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Potential difference in electrical terminology is known as?

A . Voltage
1 B . Current A
C . Resistance
D . Conductance

The circuit in which current has a complete path to flow is called ______ circuit.
A . short
2 B . open C
C . closed
D . open loop
If the voltage-current characteristics is a straight line through the origin, then the
element is said to be?
A . Linear element
3 A
B . Non-linear element
C . Unilateral element
D . Bilateral element
The energy stored in the inductor is?
A . Li²/4
4 B . Li²/2 B
C . Li²
D . Li²/8
 How many types of dependent or controlled sources are there?
5 B.2 D
 If the resistances 1Ω, 2Ω, 3Ω, 4Ω are parallel, then the equivalent resistance is?
A . 0.46Ω
6 B . 0.48Ω B
C . 0.5Ω
D . 0.52Ω
 If the resistances 3Ω, 5Ω, 7Ω, 9Ω are in series, then their equivalent resistance(Ω)
7 C
B . 20
C . 24
D . 32
 Pick the incorrect statement among the following
A . Inductor is a passive element
8 B . Current source is an active element B
C . Resistor is a passive element
D . Voltage source is a passive element
For a voltage source to be neglected, the terminals across the source should be
A . .ht5
9 B . short circuited B
C . replaced by some resistance
D . open circuited
 Voltage source and terminal voltage can be related as
A . terminal voltage is higher than the source emf
10 B . terminal voltage is equal to the source emf C
C . terminal voltage is always lower than source emf
D . terminal voltage cannot exceed source emf
 In case of ideal current sources, they have
A . zero internal resistance
11 B . low value of voltage D
C . large value of currrent
D . infinite internal resistance
In a network consisting of linear resistors and ideal voltage source, if the value of
resistors are doubled, then voltage across each resistor
A . increases four times
12 B
B . remains unchanged
C . doubled
D . halved
A practical current source can also be represented as
A . a resistance in parallel with an ideal voltage source
13 B . a resistance in parallel with an ideal current source B
C . a resistance in series with an ideal current source
D . none of the mentioned
Constant voltage source is
A . active and bilateral
14 B . passive and bilateral C
C . active and unilateral
D . passive and unilateral
Which of the following is true about an ideal voltage source?
A . zero resistance
15 B . small emf A
C . large emf
D . infinite resistance
A dependent source
A . may be a current source or a voltage source
16 B . is always a voltage source A
C . is always a current source
D . none of the mentioned
 With some initial change at t = 0+, a capacitor will act as
A . open circuit
17 B . short circuit D
C . a current source
D . a voltage source
If a current source is to be neglected, the terminals across the source are
A . replaced by a source resistance
18 B . open circuited B
C . replaced by a capacitor
D . short circuited
A constant current source supplies a electric current of 200 mA to a load of 2kΩ.
When the load changed to 100Ω, the load current will be
A . 9mA
19 B
B . 4A
C . 700mA
D . 12A
If a resistor Rx is connected between nodes X and Y, Ry between X and Y,
Rz between Y and Z to form a delta connection, then after transformation to star,
the resistor at node X is?
20 A . RxRy/( Rx+Ry+Rz) A
B . RxRz/(Rx+Ry+Rz)
C . RzRy/(Rx+Ry+Rz)
D . (Rx+Ry)/(Rx+Ry+Rz)
 If the resistors of star connected system are R1, R2, R3 then the resistance
between 1 and 2 in delta connected system will be?
A . (R1R2+ R2R3+ R3R1)/R3
21 A
B . (R1R2+ R2R3+ R3R1)/R1
C . (R1R2+ R2R3+ R3R1)/R2
D . (R1R2+ R2R3+ R3R1)/(R1+R2)
 Resistance of a wire is yΩ. The wire is stretched to triple its length, then the
resistance becomes
A . y/3
22 B
B . 3y
C . 6y
D . y/6
Kirchhoff’s Current law is based on law of conservation of
A . energy
23 B . momentum D
C . mass
D . charge
 Kirchhoff’s voltage law is based on principle of conservation of
A . energy
24 B . momentum A
C . mass
D . charge
In a circuit with more number of loops, which law can be best suited for the
25 C
B . Ohm’s law
D . None of the mentioned
 Kirchhoff’s current law is applied at
A . loops
26 B . nodes B
C . both loop and node
D . none of the mentioned
An electric current of 10 A is the same as
A . 10 J/C
27 B . 10 V/C C
C . 10C/sec
D . 10 W/sec
Consider a circuit with two unequal resistances in parallel, then
A . large current flows in large resistor
28 B . current is same in both C
C . potential difference across each is same
D . smaller resistance has smaller conductance
In which of the following cases is Ohm’s law not applicable?
