China Mathematical Competition: (Jilin)

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June 8, 2022 13:38 Mathematical Olympiad in China (2015–2016) - 9in x 6in 01-b4537-1-2014-Jinlin page 1

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China Mathematical
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2014 (Jilin)
Commissioned by the Chinese Mathematical Society (CMS), the 2014
China Mathematical Competition was organized by Jilin Mathematical
Society. The CMS set the problems; and the commissioned province was
responsible for the other organizational issues.
The contest was held on Sunday, September 14th, 2014. A noticeable
change was in the date of the contest — after the modification of the
entrance exam exemption policy, the contest date was moved roughly one
month earlier than previous years, so most of the students could have proper
preparation schedules for the national college entrance examination.
1366 students from 31 regions got the regional first prize. 346 students
were qualified for the 30th China Mathematical Olympiad, to be held in

Part I Short-Answer Questions (Questions 1-8, 8 marks each)

1 If two positive numbers a and b satisfy 2 + log2 a = 3 + log3 b =

1 1
log6 (a + b), then the value of + is .
a b
Solution Set 2 + log2 a = 3 + log3 b = log6 (a + b) = k, then a = 2k−2 ,
b = 3k−3 , and a + b = 6k ; therefore
1 1 a+b 6k
+ = = k−2 = 22 × 33 = 108. 
a b ab 2 × 3k−3

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2 Mathematical Olympiad in China (2015–2016)

2 Let M and m be the maximum and minimum elements of the set

+b:1≤a≤b≤2 ,
respectively, then the value of M − m is .
3 3
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Solution From 1 ≤ a ≤ b ≤ 2 we get + b ≤ + 2 = 5, the maximum

a 1
value M = 5 is achieved when a = 1 and b = 2.
Mathematical Olympiad in China (2015–2016) Downloaded from

On the other hand,

3 3 3 √
+b≥ +a≥2 · a = 2 3.
a a a
√ √
And the minimum value √ m = 2 3 is achieved when a = b = 3.
So, M − m = 5 − 2 3. 

3 The function f (x) = x2 + a|x − 1| is monotone increasing on [0, +∞),

then the range of the real number a is .

Solution On [1, +∞), the function f (x) = x2 +ax−a is monotone increas-

ing, an equivalent condition is that − ≤ 1, i.e. a ≥ −2.
On [0, 1], the function f (x) = x2 − ax + a is monotone increasing, which
is equivalent to the condition that ≤ 0, i.e. a ≤ 0.
So, the range of a is [−2, 0]. 
2(n + 2)
4 The sequence {an } satisfies a1 = 2, an+1 = an (n ∈ N∗ ),
= .
a1 + a2 + · · · + a2013
Solution We have
2(n + 1) 2(n + 1) 2n
an = an−1 = an−2 = . . .
n n n−1
2(n + 1) 2n 2·3
= ... a1 = 2n−1 (n + 1).
n n−1 2
Denote Sn the sum of the first n terms in the sequence {an }, so
Sn = 2 + 2 × 3 + 22 × 4 + · · · + 2n−1 (n + 1),
2Sn = 2 × 2 + 22 × 3 + 23 × 4 + · · · + 2n (n + 1).
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China Mathematical Competition 3

Take the difference of the above two, we get

Sn = 2n (n + 1) − (2n−1 + 2n−2 + · · · + 2 + 2)

= 2n (n + 1) − 2n = 2n n.
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a2014 22013 × 2015 2015

= 2013 = . 
a1 + a2 + · · · + a2013 2 × 2013 2013
Mathematical Olympiad in China (2015–2016) Downloaded from

5 In a square pyramid P − ABCD, each lateral face is an equilateral

triangle with side length 1, M and N are the midpoints of AB and
BC, respectively, then the distance between the skew lines M N and
P C is .

Solution On the base face, let O be the intersection of the diagonals AC

and BD, make the perpendicular to the line M N through C and meet M N
at H.
Since P O is perpendicular to the base face, so P O ⊥ CH. Also we have
AC ⊥ CH, so CH is perpendicular to the plane P OC, and CH ⊥ P C.
So the segment CH is perpendicular to both M N and P C, and its
length is
√ √
2 2
CH = CN = .
2 4

So, the distance between M N and P C is . 
6 F1 and F2 are the foci of the ellipse Γ. A line through F1 meets Γ at
P and Q. If |P F2 | = |F1 F2 | and 3|P F1 | = 4|QF1 |, the ratio of the
semi-minor axis of Γ to its semi-major axis is .

