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A Research Project Presented to the Faculty of Calasiao Comprehensive National

HighSchool Calasiao, Pangasinan

In partial fulfillment of the requirements to the Subject

Practical Research and Inquiries,

Investigation, Immersion

.Andaya Jireh Franzes Isaiah T.

Malapit, Timothy Rey P.
Bauzon, Marlwenne C.
Ocumen, Angelica G
Felix, John Patrick L
Gilledo, Liezel C.
Felix, Bryan P.
Chapter I

Background of the Study

Modular Distance Learning is a new way of alternative learning which the

Department of Education implemented for the School Year 2020-2021. It’s a type of

gaining knowledge in a way of self-learning from modules or digital copies with the

help of teachers and parents. However, there are students with different insights on

this type of academic system.

The pandemic of COVID-19 has shown how strategies, sufficient resources,

and systematic prioritization of requirements could have a huge effect on how a

requirement is allocated, an avantgarde occurred. This school year's enrollees are

roughly 12 percent lower than last year, based on CNN Philippines, a broadcasting

network. Problems stated as (1) the inability of parents to purchase the requisite

gadgets for their children, (2) peer pressure that strives to push themselves to their

limit that can ultimately harm them, (3) the students' doubts and worries about

ensuring definite learning can affect the students' mental health.

In time of pandemic a new normal in education was introduced by the

Department of Education dated April 2020. It was an adoption to the new normal way

of studying. DepEd help ensure that all students have access to quality basic

education for SY 2020-2021, with face-to-face classes still prohibited due to the

public health situation, by combining Self Learning Materials with alternative learning

delivery modalities (modular, TV-based, radio-based teaching, blended, and online).

SLMs are provided to schools located in coastal regions, far-flung provinces, and

communities without access to the internet or electricity in printed format.

Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that can cause conditions such as

common cold, extreme acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and respiratory

syndrome in the Middle East (MERS). In 2019, the cause of a disease outbreak that

originated in China was established as a new coronavirus. The World Health

Organization (WHO) identified the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic in March 2020.

The pandemic is tracked by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

and WHO. Recommendations to prevent and cure the disease have also been

provided by these organizations

Every sector was affected by that pandemic. The government of the

Philippines announced a state of calamity in the country for six months on 17 March.

Unless there is an emergency, people are not permitted to leave their homes. Wide

gatherings are forbidden. In the first half of 2019, the Philippines experienced slower

economic growth relative to 2018 in terms of economic effects. The ongoing

coronavirus impact is expected to result in a subdued growth for the economy in

2021. Educational sector experienced changes most especially towards how

students will be able to study having no source of income from their parents. In fact,

because of the modules, "The Filipino Times" also reported several student suicide

cases. Even some trendy online posts went viral about how students used to flaunt

their bodies just to have money to buy gadgets or purchase internet loads.

To embrace the new challenges in a total makeover of learning and to make a

self-realization on the issues of the present condition are the best way to at least be

able to study and earn knowledge despite this pandemic. This study has the

objective to determine the Modernistic Revamping, Issues and Concerns in Modular

Distance Learning.

Keywords: Avantgarde, make over, problems, worry, embrace, impact, changes,

Theoretical Framework

Many people have negative perceptions and conceptions about distance

learning education, considering it to be poor in performance. The use of self-learning

modules in teaching is another form of individual used instructions. This is called

modular approach of teaching and learning (k.Jaya sree,2017) if self-learning

modules are available on some topics they can be given to the students as

assignments for self-learning. Proposed in 2018, Russell's Big Significant Difference

asserts that research conducted on distance education since 2016 demonstrates that

there are big disadvantages when comparing different forms of technology imparted

in the delivery. And one of the problems is the Holmberg's Theory, according to the

theory communication between students and teachers can have a significant effect

on the level of success of the students. Communication among or between teachers,

students, and content has been a major basis for the theory in the world of DE.

Holmberg (2019)

Advantages Disadvantages

 This saves money and  Does not give you direct

time that would access to your
otherwise spend on instructor/mentor.
attending online classes.  Some students fear the
 You can schedule loss of personal touch
learning around other with an instructor, such
aspects of your personal as asking questions after
and professional life. class.
 You can complete most  The contents of the
of the classes at your module are not specific
convenience. and not fill details, just in
case there is a need to
ask in your
mentor/instructor, it
could be difficult in
connection because you
are in a module based.
Figure 1

The paradigm shows on the left frame is the advantages of modular distance

learning and on the right frame is the disadvantages. The paradigm helps us to show

the advantages and disadvantages of the modular distance learning.

Conceptual Framework

In this research, the researchers are focusing in what issues and concerns in

modular distance learning. They are looking from what can new normal do to all of

students. This can be possible outcome of the study. the researchers are looking for

the problems of all students in revamping the system in every school. The students,

teachers, and content may all be separated by time and distance, the ability to

overcome issues related to this "distance" become paramount.

Independent Variable Process Dependent

Demographic profile Quantitative  Modernistic

of the respondents in Method using revamping
terms of: online survey experienced by the
 Age questionnaire respondents in the
 Sex as tools in modular distance
gathering data learning
 Issues and
concerns of the
respondents in
modular distance
 Best practices of
the respondents to
cope up with the
issues and concern
in modular distance

Figure 2

Schematic Diagram of the Study

The above framework stated the independent, the process and the dependent

of our study. The independent study composes of the demographic profile of our

respondents, where in the other side the dependent variable which state the different

inquiries on the main problem of our research.

