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General Vastu
Guidelines for Residential Buildings
Bharat N Mulay

he secret of success of Vastu is Brihaspati's sister Yogasiddha, that is, the

Whilst the reasons for the
outcome of adherence
to Vastu principles are
T nothing but designing the habitats
as per the tenets of natural order
which ultimately amounts to conquering
nephew of Brihaspati.
He is the artist of the Devas and the
Lord of the arts. He is also the divine cre-
the five elements in a positive way and ator of industrial art, He is the teacher of
not fully understood,
therein lies the way to peace and prosper- all the Gods and the father of eight types
the principles themselves ity of the mankind. of Siddhis. He is the creator of architec-
have been found to be ture, civil engineering, painting, wood-
sound in practice. HISTORY carving, sculpture, palace-building, etc.
Shri Vishwakarma is the original God of He has created beautiful ornaments and
creation. He is the son of the eighth Vasu divine aeroplanes for the Gods. He has
Prabhash Rishi. He is the son of Devguru built huge structures for Indra, Yama,

44 ARCHITECTURE - Time Space & People December 2007

4) Shilpi - mason ined to be somewhat as shown above. It
5) Daivaj - goldsmith. is imagined that He sleeps on the right
'Vastu' was His adopted son. reclined on His back. There is a tail
Shri Vishwakarma was author of such emerging from the front of His head.
great books as “Vastushastra”, 'Shri While building a temple or a house, let
Vishwakarma Prakash' and the first dig be made in this direction
'Sthapatyadev'. The man who truly worships Vastudev
with all his faith, gets all the happiness
THE STORY OF THE in this world and lives for a hundred
EMERGENCE OF years. After death too, he lives in
VASTUPURUSH Heaven for crores of years enjoying the
Andhkasur, a demon was captivated by good things there.
the divine beauty of Parvati. This sparked Prayer: "Oh! Vastupurash, we offer out
Lord Vishwakarma off a fearful duet between Lord Shiva and salutations to you. We pray to you that you
the demon. To avoid any interruption to stay in our houses in your earthly bed and
Varuna and lndraprastha for the the ongoing duel battle between Lord please shower our homes with eternal hap-
Pandavas. Shiva and Andhkasur, Shri Vishwakarma piness, peace, food and wealth."
He has built Kailashpuri., Amaravati of arrived there on earth and on inspiration There are many stories regarding
Indra, Alakauati for Kubera, Pushpak of Narnarayan rishi, from Badrikashram, Vastu Purusha.
Viman, Kashipuri. His incarnations Naland Shri Vishwakarma accepted this powerful As per Hindu Mythology in the war
and Neel constructed the bridge man as His adopted son and named between Devas and Asuras, a demon
(Setubandh) at Rameshwar. He who per- Him ‘Vastu’. appeared and started torturing the
forms every work of the Universe is called He blessed Vastu by saying that Devas. Ultimately the Devas pushed
Shri Vishwakarsma. whenever there would be construction of him down and sat over him. The
"Shri Vishwakanna, the designer of buildings or temples in any of the three demon appealed to Lord Brahma for
the Universe who has created divine worlds, He would be worshiped. He raised help. Lord Brahma named him Vastu
places, temples and beautiful palaces. Vastu to the level of divinity and took Him Purusha and blessed him with the
For the benefit of human beings He to "Badrikashram" and gave Him the words "All works on earth will have to
created houses, wells, lakes, every- greatest honor. be commenced and concluded only
thing has been created by the divine It is said that Vastupurush changes after worshipping you".
Lord. " His direction every three-months. He is A number of principles and sugges-
(Eashanya) East SE present, in an invisible state in every tions have been laid down by ancient
house. The form of Vastupurush is imag- astrologers. The reasons for many of
them have not been understood.
However, the principles have been
North South
found to be based on good reasons and
sound in practice.
The building should be constructed
parallel to the magnetic forces.
(Vayavya) West (Nairutya) Northern wall shall be exactly to North
Shri Vishwakarma's wife was and the Southern wall exactly to South.
Viruchanadevi (Rachanadevi), whose However, when the street in a layout is
father was Prahlad. He fathered five sons not laid parallel to the magnetic forces,
for the welfare of the world whose names the street can be taken as the base and
are : the building can be marked with respect
1) Mann - blacksmith to the street. The variation between the
2) May - carpenter magnetic direction and the direction of
3) Twashta - copper Worker Shiva, Andhkasur and Shri Vishwakarma site can be up to 120.

