Practical Research 1 Q2 Week 7 8

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Module 7



Amelinda D. Marmol, Ph.D

Bagong Silang High School

Most Essential Learning Competency:

The learner demonstrates understanding of: guidelines in drawing

conclusion from patterns and themes CS_RS12-IIh-j-1 and
formulating recommendations based on conclusions. CS_RS12-IIh-j-2

To the Learners

Before starting the module, set aside other tasks that will disturb you in
understanding the lessons. Read the instructions below to successfully perform the
objectives of this kit. Keep on learning!
1. Follow wisely the instructions indicated in every page of this module.
2. Write on your notebook the important concepts about the lessons.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Let your facilitator/guardian check your answers using the answer key card.
5. Analyze conceptually the posttest and apply what you have learned.
6. Enjoy studying!

The learners should be able to classify the different biotic potential and
environmental resistance that influence Population growth.

Specifically, the learners should be able to:

a. define and differentiate biotic potential and environmental resistance;
b. illustrate and explain the different population distribution patterns and
c. understand the different mechanisms that regulates population explosion.
After summarizing relevant findings of your study, drawing or making
conclusions follows. At the end of the module, you are expected to:
1. Thoroughly understand the relevance of conclusion and recommendation in
2. Draw conclusion/s based on themes and patterns
3. Write appropriate recommendations based on the result and significance of
the study.


Directions: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on the
blank provided before the number.
1. If other researchers use the same methods as a paper but cannot achieve the same
results, the paper could be said to lack:
A. repetition C. replicability
B. reliability D. validity
2. One of the most important aspects of the results and discussion section is:
A. a repeat of the literature review
B. an elaborate interpretation of the findings
C. a statement of how a research question was answered
D. a justification for why either quantitative or qualitative methods were used
3. Where should a research paper's overall conclusion first seen by a reader?
A. Abstract B. Introduction
B. Conclusions D. Hypotheses and Theory
4. Which of the following is NOT one of the three main points you should include in
your conclusion?
A. Creating a new control variable that will alter the findings in order to conform to
your hypothesis
B. Containing a discussion of how the findings from the research can be generalized
to other cases.

C. Providing the reader an idea of how the research could have been improved and
if new questions based on the research findings have emerged.
D. Reiterating whether or not you were able to support your hypotheses with the
data you collected and analyzed with either the quantitative or qualitative analyses
5. Which of the following is NOT a likely reason for a negative finding?
A. Indicators the researcher used were not reliable or valid
B. The sample was not an appropriate representation of the research population
C. The literature review was not complete
D. The theory is incorrect 1
Looking Back

Objective : Recall concepts on relating finding with literature

Direction TRUE OR FALSE: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if its
not. Write your answers in your answer sheet/ notebook.
_____ 1. References should be listed in alphabetical order by author's last name.
_____ 2. References must be given for sources used in the paper only when the
sources are quoted, not when they are paraphrased.
______3. The unique characteristic of historical research is that it focuses exclusively
on the past.
______4. A primary source is one prepared by an individual who was a participant in,
or a direct witness to, the event that is being described.
______5. The only essential step involved in doing a historical study is defining the
problem or hypothesis to be investigated.
______6. If an entry in a Reference list is longer than one line, second and all
subsequent lines need to be indented half an inch.
______7. A secondary source is a document prepared by an individual who was not a
direct witness to an event, but who obtained his or her description of the event from
someone else.
______8. Underlining may be substituted for italics to distinguish or emphasize words,
to indicate foreign words or to identify words being
______9. As long as you give a complete citation for all of your sources at the end of
your paper, it is not necessary to attribute your sources in the body of the paper.
______10. In APA style, the first name of the author in a Reference list is not spelled

provides a significant and vital opportunity to explain to the reader exactly
what the research means to the various audiences who have an interest in the
research. The conclusion provides the potential to explore in depth and detail the
broader implications of the findings, while stating the limitations of the research and
clearly delineating the parameters
Drawing conclusions refers to information that is implied or inferred. Inference is
just a big word that means a conclusion or judgement. If you infer that something has
happened, you do not see, hear, feel, smell, or taste the actual event. But from what
you know

The following are some guidelines in forming conclusions:

1. Restate your thesis statement. Reaffirm your statement to show that you
have an organized, factual and relevant argument from beginning to end. It is
necessary for a reader that you have them kept-on-track or focus of the arguments of
your study.

