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Ring .. Ring .. Ring ..

 Thank you for calling St. Michael Restaurant, this is (Name) speaking how may I help
 Guest: I’d like to make a reservation
 Ok sir you would like to make a table Reservation?
 Guest: Yes
 May I have your name and contact number please?
 Guest: I’m James Gonzales
 When will be your arrival date and time Mr. Gonzales?
 Guest: February 14, 2024 at 8 o’clock in the evening.
 Mr.Gonzales, please give me a minute or two to check the availability of your table
 Thank you for waiting Mr. Gonzales, I’m glad to inform you that we can still
accommodate your reservation on your preferred date and time.
 Guest: Okay thank you
 By the way Mr.Gonzales, What is your table preference sir? Would you like a smoking or
Non-smoking area?
 Guest: Non-smoking area
 May I suggest a table for you near the garden? It has a perfect view!
 Guest: Yes sure.
 How many guests are we expecting Mr. Gonzales?
 Guest: 2 person
 Thank you for that information.
 Do you have any special request upon your arrival?
 Guest: None
 Would you like a sparkling wine or a bouquet of roses upon your arrival?
 Guest: Yes
 Mr. Gonzales, please allow me to repeat your table reservation details.
 A table reservation for two (2) under the name of Mr. James Gonzales on February 14,
2024 @ exactly 8 o’clock in the evening w/a non-smoking area near the garden.
 A sparkling wine and a bouquet of roses upon your arrival.
 We can reach you with your mobile # 09123456789 did I take your table reservation
details right sir?
 Guest: Yes that’s right. Thank you!
 For your information Mr. Gonzales you may visit us located at Profugo Corner Merchan
St. Brgy. VI, Lucena City
 Our business hours is from11:00am to 12:00midnight.
 For more information, you can visit our website or
in our facebook page St. Michael Hotel and Restaurant.
 Thank you for calling Mr. Gonzales, we’re looking forward upon your arrival. Have a
great day!
 Guest: Okay thank you!

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