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Title Page

Sustainable use of wild species is not a myth, but remains challenging

Jean-Marc Fromentin1*, Marla R. Emery2¥, John Donaldson3, Ganesan Balachander4, Elizabeth S.

Barron5, Ram P. Chaudhary6, Marie-Claire Danner7, Mary Gasalla8, Agnès Hallosserie9, Marwa

Halmy10, Christina Hicks11, Daniel Kieling12, Mi Sun Park13, Brenda Parlee14, Jack Rice15, Tamara
Ticktin16, and Derek Tittensor17

1 MARBEC, University of Montpellier, Institut Français de Recherche pour l’Exploitation de la Mer

(IFREMER), Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), Centre National de la Recherche

Scientifique (CNRS), Sète, France
* Corresponding author’s email:

Telephone: Desk: +33 499573232 ; Handy: +33 633897129
Postal Address: Ifremer - UMR MARBEC, avenue Jean Monnet, 34203 Sète Cedex, France

Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture, Burlington, Vermont, United States of
America. ¥Present address: Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA), Trondheim, Norway
3 South African National Biodiversity Institute, Cape Town, South Africa
4 Krishi Bounty Private Limited; Chennai, India
5 Department of Geography, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
6 Research Centre for Applied Science and Technology, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal
Centre de Synthèse et d’Analyse sur la Biodiversité (FRB-CESAB), Fondation pour la Recherche
7, 12

sur la Biodiversité, Montpellier, France


8 Department of Biological Oceanography, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil

9 Fondation pour la Recherche sur la Biodiversité (FRB), Paris, France

10 Department of Environmental Sciences, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt

11Lancaster Environment Center, Lancaster, Lancaster University, United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland
13Graduate School of International Agricultural Technology, Seoul National University, Pyeongchang

Campus, Republic of Korea

14Department of Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology, University of Alberta, Edmonton,
15 Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

16 Department of Botany, University of Hawaii, Mānoa, United States of America

17 Department of Biology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada


We are grateful to the continuous insights and encouragement of the IPBES Secretariat, including A.
Larigauderie, B. Myers, H. Ngo, S. Schiele and S. Yoshino. The IPBES Bureau and Multidisciplinary

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Expert Team, as well as the Management Committee, were invaluable sources of information and
advice. We are especially indebted to L. Dziba, A. María Hernandez Salgar, M. Stenseke and S.

Demissew Woodmatas for their wise counsel at critical moments. C. Brown, of the Policy Support
TSU, provided important early support for Chapter 6, while the technical wizardry of Wairimu 'Nimoh'
Mwaura and B. Omare was essential to the digital nature of our work. Our great thanks to N. Casajus
for his assistance in the development of figures and M. Haas for bringing her graphic design expertise
to benefit the assessment. Integration of indigenous and local knowledge was central to this

assessment. Dialogue workshops were an essential component of that effort and we are profoundly
grateful to the many individuals and organizations representing indigenous peoples and local
communities (IPLC) who participated in them. Our thanks to UNESCO, notably N. Crawhall, for
hosting the first workshop in Paris, and to E. Vachon and I. Julian for their warm welcome of the
second workshop at the Biosphere environmental museum in Montreal. One silver lining of the pivot to
virtual meetings was the expanded number of IPLC who were able to participate in the third dialogue
workshop. This essential work would not have been possible without the Indigenous and Local

Knowledge technical support unit, which is sponsored by UNESCO and expertly led by P. Bates.

The authors have no competing interests to declare and received no specific funding for this work. All
authors involved in IPBES assessments and deliverables are involved on a voluntary basis. We are,
however, indebted to the governments, organizations and individuals that generously supported this
assessment. The French Foundation for Research on Biodiversity (FRB) and the French Biodiversity
Agency (AFB), especially G. Landrieu, co-hosted TSUs. Support for our in-person meetings was
provided by the University of Montpellier and Agropolis (in-kind support for the first author meeting),
the second author meeting received support from the National Museums of Kenya and the Swiss
Academy of Sciences (in particular E. Spehn) provided in-kind support for the final SPM meeting. We
would also like to acknowledge the support of our home institutions and governments: L'Institut
Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la MER, Ifremer (France), USDA Forest Service (United
States) and the South African National Biodiversity Institute (South Africa).