Statement of the Problem

This study determines the Modernistic Revamping:Issues and Concerns in

Modular Distance Learning of Senior High School Students of Calasiao

Comprehensive National High School

Specifically, it is intended to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Age

b. Sex

2. What is modernistic revamping experienced by the respondents in the

modular distance learning?

3. What are the best practices of the respondents to cope up with the issues and

concern in modular distance learning?

4. What are the issues and concerns of the respondents in modular distance


Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study assesses the Modernistic Revamping:Issues and Concerns in

Distance Learning of Senior High School Students so as to document the actual


The study will be conducted in Calasiao Comprehensive National High

School in Pangasinan. It will be guided by four research questions under Cross

sectional survey and Phenomenological research designs. Data collection

instruments isonline questionnaire. One hundred (100) Senior High School students

will be participating in this research. The data will be coded and presented in tables

and charts. Statistical data will be analyzing by the use of means, standard

deviations, frequencies and percentages.

This study will only cover the different issues and personal concerns of the

students upon experiencing the Modular Distance Approach in learning this school

year 2020-2021. The researcher intends to conduct and finish the study from

November 2020 to July 2021.

Significance of the Study

This study was conducted to determine the issues and concerns of the

students in approaching the new implemented way of studying this school year the

Modular Distance Learning. The researchers choose to conduct this study to

acknowledge the factors that affects the student’s lifestyle and academic

performance caused by the change in way of learning. This research will give benefit

to students,teachers, parents and future researchers,by providing them reliable

information knowledge issues on Modular Distance Learning.

Students. This study will give them prior knowledge on different matter regarding

other students experience on Modular Learning.

Teachers. This study will give them the idea on how students handle modular

learning and how they as teachers can extend their understanding and patience on

student especially in this pandemic.

Parents. They can able to have action plan in regards in helping them on their

studies and guiding them to have self-discipline.

Future researchers. This Study will give them another idea about student's issues

and concerns in Modular Distance Learning and it will urge them to conduct study

with the guide of this research.

Operational Definition of Terms

Age. The span of years living referring to the respondents of the study.

Best Practices. Refers to the guidelines or the standard way of doing things for the

students to cope up with Modular Distance Learning.

Distance learning. This is the new implemented method of study for the students

through the use of modules.

Experienced. It is the things happened to the students in particular to this Distance


Issues. This refers to the important problems the students experienced or

experiencing through this pandemic that needs to be address.

Respondents. It is the student who will participate to the study by answering the

survey questionnaire.

Revamping. This refers to the change in way to learning of the students this school


Chapter II


This chapter presents the related literatures and studies both from local and

foreign sources. The following data below are gathered by other researchers to

provide guidance to the conductivity of this study.

On the Modernistic Revamping Experienced in the Modular Distance Learning

The Phenomenon of Learning at a Distance Through Emergency Remote

Teaching Amidst the Pandemic Crisis / Alvarez, A. J. (June 2020).

The threat brought Articles for Research on Distance Learning Articles

for Research about by Corona Virus or COVID-19 had made a huge impact not only
on the economic, tourism, and health sector of the world at large. Specifically, this

pandemic crisis had caused the Philippine higher education institutions to abruptly

shift to emergency remote teaching (ERT) as a response to the call for continued

education despite the global health threat. There were four themes revealed in this

study: poor to no internet access, financial constraints, lack of technological devices,

and affective or emotional support. Interestingly, findings showed that learning

remotely in these trying times is challenging because aside from the existing

problems on access and affordability, the emerging concerns on financial stability

and affective support contributed to interrupted learning engagement. Moreover,

exposing culturally face-to-face learners in the context can put additional learning

pressure. Nevertheless, the need to listen to the students’ lived experiences will

provide a lending ear to be heard and a voice for building a pedagogy of

understanding about their learning journey in this time of pandemic crisis.

On the Experience of Modernistic Revamping of Teachers and Students

Secondary Teachers' Preparation, Challenges, and Coping Mechanism in the

Pre-implementation of Distance Learning in the New Normal / De Villa, J.,

Manalo, F. K., (2020). Philippine Normal University, Manila, Philippines

One of the emerging global emergencies in public health is the COVID-19

pandemic caused by a Novel Coronavirus SARS-COV-2. The fight against its threats

has received massive global attention on how to eradicate the continual increase of

growing infections (Guo, et al., 2020). As the World Health Organization (WHO)

declared that COVID-19 is already a pandemic, the Philippines was placed in a state

of calamity under the Presidential Proclamation No. 929 s. 2020. Suspension and

temporary closing of companies, enterprises and business operations has taken

effect. Movement of people, goods, and services within and across municipal

boundaries was also restricted. Education sector is one of the most affected fields

brought about by COVID-19 pandemic. Schools have become the most vulnerable to
safety and security. Health concerns of school personnel, students, parents, and

other stakeholders are at stake; thus, temporary closure of schools was enforced to

contain the spread of the virus and reduce infections (UNESCO, 2020). Community

lockdown and quarantine led work from home among teachers and study from home

among students through online distance learning (Crawford, et al., 2020). Other

schools cut their classes short than expected, which causes serious disruption to

more educational opportunities. The opening of cases for the next academic year

was delayed, giving more time to schools to prepare continuity plans and manage

alternative learning modalities. Teaching and learning which mainly happens inside

the classroom becomes the most susceptible to disturbance, so education leaders

decided to cope with and adopt the New Normal education. Globally, many schools

have already replaced traditional classroom setups with innovative flexible learning

strategies since these are found to improve students’ learning outcomes (Kim, 2020).

