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Lpez 1 Vernica Paola Lpez Mrs.

Burgos 12-214 September 16, 2011 Gilgamesh and the Life Basics The guardian of secret things and the man that is half god is back. Gilgamesh after visiting all the countries of the world for seventh time returns to Uruk; but he returns with an innovation in his life. One rainy and lonely day Gilgamesh bumped into Worldmun god of life and he invited Gilgamesh to his tent. They commenced a very deep conversation and Gilgamesh asked the god of life about life, Worldmun began explaining him that life is based on three things named Life Basics. First, sparkles, that spark that gives strength to do anything you want. Next basic is the invincibility, the mentality of never giving up; invincible to negativity and defeat the approach of darkness. Last but not least someone that inspires you to make all of the above. Gilgamesh did not understand the relevance of life basics and suddenly Woldmun interrupted Gilgameshs wondering about the life basics and gave him a task. Your stubbornness and masoquism will take you far, use your incredible knowledge, it will give you a map to find the basics and when you come back to Uruk you will encounter with what I can not say now Those were the words of Wolrdmun. Gilgamesh with this words repeating in his mind left the tent and commenced to walk; words did not make sense to him, everything seemed so unnecessary. While he was walking he saw a brick broken road and with his ignorance of the area and hes amount of disorientation he got closer to the broken brick road. When he entered the road he felt something a feeling he had never felt, then he looked to the horizon and the road kept going like if it had no end. After analyzing the horizon Gilgamesh notices a sign that said Road end, road goes, go on if you may know, for him everything seems so illogic and felt that life was playing games with his god powers. Gilgamesh started walking on the roads path and after walking for two days he sat down and closed his eyes, as he

Lpez 2 closed his eyes Worldmuns eyes appeared and a voice said Youre a god, go with it. When Gilgamesh opened his eyes those two seconds of eyes closed had been two hours and it was getting dark, looking to the horizon of the endless road Gilgamesh saw red lights coming towards him; as he was sleeping he thought he was dreaming, but suddenly the little light came closer and closer until one of the lights stand on his nose. Each time the lights came closer he felt stronger and the strength made him stand up and keep walking. After five days of endless walk the sun began to get hotter and each second it became more hotter and more devastating and Gilgamesh scram to Libulb You god of the sun, Libulb the light who lightens my way take all this hotness away and I would maybe go home one day. While Gilgamesh scram to Libuld the sun came down slowly and one of the suns rays crossed through his chest, You will not burn me! those were his words while his hand fought the ray and pushes it away. Gilgamesh fell and saw how the sun went back to the sky and thought about how he had defeated the ray that had been killing him of hotness. Gilgamesh began to feel without strength and he felt something in his pocket and he checked, suddenly he felt little marbles in his pocket and when he saw his hand it was full of little red light. He noticed those where the little red lights that granted him with strength. He took three marbles of light and swallows them he waited for a minute to see if he felt something and after three minutes he began to feel the strength he had felt days ago. Gilgamesh continued his journey and rapidly notices that the road created two more roads, one to the right and one to the left. The left road had a sign that said lefty or lefter you can make every leftest the bestest and the right said Right as bright gone with dark every sadness that you have may be gone. Gilgamesh spent hours analyzing the advertisement each road had, he couldnt decide and he asked the god Duda god of all doubts. Duda help me decide those were the words of Gilgamesh, suddenly a ball made of clouds fell from the sky to the middle of the road, Gilgamesh did not understand because maybe the ball was sent from Duda to help him decide and it did not take a side. As for Gilgamesh did not decide he continues walking forward and ignores the two roads, as his walking continues he begins to see a silhouette at the end of the horizon, the silhouette is laying on the bricks like if it was dead, it did not move. Gilgamesh began to feel that he should run, like if the life of the silhouette was depending of his arrival. He ran for six hours, nonstop; when he arrived the silhouette

Lpez 3 was there dead, the silhouette of a woman it was. Gilgamesh stared at the womans silhouette not knowing what to do; he looked down and saw a glimpse of light coming out his chest out of the exact area where the ray of the sun had entered. Then he remembered the little red light marbles in his pocket he took out some marbles and threw them on top of the silhouette and then hugged the silhouette so that the light touched her chest. Suddenly, the silhouette opened her eyes and bright lights met with Gilgameshs eyes, and she fell back into the floor. Gilgamesh took her in his arms and ran for days and weeks until he got to the beginning where he started his journey, he ran and ran and got to Uruk, he went to Worldmun and told him here she is, as inspiring as my third basic should be Worldmun says you did well, you found her the two first basics brought you to her, and your destiny was to save her. Gilgamesh said doubtful Save her? I dont know her She is Silhouette the goddess of women; she had been waiting for you. Destino sent her for you because now with women by your side you will be immortal, now wake her up and her eyes will keep you alive forever After this, years later Sil goddess of salvation and half god Mesh were born.

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