Welfare Constitution Draft

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22ND FEB 2022

We, the teaching and support staff of Njoro central secondary school—
ACKNOWLEDGING the supremacy of the Almighty God of all creation:
PROUD of our ethnic, cultural and religious diversity, and determined to live and work in peace
and unity as one indivisible school:
RESPECTFUL of the environment, which is our heritage, and determined to sustain it for the
benefit of future generations:
COMMITTED to nurturing and protecting the well-being of the individual, the family and the
ADOPT, ENACT and give the welfare Constitution to ourselves.
To be a member of the welfare:
i. The membership of the welfare is open to all members of the teaching staff of Njoro
Central Secondary School.
ii. That once you become a member of the teaching staff of Noro central secondary School,
you automatically become a member of the Njoro Central Secondary school welfare.
iii. That members are supposed to submit their monthly contribution of kshs 250 by 15th of
every month to the treasurer. In case a member defaults for two months consecutively,
the amount of kshs 500 shall be deducted directly from the remedial lessons.
iv. That the school principal shall be the patron of the Njoro Central Secondary School

That claim can only be made by members of the Njoro Central Secondary School welfare and
cleared all the outstanding contributions.
That beneficiaries are under the following categories:
a) Death:
i. In case of death of a member, husband/ wife, an amount of kshs 15,000 will be given
from the welfare kitty.
ii. In case of death of the child of a member, an amount of kshs 10,000 will be given from
the welfare kitty
iii. In case of death of biological parents and in-laws (father &mother) an amount of kshs
7.000 will be given from the welfare kitty.
iv. In case of death of a brother or sister, an amount of kshs 5,000 will be given from the
welfare kitty.

b) Sickness:
i. In case of hospitalization of a member or his/her spouse for a period of 3 consecutive
days, an amount of kshs 5,000 will be given from the welfare kitty upon assessment and
approval by the welfare members.
ii. Incase of hospitalization of a member’s biological child for a period of 3 consecutive
days, an amount of kshs 3,000 will be given from the welfare kitty upon assessment and
approval by the welfare members.

c) Weddings
In case of a wedding of a member, an amount of kshs 5,000 will be given from the welfare kitty
upon approval by the welfare committee.
d) Baby Shower
In case of a bundle of joy of a member, an amount of kshs, 5,000 will be given from the welfare
e) Exits/ Transfer/ Retirement
In case a welfare member exits the institution; the member shall be given a gift of appreciation
worth kshs 2,000.
i. That welfare committee has the following officials; the chairperson. The secretary and
the treasurer.
ii. That officials shall hold office for a period of one year, renewable thrice.
iii. That the mode of election is consensus and affirmation.
iv. In case the position of an official falls vacant; an election shall be called immediately to
fill the vacant position.

i. That rebates (a third of members’ contributions) shall be shared at the end of the year
depending on the financial statements from the welfare kitty.
ii. That BOM teachers who will exit before the end of the financial year, shall receive their
rebates at the end of the year.
a) Members are encouraged to pay upfront.
b) To support the non-teaching staff members, members will contribute a minimum of kshs
100 towards any eventuality when called upon by the welfare committee.
c) In case of an eventuality affecting Teachers on Practice, teachers assistance will be
offered on humanitarian grounds (outside the welfare kitty) upon assessment and
approval by the welfare committee
d) The constitution will not be amended unless by the majority members of the teaching
staff of Njoro Central Secondary School.
e) That before the welfare kitty is withdrawn, the welfare committee shall inform the patron.
I consent that this is a true reflection of what the staff of Njoro Central Secondary
school endorsed on 2nd march 2022 at 4.00 pm

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