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Discussion Posts Reply

Classmate 1

Hi, thank you for your insightful discussion in this week’s discussion. I agree with you

that police officers should wear body cameras. It I true that body cameras can reduce police

brutality or other forms of injustice because the footage taken by these cameras can be used

against them in case they are doing anything outside the law. Body cameras cannot be the cure

for all the policing problems that we face, however, they are very crucial tools for making sure

that there is accountability and transparency in law enforcement. As you have clearly stated the

cameras give the vulnerable communities a sense of security when they encounter the police. We

have seen most African Americans facing police brutality but with the help of the body-worn

cameras, the jury and families of the victims know what really transpired.

Classmate 2

Thank you for your contribution to the discussion. I agree with you that the public has

benefited from the use of body-worn cameras by the police. The cameras are beneficial in a lot of

ways but most importantly is that they ensure there is accountability among the police officers.

With body cameras, the police are able to provide accurate information because they cannot give
Surname 2

a piece of contradicting information from what is captured in the footage. Additionally, body

cameras are also important for the police because they provide the jury and the public with more

information in case of a shooting. Often the police are accused of brutality, however, since they

face risky situations they may end up shooting criminals for self-defense. Therefore, I believe

body-worn cameras are beneficial to the public and police officers also.

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