2. Think about the bigger picture and context. . Sometimes, it’s tempting to
just summarize your paper in the conclusion paragraph. The reader, though, has
already read your whole paper by the time they come to the conclusion and probably
doesn’t want to read the same information again. So, ask yourself: so what? Why does
what you’re writing about really matter? If, for instance, you’re writing about a policy
for a government class, ask yourself what the point of your argument is. Does the
policy need to change? If so, why? And why should we, the readers, care? What do we
learn by analyzing X? Expand on your topic rather than just repeating it.
3. Answer questions in a conclusion,-don’t just ask them. It can be easy to
just start asking questions in a conclusion. While that can get the reader to think
about the questions, try answering them yourself. You are, after all, the author of your
4. State/explain conclusion/s concisely and make original contribution
found in your study. Use clear and simple language in your explanations .

It is the most important part of the analysis phase—this is where you’ll suggest
specific interventions or strategies to address the issues and constraints identified in
the assessment.. It should directly respond to key findings arrived at through data
collection and analysis. A process of prioritization is essential to narrowing down
findings, and once this is done, recommendations should be developed that align with
the most important findings. stem from the findings. Link each of your
recommendations to the finding that supports it, to highlight the direct connection
between assessment and action. These are some important concepts in
recommendation :

1. It should be one-sentence, succinct, and start with an action verb (create,

establish, fund, facilitate, coordinate, etc.). Reseacher should use a “SMART” format
(Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely). Each recommendation should be
followed by a few sentences of explanatory text.
2. It should be feasible.and provide specific alternatives for a study. There
might be specific parts of the study that the researcher’s want to improve and need to
3. It is typically summarized in the Executive Summary, and presented in full
within specific technical sections, usually as a short list of bullets following the
findings summary. In some reports, there may be a section at the end of the document
that consolidates recommendations and highlights the linkages across core areas

Activity 1
Objective: Identify conclusion from recommendation
Direction: Below are descriprions of what conclusion and recommendation is. Your
task is to identify which statements illustrate a conclusion and recommendation by
rewriting the sentence in the part of the table where it should be written.


1. It indicate the extent to which the aims have been achieved
2. Summarise the key findings, outcomes or information in your report
3. Acknowledge limitations and make suggestion for future work (where
4. Highlight the significance or usefulness of your work.
5. Assist future researchers by giving idea/s on research
6. Present some suggestions to improve the research
7. Indicate the specific measures or directions that can be takenways address
limitations and suggest how they might be overcome in future work.
8. Gives specific suggestions that you make with regard to further research on the
9. A synthesis of key points or a re-statement of research problem
10.. It must be concise and clear, must be opinion free

Activity 2

Objective: Draw conclusion and formulate recommendation

Direction : Read the abstract of a research article on diabetes and SARS COVID 19.
Answer the guide questions in your notebook.

Why Do People With Diabetes Have a High Risk for Severe COVID-19
Disease?—A Dental Hypothesis and Possible Prevention Strategy
Andreas Pfützner, MD, PhD, Michael Lazzara, BSc, Julia Jantz, MD

The SARS-CoV-2 virus causes symptoms in infected individuals ranging from

mild flu symptoms via severe COVID-19 pneumonia requiring ventilation to death. Risk
factors for severe courses are age, diabetes, hypertension and other serious diseases.
The main entry portal for the virus into the body is probably the oral mucosa, as it is a
known location of virus accumulation. The suspected main receptor is highly expressed
in this tissue. Such a route of penetration of the virus into the body provides plausible
explanations for severe COVID-19 courses seen particularly in older diabetes patients.
The immune system of people with diabetes is considered to be generally
impaired. Diabetes induces a chronic systemic inflammation, which regularly manifests
as periodontitis. Furthermore, frequent hyperglycaemia is known to lead to additional
weakening of the oral mucosa barrier. It is therefore recommended that preventive
measures in diabetes patients should also include the bucchal area.