Fig. 6.1
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4 Mathematical Olympiad in China (2015–2016)

Solution Without loss of generality, assume |P F1 | = 4 and |QF1 | = 3.

Denote a and b the semi-major axis and semi-minor axis, respectively, and
let 2c be the distance between the foci. So |P F1 | = |F1 F2 | = 2c, and by
the property of the ellipse,

2a = |QF1 | + |QF2 | = |P F1 | + |P F2 | = 2c + 4.
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|QF2 | = |P F1 | + |P F2 | − |QF1 | = 2c + 1.

Let H be the midpoint of P F1 , then |F1 H| = 2 and |QH| = 5, and F2 H ⊥

P F1 . By Pythagorean theorem,

|QF2 |2 − |QH|2 = |F2 H|2 = |F1 F2 |2 − |F1 H|2 ,

so, (2c + 1)2 − 52 = (2c)2 − 22 . We get c = 5, then a = 7 and b = 2√ 6.
2 6
The ratio of the semi-minor axis of Γ to its semi-major axis is b : a = .

7 The incircle of an equilateral triangle ABC has radius 2 and has the
point I as its center. A point P satisfies |P I| = 1, then the maximum
ratio of the area of AP B to the area of AP C is .

Fig. 7.1

Solution The trace of P is the unit circle centered at I, call this circle K.
Assume ∠BAP = α. Take a point P0 on K so α achieves its maximum
value α0 . P0 is inside the ∠IAC, and AP0 is tangent to the circle K at P0 .
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China Mathematical Competition 5

Since 0 < α ≤ α0 < π/3,

SAP B AP · AB · sin α sin α
= 2 π  = π  1
AP · AC · sin −α sin
2 3 3
sin α sin +θ
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≤ π 0  = 6
π ,
sin − α0 sin −θ
3 6
Mathematical Olympiad in China (2015–2016) Downloaded from

where θ = α0 − π/6 = ∠IAP0 .

Since ∠AP0 I = ,
IP0 1 1
sin θ = = = .
√ AI 2r 4
Therefore, cot θ = 15, and √
sin +θ
cos θ +
sin θ √
6 2 2 cot θ + 3
π  = √ = √ 2
sin −θ 1 3 cot θ − 3
6 cos θ − sin θ
2 2
√ √ √
15 + 3 3+ 5
= √ √ = .
15 − 3 2

By 1 and 2 , when P = P0 , SAP B : SAP C achieves its maximum

3+ 5
value . 
8 A, B, C, D are four points in the space that are not coplanar. For
any pair of two distinct points, connect the segment between them
with probability 1/2, independently. The probability that A and B
are connected through a polygonal chain consists of one or more
segments is .

Solution There are 2 situations about the direct segment between each
pair of points, there are 26 = 64 combined outcomes. We count the number
of outcomes where A and B can be connected by a polygonal chain.

(1) The segment AB is connected. There are 25 = 32 such outcomes.

(2) The segment AB is not connected, but CD is connected. In this
case, A and B can be connected by a polygonal chain if and only if
both A and B are connected to at least one of C and D. There are
(22 − 1) × (22 − 1) = 9 such outcomes.
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6 Mathematical Olympiad in China (2015–2016)

(3) Both segments AB and CD are not connected. In this case at least
one of C and D should be connected to both A and B. By inclusion-
exclusion, the number of such outcomes is 22 + 22 − 1 = 7.

There are 32 + 9 + 7 = 48 outcomes counted in the above cases. The

48 3

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probability in question is = .
64 4
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Part II Word Problems (Questions 9-11, 56 marks in total)

9 (16 marks) In the Cartesian coordinate plane xOy, P is a moving
point not on the x-axis that satisfies: There are two tangent lines
through P to the parabola y 2 = 4x, and the line P passing through
the two points of tangency is perpendicular to the line P O.
The line P insects P O and the x-axis at Q and R, respectively.

(1) Prove that R is a fixed point.

|P Q|
(2) Find the minimum value of .

Fig. 9.1

Solution (1) Suppose P (a, b), where b = 0; it is obvious that a = 0 as

well. Suppose the two points of tangency are A(x1 , y1 ) and B(x2 , y2 ), then
the equations for the lines P A and P B are

yy1 = 2(x + x1 ), 1
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China Mathematical Competition 7

yy2 = 2(x + x2 ). 2

The coordinates of P satisfies both 1 and 2 , so (x1 , y1 ) and (x2 , y2 )

— the coordinates of A and B — both satisfy the equation
by = 2(x + a).
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Therefore 3 is the equation for the line AB.

