048 2002 GSE - Part2

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By Richard Thiel, P.E.

Designer’s Forum Richard B. Erickson,
and Gregory N. Richardson, P.E., Ph.D.

GCL design guidance series

Part 2: GCL design for slope stability
This is a continuation of a three-part series ASTM D 5321. For GCL internal and in- structure with a factor of safety of 1.5 can be
summarizing key aspects of the industry’s first terface shear strength evaluation, direct shear expected to remain stable even when some
comprehensive GCL design guidance doc- testing is conducted in accordance with of its structural geometry and material prop-
ument (the GundSeal GCL Design Manual, ASTM D 6243. Several factors can influ- erties varied from those assumed in the
Thiel et al. 2001) available from the second ence the shear strength of all GCL products. analysis. Of course, this presumes the analy-
author. This part of the series focuses on slope The most important factors include (1) rate sis is performed correctly.
stability. Relative to the role of GCLs when of displacement, (2) bentonite moisture con- The lead author defines a “design condi-
evaluating slope stability, the primary ques- tent, (3) normal stress, (4) location of the tion” as the anticipated actual long-term
tion focuses on what shear strength values shear plane, (5) peak vs. post-peak vs. resid- conditions that an interface will experience,
should be used for analyses. This article ex- ual shear strength, and (6) hydration liquid. and requires a factor of safety ≥ 1.5. The de-
plores that question and proposes answers These six GCL-related testing parameters cision as to the appropriate long-term shear
that are dependent on the type of GCL se- and project-specific considerations are dis- strengths the designer selects is project-spe-
lected and the boundary conditions. cussed by Thiel et al. (2001). cific (there are many variations), and a com-
Since the shear strength properties of plete discussion of this topic is beyond the
General slope stability bentonite have been the subject of inves- scope of this paper. Next, the author fol-
tigation for many decades and are well un- lows the guidance of Gilbert and Byrne
derstood, it is possible to assume the shear (1996) and verifies that the stability under
Geosynthetics, such as geomembranes and
strength properties of bentonite with a great the worst-case shear strength conditions
GCLs, often provide a preferential slip plane
degree of confidence. This is, however, not (e.g., hydrated residual shear strength) re-
along which a slope failure may occur. For
usually the case with most natural soils and sults in FS > 1.0. This latter test is often the
designs utilizing GCLs, the bentonite layer
geosynthetics. Recommended shear strength more significant.
and interfaces adjacent to the GCL are ob-
equations for dry and hydrated bentonite A good example of the above approach
vious locations to evaluate as potential crit-
are presented by Thiel et al. (2001). and selection of GCL shear-strength crite-
ical slip planes. Although the basic geo-
When GCLs are placed directly on an ria for a bottom-liner design involves the
technical principles used to evaluate the
earthen subgrade, without a geomembrane encapsulation of unreinforced bentonite be-
slope stability of bottom lining systems, cover
between the subgrade and the bentonite, tween two geomembranes (Figure 1). The
systems, and surface impoundments are the
slope stability analyses should always be per- design scenario presumes that most of the
same, it is crucial to consider applications
formed assuming the fully hydrated shear bentonite will remain dry for at least sev-
separately due to the magnitudes of the forces
strength properties of the bentonite. De- eral decades to centuries, and the basic slope
and varying sensitivities to pore pressures.
pending on the construction and subgrade stability analysis is performed on this basis.
Bottom liner systems are typically under a
conditions, the designer may wish to select A second analysis is performed, however,
wide range of relatively high normal loads
either the peak hydrated shear strength, the to verify that the stability factor of safety is
compared to veneer cover systems, which
residual hydrated shear strength, or some- greater than unity when the installed ben-
are typically under a narrow range of low
thing in between. The dry shear strength tonite area is under fully hydrated residual
normal loads. Surface impoundments incor-
should only be used for the case of encap- shear- strength conditions. This design
porate additional hydraulic and buoyant
sulated bentonite as discussed later. methodology for encapsulated bentonite is
forces created from elevated liquid levels.
described by Thiel et al. (2001) and sum-
The project-specific range and distribution
of normal loads has a significant effect on
Appropriate factor marized in the next section.
August 2002 • www.gfrmagazine.info