The Philippines’ education system, particularly in the basic education, faces

challenges related to learning delivery modalities. It is eyed that marginalized

learners are expected to have less access to resources causing social disadvantage

and digital divide. Thus, flexible learning has been subjected to further evaluations

and debates in terms of inclusivity and equity in educational opportunities.

On the Modernistic Revamping Experiencein Georgia

Transition to Online Education in School during a SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus

(COVID-19) Pandemic in Georgia

The situation in general education in Georgia has changed in the spring

semester of 2020, when the first case of coronavirus COVID-19 infection was

detected rising to 211 local and more than 1,5 million infection cases worldwide by

the Apr. 8. 2020. Georgia became one of 188 countries worldwide that has

suspended the education process. The paper studies the capacities of the country

and its population to continue the education process at the schools in the online form
of distance learning, study reviews the different available platforms and indicates the

ones that were used by the support of the government, such as online portal, TV

School and Microsoft teams for public schools and the alternatives like Zoom, Slack

and Google Meet, EduPage platform that can be used for online education and live

communication and gives examples of their usage. Authors made a case study,

where the Google Meet platform was implemented for online education in a private

school with 950 students, shows the usage statistics generated by the system for the

first week of the online education process. Results confirm that the quick transition to

the online form of education went successful and gained experience can be used in

the future. The experience and studies can be useful for other countries that have not

found the ways of transition yet. The lesson learned from the pandemic of 2020 will

force a generation of new laws, regulations, platforms and solutions for future cases,

when the countries, government and population will be more prepared than today.

Teachers’ Covid-19 Awareness, Distance Learning Education Experiences

and Perceptions towards Institutional Readiness and Challenges /Lapada A.

A., Miguel F. F., Robledo A. D. R., Alam Z. (November 2020)

Teachers were aware that the Philippines had declared ECQ due to COVID-

19 pandemic as well as the rules and regulations during the ECQ like the social

distancing measures, which were strictly observed and implemented in schools and

institutions based on observational modeling to alleviate school’s closure (Viner et

al., 2020). In the case of China, the “One Stop Learning” was launched during the

COVID-19 outbreak which aimed to develop an approach or program about the

updates on COVID-19, public health issues, online education announcement,

teacher’s preparation, academic research huband logistic operation to pursue

undisrupted learning (Huang, Liu, Tlili, Yang & Wang, 2020). Based on the response

made by the respondents on the readiness of their schools to distance learning

education and though most of the respondents are in the urban areas, there are still

more basic education schools that are not equipped with the facility and training to

distance learning education during difficult times. To keep abreast of distance

learning education trends, the teachers should be equipped with the knowledge and

skills in distance learning education (Rhini, 2018). The creation of audio-visual

materials are viewed as very effective in increasing academic performance (Tang

&Intai, 2017; and Lapada, 2017). Institutions can do this by providing sets of

training and workshops; likewise, schools should invest more in the facilities and

equipment for distance learning. It is continuously evolving; it is a must beupdated to

cater to a changing learning environment (Bozkurt, 2019).

Today, the DepEd Philippines is slowly providing computers, tablets, and

smart boards to schools which are center of excellence or central schools. These

innovations are needed for distance learning education and for embracing the trend

in education 4.0, which promotes the use of the E-instruction system, enabling

learners' autotomy achievement and implementing a task-based and

performance-based on a specific learning goal (Chen & Huang, 2018; and Hussin,

2018). With regard to communicating with students, teachers may plan a strategy on

how to keep in touch with students like the use of online platforms; however, due to

unstable internet connection in rural areas, providing print-based modules will also be

useful. For elementary teachers, it is possible to communicate with their pupils

through their parents. However, for students in high schools, teachers may use online

platforms since they are tech-savvy using technologies such as email and social

media (Uslo, 2018). However, building a positive attitude in doing activities through

distance learning should also be taught to students to work at their own pace. The

students' activities and homework should also be interactive and suited to the

learners to catch their interest (Mascreen, Pai, & Pai, 2012; and Harackiewicz, Smith

&Priniski, 2016).
The length of teaching experience affects the readiness to distance

learning education since teachers who have taught for several years have more

experience dealing with difficult times like the pandemics or natural calamities

(Kini&Podolsky, 2016). However, the teachers with a greater number of years of

teaching experience are by default in the older age group and hence are relatively

less tech savvy. This group of teachers particularly need more assistance in using

the online tools to deliver their lessons. However, teachers who have served for a

long time have had the opportunity toattend seminar workshops needed in offering

distance learning education. Teachers’ specialization may also affect the teachers'

readiness to distance learning education because some specialties under the

Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) strand have better experiences in using

technological materials used in teaching (Yunus et al., 2017). Moreover, the

teachers’ geographical location may also affect distance education (Rivza&

Bogdan,2017). Luzon has thehighest numberof urbanizedcities with stable internet

connections and accessible roads compared with Mindanao and the Visayas; this is

one of the reasons why teachers from urban areas are more ready to distance

learning education than teachers from rural areas.