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b 2
The slopes of the lines P O and AB are and , respectively. Since
a b
b 2
P O ⊥ AB, we have · = 1, so a = −2.
a b
Now 3 becomes y = (x − 2). The intersection of the line AB and
the x-axis is the fixed point R(2, 0).
(2) We had a = −2. The slope of the line P O is k1 = − , and the slope
of the line P R is k2 = − . Denote α = ∠OP R, we have α < π/2, and
 b b 
  1 + − − 
|P Q| 1  1 + k1 k2   2 4 
= =   = 
|QR| tan a  k1 − k2   b b 

 − + 
2 4

8 + b2 2 8b2 √
= ≥ = 2 2.
2|b| 2|b|
√ |P Q| √
When b = ±2 2, achieves its minimum value 2 2. 

10 (20 marks) The sequence {an } satisfies a1 = π/6, and an+1 =

arctan(sec an ) for all n ∈ N∗ . Find the positive integer m for which
sin a1 · sin a2 · . . . · sin am = .
Solution From the definition of {an }, we see that an+1 ∈ (−π/2, π/2) for
any positive integer n, and
tan an+1 = sec an . 1

Since sec an > 0, so an+1 ∈ (0, π/2). From 1 , we get tan2 an+1 =
sec2 an = 1 + tan2 an . So,
1 3n − 2
tan2 an = n − 1 + tan2 a1 = n − 1 + = ,
3 3
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8 Mathematical Olympiad in China (2015–2016)


3n − 2
tan an = .
tan a1 tan a2 tan am
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sin a1 · sin a2 · . . . · sin am = = · · ...·
100 sec a1 sec a2 sec am
tan a1 tan a2 tan am
Mathematical Olympiad in China (2015–2016) Downloaded from

= · · ...· (by 1 )
tan a2 tan a3 tan am+1

tan a1 1
= = .
tan am+1 3m + 1

1 1
We want = , so m = 3333. 
3m + 1 100

11 (20 marks) Determine all the complex numbers α, so that for any
complex numbers z1 and z2 , where |z1 |, |z2 | < 1 and z1 = z2 , we have

(z1 + α)2 + αz1 = (z2 + α)2 + αz2 .

Solution Let fα (z) = (z + α)2 + αz.

fα (z1 ) − fα (z2 ) = (z1 + α)2 + αz1 − (z2 + α)2 − αz2

= (z1 + z2 + 2α)(z1 − z2 ) + α(z1 − z2 ).

Suppose there are complex numbers z1 = z2 such that |z1 |, |z2 | < 1 and
fα (z1 ) = fα (z2 ). By 1 ,

|α(z1 − z2 )| = | − (z1 + z2 + 2α)(z1 − z2 )|.

Note that |z1 − z2 | = |z1 − z2 |, so

|α| = |z1 + z2 + 2α| ≥ 2|α| − |z1 | − |z2 | > 2|α| − 2;

i.e., |α| < 2.

On the other hand, whenever α is a complex with |α| < 2, set z1 =
−α/2 + iβ and z2 = −α/2 − iβ, where β is any real in (0, 1 − |α|/2). Then
z1 = z2 , and
 α   α
− ± iβ  ≤ −  + |β| < 1.
2 2
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China Mathematical Competition 9

So |z1 |, |z2 | < 1. Now put

z1 + z2 = −α, z1 − z2 = 2iβ, z1 − z2 = 2iβ = −2iβ.

in 1 , we get

fα (z1 ) − fα (z2 ) = α · 2iβ + α · (−2iβ) = 0;

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so, fα (z1 ) = fα (z2 ).

We conclude that the set of complexes in question is {α ∈ C : |α| ≥ 2}.
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Mathematical Olympiad in China (2015–2016) Downloaded from
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June 9, 2022 11:10 Mathematical Olympiad in China (2015–2016) - 9in x 6in 02-b4537-1-2015-Sichuan page 11

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China Mathematical
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2015 (Sichuan)
Commissioned by the Chinese Mathematical Society (CMS), the 2015
China Mathematical Competition was organized by the Sichuan Mathe-
matical Society. The contest was held on Sunday, September 13th, 2015.
1408 students from 31 regions got the regional first prize. 350 students
were qualified for the 31st China Mathematical Olympiad, to be held in
Yingtan, Jiangxi.

