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Northwestern Visayan Colleges

Senior High School Department

Kalibo, Aklan

Academic Year 2017--2018
Second Semester
Course Code : UCSP

Course Catalogue Description : This course uses insights from Anthropology, Political Science, and Sociology to develop students’ awareness of
cultural, social and political dynamics, and sensitivity to cultural diversity; provide them with an understanding of
how culture, human agency, society and politics work; and engage them in the examination of the country’s
current human development goals. At the end of the course, students should acquire ideas about human
cultures, human agency, society and politics; recognize cultural relativism and social inclusiveness to overcome
prejudices; and develop social and cultural competence to guide their interactions with groups, communities,
networks, and institutions.
Course Credit :
Course Prerequisite : None
Contact / Class Hour :

Class Hour :
Lecturer / Facilitator : Mitch Rayburn L. Bolanga
Email address :
Mobile number : 09358296852
Consultation Schedule : Date: Venue:

M NVC Mission:
1 To serve as a center of academic excellence, research, instruction, extension and development;
2 To provide access to education for those with less in life through scholarships, work for study, other grants and benefits;
3 To educate and train Filipinos to be globally competitive, service oriented, patriotic, responsible and productive citizens;
4 To inculcate love of country, responsible choices and care for the preservation of the environment, ecology and humanity;
5 To develop personal growth through principled, just and truthful values of characters.
Relation to
PEO the Mission
Senior high school graduates shall have demonstrated the following:
of NVC
Holistically developed and equipped with 21st century skills prepared for the future, be it in pursuit of higher education or acquisition of
1 M3
mid-level skills, or geared towards employment, entrepreneurship, or life-long learning;
Responsible and accountable to situations of the individual, community, environment and the world involving to civic engagement,
2 M 4 and M 5
sustainable development and environmental advocacies;
Highly-competent to the chosen specialization on work and professionalism qualified to national standards and across the neighboring
3 M3
Enactive towards love of country and humanity bridging diversity among countrymen that builds multi-cultural, gender-sensitive and
4 M4
ecumenical environment;
Adapted research as a means of academic learning, a way of improving lives, and a pursuit to participation on national and international
5 M 1 and M 2

Satisfied Students
SO The students shall be able to: Educational Outcomes
1 Recall the concepts of functions and relations with mastery and accuracy; EO1, EO2, EO3, EO4, EO5
Demonstrate mathematical competence by solving problems related to exponential and logarithmic function to deeply
understand life and its’ necessity; EO1, EO2, EO3, EO4, EO5
3 Value the concepts of business mathematics towards the development of human life; EO1, EO2, EO3, EO4, EO5
4 Appreciate logic as a way to understand life, humanity and the world. EO1, EO2, EO3, EO4, EO5

CO The student shall be able to: Satisfied Student Educational Outcomes
1 Acknowledge human culture variation, social differences, social change, and political identities. M1, M2, M4
2 Adopt an open and critical attitude towards different social, political, and cultural phenomena through M1, M2, M3, M4
observation and reflection
3 Appreciate the value of the disciplines of anthropology, sociology, and political science as social sciences M1, M2, M3, M4
4 Analyze key features of the interrelationships of biological, cultural and socio-political processes in human M1, M2, M3, M4
evolution that can still be used and developed
5 Analyze aspects of social organization M1, M2, M3, M4
6 Identify one’s role in social groups and institutions M1, M2, M3, M4
7 Recognize other forms of economic transactions such as sharing, gift exchange, and redistribution in his/her own M1, M2, M3, M4
8 Evaluate factors causing social, political and cultural change. M1, M2, M3, M4, M5
The students must have: OUTCOMES (CO) ACTIVITIES
June 17 – 21
PRELIMINARY  understood, explained, Quescussion White Board; Oral
DISCUSSIONS: internalized, and White Board Recitation;
 NVC’s Vision and Mission demonstrated the Marker; Projector; Unit Quiz;
 School and Classroom mission, vision, & the Multi Media Slides Slogan;
Policies policies of the school & Others. Creative
 Introduction to the and the course outline. Presentation;
Course Rubrics

UNIT I  articulated CO1; CO2; CO3; Quescussion;

