Practical Research 1 Q2 Week 5 6

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Module 5

Method of Data Collection



Most Essential Learning Competencies

⚫ Collects data through observation and interviews (CS_RS11-4d-f1)

To the Learner
This module was specially designed to help you understand and apply the lesson
objectives. Read and follow the simple instructions as your guide.
1. Set a conducive learning space at home so you can focus on your studies.
2. Seek assistance from your parents or guardian to guide you in doing the
3. Take down important concepts and list questions you would like to ask from
your teacher.
4. Reflect and apply the concepts that you have learned.
The Writer

Finding answers to questions posed in a research study involves methods of data

collection. This module aims to achieve the following objectives:
1. Differentiate participant observation, direct observation and indirect observation.
2. Compare and contrast structured, semi-structured and unstructured interview.
3. Determine the process that should be employed in conducting interview and

Directions: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on the
blank provided before the number.
_____ 1. In an observational study about the behavior of employees with special needs
in Tahanang walang Hagdanan, the researcher Al has also been in wheelchair
since he was 7. What type of observation is Al doing?
A) Direct B) Indirect C) Non-Participant D) Participant
_____ 2. Which statement is TRUE?
A) It is mostly done in laboratory for scientific experiment.
B) It may be a form of stimulus-response type of observation.
C) For social research conditions surrounding the participant is modified to
suit the researcher’s objective.
D) All statement is correct.
_____ 3. Which is NOT a type of interview?
A) Guided B) Informal C) Natural D) Structured
_____ 4. Which is an example of an open-ended question?
A) What is your take about online learning? C) Are you hungry?
B) How many were you in the family? D) Do you go to school?
_____ 5. “If you were Ana, would you do the same?” What questioning technique is
exhibited in the statement?
A) Example questions C) Role-playing
B) Follow-up question/probes D) Transitions

Looking Back
Qualitative or Quantitative
Objective: Recognize method of data collection as employed in qualitative research or
quantitative research.
Directions: Write QLT if the given data collection method is used in qualitative study;
QNT if it is employed in quantitative research
___________ 1. Online quizzes
___________ 2. Open-ended questionnaires
___________ 3. Observations
___________ 4. Closed-ended surveys
___________ 5. Likert scale
___________ 6. One on one interview
___________ 7. Focus group discussion
___________ 8. Quarterly exams

Brief Introduction
The process of data collection is an essential element in a research study. By
definition, data collection is a systematic manner in which researchers gather relevant
information that would be analyzed to answer the questions posed. There are several
methods that could be employed in the process of collecting data for qualitative
research, among these are interview, qualitative surveys, focus group discussion,
observation, historical record, biographies etc. It is important to use a method that is
most appropriate for a study being undertaken for “accurate data collection is essential
to maintaining the integrity of the research” (Data collection, n.d). It also prevents the
probability of errors occurring that will hinder formulation of accurate conclusion.
Two of the most common qualitative method of data collection are interview and
observation. In an interview, the researcher plays the part of an interviewer and asks
open ended questions to elicit response from the participants. One advantage of doing
interview is the promptness in gathering responses. The researcher may have the data
needed right there and then. A disadvantage though is the tendency of the interviewee
to provide answers that may suit the need of the researcher whether it is truthful or not.
Observation on the other hand is “the act of noting a phenomenon in the field setting
through the five senses of the observer, often with an instrument, and recording it for
scientific purposes” (Angrosino, 2007). Recording observations may be done through
written or narrative descriptions, photographs, and artifacts as well as documentation.
There are a few ethical considerations in observations. Leading is the issue of overt or
overt (should the participants know or should they not know that they are being
observed?), second is whether it is ethical to pretend that the researcher pretend to
share the same value as the participant and lastly, if the researcher is immersed “does

leading the group raise ethical questions?” (Johnston and Vanderstoep, 2009). On the
upside, when executed well observations have the greater tendency to provide truthful
data but this process can be time consuming and may cause inconvenience to the

Activity 1

Data Collection through Observation

Objective: Classify the types of observations and situations in which it can be made.
Direction: Complete the concept map by writing the missing terms.
According to Kumar (2011), one way to accumulate primary data is through
observation. It is a purposeful, systematic and selective method of seeing as well as
hearing interaction or phenomenon as it occurs. How is observation classified? There
are variety of ways in which observations are classified. Inside the box are words that
put observation in a certain category. Locate these terms in the concept map.

Controlled Direct Indirect

Natural Non-Participant Participant

Can be classified according to
Types Situation in which
observations can be made
Which or conditions may be

The The The Outcomes of Unstructured Structured

researcher researcher researcher behavior are in nature, in nature, a
is an active is a passive is an active observed. participants stimulus is
participant observer, observer Data are observed introduced
of the looking but not a collection is in their to the group
group, from an participant. in the form normal and
interacting outsider Observation of written environment observations
with other perspective of events or descriptions doing what are made
participants and does behavior or video or they usually based on
hence is not interact are recall of do. how they
able to give with the recorded as events and react to the
an insider’s participants it occurs. environment stimulus.