Part I Short-Answer Questions (Questions 1-8, 8 marks each)

1 Suppose a and b are two distinct reals, and the quadratic function
f (x) = x2 + ax + b satisfies f (a) = f (b), then the value of f (2) is

Solution By the condition and the symmetry of the graph for the
a+b a
quadratic function, we have = − , i.e., 2a + b = 0. So
2 2
f (2) = 4 + 2a + b = 4. 
2 α is a real number such that cos α = tan α, then the value of +
sin α
cos4 α is .

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12 Mathematical Olympiad in China (2015–2016)

Solution From the condition, cos2 α = sin α. Repeatedly using this and
noting that cos2 α + sin2 α = 1, we get
1 cos2 α + sin2 α
+ cos4 α = + sin2 α
sin α sin α
= (1 + sin α) + (1 − cos2 α)
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= 2 + sin α − cos2 α = 2. 
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3 A series {zn } of complex numbers satisfies z1 = 1 and, for each

n = 1, 2, . . . , zn+1 = zn + 1 + ni, where i is the imaginary unit, and
zn is the conjugate of zn . The value of z2015 is .

Solution From the condition, for any positive integer n, we have

zn+2 = zn+1 + 1 + (n + 1)i
= zn + 1 + ni + 1 + (n + 1)i
= zn + 2 + i.
So z2015 = z1 + 1007 × (2 + i) = 2015 + 1007i. 

4 In a rectangle ABCD, AB = 2 and AD = 1. A point P moving on

the edge DC (including the end points) and a point Q moving on the
−−→ −−→
extension of the edge CB (including B) satisfy |DP | = |BQ|. The
−→ −−→
minimum value of the dot product P A · P Q is .

Solution Without loss of generality, denote A(0, 0), B(2, 0), D(0, 1).
−−→ −−→
Denote the coordinates of P by (t, 1), where 0 ≤ t ≤ 2; by |DP | = |BQ|, the
−→ −−→
coordinates of Q is (2, −t). So P A = (−t, −1) and P Q = (2−t, −t−1), and
−→ −− →
P A · P Q = (−t)(2 − t) + (−1)(−t − 1)
= t2 − t − 1
1 3
= t− +
2 4
≥ .
1 −→ −−→ 3
When t = , P A · P Q achieves the minimum 
2 4
5 Uniformly randomly pick 3 edges from the edges of a unit cube, the
probability that they are pairwise non-coplanar is .
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China Mathematical Competition 13

Solution Denote the cube by ABCD − EF GH. There are = 220
ways to pick 3 edges out of its 12 edges.
Now we count the number of ways where the 3 picked edges are pairwise
non-coplanar. The edges of the cube have 3 different pairwise non-parallel
directions, namely, AB, AD, and AE. Parallel edges are coplanar, so the
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3 edges we pick must have one from each of the directions. We first pick
an edge parallel to AB, there are 4 choices. Without loss of generality,
Mathematical Olympiad in China (2015–2016) Downloaded from

suppose we picked AB. Next we pick an edge parallel to AD, we have

only 2 choices — EH or F G. If we picked EH in the second step, there is
exactly one choice, CG, for the edge parallel to AE; similarly, if we picked
F G in the second step, there is exactly one choice, DH, for the edge parallel
to AE.
So, the number of ways to pick 3 edges that are pairwise non-coplanar
8 2
is 4 × 2 = 8, and the probability in question is = . 
220 55

6 In the Cartesian coordinate system xOy, the area of the region corre-
sponding to the point set K = {(x, y) : (|x|+|3y|−6)(|3x|+|y|−6) ≤
0} is .

Solution Let K1 = {(x, y) : |x| + |3y| − 6 ≤ 0}. First consider the graph
of K1 in quadrant I. Here we have x + 3y ≤ 6, so they are the points inside
OCD as in Figure 6.1. By symmetry, the region corresponding to K1 is
the diamond ABCD together with its interior.

6 H

2 D
A E O 2 6 x

Fig. 6.1
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14 Mathematical Olympiad in China (2015–2016)

Similarly, the set K2 = {(x, y) : |3x| + |y| − 6 ≤ 0} corresponds to the

region consists of the diamond EF GH and its interior.
By the definition of K, the region corresponding to K, except for the
boundary, consists of those points covered by exactly one of K1 and K2 .
So its area is the area S of the shaded region in the figure.
The equation for the line CD is x + 3y = 6, and the equation for the
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line GH is 3x + y = 6; it is easy to get that their intersection is P (3/2, 3/2).

