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Poster Making Rubrics

Criteria 5 4-3 2-1

Understanding of Able to show clearly Has a little confusion Not able to clearly
Topic the topic/situation about the show the topic.
that they roleplaying topic/situation

Effectiveness of Has a excellent Has a good solution Provide a solution but

communication solution with an but there is confusion lack communication.
effectiveness of in communication.

Teamwork All members All members Lack of cooperation

contribute and contribute but lack of with each other.
showing a good team teamwork

Roleplay Rubrics

Criteria Excellent (5) Average (4-3) Good (2

Content Thorough and Somewhat detailed Lack of illustration

complete detailed of and lack of and information.
the content information

Creativity - Organized The poster has a Able to show their The poster are made
unique creativity and creativity but not by the student but are
organized organized. based on the works
of others. Not

Design and layout The poster is The poster is The poster is

exceptionally attractive in terms of acceptably attractive
attractive in terms of design, layout and though layout is
design, layout, and neatness cluttered

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