On the Issues and Concerns in Modular Distance Learning

Distance Learning During the Pandemic: Managing the Challenges / Rudenko,

E., Bachieva R., Aligadzhieva A., Temirhanova Z., Archilaeva A., (2020)

Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan, Russia

The drastic changes in today’s world places additional demands on the

education system. A large number of universities across the world are shifting the

focus from traditional education to a web-supported education that can be provided

either fully online or through blended learning (hybrid learning). It has been

recognized that online learning has many advantages. The chief educational

advantage is that student enrolled in online courses offered is asynchronous learning

environments are able to access information in a flexible way without ever leaving

home. Other advantages of online learning include the following: well-structured and

efficient management of assignments, competitive advantage (online learning

provides access to good quality education), cost effectiveness etc. However, the

results of some studies carried out on online education highlighted weaknesses in

the teaching-learning process from the students' perspective as well as from the

perspective of teachers involved in online education. There are still local problems

caused by the application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). A

survey conducted by Joseph B. Umoh and Ekemini T. Akpan, among the students of

the University of Uyo, Nigeria investigated challenges of blended e-learning and

revealed “non-availability, non-accessibility and inadequate ICT skills towards the

utilization of blended e-learning tools”. The authors explain these results as due to

“lack of ICT infrastructures to supports blended e-learning approaches”. The lack of

access to the Internet at home, the lack of computer availability, slow internet

connection and login problems are cited as the main obstacles to access online

educational resources at the University of the Western Cape (UWC) in Cape Town.

Improving Internet access and enhancing ICT literacy and information literacy in the

developing world is still an area of great concern. Another prominent problem faced

by online students is the isolation of an online course. More particularly, students

experience hurdles in learning situations that involve group work and group

assessments. The barriers to participation can be of a personal nature: inability to

build interpersonal relationships with peers, stress and anxiety states associated with

using technology, being pushed out of one’s comfort zone. The importance of

effective online collaboration/group work cannot be overestimated; however, potential

barriers to achievement may serve to isolate the students resulting in disengagement

or withdrawal.
On the best practices to cope up in Modular Distance Learning

Digital Readiness and its Effects on Higher Education Students’ Socio-

Emotional Perceptions in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic / Händel, M.,

Stephan, M., Gläser-Zikuda, M., Kopp, B., Bedenlier, S., & Ziegler, A. (2020, July


Efforts to control the spread of the COVID-19 virus have affected all sectors

of society worldwide, including the higher education system that switched to digital

higher education (emergency remote teaching according to Hodges et al., 2020).

Despite already established digital learning platforms and the usually good technical

equipment of students (Zawacki-Richter et al., 2015), it would be misleading to

assume a general ability of the so-called “digital natives” to use technology in

academic contexts (Lei, 2009). The same is true regarding the acceptance of

technology (Judd, 2018; Stephan et al., 2019). Hence, in 2020, higher education

students are expected to do more than cope with a pandemic and the restrictions and

uncertainties that follow it; they must also contend with digital learning. Students

need (likely better) technical equipment, relevant skills and tools for using hard- and

software, and for interacting virtually with their lecturers and peers. Students might

perceive this exceptional situation as burdensome.

On the Procedure of Best Practices of Students and Teachers

Evaluating Pre-Service Teaching Practice for Online and Distance Education

Students in Pakistan: Evaluation of Teaching Practice / Ahmed Abdullah, N., &

Sultana Mirza, M. (2020). University of Pakistan

In addition to conventional modes, teacher education programs in Pakistan

are also offered through online and distance education. Teaching practice is a

significant component of pre-service teacher education programs. Assessing the

quality of teaching practice for pre-service student teachers is important, as these

modules train the prospective teachers for their professional teaching careers. Virtual

University of Pakistan (VU), an online university, offers pre-service teacher education

programs. This research is an investigation into the learning opportunities and

practices of VU student teachers in their teaching practice modules. Students

enrolled in different teacher education programs served as the population of this

study. Those in the fall 2018 semester who were enrolled in teaching practice

modules were selected as a sample. Data sources included lesson plans prepared,

lessons delivered, administrative and co-curricular duties performed by the students,

as well as evaluation reports by supervisors, cooperating teachers, and school

principals. There were improvements in the student teachers’ lesson plan formation

and their overall learning. Data obtained through personal visits by VU faculty was

used to verify and assess actual classroom teaching. Lack of regular attendance and

punctuality by student teachers was observed as a result. Internal review of the VU

system as it relates to the teaching practice modules was conducted to address any

shortcomings in the course(s), its procedures, and its controls. Recommendations for

improving the system, such as grading the modules, peer-assessment, and

orientation workshops for student teachers are provided, as well as suggestions for

developments in the teaching practice modules themselves.

Modular-Based Approach and Students’ Achievement in Literature / Ambayon

C. M., (August 2020) Sultan Kudarat State University

According to Carry (2016) "the modular approach uses programmed

materials which are carefully organized in a logical sequence through which the

learner advances at his own pace, with each of his responses confirmed or corrected

immediately. Robinson (2018) stated that individualized instruction and assessment

are closely associated with the concept of mastery learning when most students

master objectives at uniformly high level. It is a component of systematic instruction

which is concerned with understanding, improving and applying learned principles at

given time. In the individual instructions which is a strategy in the modular approach,

Lewis (2016) has started individual uniqueness, which is the extent to which persons

in the group are similar to one another, is measured by thinking of it as collective

expression of individualized learning. Creager (2017) enumerated several

advantages of the used of instructional materials using the modular approach which

are as follows: (1) Self-instructional units allows the teacher to focus on the students'

deficiencies subject matter that must be corrected; (2) Serve to eliminate the

necessity of covering subject matter already known to the students; and (3) Provide a

way of assessing the student's progress in learning.

Chapter III


This chapter presents the research design used, source data, locale and

population, instrument and data collection, validation, treatment of data, data

categorization, and ethical consideration and produces involved in the study.

Quantitative Research Design

The researchers used descriptive method as their design in this study. This

study was able to conduct a survey on Issues and Concerns of the Senior High

School Students of Calasiao Comprehensive National High School.

Sources of Data

The One Hundred (100) respondents of this quantitative study will be

randomly selected from Calasiao Comprehensive National High School students

enrolled during the SY2020-2021 at CalasiaoComprehensive National High School

(CCNHS), Calasiao,Pangasinan. The survey questionnaire-checklist will consider the

respondents’ awarenessand issues and concerns.