We are most grateful to the following lead authors, fellows, and review editors of the IPBES
Sustainable Use Assessment report: C. Akachuku, C. Alvez Islas, E. Archer, V. S. Avila-Foucat, B.
Bayarbaatar, D. Biggs, R. Bitariho, I. Borokini, E. S. Brondízio, M. Chatakonda, A. M. Cisneros-

Montemayor, R. Cooney, M.-C. Cormier-Salem, R. Dasgupta, S. Devkota, S. Dhyani, I. Díaz-

Reviriego, J. Diniz, C. Djagoun, A. Elfaki, C. Fabricius, T. Furukawa, E. Gandiwa, E. Gilman, G.
Halouani, S. Hernandez, L. Hiwasaki, J. Hess, R. Hilborn, E. Katz, R. Kigonya, , R. Kohsaka, K. Kok,
J. Kolding, V. Lavadinović, G. Lichtenstein, L. Margayan, J. Mariño, H. Masski, D. M. Matias, M.

Mbiba, L. I. Mesa Castellanos, C. E. Michaud-Lopez, E. J. Milner-Gulland, T. Ming Lee, C. Minte-Vera,

P. J. Mograbi, P. Mosig Reidl, P. Kumar Nayak, P. Pacheco, A. Parma, P. Pascua, A. Richter, D. Roe,
H. Queiro, K. Raab, S. Carvalho Ribeiro, J. Sathyapalan, C. Simão Seixas, C. Shackleton, S.
Shackleton, M. A. Shah, P. Shanley, A. Shkaruba, U. Babu Shrestha, A. Sidorovich, R. Azevedo
Matias Silvano, Z. Skandrani, K. St. Martin, H. Stokland, E. Turnhout, R. Wynberg, Y. Zeng.

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1 Anonymized manuscript

3 Sustainable use of wild species is not a myth, but remains challenging
5 Abstract

6 The use of wild species is greater than is commonly thought, both in high- and low-income countries.
7 Approximately 50,000 wild species are used by billions of people around the world for food, energy,
8 medicine, material, education or recreation, contributing significantly to realizing the Sustainable
9 Development Goals of the United Nations. However, overexploitation remains a major threat to many
10 wild species. Ensuring and enhancing the sustainability of use of wild species is thus essential for
11 human well-being and biodiversity conservation. Globally, the use of wild species is increasing due to

growing human demand, but its sustainability varies and depends on the social-ecological contexts in
13 which the use occurs. Several environmental and social (including economic) drivers affect the
14 sustainability of use of wild species, which has to face major present and future challenges. In

15 particular, climate change has already increased the vulnerability of uses and is expected to increase
16 it further in the coming decades while global and illegal trades are, in most cases, key drivers of
17 unsustainability. There is no single “silver bullet” policy to address these and other challenges. Rather,
18 there is a need for inclusive actions at multiple scales that adopt a rights based approach, pay
19 attention to equitable distribution of costs and benefits, employ participatory processes, strengthen
monitoring of wild species and their uses and support context-specific policies, as well as adaptive
23 Keywords: sustainability, biodiversity, wild animals, wild plants, IPBES
25 Introduction
26 Billions of people in all regions of the world rely on and benefit from the use of wild species for food,

27 medicine, energy, materials, income, and non-material values (IPBES, 2022b). Concurrently, direct
28 human exploitation of wild species has been identified as one of the main drivers of biodiversity
29 decline in terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems (Díaz et al., 2019). For example, 37% of
30 sharks, rays and chimaeras’ species, 12% of wild tree species, 1,340 wild mammal species and many

31 wild cactus, cycad, and orchid species are threatened with extinction due to unsustainable use (Dulvy
32 et al., 2021; IPBES, 2022b; IUCN, 2020). Nonetheless, human use of wild species is not always and
33 everywhere detrimental. There are also many examples of sustainable use of wild species throughout
34 the world, as well as successful efforts to restore populations that have been severely overexploited,
35 such as vicuña and Atlantic bluefin tuna (IPBES, 2022b).

36 The scale and extent of use of wild species has been the subject of several international assessments,
37 such as those done regularly by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO,
38 2020a, b) and by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem
39 Services (IPBES) at global (IPBES, 2019) and regional levels (IPBES, 2018a, b, c, d). These

40 assessments provide strong background on the status and trends of biodiversity as a whole and on
41 some specific groups of wild species, such as fish or trees and their associated practices (fishing and
42 logging). However, many other groups of wild species commonly used by people (e.g. vascular plants,
43 mushrooms and insects) and several key practices (such as gathering, hunting, and nature-based
44 tourism, Figure 1), remain poorly documented. Therefore, IPBES launched the first comprehensive

45 intergovernmental effort, carried out by 85 independent experts from 37 countries, to document status
46 and trends of all types of use of wild species worldwide and to provide policy- and solution-oriented
47 approaches that ensure and enhance sustainable use of wild species while recognizing the diversity of
48 practices, uses and contexts . We report, here, the key findings of this assessment.