Knowledge of the inflammatory status in the mouth and throat may be
helpful for identification of patients at particular risk. An established biomarker for
measuring the degree of orall inflammation is activated matrix metalloproteinase 8
(aMMP8), for which saliva tests are available. From our point of view, the current
recommendations for the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 associated COVID-19 disease
should therefore be extended to include the aspects of measurement and sanitation of
mouth and throat and regular disinfection of this area.

Source : Volume: 14 issue: 4, page(s): 769-771

Article first published online: June 7, 2020; Issue published: July 1, 2020

Based from the given research article, write what is being asked in the

1. Form of Research: _____________________________________________________

2. Topic/ Background; _____________________________________________________

3. Method: ________________________________________________________________

4. Conclusion: _____________________________________________________________

5. Recommendation: ________________________________________________________

Scoring Guide for Activity 2 -4

Category 3 2 1
Demonstrated Knowledge Shows the complete Shows slight understanding shows a complete lack of
understanding of the of the content, ideas and understanding of the article
content, ideas and processes of the article
processes of the article

Explanation Introduces and states Introduces and states fairly Lack ontroduction
completely the context and the context and justification /explanation of the
justification of the evidence of the evidence evidence.

Oranization Presents ideas and Present ideas and Lack an organized

evidences cohesively evidences fairly presentation of ideas and

Activity 3

Objective: Draw a relevant conclusion from a themes and patterns

Direction: Write your conclusion based from these statements:

1. Finding: 90% of the male and 89% of female respondents preferred game
Conclusion: ____________________________________________________________

2. Finding: Patient was treated for community-acquired pneumonia with intravenous

antibiotics, but his condition deteriorated and he required intubation. On January 31,
SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA was reported to be detected by PCR on the initial swabs, and
he was identified as the 2nd confirmed COVID-19 infection in the Philippines
Conclusion: ________________________________________________________________

3. Findings: As a result of the study , in the sample of 30 countries covered,

researchers found that a median decline in GDP in 2020 of -2.8% occurs in some
countries.. In other scenarios, Gross Domestic Product can fall more than 10%, and in
some countries, more than 15%.
Conclusion: ________________________________________________________________

4. Findings: Groups of respondents of age 35-50 years, college graduates, medical

professions and income over than 300,000 Syrian Pounds showed high level of
knowledge and awareness of COVID 19 whereas low income and low education level
respondents showed the opposite.
Conclusion: ________________________________________________________________

Activity 4

Objective: Write appropriate conclusion and recommendations based on the result

and significance of the study
Direction: Read an excerpt from the article entitled “Coronavirus in Philippines:
The COVID-19 risk, impact and measures” .Write a possible conclusion/s and
critical recommendation inside the box.

“Coronavirus in Philippines: The COVID-19 risk, impact and measures”

Praveen Duddu
March 31,2020

Philippines, one of the high-risk countries from the Wuhan coronavirus

outbreak, recorded the first death outside China. The government has announced
lock-down of Metro Manila, followed by the entire Luzon island and is mulling over
more localised lock-downs. The Philippines government declared a state of
calamity in the country for six months on 17 March.
As of 31 March, the total Philippines coronavirus cases stand at 1,546. One
of the coronavirus confirmed on 06 March was confirmed to be a human-to-human
transmission putting the nationon a high alert. The man attended prayer in late
February, which increases the concerns of possible transmission to other devotees
who attended the same.

The country’s first death was of a 44-year old Chinese national, who was the
relative of the first patient diagnosed with COVID-19. The patient developed severe
pneumonia. A total of 78 deaths have been reported in the country.

Seven passengers onboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship and more than
half of the crew are from the Philippines, among who 80 have been confirmed to
have contracted the virus.

The Philippines government repatriated 445 of its citizens onboard the ship
including ten recovered cases on 25 February. The evacuees have been placed under
a two-week quarantine at New Clark City in Capas.A total of 70 confirmed cases
were not allowed to board the evacuation flight.

The Philippines government started announcing local lock-downs (home

quarantine) following the increase in global coronavirus cases. The entire Luzon
island is locked-down affecting more than 50 million people. The lock-down
prohibits people from going outside their homes except for getting basic necessities.

Metro Manila lock-down was announced on 12 March and will continue until
14 April, while similar quarantine measures are expected in Bohol and Cainta
provinces. Davao City has imposed travel restrictions.