Activity 2
Observation procedure
Objective: Identify the steps in conducting observations.
Direction: Arrange the steps in doing an observation by numbering the item 1-5.
According to Johnston and Vanderstoep (2011), occasionally people are not
accurate reporters of their personal experience. Sometimes, like in the case of
undesirable or traumatic experience, performance in the workplace or personality traits,
participants views are clouded by their own feelings or judgement. These are some of
the instances where observation is a more appropriate method of data collection. How
are observations conducted? Number them in increasing order.
______ Develop questions and techniques. This point involves determining whether the
researcher will make a structured or unstructured observation. Questions and
techniques are points of observation. Should the researcher
______ Establish recording method. Depending on the condition, at this point the
researcher will decide which method of recording observations will be employed
whether to make a narrative or a video recording among others.
______ Analyze behaviors and inferences. This part involves making connections
between what was observed and why those particular observations happened. It’s
trying to fit together interactions, responses, behaviors and other phenomena.
______ Identify objectives. This involves determining the what’s and why’s of the
observation to be made.
______ Observe and take notes. This is where actual recording of information gathered
from observations takes place.

Activity 3
Types of interview
Objective: Differentiate structured, semi-structured and unstructured
Direction: Below are different scenarios where conversation takes place. Associate
them with the different types of interviews, then answer the questions that follow.

Scenario 1: While walking home, Ana bumped into her elementary friend Nicole.
Ana: Uy! beshy long time no see. Ganda ng hair mo, nagpapaiksi ka na ng hair?
Nicole: Oo nga. Parang huling kita natin nung reunion pa last yeah noh? Yes,
trying a new look.
Ana: Tama last year pa yun. Pero wow naman! Sino naggupit sa yo?
Nicole: Diyan lang si Shelley? Gandara di ba? Try mo dun. Musta ka naman?
Ana: Eto busy. Sige na nga, kwentuhan na lang next time baka malate tayo pag-uwi.
Nicole: OO nga. Sige next time. Bye!

Scenario 2: A teacher and a student on a lesson about variable.
Teacher: For example, you want to conduct a study about the effectiveness of a particular
medicine for curing diseases. Is effectiveness a research variable in this study?
Student: But ma’am effectiveness cannot be a variable it’s meaning can be subjective.
Teacher: Well you are right but do you have a particular strategy for studying?
Student: Yes, ma’am I do!
Teacher: Then how do we know if the strategy you use is effective?
Student: If I get to participate more during class discussion as well as through my
examination scores.
Teacher: It’s what you call indicators. These indicators will measure whether your strategy
for studying is effective or not. In likewise manner, what indicators can we use to tell
whether a medicine is effective or not?
Student: Maybe we could record the time in which the medicine took effect, or the number
of people who have been cured, or the number of recurrences of the disease to those
who have been cured?
Teacher: Now can we consider effectiveness as a research variable?
Student: Yes, through the use of indicators which are measurable to transform the concept
into a variable.

Scenario 3: A reporter asking the barangay chairman about how quarantine is

implemented in the community.
Reporter: Good morning Mr. Chairman. I’ve learned that in your community you follow
strict quarantine protocols. How is that so?
Chairman: Yes, we do. It’s better be safe than sorry. So, we make sure that residents of our
Barangay are fully aware of the existing policies that we have for the implementation
of GCQ. My fellow barangay officials are keen on enforcing social distancing, use of
face mask, and face shield, no group gathering and other stuff like that in the
Reporter: Do you have specific rule for dealing with violators?
Chairman: We do. Violators are immediately turned over to the police officers. They will be
precinct jails for the duration of the GCQ?
Reporter: Don’t you think that sending them to jail is too much sir?
Chairman: No. It is purely in compliance to the Bayanihan to Heal as One Act. People should
be aware of that.
Reporter: Right now, what would you want to say to your constituents sir?
Chairman: Cooperate with us. Please. It will be for the benefit of us all if by complying to
the rules we get lesser number of COVID-19 cases. It is for your own good. So do not
be stubborn.
Reporter: Thank you sir for accommodating us.
Chairman: You’re welcome.

Questions to resolve:
1. In which scenario do you observe the following?
a) Questions seem to be pre-determined. ______________________________________
b) Questions are impromptu: __________________________________________________
c) Questions are formal but flexible. ___________________________________________

2. The first scenario is similar to an unstructured or informal interview, the second is
semi-structured or guided, while the third is structured. Using the table below, how do
you differentiate the three types of interview?

Activity 4
Wordings of interview questions
Objective: Recognize appropriate questions for a qualitative interview.
Direction: Provide the appropriate questions according to specific guidelines given in
each part.
An interview guide also called interview protocol is important in conducting an
interview for the interviewer to not be diverted away from his/her objectives as questions
are asked and answered. These guides include information about the research,
demographics, as well as the questions that the researchers would like to ask. Now how
do you structure an interview question?
A. Closed-ended or open-ended. An open-ended question is one that requires more than
a yes-or-no, or one-word response. Put a check mark (✓) on the line that is classified as
an open-ended question.
_____ 1. Are you anxious about going outside your home since the start of quarantine?
_____ 2. Since quarantine is implemented, how do you feel about going out of your home?
_____ 3. What do you think about starting face to face classes on January 2021?
_____ 4. Do you think it’s okay to start face to face classes on January 2021?
_____ 5. How do you feel about online classes?