the shear-strength parameters to be used for of safety

many materials. This article focuses primar- A commonly accepted value for the factor
Reinforced GCLs in
ily on considerations related to GCLs uti- of safety in geotechnical engineering slope bottom liner systems
lized in bottom liner systems. stability analyses is FS ≥ 1.5. Many engi- The critical surface is always the one that
neers accept this value while remaining un- produces the lowest peak strength. If resid-
clear or uninformed of its basis. The origin ual strengths are used in the analyses, they
GCL shear strength of this value was the empirical result of an- should reflect the surface that has the low-
measurement alyzing the relative success and failure of est peak shear strength, as this location will
For geosynthetic lining systems, the inter- dams constructed over the past century. Ex- govern deformations. Since there are nu-
nal and interface (i.e., friction resistance) perience proved that when an analysis was merous potential mechanisms that could
shear strength is normally determined using performed correctly, assuming reasonable lead to localized interface deformations and

the direct shear test in accordance with and prudent material properties, an earthen progressive failure (e.g., non-uniform shear
stress distribution; settlement; pore pres- Geomembrane backing (Smooth or textured)
30 mil (0.75 mm) thru 80 mil (2.0 mm) Overlying geomembrane
sures; aging and creep), it is always prudent
to evaluate the large-displacement shear
strength of the interface that has the lowest
peak strength.
A summary of this issue is presented by
Gilbert (2001) and Thiel (2001) in the Pro-
ceedings of the 15th GRI Conference. Both these Bentonite coating
papers were discussed in a recent Designer’s
Forum column on slope stability (Richard- * Overlap length depen-
son 2002). One member of the slope stabil- 6 in (150 mm) - 12 in (300 mm) * dant on subgrade condition
ity discussion panel at that conference sug- and anticipated settlement
gested that engineers consider the interface
Figure 1: Encapsulated bentonite between geomembranes utilizing the
with the lowest residual strength as the critical GM-GCL with an overlying geomembrane.
interface, regardless of the relative peak
strengths. This was based on assumptions re-
garding long-term aging and durability of Internal strength at elevated normal loads. begun a program to evaluate this issue
geosynthetic materials over hundreds of years. The internal shear strength of even an ag- (Hsuan 2000). At a minimum, it might be
When fabric-encased reinforced GCLs are gressively needle-punched reinforced GCL prudent to establish maximum allowable
used in a lining system, there is a presumption may become lower than adjacent inter- working stress levels and geotextile polymer
that the enhanced internal shear strength of faces as the normal loads become higher formulation requirements (Koerner et al.
the GCL will be preserved (typically due to (e.g., > 750 kPa). 2000; Hsuan and Koerner 2002).
needle punching). For this to remain true, Bentonite migration. Bentonite will extrude Most of the issues described above can
the authors recommend that the peak in- through woven geotextiles when saturated be partially or fully addressed by the de-
ternal shear strength of the hydrated GCL and create a slip plane against the adjacent signer commissioning adequate direct shear
be greater than that of some other interface layer. When placed against a geomembrane, tests during the design phase to understand
in the liner system, with the weakest inter- the interface shear strength is often repre- what level of GCL peel strength is needed
face preferably located above the GCL and sentative of pure bentonite and indepen- to obtain the required internal shear
as high up in the lining system as possible. dent of the internal shear strength of the strengths. This should be followed with
Thus, as long as the GCL fiber rein- GCL. This occurred at the U.S. EPA GCL peel strength conformance testing of
forcement remains intact, the stability of Cincinnati GCL cover demonstration pro- the manufactured product as part of the pro-
the lining system is usually governed by the ject (Koerner et al. 1996). Using upper and ject CQA program. Nonetheless, there is
interface with the lowest peak shear lower nonwoven geotextiles, or at least re- still a compelling case that designers should
strength. In this case, the stability analysis quiring the nonwoven side of the GCL to consider factoring in a design scenario where
should be performed using standard geo- be placed against the geomembrane, can ad- the unreinforced strength of the bentonite
technical engineering practices that eval- dress the issue of bentonite migration. governs slope stability, and requiring a fac-
uate factors such as peak vs. residual shear Long-term aging and creep of reinforcement tor of safety at least greater than unity.
strength, potential pore-pressures, and po- fibers. When a liner system provides shear The remainder of this paper discusses the
tential seismic effects. It is important that forces to support a slope, the reinforcing situation where the unreinforced bentonite
the designer and CQA team verify that the fibers in the GCL are placed in a permanent component is the critical material in the lin-
materials provided meet the specified re- state of tension. There is currently no in- ing system. This can occur either because
quirements as described in GFR’s August dustry basis or validation for depending on an unreinforced GCL is specified (as with

