Unit 5 PS

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Power Factor Improvement & Voltage Control

Power Factor:
The cosine of angle between voltage and current in an AC Circuit is known as
Power Factor.
In an AC circuit, there is a generally phase difference ‘ϕ’ between voltage and
current. The term cos ϕ is called the power factor of the circuit.
If the circuit is Inductive, the current lags behind the voltage and the power
factor is referred to as lagging.
However, in a capacitive circuit, current leads the voltage and power factor is
said to be leading.
Consider an inductive circuit taking a lagging current I from supply voltage V;
The angle of lag behind ϕ. The phasor diagram of circuit is shown below figure.
The circuit current I can be resolved
into two perpendicular components, namely
a. I cos ϕ in phase with V.
b. I sin ϕ, 90o at of phase
with V.
The component I cos ϕ is known as
active or watt-full component, where as I sin ϕ
is called reactive or wattless component. The
reactive component is a measure of the power
If the reactive component is small, the phase angle ϕ is small and hence power
factor cos ϕ will be high.
Therefore, a circuit having small reactive current (i.e., I sin ϕ) will have high
power factor and vice versa.
It may be noted the value of power factor can never be more than unity.
Effects and causes of low Power Factor:
Effects of Low Power Factor:
i. Large copper losses(I2R):
The copper losses are directly proportional to the square of the line
current and the line current is inversely proportional to the power factor of the
Combining these tow relations, we understand that the copper losses
will be inversely proportional to the power factor when power factor is low,
the line current is high, and consequently the copper losses will be higher.
This result in low efficiency of the power systems.
ii. Large KVA rating:
Electrical machines such as transformers are rated in KVA. The
relationship between the power factor and the KVA rating of the machine is
given by the formula
KVA = KW/cos ϕ
From the formula, we known that the power factor of the machine is
inversely proportional to its KVA rating. Large KVA rating makes the
equipment costly and heavier in size.
iii. Poor Voltage Regulation:
We already know that poor power factor results in a large line current
to be drawn by the electrical equipment. As a result, a large current at a low
lagging power factor causes a high er voltage drop in transformer and
This results in the decreased voltage available of the supply end of the
equipment and hence poor voltage regulation.
Causes of Low Power Factor:
i. Harmonic current:
The presence of harmonic current reduces the power factor in the
ii. Improper wiring:
Due to improper wiring or electrical accidents, an imbalance in the 3- ϕ
power occurs, which causing low power factor.
iii. Variation in the power system loading:
The load demand in the modern power system is not constant through-
out the day. The demand is high during the morning and evening time hours
and the light during the rest of the day.
When the system is loaded lightly, the voltages increases, increasing
the magnetization current demand of the machine, this causes a poor power
factor in the system.
iv. Inductive load:
90% of the industrial loads consists of induction motor such machines
draw magnetizing current and set up a magnetic field for its power working
and hence work at low power factor.
The current drawn by inductive loads is lagging and results in poor
power factor.
Power Triangle:
Power triangle is the representation of a right-angle triangle showing the
relation between active power, reactive power and apparent power.
When each component of the current is the active component (I cos ϕ) or the
reactive component (I sin ϕ) is multiplied by the voltage V, a power triangle is
obtained as shown in below figure.

OA = VI cos ϕ and represents the active power in Watts or KW.

AB = VI sin ϕ and represents the active power in VAR or KVAR.
OB = VI and represents the apparent power in VA or KVA.
The following points may be noted from the power triangle
i. The apparent power in an AC circuit has two components viz. Active and
Reactive power at right-angle to each other
OB2 = OA2 + AB2
(Apparent power)2 = (Active power)2 + (Reactive power)2
(KVA)2 = (KW)2 + (KVAR)2
OA Active Power KW
ii. Power factor, cos ϕ = = =
OB Apparent Power KVA
Thus, the power factor of a circuit may also be defined as “The ratio of
active power to the apparent power”.
iii. The lagging reactive power is responsible for the low power factor. It is clear
from the power triangle that smaller the reactive power component, the higher
is the power factor of the circuit.
KVAR = KVA sin ϕ = sin ϕ = KW tan ϕ
cos ϕ
KVAR = KW tan ϕ
iv. The power factor of a circuit can be defined in one of the following three
a. Power Factor = cos ϕ = cosine of angle between V and I
R Resistance
b. Power factor = =
Z Impedence
VI cos ϕ Active Power
c. Power factor = =
VI Apparent Power
Ex: Suppose a circuit draws a current of 10A at a voltage of 200v and its power factor is 0.8
lag then,
Apparent Power = VI = 200*10 = 2000 VA.
Active power = VI cos ϕ = 200*10*0.8 = 1600 W.
Reactive power = VI sin ϕ = 200*10*0.6 = 1200 VAR.
Need of Voltage control:
When the load on the power systems changes, the voltage at the consumer’s
terminals also changes.
i. In case of lighting load, the lamp characteristics are very sensitive to
charges of voltage.
If the supply voltage to an incandescent lamp decreases by 6% of
rated value, then illuminating power may decreases by 20%. On other
hand, if the supply voltage is 6% above the rated value, the life of the lamp
may be reduced by 50% due to rapid deterioration of the filament.
ii. In case of power load consisting of induction motor.
If the supply voltage is above the normal, the motor may operate
with a saturated magnetic circuit, with consequent large magnetizing
current, heating and low power factor. On other hand, if the voltage is too
low, it will reduce the starting torque of the motor considerably.
iii. Too wide variations of voltage cause excessive heating of distribution
transformer. This may reduce their ratings to a considerable extent.
Types of Voltage Regulating Devices:
There are several methods of voltage control, in each method, the system
voltage is changed in accordance with the load to obtain a fairly constant voltage at
the consumer’s end of the system.
The following are the methods of the voltage control in an AC Power Systems.
i. By excitation control
ii. By using tap changing transformers
iii. Auto-transformer tap changing
iv. Booster transformer
v. Induction regulators
vi. By synchronous condenser
 Method (i) is used at the generating stations only.
 Method (ii) to (v) can be used for transmission as well as primary distribution
 Method (vi) is reserved for the voltage control of a transmission line.
Shunt and Series Capacitor Compensation:
Shunt Capacitive Compensation:
This method is used improve the power factor whenever an inductive load is
connected to the transmission line, power factor lags because of lagging load current.
To compensate it, a shunt capacitor is connected, which draws current leading to the
source voltage.
The result is improvement in power factor.
Series Capacitor Compensation:
Series compensation is the method of improving the system voltage by
connecting a capacitor in series with the transmission line. In series compensation,
reactive power is inserted in series with the transmission line for improving the
impedance of the system.
It improves the power transfer capability of the line.

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