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A busy office

Questions and Answers

in Past Simple Tense
- Good afternoon, Mr Smith.
- Good afternoon, Miss Wild.
Did you finish those
- Yes, sir. I typed them and
signed them for you.
- Did you photo-copy them?
- Yes, sir. I photo-copied
them and posted them.
- Did Mr Jackson arrive?
- Yes, sir.

- What time did he arrive?
- About two o’clock, sir… but
he didn’t stay. He didn’t have
- What did he want?
- Oh… I didn’t ask, sir.
- Er… Did you telephone Mrs
- Yes, I did, but she wasn’t in.
Start - Hm… And the table at
„Mario’s” for tonight?
- Yes, sir. I reserved a table for
two, at eight o’clock.
- Good. Did Lulu telephone?
Stop - Yes, sir.
Szókincs - Vocabulary

Finish finished befejez

Type typed (le)gépel
Sign signed aláír
Photo-copy photo-copied fénymásol
Post posted postáz
Arrive arrived érkezik
Stay stayed marad
Want wanted akar
Ask asked kérdez
(Tele)phone (tele)phoned telefonál
Reserve reserved lefoglal
Alkosson kijelentő mondatokat, majd
tegyen fel kérdéseket a megadott
szavak felhasználásával.

She finished the letters.

??? Did she finish the letters?
When? When did she finish the letters?
What? What did she finish ?

Who? Who finished the letters?

She / finish / letters

She typed the letters.
??? Did she type the letters?
When? When did she type the letters?
What? What did she type ?

Who? Who typed the letters?

She / type / letters

She copied the letters.
??? Did she copy the letters?
When? When did she copy the letters?
What? What did she copy ?

Who? Who copied the letters?

She / copy / letters

She signed the letters.
??? Did she sign the letters?
When? When did she sign the letters?
What? What did she sign ?

Who? Who signed the letters?

She / sign / letters

She posted the letters.
??? Did she post the letters?
When? When did she post the letters?
What? What did she post ?

Who? Who posted the letters?

She / post / letters

He arrived at 2:00.
??? Did he arrive at 2:00?
When? When did he arrive ?
Why? Why did he arrive at 2:00?

Who? Who arrived at 2:00?

he / arrive / 2:00
She reserved a table.
??? Did she reserve a table?
Where? When did she reserve a table?
Where did she reserve a table?
Who reserved a table?

she / reserve / table

She phoned a table.
??? Did she reserve a table?
Where? When did she reserve a table?
Where did she reserve a table?
Who reserved a table?

she / reserve / table

She phoned Mrs Smith.
? Did she phone Mrs Smith?
When? When did she phone Mrs Smith?
Why? Why did she phone Mrs Smith?

Who? Who phoned Mrs Smith?

She / phone / Mrs Smith

Can you remember the words?

befejez finish
(le)gépel type
aláír sign
fénymásol photo-copy
postáz post
érkezik arrive
marad stay
akar want
kérdez ask
telefonál (tele)phone
lefoglal reserve

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