Student Worksheet

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Student’s Worksheet

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Complete the dialog using Expression of surprised

Dialog 1 Dialog 4
Ahmad : Dinda, do you know something?
Siti : about what? Jefri : Hi Martin, how are you doing this morning?
Ahmad : about your score Martin : Hi Jefri, good. How about you?
Siti : about my examination score? Jefri : Yeah, I’m good. But I also feel sad.
Ahmad : yes, I hear that you get 100 in Martin : What’s wrong Jef?
mathematic Jefri : Did you watch the news yesterday?
Siti : ………………………….
Ahmad : yes, of course Martin : No, I didn’t. I went out from morning till evening
Siti : I don’t believe it, mathematic is difficult and I didn’t watch or read any news yesterday.
major for me Jefri : There was a bombing last night in Surabaya.
Ahmad : but the fact you got it
Martin : My goodness! Are you serious
Siti : Okay thank you but I never
believe that. Jefri : Yes, I am. It happened when the police officers
were guarding the Ramadan Torch Parade. There were 10
people killed. Five other police officers and five civilians
Dialog 2
were also wounded in the attack
Anton : Hello Ani, Long time no see.
Bella : Hi Fara, how are you? Martin : That’s unbelievable! I’m sorry to hear that. I hope
Anton : I am fine, how about you? the situation can be controlled. We need to look after each
Bella : I am fine too, where is Haikal your boyfriend? other Jefri
Anton : I have broken with him.
Bella : …………………….
Anton : Yes, of course. Why? Dialog 5
Bella : I heared that you marrid with him
Anton : No, that’s not true. Cava : Hey, Nico! I heard you will get married next
Bella : I hope you will get the better one soon. month.
Anton : I hope so. Nico : Actually, That’s wrong. It will be held next week
Cava : Are you kidding me? So soon?
Nico : Yeah. I have been ready for that. I have got a
Dialog 3 settled life and I have a girlfriend. So, what I am
Agnes : Do you hear about something Adi? waiting for?
Alex : Yes, about what? Cava : That’s great. How is the preparation?
Agnes : about youe ex girlfriend citra Nico : It’s already 90 percent. Now is the time to be
Alex : yes, what happen to her? relaxed before the day comes. I am preparing
Agnes : I hear that she goes to America now
myself to be healthy and fresh to face that day.
and continue her study there
Cava : This is surprising. I’m so happy for you and your
Alex : ………………………….
Agnes : yes, she is smart, isn’t she? wife to be. May all be done well
Alex : yes, I proud of her Nico : Thank you, Cava.
Agnes : hey, remember that she just your past
Alex : yes, I know that (LOL)
Agnes : that’s good (LOL)

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