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Name : Nurul fathirah

Student’s Number : 201801084

Study program : Pendidikan bahasa Inggris



PARAGRAPH 1 -2 : The quality of education

A. Definition and Function of quality education

1. The notion of education is a process of learning the knowledge , skill,and habits of a
group of pople that are passed down from one generation to the next through
teaching. 2003 concerning the national education syste functions to develop
capabilities and shape the character and Civilization of a dignified nation in the
context of educating the nation's life, aiming to develop the potential of students to
become human beings who believe and fear god almighty and become democratic
and responsible citizens.
2. According To Sudjana (2005:2) Education occurs through human
interaction,without boundaries of space and time. In its implemention in
school,education that involves teachers as educators and students as student is
realized by the existance of teaching and learning interactions or the learning
process.on of the efforts that can be done as educators is to improve the quality of
learning. In the context of this implementation,teacher consciouslly plan their
learning activities systematically and are guided by a set of rules and plans about
education that are packaged in the form of a curriculum.
3. Based on the function of national education, the theacher role is the key to success in
the mission of education and learning in school besides being responsible for
regulating, directing and encouraging studens to find out about nature systematically
so that english is not only mastery of a collection of knowledge in the firm if
facts,fact,concepts. But it is also a process of discovery.

B. Factors That Affect The Quality Of Education

1. Teacher

2. Students
3. school

PARAGRAPH 3 : What is the teacher’s role

A. The role of the teacher
1. Learning media
a. Picture card
b. Book
2. Learning method
a. Jigsaw method
B. The role of the Student

The role of students in the classroom is very important,because basically students

are determining element in learning. Students are objects,meaning objects that
receive lessons and objects that determine learning outcomes,of them :
1. Train students to develop a sense of self-esteem
2. Develop time management skills
3. Develop the ability to test ideas and self-understanding
4. Can solve problems in class
C. The role of the school
1. School is also one part of the factors that affect education because that is where
students will study and learn other things. At school.children will begin to interact
with people outside their families who come from different backgrounds,different
parenting styles,different values and so on.
2. Students begin to get to know their schollmates who have many differences so
that there will be a process of assimilation the character and attitude of friends at
school can affect children and vice versa,this is where the importance of choosing
friends selectively so that there is no so called wrong association
PARAGRAPH 4-5 : Problem and Causes
1. The students are not interested in learning english?
2. Most students get a score of 70 ?
1. Of 25 students only 20% were not interested in english subjects,this refers to
the results of the questionnaire given in class,it becomes an influence in the
learning process in the classroom,for example it is found that students find it
difficult to pronounce vocabulary or speak in english.
2. Of the 20 student’s ,were given a pre test to determine the ability of students to
understand the material given,after the pre test was carried out the results
showed that 10 out of 20 students who score below 70 are given a re-
explanation regarding the material to achieve good grades according to the

PARAGRAF 6-7 : Solution

a. The meaning of jigsaw technique

Jigsaw cooperatif learning is a learning model that divides students into several groups
and then systematically breaks down the groups to discuss wiyh other group members in
a section of material and special groups to then return to the initial group and convey the
results of their discussion with the special group earlier.

b. Jigsaw technique adventages

1. The jigsaw class is an effecient way of learning material,because it is divided into

seceral groups and each group learns a subject that has been given by the teacher
2. The learning process in the jigsaw class trains hearing skills,dedication and empathy by
giving an important role to each group member in academic activities
3. Developing students ability to express ideas to solve a problem

PARAGRAPH 8: Reasons of doing Experiment for this case

The jigsaw type cooperative learning model is one of the learning models that supports
contextual learning. In this jigsaw type cooperative learning model, students learn in groups but
are also responsible individually. Thus, each student will grow and develop an attitude of
interdependence rather than competition. Based on the explanation above, the use of the jigsaw
type learning model in learning activities is expected two foster student activeness and creativity
and responsibility, however this learning models is rarely used by teacher.this is because the
teachers knowledge and experience of the jigsaw cooperative learning model is still
lacking,jigsaw is less effective if the time available is relatively short while the subject matter is
very broad,besides that the class atmosphere seems noisy and less orderly .however, the
technique contained it also encourage students to increase their activeness,enthusiasm for
learning and collaboration at school which is expected to increase students motivation and
learning outcomes,for this reason , Experiment is carried out.

PARAGRAF 9 : Statement Of The Title

Based on the background of the above problem,the researcher is interested in conducting

research related to the implemention of learning of the title “THE APPLICATION OF THE

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