STARTING POINTS FOR observations on CO6; CO8 Human Bingo;
THE UNDERSTANDING OF human cultural Personal Profile;
CULTURE, SOCIETY, AND variation, social Picture Analysis
differences, social
change, and political Quescussion;
1. Sharing of social and
identities. Small Group
cultural backgrounds of
students as acting
 demonstrated curiosity Creative
subjects or social actors,
and an openness to Presentation
agents, persons.
explore the origins and That Constant
dynamics of culture, Thing;
society, and political
identities. Picture Analysis;
June 24 – 28 2. Observations about White Board;
Small Group
social, political, and White Board
 analyzed social, Discussion;
cultural behavior and Marker; Projector;
political, and cultural Creative
phenomena. Multi Media Slides
change. Presentation
& Others.
3. Observations on social,
 recognized the
political, and cultural
intersections of
sociology, and political
4. Definition of
science with respect to
Anthropology, Political
the phenomenon of
Science & Sociology
July 01 – 05 UNIT II  explained CO1; CO2; CO6 Quescussion; White Board; Unit Quiz;
DEFINING CULTURE AND anthropological and What is Society?; White Board How Will You
SOCIETY FROM THE sociological Picture Analysis; Marker; Projector; See Me?;
PERSPECTIVES OF perspectives on Small Group Multi Media Slides Reflection
culture and society. Discussion; & Others. Paper;
Creative Posting on
 describe society and Presentation; Social Media;
culture as a complex Role Playing; Rubrics
1. Society as a group of
whole. Informal Debate
people sharing a common
 identified aspects of
culture and society.
2. Culture according to
E.B. Tylor 1920 [1871]).
 raised questions
toward a holistic
White Board;
appreciation of
July 08 – 12 3. Aspects of Culture White Board
cultures and societies.
Marker; Projector;
4. Ethnocentrism and Multi Media Slides
 been aware of why
Cultural Relativism as & Others.
and how cultural
orientations in viewing
relativism mitigates
other cultures.

 identified forms of
tangible and intangible
heritage and the
threats to these.

UNIT III  traced the biological CO1; CO2; CO3; Sketch Me; White Board; Unit Quiz;
July 15 – 19 LOOKING BACK AT and cultural evolution CO4; CO6; CO7; Quescussion; White Board Creating a
HUMAN BIOCULTURAL of early to modern CO8 Reporting; Marker; Projector; Timeline;
AND SOCIAL humans. Video Multi Media Slides Rubrics
Presentation & Others.
 explore the signifi-
1. Biological and cultural
cance of human
material remains and
artefactual evidence in
2. Cultural and socio-
interpreting cultural
political evolution and social, including

political and economic,


 recognize national,
local, and specialized
museums, and
archaeological and
historical sites as ve
nues to appreciate and
reflect on the com-
plexities of biocultural
and social evolution as
part of being and
becoming human.

July 22 – 25  explained the CO1; CO2; CO3; Think-Pair Share; White Board; Unit Quiz;
July 23 – 24 UNIT IV development of one’s CO4; CO5; CO6; Cathy Caterpillar; White Board Poster &
PRELIMINARY BECOMING A MEMBER self and others as a CO7; CO8 Diagram Making; Marker; Projector; Slogan Making
EXAMINATION OF SOCIETY product of socialization Lecture Multi Media Slides (shall be
and enculturation Discussion & Others. posted online);
1.Enculturation/ Rubrics
Socialization  identified the context,
content, processes,
and consequences of
July 29 – enculturation and
August 02 2. Conformity and socialization.
 identified the social
3. Human dignity, rights, goals and the socially
and the common good. acceptable means of
achieving these goals.

 advocated inclusive

 promoted protection
of human dignity,
rights, and the
common good.
Aug 05 – 09 UNIT V CO1; CO2; CO3; The Boat is White Board; Unit Quiz;
HOW SOCIETY IS CO4; CO5; CO6; Sinking; White Board Diagram
ORGANIZED CO8 The OP & The Marker; Projector; Making;
Rival; Multi Media Slides Rubrics
1. Groups within society: Tableau; & Others.
Primary and Secondary  traced kinship ties Diagram Making;
and social networks.
2. In-groups and out-  described the
groups organized nature of
social life and rules
3. Reference groups governing behaviour.
 compared different
4. Networks social forms of social
organization according
Aug 12 – 16 to their manifest and CO1; CO2; CO3; Picture Analysis; White Board; Family Tree;
UNIT VI latent functions. CO4; CO5; CO6; Tableau White Board Unit Quiz;
CULTURAL, SOCIAL  analyzed social and CO7; CO8 Marker; Projector; Interview;
AND POLITICAL political structures. Brainstorming; Multi Media Slides Rubrics;
INSTITUTIONS Role Playing; & Others. Debate
1. Kinship, marriage, and
the household.

