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SUCCESS INSTITUTE ( Acids , Bases and Salts ) MM - 35

Q1. Write four chemical properties of acids. Give example of each. (4)

Q2. On passing carbon dioxide gas through lime water. What change would be observed in lime water ? (2)
What will happen if excess of gas is passed through lime water ?

Q3. A compound X on electrolysis in aqueous solution gives a strong base Y and two gases A and B. (2)
B is used in manufacturing of bleaching powder. Identify A, B, X and Y and also give equation.

Q4. Give the preparation of baking soda ? (1)

Q5. How plaster of paris is prepared ? (1)

Q6. State what happens when aluminum reacted with sodium hydroxide solution. Write the balanced (2)
chemical equation for this reaction.

Q7. Write the formulae and nature of salts given below :- Identify the acids and bases from which these (6)
salts may be obtained. (a) Aluminium chloride (b) Sodium nitrate (c) Sodium acetate

Q8. Give the preparation of bleaching powder. (1)

Q9. Name the sodium compound which is used for softening hard water. How this compound is (2)
prepared from sodium hydrogen carbonate ?

Q10. A white powder is added while baking cakes to make it soft and spongy. Name its main ingredients.(3)
Explain the function of each ingredient. Write the chemical reaction taking place when the powder is
heated during baking.

Q11. "Sodium hydrogen carbonate is a basic salt." Justify this statement. (1)

Q12. Why dry HCl does not change the colour of dry litmus paper ? Show the formation of ions (2)
when HCl gas combines with water.

Q13. Out of HCl and CH3COOH which one is weak acid and why ? (1)

Q14. Copper(II) oxide reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid. Give balanced chemical equation. (1)

Q15. Explain how pH change is the cause of tooth decay ? How it can be prevented ? (2)

Q16. What is water of crystallisation ? Give an example of salt . (1)

Q17. What happen when bleaching powder is exposed to air ? (1)

Q18. Define alkali . Give an example . (1)

Q19. You have two solutions A and B. The pH of solution A is 6 and solution of B is 8. Which solution (1)
has more hydrogen ion concentration. Which one of this is acidic and which one is basic ?

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