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Rewrite the following sentences, using the words given.

Write between THREE and EIGHT

1. Until she passes her medical exams, she is as qualified to be a doctor as I am. MORE
is no more
Until she passes her medical exams, she ___________________________________________
qualified to be a doctor than I am.
2. It has warmed up considerably compared to yesterday. NEARLY
nearly as warm as it was
It is ___________________________________________ yesterday.
3. Mandy and her mother are as beautiful as each other. BIT
every bit (just as) as beautiful
Mandy is ___________________________________________ her mother.
4. I don’t like either candidate but Michael Jones is not quite as bad. lesser of the two evils LESSER
I don’t like either candidate but Michael Jones is the ____________________________
lesser one
5. Not as many people attend the gym now as when it first opened. LOT
lot more people attend lot
There are a _________________________________ fewer people attending
the gym now than when it first opened.
6. Her son thinks he’s really clever but he isn’t. HALF
as half clever as half as clever as
Her son isn’t ___________________________________________ he thinks he is.
7. “Why don’t you listen when I talk to you?” said my wife. PAYING
My wife accused me of _________________________________when
not paying attention she was talking.
8. Seeing as you broke the window you shouldn’t have said someone else was responsible.
put the blame for on
It was wrong of you to ___________________________________________ someone else after
you broke the window.
9. I used to try winning arguments against Jonathan but I eventually decided there was no point.
come to a conclusion
I have ___________________________________________ that it is pointless trying to win an
argument against Jonathan.
10. Doctors believe that people who smoke regularly are more likely to die prematurely. LINK
Doctors believe that a strong ___________________________________________
link exists between smoking
and premature death
11. When I forgot to do the washing up my mother became really angry with me. LOST
My mother _______________________________
lost her temper with me because I forgot to do the washing up.
12. The conflict between the two political parties will carry on for a long time. MEANS
by no means
The conflict between the two political parties is ____________________________ over.
13. I didn’t expect to enjoy the concert performance as much as I did. SURPASSED
surpassed my expectation s
The concert performance ___________________________________________
14. That the company is losing money is something that must be accepted. FACE
The company must ________________________________________it
fact up to the fact that is losing money.
15. Diseases such as smallpox have still to be eradicated. STAMPED
haven't been stamped out
Diseases such as smallpox ___________________________________________ yet.
16. John was nominated for the post of treasurer by two committee members. FORWARD
been looking forward to be
John has ___________________________________________ the post of treasurer by two
committee members. been put forward to
17. If you receive any mail for me after I’ve gone would you be kind enough to forward it to me.
send me any mail
Please could you _________________________________ that arrives for me after I’ve gone.
18. The colour of that dress showed off her complexion. ENHANCED
Her complexion ____________________________________
was enhanced by the colour of that dress.
19. As part of his new year’s resolution he has renounced cigarettes and bad food. UP
to give up
He decided ____________________________cigarettes and bad food in the new year.
20. They are building a new car park next to the shopping centre. PUT
is being put on up
A new car park ____________________________________next to the shopping centre.
21. You should erase any mistakes on the exam script. be rubbed out with OUT
be come out (of) by
Any mistakes on the exam script may ______________________________a soft eraser.
22. The government suppressed all the details of the financial scandal. UP
was put to an end by were
Details of the financial scandal ________________________________ covered up by
the government.
23. It was really unexpected when my football team achieved the result it did. TIME
no time did I expect
At _____________________________________my football team to do as well as it did.
24. If there is an accident phone the emergency services. OF
in terms of in case of
Phone the emergency services ____________________________________an accident.
25. I couldn’t have bought that motorbike unless my mother had agreed to pay the monthly
repayments. BUT
But for my mother's my mother
___________________________________________ agreeing to pay the monthly repayments I
could never have bought that motorbike.
26. I have a lot of respect for his writing style although I do not agree with the opinions he
expresses. MUCH
Much as I really respect
____________________________________ his writing style, I do not agree with his opinions.
27. We would have missed our connecting train if we had not caught the earlier plane. NOT
Had ___________________________________________
we not caught the earlier plane, we would have
missed our connecting train.
28. Even though her C grade in the Proficiency wasn’t quite as high as she had expected, it was still
a good result. if a little lower than expected IF
even if not as high as her expectation,
Her grade C in the Proficiency exam, _____________________________________was still a
good result.
29. Purchases may be refunded within seven days. MIND
you keep in mind about you change
Should ___________________________________________ your mind about your purchase you have up to
seven days to bring it back for a refund.
30. Providing that you make up the time later in the week you can take Monday off.
You can have the day off on Monday _____________________________________
on condition that you make up the
time later in the week.

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