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Proposed Point of Sale (POS) System for Gracious Tea and Challenges of

Jasmin B. Laurio, Patricia Anne Ricci L. Mercado, Marynelle T. Aban,

Ej Chin Zey Dechilla, Mark Jerico E. AbellaOswald Romuel L. Sollestre,

Geryl A. Legaspi, Fidel V. Llera, Jeruel B. Arma, Marjorie M. Hilado

Cielito Zamora Senior High School

IIIR: Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion Research

Mrs. Joan Astorga/Mr.Erwin A. Mariano

July 2023


   Title Page …………………………………………………………………………………        1

   Table of Contents ……………………………………………………………………….         2


           Background of the Study …………………………………………………………..        4

          Review of Related Literature and Studies ………………………………………..       5

          Conceptual Framework …………………………………………………………….    8

          Statement of the Problem …………………………………………………………. 9

          Significance of the Study ………………………………………………………….. 9

          Scope and Delimitation of the Study …………………………………………….. 10

           Definition of Terms …………………………………………………………………. 11



           Research Design ………………………………………………………………….. 12

          Population and Sampling ………………………………………………………… 12

          Sources of Data …………………………………………………………………… 12

Data Gathering Procedure……………………………………………………….. 13

          Data Analysis ……………………………………………………………………… 13


The Summary Rating Tables of Assessment…………………………………….... 14



Summary of the findings…………………………………………………………… 15

Conclusion.....................…………………………………………………………… 16

Recommendations.........…………………………………………………………… 17


Title : Propose Point of Sale (POS) System for Gracious Tea.

Researchers : Laurio, Jasmin B., Mercado, Patricia Anne Ricci L.,

Aban, Marynelle T., Dechilla, Ej Chin Zey, Abella, Mark Jerico E.,

Sollestre, Oswald Romuel L., Legaspi, Geryl A., Llera, Fidel V.,

Arma, Jeruel B., Hilado, Marjorie M.

Grade and Section : 12-Bitcoin

Institution : Cielito Zamora Senior High School

Year : 2023

Adviser : Mrs. Joan Astorga

The point-of-sale (POS) system for gracious tea is to facilitate processes to improve

sales and inventory. The system can only receive cash and print a receipt. SOP #1 describes

how the respondents assess the point-of-sale system in terms of aesthetics, accuracy, and

functionality. The Input-Process-Output (IPO) model which is depicted in figure 1, served as the

conceptual framework for the study and was used to illustrate the steps involved in this research

titled Proposed Point-of-Sale (POS) System for Gracious Tea. The methods of research to

be employed by the researcher in conducting the study which includes the research design,

population of the study, research instrument and its development establishing its validity and

reliability, data gathering procedures, and the appropriate statistical treatment of data. In

Chapter 3, the results of the study on the point of sale (POS) system for gracious tea are

presented. The next chapter presents the summary of the study, the findings, the conclusion

drawn from the findings, and the recommendation made regarding the study entitled "Proposed

Point of Sale (POS) System for Gracious Tea."


Proposed Point-of-Sale (POS) System for Gracious Tea

Background of the Study

The food and beverage industry has undergone significant changes over the years,

including the incorporation of technology into their business operations. The Point-of-Sale

(POS) system is one of the technological advancements that have transformed the industry.

Point-of-Sale (POS) system is an automated system used to process transactions

between a customer and a business. POS systems have been widely adopted in the food and

beverage industry to streamline operations, improve efficiency, and enhance customer

experiences. The system allows businesses to process orders, and track sales, among other


Over the years, Several studies have been conducted to investigate the impact of POS

systems on business operations, customer experiences, and profitability. Researchers have

also looked into the factors that influence POS system adoption and the challenges that

businesses face during implementation.

The goal of this research topic is to create a point of sale (POS) system. The study will

look into the effectiveness of implementing POS systems, as well as the factors that influence

business adoption of the system. The study will also provide insights into the future of POS

systems in food and beverage industry, as well as the potential consequences for businesses

that do not adopt the technology.