A . Electrolytes
29 B . Arc lamps C
C . Insulators
D . Vacuum ratio values
Which of the following bulbs will have high resistance?
A . 220V, 60W
30 B . 220V,100W A
C . 115V,60W
D . 115V,100 W
 Ohm’s law is not applicable to
A . dc circuits
31 B . high currents D
C . small resistors
D . semi-conductors
Conductance is expressed in terms of
A . mho
32 B . mho/m A
C . ohm/m
D . m/ohm
Resistivity of a wire depends on
A . length of wire
33 B . cross section area C
C . material
D . all of the mentioned
In a current-voltage relationship graph of a linear resistor, the slope of the graph
will indicate
A . conductance
34 A
B . resistance
C . resistivity
D . a constant
 If there are 8 nodes in network, we can get ____ number of equations in the nodal
35 C
 Nodal analysis can be applied for non planar networks also.
A . true
36 B . false A
C . either 1 or 2
D . none of the above
In nodal analysis how many nodes are taken as reference nodes?
37 B.2 A
Mesh analysis is applicable for non planar networks also.
38 B . FALSE B
C . either 1 or 2
D . none of the above
 A mesh is a loop which contains ____ number of loops within it.
39 B.2 D
D . no loop
 If there are 5 branches and 4 nodes in graph, then the number of mesh equations
that can be formed are?
40 A
In a series circuit, which of the parameters remain constant across all circuit
elements such as resistor, capacitor and inductor etcetera?
A . Voltage
41 B
B . Current
C . Both voltage and current
D . Neither voltage nor current
If there are two bulbs connected in series and one blows out, what happens to the
other bulb?
A . The other bulb continues to glow with the same brightness
42 B
B . The other bulb stops glowing
C . The other bulb glows with increased brightness
D . The other bulb also burns out
A voltage across a series resistor circuit is proportional to?
A . The amount of time the circuit was on for
43 B . The value of the resistance itself B
C . The value of the other resistances in the circuit
D . The power in the circuit
 Many resistors connected in series will?
A . Divide the voltage proportionally among all the resistors
44 B . Divide the current proportionally A
C . Increase the source voltage in proportion to the values of the resistors
D . Reduce the power to zero
What is the voltage measured across a series short?
A . Infinite
45 B . Zero B
C . The value of the source voltage
D . Null
What happens to the current in the series circuit if the resistance is doubled?
A . It becomes half its original value
46 B . It becomes double its original value A
C . It becomes zero
D . It becomes infinity
If two bulbs are connected in parallel and one bulb blows out, what happens to the
other bulb?
A . The other bulb blows out as well
47 B
B . The other bulb continues to glow with the same brightness
C . The other bulb glows with increased brightness
D . The other bulb stops glowing
 In a parallel circuit, with a number of resistors, the voltage across each resistor is
A . The same for all resistors
48 A
B . Is divided equally among all resistors
C . Is divided proportionally across all resistors
D . Is zero for all resistors
The current in each branch of a parallel circuit is proportional to _________
A . The amount of time the circuit is on for
49 B . Proportional to the value of the resistors B
C . Equal in all branches
D . Proportional to the power in the circuit
The currents in the three branches of a parallel circuit are 3A, 4A and 5A. What is
the current leaving it?
A . 0A
50 D
B . Insufficient data provided
C . The largest one among the three values
D . 12A
It is preferable to connect bulbs in series or in parallel?
A . Series
51 B . Parallel B
C . Both series and parallel
D . Neither series nor parallel
 Batteries are generally connected in______
A . Series
52 B . Parallel A
C . Either series or parallel
D . Neither series nor parallel
In a _________ circuit, the total resistance is greater than the largest resistance in
the circuit.
