The Confederation Alliance and God Healing Omegan Damage and Destroying Them

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The Confederation, Alliance, and God Healing Damage & Eliminating Omegans

on Earth by Lucus Louize

In my humble opinion, I believe God is working towards repairing the damage the
Omegans caused while at the same time slowly eliminating the Omegans on Earth.

The Omegans do gang stalking and electronic harassment. In the book Mass Contacts by
Breccia it states:

“The CTR’s, little by little, were seizing the opportunity, altering documents, changing
memories, even wiping out somebody’s memories, injecting wrong feelings, as easily as
if they were showing a movie…” pg 223.

Many years ago after I was in a parking lot and I was gang stalked and harassed by
undercover Omegans after I thought about how Omegans have no morals and the
Omegan undercover operatives laughed at my thoughts and my faith in God (the
Omegans also have registering discs to read thoughts in real time just like the
Confederation) After words I believe I was guided by God and I came across Galatians
6:7 NLT version:

“Don't be misled--you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you

This is in my opinion the start of one of God’s plans against the Omegans. In my humble
opinion this plan of Galatians 6:7 is God’s justification against the Omegans, and his plan
to carry out his actions against the Omegans is in Psalm 54:5 NLT version:

“May the evil plans of my enemies be turned against them. Do as you promised and put
an end to them.”

And I believe the way to carry out his plan is Mathew 23:23 NLT version:

“…but you ignore the more important aspects of the law—justice, mercy, and faith.”

In my humble opinion on Earth, the Confederation is God’s Mercy, the Alliance is God’s
Justice, and the Earth people are God’s Faith who rely on the Confederation (God’s
Mercy) and Alliance (God’s Justice).

In my humble opinion both the Confederation and the Alliance are the Angels because
they come from space which is considered one of the heavens in the Bible. Isaiah 13:10

“For the stars of the heavens and their constellations

will not give their light;
the sun will be dark at its rising,
and the moon will not shed its light.”

It is my view with this plan of God regarding the Omegans on Earth, God is healing the
damage caused by the Omegans while eliminating them through using his Mercy through
the Confederation to help targeted individuals who are gang stalked and electronically
harassed by the Omegans with undercover Confederation operatives, (the Confederation
also helps to answer anyone’s prayers who are sincere in following the teachings of Jesus
by reading their prayer thoughts with their registering discs and they also help people
who sincerely serve God to make it into Confederation worlds with their memory and
personality intact in new Confederation bodies in their next life. The soul transfer
machine is mentioned in Menger’s Threads of Light To You pg. 81. This information is
also alluded to in Adamski’s Inside the Spaceships pg. 228. The contacts of Adamksi and
Menger do not come from Venus. That was memory manipulation by the Omegans.
Please the Spurious Contacts Files on brother Bob’s excellent TerraKor Files site.) as
stated in Luke 12:8 NIV version and Mathew 4:11 HB version:

“I tell you, whoever publicly acknowledges me before others, the Son of Man will also
acknowledge before the angels of God”

“…and immediately angels came and began to serve Him.”

while God is using the Alliance to eliminate the Omegans on Earth in general as stated in
Mathew 13:40-43 NIV version:

 “As the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of the age. The
Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything
that causes sin and all who do evil. They will throw them into the blazing furnace, where
there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine like the sun in
the kingdom of their Father. Whoever has ears, let them hear.”

We can see this happening now in the news and within the UAP movement in particular.
The Alliance is working behind the scenes to remove Omegan influence and put in their
own influence. This is why the subject of UAP has gained more mainstream success than
any time in history despite constant set backs and conflicts. The Alliance plan is to one
day introduce themselves and come openly to Earth with the goal of Earth becoming a
member of the Alliance. I personally know the Alliance is involved in the UAP
movement but I will never reveal how. However anyone can see the work of the Alliance
by reading in between the lines of the news of the day as brother Bob states:

“The only inklings we have of what's going on are those that we find "between the lines"
in the news of the day. The AWARE person can see the forces of Light and Darkness at
war on this planet. It's not a conflict that will be soon resolved. It may take decades to
fully expunge the Omegans, but the Alliance has made that commitment and it will not
back down.” (TerraKor Files An Overview of the Omegan Situation: Section 2 Letters To
Gabriel Green 2-25-1986)

So in my view God is dealing with the Omegans on a micro level by helping individuals
affected by the Omegans through the Confederation while God is removing the Omegans
in general on a macro level on Earth by guiding the Alliance.

If you want to be in contact with undercover Confederation operatives here is one

potential way to do it. It is up to the Confederation if they wish to contact you or not. Be
careful of undercover Omegans who pose as undercover Confederation and Alliance

The Space Friends of Adamski etc [Federation] Do NOT come from Venus. It was
memory manipulation by the evil Omegans. See Bob Renaud's Spurious Contacts Files
on the TerraKor website. All links to Alliance TerraKor official site are with permission
from brother Bob through personal communication on his TerraKor guestbook 4-2018. 

How to potentially contact undercover Federation operatives:

1. Know God is the infinite intelligence everywhere, is all things, and is unfathomable to
the mind. 

2. Follow the 4 gospels as encouraged by the Federation & Alliance

3. Have true intentions of teaching the laws of God and pray for federation assistance in
life and their registering discs will read your thoughts and they may help behind the
scenes or by sending an undercover agent. They are physical people that radiate universal
love energy. They never 'channel'. They never share secret intel with us. They will use a
soul transfer machine device so you can incarnate into their worlds with your personality
and memory intact. 

If you want to help out the Alliance practice morals in your own life and pray for their
success on Earth. Prayer has been shown to scientifically have an effect as stated in ‘A
randomized, controlled trial of the effects of remote, intercessory prayer on outcomes in
patients admitted to the coronary care unit.’ W S Harris et al. Arch Intern Med. 1999.

In my humble opinion I believe God is also helping to heal the rift created by the
Omegans between the Sector Command and Project Terra by giving his plans of Mathew
23:23 in order to describe how both the Sector Command and Project Terra equally fit
into his plans of his Mercy and Justice in order to increase understanding as to why both
groups are important and needed here on Earth. 
I hope this information might help in some small way in reducing the suffering between
the sector command and project terra so both groups can live a little better lives as they
are my brothers and they are brothers and sisters to all Earth people. One day all Earth
people will have the privilege of being friends with these most wonderful human beings
in the universe and with that knowledge I am eternally grateful. 

I will  now close with the Our Father prayer Mathew 6:9-13 NLT version because I
believe God’s entire plan mentioned in this article is also referred to in the ‘Our Father’
which is why brother Gabriel Green titled his excellent magazine ‘Thy Kingdom Come’:

“‘Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,

your will be done,
    on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts,

    as we also have forgiven our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation,

    but deliver us from the evil one.’”

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