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50 1. Sustainable use of wild species is critical for people and nature

51 The concept of sustainable use has evolved through time and differs among cultures.
52 Conceptualizations increasingly revolve around the idea that sustainable use emerges from the
53 dynamics of social-ecological systems that maintain biodiversity and ecosystem functions in the long
54 term while contributing to human needs and well-being (IPBES, 2022b). Critically, sustainable use of

55 wild species encompasses both social and ecological issues, as well as the multiple aspects of their
56 interactions (Cooney, 2007; Ostrom, 2009).


58 Figure 1 Various categories of wild species, practices and uses considered. Four general categories of wild

species: aquatic animals, plants (excluding trees) together with algae and fungi, trees and terrestrial animals
60 because of differences in the status of use and practices of these groups as well as in the policy options for
61 managing them. Those groups of wild species take place in various ecosystems and ecoregions. Practices are
62 split into extractive (including fishing, gathering, logging and terrestrial animal harvesting) and non-extractive
63 ones. Uses have been divided into eight categories, which are not mutually exclusive.

64 The contributions of wild species to human well-being are vital and occur through many types of uses
65 (Figure 1), which can be continuous and quotidian or episodic and occasional (IPBES, 2022b). About
66 50,000 wild species are known to be used, including 7,500 species of wild fish and aquatic
67 invertebrates, 31,100 species of wild plants (including 7,400 species of trees), 1,500 species of fungi,
68 1,700 species of wild terrestrial invertebrates and 7,500 species of wild amphibians, reptiles, birds and

69 mammals (IPBES, 2022b). Among those, more than 10,000 species are used for human food, making
70 the sustainable use of wild species critical for achieving food security and improving nutrition in rural
71 and urban areas worldwide (IPBES, 2022b). Marine and freshwater fisheries constitute a key source of
72 protein, fat, and micronutrients for people worldwide (Hicks et al., 2019). With a total annual harvest of
73 90 million tons, about 60 million tons are consumed directly by humans and 30 million tons are used

74 as feed for aquaculture and livestock (FAO, 2020a). Terrestrial animal harvesting also contributes to
75 the food security of many people living in rural and urban areas worldwide, especially in low-income
76 countries (Coad et al., 2019). Wild plants, algae and fungi provide food, nutritional diversity, and
77 income for an estimated one in five people around the world, while 2.4 billion people, especially in low-

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78 income countries, rely on biomass for cooking and heating (OECD/IEA, 2017; Sorrenti, 2017). Uses of
79 wild species are also important sources of income and form the basis for economically and culturally

80 important activities worldwide. Annual trade in wild plants, algae and fungi is estimated to be worth
81 over $1 billion and the establishment of supply chains can fuel economic development and
82 diversification (Sorrenti, 2017). Fishing, logging, and nature-based tourism are vital to regional and
83 local employment and economies worldwide and contribute to public infrastructure, development and
84 provisioning of related goods and services (Balmford et al., 2015; FAO, 2020a, b). The use of wild

85 species also provides non-material contributions by enriching people's physical and psychological
86 experiences, including their religious, spiritual and ceremonial lives (Russell et al., 2013). In many
87 cases, a single species may have multiple uses and contributes to human well-being in multiple ways
88 (Fromentin et al., 2022).


90 Figure 2 Acknowledged and overlooked contributions of sustainable use of wild species to Sustainable
91 Development Goal (SDG) targets. Plain color bars represent the percentage of targets for which the potential

92 contributions of sustainable use of wild species is acknowledged. Hatched color bars indicate the percentage of
93 additional targets that sustainable use of wild species could help to meet.

94 The use of wild species supports peoples’ basic needs worldwide and contributes to the achievement

of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). People living in vulnerable conditions
96 are often the most reliant on wild species and would benefit directly from more sustainable uses of wild
97 species to secure their livelihoods. An estimated 70% of the world’s poor depend directly on
98 biodiversity and on businesses it fosters (UNCTAD, 2017). Supporting and enhancing sustainable use
99 of wild species would thus make direct and significant contributions to meeting many SDGs (Figure 2),

100 in particular the goals of no poverty (Goal 1), zero hunger (Goal 2), clean water and sanitation (Goal
101 6), affordable and clean energy (Goal 7), decent work and economic growth (Goal 8), industry,
102 innovation and infrastructure (Goal 9), reduced inequalities (Goal 10), climate action (Goal 13), and life
103 below water and on land (Goals 14 and 15). However, these potential contributions remain largely
104 overlooked in current global policies (Figure 2) and deserve greater attention (Fromentin et al., 2022).