2001 Designer’s Forum by Richardson and the tensile strength of these fibers to be the GM-GCL product described in Part 1

Thiel (2001). In this case, the presence of maintained over several hundred years. Al- of this series in the June/July 2002 issue of
August 2002 • www.gfrmagazine.info

a hydrated GCL with intact fiber rein- though this issue has been addressed for GFR), or for the reasons described above for
forcement may not have a significant in- geosynthetic reinforcement in retaining walls the fabric-encased reinforced GCL.
fluence on slope stability. and slopes, it has not been seriously broached
There are at least four scenarios, however, regarding reinforced fabric-encased GCLs. Slope stability of
where the presence of bentonite in a fiber- Studies presented at the recent GCL spe-
reinforced GCL may influence slope stability. cialty conference in Nuremburg, Germany
encapsulated bentonite
Intensity of fiber reinforcement. The internal suggest that the fibers may lose their strength composite liner
shear strength of the reinforced GCL may within a century under buried conditions, In the encapsulated bentonite design (Fig-
be lower than the adjacent interfaces because and even quicker when exposed to atmos- ure 1), the manufactured GCL bentonite
the intensity of needle punching between pheric oxygen levels (Thomas 2002). The layer is installed at a typical moisture con-
the upper and lower textiles is relatively low. Geosynthetic Research Institute has recently tent of 25%, and is sandwiched between two
geomembranes. The design intent is to pre- can be applied to prorate the shear strength discussion of these two hydration mechanisms
serve the “dry” shear strength of the ben- over the design life of a project. The approach is described in the following paragraphs. Note
tonite. Over time, however, encapsulated of prorating shear strength for encapsulated that Thiel et al. (2001) discuss potential hy-
bentonite can hydrate from a relatively dry GCLs has been successfully applied in several dration from water diffusion through the
state to one that is more saturated due to de- landfill designs since 1994 for projects in the geomembranes and conclude that this hy-
fects in geomembranes and overlapped GCL western United States. A case history outlin- dration mechanism is insignificant.
seams. From the point of view of shear ing the prorated shear strength design approach
strength, relatively dry means that the ben- is presented by Thiel and Erickson (2001). Bentonite hydration from above and below
tonite is drier than 35% moisture. Moisture After the installation of an encapsulated through geomembrane defects
contents above 40–50% will result in reduced bentonite liner system, there are two poten- Equation (1) for radial hydration of en-
bentonite shear strength (Daniel et al. 1993). tial hydration mechanisms that could result capsulated bentonite, caused by liquid en-
By estimating the fraction of the installed in a localized increase in bentonite moisture: tering a circular defect in the overlying
bentonite area that may become hydrated, the (1) moisture entering through defects in the geomembrane (Figure 2), was developed
global shear strength of the bentonite layer upper and/or lower geomembranes, and (2) by Dr. J.P. Giroud (Thiel et al. 2001).
can be prorated (i.e., % of dry area vs. % of subgrade moisture seeping through overlapped Equation (1)
hydrated area). With a given relative hydrated
vs. dry area of bentonite in an encapsulated
seams in the case of the GM-GCL material
described in Part 1 of this GFR GCL Design
ˆt =
n R2
4k ∆h[2ln(R/r)-1+ ( )]
r 2

