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ee age ee ee ec Flee Senco eee uvao 3AIUG HOLNSIYLSIC 4O LN3W39V1d3¥ SNIWIL NOILIND! ma SS NOILVT1VLSNI ONY A1SW3SSV3Y HO4 SHIGNINAY LNVLYOdWI egy groan eis Si Reaneies Reese sees S3OIAW3S SONVN3LNIVW SLINANOdWOD 4O NOILdI49S30 NOlidIw9S3q SLN3LNOOD WALSAS NOILINDI 8 NOILD3S ‘98 ‘98 ‘ve ‘es t8 18 8-1, DESCRIPTION The principal components of the ignition system are, as shown in the below circuit diagram, the spark plugs, distributor, contact-breaker, ignition coil and, as the source of igniting energy, the battery. Note that the ignition coil has two windings, primary and secondary. Current from the battery flows through the primary winding and then the contact-breaker: the contact point in the breaker opens and closes to interrupt this current intermittently, Each time the primary current is interrupted, @ very high voltage develops in secondary winding. It is this intermittent high voltage that the distributor passes sequentially to the four spark plugs to generate a spark across the gap in each, one plug at a time. The distributor is a sort of rotary switch, whose rotor connects the four plugs, one at a time, to the secon- dary winding of the ignition coil through the wires called “high-tension” cords. Note that there is one high-tension cord, from secondary winding to the centre of the distributor cap, and four more high-tension cords between the spark plugs and the three terminals on the cap. ‘The condenser connected in series to primary winding, serves to reduce the inductance of primary winding so that the high voltage generation in secondary winding will be stabilized. NOTICE: Whereabouts of terminal connections are clearly indicated in the diagram below. When inspecting the electrical wiring, refer to this diagram and check to be sure that each connection is tight. Examine the cords for torn insulation and for evidence of grounding To starter tT | os Main siten Distributor Spork plug eg ny eupum sep 039g 109 Surpuim Meus 0 Tiras Aswad yonwoo winaen, “sjeutuisat voisuar-mo} 2949 pue jeuwier uoIsua1-YBIY BuO :sjeuIUar ano sey deo ayp ey) a10N ‘anoge pauonuaw deo ays ‘Aq paddoy aseo s0xe|nsu! “YB! & UI pasnoy ase op0na9i0 aps epenoaya ue sued ani) sous “(suum 09 40 sequinu seiesJ5 2 Ul) SuIpUIM ALepuoses UI (a6ex|0A) 9910} ‘anyjowonsaja ase) Alaa e Szonpul (suum 109 aa yo Jaquinu ssaj @ ul) BuIpUIM AleUilid U) BuIMoY, 01} paman se esimyaorg | YONG: 10 woRDBH1G ,auauino Avewid,, Aq paonpoid xn oneubew Sur U1 eBueyo uappns e i242 4ayL0 Yoes 2 = @80|9 OS aue OM} BY “@AOGE PauOHUEW sBuLPUIM usua/4006 189018 8 Buywn voniu6y | ‘Aiepuoses pue Asewlid — punom aie s|/09 ona Peiejo.o1 gz'0 | aouersedeo wasuapueD ‘yoIym punoue e109 uo4! ue sey ‘yans se ‘pue sow “erz3| eifuejemp wea” ~40JsUeN2 BIMAEIUIUL JO 1405 e 51 [109 UO!IUB! ay. ST too uortu6 EL | Wisei 1806 jo saquinn | ‘ainssaid uaydsoune pue wnnoen soiainques uaaMmiag 20U919441P ay) Aq pue Uo!Toe [ebnjtIUAD Aq AjjeorIeWOINe paoueApe S| UORIUB! Sy. “Bupyieds Aq 1uing Bunieb wos; seoe} 1U/0d ayp 1uanaid 02 S111 ‘snoIRgo s1 JasuapuOD a4 AG panies yo9{qo ey “Iain a1n199ja JO elLi8U! ay ‘Aes OL OS “01 ANP si pu ‘pauado I IUIOd i9eIUOD ay? BWI ‘Alana 17090 961ns ayy “deb 1uIod ye1UO9 ays 80198 BuIAeds e Ul 2INsed asiMUayIO Pinom YoIYA ‘ebns 1ua1an9 ay) BuIqosqe 40} s| Apoq JoINGUIS|P ay or painoas (401/9ede9) JesuapUED ay, “PauonUEW Apeaije asodind ay 40} 11Nd.19 1uasano Arewiid a4 Yeesq pue axeW 02 WE Jaxee1q a4 SaleNIIe "YeYs ip UO palUnoW ‘wes asoyM ‘sayealG-IeIUOD ayI SI UISiUeYDAW BUNINGINSIP ay Mojaq AjaLe/paLILH| “sBinjd >jueds 4p 07 aBexjon YBIY ay ,,aanguAsip,, 0} 240 Aq auo saporioaja apis, ‘ayy sayonoy "yeys a2 UO palunow ‘40}01 ayi Jo WUE ay “(pe1auUCD 51 109 UONIUB! ays JO apis Auep -uooas ay? YOIyM 01) aposi9a|9 se,UeD auo pul (sBn|d >Jeds 404) saposndaja apIs indy ae deo ayy apisu 1yeysyue9 ay 40 suoninjonas fom Asano 10) 20u0 S0}e101 pue “BusJe06 wom YBNoy yeYsiIeD suIbuE WO4} UaALUP si YeYs ay “BUIMaIA As@@ 0} SwISIUe4DEW [eUIAIU! S21 asodxe 01 UOIIDS UI 11UN JoINquISIP ay sMOYs ainBIy 1Y9} MOjaq ay, soingiasig SLN3NOdWOD JO NOILdIHDSIG “ZB

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