105 Sustainable use of wild species is also central to the identity and culture of many indigenous peoples
106 and local communities, contributing to their livelihoods through subsistence and trade in informal and
107 formal markets. The cultures and knowledge of indigenous peoples and local communities are diverse,
108 but they include common values regarding the use of wild species, such as an obligation to engage

nature with respect, reciprocate for what is taken, avoid waste, and manage harvests for fair and
110 equitable distribution of benefits for community well-being (Brondízio et al., 2021). Frequently, these
111 values are codified in customary institutions and systems of governance that help to ensure
112 sustainable uses of wild species (Berkes, 2018; Comberti et al., 2015). Today, indigenous peoples

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113 manage the use of wild species on more than 38 million km² of land in 87 countries, which occupies
114 over a quarter of the world’s land surface and coincides with approximately 40% of terrestrial protected

115 areas and ecologically intact landscapes (Garnett et al., 2018). Globally, rates of deforestation and
116 other forms of ecosystem decline are generally lower in indigenous territories (Sze et al., 2022).
117 Moving from unsustainable to sustainable use of wild species is also critical for biodiversity
118 conservation because overexploitation remains a major threat to many wild species (Díaz et al., 2019).
119 Further, management systems that promote sustainable use of wild species can contribute to broader

120 conservation objectives that help reverse the current biodiversity decline. For example, effective
121 management systems have contributed to the conservation of species-rich forests at local levels as
122 well as at landscape scale (Balachander et al., 2022). Globally, protected areas receive 8 billion visits
123 for nature-based tourism purposes and generate US$600 billion per year (Balmford et al., 2015),
124 making significant contributions to overcoming frequent funding shortfalls for the protection of these
125 areas. In some countries, revenues from extractive uses of wild animals, including hunting and fishing

126 licenses and concession fees, deliver an important and substantial income stream that could be
127 allocated to habitat and biodiversity protection, provided rights of indigenous peoples and local

128 communities to access traditional lands and resources is not compromised (UNDP, 2018).
129 2. Status and trends in the uses of wild species
130 Globally, the use of wild species is increasing due to growing human population and consumption.
131 While the human population has doubled since 1975, the CITES-listed wild species quadrupled over
132 the same period (Harfoot et al., 2018). However, the status of uses of wild species displays strong
disparities according to types and scales of use and the social-ecological contexts in which they occur.
134 Regarding fishing, about 66% of marine wild fish stocks are fished within biologically sustainable levels
135 while 34% are overfished (FAO, 2020a), but this global picture masks strong spatial heterogeneities
136 (Figure 3). In countries or regions with strong fisheries management, fish stocks are generally
137 improving, increasing in abundance and above target levels, whereas in countries and regions with
138 less-developed fisheries management, harvest rates are, on average, 3-fold greater and stocks are in
139 poor shape (Hilborn et al., 2020). For small-scale fisheries that have been assessed around the world,
140 many have been found to be unsustainable or only partially sustainable due to changing social-
141 ecological contexts. This is especially the case in Africa for both inland and marine fisheries and in

142 Asia, Europe, and Latin America for coastal marine fisheries (Barron et al., 2022). Unintentional
143 bycatch of threatened and protected species is not only unsustainable for many sharks, rays and
144 chimaeras, but also for several populations of wild marine turtles, seabirds, marine mammals and
145 some bony fishes. Recent advances in monitoring and managing fishing have reduced mortality of

146 bycatch species, but global uptake of effective bycatch management measures is severely lagging in
147 many fisheries (Lewison et al., 2014).
148 Unsustainable terrestrial animal harvesting in combination with other factors, such as land degradation
149 or climate change, have led to the decline of many populations (Figure 3). In tropical areas, the

150 sustainability of hunting for food has been negatively affected by social changes, such as the
151 introduction of cash market economies, global trade, urbanization, and road infrastructure, which have
152 resulted in shifts from local-level subsistence towards more intensive wild meat trade (Pangau-Adam
153 et al., 2012). Large mammals are the most targeted species for subsistence and commercial hunting,
154 comprising 55% to 75% of total wild meat biomass hunted annually (Barron et al., 2022). Considerable

155 regional variations in the way recreational hunting is governed and administered make any
156 generalization about its sustainability or unsustainability inappropriate. In a few positive cases,
157 depleted populations are recovering under management systems that allow regulated recreational
158 hunting by generating revenue and increasing the land area for population expansion (Lindsey, 2011).
159 Harvesting live animals for legal or illegal pet trade is also increasing and estimated to affect more

160 than 1,000 species of birds, reptiles, fish and mammals (Balachander et al., 2022). While the value of
161 species traded as pets is less than 1% of the total trade of wild species, the number of individuals
162 traded is in the millions.