Quarantining (lock-down) will be imposed in the Philippines barangays,

municipalities/cities and provinces if at least two COVID-19 coronavirus cases are
recorded in two different households in the respective locations. The Philippines
government is taking several steps to control the spread of the virus, including
travel restrictions, closure of schools and colleges, as well as training schools of the
Philippines National Police.

Educational institutes in the country are announced to be closed from 09

March to 15 March, whereas in Metro Manila the classes will be suspended until 12
April. Stringent social distancing measures will be in place in the National Capital
Region (NCR) for 30 days from 15 March.

The government announced earlier on 2 February 2020 that all persons except
Filipino citizens and permanent resident visa holders were temporarily barred from
entering the country.

A temporary ban on Filipinos from travelling to China or its special

administrative region was also imposed. A mandatory 14-day quarantine for
Filipinos returning to from China or its special administrative region was





 Conclusion section of research study sums up the key points of the

discussion, the essential features of the design, or the significant outcomes of
investigation. As its function is to round off the story of the study it should:be
written to relate directly to the aims of the project as stated in the Introduction.

 Recommendations are steps offered to solve or improve the negative findings,
it should be action oriented, practical or doable and should help to solve
problems stated in the preliminary part of research . It is not limited to the
improvement of the present study but it also assists or helps future researcher
to get an idea or forulate new problem related to the present study

Check your understanding

Conclusion provides
____________________________________________________________________ while
Recommendation is __________________________________________________________


Direction: Draw a if the tatement is correct and it its not. Use

your answer sheet in writing your answers.

1. Conclusion is also known as inference or judgement in a given study.

2. In drawing conclusion, one should reaffirm or reassert his/her statements to have
clearer view of the study.
3. A researcher is advise to use complex and vaguet language in his/her explanations
for better presentation of ideas
4. The Conclusions section of research study sums up the key points of the
discussion or the significant outcomes of investigation.
5. Findings of the study is the same or parallel as to the conclusion.
6. In quantitative or qualitative research, a recommendation is neccesarry because it
gives beneficial outcome and proactive guide in solving certain issue/s.
6. Recommendation in the form of suggestions can be based on personal view,
understanding and feeling of the researcher.
7. Given the findings, a researcher can only use the positvie results as a source of
8. The executive summary shows the full and specific technical sections of research.
9. A researcher doesn’t need to link his/her recommendation/suggestion to the finding
or result of the study. One should only rely on the significance and objective/s of
10. Drawing conclusion and formulating recommendation are significant parts of a


I have learned that ___________________________________________________________

I will apply _________________________________________________________________

 Analyze Data retrieved from

 Duddu, P. (2020). Coronavirus in Philippines: The COVID-19 risk, impact and measures retrieved from
 Gepila E.C., Dagnalan, E.H. ,Jimenez,M.M. et al. (2017). Research in Daily Llife. Rizal: Jenher Publishing
 Latham, J. (n.d) .Drawing Conclusions. retrieved from
 Nuno Fernandes (2020). Economic Effects of Coronavirus Outbreak (COVID-19) on the World Economy.
University of Navarra, IESE Business School; European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI) Pages
Posted: 23 Mar 2020 Last revised: 13 Apr 2020 retrieved from
 Pfützner, A.., Lazzara, M. & Jantz,J.(2020). Why Do People With Diabetes Have a High Risk for Severe
COVID-19 Disease?- A Dental Hypothesis and Possible Prevention Strategy. Volume: 14 issue: 4, page(s):
769-771Issue published: July 1, 2020.retrieved from
Answer Key

PRE TEST Activity 2

1. B 1. Qualitative
2. B 2. Nature and impact of SARS COVID 2
3.A 3. Descriptive/ Exploratory/Experimental
4.A 4. Answers may Vary
5.C 5. Answers may vary
Looking Back Activity 3
1. True 1-5 Answers may vary –AMV
2. False Activity 4
3. True Diagram my conclusion and recommendation –AMV
4. True Check your understanding – Answers may vary
5. True Post Test
Activity 1 1. √
1. Conclusion 2. √
2. Conclusion 3 X
3. Recommendation 4. √
4. Conclusion 5. X
5. Recommendation 6. X
6. Recommendation 7. X
7. Conclusion 8. √
8. Recommendation 9. X
9. Conclusion 10. √
10. Conclusion


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