By symmetry,
Mathematical Olympiad in China (2015–2016) Downloaded from

1 3
S = 8SCP G = 8 × × 4 × = 24.
2 2 

7 ω is a positive real. Suppose there are two reals a and b such that
π ≤ a < b ≤ 2π and sin ωa + sin ωb = 2, then the range of ω is

Solution sin ωa + sin ωb = 2 implies sin ωa = sin ωb = 1. When a < b

range over [π, 2π], ωa and ωb range over any pair of two points in [ωπ, 2ωπ].
So, the condition is equivalent to: there are integers k < l such that
π π
ωπ ≤ 2kπ + < 2lπ + ≤ 2ωπ. 1
2 2
When ω ≥ 4, the length of the interval [ωπ, 2ωπ] is no less than 4π, clearly
there are k < l satisfying 1 .
When 0 < ω < 4, note that [ωπ, 2ωπ] ⊆ (0, 8π), we consider the follow-
ing cases.
π 5π 1 5
(1) ωπ ≤ < ≤ 2ωπ implies ω ≤ and ω ≥ , which is impossible.
2 2 2 4
5π 9π 9 5
(2) ωπ ≤ < ≤ 2ωπ implies ≤ ω ≤ .
2 2 4 2
9π 13π 13 9
(3) ωπ ≤ < ≤ 2ωπ implies ≤ ω ≤ . Since we assumed here
2 2 4 2
ω < 4, so ≤ ω < 4.
9 5 13
In conclusion, we have the range of ω as , ∪ , +∞ . 
4 2 4

8 Consider any 4-digit decimal numbers abcd, where 1 ≤ a ≤ 9, 0 ≤

b, c, d ≤ 9. Call it type P if a > b, b < c, and c > d; call it type Q if
a < b, b > c, and c < d. Denote by N (P ) and N (Q) the number of
type P and type Q integers, respectively. The value of N (P ) − N (Q)
is .
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China Mathematical Competition 15

Solution Denote the set of type P and type Q numbers by A and B,

respectively. Let A0 be the set of numbers in A with d = 0, and A1 be the
set of numbers in A with d = 0.
For any element abcd ∈ A1 , we reverse its digits, and it is easy to see that
dcba ∈ B. Conversely, every dcba ∈ B corresponds to a unique abcd ∈ A1 .
This is a one-one correspondence between A1 and B, so
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N (P ) − N (Q) = |A| − |B| = |A0 | + |A1 | − |B| = |A0 |.

Mathematical Olympiad in China (2015–2016) Downloaded from

Now we compute |A0 |. For any abc0 ∈ A0 , b can be any of 0, 1, . . . , 9, and

for each b, by b < a ≤ 9 and b < c ≤ 9, each of a and c has 9 − b choices.
 9 × 10 × 19
|A0 | = (9 − b)2 = k2 = = 285.
b=0 k=1

Hence N (P ) − N (Q) = 285. 

Part II Word Problems (Questions 9-11, 56 marks in total)

9 (16 marks) Real numbers a, b, and c satisfy 2a +4b = 2c and 4a +2b =
4c , determine the minimum value of c.

Solution Denote 2a , 2b , and 2c by x, y, and z, respectively. We have

x, y, z > 0, x + y 2 = z, and x2 + y = z 2 . So

z 2 − y = x2 = (z − y 2 )2 = z 2 − 2y 2 z + y 4 .

Together with the AM-GM inequality, we have

y4 + y 1 2 1 1
z= = 2y + +
2y 2 4 y y

1 1 1 3√3
≥ · 3 3 2y 2 · · = 2.
4 y y 4

1 1 3√
When 2y 2 = , i.e., y = √ , z achieves its minimum 3 2 and the corre-
y√ 3
2 4
sponding x = .
3√ 5
Since c = log2 z, so the minimum of c is log2 3
2 = log2 3 − . 
4 3
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16 Mathematical Olympiad in China (2015–2016)