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164 Figure 3 Global trends in use and sustainable use of wild species from 2000 to 2020. The figure only shows
165 the top two to three use categories for each practice, selected based on which uses were most documented in the
166 systematic literature review. Trends in use or in sustainable use refer to an assessment of the overall state of use

167 of wild species in relation to the specified practice. Multi-directional arrow depicts highly variable trends across
168 areas or sectors for a given category of practice-use. The colors of the arrows refer to the confidence levels
169 associated with those trends. Grey: inconclusive; Orange: unresolved; Purple: established but incomplete; Blue:
170 well established. Trend in use include all types of use (sustainable and unsustainable ones). Trends in
171 sustainable use specifically refer to whether the intensity and form of use have been deemed sustainable over the

172 20-year period. Data supporting global trends and regional variations come from practice-based systematic
173 reviews of over 1,600 scientific references.

174 The use of natural forests through logging is increasing and will likely continue to do so, in part
175 because production from plantation wood is not expected to match rising global demand (Figure 3).
176 Some destructive logging practices and illegal logging continue to threaten sustainable use of natural

177 forests. Illegal logging has declined in parts of the tropical Americas, as well as parts of the tropical
178 and mountain regions of Asia due to improved monitoring and transboundary collaborations (Hoare,
179 2015). However, illegal logging has increased in other regions, including Southeast and Northeast

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180 Asia and parts of Africa (Guan et al., 2016). About 20% of the world’s tropical forests (3.9 million km²)
181 are currently subject to selective logging. Selective logging could reduce the impacts of timber

182 harvesting, but its sustainability depends on the planning and techniques used to minimize damage to
183 the residual forest stand, as well as forest soils, flora and fauna (Arets et al., 2011). Logging for energy
184 accounts for 50% of all wood consumed globally (FAO, 2020b). The use of wood for fuel is declining in
185 several regions, but is increasing in sub-Saharan Africa and accounts for 90% of all timber harvested
186 in Africa. When comparing supply-demand balances, fuel wood demand can be met at global and

187 national scales, but localized shortages and associated forest and woodland degradation occur in
188 areas where people have few alternatives for cooking and heating (FAO, 2020b; IPBES, 2022b).
189 Sustainable fuel wood logging remains a renewable energy opportunity that provides income, heating
190 and cooking in low-income countries where 1.1 billion people have no access to electricity or
191 alternative energy sources, provided air pollution and emissions that contribute to climate change are
192 mitigated (Cornwall, 2017).

193 Trade in wild plants, algae and fungi has increased rapidly over the past 40 years (Figure 3) and is
194 likely to continue to do so, as there is a growing demand for wild species in the food and aromatics

195 industries and to complement chemical medicines, particularly in high-income countries (Balachander
196 et al., 2022). Although much of the trade in ornamental plants is supplied through cultivation, poaching
197 of ornamental species from the wild is an ongoing problem (Phelps and Webb, 2015). Harvests of
198 plants that have been sustainable in the past may become unsustainable if, for example, harvesting is
199 undertaken without following established techniques and protocols or if new technologies are
201 (Hernández-Barrios et al., 2015).
employed that increase the volume of harvest or result in damage to the individual specimen

202 Nature-based tourism is an important non-extractive practice with wild species. Demand for media
203 (e.g., documentaries) and in situ observing (e.g., wildlife watching tourism) related to wild species is
204 growing (Figure 3). Although non-extractive practices are frequently less harmful to wild species and
205 ecosystems than extractive ones, wildlife watching may have unintended detrimental impacts through
206 changes to species behaviour, physiology, or damage to habitats (Toso et al., 2022). Many of the
207 unsustainable impacts of the tourism industry could be mitigated through context-based
208 understanding, implementation of best practice guidelines, education of tour operators and tourists,
209 collaborative engagement with all stakeholders and sector-specific regulation (IPBES, 2022b).

210 However, the implementation of such regulations can lead to conflict and, at times even spark
211 violence, if not properly incorporated into the local social-ecological system (Sada Guevara, 2020).
212 3. Drivers of (un)sustainable use of wild species

213 The sustainability of use of wild species is influenced by multiple environmental and social (including
214 economic) drivers as well as mediating factors that may mitigate or amplify negative impacts at
215 multiple scales. For instance, the sustainability of wild meat hunting is increasingly driven by a shift
216 from primarily subsistence purposes to recreation, entertainment, and both legal and illegal trade

217 (Spira et al., 2019). Environmental drivers, such as landscape and seascape change, climate change,
218 pollution and biological invasions often negatively impact the abundance and distribution of wild
219 species, which can in turn increase stress and challenges among the human communities who use
220 them (Bellard et al., 2016; Musinguzi et al., 2016). These drivers notably land degradation and climate
221 change, also place pressure on the ability of the ecosystems to sustain extractive harvests at previous

