One 1004, four =e Wie she peaty vr TAME, ‘a oat $4 o.on mead S000 eR IP'Wasuingtnn st, East’ Orange, tecnth. St, Deowe, AUTOMOHILE MODEL. Faery ait ahoan. an gamed pa canto all intents) and ipurpowes” ko off the ‘wheels, ese foo ‘an rerove the bods) exposing to lew the ‘ital 7 of practical Mental facte regan the mor car for" seekers after ine engive. and Its application to structive ta ota the ‘beatae ‘and ‘the expert ations. Pre Sito ‘postpaid Popular’ Mectianton Book Dept (RIFAM CAR OWNERS. gers Kerosene ‘tate for dreulze *AUTCMORI the otners. $50.00" wb. Tote Chics. Se ee hi See ee ea ae ee fe ES tee ee ES LE GY | Went iis memes ae Bim BEL Se ae te Ping Si, SL cle gh eae Se” Ole GLOSMORILER EAqRIFICED) og cag) 3, a einer foelior 0 euch! “Great Chance 1a. ete jo CompansPat, aiiuseit Wet OIERT AUTOMOBILE, Goo running over 805.00, Walle Hsin “San New_York Cis: Roth New Philadelphia, Ou ‘A RESPONSIBLE AUTOMOBILE concera wil sell a few high Tike new, $500.00. 155 grie rebuilt cars, of an eag3 _paymiec proposition. © Wile: us our wants 1s. to the style of car and price—we think’ we. cat ‘He you out. “adress P- 0. oe’ 631, Chlese. INS, four weka” coune _creeh peak"! Wor deen gee omotcms ene ad fe it". “Be Went Side XM C, i West sth St, New York, N.Y. "A "Aulomotlie' Saiods ‘ele free sacri jife “and, cyele’ Company—Pat, HScvssHir Went isin Sy New York Cy. ‘OLDSMOBILE, RUN ued, tires o°eqgaint coaiion as (gh igmbs, audigy” $150.00 takes i "Paruinsoa, 18 J Pawtuaset, MeL REO_FIVE PASSENGER, touring car, food, as Rew —§E50. waniculars, photograph. Oren, i4S farin “are, New Yor it. FORD, « cinder Ranaut; Fyne aig Tooke Uke pew —¥200.00 snoubacd, “114 Pith “Ave, ‘New’ York Cl. Tie AraC where it can be cared for. ‘Changes timer to position 3) HORSE POWER Tne Ge Belno neo f SALAS fre passenger Auto body. Ford Biggs, Obe ‘AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES AUTO, CASES AND TUBES, Guaranteed-2935, $9.50; tu sys ies eg Be. Gavia $uN-20:” C Bok, “Stk Bagh Pelee Ato “or tubes ir Sent iow examination on ‘Bis target ire diet in the een reordered. sprnate 0, PRASS POLISH, fection but harlow; to formulas for 255, ws ‘Laredo, ‘Bought Bold and Wenalred. 3. Bara Goon 84 Revatreas Fe te lent gondtin, mage =e = RON GEAR immeaiateye-cteape Rolpien, int Sree Danie Sa, See ee Re rete ean = Line a Sree, Soentier“Ontesi_Co,_ Gamers, NY! sept Mt Aleph {Soa Teak. “Catalogue ‘AUTOMOBILE CYLINDERS REBORED. and accuratay wyund, EM. Burges.” Mondamin. Tow pataine gee pltgn apne ten ears “Cant ine We aoneTING NEW" dug hel Ga Alunioums TOC * Siaofener. Sr postal ean & Son Bridgton. Cot SADHEAG SS bacmae agar foe Seam AUTO BODY POLISH “Coed in args feo aren Aa pict alpeds "Sunaina erie 'rapalng onde "Chee Bf a make Por a ow Bp Hicune/Rigsauamebiiegn-Cyele Conpacy™Pat, Ho-aschit fay make, Formula, Ry cen.” Wy W Stow, Soi ms “FORD. 1010 TOURING tour, evligdor—iweaty-tgo_horee gee sctomaey an lean We news Stost ions, Protogapl,cappiea. ‘The Tienes," Bike 1 SUE whew Baan ROE, HEWITT RUNABOUT for silo, runciog order, any Kind af ermonstration. $225.00 He" Lindtke, Wiest Ave, Re Ye CH, ‘AUTOMOBILES Hundreds of Ranabwuls, “Roadsters, Touring Gas. Latest" models," Guaranteed." Shipped. Wreigit_ prepaid Sree aca gota, tian seat Thee aus and "cyte Company hy. i581 Wet 15th “St, ‘York 1812 METZ RUNADOUTS, 4 cyl, water ecoled, fridion tant uistion, double chain drive, "$675" del. in san “Prancleen Cal Yous d, Borie, Metz"ageat" and disrivaror, 131 Sutter St, Sah ravelace, i PULLMAN Toy Ta Tunrinteed god ay new an’ oiler.” kavard "A. Dater, 107-160 Pine "St: 100" "TOURING CAR, ave-passenger full equipment Sodas tee Arse 8450 takes 40” Waite for full pareuan: ELECTING AUTO WORN Outit, ¥5._€_ Calling, Kankakee, Til 1) HORSH. POWER Geo)_Bins,” New” Philadelphia, "0 ‘MoToRCYCLES Seen cneae, Sao eae see REST tube, 255: aeazig comigated 6,38 anes and tubes, Tialey type 2 Sais, Maasai. 'se302 Ireluding pos ‘Sen pistotice: order for tuber and 229%" om fase aT Vanderpool, “Springs THRES— Another Big Sale of Diamonds, Aching, “at unheard of “reductions Every" Him,” Guaranteed. “Shipped on approval Auiomoile vies crite, The Avlgmobile end, Cele Compsty— wie T ship, allow examination. Wm, Bing. 250 tn New Work FIVE PARSENGHA WHITH STEAMER. —Goodtires top MOTORCYCLES. §0)-UP.Tudlans ate ‘Thows, Haley DE Tamps and. gonerstor, — Cusrantecd in. fino sbape. £350.08. viduons, Extelaior, Wagers, otc; ercry oe fuarenced: oad fOr Roadater tomy ees and oll Tompa, aecdomeler, smog new barrain fist and. large more supply calaiogye, repels, he tires, four’ lamps, toy, BB." Widmayer Co. 2812. Broadway WHITE STEAMER, 1 ( EagReREO en eT SEQ Wada FE Motorcycle.» Tears, 143 Nerihy Sts’ Midiiletowns Ne Ye DON WUT’ A. BICYCLE Slot Attaciment an gurcattiog and prise. shaw bite. Oo. Dept: 32, Galesbate POPULAR MECHANICS ADVERTISING SECTION Ww THE NEW 1011 4 horee power Haverfird Mosorycles Batters, FOR SALE TO FIRST BUYER Elteldge 1011, Aero Special oe Seton tp meniet amet, ae, TON GAUDI, mR NOTE te uae ey fe Rie as He Reh eee be te ArmA LS A AR, ae Se MEO a, eg a aol oad a Sent stamp for ‘catalcgue, “Brooklyn “Acopkane: suppir Ca, 19h Pg ee and Cycle Company, - OLDEST, MOST Ri ELE MODEL DEALERS in the U. RTE ES Se ee SSGTORCYCLES omens varie of Ancicn and Taba Hea aat eek reagan ato eee dilating guaranteed moves ready {0 fy 00 upnanda, "spe ‘Aerutiyer Company, Medforsy Mass. CHICAGO. AERO WORKS, 104 Nori Wabaah 6s, accessories, heels, metors, also models, w00d, futher," propellers. “Stamp for_eatahogue, AENOPLANE MODEL, von first prize record. Might 115 feet. Se" Globe Sales Co. Tals, Aery_ Show: Wor si%, Pantiag, free “rhe sAutagobile. aid “Cycle, Compans—PM, 118-215 