A . Series
53 A
B . Parallel
C . Either series or parallel
D . Neither series nor parallel
In a ____________ circuit, the total resistance is smaller than the smallest
resistance in the circuit.
A . Series
54 B
B . Parallel
C . Either series or parallel
D . Neither series nor parallel
Which is the most cost efficient connection?
A . Series
55 B . Parallel A
C . Either series or parallel
D . Neither series nor parallel
What is the value of current if a 50C charge flows in a conductor over a period of 5
A . 5A
56 B
B . 10A
C . 15A
D . 20A
 KCL deals with the conservation of?
A . Momentum
57 B . Mass D
C . Potential Energy
D . Charge
KCL is applied at _________
A . Loop
58 B . Node B
C . Both loop and node
D . Neither loop nor node
 KCL can be applied for __________
A . Planar networks
59 B . Non-planar networks C
C . Both planar and non-planar
D . Neither planar nor non-planar
KVL deals with the conservation of?
A . Mass
60 B . Momentum D
C . Charge
D . Energy
The sum of the voltages over any closed loop is equal to __________
A . 0V
61 B . Infinity A
C . 1V
D . 2V
What is the basic law that has to be followed in order to analyze the circuit?
A . Newton’s laws
62 B . Faraday’s laws D
C . Ampere’s laws
D . Kirchhoff’s law
Every____________ is a ____________ but every __________ is not a __________
A . Mesh, loop, loop, mesh
63 B . Loop, mesh, mesh, loop A
C . Loop, mesh, loop, mesh
D . Mesh, loop, mesh, loop
KVL is applied in ____________
A . Mesh analysis
64 B . Nodal analysis A
C . Both mesh and nodal
D . Neither mesh nor nodal
 Which of the following is not an expression power?
A . P=VI
65 B . P=I2R D
C . P=V2/R
D . P=I/R
Which method is best for voltage sources?
A . Mesh analysis
66 B . Nodal analysis B
C . Superposition principle
D . Differentiation method
When there is a current source between two loops which method is preferred?
A . Mesh-voltage analysis
67 B . Node-current analysis C
C . Supermesh
D . Supernode
If there are b branches and n nodes, then how many node-voltage equations are
68 C
B . b+1
C . n-1
When there is a voltage source between two nodes which method is preferred?
A . Mesh-voltage analysis
69 B . Node-current analysis D
C . Supermesh
D . Supernode
Which is the best-preferred method to calculate currents flowing in the circuit?
A . Mesh-voltage analysis
70 B . Node-current analysis A
C . Superposition principle
D . Duality principle
By using source transformation voltage source in series resistor is replaced by
A . Voltage source in series with a resistor
71 B
B . Current source in parallel with a resistor
C . Voltage source in parallel with a resistor
D . Current source in series with a resistor
Source Transformation is _____________
A . Unilateral
72 B . Unique C
C . Bilateral
D . Complicated
If there are two resistors in parallel and in series with a voltage source then
A . Parallel resistor has no effect
73 A
B . Series resistor has no effect
C . Both has their respective effects
D . Both has no effect on the voltage source
Source transformation technique is mainly based on __________ law.
A . Newton’s
74 B . Kirchhoff’s C
C . Ohm’s
D . Einstein’s
In source transformation,
A . Voltage sources remain same
75 B . Current sources remain same D
C . Both voltage and current sources undergo change
D . Resistances/Impedances remain same
If there are five 20V voltage sources in parallel, then in source transformation
A . All are considered
76 B
B . Only one is considered
C . All are ignored
D . Only 2 are considered
 By using source transformation voltage source in series resistor is replaced by
A . Voltage source in series with a resistor
77 B
B . Current source in parallel with a resistor
C . Voltage source in parallel with a resistor
D . Current source in series with a resistor
Source Transformation is _____________
A . Unilateral
78 B . Unique C
C . Bilateral
D . Complicated
If there are two resistors in parallel and in series with a voltage source then
A . Parallel resistor has no effect
79 C
B . Series resistor has no effect
C . Both has their respective effects
D . Both has no effect on the voltage source
Source transformation technique is mainly based on __________ law.
