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Proposal Format for App Development Final Project: Proposal Format for App Development Final Project:

Project Title: The title of your app should be clear and descriptive of its purpose. Project Title:
Explain FitGym

Project Description: Provide a brief overview of your app and its intended audience. Project Description:
Describe the problem your app will solve or the need it will meet. This app is to provide the user with tutorials, instructions, and numerous
exercises, physical activity, nutritional programs, and other fitness topic.
Features: List the features and functionalities of your app. Provide a detailed
explanation of how each feature works and how it contributes to solving the problem. Features:
-ask users on desired program
User Interface Design: Describe the user interface of your app. Include wireframes, -weight loss
mockups, or any other visual aids that will help the audience understand the design. -mass / body shape
Development Platform: Specify the development platform you will use to build your -strength / endurance
app. For example, iOS, Android, or Web. - Android - Utilities
Diet tips and tracker
Technology Stack: List the technology stack you will use to develop your app. For Calorie Counter
example, Swift, React Native, Firebase, etc. BMI Calculator
Protein Calculator
Data Management: Describe how you will store, manage, and retrieve data in your Fat Calculator
app. Explain the database technology you will use and how you will ensure data
security. Types of Exercises
 Barbell push
Timeline: Provide a timeline for the development of your app. Include milestones and  Goblet squat
deadlines for completing each stage of the project. - 6 weeks  Dumbbel Single arm Row
 Shoulder Lateral Raise
Conclusion: Summarize your proposal and emphasize the significance of your app.  Bench press
Explain why your app is unique and how it will make a difference in the lives of your  Pull ups/assisted pull ups
intended users.
 Barbell bicep curls
 Cable overhead tricep extensions
References: Include a list of references used in your research and development.
 Rotating plank
Presentation Guidelines:  Jogging

Time limit: The presentation should not exceed 30 minutes.

User Interface Design:
Visual Aids: Use visual aids such as slides, videos, and demonstrations to illustrate The developers will be employed Figma and Mockplus Classic to describe
your points. the flow of the app. Any future diagrams and charts will be handled with the mentioned
Rehearsal: Practice your presentation before the class to ensure you are confident
and prepared. Development Platform:
The app will be run in Android with the minimum SDK of 24 and maximum
Audience Interaction: Engage your audience by asking questions, soliciting of 33.
feedback, and encouraging discussion.
Technology Stack:
Q&A: Be prepared to answer questions from the class about your app and the Firebase, Android Kotlin
development process.
Data Management:
The app will use Firebase as the database. The app will store the
information of the users including the names, photos, address, contacts, emails,
personal info, and others.

The development of the app will be started on June 4, 2023 until the first
week of July 2023.


Presentation Guidelines:
Time limit:
Visual Aids:
Audience Interaction:

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