bentonite installation, a design methodology series (June/July 2002 issue of GFR). A brief
h = total head driving moisture (suction
plus liquid head) (m)
k = bentonite hydraulic conductivity (m/s)
n = available bentonite porosity (%)
r = radius of geomembrane defect (m)
Fluid R = radius of the wetting front (m)
tˆ = time (sec)
Bentonite Hydration Front Geomembrane Defect
To use Equation (1) requires the designer
to select values of n, k and h under guidance
provided by Thiel et al. (2001). Using Equa-
2r tion (1) with typical design assumptions,
Bentonite with k m / s Figure 3 shows the projected wetting rate
2R around a single hole in a geomembrane for
the encapsulated design.
Figure 3 shows how the radius of hydrated
bentonite would be less than 600 mm over a
Figure 2: Drawing illustrating factors for calculating radial hydration period of 250 years in a typical bottom liner
of encapsulated bentonite through a geomembrane defect. under 300 mm of liquid head. Relative to one
hectare, the hydrated area beneath a single
10-mm-diameter geomembrane defect is cal-
culated to be less than 0.008% of the total
area. Thus, assuming there are 10 randomly
Encapsulated GundSeal hydration through 10-mm
located geomembrane defects per hectare in
(0.4-in)-diameter hole under 300 mm liquid head
-9 both the bottom and top geomembranes (a
k=1X10 cm/s, n=0.4, ∆h=300 mm (12 in.)
Wetted radius [m (in.)]

1.0 very conservative assumption), the total num-

August 2002 • www.gfrmagazine.info

ber of defects per hectare would be 20, the

percent of the total area that becomes hy-
0.8 drated would be 20 x 0.008% = 0.16%. This
degree of hydration beneath occasional im-
perfections in the geomembrane is essentially
0.6 negligible assuming good contact between
the geomembranes and the bentonite. Greater
lateral spreading and bentonite hydration
0 50 100 150 200 250 could, however, be produced by wrinkles in
Time (years) the overlying geomembrane. This analysis
assumes a continuous head of water; if con-

Figure 3: Predicted wetting of the encapsulated bentonite through a

ditions were comparatively dry, the hydra-

single 10-mm-diameter defect in a geomembrane.

tion would be less. Therefore, it is conserva-
Hydration area of
overlapped GundSeal on wet subgrade
k=1X10 cm/s, n=0.4, ∆h=3 m (10 ft.)
6 inch (150 mm) overlap
tive to assume that 5% of the total installed 90 12 inch (300 mm) overlap
bentonite area might become hydrated due