A . Newton’s
80 B . Kirchhoff’s C
C . Ohm’s
D . Einstein’s
In source transformation,
A . Voltage sources remain same
81 B . Current sources remain same D
C . Both voltage and current sources undergo change
D . Resistances/Impedances remain same
If there are five 20V voltage sources in parallel, then in source transformation
A . All are considered
82 A
B . Only one is considered
C . All are ignored
D . Only 2 are considered
Ohm’s law for magnetic circuits is _________
A . F=ϕS
83 B . F=ϕ/S A
C . F=ϕ2S
D . F=ϕ/S2
What happens to the MMF when the magnetic flux decreases?
A . Increases
84 B . Decreases B
C . Remains constant
D . Becomes zero
Calculate the MMF when the magnetic flux is 5Wb and the reluctance is 3A/Wb.
A . 10At
85 B . 10N D
C . 15N
D . 15At
A ring having a cross-sectional area of 500 mm2, a circumference of 400 mm and
ϕ=800microWb has a coil of 200 turns wound around it. Calculate the flux density
of the ring.
86 A . 1.6T A
B . 2.6T
C . 3.6T
D . 4.6T
A ring having a cross-sectional area of 500 mm2, a circumference of and
ϕ=800microWb 400 mm has a coil of 200 turns wound around it. Calculate the
87 A . 1.68 * 10-4A/Wb C
B . 1.68 * 104 A/Wb
C . 1.68 * 106 A/Wb
D . 1.68 * 10-6A/Wb
A ring having a cross-sectional area of 500 mm2, a circumference of 400 mm and
ϕ=800microWb has a coil of 200 turns wound around it. Calculate the
magnetomotive force.
88 A . 1442At B
B . 1342At
C . 1432At
D . 1344At
A ring having a cross-sectional area of 500 mm2, a circumference of 400 mm and
ϕ=800microWb has a coil of 200 turns wound around it. Calculate the magnetising
89 A . 6.7A A
B . 7.7A
C . 7.6
D . 6.1A
Can we apply Kirchhoff’s laws to magnetic circuits?
A . Yes
90 B . No A
C . Depends on the circuit
D . Insufficient information provided
What is MMF?
A . Magnetic Machine Force
91 B . Magnetomotive Force B
C . Magnetic Motion Force
D . Magnetomotion Force
he equivalent of the current I in magnetic ohm’s law is?
A . Flux
92 B . Reluctance A
D . Resistance
An air gap is usually inserted in magnetic circuits to
A . increase m.m.f.
93 B . increase the flux C
C . prevent saturation
D . none of the above
The relative permeability of a ferromagnetic material is
A . less than one
94 B . more than one D
C . more than 10
D . more than 100 or 1000
The unit of magnetic flux is
A . henry
95 B . weber B
C . ampereturn/weber
D . ampere/metre
Permeability in a magnetic circuit corresponds to______ in an electric circuit.
A . resistance
96 B . resistivity C
C . conductivity
D . conductance
Point out the wrong statement. Magnetic leakage is undesirable in electric
machines because it
A . lowers their power efficiency
97 A
B . increases their cost of manufacture
C . leads to their increased weight
D . produces fringing
Relative permeability of vacuum is
98 B . 1 H/m A
C . 1/4JI
D . 4n x 10-‘ H/m
Permanent magnets are normally made of
A . alnico alloys
99 B . aluminium A
C . cast iron
D . wrought iron
Energy stored by a coil is doubled when its current is increased by percent.
A . 25
100 B . 50 C
C . 41.4
D . 100
Those magnetic materials are best suited for making armature and transformer
cores which have____permeability and_______hystersis loss.