Population of the Study

The population of the study will be comprised of 100students of which are

enrolled in Calasiao Comprehensive National High School

Instrumentation and Data Collection

In order to accomplish the study, the researchers will use Structured

Questionnaire-Checklist as the primary instrument to collect data that will be used in

this quantitative study. A structured questionnaire-checklist will be utilized to collect

accurate data and to assess the results if it corresponds to what the study is looking


Structured Questionnaire-Checklist.

The researchers will be using Structured Questionnaire-Checklist in order to

collect specific data and to help assist the consistency of the answers of the

respondents and in order to gain essential information about the study.

Online Articles and Related Literature.

The researchers utilized online articles and literature in order to gain

additional information that will help support the study.

Basic Personal Interview.

The researchers will also gather information about the study by asking

professionals that are knowledgeable about the study being conducted.

Tools for Data Analysis

All gathered data will be interpreted and treated mathematically through

statistical tools for the analysis.

The researchers will use Percentage as a statistical tool for the percentages

of Stress and effects to the academic performance of the respondents.

Percentage will also be used to determine what are the issues and concerns

of the Senior High School students in Modular Distance Learning. Percentage is a

frequency distribution statistical tool that displays data of each or groupings of data

component points are distributed to make up the total “per hundred” expressed in %



It is a number or ratio of 100. It is often denoted using the percent sign %. A

percentage is dimensionless number (pure number). Mathematically represented as

Where: f
P= x 100 %
P = percentage equivalent

f = the total number of respondents

n = sample size

The researchers also will used Weighted Mean to determine the mean

concerns of the respondents in their respected section. Moreover, the weighted

means of the Issues and Coping Mechanism.

Weighted Mean

Weighted Mean is a measurement of central tendency. It represents the

average of a given data. Weighted mean is similar to arithmetic mean or sample

mean. It is calculated when the data is given in a different way than the arithmetic

mean or sample mean where instead of each of the data points contributing equally
to the final average, some data points contribute more than others. Mathematically

represented as



WM= Weighted Mean

TWF= Total of the respondents of weighted multiplied by their points of


N= Total number of respondents


AWM = Average Weighted Mean

WM = Weighted Mean

N = Number of categories

To determine the weighted mean of the students’ issues and concerns Sand

the coping mechanism of the respondents, the researchers will use a five-point scale

Table 2

On the level ofaffect on Modernistic revamping experienced by the

respondents in the modular distance learning

ScaleValue Statistical Limit Description
5 4.21 – 5.00 Major Affect
4 3.41 – 4.20 Moderate Affect
3 2.61 – 3.40 Neutral
2 1.81 – 2.60 Minor Affect
1 1.00 – 1.80 No Affect
To determine the thing that affects the most for the students in the Modular

Distance Learning. The researchers will use Weighted Mean as the statistic tool.

Table 3

On the level of agreement to cope up on Issues and concerns of the

respondents in modular distance learning

Scale Value Statistical Limit Description
5 4.21-5.00 Strongly agree
4 3.41-4.20 Agree
3 2.61-3.40 Neither agree
2 1.81-2.60 Disagree
1 1.00-1.80 Strongly disagree
To determine the agreement of students in coping up with the Modular

Distance Learning

Table 4

On the Level Issues and concerns inModular Distance Learning

Scale Value Statistical Limit Description
5 4.21-5.00 Extremely Concerned
4 3.41-4.20 Moderately Concerned
3 2.61-3.40 Somewhat Concerned
2 1.81-2.60 Slightly Concerned
1 1.00-1.80 Not at all Concerned

To determine the most issues and concerns the student experienced in the

Modular Distance Learning.

Frequency distribution is presented in tables or charts that shows how many

evaluation participants fall into various categories of interest (Wilder Researcher,

FREQUENCY. Frequency will be used to determine how many times a value

is attained. Collected data will be arranged in ascending order of magnitude with their

corresponding calculated frequencies are put on a frequency chart.



Questionnaire-checklist on Issues and Concerns of Students in Modernistic


Direction: Kindly put a check (√) on the space provided for the information needed in
this study.
Rest assured that your responses will be treated with utmost confidentiality.

Part I. Demographic Profile

A. Personal Related Factor

Sex: Age:

Female 16-17

Male 18 above

Part II: Level of Affect on Modernistic Revamping

Direction: Kindly put a check (√) to the following inquires for the information needed
in this study. Using likert scale under the level of affect where (5) Majoraffect, (4)
Moderate affect, (3) Neutral (2) Minor affect (2) and (1) No affect

Indicators 5 4 3 2 1
1.It can train students to build their critical
thinking skills from the activities in modules.
2. It can strengthen the relationship of the
students and their parents.
3. It can test the student’s responsibleness
regarding their studies.
4. It can improve student’s understanding in
Modernistic Revamping.

Part III: Level of Agreement on Coping up with Modernistic Revamping

Direction: Kindly put a check (√) to the following inquires for the information needed
in this study. Using likert scale under the level of agreement where(5) Strongly
agree(4) Agree (3) Neither agree (2) Disagree (1) Strongly disagree

Indicators 5 4 3 2 1
1. Managing your time while studying
2. Discovering your learning style
3. Reaching out to others if you have any
4. Improving your concentration

Part IV. Level of Concerns on Modernistic Revamping

Direction: Kindly put a check (√) to the following inquires for the information needed
in this study. Using likert scale under the level of concern where. (5) Extremely
concerned (4) Moderate concerned(3) Somewhat concerned (2)Slightly concerned(1)
Not at all concerned

Indicators 5 4 3 2 1
5. Effectivity of the Learning Materials
6. Unstable Internet Connection
7. Difficulty in Independent Leaning
8. Peer Pressure

Chapter IV

This chapter contains the analysis and results of the conducted online

questionnaire survey. The results of data attempted to answer the problem

stated in the previous chapter.


