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Growing Enterprise Trust in Cloud

Computing in Pakistan

Globally, cloud computing has seen a massive adoption spike. By 2025, there will
be over 100 zettabytes of data stored in the cloud. That should put a lot of things
into perspective; namely that major global workloads will be processed by cloud
data centers.

It also shows that growing consumer confidence in cloud-based services and

platforms is fueling a massive move toward digitisation and cloud adoption.
Covid only hurried things along, with companies like Salesforce growing from a $
20 billion valuation in 2019 to over $90 billion in 2022.
Pakistan as a country is cautious with respect tofor its adoption curve.
Organisations here weigh options with what they are introducing to the market,
and how quickly they need to evolve their processes.
At Redrackx we understood that the Pakistan market is one that does not struggle
with innovation and adoption, it moves with the market pulse. That pulse (with
respect tofor cloud adoption) has grown and organisations (Both Enterprise and
SME) are now looking to aggressively move their business operations toward the
As an organisation, we do see some sectors moving more aggressively, like
players in Manufacturing, Retail, and Financial sector are looking to virtualise
their non-critical operations quickly; while players with access to key customer
data and processes that are of a critical nature are looking to first figure out
security and privacy scenarios.
The thing to understand with respect tofor the Pakistan market is, that we are
right now in need of massive support and handholding, both from the private
sector technology providers and from the public sector (in terms of policies,
incentives, and roadmaps, to break the walls, that keep us confined to CAPEX
intensive physical hardware).
As REDtone we are committed to bringing next-generation technology into
Pakistan. Our mission is to help digitise the country and leapfrog as a nation, to
help our talent, our brands, and our companies compete on a global stage. Our
partnership with Google as Pakistan’s in-country focus partner is a testament to
this commitment. We have built a domestic-first, internationally scalable multi-
cloud scenario, that helps companies virtualise on their own terms.
We believe that the only way to virtualise and digitise Pakistan is to equip our
customers with the right knowledge base and the right tools to help enable their
journey towards the cloud.

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