December 2007 ARCHITECTURE - Time Space & People 45

HOW TO SELECT A SITE to lead the destiny of the occupant for a Supposing a house is not constructed
FOR THE CONSTRUCTION brighter tomorrow. The prosperity and as per Vaasthu it can be very well be
OF A HOUSE progress in the life of the resident of a rectified.
It is always better to consult an expert on plot is directly proportional to the eleva- As per the science of Vaasthu all the
Vaasthu before selecting a site for the tion of the western and southern parts of eight directions have their own respec-
construction of a house to reap the best his plot. tive influences on the human beings.
advantages out of the proposed house. It One should never select a triangular (1) East is called the paternal side. If the
is always advisable to go in for a site site. Just as, it is difficult to change the vacant space in east is covered com-
which is either a square or a rectangle in properties of the soil it is also difficult to pletely the house becomes an owner-
shape. A spacious site makes the inhabi- change the properties of a site or a plot. less property i.e. the male head of the
tant rich, provided it is a perfect square or For instance, the existence of a high family would die.
a rectangle. hillock in north or east or the location of a (2) Southeast or (Agneya) begets health.
It is advisable to acquire an additional tank or a river in west or south cannot be (3) South brings prosperity, happiness
site located towards the east or north of rectified. Similarly, one cannot change and tranquility.
the existing house. Any amount of invest- the direction of a road, which cuts across (4) Southwest (Nairuthi) is responsible
ment for acquiring a plot situated the northeastern tip of a plot. Further the for attitude, behavior and premature
towards the northeastern part of the existence of a small plot in between two mortality.
existing plot, is not a bad investment. The bigger plots makes the inhabitant lead a (5) West brings progress, elevation and
topography of the plot reflects on the life suffocating life just as a calf gets trampled fame.
of the inhabitant. Slope towards north or between two fighting bulls. (6) Northwest (Vayuvya) governs rela-
east showers bountiful blessings on the Never select a site which protrudes tions with others which may vary
inhabitant. Similarly elevation in land in towards northwest, southwest or south- from cordiality to hostility.
the western and in southern parts of the east. If the vacant portion in a site is more (7) North is the maternal side. If it is not
site makes the life a prosperous one. towards south or west than towards kept vacant the house will become a
People residing in such sites do achieve north or east, it is advisable to separate desert due to female mortality and
greater things. It is always better to select the excess portion by means of a small remains as a house without a female
a spacious plot so as to facilitate con- wall or fence and construct a shed or the member.
struction of as many floors as one can. same may be disposed off. (8) Northeast (Eesanya) ensures continu-
A plot located at the confluence of If the road leading from your plot ity of lineage through able male prog-
two roads leading to east and north takes you towards east, north or north- eny. In case the northeast is cut off
respectively, makes the life of the resident east it is said to be a very auspicious one. there can be no male children in the
a pleasant one if the roads intersect at If that road leads you towards southeast family.
right angle. or southwest it brings misfortunes to the A casual observation of all the eight
If the plot is situated in conformity inhabitant. directions reveals the effects on the resi-
with the compass the house constructed Never think of procuring a site which dents of the house.
thereon also would be set as per com- slopes towards southwest. Ensure that
pass. However any deliberate attempt to the rain water or sewage water of neigh- ANALYSIS OF INTERMEDIATE
adjust the house as per compass, leads to boring plots does not flow into your site DIRECTIONS
directional dead-lock, because it results from eastern or northeastern direction. Each intermediate direction extends
in extension of southeast, southwest and People living in such houses cannot have towards two directions of which it is
northwest. Hence if a site does not fall in normal peaceful lives. made up of. Hence each intermediate
line with compass, the house can be con- Astrology and palmistry as above direction is again subdivided into two
structed consistent with the adjoining said reveal the future of an individual parts in the following manner.
road and the neighboring houses. That is to some extent but cannot change the 1. Northeast (Eesanya) : The northern
why a site possessing a straight and a par- way of his life. Conducting some rituals most part of the east is called east-
allel road according to the compass must and arranging for penance to get ern northeast and the eastern most
be preferred. However, a plot lying by the peace and happiness do not hold much part of the north is called northern
side of a road leading to northeast is said water. northeast.

46 ARCHITECTURE - Time Space & People December 2007


Directions Depression Elevation

East Wealth, Longevity and Fame Loss of Progeny.

Southeast If lower than the southwest it augurs well, If higher than southwest it is an ill omen.
but if lower than northwest and northeast If higher than northeast and northwest it
it results in fire accidents, rivalry and attracts riches.
criminal bent of mind.