The food and beverage industry is a highly competitive and dynamic sector that relies

on efficient and effective operations to meet customer demands and ensure profitability. In

recent years, the implementation of Point-of-Sale (POS) systems has gained significant

attention as a technology solution to enhance operational processes and improve customer

service within the industry. A POS system is a computerized system used to manage sales

transactions, and customer data in real-time at the point of purchase.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Related Literature

Using a point of sale (POS) system, business can monitor sales and take payments

from clients. Although it may appear simple, the setup may work differently depending on

whether you sell exclusively online, have a physical store, or both. A point-of-sale system is a

phrase used to describe a cash register in a store. Because all POS systems in use today are

digital, can check out a customer from any location. Only need a POS app and an internet-

enabled device, like a tablet or phone. (Kari, D., 2022)

Agnes and Andrew (2021) state, The ability to guarantee that all of their operations are

functioning well will pay off for retailers who take the time and spend the money to set up an

efficient point of sale (POS) system before they need it. The qualities to look for in a POS

system and how to choose the one that would work best for your restaurant or retail outlet are

discussed in this article by two industry professionals.

According to Dana K. (n.d.), POS, is a combination of hardware and software that

manages transactions and workflow. POS systems are utilized in the food and beverage

industry as well as other industries like retail, therefore it's essential to get a system that is

customized for your business. It's essential to buy or migrate to a POS system created for the

operation because these systems are used in food and beverage industries as well as other

types of enterprises like retail.

The Embed Team (2022), At a restaurant, entertainment, or leisure location, food and drink

are an essential component of the visitor experience. Offering a variety of food and drink options

enhances both the customer experience and your ability as a business owner to develop new

revenue streams for your enterprise. If already have a food or beverage product or plan to add

one, it's crucial that the procedure go smoothly. Using a point of sale system for food and

beverage program will ensure that consumers can quickly return to their primary focus—

enjoying the experience at any venue—and will serve as an overarching support beam to the

overall experience.

Related Studies

Universidad del Turabo by Angel O. (2017), The study's goal was to examine the

variables that affect consumers' acceptance of point-of-sale (POS) technology, which is one of

the primary systems utilized in the restaurant industry. For the growth and development of the

firm, it is essential that those POS are seen as being used properly.

According to Analyn Rubio and Louie Agustin. (2019), point of sale system is a business

solution based on software and sales activity simultaneously. A thorough response that includes

single transaction entry records, key client information, purchased products, rate and date are

beneficial to manufacturers and retailers alike. The device would be a huge benefit because it

serves as many consumers as possible quickly and makes it possible to view all types of data

more quickly and conveniently.

Claire S. (2023), The purpose of Point of sale (POS) system in restaurant is the

software and hardware that restaurant owners use to manage every aspect of their operation,

including taking orders, managing the floor plan, reservations, reporting on sales, scheduling

workers, and pricing their menu. The point of sale system at a restaurant is typically a whole

restaurant management system.


Conceptual Framework

This section conveys the conceptual pattern to show and analyze the study. The

Input-Process-Output (IPO) model which is depicted in figure 1, served as the conceptual

framework for the study and was used to illustrate the steps involved in this research titled

Proposed Point-of-Sale (POS) System for Gracious Tea.

Figure 1. Paradigm of the study

Input Process Output

Software Requirement Software development • PROPOSED POINT

 Java life cycle (SDLC) OF SALE (POS)
 MySQL includes: SYSTEM FOR
 Window 7 • data gathering GRACIOUS TES.
• data analysis
Hardware Requirement • system design
 Personal • programming
Computer • testing and
 Laptop debugging
• system acceptance

The model illustrates the relationship between the three part of the research paradigm

namely the input, process, and output.

The input are the Software Requirement, and Hardware Requirement.

The process are the software development life cycle (SDLC) is often adapted to suit the

specific needs and requirements of the research project.

The output or the outcome of the study are the Implementation, Utilization maintenance

of the point-of-sale (POS) system in food and beverage industry.

