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Technical Communication A Practical Approach 8th

Edition Pfeiffer Test Bank

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TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.

1) Definitions and descriptions only appear in certain areas of a document. 1)

2) Good definitions support findings, conclusions, and recommendations throughout your document. 2)
3) When using definitions, you should ask questions like "How often are the definitions used?" 3)
"Where should definitions be placed?"

4) Descriptions often open with short descriptions. 4)

5) Definitions should be as detailed as possible. 5)

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
6) Which of the following is not a format for writing a definition? 6)
A) Expanded. B) Informal. C) Formal. D)

7) Informal definitions appear 7)

A) Right after the terms are defined.
B) As one-word synonyms.
C) As features that distinguish the term from others in the same
D) All of the above.
E) A and B.

8) "All grantors (persons from whom the property was obtained) are listed on the following 8)
chart" is
what type of definition?
A) Informal. B) Expanded. C) Parenthetical. D)

9) A formal definition lists 9)

A) The term to be defined.
B) The class to which it belongs.
C) The features that distinguish the term from others in the same
D) All of the
above. E) B and C.

10) Which of the following is not a part of an expanded B

definition? )
A) An overview. S

upporting information. 10)
C) Lengthy conclusion.
D) All of the above.
E) A and B.

11) If you need to graphically represent a definition, you could use a/an 11)
A) Attachment. B) Illustration. C) Application. D) List of

12) Long definitions can often appear in 12)
A) Main text.
B) Appendix.
C) Footnotes.
D) All of the above.
E) B and C.

13) When you are thinking about definitions, should length be your main 13)
A) Yes. B) No.

14) Which of the following is not a guideline for writing accurate, detailed descriptions? 14)
A) Remember your readers' needs. B) Choose an overall organization
C) Be accurate and objective. D) All of the above.

15) When choosing an overall organization plan, it is important to 15)

include a
A) Description of the functions.
B) Description of the sequence.
C) Description of the process.
D) All of the
above. E) A and B.

16) A/an ________ gives readers a convenient handle for understanding your description by 16)
something unfamiliar into terms that are familiar.
A) Illustration. B) Analysis. C) Graphic. D)

17) Formal definitions define by 17)

A) Listing features and
characteristics. B) Placing terms into
C) Giving a small amount of
information. D) All of the above.
E) A and B.

18) Which of the following is not true about formal definitions? 18)
A) They must not be long enough to cause a distraction in the text.
B) They must not contain terms that are confusing to your readers.
C) The class must be narrow enough that you will not have to list too many
D) All of the above.

19) If you point out similarities and differences when expanding a definition, you 19)
A) Supporting information. B) Using applications.
C) Comparing and contrasting. D) Listing parts.

20) An objective description should be B)

A) Supported by details from the site or object described. Base
d on your professional background. 20)
C) Justified by the time you have to complete the
D) All of the above.

21) If your description is visualized by someone with about the same level of knowledge as 21)
your intended reader, you
A) Have succeeded in constructing an effective
description. B) Have failed in constructing an effective

22) When describing a sequence, is it best to place a series of many activities into just a few 22)
A) No. B) Yes.

23) A single list of 20 events would be ________ for readers to comprehend than four groups 23)
of 5
A) Harder. B) Easier.

24) If you are expanding your definition of a space shuttle by listing all of its constituent elements, 24)
A) Comparing and contrasting. B) Listing parts.
C) Defining a basic principle. D) None of the above.

25) If your definition only provides supplementary 25)

information, it
A) Does not need to go in the text.
B) Belongs as a footnote.
C) Needs to be included in the text, no matter what.
D) All of the above.
E) A and B.

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.

26) Name five ways to expand a definition. Provide an example of each method you choose. 26)

27) You have been hired to write about the installation of wind farms in a nearby town. 27)
need to explain their usefulness to the community. What audience are you writing
Briefly describe how you could go about defining wind farms and how they work.
the five guidelines of writing a good definitions, then write a brief definition about

28) How do descriptions differ from definitions? Briefly describe the differences and 28)
one example of each.

Answer Key
Testname: UNTITLED6

6) D
7) E
8) C
9) D
10) E
11) B
12) E
13) B
14) D
15) E
16) D
17) E
18) D
19) C
20) D
21) A
22) B
23) A
24) B
25) E

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