West Si."New "York cy. ‘Micnteans SLL EST ROOK Touatraction,_ Manarem ‘WORKING DRAWINGS OF THE “DEMOISELLE,” Santon eee Tene ORE ompie LeneiciCn bake ee -Dumcnt's Temarhabie taonoplate, ettred to the public for ihe Ae ljoretion eer pulled, Sem bog for 28e taps er met, tne," The. mt comoroes tere ara> bike penn, shonang eter, ne Matcres T, Fepaag aS. Betertin, Mowe 1, or 4, Deeewo0d, Reena niegu TOW SALE AT Br will'bo sacieed Ly SUPPLIRC Ww Ingest fk fo, America Tm Lament prices A. hundred “new "ideas shvt in oy logue P niroreyele Baulpment Co. oe ee CLES, Hatelsors, Indians, Vales -and_oihery pres, 825 and ip. Seta for lit. Bd Thomas, 2 So. Fusver, “An tArsor, ati ONE § HP. CURTISS AIAGSETO twig. eo Waiter twin, ob ABN Ty in ealeoeh: aaa ea Coe MOTORCYCLE, two sests; good coniilion, #15 166 Beals, Desrott, ‘MOTORCYCLES $35 UP._All maken Sead tedny Tor tarealn ust Shaw Mfg. Co.. Dept $0, Galesburg, hay XINETY USED MOTORCYCLES for your selecdon Tih trated catalogue three ceats in stumps. “Rubel” Co, Louise, TRADE FOR MOTORCYCLE—Twenty honeporer 2 qale, & cylinder rebuilt marine engine. Karl Case, Parkersburg, W, Wa, CASH FOR ube Co,, Lourie, BY, WAGNER 3uoT will trade. C. Clarkson, ssoktiad, “Me. ‘ny make. Seeeral Wagner wanted Bice for jours Shaw Sfp. Ca, he Gacrigtion ‘and iowert Dept 8. Galesburg, Kars. etait of cormtesetion, accompanted ty” a. ducripilan st “how to Dutld. “The machine is uneveumbered by patent rights, the emote ileor placieg he invention at ave dlpeeal at the word, Pace 2 "Popular Meciundes” Book Depts, il MODEL, AEROPLANES HOW TO MAKE AND PLY THEM By W. Twising, “Cunsisting of ° shes of sealed drawings, showing three diferent mouels, with deseaptive Vonklet. “By mail Sge Popular Meciantes. Bock ‘Devs o BAKE AN AKMOFLANE from jour Diyele for $6. Send Ali cents for Hiue“printe ad instetloas, "Adres Hult Monplane “ean “10 BECOME “AN AVIRTOR W_ewvilng Uw Aa fool of Aviation ofresporidence course, A torus MPG? aie'et Sha teleree, Gfatlations als bracticd at coe ation. "Sead or particulars” MK. Kakmar, “Sec., 1952 ‘AN, drawn to sealo_with fall insirvctions toe iy Welghe a, “ipiane Model that positively ‘Drawing sid directions for three-oot model ase," Raiup brings most complee, Interesting an punted, "Aden Acroplane supply Cy MOTORCYCLES, SAVE DEALERS” PROFITS, bay direa from the owners Ihave all makes gn ty ls. Indians. and ‘Marabos Est ups “Hundreds otter akes an ‘haba at com anuvey ow 3 5 Hirices. Gets my prices Deore purchakng. ing. ‘itomobite ‘Brokers 317 Weat™2sth St.,"New York Che 10, GHEYHOUND, 4 forse power peat not, $138.00." Geo. Buss, New -Puiladeiph FIGRCE FOUR-CYLINDER MOTORCYCLES scarcely wood fn fira-clash condition: for sale’ at very low prices ‘Wn. Conurn. 