Statement of the Problem

This study focuses on Point of Sale for Gracious Tea. The study aims to answer the

following questions:

1. How the respondents assess the Point of Sale (POS) system in terms of;

1.1 Aesthetics

1.2 Accuracy

1.3 Functionality

Significance of the Study

The study at hand would be beneficial to the following actors:

Cashier. It benefits cashier to make it payment faster, the customer select the item want

to purchase, and the cashier uses the technology to automatically determines the cost of the


Manager. It benefits manager to make it faster in business management.

Owner. It benefits owner to make it faster in business management.


Consumer. It benefits consumer to make it faster checkout experience. Transactions

may be performed rapidly, reducing customer wait times, thanks to technologies like integrated

payment systems and barcode scanning.

Future Researchers. This study can serve as a reference for when they conduct research

that is related to our study.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study focuses on Gracious Tea (address). The purpose of a Point of Sale (POS)

System for Gracious tea is to facilitate processes, improve sales and inventory control, offer

data-driven insights, improve customer experience and make payment transactions faster.

Futhermore, the system can only receive cash and print a receipt. The hardware equipment that

will be used to install the point of sale (POS) system for gracious tea is a personal computer and

a laptop. There are some unique features of point of sale for gracious tea are the Ingredients

notification if the level reaches the critical level, and Item Id's Customization.

The delimitation of this study, the programmer was not able to make VAT of Point of

Sale (POS) system for Gracious Tea due to time constraint. Tablet and Android phone was not

able to install a Point of Sale (POS) System for Gracious Tea.


Definition of Terms

For better comprehension, terms are defined operationally as used in the study:

Aesthetics –The study will evaluate the aesthetics of point-of-sale systems for gracious

tea. The researcher will employ aesthetics, color appeal, attractive design, and the point-of-sale

system's ideal size to make it an eye-catching addition to any business environment.

Accuracy- Accuracy in processing and recording transactions without committing mistakes.

Pricing accuracy is making sure that the system applies pricing information to goods and

services appropriately. This includes things like accurately computing totals, correctly applying

discounts or promotions, and making sure that the transaction data are accurately documented

in the system. Insights into sales, and other pertinent indicators should be available through the

POS system's accurate and dependable reporting. Reports must include precise calculations

and summaries as well as an accurate reflection of the actual transactions.

Functionality – The study will assess the functionality of POS systems for gracious tea.

Additionally, make arrangements for the comfort and convenience of your customers by offering

tableside ordering, splitting bills, and customizing your preferences. Additionally, the research

will evaluate the usability of POS systems, taking into account elements like the simplicity of

employee training, the clarity of interface design, and effective processes that improve overall

operational efficiency.

Java - The study will we use java's graphical user interface, Java provides a rich set of

libraries and frameworks for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs). We can use Java to

design and implement our interface of our POS system, including windows, buttons, forms,

menus, and other interactive elements.

MySQL - A common open-source relational database management system called

MySQL was employed by the researcher. Data storage and retrieval are made efficient by

Java's libraries and APIs for connecting to MySQL databases. To manage customer

information, sales records, product information, and other data pertinent to our POS system, we

can leverage Java's database connectivity features.

Point of Sale (POS) - Point of Sale (POS) systems are used in various industries to

facilitate transactions between a merchant and a customer. They serve as a central hub for

processing payments, tracking sales, and generating reports.

Value Added Tax (VAT) - When purchasing goods or services, VAT is calculated and

added to the total price. It is the responsibility of the POS system to automatically calculate the

VAT based on the applicable tax rate and add it to the subtotal. The VAT is a consumption tax

imposed on the sale of goods and services. Normally, it is tacked on to the cost of goods and

services at the point of sale.

Window 7 - The Windows NT family of operating systems includes the Microsoft-

developed operating system Windows 7. On October 22, 2009, it was made available to the

general public as Windows Vista's replacement and the forerunner to Windows 8. Windows 7

was a significant update that intended to solve some of Windows Vista's drawbacks while

preserving compatibility with pre-existing hardware and software.