% Area Hydrated
to geomembrane defects over a 250-year de-
sign life. 70
Hydration from below through GM-GCL over- 50
lapped seams
This consideration is only applicable to
GM-GCL products whose seams are over- 30
lapped and not welded (Figure 1). This sit- 20
uation was described in detail in Part 1 of 10
this GCL Design Series. This scenario would - 50 100 150 200 250
not apply to encapsulated GCLs where the Time (years)
geomembrane seams on both sides of the
Figure 4: Predicted percent area hydrated of the encapsulated ben-
GCL were completely welded. In the en- tonite coating of the GM-GCL through overlaps deployed on a wet sub-
capsulated mode, where a GM-GCL mate- grade.
rial is deployed with the geomembrane face-
down with overlapped seams against a soil placed. Therefore, a conservative estimate order of 1.5 or greater. Although this may
subgrade (Figure 1), moisture will be ab- of the total long-term (250 years) hydrated satisfy the basic design requirements for
sorbed into the exposed bentonite edge of bentonite area resulting from geomembrane slope stability, the authors recommend one
the overlap seam due to the difference in defects and GM-GCL overlap seams would additional requirement, which is that the
matric suction between the bentonite and range from 5+5 = 10%, to 5+34 = 39%. factor of safety be greater than 1.0 assuming
the subgrade soils. The extent and rate of the bentonite is fully hydrated and has only
wetting along the exposed bentonite edge of Slope stability analysis for encapsulated GCL residual shear strength. This latter condi-
the overlap depend upon the water content The shear strength along a slip plane tion is often the more critical.
of the soil in contact with the bentonite. within the bentonite of the encapsulated
The method for calculating the hydration GCL is a proration of both the hydrated and Summary
rates along an exposed overlapped GM- dry shear-strength properties of bentonite. For designs utilizing GCLs, the bentonite
GCL seam edge was developed by Dr. J.P. Given the random location of geomembrane layer and interfaces adjacent to the GCL
Giroud and described by Thiel et al. (2001). defects, and mostly even spacing of over- are obvious locations to evaluate for the
For wet subgrade conditions, it is estimated lapped GM-GCL seams, one can assume the critical slip plane. When evaluating a de-
that after 250 years the bentonite hydration hydration pattern in the bentonite area to sign for stability, testing and utilizing the
distance may approach 1 m from the edge of be relatively uniformly distributed over a pro- appropriate GCL shear strength parame-
the overlapped panel. The calculation for ject area. Therefore, a weighted average for ters in conjunction with project specific
percent of total installed bentonite area that the global shear strength can be defined based design criteria is crucial to effective long-
may hydrate is plotted in Figure 4. The re- on the hydrated and dry shear strengths of term performance. To this end, the authors
sults indicate that after 250 years, approxi- bentonite, and the corresponding assumed provide the following conclusions and rec-
mately 33% of the area would become hy- fractions of hydrated and dry areas. ommendations regarding bottom-liner sys-
drated using a 150-mm overlap, and The prorated strength [τ(design) ] is cal- tem designs:
approximately 25% of the area would be hy- culated as: • Designers and CQA firms should con-
drated using a 300-mms overlap. Equation (2) duct material-specific testing of GCL in-
Area(hydrated) ternal and interface shear strengths to ver-
Total hydration of an encapsulated bentonite
τ(design) = τ(dry)–
Area(total) ( )
ify that the materials specified and/or

lining system For example, if the hydrated fraction supplied for a project are realistic and meet

By combining the bentonite hydration [Area(hydrated)/Area(total)] of the installed the design requirements. Whoever com-
August 2002 • www.gfrmagazine.info

due to geomembrane defects (above all area of encapsulated GM-GCL over the design missions the testing should possess a skilled
GCLs) and hydration at overlapped GCL life of a project is assumed to be 10%, Figure familiarity with the design objectives as well
seams (GM-GCL product only), total hy- 5 illustrates the prorated design shear-strength as direct shear testing techniques.
dration of an encapsulated GCL liner system envelope for a high normal-load residual • Designers should attempt to position the
can be estimated for a given set of design strength. These shear-strength data were used critical slip plane above the primary geomem-
criteria over the life of the project. Examples for a landfill bottom-liner system designed and brane to the extent feasible for a given project.
are provided by Thiel et al. (2001) show- constructed in 1994 with a subsequent ex- • Designers should consider evaluating all fa-
ing how 5–34% of the bentonite’s area pansion in 1997 (Thiel and Erickson 2001). cilities for stability using the residual shear
might become hydrated over a period of The factor of safety for a stability analy- strength along the geosynthetic interface
250 years, depending on the moisture con- sis using this approach is typically on the that has the lowest peak strength. This would
tent of the subgrade on which the liner was be an advisable risk-management practice
τ (residual-dry)=100.53+0.2533σ−
σ 4
for σ > 100 kPa ( 396.88
1+ )
Hyperbolic fit for resid-
600 ual dry bentonite
for designers, and verify the FS under these Hyperbolic fit for resid-

Shear Stress (kPa)

conditions is at least greater than unity. 500 ual hydrated bentonite
Prorated Design Shear
• For evaluating fabric-encased reinforced 400 Strength, 10% hydration
GCLs, there are several reasons that design- 36.86
τ (residual-hydr)=36.86+0.0398σ−
ers may wish to verify that the long-term fac- 300 σ
tor of safety is greater than unity using the
(1 + 1852.2) 6

200 for σ > 144 kPa

shear strength of unreinforced bentonite.
• The shear-strength properties of sodium
bentonite are well known and understood 0
and can be taken from the literature. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400