A . high, high
101 C
B . low, high
C . high, low
D . low, low
The rate of rise of current through an inductive coil is maximum
A . at 63.2% of its maximum steady value
102 B . at the start of the current flow B
C . after one time constant
D . near the final maximum value of current
When both the inductance and resistance of a coil are doubled the value of
A . time constant remains unchanged
103 B . initial rate of rise of current is doubled A
C . final steady current is doubled
D . time constant is halved
The initial rate of rise of current through a coil of inductance 10 H when suddenly
connected to a D.C. supply of 200 V is_______Vs
A . 50
104 B
B . 20
C . 0.05
D . 500
A material for good magnetic memory should have
A . low hysteresis loss
105 B . high permeability D
C . low retentivity
D . high retentivity
Conductivity is analogous to
A . retentivity
106 B . resistivity C
C . permeability
D . inductance
In a magnetic material hysteresis loss takes place primarily due to
A . rapid reversals of its magnetisation
107 B . flux density lagging behind magnetising force D
C . molecular friction
D . it high retentivity
Those materials are well suited for making permanent magnets which have _____
retentivity and _______ coercivity.
A . low, high
108 B
B . high, high
C . high, low
D . low, low
If the area of hysteresis loop of a material is large, the hysteresis loss in this
material will be
A . zero
109 C
B . small
C . large
D . none of the above
Hard steel is suitable for making permanent magnets because
A . it has good residual magnetism
110 B . its hysteresis loop has large area A
C . its mechanical strength is high
D . its mechanical strength is low
Silicon steel is used in electrical machines because it has
A . low coercivity
111 B . low retentivity C
C . low hysteresis loss
D . high coercivity
Conductance is analogous to
A . permeance
112 B . reluctance A
C . flux
D . inductance
The property of a material which opposes the creation of magnetic flux in it is
known as
A . reluctivity
113 D
B . magnetomotive force
C . permeance
D . reluctance
The unit of retentivity is
A . weber
114 B . weber/sq. m B
C . ampere turn/meter
D . ampere turn
Reciprocal of reluctance is
A . reluctivity
115 B . permeance B
C . permeability
D . susceptibility
While comparing magnetic and electric circuits, the flux of magnetic circuit is
compared with which parameter of electrical circuit ?
A . E.m.f.
116 B
B . Current
C . Current density
D . Conductivity
The unit of reluctance is
A . metre/henry
117 B . henry/metre D
C . henry
D . 1/henry
A ferrite core has less eddy current loss than an iron core because
A . ferrites have high resistance
118 B . ferrites are magnetic A
C . ferrites have low permeability
D . ferrites have high hysteresis
Hysteresis loss least depends on
A . volume of material
119 B . frequency D
C . steinmetz coefficient of material
D . ambient temperature
Laminated cores, in electrical machines, are used to reduce
A . copper loss
120 B . eddy current loss B
C . hysteresis loss
D . all of the above
A magnetic circuit is made up of one or more closed loop paths containing a
A . magnetic flux
121 B . electrical flux A
C . current
D . voltage
The flux is usually generated by
A . permanent magnets or electromagnets
122 B . only permanent magnets A
C . only electromagnets
D . none
The formula used to find the capacitance C is __________
A . Q/v
123 B . Qv A
C . Q-v
The capacitor doesn’t allow sudden changes in ___________
A . Voltage
124 B . Current B
C . Resistance
D . Capacitance
The Inductor doesn’t allow sudden changes in ___________
A . Voltage
125 B . Current B
C . Resistance
D . Inductance
The expression for energy of an inductor ____________
A . ½ LI
126 B . L/2I D
C . ½ L2I
D . ½ LI2
The units for inductance is _________ and capacitance is ___________
A . Faraday, Henry
127 B . Coulomb, Faraday C
C . Henry, Faraday
D . Henry, Coulomb
Nodal analysis can be applied for non planar networks also.
A . true
128 B . false B
C . either a or b
D . none
In nodal analysis how many nodes are taken as reference nodes?
129 B.2 A
An ideal capacitor is charged to a voltage VO and connected at t=0 across an ideal
inductor L. If ω = 1LC√, the voltage across the capacitor at time t>0 is
130 A . VO B
B . VO cos(ωt)
C . VO sin(ωt)
D . VO e-ωtcos(ωt)
A rectangular voltage wave of magnitude A and duration B is applied to a series
combination of resistance R and capacitance C. The voltage developed across the
capacitor is ____________
131 A . A[1 – exp(-BRC)] A
C. A
D . A exp(-BRC)
An RLC series circuit has a resistance R of 20Ω and a current which lags behind the
applied voltage by 45°. If the voltage across the inductor is twice the voltage across
the capacitor, the value of inductive resistance is ____________
132 A . 10 Ω C
B . 20 Ω
C . 40 Ω
D . 60 Ω
The voltage drop across a standard resistor of 0.2 Ω is balanced at 83 cm. The
magnitude of the current, if the standard cell emf of 1.53 V is balanced at 42 m is
133 A . 13.04 A C
B . 10 A
C . 14.95 A
D . 12.56 A
The readings of polar type potentiometer are I = 12.4∠27.5° V = 31.5∠38.4° Then,
Reactance of the coil will be?