Chapter 2


This chapter reveals the methods of research to be employed by the researcher in

conducting the study which includes the research design, population of the study, research

instrument and its development establishing its validity and reliability, data gathering

procedures, and the appropriate statistical treatment of data

Research Design

This research use experimental research design. This is suitable for this study it aims to

explore experimental research design of how point-of-sale (POS) system work in gracious tea.

In addition, the data that will be used in this study will be gathered by using survey research

method to collect the data variables.

According to (Shona, 2022), Surveys are used as a method of gathering data in many

different fields. They are a good choice when you want to find out about the characteristics,

preferences, opinions, or beliefs of a group of people. The results of this survey were the

respondents based on their answer to the survey that was conducted.

Population and Sampling

In this study the researchers selected 10 respondents working in Gracious Tea, the

manager,cashier, employee, supplier, service screw, corporate assistant, barista and 2

costumers. The researchers use purposive sampling the fact that it is a method where the

researcher uses their discretion to select the participants who will take part in the study.

Sources of Data

This study uses primary sources of data, and the instrument that the researchers will use

to gather data is questionnaire. SOP#1 How the respondents assess the Point of Sale (POS)

system in terms of; Aesthetics, Accuracy, and Functionality. SOP#2 What is the level of

effectiveness of the Point of Sale (POS). Questionnaire can be answered through the following

indicators; 5 = Highly Acceptable, 4 = Acceptable, 3 = Moderately Acceptable, 2 = Slightly

Acceptable, 1 = Not Acceptable. The researchers using survey question with the respondent

were the owner, consumer, manager, cashier, employee, supplier, service screw, corporate

assistant, and barista. The question based on Point of Point-of-Sale (POS) System for Gracious


Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers began to conduct the study by formally asking the permission of the

owner of the store through a letter for approval. As the requirement of Injuries, Investigations,

and Immersion Research (IIIR).

The researchers also asked for the consent of the expert to validate the instrument. After

the used of the validation instruments, the researchers conducted survey question for the

respondent to know the effectiveness using Point-of-Sale (POS) System for Gracious Tea.

Because the survey question is more cheaper, quicker, and efficient way to gather the data. The

researchers had allotted time, effort and cooperation in developing on their questionnaire so as

serve its intended respondent. The survey was created using suitable question modified related

to the study.

Data Analysis

In determining the use and capabilities of Point of Sale System the researchers used

the following statistical tool:


Weighted Mean were utilized to determine the general weight of the individual option as

to the level of based on the Aesthetic, Accuracy, and Functionality of the proposed Point of Sale

System for Gracious Tea.

x̄ = Σ1fx


x̄ = the mean or average of the data set.

Σ (capital sigma) = a sum of values.
f = the frequency of each value in the data set.
x = the individual values in the data set.
n = the total number of observations or data points in the set.

Each weighted mean will be interpreted using the Likert's Scale shown in the table



4.51-5.00 Highly Acceptable

3.51-4.50 Acceptable

2.51-3.50 Moderately Acceptable

1.51-2.50 Slightly Acceptable

1.00-1.50 Not Acceptable

On the other hand, standard deviation represents the average level of variation in a

dataset which tells how far each value deviates from the mean on average.

The formula for standard deviation is as follows:

Chapter 3

This chapter presents the results of the study on of data on the Point of Sale (POS) System

for Gracious Tea.

Table 2.

Respondents Assessment in Terms of AESTHETIC

AESTHETIC WM Adjectival/Interpretation
1. Color Appeal 4.90 Highly Acceptable
2. Attractiveness of design 4.60 Highly Acceptable
3. Attractiveness of size 4.80 Highly Acceptable
OVERALL WEIGHTED MEAN 4.80 Highly Acceptable

4.51-5.00 = Highly Acceptable 3.51-4.50 = Acceptable

2.51-3.50 = Moderately Acceptable 1.51-2.50 = Slightly Acceptable

1.00-1.50 = Not Acceptable

The overall weighted mean of Color Appeal in Table 2 is 4.90. Then, 4.60 in terms of

design attractiveness. The final number is 4.80, the weighted average of size attractiveness

overall. 4.80 is the weighted average rating overall.

Table 3.