FEMALE 62 62%
MALE 38 38%
TOTAL 100 100%


Respondents in terms of sex




The figure above shows the profile of the Senior High School Students

in terms of their sex. In the table, the frequency for the female with sixty-two

(62%) is higher than the frequency of the male with thirty-eight (38%).

The numerical data indicated that female student had more

participation in this study.

Table 5. Profile of respondents in terms of age


16-17 20 20%
18 and above 80 80%
Total 100 100%



16-17 18 AND ABOVE

Figure 4.

Profile of the respondents in terms of age

The figure above shows the number of the student who are profiled in

terms of their age. The number (n) serves as the raw score of the

respondents, while the frequency (f) serves as the number of students who

responded. Results shows that respondents who are eighteen (18) and above

with eighty(80%) has the highest number of responds while ages sixteen to

seventeen (16-17) gained twenty (20%).

Table 6

A. Level of Affectof Modernistic Revamping on Students


1.It can train students to build their critical 4.26 Major Affect
thinking skills from the activities in modules
2.It can strengthen the relationship of the 4.03 Moderate
students and their parents Affect
3.It can test the student’s responsibleness 4.23 Major Affect
regarding their studies
4. It can improve student’s understanding in 4.15 Moderate
Modernistic Revamping Affect

Based on the above data gathered from the respondent indicators that

belong to the weighted mean; ‘It can train students to build their critical

thinking skills from the activities in modules’with the highest weighted mean of

4.26 and with descriptive reading of Major Affect. ‘It can test the student’s

responsibleness regarding their studies’ has the second highest weighted

mean of4.23 with the descriptive reading of Major Affect. ‘It can improve

student’s understanding in Modernistic Revamping’ has 4.15 weighted mean

and a Moderate Affect descriptive reading. ‘It can strengthen the relationship

of the students and their parents ‘with the lowest weighted mean of 4.03 and

with descriptive reading of Moderate Affect. Theseare the indicators that

chose by the respondents that affects them from the Modular Learning. It

shows from the table above that Modular Learning affects the studentsto build

their critical thinking skills from the activities in modules and it can test the

student’s responsibleness regarding their studies.

Table 7

B. Level of Agreement on Coping up with Modernistic Revamping


1.Managing your time while studying 4.41 Strongly
2.Discovering your learning style 3.89 Agree
3.Reaching out to others if you have any 4.33 Strongly
confusions Agree
4. Improving your concentration 4.17 Agree
Based on the above data gathered from the respondent indicators that

belong to the weighted mean; ‘Managing your time while studying’ with the

highest weighted mean of 4.41 and with the descriptive reading of Strongly

Agree while‘Reaching out to others if you have any confusions’have the

second highest weighted mean of 4.33 with descriptive reading of Strongly

Agree. These indicators are considered as the coping mechanisms of the

Senior High School students. The results obtained show the different factors

that students’ do upon coping up with the Modular Distance Learning.

Table 8

C. Level of Concerns on Modernistic Revamping


1.Effectivity of the Learning Materials 4.48 Extremely
2.Unstable Internet Connection 4.13 Moderately
3.Difficulty in Independent Learning 4.16 Moderately
4. Peer Pressure 4.28 Extremely

Based on the above data gathered from the respondent indicators that

belong to the weighted mean; ‘Effectivity of the Learning Materials’ with the

highest weighted mean of 4.48 and with the descriptive reading of Extremely

Concerned while ‘Peer Pressure’have the second highest weighted mean of

4.28 with descriptive reading of Extremely Concerned. These indicators are

considered as challenges and issues by the Senior High School students. The

results obtained show the different issues that the students experienced on
the Modular Distance Learning.

Chapter V

Summary of Findings, Conclusion, and Recommendations

This chapter presents the summary of the findings, conclusions and

recommendations based on the data analyzed in the previous chapter. Some

limitations have been identified. The Modernistic Revamping: Issues and

Concerns in Modular Distance Learningof Senior High School students in

Calasiao Comprehensive National High School have been attained.

Summary of Findings

This study focused on the Issues and Concernsof Senior High School

students in CalasiaoComprehensive National High School in our profile of the

respondents as to age the researchers found out that the majority of the

sample were eighteen (18) years old and above which constituted the eighty

(80%) of the sample. In our profile of the respondents as to sex there were

majority of sixty-two (62) female SHS students which constituted the sixty-two

(62%) of the sample. The researcher found out that the majority of the sample

were females. Level of Affect in Modernistic Revamping, the numerical data

showed that the majority of the respondents have been affected by the

Modular Distance Learning. It shows from the table that building the critical

thinking skills, and their responsibleness affects the students in the Modular

Distance Learning as stated in the table 6. In the Level of Agreement of the

respondents in the Issues and Concerns, the researchers identified that the

respondents were agree on the presented indicators as indicated by the

average weighted mean which is 4.41. The SHS students encountered shows

that they are managing their time while studying and reaching out to others if

they have confusions to cope up with the new Academic System; Modular

Distance Learning. With the concerns ofthe students, the researchers found

out that the respondents were agree with the presented indicators by the

average weighted mean of 4.48.

The concern of the students the most is the effectivity of the learning

materials, followed by peer pressure with 4.28 weighted mean.