South Diseases and financial constraints. Prosperity and health.

Southwest Vices, protracted illness and premature demise. Prosperity and fame.

West Loss of progeny and ill health. Increases fame and progeny.

Northwest If lower than northeast it results in rivalry, If higher than northeast. It results in success
diseases. If lower than southwest and in all issues and flow of wealth. If the
southeast it augurs well. north west is higher than southeast
it is not a good omen.

North Always desirable as it draws wealth. Drives away wealth.

Northeast Draws riches from everywhere. Makes the resident a pauper.

2. Southeast (Agneya) : The

southern most part of the
east is called eastern south-
east and the eastern most
part of the south is called
the southern southeast.
3. Southwest (Nairuthi) : The
western most part of the
south is called the southern
southwest and the southern
most part of the west is
called the western south-
4. Northwest (Vayuvya): The
northern most part of west
is called the western most
part of the north is called
northern north west

The site should be cleared of,
vegetation. Trees like Jackfruit,
peepal, neem, tamarind etc. if on
the site should be removed with
roots at least 6 months before
construction is started. If any
tree is to removed after

December 2007 ARCHITECTURE - Time Space & People 47

occupation; a minimum of 3 months 2. The building should never face South 11. The color washing can be as shown
should be allowed to pass. East. below. For houses facing East -
3. The South West corner should be an White; South East - Grey; South - Red;
COMMENCEMENT OF exact 90-degree angle. South West - Green; West - Blue,
BUILDING 4. The house should not face a moun- North West - White; North - Green;
The building should be commenced on tain nor the shape of the house North - Yellow.
an auspicious day and time. The resembles a mountain.
following inauspicious days should be 5. The building should not be square, DISPOSITION OF ROOMS IN
avoided. but could be rectangular. THE BUILDING
(a) When a member of the family is in 6. The corners of any house should not The total number of rooms in a house
mourning due to the death of his be in line with the door or window of shall be odd in number. For purpose of
kith or kin. any other house. computing, any room provided with a
(b) When a child is born in the family 7. The construction of the building door (including toilets) should be consid-
and the house is considered to be should be such that the Sun's rays ered as a room.
polluted. shall fall on the building for 3 hours
(c) When a female member of the after sun-rise and 3 hours before BED ROOMS
house is pregnant. sunset. 1. The Master bedroom should be on
(d) When a female member has her 8. The setbacks on North and East the Southwest.
menses. should be more than on South and 2. Children's bed room should be on
If two units are proposed to be con- West by 1.25 to 1.5 times. north or north-western side
structed in a plot, the first one should be 9. All corners of rooms should be per- 3. Unmarried children can have their
on South or West only. pendicular to one another from the bedrooms facing east.
base of the roof. 4. The position of the bedroom where a
LAYOUT OF BUILDING 10. North-West or South-East should not couple is united has a bearing on the
1. It is preferable if the building faces project beyond the periphery of the prospects of a child. If the room is in
East or North- East. building. the western part of the house, the

NE East SE
(Eashanya) (Agneya)
• Grain store • Living room • Pooja room
• Childrens' bed room • Treasury • Living room
• Cloth washing area • Drinking water
• WC, Nahani
• Septic tank

• Childrens' bed room • Brahma's place • Bath room South

• Meditation room • Open courtyard • Guest room
• Dining room • Open skylight • Verandah
• Study room • Kitchen room
• Staircase
• Overhead water tank

• Store room (waste material) • Bed room • Kitchen room

• Master bed room Staircase • Store for imp. Materials • Electric meter
(Vayavya) West (Nairutya)