10 (20 marks) a, b, c, and d are 4 rationals such that

3 1
{ai aj : 1 ≤ i < j ≤ 4} = −24, −2, − , − , 1, 3 .
2 8
Determine the value of a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 .
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Solution Observe that ai aj , 1 ≤ i < j ≤ 4, are 6 distinct numbers, and

no two of them are opposite numbers, so their absolute values are distinct.
Without loss of generality, suppose |a1 | < |a2 | < |a3 | < |a4 |, then among
Mathematical Olympiad in China (2015–2016) Downloaded from

the |ai aj |’s, 1 ≤ i < j ≤ 4, the smallest is |a1 a2 |, the second smallest is
|a1 a3 |, the largest is |a3 a4 |, and the second largest is |a2 a4 |. So we have
⎧ 1

⎪ a1 a2 = − 8 ,

a1 a3 = 1,

⎪ a2 a4 = 3,

a3 a4 = −24.
These imply
1 1 3
a2 = − , a3 = , a4 = = −24a1 ;
8a1 a1 a2
1 2 3
{a2 a3 , a1 a4 } = − 2 , −24a1 = −2, − .
8a1 2
Note that a1 ∈ Q, we get a1 = ± .
1 1
It is easy to verify that a1 = , a2 = − , a3 = 4, and a4 = −6 satisfy
4 2
1 1
the condition in the problem statement; so do a1 = − , a2 = , a3 = −4,
4 2
and a4 = 6.
So a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 = ± . 
11 (20 marks) In the Cartesian coordinate system xOy, F1 and F2 are
the left and right foci of the ellipse + y 2 = 1, respectively. A
line , which does not pass through F1 , intersects the ellipse at two
points A and B; the distance from F2 to  is d; and the slopes of the
lines AF1 , , and BF1 form an arithmetic progression. Determine the
range of d.
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China Mathematical Competition 17

Solution By the equation of the ellipse, the coordinates of F1 and F2 are

(−1, 0) and (1, 0), respectively.
Suppose the equation for  is y = kx + m, and the coordinates for
A and B are A(x1 , y1 ) and B(x2 , y2 ), so x1 and x2 satisfy the equation
+ (kx + m)2 = 1, i.e.,
by on 08/18/23. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

(2k 2 + 1)x2 + 4kmx + (2m2 − 2) = 0. 1

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Since A and B are two distinct points, and the slope of  exists, x1 and x2
must be two different roots of 1 , therefore the discriminant of 1

Δ = (4km)2 − 4(2k 2 + 1)(2m2 − 2) = 8(2k 2 + 1 − m2 ) > 0,


2k 2 + 1 > m2 . 2
y1 y2
Now, , k, and are the slopes of AF1 , , and BF1 , respectively,
x1 + 1 x2 + 1
y1 y2
and they form an arithmetic progression, so + = 2k, note
x1 + 1 x2 + 1
that y1 = kx1 + m and y2 = kx2 + m, we get

(kx1 + m)(x2 + 1) + (kx2 + m)(x1 + 1) = 2k(x1 + 1)(x2 + 1).

After simplification, we get

(m − k)(x1 + x2 + 2) = 0.

When m = k, the equation for  is y = kx + k, and  passed through

F1 , which violates our condition.
So x1 + x2 + 2 = 0. By 1 and Vieta’s formulas,
= −(x1 + x2 ) = 2,
2k 2 + 1
m=k+ . 3
2 2 1
By 2 and 3 , 2k + 1 > m = k + . Simplify and we get
√ 2k
1 2
k 2 > 2 , which is equivalent to |k| > .
4k 2
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18 Mathematical Olympiad in China (2015–2016)

Conversely, when m and k satisfy 3 and |k| > ,  does not pass
through F1 — otherwise m = k contradicts 3 . We deduce in turn that
m and k also satisfy 2 , so  intersects the ellipse at two different points
A and B, meanwhile the existence of the slopes of AF1 , , and BF1 are
assured — otherwise one of x1 and x2 is −1, together with x1 + x2 + 2 = 0,
by on 08/18/23. Re-use and distribution is strictly not permitted, except for Open Access articles.

we have x1 = x2 = −1, which is impossible here since 2 means 1

has two distinct real roots.
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The distance from F2 (1, 0) to  : y = kx + m is

|k + m| 1  1  1 1
d= √ = √  2k + =  2+ 2 .
1 + k2 1 + k2  2k  1 2k
2 1 √
Note that |k| > , let t = + 1, then t ranges over (1, 3), and the
2 k2
above can be written as
1 t2 3 1 3
d= + = t+ . 4
t 2 2 2 t
1 3 √
The function f = t+ is monotone decreasing on [1, 3]. By 4 ,
√ 2 t √
we have f ( 3) < d < f (1), so d ∈ ( 3, 2). 

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