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Right to die is a fundamental right in our constitution.

It is one of the controversial argument in

suicide. Why the person tries to attempt suicide is one of the main concern in society. If the person
talks about issues to our closed one’s we neglect the thing and we said to him you’re okay why
you’re behaving like that. Suicide is all about mental society no one series about mental
health issues. In India, the passive euthanasia is legalized but active euthanasia is still illegal why it is
contradict thing in law. Every person has the right to live and right to die why suicide it is not
legalized in our society. If any person attempts to commit suicide it is illegal and the person will face
the criminal offence on him. This article review about the Right to die whether the attempt to
commit suicide should be decriminalized in society. How to implement the Mental Health Act, 2017
can help us our society. How we can aware of our society about mental health and how we can
legalize suicide in our society.

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