Based on the following conclusions were made:

1. The researchers concluded that most of the respondents were

aged 18 years old and above; a great majority of the SHS

students’respondents were females.

2. The Level of Affect of Modular Distance Learning to the

respondents were Major Affect,indicated by a mean of 4.26.

3. The Level of Agreement oncoping up with the Modular Distance

Learning of the respondents with the weighted mean from 3.89 to

4.41 and the descriptive reading were Strongly Agree and Agree.

4. TheLevel of Concerns by the respondents in Modular Distance

Learning with the weighted mean of 4.43 and with descriptive

reading of Extremely Concerned.

This study will provide a through and understanding on the Issues and

Concerns of Senior High School students, and on how they are responding to

this research. This will provide necessary information that will address the

issues regarding the Modular Distance Learning.

1. The researchers recommend students to have a wider and

accurate knowledge regarding any project especially on a

research study that they are part of, as it will be a great advantage

in achieving academic success. They also must know how to find

ways in coping up with any academic problems that will help

sharpen their critical thinking skills in the future matter.

2. The researchers recommend that parents should be aware and

give more understanding to their child's academic behavior and

help them evolve both as a child and a student. There would be

instances that students might not state their pain and worries

regarding their school works and by showing support and giving

words of encouragement would lift their confidence.

3. The researchers recommend to future researchers that they must

have enough knowledge and invest sincerity in doing this kind of

study for them to produce a well-executed and organized study.

4. The researchers recommend that the teacher must try to reach out

to their students and give them more consideration with the time

allotted on academic requirements especially on situation such as

Appendix A
Letter to the Principal
Republic of the Philippines
Region I
Calasiao, Pangasinan

Principal IV
Calasiao Comprehensive National High School
Calasiao, Pangasinan

Dear Dr.Terrado,
Re:Letter to Conduct a Study/Survey

The undersigned are currently conducting research entitled
“Modernistic Revamping: Issues and Concerns in Modular Distance
Learning" to determine what are the issues and concerns of the students and
how they cope up with the new normal educationn in the school of Calasiao
Comprehensive National High School. In this connection, may we ask
permission to float our online questionnaire-checklist to gather the needed
data from the teachers in CCNHS particularly the senior high school teachers
Your favorable action and support regarding this matter is very much

Thank you and God Bless!

Respectfully yours,
Liezel C. Gilledo
Timothy Rey P. Malapit
Jireh Franzes Isaiah T. Andaya
Angelica G. Ocumen
John Patrick L. Felix
Bryan p. Felix

Endorsed for Approval: Approved:

Research Adviser Principal IV
Appendix B
Letter to the Research Adviser
Republic of the Philippines
Region I
Calasiao, Pangasinan

Research Adviser
Calasiao Comprehensive National High School
Calasiao, Pangasinan

Dear Ma'am,
Re:Letter to Conduct a Study/Survey

We are students of a graduating class at CCNHS enrolled in
Humanities and Social Sciences strand. We are presently conducting a study
entitled “Modernistic Revamping: Issues and Concerns in Modular
Distance Learning”Sy-2020-2021,to determine the challenges and
strategies od students with the new normal education and as one of the
requirements for the subjects Practical Research and Inquiries, Investigation
and Immersion.
Cognizant to your expertise along supervisory capability and Research
Adviser, may we request your benevolence to validate the items by giving
your comments and suggestions.
Your help in evaluating the questionnaire-checklist will contribute
significantly to the success of this study.
Thank you and God Bless!

Respectfully yours, Approved:

Liezel C. Gilledo HERNANDO C. ABALOS
Timothy Rey P. Malapit Research Adviser
Jireh Franzes Isaiah T. Andaya
Angelica G. Ocumen
John Patrick L. Felix
Bryan p. Felix

Appendix C
Letter to the Respondents
Republic of the Philippines
Region I
Calasiao, Pangasinan

To Whom It May Concern,


We, HUMSS students of a graduating class at CCNHS enrolled. We

are presently conducting a study entitled "Modernistic Revamping: Issues
and Concerns in Modular Distance Learning” at Calasiao Comprehensive
National High School Sy-2020-2021, to determine the impact of the new
normal education to the Senior High students of Calasiao Comprehensive
National High School and as one of the requirements for the subjects
Practical Research and Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion.
In this connection, we would like to solicit your support and cooperation
by answering honestly the attached questionnaire - checklist. Rest assured
the whatever answers you will give will be treated with utmost confidentiality
Thank you and God Bless!

Respectfully yours,
Liezel C. Gilledo
Timothy Rey P. Malapit
Jireh Franzes Isaiah T. Andaya
Angelica G. Ocumen
John Patrick L. Felix
Bryan p. Felix

Research Adviser

Appendix D
Survery Questionnaire
Republic of the Philippines
Region I
Calasiao, Pangasinan


The undersigned are currently conducting research entitled “Modernistic

Revamping: Issues and Concerns in Modular Distance Learning ”.
In this regard, we would like to request a permission to allow us to conduct
the said study. Rest assured that the information that will be obtained will be kept
with utmost confidentiality.
The Researchers
Liezel C. Gilledo
Timothy Rey P. Malapit
Jireh Franzes Isaiah T. Andaya
Angelica G. Ocumen
John Patrick L. Felix
Bryan p. Felix


Questionnaire-checklist on Issues and Concerns of Students in Modernistic


Direction: Kindly put a check (√) on the space provided for the information needed in
this study.
Rest assured that your responses will be treated with utmost confidentiality.