Respondents Assessment in Terms of AESTHETIC

ACCURACY WM Adjectival/Interpretation
1. Transaction Accuracy 5.00 Highly Acceptable
2. Pricing Accuracy 4.80 Highly Acceptable
3. Reporting Accuracy 5.00 Highly Acceptable
OVERALL WEIGHTED MEAN 4.90 Highly Acceptable


4.51-5.00 = Highly Acceptable 3.51-4.50 = Acceptable

2.51-3.50 = Moderately Acceptable 1.51-2.50 = Slightly Acceptable

1.00-1.50 = Not Acceptable

The overall weighted mean of Transaction Accuracy in Table 3 is 5.00. Then, 4.80 in

terms of Pricing Accuracy. The final number is 5.00, the weighted average of Reporting

Accuracy. 4.90 is the weighted average rating overall.

Table 4.

Respondents Assessment in Terms of AESTHETIC

Aesthetic WM Adjectival/Interpretation
1. Sale Processing 4.50 Acceptable
2. Payment Processing 4.60 Highly Acceptable
3.Inventory Management 4.70 Highly Acceptable
OVERALL WEIGHTED MEAN 4.60 Highly Acceptable

4.51-5.00 = Highly Acceptable 3.51-4.50 = Acceptable

2.51-3.50 = Moderately Acceptable 1.51-2.50 = Slightly Acceptable

1.00-1.50 = Not Acceptable

The overall weighted mean of Sale Processing in Table 4 is 4.50 Then, 4.60 in terms of

Payment Processing. The final number is 4.70, the weighted average of Inventory Management.

4.60 is the weighted average rating overall.

Chapter 4

This chapter present the summary of the study, findings, the conclusion drawn from the

findings, and recommendations made regarding of the study entitled the “Proposed Point of

Sale (POS) System for Gracious Tea”

Summary of findings

1.1. “Color Appeal” got the highest weighted mean with 4.90 which was highly

acceptable and “Attractiveness of Design” got the lowest weighted mean with 4.60 which was

highly acceptable and “Attractiveness of Size” got the weighted mean with 4.80 which was

highly acceptable. The overall weighted mean had 4.80 this means that the “Aesthetics” is

highly acceptable to them.

1.2.“Transaction Accuracy” and “Reporting Accuracy” got the highest weighted mean

with 5.00 which was highly acceptable and “Pricing Accuracy” got the lowest weighted mean

with 4.80 which was highly acceptable. The overall weighted mean had 4.90 this means that the

“Accuracy” is highly acceptable to them.

1.3.“Sale Processing” and “Inventory Management” got the highest weighted mean with

4.60 which was highly acceptable and “Payment Processing” got the lowest weighted mean with

4.40 which was highly acceptable. The overall weighted mean had 4.50 this means that the

“Functionality” is highly acceptable to them.


Based on the findings of the study of the following conclusion are drawn:

1.1. The Color Appeal, Attractiveness of Design and Attractiveness of Size of the

product is highly recommended by the respondents.


1.2. The Transaction Accuracy, Reporting Accuracy and Pricing Accuracy of the

product is successful and complete and the ability to look at and read properly the data of the

customers is clarified.

1.3. The Sale Processing, Inventory Management and Payment Processing of the

product is not difficult to learn or understand the process and it’s generally the quality of being

able to be reached or entered into the process is simple to comprehend, and it is simply able to

achieve quality.


In view of the summary of findings and conclusions, the following recommendations are

endorsed for consideration:

1.1.“Presentation of Products and Displays” These can be used to draw attention, inform

customers about offerings, and create an engaging shopping experience. for the purpose of

showcasing goods, deals, or ads.

1.2. “Error Handling and Recovery” Robust error handling mechanisms should be

included in POS systems in order to quickly identify and fix errors. This includes handling

incorrect or invalid inputs, providing error messages or prompts for correction, and ensuring

transaction and data integrity during system failures or disruptions.

1.3.“Security and compliance” POS systems have security elements to protect personal

consumer data and thwart fraud. To ensure secure transactions, they frequently adhere to

industry regulations like the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).


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