222 levels (Hoegh-Guldberg et al., 2018; Hopping et al., 2018). Rural populations in the Americas, Asia
223 and Africa (nearly 3.5 billion people) rely disproportionally on the use of wild species (Barrett et al.,
224 2011). The lack of alternatives for people living in conditions of poverty may make it necessary for
225 them to intensify their pressure on wild species, further depleting a resource in decline and creating a
226 downward spiral. However, the economic and political systems that perpetuate poverty and inequity

227 are the underlying drivers of such unsustainable uses of wild species (Barbier, 2010). Importantly,
228 inequitable distribution of costs and benefits from the use of wild species greatly undermines its
229 sustainability (Bennett et al., 2019; Ribot et al., 2010).

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230 Global trade has expanded considerably over the past 40 years and is a major driver of increased, and
231 often unsustainable, use of wild species (Harfoot et al., 2018). Global trade is an important income

232 source for exporting countries and can be a source of local wealth, but it also decouples the
233 consumption of wild species from their place of origin, introduces structures and dynamics different
234 from those that govern local trade relations and practices, and can shift governing strategies from
235 collective actions that previously supported sustainable use to individual actions that lack the
236 knowledge base and motivations necessary to support long-term sustainability (Stoll et al., 2018;

237 Wamukota et al., 2014). In the absence of functioning regulations that operate across entire supply
238 chains, global trade generally increases pressure on wild species, leading to unsustainable use and
239 sometimes to population collapses (Fields et al., 2018). Global trade has also been recognized as an
240 important and rapidly growing source of introduction of non-native and invasive species that may
241 displace or otherwise adversely impact local wild species traditionally used by people (Lockwood et
242 al., 2019).

243 Illegal harvest and trade in wild species occur across all practices and most often lead to
244 unsustainable uses (‘t Sas-Rolfes et al., 2019; UNODC, 2020). Globally, data suggest illegal trade in

245 wild species is the third largest class of illegal trade, with an estimated annual value of US$ 69-199
246 billion (World Bank, 2019). Volume and value of illegal trade in wild species is greatest for trees and
247 fish, but also strongly affects other rare and high value species (Symes et al., 2018; UNODC, 2020).
248 Illegal trade is further associated with social injustices and violent conflicts and may involve criminal
249 networks (World Bank, 2019). International cooperation is often required to address illegal harvest and
trade (Rosen and Smith, 2010; Tittensor et al., 2020).
Effective governance, institutions and policies promote positive outcomes and mitigate negative
252 impacts of such drivers. For instance, in the case of trade, multilateral agreements like the Convention
253 on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and associated
254 legislation, have resulted in a shift from wild species to specimens derived from farmed stocks, notably
255 for fishes, birds, amphibians and plants (Hierink et al., 2020; Vall-llosera and Cassey, 2017). Shifts to
256 farmed stocks can reduce harvest impacts on wild populations, provided wild specimens are not
257 specifically in demand and regulations and control are in place to avoid entry of illegally harvested wild
258 specimens into supply chains (Hinsley et al., 2017). The impacts on human livelihoods, equitable
259 sharing of benefits, conservation of habitat, welfare of farmed animals, potential introduction of

260 invasive alien species, and potential transmission of zoonotic diseases need to be considered as part
261 of an overall evaluation of cultivation technologies as mechanisms to promote sustainable use of wild
262 species. Likewise, international policies that support the rights of indigenous peoples and local

communities to lands, waters, and customary sustainable uses are promising, but are still incompletely
264 implemented at both national and subnational levels (Popp et al., 2019). As a result, the ability of
265 indigenous peoples and local communities to maintain and restore sustainable uses of wild species
266 continues to face ongoing threats (Atlas et al., 2021).

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268 Figure 4 Wild species used worldwide compared with indicators of sustainable use by practice. This figure
269 displays the estimated number of wild species used by practice type (fishing, gathering, logging, terrestrial animal
270 harvesting and non-extractive practices), in comparison with the number of widely used global indicators of
271 sustainable use of wild species by practice type. The indicators have gathered by main category: ecological
272 (green), management (dark orange), economic (medium orange), governance (light orange) and other (light
273 purple). The terrestrial animal harvesting group is based primarily on regional indicators due to the paucity of
274 global indicators.