18 Hanover St, Bulfilo, N.Y 4007 INDIAN $35.09, 1908 Indian $60.00, 1910 Emblem $120.00, old" Bxcelsbr magneto ‘140.0%. Rullman’Bros.,” Louisa iy SE" We" Broadway, "New “York, TANGAINS EES. of aiFaront a Special light welsti, sat 18.00 Wille foe Ta Abmeriean “Specialty “Mp. CO., Masitowor, “Wis. HAMLOO SPECIAL GRADES for Acrorautle Work, Rattan, Spl Tubes for medels.” J. Detour, Tne. ort ci LYING MODELS, aitan_comiradion, ‘Guantuteed fyers. | Brice ex prepaid Ing Company.” 15s Lawretce St, Thookis, UEACING MONOPLANE) 20°04". Flies 00 {© Very durable; xcelient prise winner, ils “wordetful” racer “$1.95” powtpa Honle" Nofoplane Co. Willlamagn, “No, c | Reed, ath Tigaina Fa out, SU, MOTORCYCLE, $115, 1, Geter, ¥. MC ay share in exiiuiuen profits, "ATU Tora ‘Nichols, Chil “1000 INDIAN Single Cylinder Motowcycle for tale, 4180.00, — ue FCiayde ‘urd, Daison, Mle. BOOKS AND PERIODICALS “HORSE POWER Indian, $160.00, 2% Hone Power Indian, ‘io Models, excelent condition .'s, "Will, Canal “HE PAINTERS’ FRIEND; the Iatest Dock ublsbed on, this gusione 300D NOTORCYCLE in exchange for Tawi Smithy Columblans, Oho RUBBER CEMENT PATCHES, ight for 250 while Send le for test call ‘6, Bex 720, Trenton, 'N, WER AVIATION, § cinder, wpe alreooled, aces fly, guaraiteed “and iminediate delivery” Tents ior eirculsr: ‘Parker Motor’ Compa, ‘St_Pau,” Atle. TALOGUE of Aonaatieal aap- ‘auirest for 10- sents 43, stamp, FINE AUTOMORILE FOR AENOPLANE, co pleio-or without engine Engine “alone not Tess. than. 40-30" Bp. lnigable, wor cash. ‘Tspewriter for salt aeronautie, mat inary ges” engite. Et in Se Bayonne, HS5 BUYS A GUARANTEED foi orlinder 30-40 Hi Gry Eagle Aéto Maot with Hosch’ saunete, carburetor, le Sie” Weighs 160 pounds” Will fy Curtiss type. Wlplanes “apd Sthers Brot atiiveries Get ‘sireuiars” Hater Cor Rentioe ie” ky. ules, Uutanng tute ofan, foswulae te ating Dalits,” shell, Dolishes, ete. “Preating’ walls ‘for ‘tint Hates aaiiemjine ot Sheree, Wi many” ete “WOY AVIATORS,” “OY COL cahungato Hopes Motor Rangarts Steye aie ae series of "Bors Rooke. Get Vel. i of any” series "immediately ‘oe. x pal” old erpere of trom ‘uret & Co. 398 Broad= iow Work. Gas ve. GW (MAIL, ORDER EOOKS, Pilling liwrated cigar ie rigs oom tree Ge Pubs ‘3000 MONEY-MAKING FOUMULAS, Sai-pewe, ci wound ook 25e prepaid, Sclentie Book catalogue free. “Clarence Hard= ENGINEERS questions aay aiagerg foe Tcene, isa for iweaty-te cents, Dospald. send stamps.” Reilly's Book Sore Yahiadeiphia, ue WONDERFUL BOOK ON HEPNOTIS, “Perunal Malis, meget ea 8 YACHT AND BOAT BUTDIN Send fon 80-page.lustrated. cata Con 3 Hudson St, "New-York WE ADVISE YOU FREE, and standard bocks on. Success Business, G BOOKS, ship pleture fe Tne Rudder Publishing ap Hy Mall the. very Get ‘Hecreaiton. Heath Home, Rican Holude Prbions, latin, Geen, ew Pru Shai weokiy iain for" gal, wih Sour yname and) addres. ‘Oriental’ Esoteric Society, 19, "Washingten,

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