48 ARCHITECTURE - Time Space & People December 2007

child will be intelligent, prosperous 5. Washbasin or sink in Kitchen should 9. Do not construct any separate temple
and become famous. be in the North East. for public purpose, or shivaling or
5. Bedrooms for couples should be only 6. For South facing houses, the kitchen Samadhi. Do not use any place for
on the West or North. can be on Northwest. However the meditation directly visible for the
6. While sleeping the head should face oven may be in the South East corner deity in the pooja room.
towards south (best position) or east of kitchen room.
or west butt never on north SERVANTS' QUARTERS
7. Provide ward robe on south west side DINING ROOM Servants' quarters should be in the. North
facing to east or north side 1. Best position on west side . east or West . corner.
8. Provide TV, heater, electric equip- north may be workable
ments on south east side 2. Avoid the arrangement of Kitchen on WALKING SPACE IN ROOMS
one floor and dining on another floor In all the rooms, more walking space
LIVING ROOM 3. Avoid any odd shaped dining table should be provided on the North and
1. Preferably on east side with a general including round, triangular, oval East direction than on South and the
slope towards east or northeast etc. square or rectangle are prefer- West.
2. North side room is best able. Do not attach dining table to
3. Avoid door on southeast or south- wall or fold VERANDAHS
west side 4. Provide drinking water on NE side. 1. Verandahs or sit-outs in the South or
4. Avoid TV on NE / SW corner. 5. Provide wash basin on east or north West should be higher than the floor
Preferable on SE or South or West side 6. Never provide attached toilet to level of the main building, while in
5. Avoid any odd shaped furniture dining room. However washing the North and East, verandahs should
including round, triangular, oval etc. area for cloths or utensils may be be lower than the floor level of the
square or rectangle are preferable provided main building,
6. Avoid central opening or skylight in 7. Provide nature photos for pleasing 2. If verandahs or porticos are provided
the living room. environment the width on North and East direction
7. Avoid any chandeliers in the exact should be more than the width on the
center of the room to avoid extra POOJA ROOM South or West. Verandahs on North
weight in the center of the room 1. Pooja room should preferably be in and East should be continuous and
8. More height for the living room may the North East direction. there should not be any break
be preferable 2. Never provide pooja room on south between them.
9. Provide internal staircase on south, side nor its door on south side
SW, west side 3. Deity should face on west side and DOORS AND WINDOWS
10. Staircase flight should be from N to S the person praying should face on 1. Doors of rooms should be in North-
or E to W. east side. In temples this arrangement East or North or East
is other way round 2. The main entrance to the house can
KITCHEN 4. provide preferably white color floor be one or maximum two on front
1. Kitchen should preferably be on the and white color for walls. light blue side. More than two should be avoid-
South East corner of the building. color for walls may be permitted ed.
2. The person who cooks should face 5. Never provide shikhara or dome to 3. In case of main door. the shutter
exactly east. the pooja room as in temple should open inside. If the main door
3. The sink in the kitchen should be 6. Never keep any broken statue of deity has single door, the !hinges should be
in the North East corner of the in pooja room. This may be immedi- on the left side, when viewed from
kitchen. ately replaced inside the premises.
4. Storage for storing provisions provid- 7. Half of the Door above cill should 4. The shutters of the big door should
ed in the racks should be on the walls, have perforations or glass for light be made using three planks, but
which are on Southern or Western and ventilations should be of the same variety.
side and not on the Northern and 8. Never keep money or any treasury 5. The total number of doors and win-
Eastern side. inside the pooja room dows, taken separately, should be

December 2007 ARCHITECTURE - Time Space & People 49

even in number and should Even an edge of the wall of the well room towards east while bedroom
not have zeros in the ending. should not be on the line connecting located towards east may have
Doors should normally be on North East corner of the building and bathroom towards west.
North direction. North East corner of the plot. 4. The front face of water closet should
6. Exit of house should be on North or face north or east .
East or West in order of preference BATH ROOMS 5. Door of toilet are preferable to be on
and not on South. 1. Bathrooms are constructed generally north side
7. The main entrance door should not in three ways viz., as adjuncts to the 6. Avoid marble in toilet
face the intersection of roads and no main house out side the house, as
trees should obstruct the entrance. attached bathrooms to the bedrooms OVERHEAD TANK
However, according to some experts, within the house and as common 1. Overhead tank of a house can be con-
if the distance between the entrance bathrooms at a central place inside structed in southwest, northwest or
door and the above obstructions is the house. southeast corners.
more than the height of the building, 2. The Science of Vastu lays down that 2. If an overhead tank is proposed to be
the obstructions will not be consid- common bath rooms provided inside provided in northwest or southeast a
ered inauspicious. the house should be built in eastern small room on the terrace should be
8. The entrance steps should be an or northern rooms. provided in southwest duly ensuring
even number. The number of pillars 3. Attached bathrooms can be built that the height of the room is more
should be an even number. towards east or north of the bed- than that of the overhead tank.
Similarly, if beams are introduced in rooms. However in case of two par- 3. If an overhead tank is provided in
any room, or hall, this also should allel bedrooms, bathrooms located southwest any type of structure can
be an even number. at the center may fall towards north be built in northwest and southeast-
9. There should be no window on South in respect of southern bedroom and ern parts of the terrace.
West side up to 12% of the length of towards south in respect of north-
building. ern bedroom and this phenomenon TOILET AND SEPTIC TANK
is permissible as per the science of 1. The most ideal spot for locating an
WOODWORK Vastu. Same Principle holds good in external toilet is eastern south-east
1. Timber used in buildings should respect of bathrooms located in away from eastern compound wall
not be from the trees of peepal, between two parallel bedrooms and abutting southern compound
silk-cotton, ber etc. Further trees located in the southern portion of a wall.
damaged by natural disasters and house. That means bedroom locat- 2. The septic tank should be provided in
grown on burial grounds should ed towards west may have bath- the central east. Orientalists, pre-
not be used.
2. For wood works in a building, only
new timber should be used and for
renovation of an old building, old
wood can be used.