275 One of the main difficulties faced by the thematic assessment of the sustainable use of wild species
276 was the lack of comprehensive indicators for monitoring status and trends in the use of wild species
277 (IPBES, 2022b). Of the hundreds of indicators codified in multilateral agreements, such as the SDGs
278 and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, only a small percentage relates specifically to the sustainable use

279 of wild species. Further, the sensitivity and specificity of many of these indicators have not been well
280 established (Rice et al., 2022). Few scientific studies have developed and used global indicator
281 frameworks for gathering, terrestrial animal harvesting, and nature-based tourism (Figure 4). Indicators
282 of social sustainability (with the exception of economic indicators) are largely lacking for all practices
283 (Figure 4). Addressing these limitations will provide more consistent information about the status of

284 uses of wild species and, importantly, support ongoing analyses of the effectiveness of policies and
285 management systems. Monitoring in many indigenous peoples and local communities’ land territories
286 focuses on interlinked social and ecological elements and can inform the development of local and
287 global indicators that recognize these linkages at different scales (Lyver et al., 2017).

288 4. Possible futures

289 Scenarios projecting the future use of wild species remain scarce and incomplete, especially for
290 gathering, terrestrial animal harvesting, and nature-based tourism. Those available point to a future
291 where sustainable use of wild species becomes increasingly vulnerable to growing human demand,

292 technological developments, and climate change (IPBES, 2022b). For all practices, demand is closely
293 linked to growing human population and consumption. Unless product preferences change, this will
294 result in greater pressure on wild species and on the management systems that were established to
295 ensure sustainable use (Frost et al., 2014; Santos et al., 2017). For example, the demand for gathered

This preprint research paper has not been peer reviewed. Electronic copy available at:
296 wild plants, algae, and fungi will continue to increase locally, where most products are consumed, as
297 well as in international markets (Bondé et al., 2020), while the demand for (wild and farmed) fish is

298 expected to almost double by 2050 (FAO, 2020a). Current and future technological changes can have
299 a negative impact on the use of wild species through more efficient, more intensive and more rapid
300 extractive practices, or a positive impact through better monitoring, surveillance, enforcement and
301 reducing impacts of harvesting methods (Yilmaz and Koyuncu, 2019). Climate change has already
302 increased the vulnerability of uses that are currently sustainable and is expected to increase it further

303 in the future (Gasalla et al., 2022). Impacts of climate change on the sustainability of uses include
304 changes in wild species distributions, dynamics and trophic interactions, increased frequency of
305 extreme events, and chemical and ecological modifications (Pörtner et al., 2021). For example,
306 increased intensity and frequency of floods, droughts and wildfires resulting from climate change
307 modify forest composition and productivity (Brando et al., 2019). Climate change is also expected to
308 decrease world fish catch globally, with a particularly pronouncedly effect in tropical oceans, while
309 creating new opportunities in mid- to high-latitude oceans because of poleward shifts in the ranges of

310 marine species (FAO, 2018). Climate change thus impacts different regions of the world differently,
311 raising issues of inequity for many countries that are heavily affected even though they have

312 historically contributed little to CO2 emissions (Blasiak et al., 2017). The effects of climate change
313 further interact with other environmental and social drivers and could exacerbate existing social
314 vulnerabilities and inequalities (Boyce et al., 2020; Hoegh-Guldberg et al., 2018).
315 5. Leverage points for transformative change
316 Scenarios projecting the future use of wild species indicate that transformative changes are required to
317 meet current and future challenges. To do so, it is essential to move towards a common vision of
318 sustainability while acknowledging diverse value systems (IPBES, 2022a). Ambitious goals are also
319 necessary, but insufficient. These high-level goals need to be translated into meaningful and inclusive
320 actions that support the sustainable use of wild species at multiple scales. This IPBES assessment
321 has identified seven sets of policy action, or key elements, that have been shown to support
322 sustainable use of wild species (Park et al., 2022).
323 Firstly, sustainable use of wild species requires building robust institutions and supporting customary
324 institutions. Institutions that are structured around collaborative and decentralized learning and shared

325 interests in sustainable use are more effective than centralized systems with “top-down” governance.
326 Because the species under use, the ecosystems that support them, and the social systems within
327 which uses occur continuously change over time and space, sustainable use of wild species is an
328 ongoing adaptive process that requires constant negotiation and adaptive management (Fromentin et

329 al., 2022). Therefore, institutions at all scales must be capable of adjusting to changing circumstances
330 to face current and future challenges, while transparency initiatives connected to legally mandated
331 measures of accountability will enhance trust in institutions (Battaglia et al., 2017; Lee, 2018). The
332 second key element is the necessity to recognize and support plural knowledge, values and rights.
333 Bringing together scientists and holders of indigenous and local knowledge can create robust

334 information about social and ecological conditions, risk tolerances and improve decision-making (He et
335 al., 2011).
336 The third key element emphasizes the need for context-specific policies that are tailored to their social
337 and ecological contexts. There is no single “silver bullet” recipe that can be applied in all contexts and

338 for all species. Policy instruments and tools commonly fail when they do not take into account the
339 landscapes and seascapes with diverse ecologies, cultures, politics and histories in which use of wild
340 species take place (Biggs et al., 2019). Actions to empower local communities and respect their rights,
341 access, and customary rules are fundamental to the development of context-specific policies (Tobin,
342 2008). The fourth element is the necessity of policy options to be inclusive and participatory.