B. Multiple-issue or single-issue. It is important that an interview question addresses

only one issue. Put check mark (✓) on the line that corresponds to a single-issue
_____ 1. How active are you as a Senior High School student?
_____ 2. Have you participated in extra-curricular activities at school?
_____ 3. What do you consider as your favorite sports activity in school?
_____ 4. Tell me about your volunteer work as an SSG officer?
_____ 5. Were your grades high when you were in Grade 11?
C. Avoiding why. According to Patton (2002 as stated in Johnston and Vandertoep,
2011) “why” questions are difficult to answer because reasons for certain actions or
mindset is generally affected by conscious or unconscious motives. Though the

researchers aim is to discover people’s motivation and justifications for their behavior,
it can be determined by breaking down issues into parts. Consider a teacher asking the
students the question “why do you prefer online class?”, how will you break down this
issue into parts? Give three (3) questions.
Ex: Why do you find research difficult?
1. What difficulties have you encountered while looking for a research topic?
2. Can you consider your research topic researchable?
3. How long did you surf the internet while looking for related literature?
Your turn: Why do you prefer online class?

Activity 5
Sequencing questions
Objective: Determine question progression that will make it easier for the researcher
to elicit desired response from the participant, as well as develop rapport.
Direction: Read the interview questionnaire guide below and answer the question
“Does the sequence of questioning follow the recommended progression of
interview questioning?” Explain your answer.
Question technique in interview as much as possible should be in the sequence
of example questions followed by role-playing to get the respondent involve,
presupposition questions which is making an assumption, follow-up questions or
probes to get more details, silence then transition statement to jump to another topic.

1. Have you had any verbal conflict recently for not wearing a face mask?
2. One of your friends who was detained for not following quarantine protocols
messaged about her experiences while being detained, what would you tell her?
3. How about you, how many times have you go out without a face mask and a face
shield on?
4. When did this happen?
5. How do you feel about it?
6. Thank you. Your answers are helpful in understanding your views about wearing
face mask and face shield. Let’s move on to how you view online class as the new
normal in this time of pandemic.

Check Your Understanding
In five (5) sentences compare and contrast observation from interview as a
method of data collection.

1. Among the main difference between observation and interview is that the
information obtained from the former in an interconnections of various factors
which includes what has been observed, observers interpretations, conditions
etc. while the latter collects data directly from the point of view of the participant.
2. Observations according to types may be participant or non-participant, direct
or indirect. Based on conditions it may be natural or unstructured and
controlled or structured.
3. Observations may be recorded as descriptive narrative, video recording,
photographs and artifact and documentation.
4. Interviewing on the other hand may be structured, semi-structured or guided
and unstructured or informal. In structured, questions are pre-determined and
are asked repeatedly to all participants of the research. Guided also follow similar
pattern of questioning but it is more flexible to adjust to how participants
respond. Unstructured on the other hand go with the flow and follows
participants prompts but still based on the established objective.
5. Questions in interview must be open-ended, single-issue and non-why.
6. To ascertain disclosure of needed information as well as build rapport with the
participant, research interviews follow the progression of example, role-playing,
pre-supposition, follow-up, silence and transition.
7. Most preferred sampling for interview method is snowballing.
8. Among the ways to conduct qualitative interview is through one-on-one interview,
phone interview or online interviews among others.

Directions: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on the
blank provided before the number.
_____ 1. Which best describes direct observation?
A) Instead of the behavior, outcomes of behavior are observed.
B) The observer is passive and provides an outsider perspective.
C) The observer is an active participant of the community being observed.
D) The researcher is an active observer, observaion of events or behavior are
recorded as it occurred.
_____ 2. What is the first step in the observation process?
A) Identify objectives. C) Develop questions and techniques
B) Establish recording method. D) Analyze behaviors and inferences
_____ 3. How should interview questions be worded?
A) Non-why B) Open-ended C) Single-issue D) All of the given
_____ 4. The President will be visiting your school. You wanted to know his view on
participation to clinical study in developing COVID-19 vaccine. Which method of data
collection will you use?
A) Direct observation because the president will definitely give a speech about it.
B) Indirect observation from documents provided by students with the same goal.
C) Structured interview because it is less time consuming and straight forward.
D) Guided interview so that it would seem like a friendly conversation.
_____ 5. Which interview sequence aims to adapt the participant with the researcher’s
A) Example B) Follow-up C) Presupposition D) Transition


Using the information’s learned about the different types of interview, wordings
and sequence, write down five interview questions about the topic “Student
perception about the effect of social distancing to the development of their
communication skills.”

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