1. The well should be provided on the
North East direction of the plot.
2. If any fountain is to be provided, it
should be only on North or East side
of the house which, distance from
Main door should be 'he minimum
height of the door.
3. The projected wall of the well from
the base should be of round shape.

50 ARCHITECTURE - Time Space & People December 2007

scribe that southwest is the most suit- ed as an entrance in a debilitated 5) The dimensions of North- East direc-
able place for providing a toilet. portion in its absence. tion room should less than the other
3. The septic tank should not be locat- 4. In case of a house facing west rooms.
ed in southwest as any depression apart from providing a gate in 6) The number of doors, windows, doors
in southwest leads to serious disad- front of the main entrance in west and windows fixed should be even
vantages to the inhabitants. another gate must be provided in and not odd.
4. Toilet can be provided in southwest the northwest at the mid point of 7) The Electric meter should be fixed In
without a septic tank attached to it. the vacant space available on the South- East direction
In such a case it should be ensured northern part of the house. 8) In factory electric poles should be
that W.C. is fixed on a platform Th e s e co n d e n t r a n ce i s ve r y installed in South-East direction.
which is higher than the floor level essential in the sense that in its 9) Terrace can be in North, East, North-
of the house. absence the first one would be East direction
5. The septic tank must be located in treated as an entrance in a 10) The grill verandah room should not
central north or central east. If toilet debilitated portion. constructed in South direction, West
has to be provided in northwest the direction
same must be built away from the INFLUENCE OF ROADS 11) South- East,North-West, South- West
northern compound wall and 1. Number of roads around the house room of the building can be used as
abutting western wall. Here also the and their formation cast a powerful Kitchen room.
septic tank must be provided influence on the inhabitants 12) North- East room of the building
in center and lead either to their prosperity should not be used as kitchen., store
or adversity as per the science room, stair case room, W. C. Room
1. Construction of compound wall is 2. A plot located at the confluence REFERENCES :
a must for any house as it pro- of two roads is better than the
• The Secret World of Vaasthu - By Gouri
tects the inhabitants from the one located by the side of a
Tirupathy Reddy
negative effects of Vastu. While single road.
providing a gate to the com- 3. Similarly a plot located at the con- • New Dimensions in Vastu - By
pound wall following points are fluence of three roads is better than Venkateshwar rao
to be borne in mind. the one located at the confluence of • Nisarganiyam ani aamachi Vastu-
2. In case of a house facing east two roads. rachana - bhag , By A R Tarkhedkar
apart from providing a gate in 4. Same analogy applies in case of a (Marathi)
front of the main door another plot located at the confluence
• General Vastu Guidelines - paper by
gate has to be provided in north- of four roads and it is considered
C H Gopinathrao ( first all India sym-
east at the mid point of the the best.
posium on vastu)
vacant area in the northern part
of the house. The second gate is GENERAL HINTS • Fevicraft - Shri Vishwakarma special
very essential in the sense that 1) Mountains/hills In East In East, North- Vol XXI, No 9 Sept- Oct 2000
the first one would be treated as East, North, North In North-East direc-
• Authors own observations & analysis
an entrance in a debilitated por- tion yields malefic results.
for simplified vastu ■
tion in its absence. 2) The dimensions of South direction
3. In case of a house facing south rooms should be more than the North
apart from providing a gate in front direction rooms. Bharat N Mulay is Professor
of the main entrance another gate 3) The dimensions of East direction & Head, Depar tment of
has to be provided in southeast at rooms should be less than the West Architecture, PDA College of
the mid point of the vacant area in side rooms. Engineering, Gulbarga.
the eastern part of the house. The 4) The dimensions of South - west direc-
Photographs: Courtesy the
second gate is very essential in the tion room should be more than the
sense that the first one will be treat- other rooms.

December 2007 ARCHITECTURE - Time Space & People 51

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