Part I. Demographic Profile

B. Personal Related Factor

Sex: Age:

Female 16-17

Male 18 above

Part II: II: Level of Affect on Modernistic Revamping

Direction: Kindly put a check (√) to the following inquires for the information needed
in this study. Using likert scale under the level of affect where (5) Majoraffect, (4)
Moderate affect, (3) Neutral (2) Minor affect (2) and (1) No affect

Indicators 5 4 3 2 1
1.It can train students to build their critical
thinking skills from the activities in modules.
2. It can strengthen the relationship of the
students and their parents.
3. It can test the student’s responsibleness
regarding their studies.
4. It can improve student’s understanding in
Modernistic Revamping.
Part III: Level of Agreement on Coping up with Modernistic Revamping
Direction: Kindly put a check (√) to the following inquires for the information needed
in this study. Using likert scale under the level of agreement where(5) Strongly
agree(4) Agree (3) Neither agree (2) Disagree (1) Strongly disagree

Indicators 5 4 3 2 1
1. Managing your time while studying
2. Discovering your learning style
3. Reaching out to others if you have any
4. Improving your concentration

Part IV. Level of Concerns on Modernistic Revamping

Direction: Kindly put a check (√) to the following inquires for the information needed
in this study. Using likert scale under the level of concern where. (5) Extremely
concerned (4) Moderate concerned(3) Somewhat concerned (2) Slightly
concerned(1) Not at all concerned

Indicators 5 4 3 2 1
5. Effectivity of the Learning Materials
6. Unstable Internet Connection
7. Difficulty in Independent Leaning
8. Peer Pressure

Appendix E

Table 6

A. Level of Affectof Modernistic Revamping on Students


1.It can train students to build their critical 4.26 Major Affect
thinking skills from the activities in modules
2.It can strengthen the relationship of the 4.03 Moderate
students and their parents Affect
3.It can test the student’s responsibleness 4.23 Major Affect
regarding their studies
4. It can improve student’s understanding in 3.21 Moderate
Modernistic Revamping Affect

Table 7

B. Level of Agreement on Coping up with Modernistic Revamping


1.Managing your time while studying 4.41 Strongly
2. Discovering your learning style 3.89 Agree
3. Reaching out to others if you have any 4.33 Strongly
confusions Agree
4. Improving your concentration 4.17 Agree

Table 8

Coping Mechanism

C. Level of Concerns on Modernistic Revamping


1.Effectivity of the Learning Materials 4.48 Extremely
2. Unstable Internet Connection 4.13 Moderately
3. Difficulty in Independent Learning 4.16 Moderately
4. Peer Pressure 4.28 Extremely
Appendix F
Summary of Table





Respondents in terms of sex





16-17 18 AND ABOVE

Figure 4.

Profile of the respondents in terms of age


#246MancupCalasiao, Pangasinan


Age : 18 years old

Date of Birth : March 4, 2003
Civil Status : Single
Sex : Female
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic

 Secondary Education:
Senior High School
Malong St. Poblacion West, Calasiao, Pangasinan
2019 - 2021

Junior High School

Malong St. Poblacion West, Calasiao, Pangasinan

 Primary Education:
MancupCalasiao, Pangasinan


Calasiao, Pangasinan


#136MancupCalasiao, Pangasinan


Age : 18 years old

Date of Birth : December 30, 2002
Civil Status : Single
Sex : Male
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic


 Secondary Education:
Senior High School
Malong St. Poblacion West, Calasiao, Pangasinan
2019 - 2021

Junior High School

Malong St. Poblacion West, Calasiao, Pangasinan

 Primary Education:



#136MancupCalasiao, Pangasinan


Age : 18 years old

Date of Birth : October 16, 2002
Civil Status : Single
Sex : Male
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Born Again


 Secondary Education:
Senior High School
Malong St. Poblacion West, Calasiao, Pangasinan
2019 - 2021

Junior High School

Malong St. Poblacion West, Calasiao, Pangasinan

 Primary Education:
MancupCalasiao, Pangasinan

#070MancupCalasiao, Pangasinan


Age : 18 years old

Date of Birth : August 27, 2002
Civil Status : Single
Sex : Male
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic


 Secondary Education:
Senior High School
Malong St. Poblacion West, Calasiao, Pangasinan
2019 - 2021

Junior High School

Malong St. Poblacion West, Calasiao, Pangasinan

 Primary Education:
Calasiao, Pangasinan


#641 Sitio BurhamMancupCalasiao, Pangasinan


Age : 17years old

Date of Birth : June 23, 2003
Civil Status : Single
Sex : Male
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic


 Secondary Education:
Senior High School
Malong St. Poblacion West, Calasiao, Pangasinan
2019 - 2021

Junior High School

Malong St. Poblacion West, Calasiao, Pangasinan

 Primary Education:
MancupCalasiao, Pangasinan

Gabon Calasiao, Pangasinan


Age : 19years old

Date of Birth : November 16, 2002
Civil Status : Single
Sex : Male
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic


 Secondary Education:
Senior High School
Malong St. Poblacion West, Calasiao, Pangasinan
2019 - 2021

Junior High School

Malong St. Poblacion West, Calasiao, Pangasinan

 Primary Education:
Poblacion East Calasiao, Pangasinan

#12 MamcupCalasiao, Pangasinan


Age :18years old

Date of Birth : September 18, 2002
Civil Status : Single
Sex : Female
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic


 Secondary Education:
Senior High School
Malong St. Poblacion West, Calasiao, Pangasinan
2019 - 2021

Junior High School

Malong St. Poblacion West, Calasiao, Pangasinan

 Primary Education:
Poblacion East Calasiao, Pangasinan

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