2. Political and leadership


Aug 19 – 23  analyzed economic Quescussion; White Board;

3. Economic Institutions organization and its Math Analogy; White Board
impacts on the lives of Small Group Marker; Projector;
4. Nonstate institutions people in the society. Discussion; Multi Media Slides
 differentiated Reporting; & Others.
5. Education functions of nonstate
institutions in society.
 evaluated how
functions of education
affect the lives of
people in society.
 promoted primary
education as a human

Aug 26 – 30 6. Religion & Belief  conducted participant The Bread; White Board;
Aug 27 – 28 Systems observation (e.g., Pinoy Henyo; White Board
MIDTERM attend, describe, and Picture Analysis; Marker; Projector;
7. Health reflect on a religious Video Multi Media Slides
ritual of a different Presentation; & Others.
group; observe Debate;
elections practices).
Doctor Quack
 recognize the practice Quack!;
of medical pluralism in Quescussion;
light of cultural
diversity and

Sept 02 – 06 UNIT VII  examined stratification CO1; CO2; CO3; Quescussion White Board; Unit Quiz;
Social and Political from the functionalist CO4; CO5; CO6; Ricci or Purita?; White Board Reporting;
Stratification and conflict CO7; CO8 Picture Analysis; Marker; Projector; Rubrics
perspectives. Small Group Multi Media Slides
a. Social Desirables Discussion; & Others.
 identified Reporting
b. Social Mobility System characteristics of the
systems of
c. Social Inequality stratification.

 suggested ways to
address global
 identified new
Sept 09 -13 UNIT VIII challenges faced by CO1; CO2; CO3; Picture Analysis; White Board; Unit Quiz;
CULTURAL, SOCIAL, human populations in CO4; CO5; CO6; Small Group White Board Creative
POLITICAL CHANGE contemporary CO7; CO8 Discussion; Marker; Projector; Presentation;
AND THEIR SOURCES societies. Creative Multi Media Slides Rubrics
Presentation; & Others.
1. Innovation  described how human Quescussion
societies adapt to new
2. Diffusion challenges in the
physical, social, and
cultural environment. White Board;
Sept 16 – 20 3. Acculturation and White Board
assimilation  developed a plan of Marker; Projector;
action for community- Multi Media Slides
4. Social contradictions based response to & Others.
and tensions. change.

Sept 23 – 27 UNIT IX CO1; CO2; CO3; Song Analysis White Board; Poster Making;
Sept 24 – 25 NEW CHALLENGES TO CO4; CO5; CO6; CO8 (What a White Board Rubrics
PRE-FINAL HUMAN ADAPTATION Wonderful Marker; Projector;
EXAMINATION AND SOCIAL World) & Multi Media Slides
(Walang Natira); & Others.
1. Global warming and
Poster Making
climate change.

2. Transnational Migration

Sept 30 – CO1; CO2; CO3; Picture Analysis; White Board; Slogan

Oct 04 UNIT X CO4; CO5; CO6; Small Group White Board Making;
RESPONDING TO SOCIAL, CO7; CO8 Discussion; Marker; Projector; Rubrics;
Creative Multi Media Slides Tableau;
CHANGE Presentation; & Others. Rubrics;
Quescussion Documentary

Sept 30 – 1. Inclusive Citizenship CO1; CO2; CO3; Picture Analysis; White Board; Slogan
Oct 04 and participatory CO4; CO5; CO6; Small Group White Board Making;
governance. CO7; CO8 Discussion; Marker; Projector; Rubrics;
Creative Multi Media Slides
2. New forms of media Presentation; & Others. Tableau;
and social networking. Quescussion Rubrics

Picture Analysis; White Board;
Oct 04 – 18 3. Social movements. Tableau; White Board
Quescussion Marker; Projector;
 The remaining days will Multi Media Slides
be allotted in making the & Others.
final output.

Oct 21 – 25 Culminating Activity  demonstrated their CO1; CO2; CO3; Film Festival
Oct 23 – 24 understanding on CO4; CO5; CO6;
FINAL culture, society and CO7; CO8

Grading System:
Written Work 25%
Periodical Exam 25%
Performance 50%
Total 100%

1. Atienza, M, Arugay, A, Encinas-Franco, J,Lusterio-Rico,R,& Quilala,D.(2016) Understanding Culture Society & Politics . C & E Publishing.
2. Custodio, H, & Gonzales, M. (2016) Understanding Culture, Society & Politics. Diwa Learning Systems Inc.
2. Lanuza, G, & Raymundo, S. (2016). Understanding Culture, Society & Politics. Rex Book Store Inc.
3. Macionis, J. (2011). Sociology. NY: Pearson.
4. Madrid, R, Santarita, J. (2016). Understanding Culture, Society & Politics
Prepared by: Conformed by:


Faculty Principal, NVC – Senior High School

Verified by:


Basic Education, Librarian

Approved by:


VP Academic Affairs



Office of the Human Resource

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