A . 2.51 Ω
134 C
B . 2.56 Ω
C . 2.54 Ω
D . 2.59 Ω
The simultaneous applications of signals x (t) and y (t) to the horizontal and vertical
plates respectively, of an oscilloscope, produce a vertical figure of 8 displays. If P
and Q are constants and x(t) = P sin (4t + 30), then y(t) is equal to _________
135 A . Q sin (4t – 30) B
B . Q sin (2t + 15)
C . Q sin (8t + 60)
D . Q sin (4t + 30)
 A resistor of 10 kΩ with the tolerance of 5% is connected in parallel with 5 kΩ
resistors of 10% tolerance. The tolerance limit is __________
A . 0.09
136 C
B . 0.124
C . 0.0833
D . 0.0787
 In the Two wattmeter method of measuring power in a balanced three-phase
circuit, one wattmeter shows zero and the other positive maximum. The load
power factor is ___________
137 A.0 B
B . 0.5
C . 0.866
The meter constant of a single-phase, 230 V induction watt-meter is 600 rev/kW-h.
The speed of the meter disc for a current of 15 A at 0.8 power factor lagging will
138 be? C
A . 30.3 rpm
B . 25.02 rpm
C . 27.6 rpm
D . 33.1 rpm
A 200/1 Current Transformer (CT) is wound with 400 turns on the secondary on a
toroidal core. When it carries a current of 180 A on the primary, the ratio is found
to be -0.5%. If the number of secondary turns is reduced by 1, the new ratio error
(in %) will be?
139 C
B . -0.5
C . -1
D . -2
In Maxwell’s capacitance bridge for calculating unknown inductance, the various
values at balance are, R1 = 300 Ω, R2 = 700 Ω, R3 = 1500 Ω, C4 = 0.8 μF. The values
of R1, L1 and Q factor, if the frequency is 1100 Hz are ____________
140 A . 240 Ω, 0.12 H, 3.14 B
B . 140 Ω, 0.168 H, 8.29
C . 140 Ω, 0.12 H, 5.92
D . 240 Ω, 0.36 H, 8.29
In an impedance parallel network, the reactive component will ____________ the
voltage by 90 degrees.
A . Lead
141 C
B . Lag
C . Either lead or lag
D . Depends on the circuit
In an impedance parallel network, the reactive component will either lead or lag
the voltage by _________ degrees.
142 B
B . 90
C . 45
D . 180
In an impedance parallel network, the reactive component will either lead or lag
the ________ by 90 degrees.
A . Voltage
143 A
B . Current
C . Either voltage or current
D . Cannot be determined
The reactive component in an impedance parallel circuit leads the voltage when
the current _________ the voltage.
A . Leads
144 A
B . Lags
C . Either leads or lags
D . Cannot be determined
The active component in an impedance parallel circuit will __________ the
145 C
A . Leads
B . Lags
C . Be in phase with
D . Either leads or lags
The phase difference between the active component of an impedance parallel
circuit and the voltage in the network is __________
146 A
B . 90
C . 180
D . 360
The quadrature component is also known as?
A . Active component
147 B . Reactive component B
C . Either active or reactive component
D . Neither active nor reactive component
 It is preferable to connect bulbs in series or in parallel?
A . Series
148 B . Parallel B
C . Both series and parallel
D . Neither series nor parallel
Batteries are generally connected in______
A . Series
149 B . Parallel A
C . Either series or parallel
D . Neither series nor parallel
 In a _________ circuit, the total resistance is greater than the largest resistance in
the circuit.
A . Series
150 A
B . Parallel
C . Either series or parallel
D . Neither series nor parallel

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