• Encapsulating dry bentonite between two

geomembranes is a valid technique for pre-
serving a higher shear strength in the ben- Figure 5: Prorated shear-strength curve for encapsulated, partially
tonite for at least some amount of time hydrated bentonite.
(ranging from decades to centuries de-
pending on the design assumptions, site
122, no. 4: 259–266. Thiel, R., and R. Erickson. 2001. GCL
conditions, and level of care during con-
Hsuan, G., and R.M. Koerner. 2002. Alternative liner and critical slope
struction). Regardless, the authors recom-
Durability and lifetime of polymer stability: A unique case history
mend that the slope stability be evaluated
fibers with respect to reinforced involving encapsulated design ap-
and verified to be greater than unity as- proach. Proceedings from Sardinia
geosynthetic clay barriers, i.e. re-
suming the hydrated residual shear strength 2001, Eighth International Waste
inforced GCLs. Proceedings of the
of unreinforced bentonite. Management and Landfill Sympo-
Specialty Conference on Clay
Part 3 of this series (September 2002 issue sium . Vol. 3. Eurowaste srl,
Geosynthetic Barriers. Zanzinger,
of GFR) will focus on installation, durabil- Padova, Italy. 75–82.
Koerner and Gartung, eds. Swets
ity and construction quality assurance of Thiel, R., D. Daniel, R. Erickson, E.
& Zeitlinger, Lisse, Germany.
GCL lining systems. Kavazanjian, and J.P. Giroud. 2001.
Hsuan, G. 2000. The durability of re-
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geosynthetic clay liners. Proceed- ual. GSE Lining Technology Inc.,
ASTM D 5321. Determining the Co-
ings of the 14th GRI Conference. Houston, Texas.
efficient of Soil and Geosynthetic
Folsom, Pa. 211–225. Thomas, R.W. 2002. Thermal oxi-
or Geosynthetic and Geosynthetic
Koerner, R.M., T.Y. Soong, G.R. Ko- dation of a polypropylene geotex-
Friction by the Direct Shear
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Method. ASTM International, West
testing and data extrapolation of liner. Proceedings of the Spe-
Conshohocken, Pa.
reinforced GCLs. Proceedings of the cialty Conference on Clay Geosyn-
ASTM D 6243. Standard Test Method
14th GRI Conference. Folsom, Pa. thetic Barriers. Zanzinger, Ko-
for Determining the Internal and In-
189–210. erner and Gartung, eds. Swets &
terface Shear Resistance of
Koerner, R.M., D.A. Carson, D.E. Zeitlinger, Lisse, Germany.
Geosynthetic Clay Liner by the Di-
Daniel, and R. Bonaparte. 1996.
rect Shear Method. ASTM Interna-
Current status of the Cincinnati GCL Richard Thiel is president of Thiel Engineering.
tional, West Conshohocken, Pa.
test plots. Proceedings of the 10th Richard B. Erickson is sales manager, GCLs
Daniel, D.E., H.Y. Shan, and J.D. An-
GRI Conference. Folsom, Pa. for GSE Lining Technology Inc.
derson. 1993. Effects of partial
147–175. Greg Richardson is principal of GN Richard-
wetting on the performance of the
Richardson, G.N., and R.S. Thiel. son and Assoc.
August 2002 • www.gfrmagazine.info

bentonite component of a geosyn-

2001. Interface shear strength
thetic clay liner. Proceedings of the
part 2. Geotechnical Fabrics Re-
Geosynthetics 1993 Conference.
port. Vol. 19, no. 6: 1–26.
Roseville, Minn. 1483–1496.
Richardson, G.N. 2002. Slope sta-
Gilbert, R.B. 2001. Peak vs. resid-
bility considerations for lined
ual strength for waste containment
landfills. Geotechnical Fabrics Re-
systems. Proceedings of the 15th
port. Vol 20, no. 4: 12–16.
GRI Conference. Folsom, Pa. 29–39.
Thiel, R.. 2001. Peak vs. residual
Gilbert, R.B., and R.J. Byrne. 1996.
shear strength for landfill bottom
Shear strength of reinforced
liner stability analyses. Proceed-
geosynthetic clay liners. Journal
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of Geotechnical Engineering. Vol.


Folsom, Pa. 40–70.

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