Biodiversity Under The Sea Is An Important and Often Overlooked Aspect of Our Planet

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Biodiversity under the sea is an important and often overlooked aspect of our planet’s natural environment.

is estimated that there are over one million species living in the marine environment, making it one of the most
diverse ecosystems on Earth. From the largest whales to the tiniest plankton, the seas are home to a variety of
creatures and plants that are essential to the functioning of the larger ecology. Fish, turtles, and coral reefs are
just a few of the many species that make up the marine biodiversity.

Fish are one of the most important species found under the sea. They provide food for both humans and other
marine animals, and they play a vital role in maintaining the ocean’s health. Fish also help to regulate the
nitrogen and oxygen levels in the ocean, which in turn helps to reduce the effects of climate change. Without
fish, the seas would quickly become uninhabitable.

Turtles are also important to the marine biodiversity. They are a keystone species, meaning that they play a
critical role in the functioning of the larger ecosystem. Turtles help to maintain healthy ecosystems by
maintaining the balance between predators and prey. They also help to control the population of certain
species, such as jellyfish, which can be harmful to other species.

Coral reefs are another important part of the marine biodiversity. They provide a home and food for many
species and play a critical role in maintaining the health of the oceans. Coral reefs help to reduce coastal
erosion, filter pollutants, and provide a nursery for young fish. They are also a source of income for many
coastal communities, as they attract tourists and are home to many valuable species.

Biodiversity under the sea is a vital part of our planet’s natural environment, and it is essential that we take
steps to preserve and protect it. Fish, turtles, and coral reefs are just a few of the many species that make up the
marine biodiversity, and they all play a vital role in maintaining the health of the oceans. We must take steps to
reduce our impact on the environment, such as reducing our use of plastics and other pollutants, and protecting
key habitats like coral reefs. It is only through our collective efforts that we can ensure the health and longevity
of the marine biodiversity.

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