343 Stakeholder diversity and engagement promote buy-in and collaboration and expand the knowledge
344 base for decision-making through approaches such as co-management, provided power imbalances
345 and conflicts are managed (Castello et al., 2009).

This preprint research paper has not been peer reviewed. Electronic copy available at:
Key Elements

Inclusive and Participatory decision-

Inclusion of multiple forms of knowledge

and recognition of rigths

Equitable distribution of costs and benefits

Policy tailored to local social and

ecological context

Monitoring of social and ecological

Coordinated and aligned policies

Robust institutions, from customary to

346 er
347 Figure 5 Key elements of effective policy for sustainable use of wild species. Pictograms represent (from
348 left to right): fishing, gathering, logging, terrestrial animal harvesting and non-extractive practices. Color coding is
349 based on the data drawn from analysis. Light green: key elements present in voluntary agreements. Medium
350 green: key elements present in voluntary agreements and certification schemes. Dark green: key elements
351 present in voluntary agreements, certification schemes and legally binding agreements. No color (white): Not
352 present in any of the above three agreement types.

353 Ensuring fair and equitable distribution of costs and benefits is the fifth key element for sustainable use
354 of wild species. People’s perceptions of fairness and justice shape their willingness to comply with
355 regulations that govern sustainable use. Inequitable distribution of benefits often undermines
356 sustainability by fostering over-harvesting, poaching and short-term gains over long-term sustainable

357 management. In contrast, secure rights of access and use and participation in governance
358 mechanisms and accountability positively influence the sustainability of uses of wild species
359 (Orensanz et al., 2013). Policy instruments also need to be aligned at international, national, regional

360 and local levels to be more effective. Fewer negative and unintended consequences occur when
361 attention is paid to coordinated interactions among approaches, actors, and scales (Brinckmann et al.,
362 2018). For instance, policies enacted to govern diverse sectors including, but not limited to,
363 agriculture, energy and transportation, often affect uses of wild species (Díaz et al., 2019). The last
364 key element that was identified emphasizes the importance of monitoring both social and ecological

365 aspects of uses of wild species. Monitoring is resource intensive and requires substantial commitment
366 and investment to be effective (Fromentin et al., 2014). Co-production of knowledge by scientists and
367 indigenous peoples and local communities (who may have generations of knowledge and customary
368 monitoring practices) can create robust information about the conditions of wild species uses and
369 serve as a basis for monitoring programs, particularly for species and uses for which scientific

370 information is lacking (Brondízio et al., 2021).

371 Conclusion
372 These seven key elements (which are all equally important) have been adopted in many voluntary
373 agreements and certification schemes across all practices, but their uptake is lagging in globally and

374 regionally binding agreements (Rice et al., 2022). Fishing is the only practice with globally binding
375 agreements that include many of them, although key elements 4 (participatory and inclusive decision-
376 making) and 5 (equitable distribution of costs and benefits) remain largely absent (Figure 5).


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377 Integrating these seven key elements into legally binding agreements and certification schemes for all
378 practices is a prerequisite for the future of sustainable use of wild species.

379 Ultimately, sustainable use of wild species will require moving beyond the human-nature dualism (a
380 prevailing perception and conceptualization of nature deeply embedded in many, but not all, cultures)
381 to a more systemic view of humanity as an integral part of nature (Fromentin et al., 2022). Views of the
382 human-nature relationship profoundly influence our perception of the biosphere and the language
383 used to describe, understand, and act on it (Descola, 2005). The human-nature dualism is pervasive

384 and integrated in many national and international agreements and policies. However, such a view
385 fosters the illusion that humanity can exist apart from the rest of nature or control it. Such conception
386 has arguably led to major environmental crises such as climate change and biodiversity decline
387 (IPBES, 2019; IPCC, 2019) and brought humanity into a new and adverse geological era, the
388 Anthropocene (Zalasiewicz et al., 2019). Considering humanity to be part of nature, i.e., one member
389 or citizen of nature among many (Leopold, 1949), would lay the foundation for a more respectful and

390 sustainable relationship, as demonstrated by indigenous peoples’ and local communities’ traditional
391 values, practices and uses (Brondízio et al., 2021).

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